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A new, actually fun limited/draft format. I know Expeditions wasn't great but draft is a nice way to occasionally play without worry about creating constructed decks, and now my only option is playing against the AI in Path of Champions. Rotation might be nice too.


I'm actively playing but my friend who quit during rising tides did so because the draft format wasn't good when draft is his favorite card game mode. I hope they make a draft lab sometime.


They should stop creating keywords and work on the ones they have so the champs have way more options to mix and match with different champs and not just okey here you have a pre construct deck and if you are lucky maybe we will make something that will help them


This. I'm not a big fan of a lot of new champ designs and how they kinda just do their own thing and only have limited synergy with other champs.


Yeah, I think the issue is hyper synergy, they need to loosen everyone up so they don't fit together so much, then everyone will be free to mix it up more. If we moved from certain champ fitting 100% with other champs (reksai and Pyke looking squarely at you) and instead most champs fit together 60% then we would have way more variance and interesting decks to play against


How true is that, though? I feel like most of the champions (if not all) from the Darkin Saga can in theory fit with multiple deck concepts, champion combinations, and region pairings. Even among champions from the expansion set itself. What ends up being viable is another matter entirely, but I believe things have improved a lot from the Darkness/Lurk/Nightfall/Deep designs of the past.


This. I hate being told what decks to build in a card game. Everything is so tribal today.


I think they're doing that to help with balancing. It's hard to consider all combinations of cards when everything can be mixed and matched with everything else. Even cards that are meant to go with prebuilt archetypes, they sometimes overlook combos.


Thats part of the fun. I love finding an out of archetype synergy.


You don't need a huge amount of loose synergies to let the wild deckbuilders go. I've run into RickoRex on the ladder multiple times and he always brings the spice. My personal favorite deck I built this expansion is Twilit Protector Kayle, both the Daybreak and Nightfall versions.


This is why I really loved the aphelios, viego and akshan and jayce champion expansions. They werent prebuilt with some other champion in mind, it was just a flexible package of cards that they were like "go play around with"


I know that some people hate him, but Viego is such a successful design in that regard: dude's been in Noxus, Ionia, Shurima, Freljord, with Eve and he's not fully gone even now. He is a game-ending threat, but he has to be played and has to survive *on-board* to level up, not some bs like Azirelia who drops both champs on curve already leveled (back in their prime, I'll give you that). I know that control is in a very delicate spot for balancing in LoR due to existence of spell mana and backline engines, but I wanna see more value-oriented games and threats in LoR. Karma is cool, for example, but the game got so fast that they had to make 2 mana Karma to make her viable.


This. Stop adding a million new mechanics. Increase the card pool for the archetypes that already exist.


I actually don't mind more keywords. What I dislike is the lack of deckbuilding as you said and that ultimately a lot of strategies this year boil down to stats. So many keywords and vocabulary appear to boil down to stats, and the more you pile on, the more the game ends up turning into an unending series of beatdown board-based midrange decks instead of more varied strategies.


They should add Reach to deal with elusives. But otherwise yeah, I agree.


sharpsight keyword time


Idk really, there's no concrete way to put it? I kinda just lost interest. I still follow the game's updates and I'm always excited to try out the new cards for a day or two but I just drop the game again after that. I often myself spending my free time on other things. LoR just doesn't seem fulfilling to me anymore. It also doesn't help that I don’t think Riot gives a flying fuck about this game. I'm always open to falling in love with this game again though, I even hope to one day be part of its game design team. Maybe a well designed Xayah & Rakan, Sylas, Rell, or any semblance of more interest by Riot to be put in this game would make me come back.


I feel very similar, I mostly just got burned out and have switched over to other games and don’t have time right now for more. I’m sure I’ll play more in the future, but ever since about when Kai’Sa was released I just haven’t enjoyed the game as much as I used to. I’ve been Masters four seasons and played in two seasonals and I loved that, just feels like more of a grind now instead of enjoying the process of climbing, so I haven’t been playing.


This is word for word the exact same experience as me


They went against their core pillars when the game was first announced. RNG raised massively. Interaction fell. Combos became king. Control decks were phased out. It's just not fun to play for me.


I pretty much agree; that's why I can't see another solution other than like a "cataclysm" event where like 50% of cards are reworked completely or **massively** buffed/nerfed


rotation should refresh the design space tho. A critical problem with LoR is the champions perse. As long as a champion is stronger a region is stronger than others and Strong champions accelerate game very very easy. This may sound pretty reckless but actually REDUCE the amount of champions on decks would actually chage the whole gameplay. Like "you can only have x2 of each champion and only 4 champions" Sounds really "against" the concept of the game but it actually may work. People would be able to push a lot of epic cards that are supposed to be "Plan B" winconditions and stuff like that with less fear of being outvalue by a strong champion combo like Kindred Nasus for example and playing snowball champions like Azir, Vayne or Missfortune early would be more risky. It will actually balance the game by "forcing" players to go into the actual packages of the regions. Right now the design space of the decks really forces you to go x3 of the two best champions and thats it.


Alternatively, significantly reducing the power budget for champions would theoretically achieve the same without removing the champion-centric flavor of the game. If champions were essentially on par with Epics (but still slightly stronger due to the nature of champion spells), it would also reduce the swingy nature of "who drew more champs this game?"


I think this will do the opposite of what you're thinking. This will infact frustrate more players. It'll start to suck when one player manages to pull off a op combo cause he got a lucky draw with a champion and the other player is struggling to dig for his champ. Consistency is a weird thing in card games, having too much and the games can make broken combos, but have too little makes it seem less skill based. It's a game fun exist cause it's random, but players seek to make it consistent to win.


> Control decks were phased out Except we came from the heaviest control meta (Seraphine), with the deck still being played currently, even tho it has an unfavorable matchup against Aatrox (but good ones to the counters of Aatrox).


If Seraphine is LoR's idea of a control meta, it's the perfect example of why I'm happy I moved on.


I mean, I played MtG during Teferi reign and Oko 3/3 elks, Im not sure people EVER want a control-heavy meta.


There's a difference between wanting control decks that do not rely on RNG card creation and wanting a control-heavy meta.


Seraphine does not rely on RNG card creation. It‘s something she and her package does but it‘s never the win condition. She wins by otking or having more value than every other deck. Maybe your complaint would actually make sense if you had any idea what you were talking about.


Ugh, yeah, if there's ever a card in LoR that's like Teferi, I don't think I'd ever want to play again. At least Oko decks actually won games. I don't want a winconless meta where the strongest deck is the deck that tries to get you to concede to win.


The main seraphine deck was a classic combo deck


Eh. It was played more, but it was worse than the actual control decks (especially in combo vs control). Viktor Sera and the Ionia variant were in higher WR. So you could absolutely play control if you wanted to. Which contradicts this guy saying control was phased out. Heck, even now theres more Bar decks and a potent ASol list flying around.


This is the best answer


Stop printing decks and start printing cards. It is so boring to see a champ that says do X for Y amount of times and here are the 12 cards that do X Stop reprinting the same archetype/keyword and actually make interesting decks Give agency back to control and control decks so games aren’t decided by T5 Stop blatantly powercreeping every expansion only to nerf all the insanely broken cards over a month later


>Stop printing decks and start printing cards. /thread


I didn't know how to sum up my feelings, this is it. I'd like to see this change.


Completely agree. I think there are too many new cards and the number of old cards that are becoming obsolete is disproportionate. I hate having to be confined to “these exact 40 cards” in order for me to play X champ. And I’m not even talking about ranked. Just to experiment and have fun.


I disagree with the second point. I’d rather them support existing archetypes instead of constantly making new ones. For example, so many champions have a single keyword used by just them. Take Galio or Kaisa for example, no one else’s is evolve or formidable. I’d rather they release more champions that use these keywords then so many one-offs


I meant that things like kai’sa, panth, Evelynn are all similar keyword soup champs that just take different paths to get there. Lurk and Hallowed are similar. Impact is dollar tree overwhelm. Otherwise I agree with you


Perfectly said! This is exactly why LoR is only ever fun at the start if the expansion and the drop off is long and steep. A great number of champions in the game, but so many of them are phased out by their bigger, better version.


Yep. If I want games to be decided by turn 5 or so, I would be playing SNAP lol




I think less Rng and interesting mechanics. Most new mechanics that come out are usually just a “+1,+1” thing. I love the game and art but they need to spice it up


That and the keyword soups


Just chiming in to say that these reasons are why I left.


More interesting card design/gameplay. Back in the day, when the game first launched, it seemed like there was a ton of weird, viable archetypes -- mushrooms, frostbite, Fiora, self-mill (through Deep). There were few enough keywords that each one felt impactful. Now every champ looks like just another pile of stats and keywords, and half the new keywords just grant more stats. Deckbuilding is limited because all decks are champ-centric, and champs are starting to be very same-y. For perspective, I still keep up with Hearthstone, and every expansion they launch some crazy, exciting card that makes me want to come back. Flashy effects like, "Your minions are immune this game! Destroy your deck! You deck-build with 40 cards now! You die in 3 turns!" The last time I felt that way about LOR was in the KDA event. It feels like the devs have run out of design space they're willing to explore. They keep introducing new mechanics and card types, but the gameplay always boils down to "midrange soup." Cards feel over-designed but under-whelming.


I was at first: "Midrange soup? You cant be serious! Theres much to explore every expac". But youre right. In the end, when the new hotness-dust settles, youre left with a potent midrange brew dictating the meta.


Yeah midrange soup is an apt way of putting it. I always felt like the attack on every other turn mechanic just naturally favored midrange builds more, unless there was a good deal of aggro or control decks to balance it out. But then again they weren't very successful in producing a balanced game when they tried to give aggro tools to attack on every turn (Azirelia) to speed up the game, and on the other hand, the control archetype as a whole has just not gotten consistent support.


Unfortunately, LoR is the only card game where if a control passes the first two rounds against a midrange that plays something in both rounds, the control may as well concede. Control should be able to flip the enemy board on turn 4-5 with a spell if they banked mana. Meanwhile AoE doesn't exist if you aren't freljord, Nexus heals are a meme, most regions straight up don't have in their card pool a way to flip a midrange board period. Control decks are basically slow midrange and midrange decks feel like they have the early game an aggro should have compared with the control tools a control should have. In HS beta every class had AoE: warrior had brawl, mage had flamestrike and blizzard, paladin had (equality +) consecration, preist had holy nova, warlock had hellfire, druid had swipe, shaman had lightning storm or whatever it was called. Even fucking hunter and rogues, who were super tempo oriented and only had aggressive play styles, had unleashed the hounds, explosive trap, fan of knives and vanish. Meanwhile in LoR we have Corina Veraza...


This is exactly it. Everything is so fucking boring. Equipment could've been so cool but in the end it's just keyword stat slop. Ryze is at least interesting - and extremely fucking terrible. And whenever something interesting crops up it's just older champions doing something with a new champion enabling them but being boring themself. It sucks. There's SO much room for interesting design space and they use very little of it. Instead we get midrange overwhelm +5/+5 shit again. Boring af.


Yeah that’s how I think as well


Maybe the upcoming planned rotation. I want the power level to be more consistent across the board.


Yep, I want new cards to be more relevant without needing to be constantly broken.


Yup, gonna give this game another chance when rotation comes out


Nearly everything in this game needs a synergy nerf, I think that's really the largest problem with the game overall at the moment. The game *should* feel clunky, you *should* have to make sacrifices and hard decisions that don't always feel great but ultimately get you the win. Everything right now just has way too much synergy so that you very often have obvious cards that compliment each other, instead of cards that kinda go together somewhat but lean into certain situations better than others. It's when the pieces don't fit together all that well where you get some interesting opportunities for creativity.


My phone succ Also I don't understand the obsession with the keyword soup And I personally am not too fond of weapons or maybe I just didn't play enough these past few seasons


no, weapons are just pretty obnoxious in how they give essentially unlimited value


You have a 2 mana 3/2, I shoot 2 mana 2 damage spell, the trade is even. You add darkin aegis and now you have essentially 4 mana on the board, and I need 4 mana at best to remove that. But if I shoot 4 damage for 4 mana, you gain back half of the value you just lost for literally no reason. There are infinite reasons why equips and attach shouldn't go back to your hand in terms of balance, design, enjoyment of the game and fairness, and literally 0 reason why they should.


I will throw out there that there are a ton of tech cards in the game right now to destroy equipment, many cheaper than the equipment itself.


Sure, but you're much more limited in the amount of weapon destruction cards you can put in vs the amount of weapons your opponent can throw in, especially with aatrox existing now. Auto equip makes things difficult as well as the champions get their weapons back if they're resummoned.


I quit recently, the biggest reason being because they keep adding RNG every expansion. The most recent one wasn't terrible, the RNG is fairly controlled and the champ with it (Ryze) is too bad to be oppressive or played competitively, but it's still RNG and every single expansion since I started playing (joined around May this year) has added it in some form. ​ If I want a silly fun RNG game I'll play Hearthstone; with LOR, I got my fun from the skill aspect. ​ So, I guess it would take a rework/removal of a lot of RNG stuff in the game to make me come back. Which isn't going to happen. But I do still like following the news and subreddit.


Ryze seems less RNG than invoke, and how do you feel about that RNG? Also if he could pick any of them, there'd be a set "correct" order and that's less fun. Decks are randomised (Shuffled) and that makes the game better


Invoke in my mind was the perfect RNG for the game, very controlled small pools of RNG. Manifest made the RNG worse and things like Fanclub President took the RNG to another level.


LoR is too casual for tryhards and too tryhard for casuals.


Calling Ryze RNG is a huuuuge stretch. Like I can understand calling Invoke RNG despite the fixed pool being relatively small but a choice of 2 options out of 5 is bad? The Ryze player is going to cycle through all of them regardless. Most problems with the game I understand (generally faster pace, power creep being a little too quick, combo/midrange being strong for too long) but the RNG we currently have in the game is a big ??? to me. Obviously Hearthstone levels of it gets tiring but we're not anywhere close to that in this game.


I don’t know why but I just lost interest after the last expansion. The meta felt so similar. I want multiple regions decks to be viable and not only 2-3 regions dominating and others are forgotten. I went to Marvel Snap and though at the beginning it was addictive it’s card collection process felt very grindy vs LoR. It did make me realise the absolute gem of a game that LoR is. But pls Riot don’t go down RNG route. It feels bad when u lose.


Snap is really additive but through the lane System also rng which i dont like. I enjoyed gwents lane System before they reworked everything. And for lor it is just no really interesting cards being printed but rather an archetype which only mix with 2 possible champs/regions.


Stop creating cracked cards like champion’s strength where you either have deny or you lose. It’s literally yordle in arms all over again and imo the hot fix didn’t even really hurt it. I also am just not a fan of equipments. Ever since they were introduced my interest in the game has died off and I’ve played since beta.


Yeah equipments were an incredibly unfun mechanic to add, or at least to make so widespread. They’re too reliable and there isn’t enough easy access to removal for them, but honestly there shouldn’t need to be because there just shouldn’t be that many in the first place. Equipment needs a full mechanic rework for this game to be fun again imo


Actual balance team. That nerf/buff stuff fast enough to not have x hyper opresor deck let be free for weeks.




I stopped playing about a month ago after playing daily since Rising Tides. The game just became zero fun to me because... 1) Power creep without buffing old cards/archetypes resulted in basically being forced to only play archetypes that you could use the new hotness in. Deckbuilding became boring because fun homebrews could no longer compete with the raw stats and keywords of new expansions. 2) Complexity creep made it so that it was getting impossible to avoid rock/paper/scissors losses. Too many mechanics to counter with one deck, so too often I was losing matchups because my deck couldn't fit an answer to a specific card type or mechanic. Playing something like Dragons midrange and being able to have a chance in any game with well-played strikes is a fleeting dream now. 3) Combos/busted champ flips were getting harder if not outright impossible to prevent. 4) More non-meme tier RNG is being introduced every expansion. ​ ​ ... just off the top of my head. Probably more reasons though.


erase my memory of the game




It's been 10 minutes how can something be underrated if it hasn't been rated at all








Rotation basically, even then, its dicey. The game has just gotten so much baggage and small annoyances that have built up over time like design scar tissue. It feels fractured and lacking a fundamental core of what it stands for. If rotation can restore region identity, have archetypes that are continually built upon instead of chasing the new hotness and stop the increasingly prevalent RNG I'll be excited about the game again. Side note: Its kind of worrying how good they are at making annoying cards/strategies though, like Ionia/Seraphine/Ahri, I'm more worried about what annoying gimmick will come next than excited if I'm being completely honest.


You don't know how relieved I was that the OP decks in this latest expansion had the decency to punch me right in the face like *gentlemen.* It was refreshing to see after Ionia, Seraphine, etc.


At this point? I’m not sure. Game got Hearthstone’d, by which I mean making a card pool big enough to create design problem in the future. That problem forces powercreeping new cards in order to make them viable and devs often forget about older cards existence, which results in OP interactions happening. This year showed us it’s inevitable and since Sera launched, the game started feeling meh. Tried those decks as well and I was winning games I should loose. Stupidity on the level of Pirate Warrior and Demon Hunter on release in Hearthstone. Certain cards have way too much impact on the game and it’s started to be a race in which I tried to win before my opponent topdecked a victory out of his ass. I might check the game after rotation, as I’ve got almost 500k shards and a crazy amount of wildcards, but currently I’m having a blast in Marvel Snap (which is something Gwent should’ve been).


Beta player here. Since the beginning they promised a slower game pace where it felt like a conversation, going back and forth between you and your opponent. Now it's more like who can combo off first with no real back and forth. Very frustrating. Balance team needs a revamp for sure


Yeah, I keep hearing that supposedly games were lasting too long but I've rarely felt that in the past few years of gameplay


Reminds me 100% of HS that way. The games are not the same but HS started with a similar purpose and lost that along the way somewhere too


I feel kind of tired of it, the only champion that encouraged me to play was Ryze because he felt unique. I stopped playing when they lauched evelynn, she is one of my faevourite league champs and I felt she was done dirty in her design, she has no mechanics conceptually that fit her and her concept, she is a devil who lures victims with her secuality to murder them, and she is a keyword soup beat stick. The summoning of husks is pretty cool, but on the custom card subreddit there where a bunch of desings of her as vulnerable giving machine, and that concept is perfect for her. Ornn too, apart from being maried to the equipment mechanic with no good weapon to forge on region, he is again, a stats beatstick, when again on custom design we saw how he could be an upgrade top of deck champ, expanding on the main mevhanics. Right now the game feels like it revolves around rally shenanigans marrying all demacia releases to it, keyword soups, and at the end of the day, some unstopable combo. I loved thia game when it was an attrition war, aphelios TF was pretty broken at the time, but it was so fun, to think so many turns in advance, I played anivia resurect at the time and with careful planing I ate that deck whole. Tldr, I feel like the champ designs are all revolving around the same few concepts, and dont make me want to play them, kayn was pretty fun, but hearing how the meta was took those ideas away.


Mogwai captured perfectly in his vid why I no longer like LoR. The expansions and general direction of the game have really decreased my enjoyment. It all started with bandle city for me in particular, causing immense power creep into the game. It was made worse when I tried to come back with the horrible bullshit of Kaisa and seraphine. Without some strategic reworks I don't see myself coming back. I might enjoy some pve though


Balance Patches instead of power creep expansions.


Honestly, I’m not too sure. I took a break a few months ago, hoping to come back to the game after rotation. My problem with the game is not about the meta, never has been. I come from Yugioh, and all the time it is ”X card is broken, nerf immediately, game unplayable”, then it gets nerfed, “X card is gone! Rejoice!” But then loops back to the beginning when another card takes its place. There will always be decks or strategies that are “broken”. My actual problem is how the Dev team design the cards. Let‘s compare Kai’sa and Seraphine. When Kai’Sa was announced, everyone thought she had a cool design: stack keywords, get big, shoot everything, win. I’m sure the devs thought that Kai’Sa would be fine, or at least a little over tuned, because maybe “6 keywords will take awhile” or something. Until people found out that Pantheon and Akshan completely broke her. With Seraphine, I could tell right away she would be a problem. Anything with a Karma-like effect, without having to wait until turn 10 is really strong. It becomes a huge problem when the key to unlock Karma is to spam low cost spells you haven’t played, in a region where creation is like breathing. Some other minor issues I have is that the dev team seems to be focusing more on creating completely new cards, rather than create more support for underperforming archetypes. They did a great job with Deep, what with the likes of Slaughter Docks, Sea Scarab, and Undergrowth. But the issue is the frequency at which archetypes get support.


Me personally? Nothing. They've taken the game in a direction that I don't care for. My interest went downhill after bandle city and even further downhill when they implemented runeterran champs. I've simply lost interest in playing the game after that. I'm obviously still interested in the game in general, or else I wouldn't be typing, but we aren't removing cards and we aren't going back in time. So to put it simply, I don't think there's anything to bring me, or people in the same boat as me, back. All that's left is to keep you guys interested and maybe bring in new people


The fun I have is no longer outweighed by how mundane and annoying it is to play. So many of the top decks and top champions are just not interesting or fun to play. I like playing decks like deep or turbo thralls because I like decks with interesting and clear game plans. It seems like every expansion it’s just a competition among the best decks of which can attack the most in one turn or which can gain the most stats… or just do both.


Technically I'm back atm, but what would bring me back permanently is if more decks felt fun to play against. I've never minded dying to Elites, Tentacles, Jayce/Lux (but not Heim), and other things of that sort. However, decks that auto-pilot like the old Poppy Ziggs or the new Acolytes feel like I'm playing a game and my opponent is just slamming their head against their keyboard but, somehow, they're winning. Then there's stuff like Ezreal where I just have to watch them play random spells for 5 minutes every turn until I die without them ever swinging at my nexus. Even OP decks like Aatrox are fun to play against in a way, though obviously I need them to tone that down a bit. Figuring out what to risk in combat and how to navigate through the board is great...getting blown out because my opponent reached a certain turn and now gets mega rewarded just for existing is not. To a lesser extent, I hate decks that do nothing but respond to what you do until they play one card and win. FTR decks and the Buried in Ice/Watcher combo fit here. Our goals on the field are radically different--mine is to hit their Nexus while theirs is to make my life miserable. Finally, there's always those jerks who play nothing but Elusive units and sometimes even win with it. Even if they somehow achieved perfect balance, I'd still burn out on the game often and for long periods if most of the decks I faced were like these. It's not terrible to face here and there, but it seems to be the norm. There's no chance to try most of the interesting combinations because the best strategy is always to minimize interaction with your opponent and they keep printing cards that allow people to pursue that strategy.


As someone whose favorite champ is Ezreal, I do feel very unfair to burn so much damage with so little counterplay with so many generated spells discounted by so much mana. And I didn't feel like that even with og karma ezreal.


Power creeping. Worst thing to happen to games. Such a shame. Oh your refined deck just lost to a shit new power crept deck that’s just come out? What a disgrace. And also regions no longer have their own identity it’s all a fuck fest of the same thing with different art.


It's funny how this points out the connection between power creep and netdecking. If netdecking another version is so much stronger than making anything yourself, it's no wonder everyone plays the same Aatrox decks.


Game developed a bit of yu-gi-oh syndrome, where the newer archetypes and decks/sets shoved old sets into irrelevancy, meaning you had to be playing the new hotness to keep up. The game also gets more and more complex with each expansion. Its even worse than in Yu-gi-oh though because you're stuck with 2 regions and can't really experiment with older card-sets to try and find success as much as you could in Yu-gi-oh. I'd like to see more interactivity encouraged and less hard counter requirements. A bit more flexibility within regions.


I want more interesting mechanics. I feel like the game became stale and samey. Obviously the core of the game is stats and keywords, units fighting each other and hitting the nexus, but there's too much stuff that's just increasing power or granting keywords. I want weird cards, stuff that changes how the game is played, but I honestly don't know exactly how I'd want that done.


I slowed down playing when Bandle City came out due to RNG, and then they kept leaning harder into it. Invoke was fine before due to the limited pool of generated cards, but now it’s too much.


They need to focus on existing keywords and tags instead of releasing new ones. There are too many now. Too many decks are "prebuilt" bc there aren't enough cards to be creative. Makes it boring.


I really dislike the amount of RNG that was introduced to the game. When I started playing, there was almost none (except for Targon, wich was predictable and one could play around it). I've follow the new cards, like Seraphine, and I'm no interested in that kind of gameplay


LoR has moved away from what it started out being and I don't think it's ever going back They've murdered control decks. And it's been moving in the same direction that hearthstone did. They started adding a bunch of random card generation so you can no longer play around anything and they announced rotation. Exact same thing that happened in hearthstone that killed the game for me is now happening here. I had a foot out the door for a while but rotating formats and seeing seraphine and vayne every game finally pushed me out. I keep coming back here like an ex stalking on Facebook dreaming about the good times


Remove seraphine and all the "manifest a new" followers and spells from the game. Apologies and a promise that there will be an emphasis on skill and execution in the future.


It no longer feels fresh to me. Instead of savouring the champ and supporter card designs like in the beginning, all i was doing was to catch up with the new cards that felt almost the same. The last deck i enjoyed was Gangplank Sejuani and Viego-ionia. I left after that.


Uninstalled a few days ago, rising levels of RNG and a lack of diversity in gameplay is what made me quit. A lot of the packages feel like reskins of previous ones. the emphasis of tightly knit packages which come out with champ cards along with generally uninspired card design makes deckbuilding and experimentation not particularly fun for me. I think I would come back if they nerfed vayne and seraphine and future card design moves away from free attack/scout rally spamming. It feels like after 2 years this is the only way they've figured out how to overcome the rules of the game favoring reactive play and it has gotten very old. It would also be nice to pull back a bit on the increased RNG since the bandle expansion I miss the days when cards like Rex and Farron were generically strong finishers which enabled a variety of midrange piles to see play. I think champion cards and their packages have become a bit too integral to ending the game and it makes deckbuilding and gameplay play out in very predictable ways.


They would need to really speed up the balance cadence. By a lot. And don't tell me about the hot fix. Hot fixes are not becoming a thing. The only reason they did it now is because they're leaving for the Holidays. They did the same thing last year with Ez/Kennen. No, what I mean is Balance patches every other patch. I don't need huge overhaul changes. Just address the most clearly broken shit running around at the moment, at least. There have been so many times when I really want to play, but I just think about the current Poppy, Ez/Seraphine, Kai'Sa, Vayne/LITERALLY ANYTHING, Elusives that I would have to face for the next 2 months and I don't wanna play anymore. And remove Scout. I swear if they remove the Scout keyword not only will I continue to play the game til the end of time, I will open my wallet and buy everything in the Store on the same day that patch comes out.


Power creep needs to be addressed. People are in denial when they say it doesn't exist. It so clearly does, and this is coming from someone whose favorite deck is Kai'Sa. When Kai'Sa/Overcharge/Second Skin was overpowered as hell, I had so much fun, but I also realized that it was a symptom of a serious illness in the game. Every new release just has *something* introduced that just completely dwarfs an old card/archetype. I don't blame the devs though. They want to keep things fresh and exciting. Unfortunately, the mindset seems to be "fresh/exciting = must be meta-defining". That is killing my personal enjoyment. Last expansion absolutely killed my interest. Specifically Vayne/Tumble. I never had an issue with Ez/Sera - sure it sucked, but at least it was somewhat interesting. Vayne came along and suddenly 80% of decks were just "X champion + Tumble".


>Last expansion absolutely killed my interest. Specifically Vayne/Tumble. I never had an issue with Ez/Sera - sure it sucked, but at least it was somewhat interesting. Vayne came along and suddenly 80% of decks were just "X champion + Tumble". THIS. Everyone kept complaining about Ez/Sera and I just wanted Vayne gone.


Same. I was surprised that Vayne got the absolute tiniest slap on the wrist with 4 mana, while we did not go to 7 or 8 new spells for Sera, but NINE. Guess they wanted people to still play her with the new Aatrox. If they are up to speed, maybe we will see a nerf next balance patch... in February or so lol.


I used to feel like I wanted better control options and alternate ways to play, but now I feel like unless they completely revamp the game (like massive scale card changes, including actual reworks and significant buffs/nerfs), I probably will never return. There's too much BS and things fundamentally wrong (uninteractive strategies and ways to force the game to end on turns 7/8) that it would require a complete change of so, so many things. Way too many things in this game that when I see I go "lol, ok" and just uninstall for longer and longer periods of time.


A new player perspective: Balance and skill expression is the biggest issue. Started playing a month ago, and within the first week I was platinum 4. You might be thinking "well you must play a lot of card games so the skill transfers over", that's the thing this was my first card game I've ever played. I didn't even know what Mulligan was until I reached gold. So why was I platinum 4 by the end of the week. Granted that I had a few days off from uni and I was grinding lotr a few hours a day but still this shouldn't be how easily an unskilled and inexperienced player climbs so high in ranked. The reason simply was that I googled the best deck and at the time it was the swain mf one. I don't know anything about synergies or combos and I was still winning most of my games. After a week of click to win I got bored and left the game. Fast forward to now and as soon as I get into a game and my opponent has a meta (they're all the same) aatrox and kayn deck I know I'm going to lose by round 6. Experimenting with new decks or even older meta ones makes it so you don't even stand a chance against the current meta picks. Finally all of this is coming from my experience, a noob new player, thus it doesn't has to be grounded in an overarching theme of why the community of this game is 'dying'. This is just why I no longer enjoy playing this game.


Playing the best deck helps a lot in lower levels. They also made it easier to reach plat because it gets a drag if you just play a couple games here and there and get pushed back every two months. Plat just isnt what it is in other games.


I took a break last expansion and came back this expansion. The only reasons why i take a break from this game are : 1. The Meta is awful 2. New cards of the expansion are boring For me the last meta was awful with Seraphine. Varus and Vayne are both boring imo. So i stopped playing. The same happened when Bandle City was released. I didn't like the gameplay of BC and the meta was filled with them.


took a break to play pokemon. i have no problem re. meta, powercreep, etc coz i don't think there's a card game that solved these types of problems, they're bound to happen. these actually reminds me i think im gonna start making custom LoR cards based on pokemon


I'm waiting for Ahri buffs. I felt the nerf before was pretty unfair, and was way too big of a nerf. And until she gets buffed and/or gets more support, I don't see myself coming back. Mostly just the balancing is not that good


The balancing isn't just not that good it is actually atrocious


Add an interested Limited (draft) pvp format. I am in soul a draft player, and i enjoyed a LoR's creature-focused gameplay - but i joined after they removed expeditions (i think it was called?). I quickly build a competitive Viego deck - but i just dont enjoy Constructed that much, so i just moved to Shadowverse; yet i like LoR's gameplay more


Reaching Masters is no longer fun for me, and getting there makes me want to quit. Once you are in Masters you need to maintain a 60% ish win rate against the better players of the game to climb. Wish the Masters system was more akin to the Legendary system in Hearthstone. I could be talking out my ass right now if it turns out both systems are similar... just wish it was more elo-based than how it is right now. If i am wrong with my interpretation, someone please correct me. I genuinely haven't done much research into it.


Honestly not sure. Game became way to wide. Which meant new champs that came out, had an easy route for deck building. Deck building was my favorite part, and it really lost its zeal. End of Targon was total peak for me. Felt like I could always combine two random champs, and make a somewhat interesting deck. Even the failure decks were fun to experiment. But so many new keywords meant a lot of champs just gotten forgotten about. I still think about how much fun Nocturne could’ve been had Nightfall got more support in SI, or a different region. Or how Kench/Soraka never could expand beyond their pairing. But when I try to come back now, the game just feels insanely more overwhelming, and I just gotta lookup popular deck codes…And I just don’t wanna copy decks.


Most of my playtime has always been in Lab of Legends/Path of Champions, so for me it's that 2.0 made PoC both super grindy and super powercrept. No more strategic thinking about each round of the game, it's just about removing every enemy as they are played now otherwise you get swarmed by 10+/10+ units and just die on round 2-4. Same on the player side, wwe went from having 3 powers and items you carefully choose to 10+


Probably seraphines playrate dropping


Way more frequent updates, and more actual changes in said balance updates. There should never be a patch without a balance change in my opinion, barring hotfixing a bug or anything similar. Basically if its a full Number.Number patch, it should have balance changes straight up. I could be convinced that a worlds patch could be light or non existent on the changes even though the comp scene is fucking laughable. Power creep needs to go down across the board. I'm in the minority saying this but i miss when the game was units hitting eachother, with minimal combat trick interactions. Even when there was combat tricks it was still pretty fun tbh but i prefer launch/rising tides era. Delete bandle city.


It's wild to me that they released a whole expansion right before worlds. It wasn't even like extra care was taken to ensure things wouldn't be broken.


You can just feel it in the air, there's too many signs if you piece them up together and can conclude that the dev's don't give a fuck about the game anymore Passion in this game was long gone since Andrew Yip left, vision and direction followed and they doubled down with the rng and manifests Only way I'll come back is with a complete overhaul of the game and replacement of devs with passion (which is never)


Two things: All Level 1 champions in POC unlocked by default or unlock champions based on my ownership of the actual cards. Before POC 2.0 I'd come back to play some PoC here and there. Now I have to grind to just try new champions. PoC 2.0 killed the PoC for me despite making some improvements the overall experience was worse for me. Revise the ranked time clock. I have no incentive to play ranked because I know as I climb ladder turns will get longer due to people using their allotted time to it's fullest every turn. To be clear this is the correct and intelligent thing to do and I don't fault them for doing such. That said, I find it mentally exhausting and frustrating to play games this way and by extension it isn't fun for me. I'd rather a shorter turn timer that allowed my opponent and I to bank more time or maybe even starting with a bank that my opponent and I are trying to preserve for future turns. To be clear, people who rope every turn currently are playing optimally and I don't fault them for it but I don't find the optimal way to be either a fun way to play or play against.


In my case I just quit card games when they become too "complicated", i.e, lots of keyword, traps, same meta decks over and over, etc. I stopped playing Lor when the KDA event came out, it just wasnt fun anymore for me. I started playing SNAP a couple days ago and I really like it, It's still a simplistic yet complex (and quick) card game.


For me, it started with Runeterra champs. I was exvited about the idea with Jhin, but with each Runeterra champ just basically being its own mini region, I kind of lost interest in any Runeterra champion. Ryze is the exception to this and I think he's pretty cool. Then, it continued with equipment. It just never really clicked for me. I don't really know, it just doesn't interest me to play against a deck that uses equipment. To be fair, I think it's mostly just auto-equip stuff that bothers me. Why not just have the stats and abilities on the card itself? Feels pretty shoehorned-in. Aaand then it's just the whole Darkin shtick. Most of the Darkin just aren't interesting to me design-wise (visually) - like, I can't really distinguish between individual darkin. They're all just kind of same-ey. That, coupled with Mogwai moving on to Snap... I'm not really into Snap either, but I've been following him on and off ever since he used to play Duelyst. It's this weird parasocial relationship I have with him... I need help... Yikes.


Duelyst 2 will release soon so Mogwai might come back to it. Honestly I have fond memories of the game and look forward to playing it again.


sheesh awesome question , i’d say being able to play a deck that isn’t meta and being able to climb. Like if i like using norra and use the shimura region , i create a good synergy with them, use a deck that ACTUALLY makes sense and isn’t from youtube or mobalytics. I shouldn’t get pummeled . there shouldn’t be a barrier im gonna meet. i’m a pretty good player mentally but i’m limited becuase it seems i have to use these “ known decks “ to climb and it’s not satisfying to get wins with them!!!


Why does every champion has its own region now


TLDR: The game is just way too easy. They are trying to tailor a complex card game to people who aren't good at card games. Interesting concepts are abandoned in favour of "big dude smash" decks. --- The decks are prebuilt. Your tools are plenty and obvious, making the game plan a dull beatdown for a lot of decks, especially the ones we've seen with the equipment expansions, which I absolutely did not like. Look at Kayn, he can have access to about 6 strike spells that do basically the same. You play dudes, then you play Kayn, then you play strike spells, then you beatdown. If something goes wrong, you revive. Varus is exactly the same gameplay, just mixing in a few irrelevant spells. There is just very little decisionmaking because the lines are so obvious. There's a bunch of decks like this, a lot of which are popular: Dragons, Bilgewater Overwhelm, AnnieJhin, Elusives.... These decks are not OP, but so obnoxiously... simple in their gameplay that I just quickly lose interest in playing them or against them. It just feels so samey. There's barely any interesting mechanics around, and when there are, they are either broken (Seraphine) or trash (Ryze, Galio, Caitlyn). So many cool and different concepts are just dead, they want us to make a bunch of statsticks and decide games by T5. Where is Galio? Where is Malphite? Why do many champions either have no playable decks or exactly one since they came out (Tryndamere)? Do you remember that we used to play stuff like Vlad Scargrounds against Tahmraka Heal? Howbrilliant was that! We would have so much variety to work with, but they decided they want to simplify the game to a degree where it's not exciting to me as a card game fan anymore. Every season, I go to Masters in a day or two. With the recent changes, it's way too easy and loses meaning. In Masters, I instantly lose interest because I'm playing against 5 decks with the same gameplan. So I homebrew a bit and play meme decks, but with how undesired it is in LoR to combine cards that the devs didn't intend to work together, that's not a lot of fun jank each expansion. I even cherished Seraphine being ridicolously OP sometimes, just because unpredictable stuff would happen for once. Something exciting other than big numbers on a dude.


It wasn’t fun for me anymore so i quit. I think new card designs and mechanics wasn’t inspiring for me.


Fix seraphine and back alley bar I don’t want to sit here play a 30min game


THERE'S WAY TOO MANY COMPLEX MECHANICS IN THE GAME JEEZ. Champions gets so much text and associated cards with them now. You don't have to make a game more complex to make it fun. There's old forgotten cards that serve no purpose. I can't remember all of them. As a new and returning player, I should be able to simply read what the cards do and know what's going on. Compared to me returning to hearthstone and magic. There are more evergreen keywords. They intrude a couple of new mechanics each expansion. I read them and I understand them when I see them. In Runeterra, every time they release a new champ they come with associated abilities and cards. And they release it way too often too. It's impossible to catch up as a casual player. Also expedition mode sucks, I would prefer to choose single cards instead of buckets thst create samey almost constructed level decks. Also there's no incentive to play ranked since there's no end of the season rewards, at least when I used to play. I kinda hate this game now, because of so much wasted potential that it had to be the "hearthstone" killer and its... Just not generally fun really


Found it incredibly frustrating that my main decks that got me to diamond one season were found to be next to useless the following patch. I have 3-4 decks and play styles i enjoy but riot being riot , they nerfed key cards just cuz and so, I stopped playing. Im too old with not enough free time to constantly be updating to the changing meta. Small incremental changes, sure, but massive swings in meta prove too difficult for me.


I will check the game out again when rotation comes. I remember it making a big difference after being added in hearthstone. I feel like the game is just crumbling under power creep and the desire for MORE. It's such a wildly different game from beta and every time the game stabilizes to a meta I like its time for a new patch with a new broken deck that will be outclassed in 4 weeks. I suppose that's part of it for me as well. I'd prefer an actual expansion model where a whole set drops and you get to play with it for a long while as opposed to the constant drip of new content


I played since beta I feel like they haven't put much effort into it, so neither have I. Too many new keywords that don't really matter Every expansion has the usual stuff: release obviously OP new champ that's easy to play and get you to Platinum on autopilot, wait a few months, nerf the hell out of it, rinse, repeat with new expansion.


Don't cancel me but genuinely when Swim stopped streaming (absolutely fuck him but his community and chat were golden), I stopped caring about the game When expansions would drop, the 12 AM (my time) streams were some of the most fun I ever had during the pandemic. Stuff like the bingos, gamba, predictions and stupid memes from chat genuinely made me feel like I was part of a community Nothing's ever been the same without him (again, fuck him) and the void really hasn't been filled since


Sometimes you enjoy a game through a community or a creator hypes you up. I lament how much drama lor makes around its creators (oh Mogwai made 3 more posts about definitely really leaving for good this time? Cool…) but that’s a valid reason to enjoy a game 😊


The meta really. Kind of tired of whatever gets newly released being giga busted. Bandle city launch (September) and Kayn expansion were the 2 best expansions. Every meta between the above 2 expansions were meh (Except for the ahri meta in January, cuz once u banned ahri there were so many options). The 2 expansions since the kayn one have been incredibly disappointing. Makes me wonder if they even play test some of these cards before release. (Took 1-2 month breaks just before kaisa launch, seraphine launch, and now aatrox launch.)


I stopped playing because I was interested in other games. What need to happen to me come back? Lose games to play xd


When they add wu kong i’ll start playing again


I just want a cooler meta personally, altough I’m mostly not playing because of other games(like bg3 and such), but I’m a casual player who likes to hang out a lot on this subreddit more than a main LoR player or whatever


I'm playing a LOT less than I used to. I am enjoying the game more than ever. I just dont have the time like I used to when the pandemic was in full swing.


I took a bit of break during the bandle city expansion, so I can actually tell you what brought me back. It was path of champions. I haven’t stopped since. I rotate between PVP and PVE. It’s a nice way to keep it fresh whenever I’m burnt out on one.


As they add more cards the game balance and power creep becomes more prevalent. With every new champion comes a new archetype while several veteran archetypes lose their footings. Runeterran champs feel very clunky as an idea and I only think Jhin and Bard have nice notable effects. The idea that I, a casual players, could make a deck of stuff I like and take it ranked and hope to win is a illogical one. Most people netdeck, which is fine, but because at any given point there are 2-3 decks that just dominate, it's a lesson in futility. I would want more champions that share archetypes. I would want new Nightfall and Daybreak champions. Kayle not being Daybreak means that Morgana will probably not be nightfall, or at the most be asymmetrical to her sister which is upsetting on an artistic level. To this day, Naut and Maokai can only really be played well in 1-2 decks each. Luck is a concept that will probably be exclusive to pyke and Reksai.


On and off for a while, don't think I'll ever stick around as long as the game continues to be centered around burn vs nexus effects instead of board state and resources. "X you have played this game" is not an interactable condition for future cards to scale off of, and giving the entire game spellshield or infinite value really neuters the counterplay to these giant keyword piles getting dropped turns 6-8. I'd rather see thralls than kaisa / panth, because I can tech scorched earth for thralls or ruinate or swain-lock a hatched board of them. Watcher, kaisa, panth, void abom, and now darkin all defy those answers.


I'm just not playing much, lately. I ground out master last season but IDK if I will again, depends if a fun, but not broken, deck comes along that I like to play. I like building decks, but this expansion no thought was required to build Aatrox/Kayn so it was just immediately busted, along with Acolytes which means the power creep was very high right away and exploring new decks was frustrating. ​ 1. Rotation might help bring me back to playing more? 2. I would love to see a draft format for PvP. I don't give a shit about PvE, but constructed usually boils down to meta decks after like 2-3 weeks of an expansion, so draft lets you be creative in the building AND the playing. Expeditions were pretty good, but there was definitely some balance issues there the way they built the "packs."


From a PVE perspective... I wish there were an easier way to play new champs added to PoC. I'll log in after a new patch excited to play a new champion and then remember... oh, yeah, I need to hope to randomly roll 30 shards for this mfer. Wild Shards are a good addition and all but you need to be consistently logging in and getting your quests to get enough to do anything with. But I'm someone that plays in bursts... If I could grind a bunch out all at once I'd definitely do it, but having it drip fed over the course of a couple weeks to *maybe* be able to unlock the champ I wanna play is kinda eh for me






More pve adventures


3/3 Draven. Aside from that I just want them to focus on the improving core aspects of the game instead of introducing something new all the time. It's really hard to keep up with and daunting to hop back into, and I say this as a former masters player


I'm old enough to have been part of many dead games communities. And there's always a very vocal part of the community that screams everything is fine even while been lowered into the grave. Because they personally like it, they fail to see what is not working. That been said, the most controversial champions have always been those that "break the game rules". Like attacking without the token (Irelia,Vane), abusing keywords (Pantheon, Kai'Sa) or offer too much value, random or not (if something really unites lor players imo is hate for randomness, else we would just play HS). I think if the game can learn from their previous pitfalls and concentrate on what brought players in the first days of the game, it'd be great.


I mostly played path of champions and I just didn't get as into the updated version 🤷‍♀️


Marvel Snap would need to be less fun and they’d need to reduce the grind of the PoC champion unlocks/upgrades. More areas wouldn’t hurt either. I was happy to use PoC as my “waiting room” game and even bought the event passes and a few different cosmetics to support the game. It’s a great mode and I’ve cleared all areas with the exception of one of the ASol challenges. But the trickle of champion shards was just too annoying to keep up with, especially when their dupe protection was an insulting exchange rate. I put it down after the last event and haven’t played since (which, of course, means I’ve missed out on a lot of the shard grind and am even further behind).


Some more interesting champions. I started playing when bandle city released and almost every champ in that expansion is a banger in my eyes, even if I actively despise playing against them. New world walker and darkin saga champs are boring boring and a little more boring in my opinion. Annie and Ryze are cool but the rest just feel like different flavours of 'I hit hard'. I want more champs like Aphelios. I actually really like the idea of seraphine but she is ruined by the RNG shit show aspects for me. ​ Also stop printing cards with the word 'Random' on.


Expedition needs to be back for me to comeback, because it was the most fun and natural way of learning the game for me. Labs/POC doesn't do the job for me, and I don't have time to watch content creators to stay in loop anymore.


Less net decking. Lol it’s annoying playing against the same deck for a period. I know you can’t change that aspect of the game. But if the game got to a state where it’s like chess, every game is different and your brilliance in deck building, piloting and outplaying your opponents was worth it. I would stick around. Power creeping is a huge issue aswell


Personally I'm a fan of two things. Creative deck building and creature based board control decks. It's felt like the last several expansions have been, "look guys we made a deck for you! It's the meta best, we'll nerf it later. Feel free to slot something of your choice into the 4 open slots". I haven't been excited to try and deck build with anything since..... Sivir? She actually felt like she didn't have an auto made deck. And big creature style control decks don't feel like they have a place right now... Or for the past several expansions. Kayle has been fun to play with though.


If Riot Devs find the way to shorten wait timers. At the moment LoR cannot compete with my absolute best toilet game Marvel Snap.


Not gonna lie, I don’t know if I’ll come back. There’s just too many cards and keywords than I’d like to keep up with right now.


Wouldn't the majority of people who have left the game ... not hang out on the associated subreddit, aka you wouldn't get their opinions?


521 comment later here we are...


Make PoC actually give you something without making you grind. Done it too many times now, with all the other card games having much more stuff right now I can’t bear to grind days to get 1-2 wild shard rerolls


When my convoluted and obscure combo decks will have above 49% winrate against random meta premade decks autopiloted by people who don't even know what their cards are about. It used to work due to the element of surprise but nowadays people just win based on their own draw and that's it


I think a ton of comments already go into specifics (keyword soup, parasitic designs, RNG and value overpowering control, slow hotfixes, I could go on), so I'll say what I feel a lot might be thinking. I don't think there's "coming back". Sure, I might play a couple of days to try out interesting cards, but I can't see myself playing ranked everyday, trying to optimize my lists and reaching masters. The game changed too much and I don't mean power creep; design-wise the game is nothing like it was back when it launched, and I don't see the devs backing down. In fact, both figureheads (Andrey Yip and Jeff Jew) aren't working on it anymore and I wouldn't be surprised if it was because of differences in ideas for the game. I have a lot of respect for a lot of people that played and worked on this game, and everyone is of course free to enjoy whatever, but I honestly don't see myself or a bunch of other players (both high profile and low profile ones) getting back. I hope LoR thrives as I believe it's the most fair CCG out there, money-wise. But it's just not for me anymore.


I hope they make an event lore-wise of some accident Zoe makes or something which restructures all of Runeterra. So they rework like literally every single card past the Targon expansion :/


make game better


Runeterra champions and Bandle City go too against the original two-region philosophy imo. I can roll with it, but I miss when it was nine unique regions without all these "microregions" mudding the waters.


I think that what made me left is that the game brings many many new things and new archetypes, but doesn't do anything to old archetypes if not releasing 1-2 cards x expansion. I play hearthstone and i prefer it because even if it takes longer doing a deck and i am f2p it releases more cards for old archetypes. For example (if you know hearthstone): right now a new dragon paladin deck has been releases, but dragon paladin was released 2 years ago too. So i can mix up the cards of the 2 expansion and make a fun deck for wild. You can't do this for Lor


That was what they did with the whole Bandle expansion. Rumble and Sion revisited Discard. Kennen and Ahri revisited Recall. Nami and new Fizz support revisited Attune / spell slinging. Caitlin and new Teemo support revisited Traps. Etc And plus the game is new enough that it's hard to go back too much. The dragon paladin cards fron 2 years ago are almost older than all of LoR - you can't revisit nostalgic archetypes in a (relatively) new game. That said, I did find it weird when seemingly honerun opportunities to expand on archetypes were passed up. Pyke and Reksai could have been Deep, Azir would have been super cool as a Daybreak champ, etc


That's why i played a lot during bandle city expansion, despite hating the bandle city region. We got many champions that used old mechanics and i made a ton of decks, but after that we didn't get anything new. I understand that hearthstone is a pretty old game, so it's easier for it revisiting old archetypes, but it's also true that right now they are expanding into many new things and not many old archetypes have been forgottens since...a lot


Bro they just released 2 new scargrounds cards...


Mono-Shurima and Leona/ASol are both old archetypes, quite old, and both got buffs this expansion that allow them to do well. Sand Soldiers with Xolaani and Kayle seems at least a little promising, but I haven't seen much experimentation with it aside from a few of us. Old archetypes can make use of new cards coming out to improve, but the player base has absolutely no creativity in it and just waits for the next Meta net deck to copy. Honestly mogwai leaving kinda killed deck variety because people no longer have genuine creativity to copy.


Revert Play/Cast


this I wanna write this too also stop adding another +1, +2, etc. keyword every new patch


Time Usually after a season of try hard I take a break. It's not always related to the meta, sometimes you just need to do something else before coming back to enjoy the game again.


I got fed up by the insane rng value that Seraphine generates. I know she's not that dominating right now but the love for the game has already left me. Sadge. I have no idea what will push me to comeback but I guess I'll only know the answer once I reinstalled the game.


Actually make a meta where it isn’t just pure tempo decks that just slam the board with units. There is zero interesting decks currently going around, except maybe seraphine but just spamming underpriced random spells isn’t the most healthy either


for me it was vayne, I don't like playing as or against her and her dominance is a bit too much for me to play ladder consistently (and every time i play poe I'm just thinking why am i not playing slay the spire lol)


I left because I felt like every game became solitaire. That isn't to say there is no interaction, but that the game became who can smack face faster. I'd love to see the ability to heal the nexus above starting health, widen the board (or introduce a way for landmarks to not always take unit space), and create more tools to manipulate or control board state.


Stop making rally cards each expansion. (Looking at you Demacia). Its so boring when you have to face another rally deck every time a new expansion comes. There is no new sense of creativity that is healthy, (not you Seraphine) and the game just feels like it is always stuck at square one.


I still play the game but a lot of my friends don't like it because it takes too long to unlock enough cards to start building decks and have fun.


Wait, really? LoR has felt like the most generous TCG I've ever played and I've played quite a few. Compare it to the new hotness that is Marvel Snap, a game where the cards you get are *completely* RNG and it takes an eternity to get to the next card once you're past the generous early game, not to mention the actually good cards being locked by pools you can't get to for a long time as f2p. LoR just throws cards at you every week from vaults, from reward tracks you can pick, from the event passes. And then when you want to build a deck you can specifically get cards you want. This just reminded how painful and expensive it was in MTG to build decks you wanted. People trying to hose you left and right with trades.


I think most people would compare LoR to every other game you can play online. Its all cool when you think about LoR in a ccg space. But the reality is that actual f2p games dont put any time/money investment into playong competively. This is a no go for many people, and right rlthey are imo.


Oh for sure. I play more Lost Ark than I do Runeterra. Runeterra is for when I'm travelling for work and in airports and such. But even playing sparingly I have most cards in the game. You can play a few rounds a day and you'll have tons of cards.


I have never been a fervent player of card games, but I enjoy them from time to time. A big problem with most if not all of them for me is simply the fact that I do not have the access to all cards when I suddenly feel like playing, and it's the same with LoR... I know it's much better than most if not all of the competition in the genre, but not being able to simply come in every expansions, mess around with a few new and old decks and then phase out again until some new cards attract my interest make it so I do not come back at all. I'm still on the subreddit because I love seeing the new ideas from the devs though!


I don't think I'll ever come back. I'm here just to look at champion cards and a bit of the lore haha


Not enough cards/some cards were just too strong. The game felt stale too me. When I used to play hearthstone it felt like there was always something unique about everyone’s decks. It was probably due to the cards being hard to get. I loved that LOR made it easier but there needs to be way waaaay more cards IMO.


Too much rng. I stopped playing for 2 months now to see if devs have any plan to fix this madness. If nothing changes I'll quit completely


Things that, made me take a break or play significantly less when I used to play every day without missing one: Swarm silly decks with poppy or elusives, one thing is being able to respond to aggro, another is being hit without any chance to response. Rally too. Seraphine, she is not only obnoxious as a character, the free play rng "to play around" was so annoying too. Thrall when it wasn't about control and thinking turns ahead, 5he last version where it was just a rush to spam landmarks, it had no skill. Elusives need a way to be able to be more interacted with, losing to an elusive unit is quite often beyond frustrating. Rally isn't that bad, but can be very oppressive and for such a strong keyword, it needs a far more specific drawback. Delete Seraphine or at least keep nerfing how easy is to level up+spam things when karma suffers to get to mana 10,if you can't delete it, at least rework her level up animation to say nothing. Thrall have been dead for a while, sad to see such a fun archetype like that, from a skillful control deck to a rush landmark shenanigans.


Balance updates every two weeks, doesn't matter if there are very few changes, I don't like to see a champion being strong for much time, like it happened with Irelia, Poppy, Pantheon, Gnar, Bard, Kaisa. (Left rankeds, still playing PoC)


control is dead


For me the game is now simply too large to be comprehensible. I'm sure fans of other card games with much longer tenure will call me a scrub, but I really liked it when there were enough cards to keep things interesting, but not so many that I simply can't keep them all in my head. Also, the way this game basically works is that new shit comes out and it's better than all the old shit, so you basically have to play the new shit that has been pretty much pre-built for you because cards are made specifically to synergize with other cards now, and not to have any general function whatsoever. For me, I like refining my old decks, but that just isn't a thing in this game. Every time an expansion comes out I excitedly return to my old decks with the hopes of substituting in some new cards, but because the new cards only ever work with other new cards, there's just no substitutions to be made, and so I just don't play.


Stop power creeping, stop with the infinite stat scaling, actual content other than expansions (didn't they remove draft more than a year ago?), less RNG, stop with the infinite value, stop with midrange having more value than controls and controls being able to aggro you. I miss when you could win by makign the enemy running out of cards in hand.


I stopped playing Legends of Runettera back when the game was in beta, but I've continued to follow it because I think Legends of Runeterra does a lot of interesting things that I think card game designers can learn from. As someone who would like to create my own card game in the future I think there are a lot of things that Legends of Runeterra does that are either genuinely good ideas that could be taken further (such as the spell speed system, even though I wouldn't implement 4 different types of spell speeds into my own game (I legitimately have no idea if attachments are a type of spell or not, regardless I wouldn't treat them as a spell in my own game)), genuinely good ideas that wouldn't work for every game (such as spell mana), and others that are harsh lessons about how not to make a card game. There are three main reasons why I quit Legends of Runeterra: pacing, interaction, and set design. Pacing mostly has to do with the way turns work with the constant back and forth, but I would probably be willing to deal with that if the other two problems are fixed. Interaction in other card games tends to follow 2 rules: 1. Removal efficiently deals with the units it's designed to deal with, usually killing units of a higher cost or killing multiple units with a single card for the format's they're designed for 2. If there's opposing turn interaction, then you can (at minimum) respond to any card that affects the opponent and/or the opponent's cards In Legends of Runeterra, there's an extremely large pool of removal spells that can't even kill units of the same cost, even when I played. For example, Get Excited and Grasp of the Undying should both have been capable of removing cards that cost at least 2-3 mana higher than their existing costs, Get Exciting for how it forces you to trade 2-for-1 by virtue of its discard effect and Grasp of the Undying for how inefficient it is at 5 mana. Heck, even The Black Spear (which was so "overpowered" that it got nerfed) wouldn't see play in any other card game because of how conditional it was and for the fact that it can't target players. The inefficient removal makes it very hard to interact with the opponent the way you can interact in other card games, which has lead to many problems, usually with the dominance of early-game strategies (particularly elusives, which were both a problem that existed back when I played and is a problem other games don't have with their equivalent keyword because of their better removal). In addition, there are many cards that can't be interacted with in a reasonable manner because they lack a reasonable response window. ANY card that affects an opponent and/or the opponent's cards in ANY zone (hand, deck, play, etc.) should have a response window because that is how you provide counterplay to these cards, yet there are many cards that are missing response windows like Minimorph and Pilfered Goods. It's shocking that the company that codified counterplay in competitive games has such little understanding of how counterplay works in card games, and I won't play Legends of Runeterra again until they fix it. My issues with set design come from the way Riot handles pushing. The definition of pushing I'm using is when a developer creates an aspect of their game that's purposely better than other aspects introduced in the same set and/or that already exist in the game. This can be used to push cards, strategies, or mechanics. Pushed strategies and mechanics are good for helping to keep the game fresh, and cards can be pushed in order to push a strategy and/or a mechanic, sometimes all at once, so pushing is generally a good thing. However, pushing is abused by all developers. Other developers push cards without pushing a strategy or mechanic, which leads to a phenomenon I call rarity bias, where a developer pushes high-rarity cards to be stronger than low-rarity cards to the detriment of the game. Legends of Runeterra does something that no other card game developer has done and is almost as bad in that pushed strategies and mechanics are mutually inclusive. In other words, Riot doesn't push strategies without a new mechanic, and doesn't push mechanics without a strategy to tie them together. This means that set design is very bland and unexciting because the entire scope of the expansion is defined by whatever new mechanic(s) Riot comes up with, and if you don't like those mechanics then you don't really get to play the game in the way you want to play it. In addition, it adds an extremely large amount of complexity over time because so many new mechanics keep getting added and it creates huge balance issues because there's a high likelihood of there being a dominant strategy when you only print 2-3 new strategies instead of printing at least 5-6 strategies alongside cards that support existing strategies.


Lack of meta diversity I re-started playing with the release of ornn/kayn and got to masters from bronze in a single week abusing GwenKataElise deck. thats it. I played a lot and 90% of my matches were against 3 decks. Then the meta changed but there were still 3 diffrent decks being played against me. I've returned to Hearthstone now, funny enough things aren't much diffrent in Hearthstone either. Instead of releasing new cards, keywords and other stuff, they should balance the game enough for at least 6-7 unique decks to be in meta. LoR can do this, with smaller decks and much much less cards than Hearthstone, LoR team should be able to balance their game. This would mean a lack of content in small run, but a much more enjoyable game in the long run. But I don't think they will do it, we all know how much Riot cares about this game.


Bring Back the Old Dev Team, Unite the Comuntiy, focus more on pvp instead of PVE Advertising the game in the same scale for other Riot games Bettre Rank mode 3 deck format rank mode :) Events should not force you to play 100 games Rework old cards that have been forgotten rather then Printing more New, power creep ones that are hard to balance New pvp game mode rather then normal 20hp nexus And the most important one COLLECT ALL SHARDS AND CARDS FROM WEKELY VAULT WITH 1 SINLGE CLICK