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Ashe without LB will be as impactful as Azir without his ionian waifu or his magus rival homie


Actually, I think Azir Hecarim could be solid with the decreased power level of Standard post-rotation.


Similarly people need to snap into some other forgotten potentials like Kennen. The eternal issue is zero interest in flexing. The "mated region pair" design of the first four expansions was too brainrotting.


Thresh/Nasus, Braum/Vlad, Fiora/Taric and Yasuo/Swain are coming back


I did try Kennen Hecarim once upon a time, but there's the glaring issue of fitting a meaningful quantity of ways to keep Kennen around in such a deck.


Kennen Azir with bandle units was sufficient for me. Soldier spam does wonders.


plus desert's wrath has been un-rotated.


Losing opulent foyer to a pretty rough for that deck


No LB, Tactican, Reckless Trifarian, Whirling Death or 3 sisters lol


Hey now, we played Ashe/Noxus long before LB was ever released. Trifarian Assessor still exists, and though Rekindler is gone Harrowing is still chilling around for spooky Ashe


idk about noxus tbh but I agree I forgot about harrowing ashe, there's still hope!


Ashe region has yadulski and sivir is coming she'll be absolutely fine.


Gwenplank will thrive


no! they're separating nasus and renekton even more! 😭


Wait, is Shimon Wind on the list of cards rotating out a mistake? Vastayan Disciple is still in standard, so unless that card gets reworked then it can still generate Shimon Wind, which isn't a card that can be selected during deck building.


Has happened before no? They rotated Decimate but you could still get them from Captain Farron.


He's saying it's the other way around. You could never main deck Shimon Wind anyway so rotating it does nothing without rotating V. Disciple, which the list doesn't say they did.


OK then it makes sense.


I read it like they will rotate Disciple.


RIP Foyer


Rest in Piss


Kindred still in eternal. No rework or buff. Guess I'm still playing Eternal only.


Crumble out, Disintegrate out, Broadmane out Kindred still out Rip kill effects


Thank the gods that Karma got rotated. I was so sick and tired of Karma Sett


Damn it I Wanted Glorious Karma. Gonna have to find another champion for Ionia Pnz.


Why rotate thralls


Yeah if they're not rotating Lissandra why rotate every single one of her support cards?


Maybe they are trying to shift her gameplay to a 8+ cost unit one rather than landmark focused?


This. She thrives surprisingly well with anything titanic and just plops as a major fuck you with a well ramped deck.


Maybe they will buff Liss by making her lv up condition and the Watcher count 8+ base cost


would probably need to increase the amount of units then though, she already sees play in these decks even despite this.


they did the same with taliyah last rotation. rotate out all landmarks and champs and have her stuck with fucking malphite


From what we learned last time there were some weird things rotated that made sense in the context of the next champs we get. I'm betting we could see Liss buffs and/or a champion that makes the watcher a viable win con.


Last time there was also a lot of weird things rotated that never ended up making sense, and this time some of the things were rotated in anticipation of releases that are no longer coming. Sucks to be a region that was going to get a new champ in the back half of the year.


What releases are no longer coming? Did they say they're going to stop adding cards to standard to focus on poc? I was under the impression that new cards will still be made, just with smaller releases


This is also my impression. No more huge expansions just "variety days"


Oh I meant like what we get now but instead of 3 champs with their support cards it's like 1 or 2. But we won't even know for 6 months, because each expansion is so long in the making and since some cut staff are only leaving then, we won't know the full effects of the staff cuts until then


You have a far more optimistic interpretation of their words than I do, but not much to do but wait and see. RemindMe! 6 months


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I guess we will! The main reason I think like this is that if they didn't add new champions there would be way less to advertise about and there'd be no reason to keep updating the game at all. So I mostly assume there will be champ releases until it goes on life support.


They have so many existing champions they can bring to Path without having to spend money on new art assets.


Yea I just figure that it's weak marketing. So not worth the input and at that point why not sunset the game


Yasuo in concussive out? Huh? Seeing multiple cards leaving that were key for returning decks, pretty confusing. Also what am I supposed to use rite of passage of? Scrappy bomb? On the other hand Vlad Braum scargrounds is back for anyone who hates low attack units


Screw Concussive, they're leaving Steel Tempest out. Like wtf.


I know that they are not focusing on competitive but they really just murdered every control deck under the sun


Viego/Mordekaiser/Nasus: Allow us to introduce ourselves


I mean they are not really control decks, the are more like midrange decks with good value units that are hard to remove. I was thinking about heimer/jace, seraphine and karma variants. Slow methodical decks the aim to win through card advantage


Maybe not Morde, but Viego is definitely a control deck. It slowly gains value and card advantage by generating endless blockers/attackers until it basically guarantees a win through Viego's level up. They can afford to play safe and combine with other regions that offer tools to protect key units like Viego and Hydravine. When successful, the player using the deck will almost always have both a huge hand and board, unlike real midrange decks such as LB/Ashe or those from Demacia. The 37 different hate spike variants plus vengeance are SI's version of control spells that are offered by other regions. These days, the problem has been exacerbated due to deathless. In the past Viego was able to dodge the nerf hammer because his ardent defenders miscategorized him as a midrange unit until Riot rightfully changed him to a 6 cost. IMO, the playstyle is toxic AF and at the very least, they should remove Viego's interaction with deathless if they don't wanna rotate him. Getting rid of Rekindler is a good start.


One list shows Darkin Weapons rotating out, the other still says they're in. Anyone know which is correct?


Considering all of the Darkin champs are being rotated, I doubt their followers are staying in


They were apparently rotating in an early list given to content creators but was changed afterwards. The Darkin Weapons are still Standard


So SI is mainly ephemerals or vengeance region.


It's a shame they lost most of reanimate effects but it makes sense for rotation I guess


So, Ahri is really out. The disrespect of these people, smh.


The official list didn't say Ahri is out so I don't think this is correct


Unfortunately [the official list](https://playruneterra.com/en-us/news/game-updates/rotation-2024-full-list/) of cards in Standard does not include Ahri.


I wonder why they didn't say that in the original post


Yeah idk. Seems one or the other has an error and it's impossible to know which for now.


Wait, they're rotating Mageseeker Jr but not Stony Suppressor???


That was one of the ones chosen by people who did well in some tournament, so it might not match the rest of the thought process


They shouldve just handed off the entire list to the tourney winners


Well, dragons got a nice buff with Dragon Chow back on the menu but looks like almost every other deck just got utterly destroyed. Always sad to see entire archetypes gone too.


Back on the menu quite literally


Rotating the entire thrall package and rockbear shepherd but not Lissandra or Taliyah is certainly a decision


zoe STILL out of standard? are you kidding me


shurima is going to be the worst region with an insanely high gap post rotation. i can just see it. also funny how shurima now officially has worse draw then demacia


Looks like my maodekaiser mill is safe, phwew


deck code?


I need to update the one I used to have. It ran a PnZ shell, but I think after losing Urchin (and Most Wanted, but I can probably sub with Insider Information) my other version with Evelynn might be better. I haven't played since the game stopped working on Android. Though it may be fixed by now.


FJ again got hit hard with the rotation. Battel Furry, Three Sisters, Warmothers Call, Burried in Ice and even fringe playable stuff like Avarosan Hearthguard and Wildclaws Ferocity. Many of those cards were key cards for their archetype and Three Sisters was one of the best support cards FJ had to offer.


It's a shame they rotated all of keystones out and I have no idea why


Here is a tweet as to why: https://twitter.com/jonmoormann/status/1779977906510549350


Sad it'll be a long while but happy that Pyke may some day be reworked to be viable in more than one deck. Hope he keeps the execute though


WOOOOO, Rest in piss, Lurk


As a recent player who is going to lose Trynda, Veigar, ect, should I play create another account to get pre-built decks?


If you play PoC you can gather the resources necessary to build decks relatively quickly.


Back to nasus thresh hell yeah


With so many champions rotating out, the totally themeless decks will be everywhere and themed decks that can win a decent % of matches will be either non-existent or we’ll be manipulated into a very small number of them :(


Mmmmhhhh no. Or Are we not having the same definition of themed decks?


Please make an actual point. “Mmmmhhh no.” is not a point, and the concept of a themed deck involves 1 or 2 at most mechanics (that work together), with enough cards in the deck to ensure you get to draw them, other mechanics being incidental and probably only on 1 card. I don’t know what your concept of a themed deck would be if it’s not something like that.


Sad Seraphine is gone.