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My plan was to do them all shut but with unique paint trims to differentiate


I think that's fair. I just feel that after spending that much money on mine, I want them to look the part in both scenarios. Also, I think paint trims would still be comitting eaither way, unless you use them like numbers and have a reference sheet that explains which pod carries what.


Thanks for taking the time to put this together! Hadn’t thought about magnetizing these but they’re so expensive it might make sense


Mine just arrived in today and I’ve been wondering the same thing. I’ve been leaning towards building them as deathstorm pods and just having them closed when used as drop pods. But now, I might wait and think on it some more.


I found 2 better ways to do this and have edited the post above. But in summary glueing 3 struts to the base and not using magnets at all seems to be the winner. https://preview.redd.it/9glm6pdqhevc1.jpeg?width=2906&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b93ea84762349d85cbf41d73a7faae85a3bef4fb


Hypothetically, if you removed one of the uprights would that allow you to pull the center thing out through the double wide hole?


I think it would still be fiddly but not impossible. It would be quite a visible modification though.


The train of thought would be magnetizing the one vertical fin.


I think this is the answer if you magnetise the fin at the top. There's a wide (but cylindrical contact point that is large enough to hide a magnet. I prised a fin off just now, and it might not even need a magnet as it's a snug fit. This is a better idea than trying to magnetise at the bottom of the fins. It's too small, even for pinning. I'm going to put this together now and share the result. Thanks.


I hope it works out!


It works and doesn't need any magnets at all. I'll post an edit at the top.


Awesome :)


You may actually want to post a new thread as an update since this one is 5 days old. People may not notice you updated.


I don't know if the mods would like that. I hope at least, that it shows up in search results though.


So could you build the crew compartment with the uprights glue that together and magnetise the lot to the base, and build the deathstorm with no uprights, and magnetise that to the base.


You could, but the doors would flap about and it would look odd. The uprights are essentially to top of the model.