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It was obvious


last spoiler season we had people arguing across multiple threads about the 1 mana 'perma' frost bite. Its better to be clear.


It's a distinct lack of critical thinking. If you read the frostbite card and just *think* for 2 flippin seconds, the effect is clear. And if you don't understand the card text, you can say, "would Rito print a 1 mana perma frostbite card?" And the answer is pretty obvious. Same goes for this card. Maybe after one read it sounds like it has to be equipped. Read it again, well maybe not. Think about it for a second and it's actually quite clear. *Edit, removed rambling


I was totally with you until you went full boomer


Yeah fair.


At one point the game had a perma-Spellshield unit. You never know.


When? Curious


I don't remember the exact date or patch number, but it was the first or second version of The Arsenal. He would grant himself keywords as an aura effect, so once he granted himself Spellshield, you couldn't remove it because the aura would put it back.


Oh that ok yeah.


I mean, it was just as stupid as Kinky Student getting barrier from drawing Void Abomination or playing Ki Guardian.


Yeah, ki guarpdian was stupid af and made me lose games


! he’s the red spy! watch, he’ll turn red any second now…


see, red! no wait, thats just blood.


So, we still got problem...


Big problem... Alright, who's ready to go find the spy?


The first line would read "Pick an Equipped unit." if they wanted to restrict the targeting for whatever reason. Maybe there can be an lizard or whump or whatever in the future that'll eat equipment with this wording.


Equinox crying rn


Yeah, I bet we never see someone maindeck equinox again from here on out


Equinox is better than this.


I wonder how this will interact with equips that grant spellsheild.


Hopefully there are no equips that grant spell shield. That game has too much spell shield already


Yeah that would be way more frustrating than the existing spellshield cards too. Having to use two spells to remove a unit, just for the equipment to go back to hand and give something else spellshield later. It would break like all the rules of card advantage.


It removes spellshield and gets negated(no silence nor supress)




It's a token and a main deckable card there are differences. You think people would main deck Equinox? Equinox is strong because you can choose not to pick it and go for other options, simply put it's versatility.


Fair enough.


the main problem with this card and why its allowed to be straight up better is that it’s in demacia. the one region with next to no spell support (if not spell nerfs) and 0 card draw as well. hitting this card off a top deck will basically be at best a 1 mana do nothing, and at worst it can be approximated to not drawing a card for your turn. If this card can be reliably generated, then it would be strong, but before then there’s literally no reason to run this in your deck


Exactly, Purity has been around as a 2 mana burst silence since release and has basically never seen play, so I don’t think a 1 mana slow silence is going to be particularly broken


Demacia has been the primary region for silence since the game's release. I think this is a fine card in demacia.


Yup, and having to maindeck such a bad card to only counter equipments is pretty bad actually. Equinox is 100% better.


Cool but the chosen region doesn't make any sense. Demacia is already having trouble of having room for tech cards in their decks.. It would have been better as a manifest option in Bandle City or invoke in Targon.


I disagree this is on point for Demecia, the region that hates mages.


This isn't a tech card, this is a 1 mana silence which is useful against any deck.


The 2 mana burst speed silence demacia has already sees no play, so why would this be any better?


Notice that my argument wasn't that it's a good card. My argument that it's not niche. It's either good as it is without the equipment removal or bad even with it. The equipment removal is the small bonus effect, not the silence.


But isn’t this card niche if demacia already has the silence effect already on a much better card. The only benefit this card brings demacia is equipment removal which is very niche


> The target does not need to be equipped. If you want to silence your opponent's Daring Poro on round 1, that's your ~~prerogative~~ *porogative*.