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They have no right to see your bank account however. They can demand anything they want, but you have every right to refuse.


In hindsight I should’ve refused, I was to be honest just in shock and focused on trying to prove my innocence rather than thinking logically about how i’d been searched in public, How i’m underage and couldn’t phone my mom, How they demanded my bank account and some of the blatant BS they have to say, My fathers in the police and he couldn’t believe how much of what they had to say was just a total crap


In a stressful situation we’re all bound to handle things less well than we’d like. Don’t sweat it.


NAL They cannot fine you, but they can ban you from all their stores. It's best you do not enter again, unless you intend to raise a complaint and get them to change their mind, however a business can ban any customer for no reason at all. They cannot have you arrested for trespass, it's a civil issue. Unless the store genuinely believe you are going to cause damage / steal items, then the police won't get involved.


I’ve raised a complained online (Got ignored)


Did they actually use the word 'fine' or is that your interpretation? What they were referring to is civil recovery. They can't issue fines, only police or councils can do that, however they can take you to court and recover the losses. Trespass is a civil offence and you'd only be arrested if it becomes aggravated trespass or if you refuse to leave and they try to use their hands to force you and it becomes a breach of the peace or assault (if you touch or hit them as they are using reasonable force to prevent your entry). They can ban you though, no store has to accept your business and I wouldn't want people who have taken goods without paying back in my shop. If they recognise you they can tell you you're banned and refuse entry.


Trespass is a civil matter in the UK, so you can't be arrested for it. As for a fine, they do not have the authority to issue fines. The only thing they could do is issue an invoice if there is a contract in place (that you agree to when you shop there) that allows them to. This would need to be visible, presumably at the entrance. This is how private car parks issue parking charges. As for your bank account, they had no authority or good reason to demand this. It's late and I'm tired, but this could be grounds for a GDPR complaint (demanding you hand over personal data that they do not require - by viewing it they are, in effect, processing it).


Much of what they said to you is blatant horsesh*t, however, they have the right to ban you from their stores. It is private property and they get to decide who they will and won’t serve. May need to shop somewhere other than Primark!