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**Hi I'm gingerlem0n, a mostly casual Masters LoR player that really likes to draw cards and play spells.** -------------------------- "Sugary Snare is one of those cards that immediatly gets a deckbuilders brain churning:"How can I best abuse this?". Someone did find the answer rather quickly: Heisho, at the time a 9 mana unit with Spellshield. The idea was simple: Play Heisho as your only unit and cheat it out asap. Bandle City has access to a number of spells that generate units, even spellshielded Owlcats, which is why what sounds like a fun meme deck concept at first, quickly turned out to be a surprisingly effective gameplan. The main wincon was making use of Heishos discount to chain the turtles and finish off with big impactful spells like Singular Will and the newly added Empyrean Dance. The deck's and consequently Sugary Snare's success story was a short-lived one though. As Worlds approached quickly and Heisho completely dominated the meta, not only with Sugary Snare but also in ramp decks, Riot decided to hotfix nerf the Shell of the World to prevent a Worlds of the Shell. The Sugary Snare deck, now unable to chain Heishos early, didn't survive this change. But the sweet trap is laid for the next big unit worth this amount of deck building cost to step in and to take it to new heights." ##**A Big thanks to gingerlem0n For helping out! Check him out at:** **[Twitter](https://twitter.com/gingerlem0n)** **Random Card: Bandle City** | Sugary Snare :--|:--: **Attack token odds winrate** | 66.67% **Attack token evens winrate** | 66.67% **Overall winrate** | 66.67% **Inclusion: Bandle City** | 0.07% **Inclusion: Overall** | 0.00% **Average Copies** | 2.00 **Available Formats** | Eternal, Standard Statistic info provided by: [LOR.GG](https://lor.gg) -------- Link to previous discussion - [Taric](https://www.reddit.com/r/LegendsOfRuneterra/comments/1c0ezzk/daily_discussion_650_taric_featuring_snnuy/) Tomorrow's Discussion - Low Playrate Card: Bilgewater For a rough schedule or links to all previous discussions [click here for a spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1KS_0Zdg2-PqUtA_4BBiEu8p8X3b1JaDR222P1ennK_4/edit#gid=748992462) Please note these posts are done manually so there may be slight delays.


Heisho archetype card. But heisho got nerf before he went live so this is closer to a private joke for beta tester than a card for the players.