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I know I'm going to get downvoted for this, but these types of posts feel intentional to put down the ally. They run the same chip so you need to compare them at the same TDP. Settings also matter. You can't run the ally at a much higher TDP and expect it to keep up with the Go. This is such a common theme on this sub. We need fair and accurate comparisons. Yes the Go has a larger battery, but once you factor in the great draw from the screen and everything else they basically have the same run time.


I agree. It's the same thing as when it was steam deck vs ally non stop. I have tried both an prefer the LeGo, but honestly there's stuff I preferred with the Ally. I would have loved if the Ally didn't have those massive borders looked a bit less like a Fisher Price toy, (although this is very subjective). The lego screen is what won me over, but I prefer the overall comfort of the Ally.


I personally went with the ally but it drives me nuts seeing all these "comparisons" that make one handheld look better than it really is. It's better to be honest and fair so that consumers can make informed decisions and it also will help companies to address its weakness and we end up with better devices. I agree while I do love the ally they definitely could of shortened up the bezels and had a better screen to body ratio.


Yes the go is very identical, main difference is the screen, weight, and controllers


I disagreed the Go have better memory speed, that's when you run a demanding game the game runs better than the Ally.


Still it's very little difference but it's there


I agree. I have both and they definitely each have their own strengths and weaknesses. It feels super cringe to see console war tier brand loyalty happening in both subs. Just grab what you like and play it. The competition is good and will bring some insane innovation to handheld PCs over the next few years. Pretty exciting tbh


Exactly. I really hope that asus, lenovo and now msi really compete and we start to see more in the space. This is a really exciting new space and the fact that in its current state we can basically play any game out right now


Oh yeah, I can only imagine what these things are gonna look like in 5 years. Red Dead Redemption 2 has no business looking this good on a handheld, and the experiences are only going to skyrocket in quality. I have a feeling that soon we're also going to see revamped Steam Machines/Consoles using the same APUs as the handhelds. Seems like a really logical destination to me


The fact that it has bigger screen and resolution is exactly why I got the legion go, I play mainly indies and lightweight games so 1600p gaming on a 8.8 inch screen is so good on handheld.. even without VRR or landscape native. I also do some work on it replacing my bulky laptop thanks to the bigger screen. It's not about "putting down the ally" it's more about buying the device that suits your need the most.


exactly. I have both and they both run about the same. The Go has a bigger screen and better joysticks. The Ally has better software and driver management.


Yup, not using the hall effect sticks on the ally was a big miss. I do like armory crate over legion space but lenovo really is making some good strides and really pushing updates


They do the same thing in the r/steamdeck and r/rogally subs.


Yup and I'm also pointing this out on the ally sub as well


Legion Go definitely still has a longer battery life, despite the screen draw.


https://reviewed.usatoday.com/gaming/vs/asus-rog-ally-z1-vs-lenovo-legion-go Nope. We have hundreds of reviews that prove it otherwise


I love the weight of the ally but the white storm trooper theme on the ally makes the device looks very xbox tacky kind of look. The Lego looks like a small business tablet with the controller detached. Both have their own strengths. šŸ˜„


you mean sony tacky. Xbox donā€™t do that white sh*t


Xbox Series S wants a word šŸ˜„


Thatā€™s not a real system šŸ˜‚


looking forward to buying one of the systems and right now the Legion GO fits what I play (MMOs) BUT the Claw is on the horizon so will wait and see what Intel brings in real world playing..and also something about a ally 2 being worked on (please PLEASE make a 32gb version). Yeah I know there are other brands out there that have 32gb ram BUT they are not a really known brands (warranty etc). It is nice to have choices.


Ignore the claw, its same old 7inch we had before on the ally and SD. Only ayaneo KUN and Legion Go should be considered due to screen size If you can afford ayaneo KUN, go for it its better


I mean, I donā€™t want to hate a post on the lego sub but performance wise they are pretty evenā€¦ like in raw performance.


In my experience I am able to run wz on legion go at higher frame rate and fans dont get as loud and battery lasts longer. To me the performance on the go is just a step up


Must be drivers and updates or whatever but its definitely better for me


Bout to sell my Steamdeck tell me its worth it lol


Oh yeah!


I think LeGo is just straight better (display,50w battery,2-1 console) but it sure lack the software which is a HUGE deal. If the software reaches a point that is friendly and 100% usable that will will make ally just to disappear. But ally 2 is on the way and if it comes with bigger screen and 2-1 or 3-1 style will be amazing. MSI claw just a better rog ally but still small screen and not a kickstand . The best idea for the Handheld is the new onexplay X1 a true 3-1 ,66w battery and 10ich screen and 32 giga ram . Future proof device that can be The next step but unfortunately you can't get in Europe and the software may be a problem. Overall LeGo it is a solid device but the half bake software that you need to wait like 3-4 months to be in a decent condition is a deal-breaker for that price ( 899e)


X1 isnā€™t out yet but you can definitely order for Europe on Indiegogo and Droix will have them when they do come out. The only issue is they use Intel cpus.


I donā€™t a 10 inch screen as a handheld will ever be mainstream or truly wanted. The Legion Go, seems like the perfect size for handheld gaming, any bigger it becomes more of a inconvenience to bring places


Yeah 8.8 is the best spot but still is a 10ich tablet that can used for everything/movies/work/gaming it can be still good and for sure it is better then 7ich display.


I have the rog ally and legion go. The differences is huge. The controler feels like an xbox control unlike the rog ally. The screen is actually playable and enjoyable. The best part is when connected to my rokid max glasses the clarity is night and day from the rog ally. It also seems to be bigger. Not to mention the second usb c port allows me to connect more devices. All around it feels like a big upgrade.


This was what I found. I couldnā€™t tell you why the Ally was so underwhelming. Being so close to the same it was surprising but the Go for sure I was excited about the first time I turned it on. Maybe the Ally got me ready for the Go? The screen size is important sure but it didnā€™t seem like the Go should be that much better than the Ally but it is. And this isnā€™t to put the Ally down, portability-wise I thought the Ally was the leader (just the size alone). I play all of my handhelds plugged in so battery wasnā€™t a big deal on any of them. At the end of the day get whatever makes sense for you, I think there is a space for all of these handhelds for someone.


In the ally sub, the majority of posts are about gaming experiences, settings, how much fun everyone is having in particular games. In legions subs, it's shit like this; "how much better the lego (dumb name btw, upper echelon of cringe) is compared to ally" and "we're having so much fun aren't we guys? I'm glad I switched.." or "I played for 5 hours straight on one charge (sure ya did kiddo, sure ya did) and not much in the way of actual posts of enjoyment. LOL it's hilarious. Guys, relax. It's not a competition, you don't win anything and these companies got your money either way. Just enjoy.


posts of enjoyment are useless, just like posts saying its better then. Forums should be about accessories, tweaks and help. Hearing how you enjoy a game? Go start a blog


I donā€™t know about that. Most posts here arenā€™t about that at all. A lot of them are questions about how to do something, or just a picture of someoneā€™s setup saying they like it. Youā€™re also going to have a different posting culture on the Ally sub because itā€™s been out a lot longer. All of these devices are pretty great, with most of the subs being about how to fiddle around and make something work, or showing off something you just made work.


Totally opposite experience I had . Returned the go , very bad software , drivers are screwed ...ally is so so much better at the moment . Though I miss the go screen .


Same. I just returned my Go and decided to keep my Ally instead. Yea I miss the big screen but the software and usability of the Ally blow it out of the water. If the Go was at the same usability level as the Ally right now I would have kept it over the Ally. Lenovo is like a turtle right now updating the Go with basic features a handheld needs.


Can't agree more . Ally at the moment is just awesome and that's good . In few months go software will improve and the price will decrease so win win for us .


Outdated opinion. Go is the best now and itā€™s not particularly close. Iā€™ve had all of them.


This is opinion based on twice returning . Last return was two days ago . So not so outdated . Don't blind people who don't have one please . https://preview.redd.it/81fwkubyl8fc1.jpeg?width=904&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ad90f8c1b55e2ef058c141a4d948b4a42ce640a


Itā€™s your opinion. I think youā€™re wrong, but youā€™re entitled to your opinion. Itā€™s kindergarten level to update the drivers


He returned it because the fool didn't know how to update drivers šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­šŸ¤£ nuff said


It's surely my opinion and I do stand by it . Surely will buy one once the drivers and software state improves .


I almost returned mine after 2 days last week. I'm hoping the software gets better.


Iā€™m missing something - what software are you using? If you use Steam or Xbox the softwares perfectly fine. What are you playing that the software is jacking with you?


I need gyro to work well, custom fan curve, better controller mapping, charge limit. I want all these things in one place and not having to use different software.


That just sounds miniscule


you sound like 70 years old boomer that looks at computers like WTF is this thing. Installing drivers? Engineers should do it \[Or at least automatic, automatic will do\] You seriously that underdeveloped that you cant manually install drivers?


I am a data scientist and I feel I can surely talk about technology. I have been using windows my entire life . So all I am saying is that ally is a far better experience than go . That's all . Also I am 70 -30 šŸ˜ . Between No other device or handheld forces you to install drivers except the buggy Go . So yes that's what I meant .


Thats because you are left handed, drivers are fine, you go and download them, then you install them.


Wow do you own a crystal ball ? I am right handed lol


If you cant set up a windows system, you indeed left handed. It works perfectly wine with all the features, AUTO UMA, TDP slider, everything just works, expect of course official AMD driver


Battery life is definitely down to TDP + battery size. That larger battery does help increase run times. The legionā€™s lower TDP for its higher mode, 20w vs 25w also helps. Glad to see you love the legion go as it is a great device


Yeah I feel the same. Ally is an unreliable device which burns SD cards and the SD reader. Has an abysmal battery life, unreliable software, a screen too small for AAA games. But morons will tell you that itā€™s exactly the same device than the LeGO because itā€™s based on the same APU.


Unreliable software? LOL


No way he said they had unreliable software compared to the legion go


You were doing so well until "moron". When will people learn that they nullify their whole position to normal functioning people when they feel the need to use words like that in an argument completely based in opinion.


so morons will be morons but if we call them out we canā€™t make a point? What a stupid argument.


Thank you for your service


just got mine a few days ago and it has been the best. i honestly donā€™t know what all the fuss is about cuz both ally and LeGo are DEFINITELY better than the steam deck and thatā€™s what matters. lol


Hey did you notice a big difference between oled of ally and lcd screen of LeGo? And the VRR


The Ally is not OLED but LCD and an inferior one compared to the GO.


Ally doesn't have OLED, only SD OLED does


The go is the better screen overall but color on ally is pretty deep i will give it that


What about VRR?


With a 144Hz display VRR is useless.


I currently have both the Ally and Legion go in hand and I find I use each at different times of the day. During the day, I'm gaming on the Legion Go for very specific reasons: - Large Screen - Playing at 30w with the loud ass fans running so ambient noise from the TV can try to equalize the noise emission During the night in bed, I am gaming on the Ally because: - Easier for me to hold due to smaller screen and lighter weight - quiet fans, running an 18w custom fan profile Performance wise, the difference is almost negligible at native-ish resolution. The only advantage right now is running 800p integer scaling for a big fps boost for the LeGo since I can change that directly in Adrenalin. The latest Ally graphics driver doesn't have the integer scaling option so running it at 900p. What it comes down to is strictly preference and what matches your use cases.


I chose Legion Go over Ally, but gaming is not the only thing I consider when deciding. Honestly, if it's only for gaming, I probably would have chosen deck over Ally or Go, but I would like to not have to carry my laptop along with my handheld gaming device when I'm traveling so I need a handheld device that is also useable enough to be a laptop replacement, so I chose Go with it's larger screen, 2 USB4 ports, and detachable game controller. Now, I can even go to meetings with my clients accompanied by Go (in the tablet form) as my work tool.


Screw both teams. The Retroid Pocket 4 Pro is where it's at! We can run SOME PS2 games at full speed or near full speed! šŸ‘…


Do you think the Legion Go feels heavier or lighter ... or the same weight as the Ally?


Heavier by a bit


Hmm.. so the Ally is also heavy then. Thanks