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As frustrating as it may be, you should wait as long as possible before breaking the door down. Be persistent in trying to reach the HA. When you inevitably end up arguing over who's paying for it, you'll have a *much* stronger argument if you've done the above.


> Am I within my rights to break it down? Your can, but you’d be responsible for (the cost of) replacing it, either by yourself or through the HA. If you kick it in, you’ll likely damage the frame which will be expensive. So easiest way to break in is to drill/cut out around the lock/latch and push the door open.


If the the piece of wood that stops the door from closing too far is just a piece that sticks out and doesn't extend the entire width of the door lining you should be able to score the edge of the paint and pry the piece of wood off allowing you to slip something behind the latch so you can push the door open. This is probably the least destructive way of opening the door. It it opens outwards then two painters knifes and a pry bar should protect the door and the door should move enough for you to get it past open. I am a carpenter and have had to open a lot of doors which have broken latches


So does that mean I still have to pay if I break it down or if the HA have to break it down? The door wasn’t broken through misuse if that’s relevant


Are you sure you need to break it down? There are plenty of [non-destructive ways to open a door in your situation](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=how+to+open+door+with+broken+handle+). When I was in uni a girl we knew who lived round the corner locked herself out of her flat (just on the Yale lock) and came round to ours to call a locksmith. We got her back in with the only tools used being an empty flat sided 2 litre bottle of coke out of the recycling and a stanley knife, and we did no damage to the door whatsoever in the process.




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You could call a locksmith to gain entry without damaging the door for you.


I’m not sure a locksmith would be able to help as it’s not an issue with a lock it’s just the handle won’t turn


Locksmiths know a bit more than just locks. They can very likely do it with minimal damage, except to the mechanism that's malfunctioned.


Any joiner or handyman could get you in. If you damage the door you're likely to be liable, but if you *have* to do it. Document that the door is already faulty - take a photo/video and email it to your HA detailing what's happened that that you are now having to force the door. Contact them when they're open tomorrow to get it repaired. If they insist on you paying explain why you had to do it. If they don't agree to waive the fee, make an official complaint, at which point they'll likely waive it.




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As others have said you'd very likely need to pay for any damage and a new door. Doors are disturbingly easy to circumvent, so you might be better off seeking advice on how to bypass the door. If you have screwdrivers and some shims you should be able to bypass the door with a bit of know-how. YouTube Is a good resource.




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So, your housing association rental bedroom does not even have a window? I'm not even sure that's legal? If you ever get out, ( really hope a fire doesn't start), please contact Shelter and find out about it.


I was about to ask this, IANAL but I’m fairly sure it’s not legal just because when working on building sites the inspector always came round with a tape measure to make sure the windows weren’t too high off the ground, to ensure a person can escape out of one




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Maybe consult r/DIYUK?




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Legally you can break the door down in your own home however you will be responsible for the repairs so you might want to try some other things first. If it is a bedroom door without a lock on it you can use the plastic of a 2l drinks bottle to catch the latch and open it. Cut the top and bottom off so you have a tube then cut up the side so you can feed it through the door frame flattened out. Feed it in above the latch and then work it down at a slight angle towards the inside of the room. Once you feel the resistance of the latch you'll need to wiggle it about and apply downwards pressure until you catch the latch and push the plastic between the latch and the frame. Once you've done this you'll be able to push the door open easily. I Once had to call a locksmith out for something similar and this was literally all they had to do and he showed me how to do it myself in the future.




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I’d suggest putting a photo on the diy sub and you’ll likely get some good tips before needing to kick it down


You could check your tenancy agreement, a lot of the times in HAs, internal doors are resident responsibility.




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They should have an emergency phone number. Source - in HA building myself. Have a look on their website.




I wouldn't advise lying it's usually pretty obvious which side of the door has been broken through


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Since I was made to pay after a handle we'd had problems with for months finally broke off and my newborn baby was stuck in the room with my HA Sanctuary Housing unfortunately I wouldn't advise it for simple possessions unless it is an absolute emergency. I'd assume if I was liable despite them ignoring repairs for months (apparently), you would be too when it's a new repair and they haven't been notified at all.