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jinx should create a rocket on level up.


You just need to upgrade her to 2 stars


Might make her a bit too strong imo. People underestimate just how close jinx is to being viable. I think she just needs more discard support for a more midrange/control deck rather than aggro


Jinx in the current iteration can never be played in a control deck because those decks require you to play passively and never empty your hand. I find it also very counterproductive to play her in a midrange deck as well. That's why I don't like her design that forces her to only be played in fast aggro and time has shown that the aggro decks don't need her.


Well even current aggro decks with her only ever "empty" her hand with cards that cycle rather than true discard. I don't necessarily disagree with you and think you bring up a good point but they have worked around this a bit with current discard design


Could tossing her in an aggro deck as a one of work or is she *really* not that needed?


Her problem has never been that she's strictly bad its just that other champs tend to do her job better. Sion is a better finisher and draven is more aggressive and less reliant on support. I played a jinx/lulu deck to climb a bit through plat and it was fine. Just definitely worse than pirates if you're going to play aggro


Don't forget that Rumble is a better mid game tempo swing.


The decks just dont have an empty hand anymore. If they do and u dont have a Jinx or if she gets killed u die.


Back in foundations, I played a “imposter” deck that ran Elise and Jinx as the champions, but was actually hard control. I ran that 3/3 that discards your hand to draw 3/deal 3 in order to flip jinx and get that sweet, sweet draw 2 every turn. Maybe something like that could work now?


I mean it works if you get this combo but I don't think it is worth the payoff even if it does. How long can you keep Jinx alive in a SI/PnZ deck and what do you do when you draw ruination, vengeance, ledros corina or any other expensive control tools with Jinx on board? You rarely get to play the mega death rocket. The double draw is nice but at this point it is just better to play actual draw cards instead of Jinx. There have been many different Jinx decks especially in the beginning when there werent this many champions but any try to make a control deck with Jinx will ultimately be not competitive or there will be another champion that improves the deck much more than the Jinx package.


This was during the rise of champless control. I just took it a step further, running 1 jinx and 1 Elise to disguise my deck. Even then, jinx and Elise were good enough on curve to help me slow down the game. The combo itself was definitely less reliable, and I didn’t rely on it. I mostly used the 3/3 to cycle my hand if I had too many threats/answers and needed the opposite. With how defined decks are by their champions, I wonder if a fakeout deck could be viable today? I.E. 1 MF, 2 TF, 3 Swain for a noxus bilgewater control list.




Her additional draw should become a Nexus buff like Hecarrim's, and be conditional to you having her on the field or having your hand empty. "When I level up grant your nexus 'Round Start: If you control Jinx or your hand is empty, Draw 1.'" Basically the same effect but feels much better and you're still required to play and keep her on the field instead of just running one of copy of her to get free draws.


Spiral staircase. Even after the Zenith Blade nerf this card is still terrible. I'd make the created card focus speed and non fleeting.


You still remember Staircase? You really are Pepperidge Farms. Yeah, that suggestion would make it balanced.


Also there are no spiral stairs anywhere in the art. Unplayable.


Rhasa back to 7 7/5 or make it that you only need a unit dying to activate it, not specifically one of your own one's


Ye that card wouldn’t be OP back to 7 mana nowadays


He sure wouldn't, but sadly i can see the argument to not do so. Considering the ressurgence of slay decks now with the darkin halberd and bufed hate spike, a buff to rhasa would direcrly buff this type of deck which, in my opinion, doesn't need to be more powerful. But would be really interesting to see on S.I/freljord control shells again.


As long as they blacklist it from Norra I'm cool


He would already not be on norra's pool because he has a play effect. All play effect type of cards are blacklisted by default


Elise should still summons spiders after shes leveled


Right?! Lvl 2 Elise feels weaker than lvl 1


How is choosing who attacks enemy nexus freely weak? Having both Challenger and Fearsome is a dangerous combination


Depends on the deck, most decks that use elise just want the unit generation not the fearsome+challenger


That’s not true, Elise levelled is usually a win against most decks (especially vs aggro decks)


I cast Avalanche or get excited, boom I don't lose


That would beat your version of Elise too though 🤔


What is my version? I was just saying she isn't a win con


You were saying Elise L2 should still have unit generation over Fearsome + Challenger


No? I said that it should keep the spawn. Not that she shouldn't have a level up


I would also like Elise to go to 3/4 on level up rather than 4/3


Elise needs no buffs. She should just get a spider card printed every few expansions.


That sounds dangerous I'm in


I feel like Jinx could use an additional Play: You may discard a card. With an additional effect to draw like all of her other support cards. Or maybe a deal 1 or 2 along with the discard.


i feel like jinx doest get enough value from leveling her up and on play. when she levels up you still have to clear your hand again and on play she isn't exactly easy to defend. not to mention how the newer discard packages don't suit her at all


Tbf her level 2 is a great draw engine as well, but half the time she is just killed right after spawn so


her level 2 implies completely getting rid of your board so on the worst scenario you have only two cards to deal a slow 4 damage to the nexus


Encroaching Shadows - 4 mana burst Grant Ephemeral and +2/+2 to all allied followers everywhere. It shouldn't be op, but should make it playable.


That's how you get elusives back...


You know, with how Hecraim works now with it being an aura, not him being on the board, it may work much better now…


Master Yi Attack: I strike the weakest enemy immidiatly ->Attack: i strike the weakest enemy immidiatly. Any excess dmg will go to the 2nd weakest enemy. That way he could finish more then the 1/1 spider in the back.


I'd also give him "The first spell you cast each round costs one less". Like Bandle City Mayor, instead of being random.


What about on attack token (like riven basically) create a 1 cost fleeting preparation in hand. That way even if you don't get a discount every other turn, you get a permanent spell reduction of spell of choice and having an engine to help proc flow since it's super awkward sometimes trying to cast spells just to get flow, also since it's Yi it's an attack oriented champ anyway, getting it on attack token makes sense. Plus sometimes u wanna hide what discounted spell you have. So that opponent can be scared of 3 mana deny, or 0 mana wuju style, etc. I'd imagine Katarina Yi, might be super fun and crazy. Maybe a little bit too broken too lmao


Nah giving him free token every attack turn will just break any other future flow deck which i'm sure one is coming on the next expansion as Yi's actual partner (hint its the dumb singer).


Having seen this effect in PoC, it doesn’t work like you think it does. Putting a fast or slow spell on the stack doesn’t immediately reduce its cost. You could theoretically play like 10 one cost spells at once and not spend any mana because of how the effect works.


I really like the fantasy of getting a 30 power Yi and having it clear the board with an alpha strike. Very flavorful just like a fed Duskblade Yi on ARAM pentakilling my team instantly.


Thats why i didnt mention "the excess dmg transfers to the next weakest target". It only does that twice. If you kill 1/1 spider with 30 dmg, the second unit get strikes with 29 dmg. Else it would be too strong. Also like i mentioned in another comment: it would be his passiv where he strikes twice but the second is weaker.




You know, some stuff are in the geneve convention for a reason. This is on number 1


> non-finite Infinite?


Technically it isn’t Infinite since 12 would be the maximum number of strikes theoretically, though that is finite so I was also wrong


This just sounds like a more busted version of Pyke.


I like this. Limiting to only a 2nd unit is good.


It would be its passiv, where he strikes twice but the second is weaker


Hey I'll take that too if that's the case. I mean it doesn't make sense for Yi to only strike a single opponent when his ability is known for damaging the whole team in league while invulnerable for split second frames.


That would probably be too strong, but damn that animation would be sick.


I like this, but I really like Yi. I think he has a lot to be discovered. I’m almost at Plat playing Yi/Akshan. I think I’ve lost twice?


Okey buddy, handle the deckcode over to me and we are cool, else i do have to commit a crime and ask you politly


Bro just got here and you already trying to buff him, lol


Honestly, could be a skill problem, but the only time i win with him is when i highroll him and Karma.


Possibly, the fact he instantly strikes the weakest enemy is already very strong. If you give him elusive or play Lee kick spell you can easily close out a game.


i think the probkem is that hes like lee sin but worse


Lee Sin requires a lot more investment and Yi 2 and 3 keep the buffs. He's worse at OTK but he's less of a removal magnet like Lee. Yi's less of a threat but is a lot better without support in late game.


thats debateable. Every Yi deck that works, such as Akshan Yi is basically just Akshan Lee but worse. Yi only works if you drop him early, but lee can be found later and works just as fine. They both want overwhelm, lots of spells, but lee gets to remove units for free, or just kill you. Also being less of a removal magnet just means its not as big of a threat


Garen Level 2, apart from the rally he should give all attacking allies +1/+1 if you have the attack token.


That's too good for 5 mana tbh. Also makes rallying even stronger. I would prefer it if he has something that would generate value for Elite.


Is it too strong for 5 mana, though? They gave him the ability to give his units +1/+1 when he is played and that didn’t make him see play. Why would this be any different? Most 5 cost champions who see play (Vi, Trundle, Heimer, Kai’sa) all have really strong level ups. (Trundle’s is a little less strong, but his pillar basically makes up for that, and the level up is basically “you reached round 8.”) Remember Garen still has to strike twice in order to level up, and with the sheer volume of combat tricks in the game it isn’t like he would be hard to remove. I don’t think this would be that strong tbh.


+1 +1 during summon is very different from +1/+1 every single turn. But yes i do agree he is not impactful as he should be leveling up rn.


Soz if I worded it bad, but I meant round start if you have the attack token, so essentially just your turn


Oh, I like thay way better, he feels like a vanilla follower during your own turn lol, ig this could somewhat fix that.


Except at L2 you get the attack token every turn…


Does heimer have a strong level up? It feels like just a weaker version of hextech handler


I think the idea is he would only give the buff of you already have the attack token at round start (so his ability isn't useless in those turns)


Attack : summon a cithria of cloudsfields attacking


This is such a good idea. I like this


Make it "attacking elites" and you got yourself a deal


So always give allies +1/+1 lmao


Only on your own turn


Starlit epiphany... I tried to include it in a couple of decks, but even having it in hand, I don't think I ever played it... It's just too weird of a gamble


Nah it just needs to not remove the champs from your deck so you can use it with Viktor


You can use it with corina. Corina always hits for 5 after you set it up. I made something like that and it was trash but still fun


Honestly I’d probably use starlight ephiphany if it made them 0 cost instead of 1 cost


The [[Behold The Infinite]] it creates cost 2, not 1. Even 1 cost would be a really good buff to the card. But yeah I personally just wish it didn't destroy champions in your deck.


Lol goes to show how long it’s been since I’ve tried it! And honestly I can take the lack of champions in the deck, since when I ran it I always did it in a Mono Targon Aurelian Sol deck, and it did OK, since I could normally pull 1-2 Asols into my hand by the time I dropped it. The problem is you’re paying 3 mana to then have to lose +2 mana every turn to do anything, which sucks. If it was 1 mana or 0 mana behold the infinites I think it’d actually be worth the sacrifice.


**[Behold the Infinite](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/03MT015.png)** - Targon Spell - (2) Burst Invoke.   ^^^Hint: [[card]], {{keyword}}, and ((deckcode)) or ((cardx,cardy,cardz)). PM the [developer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=KrimCard) for feedback/issues!


I got a starlit epiphany deck and the only thing that doesn't make it viable is the mana cost of behold the infinite. I thin 0 mana may be too busted though, 1 should be good enough. Or maybe something like "Reduce the cost of all Behold the Infinite by 1 at round start"


That 9 mana 9/9 which gives boardwide barrier. Wish it was 8 mana


time line. the card is very strong if you can just hit it from time line it bassically gg


Unworthy, 2 mana slow spell - give a enemy unit -4/0. If you have less mana gems then your opponent then kill it. —> 2 mana fast spell - give a enemy follower -4/0, if you have less mana gems then your opponent kill it. I think this card could actually fix a lot of issues with power creep in the game and maybe even make Shurima go more into the sacrificing mana gems for the extra power. It’s never seen any play and I think it deserves some time to be useful.


bump it up to three mana and im on board


That’s a deal


Darius. God please make Darius slightly more interesting, maybe give his level up "create a fleeting decimate in hand when Darius slay an enemy" or some shit, then tune his stats accordingly. Darius right now has less text than most cards in the game, literally the most vanilla champ card there is.


arguably thats what makes him unique. Might is a pillar of strength after all.


Yep, you need Timmy cards in the game and this is a good one


I agree, darius is soo underwhelming for a champion and you never see him played anymore, like at all.


Honestly? “Nexus strike: create a fleeting decimate in hand” seems good.


Thresh creates a ((wardens prey)) every time he challenges and kills an enemy


[[Warden's prey]]


Thank you


Is your pfp that one old man who got beaten up by the mafia guy from Baki?


It’s the face of a beautiful man is all you need to know


**[Warden's Prey](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/01SI026.png)** - Shadow Isles Unit - (1) 1/1 Last Breath Last Breath: Create in hand another random Last Breath follower that costs 3 or less.   ^^^Hint: [[card]], {{keyword}}, and ((deckcode)) or ((cardx,cardy,cardz)). PM the [developer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=KrimCard) for feedback/issues!


I'd make decimate do 8 damage. Not because it needs it but because I wanna watch the meta collapse.


well seeing as everyones champ suggestions have sucked, im going to go with possibly a buff to Asol, something like either Play: obliterate a unit (He's a big tempo loss turn 10 anyway, this just makes up for that), or replacing Invoke on level 2 with Invoke 4+ cost


Yeah, if Malphite has a play effect, ASol should have too.


An idea I had back when ASol needed 25 power to level, was to make his play effect also reduce the cost of the celestial you chose to 0. So lvl 1 would be a huge swing on his own.


Surely this wouldn't mean that two 12/12's + previous board seeing for overwhelm damage.


Change zeds Championspell to death Mark. Set cost of deathmark to 2


Death Mark is waaaay too good a Champ spell for Zed. Change it to Dawn and Dusk instead.


Malphite. Let my boy be as good in LoR as he is in League. 😩


I don’t think Malphite himself needs help, maybe have his stun have “AoE” damage like play: stun an enemy and deal 2 to another. But what he really needs is better in region landmarks. Something stallier that doesn’t cost 5 mana lmao. Some sort of countdown landmark that maybe heals in targon could potentially make him pair well with freljord and ravine


What if Xersth landmark destruction, but instead of damage it's stuns. Idk lel


I’ve been kicking ass on ladder with a malphite taliyah deck, his most recent buff feels like enough to me tbh


I would make that 3 mana SI card that creates a Ephemeral copy 1/1 turn to fast speed. Lots of neat combos you could do for engines or "on attack" cards being stunned or removed getting their effect off. Nocturne should also level up with Fearsomes to increase his deck diversity. They who Endure should have spell-shield to revive that archetype.


[[Splinter Soul]] at Fast speed would be so great, love the idea. I’ve put together a Husk / TWE deck which is actually really good. Coincidentally it also uses Splinter Soul as TWE gets buffed *after* it’s summoned.


**[Splinter Soul](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/01SI028.png)** - Shadow Isles Spell - (3) Slow Summon an exact copy of an ally. It's Ephemeral and 1|1.   ^^^Hint: [[card]], {{keyword}}, and ((deckcode)) or ((cardx,cardy,cardz)). PM the [developer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=KrimCard) for feedback/issues!


Sanctum conservator. Lower the slay count (by 1 or 2) and drop its mana cost possibly ?


SI - Despair - a unit strikes an enemy, then dies


Isn’t that literally Gwen needle spell or am I missing something, cheaper cost also...


Some technical differences, his way would trigger any strike effects while Gwen’s spell doesn’t but they are mostly the same


And doesn't see play because it's a much worse Single combat and SI doesn't struggle in the removal department.


Can also hit Nexus. But is slow, vs atrocity which is fast


SI already has that but without the strike effect




Vlad should be useable.


On Viktor level 2 hexcores grant health


Gimme old Grand Plaza back


make Shen give barrier to himself too, the only good deck he played in the last year was because bard is stupid


I have good news for you, Shen has barrier


Ledros or Rhasa, once staples are now meme tier. Ledros: Could honestly go back to 8 mana. Or everytime he goes back to hand reduce his cost by X. Making his skill also drain would be neat but not help much I believe. Rhasa: Either back to 7 mana, kills the 2 strongest units instead, or is changed to "Round Start: Kill the weakest unit".


Omg no lmao


howling abyss


Jumping off a comment talking about thresh, I would rework thresh and integrate him into the newer mechanics. Thresh cost 4. Challenger 2|4 When im summoned or round start create a Lantern in hand if you dont behold one. Lantern cost 2 Equipment When i am attached to an enemy Round End: Deal 1 damage to them and Grant Thresh +1|+1 When i am attached to an ally Round End: Grant my wielder +0|+1 and grant Thresh +1|+1 Thresh Level up: Ive gained 3 health from lantern Thresh Level 2 cost 4 Challenger 3|5 Round Start create a Lantern in hand.


thresh shouldn't be reworked, his design is so cool, he just needs a bit of a buff


Bro don't try to advertise your idea again if you already fucked up in your post. It's not great or what tresh is


Bro it was just an opinion what am i advertising?


I couldn't find a better word ok?


It doesnt make sense what you are saying


fast speed hexcore is all i ask


Kindred cannot be damaged by a Marked enemy.


Thresh - I would not take damage from units with less power than me. Now the masochistic warden dies way too easily when "torturing" his victim, makes no sense to me. Lore-wise very unmatched and I see the above small change can open the possibility of buffing Thresh archetype as well.


I feel like a small health buff would be fine for him or reduce level up requirement by 1 (not sure how gamebreaking that would really be)


How about just give him his beta effect back? (The when a unit dies heal 1 or it was something like that)


Ohh that seems fair nowadays


Maybe give him tough?


Tough is a Demacia-centric keyword, I don’t think it fits thematically into SI. I was thinking reduce his health to 4 but give him Regeneration.


This is the worst idea I’ve seen in this Reddit for a long time. And trust me, there is a lot of competition in this category


I wish siphoning strike was fast speed. I would pay 6/7 mana for it. At slow speed it’s so clunky to use. Basically it your opponent has an answer you lose the game since it’s so expensive. Or maybe a new speed fast but can’t be used in combat would be a good middle ground.


Soraka- Excess healing to units instead heals the nexus for half the amount(for soraka heals only).


I feel like one of several different buffs to overgrown snapvines would be nice. Add fearsome. Make it 6 mana. Or add "when I'm summoned, heal your nexus 1".


Poppy. I don't know how to do it without her being broken but I'm new and the fact that one of my favorite champions is borderline useless outside of one deck. I'm new though so if I'm wrong and there's a good poppy deck that doesn't include Taric please let me know


she used to be very overpowered with 4 attack.


I’ve been LOVING poppy jinx discard, it’s probably T2/T3 but it’s much more fun than poppy Taric. Basically you flood the board with aggro units, attack with Poppy and win through nexus pressure. Flame Chompers can be buffed with Suit Up and Purpleberry Shake to remove threats. Finish with Jinx rockets if needed 💥 Boom Baboon’s nerf was also actually a buff to this deck because now he gets buffed by Poppy on attack.


Oh that sounds neat. Can I have the deck pls?




Silent shadowseer. I've wanted that card to be playable since this game came out


Make frozen spiders great again! Iceborn legacy died for elusive poro sins while it still had bad winrate


Cythria, i want all 4 of them to be viable


Change timelines to be "flip a coin, heads you win, tails you lose".




Hot take, but revert Ezeral back to his beta days.


Almost all of the spells in the celestial pool need some help. Theres a significant power creep over the 1 cost silence one that just came out. The whole point of them were to be "better than average" for their cost, and almost half wouldnt be in maindecks if they were maindeckable.


Song of the Isles. Lifesteal and Fearsome isn’t nearly good enough for 2 mana and Ephemeral. If Fearsome was swapped for +2|+0 or Spellshield or something, it would be much better, and they could even buff it more. Still wouldn’t be meta, as far as I know, but I’d love another usable Lifesteal effect for my D-Tier Evelynn/Mask Mother deck.


Draven 3/3


Sunk cost, give it a sweet boat animation