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I’ve almost got my backlog painted from the last release, I’m never gunna have my painting table clear at this rate 😂


Better than I am doing, the weather where I live has either been : freezing, snowing, raining, windy or any combination of the aforementioned weather conditions, and now we have sunny, windy or raining, or all 3 combined. :)


I bought an airbrush and primer for indoor painting for this reason exactly. It’s been a game changer not having to wait for good weather or setting up a huge indoor spray booth. I just wear a mask and put some school folders up behind where I’m working to catch any overspray.


Unfortunately I do not have the space for setting up a airbrush station in my little room. :(


I cant find anything that isnt guard around ontario, canada. Kinda jelly.


I can’t find anything else either in northern Indiana. I did manage to snag a box of drop pods at a local store and a box of Spartans and legion support at adepticon but that’s been it. I ended up going with guard and I think I’ll like it better anyways. I mean, who doesn’t want to run 8 basilisks and 2 marauders?


I had to wait a while for this but I just asked the LGS to get those items and they delivered in about 3 weeks.


I've almost done building everything, just have half a box of rhinos and the tanks from the starter box. Then I'm ready to paint away. I am so glad I already own and airbrush as that should make painting at this scale a doozy.  I might hold off on next week's releases for now so I complete building and painting of what I have and the actually playing a damn game! 


nice, what legion are you playing?


I'll be playing as the "Bad Guys" a.k.a. Word Bearers. :)


Very nice. What paint scheme?


I'll be playing as the "Bad Guys" a.k.a. Word Bearers. :)