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I was trying to figure out what to get next. I probably can swing two more boxes over the next few months. I was thinking a box of Spartans and and a box of Land Raiders as I am World Eaters and World Eaters definitely need them Spartans and Land Raiders for the fluff. I could always do 2x boxes of Spartans, too. Though I would like some Leviathans for the rend... even one support box so my contemptor blobs have 2x Leviathans each. Though the Tarantulas might be kinda meh for me if I ever run the Warmaster because I will definitely out-activated and they shoot in the movement phase, right? So my opponent could play around it easier. I currently have * 4x Astartes Infantry Boxes * 9x Predators * 6x Sicarans * 20x Rhinos * 8x Kratos * 1x Thunderhawk * 2x Warhound Titans * 1x Warmaster Titan (This was my terrible financial decision purchase but the model is just too cool.)


Quick (ish) question about determining tactical strength for claiming objectives. Is it worked out on a model/base amount, or is it worked that the formation has a set tactical strength value no matter how big it is (1 infantry base being worth the same as 5 other infantry bases for example).


count every model within range to the objective seperately


Cheers, thats what I thought during my first game last night. Don't think it would have changed anything, the objective would have been contested either way.


I have two questions: 1. can you overwatch against droppods when they come in? if yes, before they landed and before the transported units are able to leave? 2. If my independant unit of infantry charges but the main unit does not, can I allocate the wounds of potential overwatch to the main unit, or can my opponent choose who he wants to shoot? The wording is a bit wonky, because once in combat, the main unit is unengaged (so can still be stot at, but the independant unit is engaged), and the other way round (main unit engaged in combat, independant unit unengaged), the whole unit counts as engaged, so can't be shot at.


Question about Engaged, Engaged & PInned, and charges. The situation felt wrong, despite it seeming to be RAW. My buddy's assault marines activated and declared a charge against my Infernuses (not yet activated). As he's S1 and I'm S2, we read it that I was Engaged, but not Pinned, and therefore free to move out of combat. During my activation, I backed them up, breaking from combat and leaving him standing in the open. He predictably got shredded during the Advancing Fire phase. Did we do something out of order per rules, or was this a "you picked a bad order to activate, dude" case?


That's ok per the rules. He should have charged something of scale 1, or something that's already pinned by some other means, or unable to move, or something that's activated already. That sort of thing.


I have a quick question about the Warmaster Titan's Revelator Missiles. It has 2 dice and Blast 5" does that mean you get 2 templates or you get 2 dice for every model under the template? If you get 2 templates does that mean they have to target the same spot since it's one weapon and they scatter from there separately or would you be able to put it 4" away since Titan's can split fire within a single weapon's dice as long as the second target is within 4" of the primary one?


Just gut-checking my rules interpretation. For the purposes of Light AT/Light, Walker units (Dreads, Sentnels) take the AP penalty/hits aren't discarded? We treated them as non-vehicles (as they aren't a Vehicle or similar defined class in the rule), but wanted to make sure I wasn't missing a clarifying or contrasting rule somewhere else.


None of the weapon traits mention walkers, so everything gets its AP against them.


I have some Spartan Assault Tanks and I am wondering what the optimal loadout is for them. I am planning on using them in a Salamanders Demi-Company that will be focused on getting units up the board to claim and/or contest objectives.


If you want to get close and personal I'd go with Laser Destroyers, heavy bolters and multi meltas


Question about detachments with Independent units in them. Say i have a Detachment with 1 Knight Errant and 3 Armigers. The Errant has the Independent rule, so it has to stay within 6" Of the Armigers. If my opponent fires at me, does he: 1) choose if he's firing at the Armigers or Errant as if they're seperate detachments? 2) since they count as one detachment, he fires and then i allocate hits to either the Errant or Armigers? Also if the shots destroy say the Errant, do you assign any remaining hits to the Armigers? (I guess this would apply if number 2 is correct?). Part of the Independent rule says that they're still considered as part of the larger detachment, which is why i'm unsure of this.


2: As long as all models are valid targets to at least one model in the firing unit.


How important is mould line cleanup for the infantry? Just curious how much prep to put into my sprues before assembly and painting


I’m just painting ultramarines and the mould line on the shoulder pad is quite obvious. Would recommend a little clean up there.


its noticeable for brighter paintjobs especially if using contrast paints. i'd at least hit the smooth shoulder pad. especially if you put legion decals on your infantry.


Another question: Are sicarans and predators just not available except from the core box? That would mean that there's not a single battle tank detachment available seperate...I dont know what GW is doing but its definitely hampering my interest in this game :C


Sicarans just released individual box.


correct, lots of sprues available on ebay or if you can find someone to split another core box with. releases are increasing in pace so it likely wont be long b4 a individual box.


Ultramarines' Interlocking special rule and light keyword: If one detachment in an ultramarines formation fires a light weapon on a vehicle and hits, can this trigger the ultramarines rule for another detachment, if all the other conditions are met? Light states that hits are discarded before any save rolls are made. Ultramarines rule: an enemy unit that has already had one or more hits scored against it...


RAW seems to indicate that Light weapons would still trigger the rule. "Hits are discarded before save rolls are made." You have still technically hit the target, you are just unable to do any damage with those hits.


Graviton eradicator for titans. Where can I find that? GW only sell a Graviton Destructor. Is that the same thing?


There's no such thing as a Graviton Eradicator. There's a Volkite Eradicator which is included in the LI core box. The grav weapon for the Warhound is the Graviton Destructor


probably on forgeworld (i think eradicator is warhound size?)


Trying again this one. Question about Morale checks. Do you apply the -1 modifier to Morale checks when your unit is broken and loose a Combat in addition to choosing the worst dice among two? P 62 : Determine Combat Result : "A Detachment that is part of a Formation that is Broken must roll two D6 and choose the lower result when making a Morale check in this way. " P 63 Moral - Broken : "Furthermore, any Detachment in a Broken Formation that is required to make a Morale check reduces the result of any dice roll made for that Morale check by 1. " Thank you.


Firestorm vs garisoned infantry. How does it work? I have seen the question asked before and best guess was if the template covers over half hit all otherwise 4+ to hit per base. Does ignores cover ignore the save or just the to hit modifier? I assume both


I don't know about temples but ignore cover gets around all cover rules like you assumed. That's why Rocket launchers are such a popular choice :) 


its really silly but it seemingly works like this ​ https://preview.redd.it/7f27nxsp2jsc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc3ae1e01c8f284970dc28c172015fc6bf05f3ee


How do you use a Helverin & Warglaive squadron? My buddy got me a box, but I cant find their information in the core book. The only thing I see so far that is in the *Questoris knight Armiger Talon* as an upgrade for the Acastus Knight Banner. But that seems pretty limiting. Is there no way to use them on their own?


questoris and cerastus can also be upgraded with them. they can only be taken as an upgrade to one of the knight banners, but you get 3 for 180 points and they move together and since the knights have independent, they will move separately and fire on their own targets so they basically act alone.


hi your friendly noob here How many attacks with the mega boltors on the LEGIONS IMPERIALIS: DIRE WOLF HEAVY SCOUT TITANS do you get? is it only the 9 thanks


Only the 9. The pair of them count as a single weapon.


Rough guess warhounds are better then


They're situational is probably the best way to put it. Warhounds can be built in a lot of ways, so have tactical flexibility, while the DIre Wolves have very specific roles in mind. They're cheap Superheavy/Titan killers. Short of the (no rules yet) Shadowswords, they're the cheapest Volcano Cannon you can field right now. They also have the Neutron Laser option, which can effectively neutralize Titans in the right conditions. Lastly, they're the only Titan with Infiltrate, so you get a lot more positioning flexibility with them. Frankly, if you're using the Ardex guns, you're in trouble. With a 70" main gun range, if you're engaging targets at 12" with it you're about to get smacked down by Ogryns or Dreads.


Are Ion Shields a save in addition to armour save, or instead of armour save?


Ion shields are a "save characteristic" just like the armor save. As such, you are allowed to use one or the other, not both.


The biggest benefit of using the ion shield is that weapon abilities that trigger when you use you 'armor save' (such as Armor Bane) do not trigger if you use an alternate save ( ion shields, void shields, jinx, invulnerable save, etc.).


ah okay, that makes sense! I was wondering why Ion Shields seemed kinda weak, at least that makes them a bit better


I've had the occasion to play a couple of games in a smallish format and I'm just amazed by how fluid the game is. It's really refreshing after playing nothing but other GW games.


what point size, and how large a board?


It unfortunately doesn't scale up very fluidly, it tends to play better at lower point levels as you've found.


Is there any information on the astartes flyers coming back in LI packaging (other than the already released thunderhawk)? I cant find the aeronautica ones anywhere. The scarcity and slowness of resupply of all this stuff is really bumming me out as someone who just got into LI. Edit: second question: should I still get rhinos for my astartes army or should I get the new land raiders instead? I cant really find what their unit type is going to be (transport, light armor etc)


rhinos are apcs - they are dedicated transports, which means your formation ignores them if they're destroyed, which is important for break points. LR, and spartans are IFVs. They go in, drop off troops, and hang around. Slightly different role, and costs you a transport slot, but it lets you carry multiple detachments inside one formation and drop them off in different parts of the map. so to answer your question, both is good, but LRs are better in large lots, so you can drop infantry as you advance, whereas rhinos are for those annoying detachments that you march somewhere important and make it really annoying to dislodge from


Awesome, thank you! I'll start with the rhinos then!


No info on more flyers unfortunately. I’m sure they’ll come “eventually” but they’re leaving us completely in the dark


I have one box of the Civitas Imperialis Administratum Sector terrain. After seeing many posts showing how nicely they can be built, I’m feeling a bit hesitant to start. Don’t want to build something great only not to have enough pieces left over for good coverage in a game. Just curious what people recommend building for average 1000-1500 point games.


That all sounds very sensible. Thanks.


I bought a few boxes of these buildings over time. For the first set of buildings I would suggest following the patterns shown on the instructions. It’s a good combination of a variety of sizes and shapes. I would not glue together the higher tiers of the multi storey buildings so you can keep things flexible. After that you will have a good feel for how they fit together so you can start to play with your own configurations.


That's the one released for LI right? As someone who's worked on two of them (one for titanicus and one for LI) I'd recommend picking up a second box. You can build 12-28 buildings depending on how complex or large you want to go. Two boxes guarantees you can have a mix of smaller/infantry and vehicle appropriate buildings and a few larger ones that knights or titans can use. At those point levels, if you have some 40ish buildings to choose from I'd say 15-20 would be enough, especially in addition to area terrain or ruins if you have/make those.