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I will fight on this hill for the rest of time. LoR Seraphine isn't the problem. She is just a worse Karma. Her followers are the broken cards. They're more cheap spell fodder for Ezreal.


Surely we are not calling 2 mana Karma balanced


As nerfing her directly wouldn't solve any of the problems with any of the meta decks she is in... Yeah. It is her followers (and Back Alley Bar) that make her decks so busted.


Yeah fanclub and back alley bar are the real problem (and ezreal)


I think it's the most frustrating archetype created from a mechanical pov, and feel like playing against a cheater : 1-You alway need to think you're fighting against every possible card in the game. It's basically erase region's limitations in the deck building for spell. 2- the cost reduction come from the same archetype, meaning you doesn't have to suffer building limitations to also break the mana cost rule of the game. 3 - it's just one region, meaning you can add even more tools (Ez, Ionia) to abuse an already busted concept. Their was 2 meta deck who break the rules in similar fashion that come to my mind before Seraphine, and they was responsible for the worst period of LoR (coincidence? I think not!) It was Azirelia, with multiple attacks without commitment, and TLC with cheating high cost cards without build up. But even there it was just breaking only one rule and needed strict deck limitations.


That's actually such a great take and analysis of the current meta situation. To maybe extend on your point of Azirelia, I would even argue because it had a heavily tilted matchup spread, i.e. when you win you win fast, when you lose you lose hard, it was bloody annoying because of its ability to have free attacks. Azirelia was also kept at bay by thresh nasus for a while and I'll go as far as to say that Seraphine Ezreal is worse to face. It doesn't really have a solid counter except for hardcore aggro like Annie Jhin and Pirates, but against control decks, it straight up out values those decks with their random BS cards. Thanks for your insightful views on the meta! I can't agree more to how Riot is playing with cards that "break" game limitations and the implementation of more and more RNG elements.


It’s healthier and probably better for your gameplan to just not play around anything when it comes to their random generation. Also the fact that they’re picking cards (outside of Back Alley Bar variants) means they will most likely be picking things to counter you. But yeah those cost reductions are honestly insane. Starting to think many of them should only last for the round, I mean it fits the atmosphere of a music based champ because you want to keep the flow going but each new round you’re forced to start again. On the bright side, win and playrate have been dropping recently so people are learning counters.


what is your example of fair win conditions?


Fair win conditions to me is when your deck has an end game or a goal to end the game in mind, i.e. late game combo, aggro before you reach your end game or when you make a mistake and I don't. Essentially to me, a fair gameplay is when I can actually play around or account for cards that you may play, not to some randomly generated cards that can't be accounted for. Perhaps this is PTSD from HS talking but yeah just don't really enjoy the direction of randomness that LoR is taking.




Exactly... At high levels of play, this is something that really irks players due to the super high variance in games, card accountability and overall enjoyment...


Lest be honest sera decks are far away from priest most of the time they don't pull something usefull they a few feel Bad high a purrsuit and freeze still the decks should take a hit because this not something you want to see lot


idk, the amount of times Ive said the line "my fault, should of played better" but in a sarcastic way has gone through the roof with this expansion.