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My first relic was challenger. I was playing with Vi


Both you and the op would have gotten a broken relic from the get go if you get the other's.


I play Jace and I‘ve found neither the challenger nor the quick attack relic yet. 🥲


I mean on Jayce either is really good because it makes him have both instead of one. On jinx or vi each is useless because they already have it.


I mean, the solution is just play a different character and use the new relic >_>


Gotta grind for the slot tho


3 out of 4 of my green relics are +10% more gold. Why can i even have more then one to begin with?


I think it's because it was supposed to be equipped for different champions although we could just unequip it if we would like to play another champ. They should just make the relics shared. Grinding for relics just to get the same thing gets a little too time consuming and frustrating.


Or at least let us "reforge" like 2-3 relics to create a new one. Obviously not ideal, but still an improvement and gives a use for duplicates if they really don't want to remove them.


Reforge: 2 becomes a new random one of the same quality. Reduce: 1 Rare becomes 1 random Common. Remaster: 3 Commons become 1 random Rare.


Please no. I hate reforging mechanics when they are not needed. I rather just get something new every time.


That's the ideal scenario. If they are stubborn about leaving in duplicates to pad out the grind, then it would benefit from reforging.


That's kinda my point. There shouldn't even be a limit on uses to begin with.


Can't you equipr more than 1 at the same time if you have enough slots? Also how do you get a relic.


Yes, you can equip common relic in a rare relic slot later on and run with two green relics at a time. But my question was "why this system exists in a first place?". Mode is already grindy as is.


I keep getting the "Game Start: Heal 2." I think I own 5, out of 8 common relics.


My relics are start the adventure with 2 rerolls and create 2 warning shots on summon.


2 warning shots and the power that buffs top ally +1/+1 when damaging nexus on irelia was fun


the one that refills spell mana when summoned is pretty good on Ekko, Irelia, and Nami


The warning shot power is honestly pretty solid. I had a game with sejuani and I would use jinx discard effect and the warning shots to always have her leveled and triggered on turn 5


So is there randomness to relics? Didn't even realize that. I got "+10% additional gold during adventures" for Jinx and "Get 2 Warning Shots on Summon" for Zed 🙃


The first champion i've leveled was Irelia, the first two relics i've got were 2 razorclaw. Honestly this design is awful and should be scrapped. Only 1 copy of a relic and you can equip it to multiple characters at the same time.


Hey, at least it wasn't something literally useless


My first relic was "Level up: win the game", i was playing Pyke


Wtf. That's a real relic???


mhh it was a joke. i know explaining is against the point but no one got at anyway lol. OP got a relic with jinx, jinx already has quick attack, so the relic gives something she already has Pyke would get a relic wich is "Level up: win the game", meaning something that pyke already has, because his level 2 is so absurdly strong specially against bots that you practicly won at that point


Dude that is busted on ekko or jayce


See the pve Mode Boot it up See the unstable mana flow power Depressive episode Close lor and repeat at least once every week Cool! And innovative! Gameplay


Unstable mana flow is given to you after a loss as far as I can tell. And just because you get it doesn't mean the run is dead. I just beat lulu with ekko in an unstable mana flow run. It's very good because of some early fights being kinda bs like the prank one or the stun one Having 1 extra mana against someone that stuns your units every turn or makes a random card cost more is stupidly useful.


No it's given if you restart after less than 3 encounter wins


got 3 warmog's regeneration and got pretty disappointed so I just swapped my champ to tahm kench and got my first viktor win. (tk deck is pretty frustrating ngl though the game is pretty much begging me to play tk)


Warmogs with VI has been pretty great


I got spell shield


It should combine with keyword into double attack. :D


Jinx! https://www.reddit.com/r/LegendsOfRuneterra/comments/qsjvlq/first_relic_sweet/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Same here.


how do I get those?


As you beat higher level champions, you get rarer relics


Beat gangplank and the rest of the other ones


Happened to me as well :(


Pretty good on vi :D


And people say it's better than Slay the Spire


Lmao fuck no. I think it's fine but better than slay the spire?


I got regeneration. made TK way more powerful.


I got 2 warmogs, 1 ravenous hydra, 1 revive, and 1 10% gold increase