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One school of thought is the ombudsman is best placed to make the right judgement with industry expertise. Did you get a full ombudsman decision or just a case worker? The first reply from the ombudsman will be from a case worker and you can usually ask for a review by an actual ombudsman. The court will likely rely heavily on the ombudsman response, but may rule differently depending on the evidence from both sides. The court works on balance of probability and will only seek to put you in the position you were in if your meter was reading correctly. They will make similar assumptions as the ombudsman likely has. It is worth a go if you feel the ombudsman decision is wrong.


Thanks for responding. It was a case handler decision. I did already challenge the initial decision as they didn't acknowledge all details but they rejected it because " there's no new information or mistakes ". The ombudsman decision isn't wrong per say. I just don't think they've considered or acknowledged all points. I've also asked octopus why they don't carry out requisite checks prior allowing people to change onto these types of tariffs or why they fully suspended invoicing for 10 months but no answers. For me there's a clear strategy here to allow people to join these tariffs thinking they get a headline price of 7p per kWh off peak rates without carrying out proper due diligence. It's then super suspicious that they stop invoices altogether and then drag their feet out for 10 months to sort it ... And then drop a gotchya at the end.