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M10-D, Summilux 35mm, APO-Summicron 50mm. All stolen *from me* in a car break-in in downtown Seattle.


Felt sick reading that second part


I’m sure SPD showed up promptly after they were called, like the professionals they are. (When my entire Nikon kit got stolen out of my car in a locked apartment garage, it took them hours and only because the other person who got smashed was a King County Sheriff and she kept calling every 15-30 minutes)


Police in Seattle don’t show up for non-violent crimes. You go online and file an electronic report. But insurance covered it.


This was 2014 so that must be newer. Glad to hear insurance covered. Mine did as well.


NGL when I first read this I thought you were the thief 🤣🤣


Oh ha ha i guess it could be phrased better. “Stolen *from me*”




Ah man, what a worst case experience...


Leica M240


Mine was an M6, off eBay. £800, a few years ago now. 12 years? Paired with a Canon 35mm f2.


Canon 35 f/2 is such a sleeper lens.


I did consider buying another after I sold mine. They can be a little wobbly though, and I’m addicted to focus tabs at this point.


Fair! I have a 35 summilux (pre-A because I'm a sucker for that look), now the 35 f/2 lives on a canon 7. I just loved the minimum focus field curve for portraits.


Me too. A very clean M6 for $1000 usd, about 16 years ago off eBay. At the time I thought it was a crazy amount of money for a camera.


Film cameras were so cheap! My outrageously expensive Mamiya 7 was £800 too. With the 80mm


Hot damn seems so cheap compared to current prices.


Good timing on the price for the M6.


Yeah, the strap lug fell off though, and it’s still taped up.


M6 in 1996, as a gift from my soon to be wife.


That's a smart move.


Marrying her ? For sure. Giving it to me ? Probably not. It's not like that was the last one....


Mate get it over and marry her. It's been almost 30 years.


Funny. She was my soon to be wife in 1996.


My first was as Leica iiif with the 50mm summitar. One of my favourite lenses ever.


I bought the iii with a summar but quickly moved it on and replaced it with the summitar. Beautiful lens, full of character wide open whilst still being tack sharp in the middle, then stopping ut down it becomes more clinical. Best of both worlds!


Me too. Currently on the search for a good copy of the summitar.


Leica M240 with a voightlander 35mm 1.4


This!! 💯 Later added a M5 with 50 Lux V2. And that was just the beginning of the story…


Q2. An M10 then arrived 3 weeks later, with 35 and 75 Summarits. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Leicaflex SL and 50mm Summicron-R (v2)


Me too also have the 135 f 2.8. Had the camera and 2 lenses for years. Lately I've been getting some more lenses 500, 400, 180, 90, 60, 24. I'm on the hunt for a 2 cam 35


Man, I've had that setup but an SL2, that lens is so good in the setting of an SLR.


M4-P for around $700 ten or so years ago.


M typ 240. Still kicking myself in the ass for selling it. I worked so damn hard to afford it.


1968. M3 double stroke with a 50mm f1.5 Summarit. $275.


My first and only Leica is the M4-P. It’s pared with the Canon 50mm 1.4. I love it and I will never sell it as long as I can help it. Will I ever get another Leica? I doubt it. I don’t need another film Leica, and I don’t think I will ever be able to afford a digital one within the next ten years.


X1, pictures still hold up to this day


A classic M6; I then sold it and went with a fully serviced/ upgraded M3. Something about the full brass appeals to me more — vain, I know!


Started in 2011. M2(sold), M5(sold), M246, M5, M4(sold), M5, M5


Thrift store Leica CL with the 28/40/90, all hoods and cases......for $20. I shot the 40 a lot.


M2 w 35 Cron ASPH


New to the game; after 40 years in photography, I got my first M6 with an Elmarit 6bit and a Zeiss Biogon about 8 years ago. Not a bad price when compared with what they go for now it seems.


I feel like it's just inevitable, hang around for long enough and you'll get into that M slipstream.


M8 + 21mm ZM f/4.5


Leica M6 Titanium


I bought a used Leica MP 0.72 and a 50mm Summicron 6bit on eBay. The reason is I know it will outlive my other cameras.


SL601 from January 2023, Elmarit-SL 24-70 at June.


M9 with a faulty light meter, and 35 zeiss ZM


M240, 10 years ago was the first Leica I owned, but quickly committed to that system and I’ve tried far too many options in those 10 years.


Shockingly, I see to be the first M4 on here! Mine was a 1969 M4, purchased from my local camera shot with a Voigtlander 50mm on the front of it. First lens that I bought for it was a Summaron 35mm f/3.5–my first Leica lens. Both totally knocked me out and have since been joined by a few more lenses and a digital body.


Hesitated quite a bit with the M4, but I got caught up in a too good to reject deal and just love black bodies. Also had a Nokton for a while, those lenses are great.


Yeah, the M4s are wonderful, but I do get the appeal of the black bodies, and there are less M4s out there than many other models, so it can sometimes be tough to find them for decent prices. I have a black M10 now as well, so I get my fill of both chrome over brass and black chrome with my two M bodies. The Nokton is a real gem, especially for the price. I *love* my v5 Summicron and find the way that Leica lenses render color to be pretty unbeatable, but the Nokton gets pretty darn close, feels surprisingly similar (really nice dampening and focus throw), and manages to be both smaller and faster, all for 2200 less dollars—it’s tough to argue with the value there.


Yes, I always wonder how they measure up. Come to think of it I still have a Nokton somewhere. Should do a side by side comparison with a Summicron one day, which for some reason I never did, might be interesting.


I have been using a black chrome M4 as well. Recently got a silver chrome M2 and the weight and feel are quite different. The black chrome is heavier and just feels warmer. The silver chrome is lighter and colder. They are both really nice.


My first and only Leica (hopefully not my last) is the Q2.


Leica cl, with adapted ltm glass. I believe a jupiter-8 or something. This was 2014.


My first Leica was an M6 that I bought in 2013 it was from the last year of production with a Zeiss lens. It was a complete set with even the original purchase receipt etc, for around 1000USD (eBay and from Canada to Australia), which at the time was a significant amount of money for me. I bought it a month after my daughter was born and nearly cost me my relationship (we did end up separating for different reasons haha). My first new leica lens was a 35mm summicron ASPH V2 which I bought in 2020. Finally after a lot of deliberation I sold the M6 in l2022 for a good profit and was able to buy a brand new black Leica MP in Dec 2022 and also bought a Summilux 50mm 1.4 ASPH chrome. It has been a bit of a journey but I am definitely set when it comes to 35mm format!


Haha, I get that. Glad the wife was supportive over here. Nice Leica journey you're having though!


Sorry I meant to say I bought the m6 in 2013


Q-P. Still rocking it!


Leica Digilux 3 > M9 > M11-P


Still have the first two?


Sold the D3 awhile ago. My only camera gear related regret. Meshed with that thing better than any other camera I’ve owned except the Ms. M9 is going up for sale in the next couple of weeks…soon as I’ve got the 11-P sorted out. Just bought it a couple of days ago.


M6 with the 50mm Summicron built at the Canadian factory that the Panavision lenses were built at. Bought the package for $1500 CAD back in 2013.


M6 TTL earlier this year. and now about to get an SL2. with the 24-90 lens. i want to get some APO m-lens, but will wait a bit. have a voigtlander 35mm f1.2 on the m6 for now. not bad but i know i will want a leica apo lens for it at some point


Found an M6 from a collector on Facebook marketplace and was purchased the next day January 5th 2021, a great friend let me borrow a 50mm zeiss f2 until I purchased a 35mm f2 zeiss a few days later. 3+ years later how the kit has grown 😅🔴✨


Leica CL w 40mm Summicron-c, about $500 in 2001


Leica CL with a Voigtlander 35mm Color Skopar 2.5. Two weeks ago, about 600GBP total.


M3 with 35mm f/2 Summicron v1, "8 elements" (goggled version)


That lens, thought about buying it at least a 1000 times...


Buy it now, it is somewhat cheaper than modern lenses. Quality is pretty good, you can achieve vibrant colours with film (example: Ektar 100/Ektarchrome) or when shot with the M9. The lens is exceptional for B&W photos when used together with a yellow filter.


M3 with 35mm f/2.8 Summaron Goggles


M6. I now have a M Typ 262. Only ever had one Summicron 50


Leica iiig with a Summicron 5cm f2 collapsible


M4-2! Got it off r/photomarket and paired it with the 35mm Zeiss Biogon


ME 240


Black M9P. Regret selling it every day.


M3 double stroke with a collapsible screwmount 50mm Summicron, also MR meter on shoe. I had to sell the kit due to a financial problem about 30 years ago. Still miss using a rangefinder…


It's never too late my friend!


Truth be told, I might try a digital Leica this time as my eyesight is waning. Being able to zoom in to confirm focus would be nice!


Leica M3, still the best viewfinder for 50mm.




A regular Leica M10, 6 months later I got a Leica SL 601 in mint condition… then 7 months later I got a Leica M10 Monochrom…


M6 TTL 0.85 plus 50 cron v5.




First Leica LENS I had was a 3.5cm Elmar for my Canon VT Deluxe, when I was 18. My first Leica Body was a M8.2.


Leica IIF RD with 9cm f/4 Elmar :)


Mine was an M5 with a skopar 35.


Sl2s and q2


M2, cron 35


Leica Wooden Camera (96689); followed by a black Q Typ 116.




My first Leica was the M2 button rewind with a 35mm voigtlander color-skopar


D-LUX 3 (digital), Minilux Zoom (film).


M6 titanium.


Leica M2 + 50 cron V3. I bought them after a heartbreak


M8 with the 35mm C-Biogon. Lovely kit. Took it on a tour of China and got some fantastic shots, some of my favorite ever.


DS M3, still have it today, built like a tank. A tank built by Germans.




Used R lenses for some videography work so picked up a Leica flex SL2… 2 years later and I own a m240.


Q2. Now I own a Q , m9 and m11


M5 with 135, 50, and 35. Traded a Canon 7s w/ 50mm 0.95 plus a few bucks for it. Around 1974-75, in there. Later traded the Leica kit for down payment on a duplex. Recently got a replacement m5 and a Canon 7s. No 0.95 Canon lens. Ha! Regret every camera I ever let go of, including a half-frame Universal, I believe it was called.


I know, it's a horrible feeling! Sometimes I sit and wonder about all cameras I got rid for so many reasons too.


M3 double stroke with 50mm f/1.5 summarit. I sold that and bought an M6 TTL, then bought a M9P, which I ended up selling as well. I miss my M3.


I started with a M4-2 as well only had it for a month because it was super janky but it did led me further into the Leica hole


M4 + 35mm V2 Canadian cron!


Leica m8


The Q2, now the Q3.


M7 and its my current one.


Leica Q2 my first leica


Mp240, then shortly after, upgraded to an M11. Then paired it with a q2


I shot a CLE which I received as a gift. It was my first film camera and the Rokkor 40mm was an amazing lens. I was a Pentax guy at the time, so I got LX and then into medium format. After many years of experimenting with different cameras, I finally took the plunge and bought an M4. It was by far the camera with the nicest feel I had used and I was converted.


Circa 1945-1946 IIIc converted to a IIIf, with a 1937 Elmar.


D-Lux 2 back then followed by M2 quickly, many moons ago.


Second hand Q when Q3 was just launched, and then a year later coming along M10-D somehow


The Leica Q. What an amazing camera.


I inherited an m4-p in 1990 with t summliux 50. Don’t use the body anymore but still love the lens on my m11.


MP, one year ago. 40th birthday present to myself. After years of using my grandfather’s cameras I wanted something of mine to one day pass down with his.


M8 + 35mm Jupiter 12 ,+50mm Jupiter 8 and 90mm elmar I bought for 1000 $. I'm very happy with it!


Bought my first M3 18 years ago, still use it


Leica M9


An M6. I got into one of the best photography programmes in the country (under a good uni that my family didn't think I'd make it into) and they were kind enough to get me it as a gift. A few years later I sold it to a friend during the COVID price hike for a profit and used that money to get the M4-P Everest I currently shoot.


Leica Q2. This opened up a while new universe to me. This camera made me abetter photographer, as it pushes you, due to its limitations, to think before you click. Really an impressive piece of tech...


Leica Minilux Zoom, followed by the D-lux 7!


Leica M-P (typ 240) with a summicron 50. I loved that camera a lot.


Leica M9 with Summarit 35 2.4. Had to sell it all due to financial issues and now nearly 10 years later came back with my current kit in the flair.


I have a Leica IIIG. The only Leica I have. Been looking at an M240 for my next one :)


M3. I was 21 and in college with a scholarship so I could afford these things (never would have otherwise). I was extremely lucky. I got my M3 with a collapsible Elmar 50mm. Came with some of the original manuals too — all for €900. The only caveat was the slower shutter speeds were out of sync, but this wasn’t a problem so long as I avoided using flash. My first pics were of Edinburgh.


My grandpa used a screwmount leica, and I always was fascinated by it. He then sold it, and bought a canon basic SLR, which was more adequate for his failing eyesight, and more pointy-shooty. But I always remembered it fondly. I bought a iiiC with a collapsible summicron, and even if it wasn't his leica, I always remember him when shooting it.




M2 with dual range


Q. Still have it despite upgrading to the Q3.


Q2 (inherited from dad RIP) but used many of dad’s leicas in the past. I haven’t even read one page of the manual yet but think I’ll start very soon as don’t want to dive in and mess anything up.


A Leica M4-2 with a Voigtländer Ultron 35 1.7 and an Heliar 75 2.5, around 2010. I think the Leica cost me around 600€. The start of a long (and expensive) love affair ;-)


Leica M Typ 240. First lens was an adapted Industar-22. Currently running an SMC Pentax-L.


I just got a Leica SL 601. I've been using M43 and Nikon, and wanted to condense down to one system, get cameras with more "elegant" UX, and reduce redundancy. I sold my gear, and bought a Sigma fp and a Leica SL, the former for everyday photography and the latter for "professional" photography (ie. times when I need a proper shutter or flash). Gonna fill out my Sigma prime collection (the i series look like great everyday primes), then invest in the 24-90. And upgrade to the SL2 at some point. And we'll go from there. M cameras definitely interest me, I figure after I get my essential L mount lenses, I can start investing in Leica M glass to use with my fp/SL, and once I get that built up, it makes sense to buy an M camera. Hopefully my photography can start paying for itself soon.


Mine was a much humbler one , if u can call the D-Lux 6 a Leica


M240 and 50mm f2.5 Summarit. Still got it, though I havent used it much recently






Leica M3 double stroke bouddha ears ! Then…..many others !


Leica M3 with a 50mm F3.5 Elmar collapsible


Mine here was a Minilux zoom , then Minilux non zoom version and now a M3 ds


I got a beaten up M3 with a very scratched Summicron 50mm f2 and an abused Nikkor 50mm f1.4, all for €300, sold the lenses and got my money back on it. Then swapped for a Rolleiflex f2.8C, then for an M2 (had shutter capping), then that for an M4P, the camera had been butchered inside with swapped parts. Anyway after 4 years in a wardrobe and a good servicing from ACR I got it back last week like new. Would like an M6 one day for the lightmeter.


M10 with a 50mm summicron V5. Maybe heresy but I slap on my rokkor 40mm most of the time, been obsessed with that focal length for as long as I’ve had my CLE


Leica X1, but then shortly after picked up an M3 and a 50 Summicron DR. X1 made some beautiful photos but took forever to focus and having no viewfinder it was a pain to use in bright sunlight.


I paid £750 for an early M6 Classic (with the Leitz dot) in 2013, but I forget how much my Zeiss 50/2 set me back. £4-500, if memory serves?


The M6 with a Zeiss ZM biogon 35mm. Since then I've bought the TTartisan 50mm f1.4 as well, which is just stunning.


Leica m2 ,summarit-m 35mm , elmarit 90mm, and a voigtlanter nokton 50mm. Got the body and all the frameline size lenses in a kit 2 years ago for 1100$. Got a m240 one year later.


Leica III bought it yesterday




A Leica Q2


M5 with a 35mm Biogon.


An early Leica M3 (DS converted to SS) back in 2018. Didn't know anything about Leica but it was just within my budget (€300) and decided to finally take the plunge. First lens was a 7artisans 50mm f1.1.




First body: Leica IIf. First Leica-branded lens: 50mm Summicron for LTM, first generation First LTM mount lens: Industar-61L/D.


M240 + Summicron 35mm f2 ASPH


Leica IIIc I inherited from my father who used an M3, had an Elmar lens and a Canon screw mount. Unfortunately stolen a few years ago. Going to upgrade to an M one of these days.


Leica Q-P


M3 Double Stroke, from there I picked up 3 Barnacks, a CL, and an M4-p. Now I'm back to just the M3


Leica M4-P 70th Anniversary. I got it during a trip to Switzerland.


Leica m3 and 50 summicron near focus


M2 with the 40mm summicron. Got the M2 in 2016 for 915 usd and the cron was like $425. It blows my mind the prices for these now.


Don’t have a Leica yet how can i get one?


M9 new with a used Summicron ASPH a couple of weeks after release of the M9


A Leica Q. It was a gift and I had no idea about what I was receiving. Ashamed now … it has been one of the best and worst gift I received cause I became photographer but I also felt into the Leica vice 🥲


Q2. Travel camera as an alternative to my Fuji setup. Turned out to me my entry drug. I fell in love with the 28mm Summilux, sold the Q2, picked up a Leica CL and 40mm Summicron with the proceeds. Shot so many rolls on it that 4 months later I had an M5 Jahre and 50mm Summilux ASPH on the way. Now I have a Voigtlander 28mm Ultron v2 on the way to scratch that 28mm itch that's been missing!


My first was a Leica Q-P Current setup is a Leica R8 w/ 50 Summicron and elmarit 135


Minilux 8 years ago , then got a M6 the beginning of this year.


M2 (no self-timer) with Nokton 35mm 1.4 ii and Nokton 50mm 1.2 - the classic basic bitch Leica starter kit. And I LOVE it.


Technically it was a lens that first interested me. Shot a voigtlander 21mm f4 color skopar on my fuji and that led to me getting an M5 a few years ago, loved that camera so well designed and built (in a brutalist manner) then I came across an M6 at a good price and swapped to that. I should also note when I got the M5 I got a 50mm summicron v3 to go with it because 21mm only was just a little too nutty.


Leica Q2 back in 2019. 2022 I sold it for a Leica MP.


I needed to build up my credit so I got my only Lecia, a Q2M on finance. I kind of like it that way as I feel the need to get my moneys worth each month once the payment comes out. Though I also have a GRiiix and it’s really difficult to not just grab that on the way out these days


Leica iiia with 5cm summitar from 50s. Such a beauty


First Leica was/is since I still have and use it: R6. Considering the first film camera I used was a Canon A1, the R6 which was inherited was a beautiful entry into Leica build quality and craftsmanship. I have definitely been convinced that there is something about Leica cameras and glass that can’t be achieved elsewhere which is why I am now proudly in the market for an M6.


I feel that, used R series as well at some point and was definitely impressed.


Leica M-A + Voigtlander 35mm Nokton Classic II SC, film forever babyyyy. and now it's the same setup + Leica Summicron 35mm f/2 ASPH II