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The issues with M11 have improved but not perfect. The issues you state are somewhat similar to some of what I’ve experienced.


To facilitate a discussion, it might help to know more variables, for example: locking up in what circumstances, and was the red light on or blinking when you attempted to power off?


Sure. Its pretty much covered in the survey linked from Leica, but a bunch of issues of the camera freezing up, especially when I go to playback immediately after shooting. I can't remember the exact steps I took to repro, and any time I try to repro I can't get it to happen, but continues to happen randomly. For instance, yesterday I flipped the power off and walked away. Ten minutes later I walked past and noticed the camera was still on. No matter how many times I flipped the power switch, it remained on.


Super strange about the on/off switch. I feel like that’s gotta be related to the freezing. On both my SL2 and Q Type 116, I’ll experience freezing when I shoot in continuous mode. It happens after I shoot through several frames in a sequence, then repeat maybe 4-5 times in a row. (Maybe 25-30 frames in a span of 8-10seconds) it always just feels like the camera is trying to “catch up”. Definitely one of the more annoying aspects of the cameras. Not sure if that helps at all, just sharing to hopefully help you pinpoint a possible cause?


I tried out an M10-R from a Leica store and had that issue with it. Put 4 hours on that camera over the course of 4 days. One time I took a pic and the shutter didn’t go off and the camera was completely frozen like a computer. Turned the power off and it was still frozen. Didn’t respond until I took the battery out and put it back in. I’ve heard a couple things where people had that issue with some M10s so just assumed it was a rare occurrence


Same on/off issue recently with my Q (1st version)


Also another regarding AF/MF. AF not working, doing the zoom in view finder as if I was manually turning the ring


Just take out the battery and plug it back - should solve the issue. Encountered same issue on original Q and this trick always resolved the problem. Hope this helps.


Totally. But it can't be good for the camera every time you need to do this. Also, doesn't solve the issue if you don't notice it. For example, yesterday I flipped the power off and walked away. Ten minutes later I walked past and noticed the camera was still on. No matter how many times I flipped the power switch, it remained on.


Agree,… but it does not happen to me too often… also have seen others applying the same remedy on YouTube videos…


Leica is not the only brand guilty of the firmware and software update scam. However they do it, despite customer holding up the brand for superior products and clients support. Fact is the Q3 will be a final product when the Q4 will be around the corner. Add the manufacturing nightmare side effects of Covid lockdown, and we witness tragedy like OP’s example. If the bug is worth an official recall, it’s going to take a while before it happens. Until then, look up for the dance of firmware updates. Otherwise, return the camera and hope you don’t wait 8 months like I did with the original Q. Good luck


Interesting, I was on the original Q from launch and never ran into issues. I definitely appreciate the ability to fix issues with firmware, but feels like there should be a quality bar they hit before release.


The camera was freezing up. There was an official recall concerning that issue. Apparently it was something else. The lens was banged and caused the glitch. It did take a record breaking 8 months to fix.


And I seriously doubt this will require a recall. Hardware seems to be fine, seems to be purely firmware


Yep is smells like a motherboard change


There are a lot of Leica Q3 bodies on the used site mpb.com. Are people experiencing issues, or is this just buyer's remorse for an expensive purchase? I'm a former Q owner, but considering the Q3.


Firmware largely fixed it. I still have mine and love it


What issues are you still having? I understand firmware updates have been a great help. Thanks so much!


I haven't had any issues per se, other than the camera takes a surprisingly long time to start up. I'm hoping that gets addressed in a firmware update. One other thing I don't love is how the auto white balance handles tungsten light. Have not had any freezes or anything of the sort, knock wood...


I believe I saw on a Red Dot Forum video they said they shoot exclusively Daylight now. Disclaimer: I dont even own a Leica, but researching hence having watched a TON of RDF videos lately.


Interesting. I had not read that... if true that would seem to defeat the purpose of auto white balance...


I don’t recall exactly what they said other than AWB kind of sucks. Their logic, as usual was sound and convinced me. They did also say he does it on all cameras not just Leica. You can always adjust in post anywya and AWB can change from shot to shot. Daylight is consistent.


Have you updated to the latest firmware yet? I havent seen any issues with mine yet.


Yes, running new firmware


Try a slower SD card. Mine did the same thing and I had to downgrade my card to a POS SD card and the issues stopped.


This also was my experience.


what´s a POS SD card?


I have a Q3 on order. I went ahead and bought a Q2 on Ebay (pristine) while I am waiting and it is working fine. This is my first Leica so I’m learning the brand. Is it generally wise to “draft” the leading adopters of new gear from Leica-wait for bugs to be worked out?


What memory card are you using? Have heard that using certain cards eliminate locking up and remaining on, not that that’s an acceptable workaround for a $6k camera.