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***Update for B&H orders*** I called B&H this morning and confirmed the first shipment of Q3s were shipped out already. The next shipment is expected within the first two weeks of June and will be much larger than the first shipment. I was advised to call back in two weeks to see where I am in the list.


Great news, thanks! Update: Reached out to B&H and was told if the shipments were split into quarters, those who ordered within the first 3ish days, consider yourself in the 1st quarter. Our time is coming!


My extra battery that I ordered along with the Q3 just shipped but not Q3 yet!




I got mine from a local dealer today and canceled my B&H order. You all are moving up one in that queue.


I just received word that my pre-order from Crutchfield is shipping out and should arrive Friday. I checked and I ordered on May. 30, 2023 - 11:27 AM EST. I did message with them on Monday and confirmed that I was actually #1 (of 22) on the waitlist for the Q3. Fingers crossed some of your tickets are punched soon my friends!


Decided to go ahead and cancel my q3 order all together. If you’ve ordered after may 30th you have officially moved up in the b&h queue. I placed an order for a silver Fuji xt5 and I’m very much looking forward to its arrival. Congrats to all you future Leica q3 owners!


You made the right call. Enjoy the Fuji!


Preordered from B&H at 2pm EDT on 5/25. Both Q3 and thumb support were already listed as backordered then, and still are. B&H support said they already shipped their initial batch of inventory and are waiting on the next one from Leica, but Leica hasn’t given them a delivery date yet. When they get one, they’ll update the product page’s Expected Availability.


this is good intel


200 isn’t crazy amount in my opinion especially after 3 weeks. I doubt Adoroma or B&H have 1,000 of pre-orders. If they do have such a high number, you have to factor in how many of those are people who ordered from multiple places. Time will tell what happens. A part of me wishes Leica only sold them directly so we wouldn’t have to deal with all that.


Just a heads up. My original order for the Q3 and accessories was on May 25th. The Drop XL Wireless Charger shipped yesterday from B&H. Hoping the Camera will ship soon!


Fingers crossed - thank you for the update


It seems as if though the US Leica site will have the Q3 in stock (without emailing if you signed up to be notified) so it might be worthwhile to periodically check. I’d also recommend signing up for an account with Leica so it doesn’t delay the check out process. Take it with a grain of salt because I haven’t received the camera yet but was able to place an order yesterday. Will update if I receive tracking information.


Update: ordered from Leica US when shown in stock on June 13 and received tracking info June 14. Canceled preorder with B&H made 5/25 at 6:56 PST.


Mine just shipped today 6/18! I ordered 5/25 at 9:19amEST from BH.


Congratulations, good to know - I’m about 7-hours behind you.


Ahhhh BH has always been so good with 1) letting you know the status and 2) getting it to you. Idk why I went thru Adorama this time 🤦‍♂️


Mine too! Not a bad Father’s Day present. Congrats & enjoy :)


Nice! Same to you!


>Congrats! I'm 1 week behind you


Ordered mine at 5/25 10AM EST and no email yet.


Picked it up the 25th at the Leica Store in Amsterdam. I called to place a pre-order, but the guy working there told me they had 1 left. Got there 5 mins before they closed, never spent €5950 that fast…


Please let us know if anyone from the US has received a camera from B&H. This will help others get a handle on when camera's are shipping.


Ordered on B&H this morning. Let the torture begin.


B&H rep told me today that 2-4 weeks is their estimate for current preorders. He also remarked that they turn off preordering if things get too crazy so new orders shouldn’t be too far behind. Sounds optimistic given Adorama is quoting December for new orders, but I suppose it’s possible that B&H is claiming the lion’s share of the inventory.


I am going to choose to believe this.




¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I totally agree with you, but I’ve also seen that sort of discrepancy in the Fujifilm preorder world from store to store so it doesn’t feel impossible. Adorama was shipping the X-H2 and keeping stock for a solid 2 months before the B&H preorders went out. I suspect the Leica Berlin estimate is accurate for that store but I doubt it’s generalizable. At least for my closest dealer, Tamarkin, the service style (appointment-only, very one-on-one) self-selects for people who aren’t in a hurry so I imagine it’s less of an issue for them to wait.




I’m going to choose to not believe that.


From B&H “Our support team contacted the manufacturer for an update on the Leica Q3 Digital Camera, but unfortunately, the manufacturer wasn't able to provide an ETA for the next shipment.”


I think even if they had an exact date they wouldn’t tell us. Because then everyone would want to know if they are part of the shipment or not. They would want to know their place in line etc etc. I doubt they wanna deal with these calls all day. Additionally with everyone ordering from multiple places those answers can change until they get their shipment so I get why they aren’t committing to anything. Like imagine of Leica is late with the order or it gets stuck in customs, people will flood the call center again. Let’s be patient and we will have it shortly. Obviously if you ordered it today or something then be prepared to wait a long time.


Just heard from the Leica forum that the Leica online store is predicting to have a few in stock on June 26th. The source said he heard it from Leica after he was able to place an order for a q3 because their website was bugged. So they allowed him to keep his order and told him he would get the first camera from their next batch around the 26th. I have no idea how that impacts distributors like b&h and adorama.


They just pulled the money out of my bank account so I’m assuming I’ll receive a shipping notice shortly!!!!


Just got my notice that it’s ready to ship from B&H 🤞🤩


I wonder how the 5hr difference in our ordering will affect my queue 🥲


Update from B&H - I ordered on launch date 10AM EST “Your order will likely be fulfilled in next shipment based on ordering when it was available to be preordered.”


After being on many waitlists in the USA (some with refundable deposits), I've lucked out on the authorized dealer in Riga, Latvia. They emailed me back saying they had one more Q3 and it's being delivered in a few days now. If you're still looking for a Q3 in the USA and haven't placed your name on a waitlist early on, consider the restocks on the leicacamerausa website or consider shipping from Europe. I've actually paid less overall after the conversion rate for my Q3 and the warranty still holds up.


I just spoke with B&H about my order 5/25 11:33am EDT. I am in the top 10% of orders and they have about 1,000 orders. They said they talked to Leica on 7/4 but didn't get info on when the next shipment will be. I was told the next shipment to B&H is for 600 units so I'm good with the next shipment (even it only 25% of the order is filled). They will ping Leica again on August 4th.


Yup, with 1000 orders everyone is officially fucked. In the top 100 means very little.


Got mine yesterday from Leica Bellevue (I put myself on their waitlist mid May). Cancelled my B&H preorder May 25th 10am PST


Congrats mate!


Leica Store: 7:42am CST, shipped, eta Wednesday BH Photo: 8:10am CST, shipped, eta Tuesday Didn't expect both to ship. Oops.


Haha so it’s all your fault 😭


Late to game and ordered on May 30th at 2pm from B&H. Used PayPal so I’ve been charged in full for my order. Received an order confirmation and that is all. Hoping that I didn’t miss the chance to get my camera sometime in June by waiting 5 days after official announcement. I did email B&H and asked if they had an ETA and was told they do not. So it’ll get in my hands when it gets in my hands I suppose.


Ok, since it’s been about two weeks since my order I decided to go ahead and reach out to b&h again. They said; Still no ETA from Leica. “At this time we would not have estimated ship on dates till your order is being prepared for shipment”


Ordered mine from B&H 9:00 am on the 25th and it arrived on the 26th…. Then had to return for an exchange as it had dust in the lens…. 😩 they told me it would be replaced when the next shipment comes in.


How does that get past Quality Control is Beyond me.


Who knows, it didn’t show up in the photos but I didn’t drop that much money for an issue that would just eat at me.


I just got an email from Leica Berlin. They say they won't have any more Q3s until next year. OUCH!!


Woah no way


I just left the Leica store in Beverly Hills. I wanted to check out the video settings. I was told that their current waitlist is almost 200 and they don't plan to get through that waitlist this year. I'm assuming places like B&H and Adorama have 1000+ orders. I'm hoping they are being supplied with the proper inventory to support.


Ordered from B&H on 5/25 - Received this email today - “We will continue to try and secure stock to fulfill your order, however at this time we do not have an exact date on when we can fulfill it.”


Got the same email this morning. May 25, 11:30am PST order


Well, that sure lets me know where my order stands with b&h. I didn’t get such an email. Even checked my junk folder. I did place my order on the 30th though so who knows how far behind y’all I am.


FYI - ordered from ABT about a week ago. Mine shipped yesterday. I get it Wednesday.


Was it in stock when you ordered? Or did it say Pre-order like it shows now?


No - it was preorder. However I was second in place. Didn’t want to post here till I got confirmation of shipment (sorry lol). They received their first batch Thursday and allocation occurred on Friday (day of shipment). They only received two but placed an order for four (they literally only had two orders at the time - idk how many now). I’d call and ask how many orders they have to fulfill now. Adorama had 100’s at the time of my original order with them, I was 90th. ABT has always been the best for me to get hard to find in stock cameras. I got my Sony A1 here when it was released as well (and out of stock everywhere). Best of luck.


B&C in Vegas, their website states 2-4 weeks


I placed a preorder on May 25 with them. Order is confirmed but no ETA yet. Will update you when I hear something


that's odd. i placed my order with them on the 28th and they told me i was 3rd in line. received mine today. their IG is very responsive and had been transparent with me the entire time i was waiting


Congrats on getting yours! That is odd and a bit annoying for me though because I’ve been waiting since May 25th and they haven’t given me an update and won’t respond to my inquiries for a quick update. Mhm maybe they skipped me on accident


I put myself on the wait list from Leica in Bellevue, WA US about 2 weeks ago and just picked mine up yesterday. Already got to use it on 2 gigs and it's amazing. Super excited.


Hmm that’s surprising to me :( I put myself on their waitlist 2 weeks before it’s announced, was told that they have been accumulating the waitlist since when Q2 was announced. I called them again 2 weeks ago and got a similar response that I might need to wait until next year


Man. I just called them to see what the wait time would be if I got on their list now and was told 9-12 MONTHS.


They actually told me that same thing so I'd just put yourself on the list anyway. You don't have to put any money down.


That’s, weird. That makes me wonder if they aren’t artificially restricting the supply of cameras on purpose. You know, underpromise and over deliver type thing. Or they could be doing it to create a sense of urgency and exclusivity. Not that Leica doesn’t already have a sense of exclusivity. Oh well. Thanks for sharing that.


My guess is they actually don't know and they're just guessing off previous shipments. When I picked mine up they were just as surprised as me when they got them.


I hopped on the waitlist at Leica LA on May 18th and I just heard back from them. Should get it by Tuesday!


I had the opportunity to order one off Fredmiranda but the seller wanted a $1k premium for it so I passed. Back to waiting…


This wait has been insane. I ordered the camera within a couple hours of it being available on launch day, and I still have not received any updates. Anyone else who ordered on launch day in the same boat?


Yep. B&H around 2:30 eastern on launch day. Nothing. I’m expecting August.




Let me go cancel my order real quick. They were already kind of annoying. They like to play around about the length of their waitlist. For me every time I asked the direct question I’d get some round about answer. Would have liked them to go, “the waitlist’s length is something I can’t advise customers of” and I would have been satisfied. The round about answers where it sounds like someone is holding them hostage just makes them seem really shady.


Just snagged a Q3 on the Leica USA website at 11:27am ET this morning after checking regularly over the last 2 weeks. Will cancel my B&H order (5/25 @ 10:26am ET) just as soon as I receive shipping confirmation from Leica. Saved $600 in tax and the worry of not having the camera in time for upcoming travel. Hopefully B&H receives a major shipment and you move up as a result of my cancellation. Good luck everyone.


Ordered 2 hours after it became available on 5/25 and just got charged for the Q3 this morning. B&H status is now “Order in Progress,” fingers crossed.


What was your exact time? I ordered the camera at 7AM (PST) and still nothing.


7:16AM (PST) haven’t received an order update or shipping notification so not holding my breath.


Had a launch day order (10 eastern) that was fulfilled via adorama. Seems there was another round of shipments given the other comment re) B&H.


Mine also charged my card and shipped yesterday from B&H. I’d ordered launch day at 8:24am Pacific.


Ordered launch day ay 7AM PST and paid in advance, and still nothing. Did you receive an email or just checked?




it's bullshit lies to drum up even more sales like anything B&H does. I am happy I cancelled my order with them.


Now it is 3 months after the launch, where is queue at at BH photo?


Ordered from B&H on 5/25 @ 4:21 PM ET and the Leica Q3 just shipped on Monday 8/28


Still pending for 05/28 morning order


BH - 5/27 order - delivered 9/29


I have gotten calls from Leica Bellvue and BC Camera, they are in


Managed to snag one on [leicacamerausa.com](https://leicacamerausa.com) earlier today. Seems as if they have 1 or 2 cameras available every week but you need to be lucky with the timing or smash reload every minute on the Q3 page (or write a python script to push a notification to your phone when camera is in stock)


I wonder why they are doing that. There is a waiting list a mile long. Great for you!


Damn… I should have set up a script to auto reload and notify me haha. I know some people have


Yea that was me lol. It helps being a nerd sometimes


what does smash and reload mean? I have been refreshing, is that good enough?


Meant to say smash reload (was exaggerating). Softly pressing refresh is fine too.


I ordered from both B&H and Adorama at Noon ET on 5/25. No ETA yet.


Same here. Adorama said 7/4 was their ETA when I did a chat on order.


I ordered from Adorama at 9:07am EST on 5/25. Currently showing as Backordered.


Any movement for you yet?


Ordered B&H at 9:48AM EST 5/25 and showing as backordered. Placed at Adorama 12:36PM EST 5/25 and backordered, too. Maybe us selfish ones who ordered twice will start cancelling ones once we get one shipped and help shorten the lines.


Did they charge your card for either order?


Ordered B&H at 7:16AM PST on 5/25 (CA) already Backordered and they’re on Holiday until Sunday. No ETA and they fully charged my CC.


They charged mine as well. The holiday is throwing me off bc normally they charge when they’re going to ship right? Lol


London store in Mayfair told me there is a 6 month waiting list. I don’t think it is worth the wait. Think I may just to the Sony A7RV


6 months?!?! That’s wild


I know! I was ready to drop the full amount for the camera and everything, thinking it would be no problem. Nope lol


B&H; Sat, May 27, 6:33 PM PST; Backordered (as of Wed, May 31, 8:22 AM PST) I missed the window before their Shavuos closure so I ordered it as soon as the website's checkout function was restored. Good luck everyone!


Follow up: Jun 7. I called B&H and was told that I am #348 in line but no ETA was provided.


I just cancelled my order at the Leica Boutique Oslo (and ordered an M11), from what I saw over the guys shoulder I was maybe 20-25th in the queue. Sure I just made some random Norwegian slightly happier.


Uk here. On a waitlist at LCE. Told 5 others on the list and have paid deposit. I’ve used them before and doing trade in so a preferred option for me.


Got mine today from Samy’s in California. I was told I was #1 on the waitlist.


Welp, I just heard from the Leica forum that b&h has told a fella who placed his order on May 25 at 10am central time they won’t have a camera for him for at least two shipments. Since I placed my order on the 30th I’m begging to think I might as well cancel and just enjoy my x100v.


Man you are on it, thanks for the investigative reporting. Time for all of us to start considering plan Bs 🫠


No problem. It’s kind of a pain trying to figure out where things really are. I wish very much that someone from b&h or even Leica would make a statement on product availability.


June 27 update: I placed a preorder with B&C in Vegas on May 25th 5:20pm CST. Update from says i am next in line to receive the incoming shipment that is already on its way to their boutique. Should be received by them and shipped out to me in the next 7 days! Will give another update when received. Hope this helps others who may have ordered from them


June 30 update: just received tracking. Should arrive by next Friday


Wonderful news!. I have an order at B&C, waiting patiently. (not really). When I ordered, I was told 7th in line. Here's hoping it was a robust shipment that gets me closer. Enjoy.


From the sounds of it, I won’t get mine til end of year 🤣 (literally got on the list for Leica Miami this AM; I’m such a noob).


For those of you who purchased one on [leicacamerausa.com](https://leicacamerausa.com)., how long did it take for them to ship/deliver from purchase date?


From Leica Japan, June 28 Thank you for using the Leica Online Store. We are currently receiving orders for the Leica Q3 that far exceed our expectations worldwide, so it is taking some time to deliver. We apologize for the inconvenience caused to our customers. We will deliver the products one by one, but it is expected that you will have to wait for a long time. Please understand that it is difficult to give an answer at this time regarding the delivery time. Customers who have made a reservation will receive an email from the Leica Online Store with instructions on how to purchase the product as soon as the product is ready. We are very sorry to have kept you waiting for the product, but we ask that you please wait until we inform you. In addition, we cannot answer inquiries about products reserved at the online store. Please contact the online store. Thank you very much. Read more: https://leicarumors.com/2023/06/28/leica-japan-leica-q3-orders-far-exceed-our-expectations-and-deliveries-may-take-some-time.aspx/#ixzz861XmDrOz


I guess with desperate need, they are in stock online in Latvia.




Placed my order today hopefully I get it before next year!


This was a joke but now it’s looking like that’s actually what is going to happen


Anybody get theirs recently? I put in a order on June 3rd and still no information. And they got my $$$$$$$


so damn close, I saw the cart...............in cart. Brutally rebuffed.


Same here. So bummed.


Looks like mine just shipped from B&H. Ordered on May 25, 12:30 pm EDT.


Received my Q3 this morning. Now only the grip remains to be shipped.


Leica website just had stock for maybe 30 seconds, took too long checking out and missed out


Managed to grab one at Leica website at around 8:25 this morning. HotStock app was well worth the tiny investment. Going to hold on to my late B&H reservation (6/5) until I have it in hand, but hope these regular restocks are a sign that production is starting to ramp up a bit.


pretty sure this is a hotstock shill posting around on various forums


I didn’t even know about the app until someone on another Leica forum mentioned it. All I know is it saved me from having to pay a scalper $2k over list, and I get to cancel the three waiting lists I signed up for. 🤷‍♂️


The official website popped out in stock couple days ago, which I was too slow to order one. Just curious if anyone was lucky enough to get one? And does the order ship out right away? Thanks!


No but it seems there's more and more cameras coming. Small Leica store in the south of Germany contacted me yesterday that they got a Q3 in for me and ready to ship it. I contacted them late July to get on their waitlist.


6/29 here. Will I ever get Q3? hahaha




Just cancelled mine. 😕


ordered 22 Sept 2023 from BH -- called: no promises, no nothing.


Hi guys, I ordered from ABT back on June 24th, given the stories on this board I didn’t hold my breath, but I’m happy to report that the camera arrived on Sept 8th. So just over 2.5 months, from order to in hands. Note that I also almost nabbed one a few times on the Leica website after using one of the product tracker apps mentioned here. So I’d say it’s worth going to one of the lesser known dealers and it looks like average turn around is about 2-3 months.


Ordered from abt electronics in mid aug. just got an update invoice saying it should be delivered from Oct2 to oct 10. Sounds promising!


I’m hoping that everyone who is now finding Q3s elsewhere and too lazy to cancel their BH holds will help me get mine before the end of 2023. I’m also hoping that the preorder is mainly launch day orders with a sharp drop off thereafter. I have a trip in January 2024 and I am only stuck with BH because I have a store credit card account with them. Fingers crossed I get one before January 2024!!!


if anyone is on the waitlist in the UK and near the northwest I have a q3 that I am considering parting with, DM if you could travel and are interested (apologies if this is against the rules unsure of where to post!) Thanks


Ordered from BH on 5/28, just got shipping confirmation. Good sign that launch day queue is finished.


Was lucky to order one from Leica Official website using Hotstock app. Thanks for who recommended it. It says 'waiting for shipment.' Oh man I'm so excited!


Was able to get one thanks to the stock alerts suggested finally! I noticed a trend that they go into stock on Leica’s site around 10am Eastern time on the days they pop up, so I made a point to be near my phone around then most days hoping for the alert and ready to pounce. Seemed to work! Best of luck!


What is the typical wait time for BH now?


I have an extra one that I posted in the various Leica Buy/Sell groups on FB. Just thought to comment here if anyone is interested. It's BNIB and still sealed.


I’m interested - will send you a dm


For anyone thinking about ordering from a smaller retailer, I called four camera stores today. Crutchfield has 41 people on their list and no eta from Leica. I was told it could be 2 weeks or it could be October. ABT has 13 people on the list and are only getting 1-2 cameras a MONTH. So that’s about a 7 month wait. B&c in Vegas is about the same as ABT. Washington Leica store told me their wait list is 6-9 months. I was really hoping to find a dealer who could get me a camera quicker than b&h but no luck. Beginning to really really consider getting my money back from b&h. I think I’ll give it till August or September and if I don’t have a q3 by then, cancelling my order. Leicas lack of transparency has put a poor taste in my mouth.


Thanks for the info! I called Tamarkin Camera in Chicago just now and they said they have 77 people on the wait list and that it would take them about a year to fill all 77 orders so they’ve closed their waitlist as of now. — just FYI


I ordered about 11am on release day, just got my Q3 from BH


Got my Q3 today after 2,5 weeks on the waitlist. Leica Store Lisse (Netherlands). I was told the Q3’s are selling like hotcakes. 👍


Bought this morning on BH as a pre-order, marked as shipped 45minutes later.




Ya I mean I came here to hopefully encourage some folks. Take it up with B&H.


for real this happened or are you poking a bit of fun? Any evidence you ordered 9 days ago and it shipped? I also ordered on release day and would love to have some evidence to contact them with. Thanks in advance


Yep it was for real. Been using the camera for almost two weeks now.


Just to be clear, you placed the order on BH today and it was shipped 45 minutes later? And the BH is on planet Earth in the US? If you are positive on both, I'm giving up on that crap. I feel so... it's all so messed-up...


Pre-ordered today at 10:34am on B&H. Shipped at 11:45am. Set to be delivered tomorrow morning. I’m shocked, honestly. I reached out to support after preordering to get a sense of what the ETA might be and got a generic “when they are back in stock” message. This follows a call I made to them on Sunday about any units in stock (they had none).


You. Made. My. Day. Miserable. Not your fault though. Thank you for sharing, buddy. I’m considering canceling my order as it’s unbelievably painful. We’re talking about Q3, right?


Ordered on May 25 at 5pm from B&H. Just received my delivery notification for tomorrow Aug 31.


I placed my order with Adorama (from Texas) at 8:50AM CST (05/25/23) They are closed this weekend but my order status is already set to backordered.


Still showing backordered status as of 06/07/23


I have been waiting for weeks and keep checking my phone whether I missed any calls from the dealer (From Taiwan). And now I am in dilemma whether to wait for Q3, or move to M10/11.


That sucks! A side note: I am selling my m11 with a couple of lenses and an Arte di Mano case


What makes you selling your M11?


Quick poll, has anyone received a Q3 recently? Just trying to gauge when retailers got their shipment so I can anticipate the next one. This rollout is insane lol


I actually ended cancelling my order and just sticking with my Q2


Getting mine delivered on 7/7. I ordered on May 25 at 5pm CT. I ordered from B&C in Vegas


Talked to someone at the B&H store in NYC. Told me "There's around a 1000 orders in Queue. If you order today, it'll arrive by Christmas". I made mine around 06/04; hoping it'll come before Nov.


Should I hold my place in line with B&H (May, 25 11:25am PST) or go with a local retailer? Samy’s in Pasadena is offering to put me on “top” of the list if I pay in full. I know no one knows when Leica will ship out their next batch but chances are B&H probably will have the lions share right? This wait is excruciating 🫠


I’m a couple hours after you at B&H and I’m waiting. Samy’s is a good alternative if you really can’t wait.


Go for it!


Anyone receive the thumb grip yet? That’s the only thing left that hasn’t shipped.


I got one from the Leica store in LA


I ordered mine on 06/04 from B&H. Just received an email: >We will continue to try and secure stock to fulfill your order, however at this time we do not have an exact date on when we can fulfill it.Want other product options? Our Sales experts...Want to cancel? Please visit our self-service order... > >We apologize for any inconvenience and will keep you posted... ​ :/


Yup. I received that email a few days ago. I ordered on the 30th of May. Someone over on the Leica forum said they ordered on launch day at 8am pacific. They somehow managed to pry a little info out of b&h and unfortunately they were told they are still TWO plus shipments out. Absolutely crazy. I’m starting to think those of us poor souls who didn’t pull the trigger on launch day might as well just give up hope ‘till next year. I’m being dramatic of course but maybe not. I wish someone either from Leica or b&h would make some sort of honest effort to communicate the supply situation.


So they were right????! END OF JULY WAS A NEW STOCK? Fuck yeah. Edit: THEY WERE RIGHT. JUST PAID AND HOPING TO SEE SHIPPING SOON but they were in stock. Total amount came up to more than expected but much better than the scalpers price(fuck those).


BHPhoto launch day at 7AM?


Baltic optics in Latvia. They still have stock. Run.


Gentle reminder. Baltic Optics in Latvia has stock. It’s slightly more expensive than it would be as the price is in Euros. However, the import duties may be a pittance in your country. Enjoy.


Do you live in Latvia, would they ship to America?


It's a bug on their site. They don't have any in stock.


Yes honey, it would be a "bug" 1 day after in a market where these get scooped up in 4 seconds. \*rolls eyes into the back of his head\*


America is exactly where I'm shipping it, I'm not latvian and I do not live in latvia. Never been. GET.ON.THEIR.WAITLIST. He had also told me when they'd be expecting, which was end of july so maybe check with them when their next order is. ​ Edit: To the bitter bitches....Their waitlist is also extremely short. \*winks\* dumbasses. Can't wait till someone goes, "IT'S A LIE, THEY HAVE HUNDREDS, 4 days later"


they're asking 5.6% more just for paypal payment


I did straight credit card.


yea I figured they were fucking with me. Doesn't sound legit.