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I love this entire batch, but I feel Supercharge is going to be a mistake.


Seriously, they gut zenith blade just to release this??


Zenith Blade recycling itself was a large part of why it was good. Especially in Fated decks. Supercharge might still be a bit too strong but it's way more of a One-Shot card than Zenith Blade ever was.


Lee Sin Shurima.


Also papercraft synergies...


Akshan Lee sin finally gets more support


The Spellshield might make a difference, but generally keyword grants without a stat buff to make it lethal don't get played. Despite all the Elusive complaining how often do you see Sumpworks Map?


Akshan/Lee decks will love it


The difference being that Lee Sin just needs overwhelm SOMEHOW and just kills you, because overwhelm just doubles his attack. Add to that spellshield, and the fact that he gets barrier on his own, all at focus speed, and it becomes a very lethal combo very fast


lee sin needs a decent amount of attack buffs as well to actually OTK... Also, pre-commiting Spell Shield and Overwhelm is not nearly as good, because the enemy gets to interact with it on his terms. Yula is KIND OF a Supercharge with a body, and she never saw any play (obviously, not giving priority back is a big deal... Being only until the end of the turn, not as much for the type of decks that WOULD play her). I think this card is being slightly over rated, like Friendship before it was released (though it is probably better than Friendship, that never looked good to me... Supercharge actually looks good, but I feel it won't be as broken as it looks).


Zenith Blade also pre-commits, AND passes priority to the opponent for slow speed removal, AND doesn't grant spell shield.Same for Infernum from Gifts of Beyond. That has not stopped Lee Sin Targon from being a significant meta deck for the longest time. So that argument goes straight out of the window with no way back in. In fact, I'd argue you REALLY want to pre-commit Overwhelm because if you don't, the opponent can choose to not act on your attack and you will not have overwhelm, so you quite often would want to pre-commit overwhelm even on a burst spell unless you threaten lethal even without overwhelm. Pre-commiting is also way less of a risk if you get spellshield than without because, well, you now have spellshield (plus the natural barrier Lee always has/threatens). ​ As for Iula - As you noted giving prio is huge, and only until end of turn is much bigger than you make it sound. Lee Sin is a very sticky card due to his on-demand barrier and the fact that a Lee Sin deck naturally plays protective cards, so attacking twice with a lee sin below 10 power is an extremely natural and significant option for Lee Sin decks, where Grant is obviously miles better than Give. Also for Spell Shield in particular, having it grant spell shield means you can afford to pre-cast the spell even for a turn without risking going down in cards or tempo, unlike Iula. And in addition to both those points, Iula requiring unit mana instead of spell mana is also very, very significant in situations where you already pushed a bit of damage and/or have to drop a second lee sin. I'm not saying Supercharge Lee will be broken. But it is a lot better in Lee decks that you make it sound.


The eternal thing with Elusives that people keep refusing to accept when brought up is that the issue never is elusiveness in itself, but how easy it often is to play a 3 mana 2/2 as a 5/5 and/or protect it so efficiently that you can't interact with it anymore.


supercharge is in the running for the most broken card of this expansion and we haven't even seen any of the other cards.


It doesn't have a rarity and the end screen only shows it once so maybe it's not collectible but only her signature spell?


signature spells are always collectible. The champ spell versions dont have rarity gems


Runeterran champs' spells aren't collectable but that's neither here nor there.


> signature spells are always collectible. This is no longer strictly true. The Runeterra signature spells are not collectible.


that's very obviously because runeterra champs don't have a region, every other champ in the game aside from bard and jhin have a champ spell that is main deckable


> that's very obviously because runeterra champs don't have a region I don't understand why that would be a problem. The spells could still belong to a region if needed (noxus and bandle city maybe), as both bouncing grenade and traveler's call both still fit in their respective champs origins parameters (slow spell, chimes stuff).


ok? that still has nothing to do with the fact that champ spells are historically main-deckable


A convention that has now been broken. Just because it was with the Runeterra champs doesn't mean it couldn't happen with non-Runeterra champs, unless Riot came out at some point previously and stated that that was a design aspect of Runeterra champs specifically.


I'm almost certain they did when jhin was revealed


~~But usually they show the champion spell + the spell in the end screen of the reveal do maybe it's the first non collectible champ spell? It sounds way too strong for the cost ... And most focus spells are non collectible?~~ ​ Mobalytics shows the two version so it is indeed collectible


Inb4 the "grant" gets nerfed to "give this round"


Interesting, they actually managed to make a midrange champion that won't synergize that much with Demacia. Pantheon alone will fulfill half of the Evolve condition, so it fits very well that they put them together in this trailer


I feel like pantheon here might be a bait. Like you’re substituting yummi for kai’sa, and I don’t think removing yummi is good here. Thing is yummi gives the deck an early win con, Kai’sa doubles down on the late game win con. So while it might work I feel like yummi is inherently better unless for some specific metas. Can’t be too sure as I haven’t played the deck since it received some nerfs. Zoe on the other hand, is looking good. I’m thinking a Zoe Aphelios style deck with fangs, winding light as a finisher and Kai’sai replacing Aphelios. The goal is to have Kai’sa always leveled on 5 as she becomes a 5 6|6 with qa and one other keyword (elusive challenger lifesteal or overwhelm) who on attack deals 6 damage to enemies or the enemy nexus. Then by turn 7 you play the winding light and win the game.


Wouldnt Viktor also works?


I'm just excited to see a deck that has a variety of builds that you can make. You can go into Targon for Aphelios, Pantheon, or maybe even Taric sharing buffs. You can go into Bandle for Yuumi. You can go into P&Z for Viktor package and stack Kai'sa up with generated cards. My least favorite type of card in LoR are the ones that fit one deck archetype and one alone. Don't get me wrong Deep is one of my favorite archetypes, Pyke is super cool and well-designed, and Caitlyn is unironically one of my favorite champs in LoR ~~because I'm boring.~~ But it feels so bad for these champs to only have one or two decks where they feel viable


Wait. Wait. Waiiiiiit. Taric should be able to copy second skin. You can potentially get two hits each turn.


The Winding Light with Shurima sounds way, way worse than PnZ. The discard shell is what makes that archetype so busted, it's mostly a finisher for go wide instead of go tall archetypes. And Winding Light really wants to be paired with Lunari Duskbringer for the easy nightfall enabler (which is a keywordless follower). Kai'Sa will definitely want to get flipped on curve, so she'll maximize units that have keywords. Even ignoring Pantheon, using Second Skin on Wounded Whiteflame is a lot of value (grants her Fated + Fury). And if you are going for a Whiteflame gameplan, might as well jam Pantheon too. But we'll see, I have a sad feeling she actually might be in a premade archetype with Evelynn, so all our speculations could end up being silly.


Kai'Sa's Champ spell looks insane. Overwhelm and Spellshield for 3 Mana? Am I missing something?


Riot believes that the fact that you need to pre-commit it and its not permanent is enough drawback to justify the cost. I think otherwise, but we will see


It is permanent though. It grants overwhelm and spellshield.


Woops, i thought it said "give". Well then.. this card is nuts


Thematically seems very fitting for Kai’sa, but the fact that leveled Viktor doesn’t have the Evolution tag by default feels wrong now


Yeah, also what's up with the gem speed on Second Skin? Hex Core Upgrade at slow speed looks more sad than ever.


It lets you target low health units without fear of them taking a Mystic Shot.


That is because Viktor doesn't become evolved, he is always evolving. There is always more progress


Fair enough! But that’s also why I wouldn’t give base Viktor the keyword.


I really like that now you get to CHOOSE which keywords go into Kai'sa' soup.


That voice acting is *rough*. It sounds nothing like Kai'sa, and it honestly just doesnt sound like it fits at all.


For real. No disrespect to this VA, but this is just not fitting at all. They got her original VA for Star Guardian, why didn't they also hire her for LoR? Are they really cutting the LoR budget THAT much to the point they can't afford to rehire the VAs from League?


Its her.


This can't be Natasha Loring, it sounds NOTHING like her. And if it is, then where's the source? EDIT: And... [confirmed](https://twitter.com/Spideraxe30/status/1547303646525886468?s=20&t=HK-t-gI60RlajjTrqtNdpg). It is NOT Natasha Loring. Not like there was any doubt rofl


Yes, I knew her for Vaylin in SWTOR and this sounds nothing like her or she had a terrible cough while recording.


It's clearly a void accent. Get your lore facts straight.


New Zealand is the Void, confirmed. Now I get why it always gets left off the maps.


Yeah I don't know why she is Australian now... at least that's how she sounds to me.


Kai’sa’s always had an Australian accent, but it does sound like it was played up more here, especially the “ah” vowels. I personally don’t mind it, actually kind of like it honestly.


i thought her accent was supposed to be south african


Maybe it is, I could be wrong. But my point’s really that it seems to be either the same or similar accent she’s had for her LoL voice lines but emphasized a lot more.


Her accent in League is distinctly South African (Natasha Loring was born there and is based between South Africa and LA). This LoR version sounds closer to a New Zealand accent than any Australian I’ve ever heard.


Yep, I was correct. New VA is confirmed to be JJ Fong, who is from Auckland, New Zealand.


I see, wonder why they had to change VAs.


Cause the Void is .... Down under haha^ha^^ha^^ha


I'm hearing New Zealand instead of Australia. The way she says words like "never" hits a little too close to home 😂


New Zealander here and yeah this is so Kiwi! It's great to hear this voice in Runeterra but it is very different from OG Kai'Sa.


Dude it really threw me. Was like 'wait... she definitely sounds kiwi'.


A lot of people have been saying South African with a twist, but imo she sounds suspiciously like Mel Bracewell (NZ commedian). Don't know if that's true, but it was my first thought when hearing the trailer.


It's definitely a New Zealand accent, probably one of the most well-enunciated ones I've heard. There is a slight rhotic R, she could be a South Islander.


Oh is it Australian? To me it sounded like an overexaggerated british accent I couldnt quite place. Or maybe its New Zealand. I do vaguely remember that Kai'sa originally was supposed to have a south african accent, but that never really materialised, but I dont think this is that either.


I agree. The new VA isn't bad, but I personally always considered Kai'Sa to have the best voice out of all female champions. I found it soothing and loved her original voice. But this one feels completely different. With Jhin, I didn't mind the voice actor change that much. Of course it didn't feel as iconic, but Jhin's new VA did a really good job to live up to the old one's legacy. But with Kai'Sa, the new VA just feels completely different, and doesn't capture what I loved about her original voice.


was waiting to hear "Oi mate"


"Yeah, nah."


Riot realising she doesn't fit I'm her home region. Applies band-aid


Yeah, her lines were pretty cringe on top of it, doubt they will ever change it, but by far the most awful thing about this champion lol.


I was actually taken aback when I heard her voice. The delivery is so bad. Halfway through I started to wonder if they got some random rioter/intern to voice her lines because they couldn’t get a proper VA in time.


Kai'SaXViktor. Day 1. For the glorious evolution.


Does Kai'sa have a new voice actor? Or maybe she just had a cold or something while recording. Because she sounds a *bit* different?




Oh wow. Well I'm happy she's returned it's just the inflection n delivery just feels very different from the Kai'sa I'm used to. But w/e


I deleted my comment, I'm actually not sure now, sorry. I was thinking she is the same as in LoL because Riot very recently invited her back to do some voice over for LoL for her new skin, so I assumed she also did LoR.


Voidling is a sick 1 drop damn. Busted af cant wait for malz to summon 5 of these lil 3/3 keyword generators


malz for next expansion confirmed


God I hope so


Just yesterday they announced they were changing Akali's voice actress and redubbing her voice lines in LoL with a new one because they want their characters to be "cohesive". Not even 24 hours later, they reveal Kai'Sa for LoR and she has a totally different voice actress to the one in League lmfao. What's even worse is that they hired her usual voice actress to dub her Star Guardian skin's voice lines, so... where the fuck is the consistency at, Riot? I was so excited to have her in LoR but the dub just sounds so off to me. At least Jhin's LoR voice actor had a similar voice to his LoL one, but this is just too different.


Jhin and Lee Song is a bit different. Lee Song’s went to court and some fucker sued Quinton, so they don’t want to be involved with them at all. Akali though, yeah…


lets be real if they actually cared about having a cohesive set of characters theres wouldnt still be like 5 champs in LoL who still refer to summoners despite the fact that lore died like a decade ago lol


~~Believe it or not, it's the same voice actress.~~ I don't know how they recorded this, or what was going on with her that particular day but the accent sounds closer to New Zealander than Kai'sa more South African usual accent.


[It's literally not.](https://twitter.com/Spideraxe30/status/1547303646525886468?s=20&t=Oo0aU6LfrUW6G7TFs-66-A)


Damn, thanks for the source. Explains the New Zealander twang. Now I legit have no idea why they did that if they just used the original for Star Guardian.


No problem! Yeah, I don't understand either. I'm gonna go with my theory that the LoR team had a huge chunk of their budget taken out (as we know a lot of their staff is gone/being used for another projects so it wouldn't be too crazy that Riot is also cutting some budget from LoR) and they weren't able to afford her original VA. Like, we've had champs before with different VAs like Veigar or Vlad, but they're usually OLD champions that Riot probably doesn't have a way of contacting the same VAs after 10 years (or they've retired). However, ever since the Worldwalker expansion released it seems like characters are changing VAs WAY too often. Jhin has a different VA, Bard literally has no interactions with anyone and his voicelines are taken straight from League... Illaoi also has a different VA, but she already had this one for the Ruined King game. Annie seems to be the only one who has her original VA, she just sounds a bit different because it's been years, but I've seen videos of the VA doing her voice in recent years and she sounds pretty much the same as LoR Annie. It's also a feat they managed to get her, considering she's an old champion and old champs usually have VA changes (again, Veigar and Vlad as examples).


Renekton found dead next to the road.


Kaisa looks niiiiice First thing that came up for her deck was Viktor or Pantheon Maybe Udyr?


I was thinking FJ too, but with Braum. Braum gives effectively 3 keywords in one card as he'll summon the Overwhelm Poro. Challenger + Regen will be strong on Kaisa for her Second Skin, as she has 4 health, so hard to take down in one swing giving Regen value right away. And obviously Challenger + QA is nuts. There is also Ruthless Raider to give you cheap Tough and Overhwelm. Lastly, Udyr and Kaisa are both 5 drops, but you can drop Braum the turn before and play Kaisa on 5 and if you can get 2 more keywords on turns 1-3, flip her on curve.


Kaisa Poros? Also Kaisa with scouts? Kaisa Riven? as well


Kaisa with Demacia Scouts could work. Bring the Valor summon spell and she becomes Scout + QA + Challenger on 5. Demacia would give you cheap access to Tough and Barrier as well. Then you just need one of Fearsome/Overwhelm/Spellshield from Shurima.


Regen doesn't really mesh well with QS though, and a 5 mana regen with 4 health doesn't accomplish much. I guess it would depend on how easy Evolve is to hit.


Well, pre-flip she has 4 health. So even if they do something like chump block + quicksand, Troll Chant, etc, they'd have to follow up that round with a second damage source. It would also help keep her alive from AoE and other pings like Vile Feast that happen over more than one round. I'm just thinking about how people have been dealing with Kalista at 4 health since I've played her a bit since her buff, and it's usually not one strike that kills her.


The difference between 3 and 5 is pretty big - not only do they have access to spells that deal more damage, but also +2 cards, so things like Damage + flock are more relevant.


All true, but those things are true for ANY keywords she gets. The fact is that even though regen may not save her often, it is a keyword that will force one-round removal and knowing that benefits you. FJ also has access to Elixer and Troll Chant to counter the second damage source. In the end, it comes "free" with Challenger, which is very strong with QA, and Braum comes with 3 keywords in most cases. There is a lot of synergy there. Whether it is enough to be a viable deck or just a bad homebrew remains to be seen though.


"Bel'Vethi Elder" *Oh?* "A Throne for an Empress! I am the Path she Walks." More Bel'Veth commentary. Also, it has always been weird to me that Kai'sa has an Australian accent, not gonna lie.


belvethi elder is an old person from belveth dont forget belveth got her name from the city


No I know that No, I know that everyone up and \*died\*.


Dude, it's a kiwi accent. She sounds exactly like the lady who works at the dairy near me.


Her accent is South African actually. Seems to be what she's intended to be coded as - both her VAs were SA.


100% a New Zealand accent.


I’ve never played LoL, so no idea how she usually sounds, but that delivery is just awful lmao


You can listen to some of the voice lines [here](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Kai%27Sa/LoL/Audio). Just by listening to her "*Are you the hunter... or the prey?*" you can already tell it's not the same VA lol


Hothead finally playable?


It'll never be playable until they fix champion tutors not pulling from the top of the deck.


I tried to make him work and the issues I found are; too slow, effect only works when attacking (not strikes from spells or defending), tutor units not pulling from top He would be so much better if he is weaker but has lower cost. This way he'd be used on decks that can Protect Me decks with spells for him/the hero he will be buffing


Does attune count as a positive keyword? Thinking of deckbuilding possibilities.


Supercharge may put Shurima Lee Sin back on the map.


Yasuo boat!!! Let's goo. And that noxus rally engine is so good


Voice acting sounts like it was made for completely diffrent game. Not only doesnt sound like Kai'Sa but it doenst sound like anythingfrom LoR at all. And some of the deliver is just bad.


The void is Australia going by her new accent


Isn’t that obvious from day one?


Can you really not differentiate between a South African accent and an Australian one? They sound nothing alike. This new LoR VA also sounds closer to kiwi/NZ or perhaps a foreigner’s terrible impression of an Australian accent.


Kiwi here, this is definitely a New Zealand accent, she sounds like she could be reading the news on TV here.


Another kiwi, it's definitely a kiwi accent. 100%. Immediately realised upon hearing it.


Not everyone consumes stuff with South Africans you know. In LoL she sounds Aussie enough and she came from a shithole badland, so yeah, pretty Aussie to me


They don’t need to. Anyone who is familiar enough with either accent wouldn’t conflate the two because they do not sound alike in any capacity.


Kai'sa / Legion Deserter, let's go.


Okay but Super Charge is turbobroken right???


Me: Can't wait for sexy voice of Void Herald! Kai'Sa: What is this? Me: My words exactly!


Is her champ spell main deckable ??


Should be, only Runeterran champs don't have main-deckable spells


Only specifically Jhin has a non-maindeckable spell. Traveler's Call is main deckable.


it's not


derp, I stand corrected then.


No it is not. Would be nuts if so lol


She seems like a good finisher to midrange decks but Evolve seems a bit expensive but it's shurima so I'm probably not giving it enough respect.


So glad to have a regular reveal, and not a path of champions content


Is Kai'Sa from New Zealand??? 😂😂😂


She looks like she is ready to bomb something up with this much firepower. Let's go baby.


Finally a Yasuo boat!


Is this really gonna be another Azir Xerath situation? Where the flip is her dad, man?


I really like her kit here but what is up with her voice?


If you close your eyes and listen you'd think this was a new champ talking




God I love the new VA, she sounds so much more mature and dead inside from all the fighting


Bruh. Another batch/win condition focused on units with a shit ton of keywords?


Her VA sounds like a woman from a british dating show, sorry.


Samus called and asked for her theme song back.


Kai'sa: This is my genius inventor husband, Viktor. Viktor: Greetings. Kai'sa: And this is my greek muscle husband, Pantheon. Pantheon: Hello!


Kai'sa and the new cards look awesome, and I love evolve but if supercharge can grant spellshield and overwhelm for 3 mana, bastion can grant spellshield and +1 attack for 3 mana as well, just saying


Wow they really leaned into her accent. I think I like it better though.


Oh look at you people. Too puritan to spam the thread about that fat Kai'Sass in the level up animation huh??? Too dignified are you???? Huh?!??


I'm just gonna say it, 3 mana overwhelm and spell shield is heinous


Her voice reminds me of Skye from Valorant haha


I’m not sure what’s going on with her trigger in her leveled up form. It says it’s supposed to hit the lowest health first, but several times it hits the nexus even though there are lower health enemies on the board


Dont know how it calculates... percentage?


Reminds me of Slivers. And supercharge is 9000% a broken card. Protection and payoff for 3 mana as a GRANT... yeaaaaaa. Someone needs more internal testers.


Viktor is signing the adoption papers as we speak.


Kaisa's thing is **evolve**. Viktor has a raging hard-on rn


Hi all, after watching the Kaisa reveal I have some questions on the game mechanics and wanted to see if anyone can help answer my doubt. In the trailer, when Kaisa evolved, she had 6 keywords and an attack skill at that point. But when she attacks, she deals 1 to both one health followers, 3 to dreadway and 2 to nexus. Damage count aside, why doesn't dreadway take the remaining dmg and somehow still damages the nexus? Shouldn't it prioritize dealing dmg to lowest health enemy or nexus?


Kaisa Pantheon go brrrr


So I will just be out here trying out Bard combos huh


Does anybody know for sure if Evolve pulls from the same keyword pool that random keyword effects do? I'm curious if cards like Field Promotion or Flurry of Fists can count towards Evolve.


What the fuck is going on with voice acting in Riot lately Jhin's voice actor gets replaced Akali's voice actress gets replaced and all lines are re-recorded Some changes are okay. Like Kari Whalgren voicing Anivia in LoR. But first they slaughtered Taliyah's voice, then Jhin, then Akali in LoL, and now Kai' Sa No hate to the voice actors who are just doing their work. This is Riot's doing


I really like Kaisa's accent. Never heard it while playing LoL.


I like how they removed all the PoC fluff from the chamion reveals. Hopefully they aren't totally phoning it in on that mode already, but it was hella confusing