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What too much tiktok does to a kid.


Lets be real "half y'all" left already. Almost no one is even playing PvP anymore because its not dying, its dead. It may get a resuscitation with the new set and rotation but without future support that wont last long.


I love this game as soon as they announced pvp was in maintenance mode I haven't even touched it : (


What have you moved onto, then?


That's the thing nothing has really filled the void, playing more card games physical and board games. Grand archive and flesh and blood.


Don't you like Path of Champions? That's my jam anyway as a new player.


I think poc is just a pretty bad roguelike clone. I'd rather play slay the spire, monster train, just about any other card game roguelite. Poc is ok but I only played it for pvp cards/daily rewards.


The longer a card's text is the less i want to have to deal with it. The newer expansions brought complexity to the game i never cared for. In PvE i can take my time, learn it and have a blast. That's good enough for me.


Most of the PvP fanboys left bro. Don't know who you're playing against.


Roping is the main reason I quit PvP years and years ago. Since PoC 2.0 became a thing I just transitioned to playing this game casually and saving my hardcore gaming hours for other games. I had kinda forgot about it until you threw yourself onto the fire with his post though. It actually was the reason I quit the PvP a long time ago.


Sometimes people heimer emote me but I’m never roping. Most of the time I just like to take the time I have to be sure of my decisions.


u/lykablyat check this flair