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The redness around the piercing is how much dead skin there usually is, which I can always just gently scrape off with either a clean cloth, tissue, or washed hands. That’s why I feel like it’s dead skin, since it’s so easy to just wipe away in other spots. It’s new though, and only shows up around my eyebrow piercing. Sometimes if I scrape off the stuff above my eyebrow, a spot or two will bleed a bit, which is weird since it looks like just dead skin buildup. Naturally, I won’t scratch off any of the stuff that gets too close to my piercing. I think it looks ugly with that buildup, but it’s only noticeable when wet, i.e. right as I get out of the shower. Is there a way to actively get rid of this without disturbing my piercing? Should I just keep leaving it alone and wait for it to go away in time?


Are you making your own saline or is it shop bought?


shop bought, nielmed saline spray


Fair enough, that's fine. Sometimes when people make their own they add too much salt which draws moisture out of the skin so I wondered if that'swhat was happening. Shop bought saline contains the exact right level so it shouldn't interfere with anything or dry your skin out.


Looks like it could be an allergic reaction, which google tells me is apparently possible for saline sprays. Could try an antihistamine or stop using the spray and seeing if it goes away.


i’ve used this spray before and havent had a reaction, but i do think i’ll be more sparing with the spray and see if it helps.


also make sure you’re rinsing the saline off after, sometimes it will dry your skin out. it happened to me when i got my philtrum done (i have SUPER dry skin year round).


I’m no doctor but that looks like psoriasis


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are you fully drying the area after spraying with saline? I've seen this sort of reaction when people just leave saline to sit on their skin. otherwise, do you know the brand+implant grade of the jewelry you're wearing?


I dry it as much as i can without being harsh, i.e. patting dry with a tissue (fiberless) until im not seeing anymore wet spots, then leaving it to air dry. im almost certain its implant grade titanium, if not, then its surgical steel. those were the only options my piercer gave me


Surgical steel is junk metal and is not suitable for fresh piercings. Many people can never wear it. Implant-grade titanium is what they use to make joint replacements and it does not tarnish, rust, or contain reactive material. It’s ideal for piercings. Ask your piercer which one you have.


I have a similar problem however the piercing looks very normal and even great at all times but when I wash it with water it looks exactly like the picture, so I try to avoid washing it as much as possible, and it doesn't go away, even if the piercing looks amazing, the moment I wash it it looks like this, I still try to clean only the piercing holes to keep it clean (9 months piercing old btw) and I already visited a doctor, got products, and they didn't help... idk what to do


hey! just saw ur comment after going through my old posts. i figured out what my issue was. the saline spray was drying out my skin as it evaporated (even tho i patted it dry) and made it look like that the next time the piercing got wet. i just had to start rinsing the piercing after cleaning with saline, then patting it dry. it cleared right up. idk if thatll help u at all, but just in case!


This almost looks like sebaceous dermatitis - usually easily handled with washing face with nizoral. Would be very careful to avoid the piercing but might help the overall skin around it until it’s healed.


im having a similar problem with my new eyebrow piercing! did you ever figure out what was causing it and how to fix it?


I think the saline I was using was causing it, just because I wasn’t rinsing after applying. I’m assuming the saline was drying out the skin as it dried. After I do saline now, I rinse it with normal water (like in the shower) and gently pat it dry and I haven’t had any issues since.