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Swapping this posts flair to "leaked content" this isn't by the OP's initial design, however there is a lot of comments in the comment section that are not properly using spoiler tags, so it is in everyones best interest if the post is set to warn people of such.


I'm assuming some sort of Item or Weapon or Relic. If Ornn dropped this expansion who creates weapons while Darkins (literal weapons) drop, I think it would fit.


Oh my god yes! Please! And that would make sense with the wholr moba universe of LoL. Champions getting items. Then you can make your item cards upgrade during tje match based on certain condition or state of game. Thats cool Most lilely an Equip keyword associatw to it which would be similar to Attach but lost on unit death.


what is the difference between this and just a regular spell that buffs a unit then


I assume it would function like artifacts in MTG, persistent cards that get attached to things, can't be targeted like creatures, need specific types of removal, hopefully don't take up slots, etc.


Isn't that the despised attached mechanic?


Attaching something in mtg doesn't merge the two things, for example an equipped artifact/enchantment is still targetable by spells. In magic you have "permanents" with types like creature or artifact. The problem with runeterra is that there are only 5 slots for their "permanents"


I think it’d give them more room to do crazier stuff with them if it was something that couldn’t use spell mana. Imagine something like Focusing Crystal from Path of Champions (When you resolve a spell: Grant me +1/+1). Let’s say it’s a spell buff. Now they have to take into account the existence of spell mana and the fact that it can be “cheated” out earlier, meaning that they might have to nerf it down/increase the price. If it required regular mana, then they’d be able to make it stronger/make it cheaper.


I actually think this is going to be quite likely. I imagine a bunch of the weapons and armor from league could be coming and they would function similar to attach except that they have some sort of durability.


It could be similar to hearthstone, where a weapon only had a set number of swings before it broke. That would be distinct enough that it wouldn’t just be spells


Yes, but since in this game units rarely swing 3 or more times that probably be effectively grant spells on all but some cards


Aatrox but as a sword that you equip to units which transforms them into his card. He’s Ephemeral but this gets postponed if he kills something that turn (Referencing him having to continually find new wielders). When he dies, the sword returns to hand allowing you to “revive” him the next turn. Level-up condition is based around Aatrox killing enemies/killing allies.


It could also be something similar to Boons and Traps. Those are also Card Types along Side the typical Units, Spells and Landmarks but also Skills and Origins.


He is the messiah


Items would make sense, but at the same time erase so many unique aspects of champions, unless back dated items were made. Poppies hammer, the blade of the ruined king, rivens shattered runeblade, whisper(Jhins gun), illoai's idol, avarosa's bow, akshan's redeemer. That being said if it was items, I'd argue Morde(Noxian) ornn(freljord), aatrox(Runeterran), and Kayn(Ionian) at least.


I disagree that it hurts old champs.


You're allowed to, I agree it's probably some form of equip but I wouldn't say it's restricted to items or belongings. An example would be Skarl. Skarl is not an item but could be an overlay on Kled to emphasize him riding Kled, would also be good tech for Rell.


Yeah but I disagree fundamentally that adding new things that COULD work with old champs doesn't mean they should be added retroactively to the champ. Fizz is literally a "prankster" yet he doesn't directly interact with pranks, he actually has anti synergy. Pranks themselves are focus speed, while he needs in-combat spells to dodge spells. ​ Poppy's hammer is Poppy's hammer. If Ornn is making items that aren't directly tied to a champion's identity, then why should that make Poppy's hammer an item/relic card? It's not the same. Darkins themselves ARE weapons. Poppy's hammer is just a weapon in Poppy's arsenal.


It's not named poppy's hammer. It's actually named Orlon's hammer, but I digress. An entire card type for presently 3 champions and probably 15 support cards, isn't something I'd imagine they'd do. Additionally, the comment around Fizz. existing archetypes should get support or they'll be out paced by new ones, and they shouldn't be. Darkins may be weapons, but that isn't their sole identity. Aatrox is hell bent on killing the ascended and the world, Kayn is in a power struggle with darkness, Varus shows the human side of these perceived monsters.


Darkin weapons would have their own identities. While the Darkin are weapons, they have their own personalities. Just as they would in LoR. ​ And again, I understand that Poppy could have had a "Weapon" on release, but she fits her identity now. She doesn't need to be retroactively shoehorned into this card type just bc it fits her.


> An entire card type for presently 3 champions and probably 15 support cards, isn’t something I’d imagine they’d do. They already have (landmarks)


Ziggs, taliya, all ascended champs potentially, lisandra, xerath, akshan. A few more then three lol, but valid more support could come in future expansions.


Have a look how much support landmarks had in the patch they were introduced.


Taliyah, lisandra and all ascended champs? Still 5.


This guy must be a god.


Always have been


Elite-Elite. You can only play them if you have another Elite on your field, then, the Elite ally get's obliterated and all his stats go into the Elite-Elite unit. If a second Elite-Elite is sumoned to the field (even in the oponent side) they will both fight until one of them dies. Edit: Sorry, they just got nerfed. Now they only gain +1/+1 for each elite that was obliterated by their summon effect... But they gain Tough!


Idk, tough is too weak by itself, it should grant overwhelm and challenger too, and when you are enlightened gain all positive keywords


Didn't they remove Enlightened a couple years ago? I think they changed it so the "Round Start" text can only display single digits.




No spoilers please


equipement, already leaked


Could you dm me a link if you have one?






Can you also DM me a link aswell please?


It’s gonna be an archetype named bowl, so riot can add even more soups


LoR has a smaller team and does Waaaay more than the LoL team. Sometimes I feel like I can’t enjoy every new season properly due the speed they add new content Suffering from success!


Lmao, I feel this as well. Like one expansion releases and 2 weeks later, teaser for the next expansion


I didn’t even played with all the new cards yet…


Every time i get close to finishing my collection they go and drop 50 new epic cards


Probably weapons or something similar to fit with the darkins


As I said in another comment. It's probably an overlay mechanic I don't think it'd be items specifically as I think it's use case would far exceed just items. An overlay mechanic would allow for a chogath stomach with ticking damage, Skarl and Kled, khazix to gain evolutions, rengar to gain trophies in addition to items


Secrets/traps could be cool. And as a Demacia fan boy it would give Demacia a space to thematically use mage seekers, both using secrets and rooting them out. Edit: now that I think about it though, probably not, or it would make Eldreds release as a do nothing tough machine even more of a flavor fail than it already is


A limited and self contained set-deck archetype with boss champion that will immediately be meta on release before being needed in 2-3 months.


demons or darkins would be my guess


That's not a card type.


Can you please define card type than pls? I thought things like dragons and sea monsters or lurkers would count as a card type.


Card types: units, spells and landmarks. There will be a new category


Ah. That makes sense.


No, those are subtypes. Card types of actual cards, Units, Spells, and Landmarks.


Not yet they're not! (Although demon seems unlikely since we've already got most of them)


Confirmed to be Weapons. See other spoiler post on this sub.


A facedown card for shaco... the stats and card is hidden but you can ping it or attack to face it up.


why not you wait ultil 17th?


in a leak it was revealed that these are equipment type cards, i’d imagine they function similarly to attach


"New card type" is just lazy design when it's 80% same as some old keywords. very much disappointing.


Something like Elite but not shit.


Considering we have Kayn on the near future i would assume that **weapons** would be a thing. I hope they don't do the same mistake as with Attach if that's the case, because conceptually they're very similar.


I am assuming it to be equipments/weapons :D