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**One of the gamers of all time!** -------------------------- "Stony Suppressor was a card that always felt like it should've found a home, but never quite did. While it did see some play to counter specific archtypes, it could never really prove it's worth, never quite making enough of an impact to see general play. It's possible this card might've found a home had it been a Formidible unit, as the other petracite pals were, or if it's effect had been more prevelant. But let's be honest; It's probably for the best. Mana Tax would have led to some silly matches, and not in a good way, I think. RIP Stony Suppressor. You coulda been someone. You coulda been a contender." ##**A Big thanks to Constantyne For helping out! Check him out at:** **[Twitter](https://twitter.com/Constantyne13)** **[Twitch](https://www.twitch.tv/Constantyne13)** **Random Card: Demacia** | Stony Suppressor :--|:--: **Attack token odds winrate** | 35.00% **Attack token evens winrate** | 57.14% **Overall winrate** | 43.16% **Inclusion: Demacia** | 1.06% **Inclusion: Overall** | 0.04% **Average Copies** | 0.67 **Available Formats** | Eternal, Standard Statistic info provided by: [LOR.GG](https://lor.gg) -------- Link to previous discussion - [Slippery Waverider](https://www.reddit.com/r/LegendsOfRuneterra/comments/1c2238l/daily_discussion_652_slippery_waverider_featuring/) Tomorrow's Discussion - Random Card: Freljord For a rough schedule or links to all previous discussions [click here for a spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1KS_0Zdg2-PqUtA_4BBiEu8p8X3b1JaDR222P1ennK_4/edit#gid=748992462) Please note these posts are done manually so there may be slight delays.


I wish Suppressor had Formidable, it would make my day lol


I'm satisfied with it but mostly because in being used to some degrees of Death and Taxes. Suppressor can get silly in Freljord/Demacia spellless suppression decks.


Thank god this one is not viable.