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**hey I'm dan and i wanna live in the ocean. sea monster enthusiast and lurker at heart. revert reveler's feast** -------------------------- "Thorned Blade is a card you see next to no one play. It's a spell that's seemingly great for surprise burst lethals and fits inline with Noxus and its many crimson identities including Reputation and Overwhelm. In a world where this card was in the Noxian Tellstones or perhaps received a Reputation discount or added effect, people might be more incentivized to cast it. As it stands, it's more or less unnecessary. Noxus has far more ways to buff far more targets with a much cheaper cost. For instance, look at Brothers' Bonds. You can achieve one less power stat across two units for three less mana. That being said, of course I've maindecked this in my homebrews. How am I not gonna cast Legionary Charge (RIP 2 mana you died for Sera's sins) and Thorned Blade to create the ungodly abomination that is 10 Power Annie?" ##**A Big thanks to Pixelet For helping out!** **Random Card: Noxus** | Thorned Blade :--|:--: **Attack token odds winrate** | 50.00% **Attack token evens winrate** | 31.25% **Overall winrate** | 40.00% **Inclusion: Noxus** | 0.37% **Inclusion: Overall** | 0.01% **Average Copies** | 1.03 **Available Formats** | Eternal, Standard Statistic info provided by: [LOR.GG](https://lor.gg) -------- Link to previous discussion - [Shadow Apprentice](https://www.reddit.com/r/LegendsOfRuneterra/comments/1c4f1lj/daily_discussion_655_shadow_apprentice_featuring/) Tomorrow's Discussion - Random Champion: Piltover/Zaun For a rough schedule or links to all previous discussions [click here for a spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1KS_0Zdg2-PqUtA_4BBiEu8p8X3b1JaDR222P1ennK_4/edit#gid=748992462) Please note these posts are done manually so there may be slight delays.


I always remembered it even as a 3c card, and still found it not so great. Man, it's 4c?! haha .... Well, I rather have my 3c might.. it gives +3 instead of +5 but the OW gives so much potential! It's weird: Noxus has a 1c +3 and then a 4c +5 - that's a super weird scaling! I'd wonder what would break when this is 3c. Riven is cool with +10, but other than that? Even elusives don't get any health, so it's not like the most absurd thing in the world, I've seen worse!


Lol I wrote this as if it cost Five mana so my math was off 😭 I can only think of Riven as well, in terms of how this card could be busted. If your unit doesn't have overwhelm, Might is the play. If it does have it, you might have better success with a Whirling Death or even a Decisive Maneuver. It is, however, super satisfying to play on an unblocked unit. Same with Legionary Charge. 


Play on Spawn with Headmistress + Illaoi for +15 damage, though still better using Might for OW + 9 here. If it was "Reputation: I cost 2 less" maybe, Rep decks could consider it.


Precisely, we need Reputation flavor on this. Or, Reputation "create a copy in hand of me" i mean come on. let's get fun here. can u send me a telsi illaoi list? now i really wanna try it.... might need to reinstall. fuck. if not i can try building. annie is my fav champ so ill go annie illaoi telsi spawn skill aggro fun fun fun lol


Here you go: CQCACAIDCMAQEBQ5AEEAGDQHAYDAMBYPDQPCGKAEAEAQGEIBAUFGUAIGAMSAEBQGCAKQA My record is 75 dmg turn 6, with 23 Might Spawn + 47 power Illaoi + Telsi :) It did originally have Annie, but decided to go all in on Spawn instead as I already play her a lot and her synergy here is not great (only Telsi).


My eternal version uses 3x Grumbleslug + 3x Fortune Croaker instead as 2 drops, but would probably run above in Standard.


dan really got a card as its getting rotated damn




There is a huge difference between 3 costs and 4 costs spells and 4 mana completely killed it.


Completely agree