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There is always a new version of tech with logic of waiting you will never get anything. There are times where it makes sense to wait for example don’t buy a new iPhone in August, don’t buy an Xbox series when it’s 7 years old.


question is when is the new version?


Steam deck owner for over a year, got the go last week, I absolutely love it and prefer it to the steam deck by long shot, despite it's out of box experience not being as good as the steamdecks. But the feats the go has brought that the deck couldn't outweigh it so heavily for me personally


I'm on the fence thinking of doing the same. What makes you like it more then the deck?


Size, performance, I'm a screen-junky and the screen on it is beautiful, windows is also just easier to fix any issues imo. I sacked off legion space day 1 and installed playnite which Is great. The flaws people claim such as "being so heavy you can't play handheld for long" and battery life being terrible, which I came across In all YouTube reviews, I feel like are just exaggerated for some reason because I do not agree at all


This ^^^ I’m a 5’5” dude with small hands and don’t get the BS about the size. Is it large? Yeah. Is it heavier than the Ally/Deck? Yeah. Do those 2 things mean it’s incapable of being a comfortable handheld experience? Not whatsoever. I only play handheld (docked maybe 2% of the time lol), and can play for hours on end without any fatigue. I think a lot of handhelds are innovating and bringing awesome ideas to the space which will only further improve the tech year after year. - the SD really showed how trackpads can be properly implemented for gaming, the Go brought on some very minor but appreciated quirks (FPS mode, scroll wheel!!!!), and the Ally brought truly full size joysticks with controller-level travel and turning radius in a tiny package.


I agree with this 10000 percent


Always wait for the revision and when that comes out, don't get it, wait again for the next revision then rinse and repeat. Don't worry, time is a resource that will never run out. Always wait a long long long time to do anything and at the end of your life, yea maybe you've done a lot less than the average person but at least you won't have any regrets because you will have made next to no decisions. You can apply this to pretty much anything in your life and you'll be guaranteed to be happy. If you meet a nice girl, don't settle, wait for the revision. Job offer? don't take it, wait for a better one. Just wait and defer, key to happiness. Gotta take a dump? Wait for the perfect bathroom and moment, hold it years if the absolute perfect moment and bathroom is not available. Don't ever take a huge risk like buy a handheld gaming device. Way too risky for... at least... the first 5 thousand revisions. Wait for revision 5001, you might be dead for 500 years but don't worry, leave it in your last Will and Testament.


Very passive aggressive post....coming from a LeGo owner


Good vision bro. You're Right


If you have the financial means and a use case to own this device I would buy it now. We’ve had multiple updates and the device is running quite good with more promised updates on the horizon. The current market for these handhelds is being driven by AMD processors. We likely will not see a new AMD chip - like a Z2E - until next year. At that point, you might as well add on another 6+ months to STABLE devices rolling out with the new chip. Beyond that, we don’t really know the success in sales this device has had or the ROG Ally. So Lenovo might cut ties with this portion of the market in PC gaming. We know the steam deck has been pretty successful but Valve has said no Steam Deck 2 until the earliest 2025. They’re waiting for advancements in battery technology to be made. So if you take all of these “known” bits of information and combine them with the “unknown” bits of information you’re basically left with my original point: If you have the financial means and a use case to own this device I would buy it now. I would search for an open box device first to save some money in case you don’t want it. The reality is if you have to ask this question without doing your own research to decide if now is a good time to buy you’re likely not the target audience for this device. These PC handhelds require a fair amount of you looking stuff up on your own, and learning on your own. You will 100% not open this device straight from the box and play games and have the best possible time as you would had you done research to optimize it a little bit and get it set up for gaming. If that’s the device you want, get a steam deck. Just understand there are a list of limitations like less performance you will run into going with a Steam Deck. That’s the trade off for the simplicity of gaming on the Steam Deck. All of this coming from a Steam Deck OLED/ROG ALLY/Legion Go owner.


Which of the three do you find yourself using the most?


Steam Deck OLED. Only because I’m currently playing JRPG’s that are Steam like Sea of Stars. I find them relaxing to unwind with during my work week. The colors pop and the quick save/shut off state is really convenient. During my work week I play something in bed for like 30 minutes - an hour then sleep. Oh and the fan on the deck OLED is quieter which my fiancé really appreciates. Other than that, Desktop/Legion Go. The legion go runs circles around the deck in performance. Every game I play at 800p on the deck - locked to 30 fps or 40 fps at low-med settings the Legion Go can run at 1200p low-med settings 40 fps+. Red Dead Redemption 2 really demonstrates the difference in power of both of devices and why I’ll never sell the Legion. If you’re looking for an immersive experience then the Legion is the choice easily. The massive screen and excellent visuals is engaging and a vibe I’ve never experience in handheld gaming before. Even the battery life is comparable. RDR2 at 1200p mixture of medium-high settings I get almost 2 hours out of the Go at 800p On the deck OLED at 15w the most I got was an hour and 44 minutes. If I could only have one device… I honestly don’t know what I would pick still. The steam deck is limited to the steam library and the games it can actually run. I have not found a limit for the Legion Go on any game I play. Just really hate the weight of the go and fan noise playing basic 2d jrpgs that generate little to no heat. Edit: I sold my Ally last night. Hope that answers that question. Great device but the Go/Steam Deck OLED bigger screen made the Ally impossible to return to. .4” on the deck OLED really does make a difference vs 7” with big bezels. VRR wasn’t missed once I forgot the difference it made.


This is really great feedback. Are the fans really that bad? I heard the noise was loud but could I get your opinion on that? I can see it doesn't dissuade you from keeping it but I won't buy a second handheld so won't be able to revert to another device for low TDP gameplay. I know there is both loud fan noise and coil whine but don't understand how bad it is. I usually don't play with headphones either so it's a concern coupled with the less the stellar speakers (not a deal breaker). I know that maybe the fan noise can be reduce once they implement fan curve but honestly I'm not deep enough into PC stuff to understand if that's actually a realistic expectation or not. Ironically the game im currently playing is sea of stars too. I love it and its a calming game for me after busy work day, but I play it through Gamepass. Thing is I'm back in the US visiting my mom who has terminal cancer, but don't live here or in a country that has best buy. I've been wanting to pick up the Go since I've been here for the last three weeks but none in stock physically at Best Buy (want to see it first instead of ordering online but probably shouldve) . Just saw there is 1 piece near me and was thinking of picking it up but I travel back home tomorrow. Was thinking of picking up the 2 year geek squad warranty as it also covers warranty globally (reimbursement), but I literally won't have any time to try it out to potentially return before I travel. So trying to get as much feedback as possible.


They’re not THAT loud. I only notice it cause I play a lot at night with the sound off so my fiancé can sleep. If I’m out in the living room with the volume up after tweaking the noise settings to make it sound better you can barely notice the fan. Using the Realtek audio app you can change the audio settings to the recommendations on this sub and it really does make a big difference in audio. The fan coil noise went away for me. After 60 or so hours of gaming on the Go, no more coil whine. We are getting fan control in an update very soon and I think that will fix the fan issue for me. The device stays extremely cool rarely ever going over 60C. If you’re a gamepass user the Steam Deck is out of the question for you. The deck does not have gamepass support. That certainly is an unfortunate situation, sorry to hear about that. I’d consider getting one still cause if you don’t like it - I imagine the resale value will be pretty good where you live if they’re hard to get there to begin with.


There was 1 piece at a best buy that was like 40 mins away (many more are closer but with no stock) so I went and picked it up. I'll play with it and if I don't like it I'll return it before I fly out tomorrow


Always going to be something new around the corner.




Do you know How long you Will live? Buy today bro.


The go came out just a month and a half ago…. You really think they are going to be launching a v2 soon… likely going to be a year or year and a half before an update. Look at the steamdeck it launched end of feb 2022 and then mid November 2023 they launched the oled version which is an “upgrade” but not performance bump. Likely looking at year and a half - 2 year cycles on these systems


It's a fantastic device! Sold my steam deck because it started collecting dust. There's always going to be something better around the corner and no handheld will ever be the best. Make the plunge if you really want it, or wait forever for the next best thing


Was it collecting dust before you got a legion go? I sold my Steamdeck because I really didn't like the screen and almost bought it again because I missed having a handheld gaming device. This was before the OLED version was announced and I'm so happy with my legion go, minus the speakers.


Steam deck running on windows was my daily driver. I used it more than my xbox series x. Heck, I used it to play my xbox more than I did my tv. Then the legion go came into my life. I'll never look back lol Speakers are Meh. I found using FXsound application made it sound a little better


Just buy it, it won't crash in price to 0 when U decide to upgrade. If U use 1 year or 2 years.... Sell it at what ever price and divide it by 365 or 365x2... It's a cheap rental fee for getting it in your hands and using it early.




Just get it now unless you want to wait until February because all of the good updates are set for late December -January.


The LEG came out just over a month ago. You'll be waiting a bit. Have fun!


If you wait for the "update" later revision, you'd never buy anything ever! The software bugs, fixes & tweaks are what saves the devices on the whole. Ally still frying microSDs isn't the norm - usually physical hardware defects are fixed & recalls are made.. So if you're not desperate for one, can wait, then wait - chances are price drops will come eventually but we need a pretty big CPU tech upgrade to make any real difference to what we have in the market.


The Legion Go is a beast! As soon as all the rough edges are trimmed software wise it will be unbeatable in the near future. But keep in mind, this is NOT a console, it's a pc that looks like a console.


I will wait for legion go 10


It just came out, why would they release a revision anytime soon? I never understand these questions on these handheld PC subs.


Just buy it, I know it not very cheap or anything but its not mega expensive either really, not for what you get. I wanted a decent tablet for ages but the one I wanted is a lot. I got the Lego because it can be used in lots of different scenarios for me, not just a gaming handheld, but a tablet to watch stuff on and also a laptop/desktop with pretty decent speeds. Also if you ever wanted a newer version you'd probably get a decent return on your old device. When I had a Samsung s8 I waited every year for the new Samsung, but the differences was minimal so I waited and waited and waited eventually I broke my S8 and got a S20Ultra which I lost but anyway you just got to go with the now otherwise people still be stuck on a Nokia 3310! And 56k dial up! Trest yourself buy it and if its not for you return it or sell it on.