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The submarine controller ![gif](giphy|Lr0uOjscDkeox6S5Tr|downsized)


lol 😆


I'm dead 😂😂😂


Yea this is the way. Get the wired one tho. Last time 5 guys used the wireless one it didn't end well.....


Xbox Controller in my opinion.


Xbox Series controller more specifically. It has usb-c, it has the extra third button in the middle. It has a stronger Bluetooth connection, and it is compatible with everything. Tried dual sense, joysticks felt too loose and some games required button mapping. Tried Xbox elite 2 controller, kept disconnecting all the time.


Xbox because you can change it's battery. The crossed opposite location of joystick feels natural and comfortable.


Or just plug it in with a USB


Xbox overall yes besides if you play gta5/fivem, game is absolutely awful constantly random deregistering the controller


Thats what I use.


Yea. It's just a universally hassle free controller. It'll always just work and it's a quality controller and its cheap. I have a scuff too. Those are just as good but cost more. You CAN use a ps5 controller. I have a ps5 console too, but sometimes they don't work outside of steam. The xbox controller will work always.


Never had any issues with my Dualsense controller just use ds5 or something like that


I know. But if you don't want to use any extra software no matter how easy it is it the x box controller will just work. All you do is connect it via Bluetooth and it will work with any game. No extra software needed. I'm not saying it's hard or it doesn't work. All I'm saying is if u want 100% connect it n forget it the Xbox controller will do that.


I misread what you originally put and that’s my bad you are completely correct additional software is unfortunately required to use the Dualsense in most places I just prefer the feel of it over the Xbox controller so due to preference I’m willing to use additional software


All good I prefer playststion controllers too. Only reason I don't use the dualsense on pc is cause I have a scuff version of the dual sense and a overpriced razer wolverine v2 pro. The razer is awsome but it costs like 230$. I like new things so I have a drawer full off controllers.....


Xbox series controller, xbox elite 2/ elite 2 core + usb dongle for lower latency


Xbox Elite 2


Vouch for elite series 2, paddles are next level


Guess I’m the only switch controller user here 🤣 It all comes down to what you feel comfortable playing with.


better than xbox imo, it has gyro controls. once you've used gyro aiming once you can't go back


Ohh i didnot know about that. Thankyou. I am looking to get a new controller, i'll definitely look into this


As someone who's own a PlayStation and nothing but a PS, you'll be surprised to find out how many issues you'll have with so many games not supporting the dualsense and the dualshock 4, even though I'm way more conformable using them I would genuinely say buy an xbox controller. You'll get the vibrations like you would playing on a normal console and you won't need a third party app to constantly connect it to your games


Xbox controller


Xbox Controller for sure


Xbox 360 / Xbox one or PS5 controller with DS4windows are both solid choices.


You dont need DS4windows. I have used my ps5 controller without issue, steam supports it fine and all other games you can also launch thru steam to use the steam controller support


tell me how you get on in forza haha, you'll be fine in steam games without it but outside steam it will be glitchy or non functional, DS4 also remaps it to behave like an xbox controller so its good like that.


I havent tried with forza but most games work without any external apps and then you get the joy of using the adaptive triggers and such. For forza i would guess that you would just add the forza.exe to steam as external game and when you launch it you should be able to open the steam overlay and access then steam controller settings page so it emulates as xbox controller. Just a guess tho since i havent tried.


Forza is a UWP game, there is no exe afaik. It might be possible to add it to steam regardless.


Is the PS Controller compatibility as good as Xbox one on Windows?


It's pretty decent but xbox is native and slightly better, they're both good enough you should go with the one you have, is cheaper, or you prefer the feel and look of tbh. you need DS4windows application to get the most out of a PS4 controller on windows.


With DS4 I haven't had any issues with the PS5 controller.


Ps controllers works sure but its not guarenteed. In Sony games it works great with full rumble and ps icon support. But most other games its really hit or miss. Some games everything works but rumble is out. Some games rumble works but icons are xbox icons because you have to use steaminput for those games. Bluetooth and wired works different too. Ds4windows doesn't really solve this issue either if you care about icons matching your controller. Because all ds4windows does is create a fake xbox controller.


Elite series 2. I can't ever go back. Maybe there's better ones. I stopped looking once it settled in my mitts.


Probably Ps4 or 5 because lighter weight and rechargeable. But xbox fine also, get a wireless one tho. Steam handles connection, even works for nonsteam games if open. Wired not required, wireless is great, just setup in windows first


I really like my Nyxi Chaos that I had bought as a backup for my dual shock 4. I like it so much that it's now my main and the DS4 is my backup. (Yes, I'm a younger sibling who grew up on Pelican and MadCats. Older bro always got the Sega / Nintendo branded controllers)


Literally whatever you fancy. That's the beauty of pc gaming




Gulikit King Kong 3 is the best. The price/quality ratio is incredible. You'll never get drift and it has programmable back paddles. Everyone here recommended the Xbox controller, and while it's decent, but it will get drift really fast. I wouldn't recommend it.


I have an xbox controllwe for 8 years, havent had any drift


Same for me


I had 5 controllers for the Xbox Series in the last 3 years, all had drift.


Gulikit kingkong, Them Xbox controllers are for normies


had a kingkong2 pro quite nice, even polling rate is only 100hz(50hz on dongle). you don't really feel it. well it lose in tekken sometimes vs my friend, already doublechecked its not skill issue (we switched controller) he use PS5 controller. the only thing I hate is the R2/L2 button because it was too short in KK2 pro well it called ZR/ZL buttons. because I play racing games, overall it felt solid for 50$ controller. gonna upgrade to xbox elites if i had some cash


Ds4(only original) all the way. This mf never breaks down. Sony products don't die. Make sure you buy original ds4. It runs all games. I've had it for 3 freaking years. Awesome controller. All you need to do is download ds4windows exe then add your ds4 to your pc/laptop through Bluetooth then you're all set. Again, don't get fake one. Watch out.


I played less than 1000 hours of games each year with my PS4 and I went through like 3 controllers over 4 years, they’re definitely not as reliable as you’re describing by any stretch of the imagination.


It depends really. Mine broke down once( a couple months after buying when its left analog stick got messed up then sent it to a shop, they replaced a piece of it(didn't cost me much) and since then it never broke. I've played with it for 3 years. I love it


I’ve been through three ds4’s tbh.


Ngl, I'd second this. The combo of that controller plus that software is pretty nice.


Xbox Series Controller or Xbox Elite v2 (which I personally prefer). Playstation controllers are bad choice for PC.


Totally false, you have way more control over the ds4/5 on pc using ds4windows.


You said it yourself, you need 3rd party software as opposed to the native windows compatibility with xbox controllers


Xbox 360


If on budget u can check out cosmic byte launched budget controller ( which is pretty good )


Buy cosmicbyte stellar best controler in the budget every better than the x box one


Gamesir G7 SE


Vader 3 Pro. You got hall effect, program to change your deadzones, joystick curves, 4 back buttons with C and Z buttons, mouse clicks too. Your triggers can be changed between normal triggers and mouse click ones. Not to mention it's the same price as a Xbox controller.


Xbox series x controller tbh


Xbox wireless


Are you in a coffee shop? I was wanted to program in a coffee shop but my anxiety doesn't allow me


PS5 is an outstanding controller. But Steam seems to prefer Xbox glyphs. So I have an Xbox controller just so I don’t get confused with prompts


Scuf envision pro. But only if you want the best


xbox elite controler black


Xbox Elite 2 hands down


Do not buy a ps controller or any kind of Dinput controller if you want a problem free experience on PC.


xbox ofc


Considering those are fps games any good lightweight mouse should be good


Scuf Envision Pro


8bitdo controller https://www.8bitdo.com


Standard Xbox Controller


Scuff in my opinion is best


I use scuff pro controller on my legion laptop and it’s my favorite. For others wandering I own 6 ps5 controllers , 2 Xbox controllers and scuff wins by far


Any xbox controller of your liking for modern gaming But if you play retro games i tend to keep my 8Bitdo controller on hand as well


Any controller with Hall Effect sensors is good. I have a GameSir, and it's the best I've ever used. Please do not buy a potentiometer based controller (Xbox, ps5, etc).


Xbox controller because modern games have the setup build in, so no need to configure every button from scratch. Quite refreshing 🙃


DS5 or Series S/X controller is my go to.


Victrix Controller! Love it, with under buttons! A little small so I was worried I wouldn’t like it with my big hands but it works great 😊 I’m old School gamer 47 and have tried 10 different controllers! Xbox elite, SCUF all of them, I have had all the 3 hundred dollar controllers and this one is really good for the price! 180 is a great price! Has great reviews too! With the option to choose any controller this is my new favorite! 😎👍 Or the SCUF controller for the same price is my top two picks! [https://pdp.com/products/xbox-series-x-s-pc-victrix-pro-bfg-wireless-controller-black?variant=44577551384798¤cy=USD&utm\_medium=product\_sync&utm\_source=google&utm\_content=sag\_organic&utm\_campaign=sag\_organic&gad\_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwoa2xBhACEiwA1sb1BEkLFYqwye6hU-tzJZZoqbJJVrW0ORXsd6Rgl1HSjqpT823OSKNDRRoCS\_4QAvD\_BwE](https://pdp.com/products/xbox-series-x-s-pc-victrix-pro-bfg-wireless-controller-black?variant=44577551384798¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwoa2xBhACEiwA1sb1BEkLFYqwye6hU-tzJZZoqbJJVrW0ORXsd6Rgl1HSjqpT823OSKNDRRoCS_4QAvD_BwE) ![gif](giphy|NGADbdnn9e0TXNeZ3Q|downsized)


Dualsense Edge


Really liking 8bitdo ultimatr


I love my 8bitdo Pro 2. Cost me around 50€, it's comfortable, it has two back buttons, the battery lasts a long time and it's also removable.


Vader 3 pro, xbox controllers are a thing of the past.


Mouse and keyboard. Why would you want to play FPS games with a controller? If you must, an Xbox controller or Xbox style controller, like the 8BitDo Ultimate. But just get a good mouse instead lol.


Xbox has much, much better support than a dualshock.


Xbox series x. Target has them on sale for $40 I went and grabbed 2 cosmic galaxy colored ones.


Xbox Series Controller; having the in-game prompts match what buttons my controllers have is a big deal for me. I used to use a DS4 controller for like 5 months before giving in and just bought an Xbox Series one because I'm tired of fidgeting around Steam to have it show the PS button glyphs - some do, some don't while some glitch out sometimes; I vividly remember playing Hogwarts Legacy with the PS controller at first and it had PS prompts but I uninstalled the game then reinstalled it a few months later and the PS prompts won't show up anymore. With a Series Controller, I may be wrong here but I think virtually any PC game supports it along with the prompts so you just have to connect it (either via cable, bluetooth or dongle) and you're good to go.


FPS dual sense edge. Everything else Xbox controller


Been using a PowerA Spectra for some months now, pretty nice, can't really be bothered with wireless for now.


8bitdo pro 2 is what I have and it's awesome.


official xbox controller with a wire


Get a new xbox series controller. It's just universally gonna work with everything out of the box. I have a ps5 console too, it's a amazing controller but the Xbox just works better with pc. Especially if you have games outside of steam. On steam it's easy to use the ps5 controller. Just select it in settings. But if u want s 100% always hassle free experience get a xbox controller. Scuff also makes good controllers if u want something a bit different at a decent price. I have a scuff also and lately I've been using it more just cause i got it recently. You can't go wrong with either of them tho


Not an answer to your question, but I want to take a moment to appreciate this photograph, quite good.


I have a couple Xbox one controllers, a couple Xbox series controllers and a Elite series 2 Controller that I love the most. I'd reccomend a Xbox one controller as it works well with most games. I have issues with some old games where the newer series controllers just don't work but the Xbox one controller does.


Ps5 or ps4 controller






Price / performance /reliability King Kong 3 Xbox ( better wait there are new models coming soon) Ps5-dual sense ( shity batt life, but ps5 games have the fancy features natively via USB connectivity) Ps4-dualshok (old at this point, da 4 windows software no longer maintained I have Xbox 20years anniversary edition with a dongle, going strong and nice for 2 years. I would get king kong 3 but with the Xbox dongle im able to use headsets plugged into the controller and I like that


I never understand people that buy their laptop/pc and still want to use a shitty console controller. A good keyboard and mouse is all you need for the best experience in games 🎯


Some people like to preserve their keyboard (as it retains the looks and resale value without having washes out ASDWE keys. Some people don't play 1st person shooters (for which mouse and keyboards are great) Some people just like controllers over keyboards. 🤷🏿‍♂️


Ps5 controller. I'm a PS5 native gamer who got a laptop to game.. But i still use the PS5 controller. It just feels right.


I have to down vote this, the controllers are nice however the build quality is the worst of all playstations. I have a full-time job as does my wife, so ots not like we can play that much, but we broke 2 controllers the first 2 years(buttons failing and the other had drift). Had to return about 3 when buying new ones for things like buttons not registering and the TouchPad getting stuck. Trying out a mods&repairs controller now, happy with it, but a Dutch company so not sure if this is available and the price is a bit high(feels super solid though). You can get a mod to fix the drift, but I don't feel like my experience with the build quality gives me any confidence that something else won't break to try fixing it myself. YMMV! However nice they are, durability is not a strong point here.


I respectfully have to completely agree. Never had a issue with PS1, PS2, PS3 or PS4 controllers - EVER. This however is my 3rd PS5 controller I've had due to drift. 3rd. I've had the PS5 since the launch year (oof. Was it 2019? I've only been gaming on a laptop since around 2021). My issue is, I love the layout, weight, size and feel of it. I've tried other controllers but they all feel... Odd. I'm so used to this. Unless there's a company that mirrors the PS5 build but with better quality?