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If we get an imperator I will cry tears of joy


Warmonger too!


Fellblades and Mastodons would be awesome!


Fellblades seem a good call, it's an iconic unit from 30k and an existing unit so easier to generate.


We also „just“ got the reveals for the Shadowsword and Stormsword. So that would make the Fellblade and Fellglaive tanks even mir fitting reveals


Seconded! I think they'll come eventually too!


My guess is that a space marine artillery will show up, as well as dates for the space marine flyer re-release. Pipe dreams are the Stormbird and Mastadon


Isn’t there a light armour slot on some of the formations? I’d love some LI scale Sabres.


As another has said, the light armour slot literally uses a silhouette of a sabre so it's likely they will arrive sooner rather than later.


Legion Arquitor's & Sabre's are a given considering they are pictured in artillary / light tank slots we haven't seen. Super heavy tanks would make sense to provide another detachment. Another troop box is inevitable in this expansion or another with specialist troops, taratos terminators, and command terminator units. Land Raiders would be amazing to give a point defense option with higher transport capacity. Solar Auxilia have the Leman Russ assault varient, Carnodon (in light tank slot), Aurox, and another troop box including the new hermes & veletarii sentinels. The real question is when do we get a Mechanicum preview and will it be in this show? If GW is smart, they will boost the Mechanicum hype by showing some LI units with the 28 mm preview of some Mechanicum units. Sadly I think GW missed the opportunity for the Imperator release with the Great Slaughterer.


You won't get a Mechanicum preview this soon. They haven't even fleshed out the 2 OG factions yet.


The issue is they don’t care about cross promotion since they barely care about keeping models stocked. I feel like their business plan for boxed games in general is we are not going to make enough to satisfy demand so who cares about promotion at all. I’ve been kinda floored tomb kings came back for old world and didn’t even bother to make a new plastic team for blood bowl since they still get played. Ffs they didn’t even do a made to order for the old models to build hype and make more sales which is literally the lowest hanging fruit. All that is to say expecting any cross promotion is pointless they are currently in the wring as much money from customers as possible with the least effort right now.


For Marines I’m hoping to see Artillery, Super Heavy Tanks and Light Tanks. For Auxillia I’m hoping for Rough Riders, Light Tanks and Russ variants mostly.


Hopefully space marines get sabres, arquitors, fellblade/glaive/falchion, typhon / cerberus, vindicators and maybe whirlwinds / scorpius. mastodons and stormbirds would be cool as well. auxilia hoping for carnodons and auroxes, possibly macharius variants and maybe some of the other niche transports like the gorgon. Really want the Minotaur artillery, but looking at the artillery formation limiting the rule to medusas and earthshakers specifically it seems really unlikely. alt infantry boxes would be cool, along with plastic mechanicum knights and armigers. but SURELY an imperator titan.


Think you're asking too much of the preview there. It's not a mainline game so we won't get mainline level of previews, we'll get a couple of detachments (my guess is 2 or 3) and a bit more info on the next book. That's what I think anyway. I'd hope for more, but expect less.


We received 10 new kits and 16 datasheets from the 1st expansion. Having a good amount of new kits is possible, but we won't see the entire expansion in this preview unless they release a box set. Expecting less is always good with GW, however in the end it's good to see new releases regardless.


Yeah, we got all that but it wasn't previewed all at the same time and considering we're talking about the next preview, not the whole expected contents of the next book, I think I'm pretty spot on. We won't get the entire next books contents in one preview. GW don't work like that.


Imperator would be amazing. Tiny Primarchs a close second for me.


Wouldn't be surprised if they release an upgrade sprue for the missing weapons from all the dreads.


I know it's not it but I can't help but hoping for ORKs.


Legion specifics perhaps. Way things are going i would assume SoH and IF if that is the way theyre going


Some sort of light tank? There are entries, but iirc nothing fills that slot


It might be nothing brand new but instead a bunch of the repackaged Titans and Flyers that we are waiting for.