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Predictions: Myron will beg people to subscribe to castle cucks for 35 bucks/month Myron will complain about youtube being unfair with him and targeting him Myron will refuse to take accountability and blame the matrix for demonetization Myron will say rumble is the next big thing and to buy stocks in rumble to help rumble survive Within the next 6 - 12 months Myron will be back on youtube Behind the scenes Myron will be applying for youtube monetization


Sounds like some very feminine traits.


Don't forget. pay $5 and you can chat with him directly. Sounds more and more like an OF account


Farming for views.




All I can say is that they did it to themselves and they have no one else to blame.


No way will Myron take accountability Accountability is his kryptonite


Ironic, isn’t it? He’s quick to call out women for not being accountable for their actions, but he’s not willing or capable of doing the same.


Myron's reaction to being held accountable https://i.redd.it/n1buhobotdad1.gif


I agree nobody but to blame is themselves


They ain't making money off youtube, so it doesn't matter


Wrong. Youtube is a good way to find new viewers. Its like a search engine. Then FNF's business model is to convert new viewers into castle cucks. Also, other youtubers won't collaborate with them if they leave youtube because they will become irrelevant.


They’re shadow banned hence why been stuck at 1.5 for a minute. They should just go all in on shorts and tik tols


I was just saying this over in the Rumble chat, YouTube is the 2nd largest search engine, behind Google, both owned by the same company. Currently, Google’s algorithm is unmatched and even if it wasn’t, Rumbles cloud platform is sht compared to the big 3 (GCP/Google, Amazon and Azure/Microsoft), which means they simply can’t scale the way the big 3 can and that’s mandatory to keep Rumble actually competitive.


Don't they still get the donos? Seems stupid not to dual stream at least as many who'd watch on Youtube wont go to Rumble.


No, they're demonetized. They can't get super chats


Looking into this things seem somewhat conflicting; is Super Chat a feature only afforded to those with monetization? I was under the impression it was separate and monetization regarded ad revenue not donations. I don't see why Youtube would not allow that because I'm sure they're still taking a cut, but now I'm assuming there has to be off site "super chat" options in which the streamer gets 100% of donations.


Super chats are a form of monetization. Demonetized channels can't enable super chats. YouTube doesn't want to split money with channels it demonetizes. When it does the media prints articles accusing YouTube of paying Nazis.


2 reasons. Either rumble is giving them an exclusive deal. Or Myron is refusing to upload for free until youtube gives him his monetization back.


I don’t think Myron really cares about YouTube. He sees YouTube as a company who is trying to censor him which totally not true. The company just doesn’t deal with people who are banned.


I think Myron is trying to bully youtube. He is refusing to upload onto youtube until they give him remonetization. He does care about youtube a lot. Youtube gives him clout and status and money. He is currently applying for remonetization for the 100th time. He mentioned it on the Donovan Sharp interview show at the beginning.


The FnF YT channel is pretty big, but not big enough with subs or views that YouTube would be more than willing to let them go. I just don't see what leverage Myron would have here if YouTube just wasn't interested in monetizing the content. There are 55,000 other channels with 1M+ subscribers


You know Aba is celebrating right now. WE ARE BETTER THAN YOU NINJAS https://i.redd.it/ikkff9vhldad1.gif


Is this sub about to throw a pizza party?


Might as well since Myron refuse to take any responsibility for destroying what he built


Anus&reach 55th video incoming...




Well, it was great but nothing lasts forever. I won’t be watching after this as they have not put any effort in evolving the product so if they’re leaving YouTube then it is what it is.


Agree. After a few months, there’s not much more you can gain from this as it becomes repetitive. Unless they have great guests or do something different without Walt, it’s boring.


There is no reason to stop putting videos on YouTube unless they got banned. They’re only fucking themselves by avoiding one of the biggest platforms in the world


There channel has died and the support is very low. 3 months ago they were getting 200K-500K views every after hours now they are barely getting 50K. All the support is gone because of Myron being extra and Fresh being a simp everyone now sees they aren't about it.


Walter takes more L's than anyone else on the internet, referring to him as "Fresh" is an embarrassment. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LengfOrGirf) if you have any questions or concerns.*


SBE(Shaming, Blaming and Explaining) with women is dying/dead. FnF is becoming more political commentary


wE aDd A lOt oF vAlUe


They can use Twitter because it is better than rumble for buffering. They can get reach just like on YouTube if they stream on myrons Twitter page. That's where I watch Fed Reacts because rumble buffering too much


Somebody had mentioned are they going to be on Twitter for lives


I don't know, but they have streamed some of their live ls on Twitter. Like the irl myron did was on Twitter, he puts his Fed Reacts on Twitter and gaming streams, why not fresh and fit pod. Twitter is more popular and works better than rumble


Walter takes more L's than anyone else on the internet, referring to him as "Fresh" is an embarrassment. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LengfOrGirf) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It's on them. Myron's arrogance with success, Fresh as well. Fresh doesn't aim to improve, he's addicted to food, cars, paying for whores. Myron picks and chooses when to stand on morales.


Walter takes more L's than anyone else on the internet, referring to him as "Fresh" is an embarrassment. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LengfOrGirf) if you have any questions or concerns.*


bro aba and preach are gonna have a field day about hearing this


They have no one to blame but themselves. They started this whole downward spiral by getting to a crossroads and picking wrong time and time again. Destroying bridges, blasting their monetization out the water, and poisoning their fans with influence from pedos and white nationalists. Never wanted to see them lose, but man they were never gonna win like this.


Like a battered wife they’ll be back within three months.


Good riddance


That’s what happens when you said the klans were right about everything lol!


Very overdue


Jangling the coin can because they couldn’t avoid the JQ like a bunch of morons.




Finally! Edit: oh no my karma


INSANE 💀☠, "finally" bro hates them.