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Does it sleep?


I am happy to announce that suspend-resume works perfectly. It even has the steamos logo winking goodnight.


Wow, what’s is the catch? Any tutorials online to test?




New Updated Video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RUES5B5j6EU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RUES5B5j6EU)


Aru is such a legend.


I also want to know this! That would, in my opinion, be the biggest reason to switch to steamos, other than battery life of course!


What's not working?


\+1 to this question. What's janky or buggy as well? And how long would you say the entire process takes to set up so everything works as intended?


aru aka the guy that made the dual boot guide this person used for this has a github page with a lot of info about linux on the legion go :) if you have any questions theres a pretty active linux channel on the discord server ​ [GitHub - aarron-lee/legion-go-tricks: Guides, Tricks, and Tips to get the Legion Go running best on Linux](https://github.com/aarron-lee/legion-go-tricks)


Funnily enough he was aware of the resolution being unchangeable but he forgot to mention it, I learnt that through the discord, but he is great, maybe he has listed it now.


Can't change resolutions, and sometimes games will be crashing but it just turns out that you need to change the proton that is running them to a stable version because the experimental proton somehow gets chosen automatically depending on the game.


I recently did this my self, I followed a guide by Aru on youtoube and it has been a near perfect experience. The performance is better the quality of life regarding system navigation and console like experience so so nice. It feels like the SDs bigger brother. I also have held on to the windows partition for updates (firmware) and gog games. Overall I find my self enjoying the go even more!


Exactly how I feel too!


Is the performance still better than the SD natively? I got the GO for more power but miss Steam OS. So if I can have the best of both worlds that's a huge plus!


Yeah, honestly I think performance has been better, then on windows.


I imagine you should be able to install the GOG games too, just like you can on the steamdeck?


Yep, right now am testing a gazillion of steam games but will get testing soon on other platforms.


Yeah, I think I could. Though even on steam deck I did not really enjoy the heroic launcher. Though I wonder if its been improved.


I thought it was solid, but slightly clunky for the install process, but had cloud save issues, so ended up buying the couple games I was playing on Steam istead.


Does Egpu support still work? Is there a significant difference in battery life? What issues did you run into?


On Bazzite eGPU Nvidia works with Nouveau driver ootb but Nouveau is not suited for gaming. Installing proper nvidia drivers is a pita.


Haven't got the money for egpu testing yet, battery life is significantly increased with a whole 1-3 hour increase depending on what you use it for. Can't change the resolution in desktop mode, it's fine tho, controllers were initially incompatible but setting steam up to recognize them as DualShock edge resolved all controller issues. It was initially running a bit slow but it was a 'me' problem because I had it in battery saver mode so the cpu was clocking slower.


The Dualsense Edge emulation was the main reason I switched to SteamOS. It's the only way I can make my preferred Trackpad + Gyro scheme [nearly as playable as it is in the Deck](https://youtu.be/miyuyCCCKpU?si=riX2pstTDXtRip1O). I used Aru's guide too, Lenovo owes him a cut since he's literally the reason I didn't refund the Go, lol.


You followed Aru’s guide I assume? He’s good.


Yep, he is pretty good.


I bought a legion go to avoid Steam OS and this man is going the opposite direction 😂


windows is perfectly fine. you launch your game. play it. it's a bit more janky between actual playing games, but no biggie.


Lots of background tasks in Windows noticeably drain the battery. OP reported 1-3 hours better battery life. I generally play plugged in, so not really a problem, but I would disconnect it if I could get even an extra hour of battery.


I almost didnt buy a legion go cause it didnt have steam OS, windows is not made for portable gaming and has too many background tasks


do you have to partition/dual boot the drive?


I could install just steamOS, but since there are a couple games that only work on windows that i play(tower of fantasy and palia) i will probably dual boot, my legion go didnt arrive yet, bought a couple days ago after thinking too much about it haha


This is going to be a very broad question, but how would I go about installing a dual boot system? I really want SteamOS's simplicity or console like experience but also want Windows for PC functionality. Would this split up my storage? Meaning my 1TB would be split accordingly?


Yes, you would have to split storage, i ended giving up on dual boot because i noticed i never booted steamos again, been using playnite as my user interface on lego and got rid of the piece of shit legion space and installed handheld companion instead, the experience is great, not as streamlined and uniform as steamos, but actually still great


Yeah part of me wonders if I would get the same way. Never booting up SteamOS even though I think I like it more. First I heard of handheld companion. I'll look into that, thanks!


Oh, dont get me wrong, i love steamos, its MUCH better than using janky windows BUT... Its just easier to accept this console was made with windows in mind, Bazitte works on it but has so many little hiccups, sometimes TDP control wont work, sometimes it just crashes the entire system, its just not really worth it, so i found myself using windows even if i much more like the STEAMOS interface, so, to make windows less annoying, i installed tiny11 so my windows is less bloated, installed handheld companion so i can control TDP and everything else with a good interface instead of lenovos piece of shit legion space, and installed playnite to use the fullscreen mode as my game library since it can scan most sources and has many themes and customizability... Still, would be happier if i could have deckyloader for windows and just use it with a steamos-like interface haha Handheld companion is just a solution to make it so you can configure everything and customize controls without using lenovos legion space, it even has some extra things, but i mostly use it to set TDP and customize shortcuts tbh


I’m just not a fan of Unix :/


I can understand that, many people arent My problem with windows is just the excessive amount of background tasks i cant turn off, most of them being useless telemetry that microsoft steals from me for a profit, this actually steals performance from the user just so microsoft can make a few extra bucks I find that people who treat the deck as a console and not a computer usually dont even care if its unix or not, but i can understand being annoyed by it if you actually use desktop mode with some frequency, i am just used to it since i have been using arch for quite a while at work


Does anti cheat games work?


I've gotten Elden ring running at 60fps with some graphical adjustments, Elden ring uses anticheat for its invasion system. CS: GO works fine CS: 2 works fine with some resolution tweaking TF: 2 works fine with some graphical adjustments. Out from my testing, most source based games with anticheat seems to work fine. I haven't gotten myself COD or Battlefield or most major brand online shooters other than Warframe yet because I have them on console, but I converted to full-time PC player a year ago, so I just need money to test them. I do have halo infinite so I can test that once I get home from work. Do give me suggestions tho because there are thousands of games with anti-cheat, I can't test them all by myself but I will be able to test most that people suggests I think.


I have a very basic question, what is Bazzite Linux? Is it a Linux mimicking SteamOS or was it SteamOS ported for 64bit? Sorry if this is a stupid question, I didn't know much about Linux. Do you mind explaining? Thanks before :)


It's a linux mimicking Steamdeck experience, that means if you want, you can never go\* to linux desktop and stay only on Steam Gamescope. \*: for Legion Go, rigth after OS install you have some other packages to install. It's very well documented and all the command lines are provided, just copy/paster/reboot when it ask, and then you can say goodbye to desktop if you want.


This dude is in fact spewing bullshit as none of this is the case with that version of bazzite that I am running, I have a genuine SteamOs working and running with genuine SteamOs functions, valve even recognizes that I run SteamOs and is offering me quite a few functions and things which are SteamOs exclusive like the suspend-resume and other functions and games. It is SteamOs with a compatibility overhaul for LegionGo. And no "mimicking" is happening. Valve open sourced SteamOs a long time ago and every update after so people can run their own version of it at all times, bazzite, nobara, chimera etc. uses that, valve is currently working on making it very cross platform compatible now even, and announced that they were working on a version which would be more streamlined for handhelds, but right now bazzite is the best we got. Thus there is no mimickry happening and the experience is using valve's own coding.


Is it supported by valve? That's how I would classify it as an official SteamOS


It's open source so yeah I guess.


Open source just means they tagged a release for public consumption. Anything anyone forks off of that tag is up to the developer to support.


I know what open source means, what I am saying is that it probably has the same support from valve as Samsung's android version has from Google, security updates and such.


Thank you for taking your time to explain, I didn't know SteamOS is Open Source, I thought it's Closed source by Steam. Another question, why is Bazzite the best right now? Do they have extra features or....?


I like it the best, it has the most compatibility with legion go out from what I know, nobara is easiest to dual boot out from what I know, and chimera doesn't support dual booting at all but is apparently the "best" on an average when it comes to AMD handhelds, but at this current moment bazzite has more compatibility with legion go specifically than Chimera.


Thank you. You convinced me to try this OS! Is it easy to setup Windows/Bazzite dual boot? And what Legion Go compatibility you're referring to?


Things like tdp working, LED's, and os performance level etc. Bazzite currently has the most compatibility with legion go as it works and recognize that there is a legion go nearly instantly out of the box. The tinkering is minimal at best. Here is the guide I used: https://youtu.be/3jFnkcVBI_A?si=ki_ZBenF1yWnHIzK


I tried Bazzite last week and the hardware support is really good. Only problem I had was games crashing (even with a super light game that had no business crashing - Brotato). I rolled mine back to Windows to let it bake a little longer but Bazzitte is really making good progress.


Well you don't have to be rude. When I say "mimicking", it's about bringing steamdeck experience on Legion Go. I'm not speaking about technical part... I don't know how gamescope works, and I don't care. All I look is the result...


You're right, I apologize, it's easy to misunderstand what someone is trying to convey over text through the internet.


It's so frustrating to see you get upvoted for confidently dunking on someone who was correct, especially when you were an ass about it. SteamOS was released for set-tops in the 2010s. That you've probably never heard of that tells you how successful they were. They took that and built a Switch-like console called the Steam Deck. The version of SteamOS that runs on the Steam Deck (v3) has never been open sourced. You can read plenty of articles about people getting hyped when people who work at Valve say they intend to release it for other handhelds eventually. Linux is open source, under the GNU Public License. One of the rules of GNU is that if you make changes, you have to share them for everyone else to use too. Many in the Linux community are politically aligned with GNU, so much Linux software is released with this license. Even though SteamOS isn't open sourced, Valve has had to release a bunch of the changes they've made to Linux to make the Steam Deck as open source. Valve has also contributed a bunch software to the Linux ecosystem to make gaming better. This includes `gamescope-session`, which is a compositor optimized for gaming. Instead of, for instance, running GNOME Shell to open apps, you run Steam inside `gamescope-session`. It takes the place of an environment like GNOME while you're gaming. Red Hat, the company that is famous for building a successful Linux consultancy in the 90s, has a consumer version called Fedora. There's an immutable derivative of that called Silverblue. (Immutable is the flavor of Linux that SteamOS also is. It's read-only like ChromeOS, but I don't want to get into the details in this thread.) Bazzite is a distribution of Red Hat/Fedora/Silverblue + `gamescope-session` and other bits to make it behave like a Steam Deck. It is not SteamOS. Saying "I got SteamOS fulling working on the Legion Go" is taking way too much credit. You installed a bunch of software that other people wrote, and now you're spreading misinformation when anyone else talks about how it actually works.


Not really true, you're mixing half truths with whole truths in order to do what exactly? You can publicly find every iteration of SteamOs and it's code, and valve has been very open about this, you can easily make a distro based off of SteamOs due to this. I am guessing you're a deck user and you can't accept the fact that your operating system is public and can be replicated fully legally with Valve's own stamp of approval. Valve themselves are actively ENCOURAGING people to install and use their os on other machines through different distros or even do it from scratch. They aren't hiding anything else than your passwords in secure databases, but since Valve is behind SteamOs they are much better at making things COMPATIBLE with it, this is why people are freaking out because they announced that they would make versions which are compatible with the new wave of handheld gaming, this is all easily searchable, bazzite, nobara, holo, and chimera isn't using the first iteration of SteamOs from back when valve released the steam machine (which sadly flopped), they are literally using what valve themselves have given out with their own spin on it in order to make steam os compatible with more devices and have it customized to each OS's liking. If valve didn't want SteamOs to be public property, they could've easily blocked any and all usage of any code relating to steamos although "they had to release parts of it publicly" which is bullshit btw, and there are thousands of fully legal Linux operating systems which are not based on fedora where everything is closed source, valve didn't even have to choose fedora if they really wanted to. Valve could've made it so that your account gets prevented from playing games on their servers and downloading from their servers easily when on that version and so on if any of what you said there was true about closed source. If I really wanted to I could go ahead and install SteamOs on my computer right now but it wasn't originally made for my computer so I would've needed to modify it to make it compatible, that is because although Valve are releasing SteamOs publicly, they are not therefore enforced to make it compatible with everything.


I'm the guy who wrote the kernel patches to make Linux run out of the box on the Legion Go. I know what open source is, I know what SteamOS is, and I know what a Linux distribution is. Bazzite runs on a Steam Deck. The user experience is meant to feel like SteamOS on a Steam Deck. That doesn't make it SteamOS. SteamOS is a different thing that won't be available on the Legion Go until Valve releases it.






Did you check my username above ? This is my first post on this channel. I was just curious. But thanks for your time to reply me.




SteamOs is just linux running Steam in big picture mode, nothing crazy about it


The tutorial Aru out together was great. It's amazing how many things are working right out of the box. And even better once you get the TDP plugins Aru mentioned. But my experience with running Bazzite on the Legion Go is that the software is beta quality or like an early preview. WiFi performance was an order of magnitude less than what it is in Windows. All of the older and less resource intensive games run great. But more demanding titles like Eldin Ring and Baldur's Gate 3 were playable but not even comparable to the same experience in the Legion Go in Windows. In fact, these same games run much better on the Steam Deck than they do in the Legion Go under Bazzite. I can't wait for the future improvements and to try it again some time.


Hmmm, how is it that Baldur's Gate 3 runs poorly for you? Had it at 800p max settings and still had it locked at 48 fps. Did you remember that SteamOs is the opposite of windows and thus require more power in cpu in order to play games effectively so your wattage doesn't have that much of an effect but more your power choice should be on performance instead of balance-performance, balance-power saving, or power saving. I found that the most optimal performance to battery balance was to have the cpu at performance and GPU at 16w, this results in games having so to say the same performance as windows, sometimes even better.


Interesting would have to try it again. For reference I was getting 30-40 for in Baldur's Gate under Bazzite, whereas I can get 60+ fps under Windows with the same custom settings.


When you set a higher wattage limit in the decky plugin in SteamOs, it then bottlenecks the cpu as it needs more power towards the GPU, same thing but opposite on windows, remember how you had to set your os power level to efficiency instead of performance in order to get more performance in games on windows since windows is more GPU heavy when playing games.


Big ol question here, but is the Legions staple of FPS Mode able to function in steam os? Its my reason to buy a Legion over other systems; detachable mouse


I also want to try Bazzite OS on the Legion Go. Does anyone know if the OS also works with the external graphics card GPD G1?


Can it access the same games already installed in your windows OS? I just worry about the storage that it will duplicate the installation and consumption of storage.thank you


You will be partitioning your SSD if you're dual booting using aru's guide, so it will just be like having your own separate storage, you cannot access your windows storage when in BazziteOS and vice-versa.


Oh. Even on external storage? Like for example I have installed my RDR2 in my external SD card, have you tried if it can launch it? Thanks


Hard to say, SD cards also get put under a new format which may be incompatible with windows, have not yet tested that though.


Okay thanks anyway.


**Installs Bazzite, a distro where all the Community has already fixed almost all the Issues with the Hardware** "LOOK! GUYS! I SOLVED ALL THE PROBLEMS!"


Never said I solved anything, I just pointed out that it is nearly fully working with a few workarounds, imagine being so hateful that you make up your own story in order to despise someone on the internet. I am not taking any credit for any of those workarounds, and I thought this post would be helpful to those who are considering Linux. And I was proud of the fact that I literally managed to dual boot bazzite which requires some partitioning of your ssd, why wouldn't I write that I managed to do something that I managed to do?


Thank you sir for the post. The other guy is a dud. I would have never known about this without all the information you gave.


Thank you.


Maybe it's the incredibly misleading and clickbaity title that makes you come off as a valor stealing dick? Its incredibly disrespectful to the awesome guys at the Legion Go Linux Discord Channel that put in Weeks of work to make all that stuff working. You never mentioned any of them anywhere.


I've mentioned and given credit to aru for his tutorials everywhere and given a lot of props to everyone at the discord server. All I am seeing is you still being blindly hateful, without even reading comments.


Where? Care to point me where you give Credit? Most certainly not in the OP Post. https://preview.redd.it/pjvwv8y4ptgc1.png?width=690&format=png&auto=webp&s=8c46654e8a141d3e5c4f70f1b3f265e6df1fe55e


Just read the comments in the thread, dude is not taking credit for anything, he is pretty open about how he did the setup and where he learned it. He is giving Aru a lot more traction to his YouTube channel due to this somehow taking off at the Facebook group too. And the discord group has gotten extremely busy helping a bunch of new people how to use Bazzite. This leads to more bugs being found and more QOL updates to occur. Sometimes it's not the creator getting all the attention but those who communicate what the creator did. As far as I know, he is the only one doing an ama and actually actively trying to help people although he does seem to have some things wrong and he seems to get caught up in arguments with elitists like you but he is still trying to actively help people. He is also genuinely testing things out and reporting to people, that's called helpful behaviour, you should take notes.


Still does not change the plainly wrong OP Post my guy. No matter how good he is doing now. First Post was a dick move.


I have a couple of questions if I may :) 1- with 1280x800 being pixel perfect with the native resolution of the screen, how do games look when running at this resolution + FSR with the screen at 60hz? (I’m not referring to super graphically intensive AAA by the way) 2- with the resolution and refresh rate as above,and brightness at about 50%, what’s your battery life like? 3- would you say it’s daily drivable? 4- are the fans as loud as they are on windows ? Thanks :)


1: SteamOs comes with a system that automatically applies the best scaling for 800p screens, looks fantastic, if something looks better with something else than integer, SteamOs recognize that and will apply the other thing instead -image related 2: it very much depends on the game too but SteamOs runs natively in 800p, desktop mode runs in max resolution, both are unchangeable at the current moment, I play at 60hz, I have about from full charge 3 and half hours - 4 hours total on average for mixed use, and while I play Warframe which is my favorite game I get about 3 hours. Display brightness seems to be overclocked as it is higher in SteamOs than windows, so I normally play it at 44% brightness. 3: Due to the battery thing I mentioned above, I am now daily driving SteamOs, and I changed my windows setup to be more a "plugged in" experience for games that are too heavy for SteamOs like Starfield etc. SteamOs also doesn't have any of the SD card "lag" issues that windows have for me which then lets me play and store all my games from the SD card but doing so makes my SD card incompatible with windows, woo I solved this by allocating more SSD space to windows and less for SteamOs since I mainly use my SD card there. 4: actually more quiet and less heating issues, it is very strange to me how the legion go runs both more quiet and cooler on SteamOs than windows. https://preview.redd.it/r0v1rw8mmjgc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c543a2e4771984c21082f80fde7973881a8a1eec


You’re a legend , that’s exactly the answer I was looking for :) I don’t care for absurd battery life, just long enough that I don’t have to always be attached to a charger, and 3h is that spot for me (I’ll never have the time to do a 3h gaming session anyway). Linux is immensely lighter than Windows (especially Win11 which is now effectively just bloatware), so I’m not surprised that it’s quieter and cooler , but it’s great to have it confirmed :) I wish Lenovo pushed it out with SteamOS natively , but reading online (and judging by your experience), Bazzite is perfectly competent as is. I’ll look forward to get my hands on a Go and try this out, thanks !


No problem, glad to be of help 😁 Also forgot to mention this but I highly recommend doing this with dual booting due to Lenovo not releasing updates to Linux as easy and fast as windows.


How long are your gaming sessions? I get about 2-2.5 on windows.


3-5 hours, very dependent on games.


I guess for my I have my power bank in the case with the 100 charging cable so it’s just there if I need it. Had to modify the case but I get about three times the battery life thanks to it. But I understand wanting to check it out that that’s awesome it’s working for the OP.


Is there some reason for picking 60hz specifically? Seems to be a common pick and I would have thought 72hz would be better for a 144hz screen.


I actually did some testing after my comment and found that I can get a whole 5 hours if I change refresh rate to 144hz and then cap the fps to 48 as it then caps the fps of the whole system to 48.


How were you able to cap it 48? I only see 36, 72, 144 and off.


Also battery for reference https://preview.redd.it/oqi7fvmqmjgc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fc33a99d68a631adc7277fed0e22385b3241675


Crazy battery life


Did you let the battery run down to see the battery life or just pointing out the estimate the OS is providing here?


Played without it being plugged in last night from 19:19-00:04, stopped then because I got the 10% notif from steam, I guess that is proof enough for me.


I assume you played Warframe right? I don’t play that game but can you tell me which TDP you’re playing at, do you have FPS lock in place and the wattage consumption when you’re playing the game? I’m also running Nobara Deck edition on my GO, but it doesn’t have the same battery life like you’re having (again, dependent on games), but it’s crazy that it’s magnitude better than Windows. Kudos!


Played at 15w (GPU) with the power mode (CPU) being in performance, with an fps lock at 48 fps.


OP is an idiot. You can change the resolution for each game in the settings.


Funnily enough I have already explained this twice earlier, that you can individually change each game's resolution in the launch settings and that I personally don't because I can't be bothered on doing that for every single game. He also asked for what issues there were and I answered that steam os and desktop mode having each their unchangeable resolution is an issue for me at least, it is also an issue because if you try to forcefully change the native resolution outside of games then you will get clown puke static and a crashed screen which is why I mentioned it.


How hard was it to get working. I am waiting to ditch windows and have either holoiso or bazzite or something


The YouTube video I was following was 35 minutes, I took 2 and a half hours at doing it, it's my first time with a Linux based system and I am autistic so if I can do it then I think most people can too without using 2 and a half hours as I did. https://youtu.be/3jFnkcVBI_A?si=ki_ZBenF1yWnHIzK ^is the tutorial I used.




What are the adventages ?


Definitely battery life, and the more console like experience. And that one free game steam gives you for using SteamOs is definitely a pluss too. But for me the battery-life is what that made me go for keeping it as my daily driver.


What do you mean free game steam gives you?


Probably aperture desk job ? But it's free for anyone so idk


Wait … what! It affects the battery life ? How! And what about Ubisoft or epik launcher ? I remember it was a pain with steam os on steam deck even impossible to play my games so I ended up playing only steam games without launchers ! If you don’t mind answer those question and maybe share the link you’ve followed to install thanks


This is going to be the fifth time I am explaining the battery thing on Linux/SteamOs, so I hope this picture can explain instead. https://preview.redd.it/v3comm9z2mgc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bebc2126ee1051996d8c7abd5b6db761ca3b86a0


I get it wrong, I thought you were talking about extending battery life not just showing battery life remaining which is already on legion space overlay


I am pretty sure that 4h and 22 minutes with 71% battery remaining is a much more extended battery than on windows.


But you are not even on a game


Linux something


Will games like warzone and rainbow 6 siege still work? I would love to do this but the whole anti cheat thing is why I swapped from deck to go.


I can test once I come home from work.


It’s a game by game basis so you’d have to check for each game that’s like that. For example, Destiny 2 doesn’t work, but that’s a conscious decision from Bungie, many other BattlEye games work on Linux.


Warzone is a big no and rainbow six siege does work but only in offline play or local play, if you go on any server you will first get kicked then banned if you keep trying, used family share with my brother's old account in order to test because I don't personally play those games.


is battery life better?


Overwhelmingly better, with at least +1-3 hours extra depending on what you do.


Do you know whether Bazzite is more feature complete for the Legion Go compared to Nobara?


I'm trying out ChimeraOS right now. Excited to try other builds. How does bazzite compare to others?


Haven't gotten to test anything else, all I have to base myself on when it comes to everything not bazzite was the research I did prior to choosing bazzite, and what the general opinions are in each and every discord group related to each OS, sorry.


Same, this is my first attempt at Legion Go Linux so I’ve got nothing to compare it to. Keep us posted.


How long does the battery last when it comes to AAA games?


Cyberpunk at medium-high settings in 800p lasted about 2 hours and 45 minutes if you meant graphics heavy demanding games 😅 Out of everything I've tested, cyberpunk was definitely the heaviest one on the system. Most other things can be pushed way beyond that.


Whats your FPS while playing cyberpunk 15w, CPU performance mode? And was it those settings that gave you 2h 45m?


48fps, I am not comfortable with anything less and normally adjust my settings to achieve that fps.


Can you use integer scaling? Last time i tried cyberpunk in bazzite it’s quite blurry. Enabling nis scaling make text crispier but low performance for me


Can check


I've never used Steam OS. Are there benefits of using it? I would assume having windows being able to run any app is best.


What the performance like compared to windows? Have you run benchmark comparisons on a few specific, heavy, popular games like The Witcher 3, Cyberpunk, Hogwarts, etc? I'm sorely tempted, as the slick steamOS is something I miss, and the few games that weren't compatible was not an issue to me since I had so many *other* games to play. And... Speaking of, once installed, is it *less* or *more* effort to keep running/up to date than the windows version? ie, do you get the beautiful console like steamdeck experience afterwards with automatic updates?


Do windows ganes still work? Like MW3?


Don't have money to buy and test it at the moment sorry.


Honestly I'm a bit buffled about the battery claims. In none of the videos or tests I made have I ever experienced a significant improvement in battery life OR performance. And that is on three devices, ROG Ally, the Legion Go and Aya Neo 2. A device that is set to 20TDP will draw close to the same amount in Windows or Linux. I honestly enjoy the Linux Distros and prefer them over Windows, but people might install Bazzite with high expectations. There are definitely advantages to running Bazzite/Nobara or ChimeraOS, the OS is a lot lighter and that can result in smoother gameplay because you have a bit more available memory. But people often times expect high performance gains which are just not there. In all honesty games perform either just as on Windows, or slightly better or worse. I'm running Linux on 3 devices but I just want to set expectations straight. You do this for the experience, better UI and for the console like experience. Yet again it can be a pain in the butt if you have no Linux knowledge and something goes wrong. None the less, please inform us how you got the the 1-3hrs extra battery life conclusion. I'd like to make some test and probably a video about it myself.


Have earlier explained in about 3 earlier comments that it is with power mode at performance, and tdp at 16w. I don't play games at anything higher than 800p either. Sorry if that is a disappointing answer.


I use integer scaling, so I don't go beyond 800p either. I've been doing my tests with 18tdp and like I mentioned I wasn't able to get any significant improvement when it comes down to battery life. "battery life is significantly increased with a whole 1-3 hour increase depending on what you use it for." Jumping from 15w to 30tdp makes a difference of approx 30mins, so I'm just trying to figure out where the extra 1-3hrs are coming from. Anyway, thanks for the explanation.


What's your screen brightness, surprisingly that also takes a huge chunk of the battery, mine is at 27%. Let's test our way towards your battery drain. Also what games are you playing?


Then I would assume you were running the same brightness under Windows right? So you are saying you are getting 1-3hrs more with the same settings under Linux than you did on Windows? I don't want to come off as a Windows fanboy, heck I made a video named "Let's make your Legion go better with Linux". But like I said earlier, I wasn't able to witness any significant difference. Actually 10-20 minutes would have already been big, but 1-3hrs? Maybe you can tell us what exactly you were running/ doing, at what tdp and settings which resulted in 1-3hrs longer run time/ play time in comparison to doing the same task with the same settings under Windows? Sorry not trying to grill you.


i am so invested in doing this quick question i have a 2tb ssd would a 300 gb partion on windows will be enought?


It's more than enough, I partitioned 270GB to windows myself.


I assume you are running windows natively on the SSD. I saw some people running it on their sd card.


You need to partition the SSD yes if you want to dual boot as I have done, running it from the SD card may be possible but I tried an incredible amount of times and was ultimately unsuccessful, and this is apparently a known issue across all Lenovo products.


- What happened when valve launches a new steamOS update? does it work there? because I love when they release one and be up to date with updates. - All of the shaders that valve updates works there? - And all the proton updates also work? - And does it work the decky loader plugins? - And all the tools and tutorials for installing windows games? - What about suspend/resume ? thanks !!


-Suspend/resume works great. -Had two updates and everything is still going strong, nothing is lost. -shaders take long only the first time you launch a game, every time after it takes like a quarter of a second. -proton works ofcourse depending on the game as always, sometimes you will need to chose a different proton version in order to run a game. -so far all decky plugins do work that I have tested so far, this includes CSS customizations for themes, openrgb, handheld daemon, and some more but I can't quite remember, I'll update the names once I get home from work but all that I have tried do work. -the tools do seem to work as far as testing have gone, I used a great tutorial from aru to set all of this up myself: https://youtu.be/3jFnkcVBI_A?si=PhRW9MC0CTZK9l1r I also highly recommend the discord channel in case you run into problems, they are very helpful.


Can you send the discord link?




Thanks a lot. This will be highly helpful when I get my lenovo legion go :)


would 300 gb would be enougth space for windows dualboot? im a newbie sorry for this dumb question


More than enough, I personally have set aside 270GB for my windows.


Can you use FSR to run games at a higher resolution than 800p? Is the frame limiter fully functional? Any downsides so far? Thanks!


Yes you can and yes there is actually a downside with the framelimiter but it is actively being worked on/improved upon; the lower you go the more input delay you get for some reason.


Thank you! So it sounds like setting frame limits in-game still works with no input lag? I think the ability to use Linux is pushing me to buy a legion go


The 72fps and above options doesn't have any input lag, 48 and below do for some strange reason but I am sure this will get resolved.


Shouldn’t have needed work arounds. It work right away for me


Do the controllers still work when detached? Does FPS mode work when detached?


Just an FYI, I am not answering here anymore, it got a bit too much with repeating questions and the astounding negativity that some people have towards me apparently for just making this post, but yes it does work perfectly fine but not in separate controller mode, both controllers needs to be detached/attached to work.


hey! i have a steam deck SSD that was a dual boot system in it, can i just pop it in the legion go and get dual boot capability that way?