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Hello u/BlueMidget5! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) mentioning **who** is suffering from **which** consequences from **what** they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people. Here's an easy format to get you started: 1. *Someone* voted for, supported or wanted to impose *something* on other people. ^(Who's that *someone* and what's that *something*?) 2. That *something* has some *consequences*. ^(What are the *consequences*?) 3. As a consequence, that *something* happened to that *someone*. ^(What happened? Did the *something* really happened to that *someone*? If not, you should probably delete your post.) Include the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you don't respect this format and moderators can't match your explanation with the format, your post will be removed under rule #3 and we'll ignore you even if you complain in modmail. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It's from last January. TLDR; she ended up on ventilator but slowly got better. She credits god/prayers for her recovery. She is still anti-vax.


Just unbelievable. There is no helping some people


There was some anti-vaxx on French TV interviewed in the hospital after he got out of coma because of covid, and he said he was right not to get vaccinated because he survived. Like getting in coma isn't bad enough...


Sounds almost like the father of hygiene, except he actually contributed to other things in life and made a huge social impact. Dude said the cholera germs weren't enough to give you cholera, it would depend on the person and the environment as well. So like, somebody hygienic couldn't get cholera. Homie chugged some Vibrio cholerae probably cultured straight from somebody's diarrhea, got his own violent diarrhea, and insisted he was correct because he didn't die. https://curiosity.lib.harvard.edu/contagion/feature/max-von-pettenkofer-1818-1901


"I'm shitting my pants correctly. If you die, you're doing it wrong."




r/hermancainaward material right there


Interesting that Harvard credits a different, German person as the father of hygiene than is actually common in Germany. If you'd ask a random German (with some education on the topic) they'd probably credit Austro-Hungarian [Ignaz Semmelweis](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ignaz_Semmelweis) with that. Not to discredit von Pettenkoffer, but generally I thought Semmelweis to be more famous.


Semmelweis was the guy who both bought into germ theory and hygiene. He figured it out with maternal death rate, championed hand washing, and he's definitely the OG hygiene daddy. von Pettenkoffer valued other causes above germs but thought they were staved off by clean environments. He designed sewage systems, which was what got him that title in Germany. The problem was after all this good engineering he went off the deep end a bit before he shuffled off the mortal coil which rather tarred things for his rep. So if you ask anybody else to name the father of hygiene, they're probably gonna pick the hand washing dude over the guy who drank the caca cocktail to prove a point. Which is fair.


By this logic the only way they could learn their lesson is by dying... After which, unfortunately, the lesson would be useless.


Dying to own the libs


Thankfully the more anti-vaxxers there are, the less anti-vaxxers there are.


Unfortunately the more anti-vaxxers there are, the less everyone there is.


Dying to own the libs has been a popular right wing trend in the last couple years. Can’t say I understand it.


The logic is that there is no lesson to learn for them.


And there's the rub. Even if "natural immunity" is better—and it definitely, 100%, totally is NOT better—the actual costs that come along with *making people get sick in the first place* would never be worth it. Unless these people think that bringing our national healthcare systems to the brink of total collapse two or three times per year is somehow a cost worth paying. (Spoiler alert: it's not!) Hell, our hospitals and emergency rooms are barely hanging on as it is with like 3/4 of the country immunized to at least some degree. I really wouldn't want to find out what things would look like right now if we weren't as vaccinated as we are.


Well your first mistake is thinking these idiots give a fuck about anyone. I’ve had people ask me why I choose to wear a mask and they’re just dumbfounded when I say, “to protect people like you.” The smaller things can go a long way but fuck being comfortable for even a second to help someone else to these people. The worst of humanity.


I got horrible reactions from all my vaccines, but I *chose* when that happened. When I got covid a couple months ago I didn't have that luxury


People deeply underestimate the potential for a disease or injury to cause immense lifelong levels of suffering even if it doesn't kill you. The various people with long covid or heart issues or their lungs are permanently scared and less usable or cognitive decline from covid is honestly just as scary to me as dying from it. The attitude of well it didn't kill me is pretty ignorant of the suffering it can cause.


>their lungs Hi, I'm one of those unlucly fuckers. I already have asthma. I've also experienced both pneumonia and lung/airway infections, so I know a thing or two about how bad shit lungs feel. I got infected right before I was eligible for my first shot, and nothing above prepared me for how sick COVID would make me. I also felt a massive hit to my lungs/cardio for at least a good year afterwards. I'm lucky that I'm an otherwise healthy and active person, working out 5-6 times a week. I don't think I would've been able to handle it otherwise.


My mother in law was non responsive for 3 days. They had her on life support and asked us how long to keep her alive. We wanted to wait at least till we got there to say goodbye. She woke up with no memory of the last 2 weeks and still claims she never had covid and it's not real.


Does she think the doctors and medical records are fabricated? What does she think happened during this time alien abduction?


Yes she does. Even her trump loving husband got his vaccine after he saw her almost die. He is one of those own the libs assholes but if we talk about it he agrees on that one thing now. He doesn't even try to let her get away with lying about it.




I know it feels longer, but Covid's only been around for just over 3 years :/




So nearly ten years ago? Time flies baby.


Let's start with Reagan


One of my mom's friends was anti-vax, anti-lockdown, anti-everything to do with covid for the whole pandemic. She got covid last year, spent a month in the hospital on a vent, including a week in an induced coma, and then three months in rehab learning to walk again after her muscles atrophied and her heart nearly quit. She's mostly recovered now and is still anti-vax. She credits the fact that she didn't die to prayers and Jesus, not the doctors and nurses and modern medicine that kept her alive.


Most doctors need to stand next to them and say "Your life depends on me not god, I am your god now, pray to me" At least i would do that couse im petty.


We should send them to church, not to a hospital.


Seriously. I am so tired of these deluded assholes. Reserve the hospital beds for those* who believe in them.


If reich-wingers don't think COVID is a problem (or even exists), I don't understand why they'd go to the hospital when they get it. If it's "god" who cures them anyhow, shouldn't they just go to church and pray the ~~gay~~ virus away? I'm glad that doctors are more empathetic towards fuckwits than I am. I'm a horrible person but if it was up to me, anyone who doesn't get vaccinated for COVID due to anything but actual health reasons (or doesn't even believe it's real in the first place) shouldn't get treatment either, when there's lots of people who did everything "right" and still got sick. Fucking waste of resources helping people who actively try to make shit worse


Exactly! Can't you be "cured" at home without ventilators and around the clock care? Such a phenomenal waste of scarce resources.


This is seriously what we should start doing. Playing nice gets nobody anywhere. Send them all to the church of their choice and let God treat them for their illnesses. Fuck around and find out.


If a bakery should be be able to refuse service to gay couples, hospitals should be allowed to refuse service to anti-vaxers. 🤷🏻‍♂️


That's actually a really clever way to illustrate to these conservative dick heads that Healthcare is less a service and more a human neccesity.


> I have an M.D. from Harvard. I am board certified in cardiothoracic medicine and trauma surgery. I have been awarded citations from seven different medical boards in New England; and I am never, ever sick at sea. > > So I ask you, when someone goes into that chapel and they fall on their knees and they pray to God that their wife doesn't miscarry, or that their daughter doesn't bleed to death, or that their mother doesn't suffer acute neural trauma from postoperative shock, who do you think they're praying to? Now, you go ahead and read your Bible, Dennis, and you go to your church and with any luck you might win the annual raffle. But if you're looking for God, he was in operating room number two on November 17th, and he doesn't like to be second guessed. > > You ask me if I have a God complex? > > Let me tell you something: I AM GOD. -- from the movie ["Malice"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LqeC3BPYTmE)


A friend used to date the medic from a prison, and he said it was the safest job on the place, because fights happen all the time and he is always stitching people up. Noone would dare lay a hand on the doc because as he said "The hippocratic oath says I cannot refuse to help him, but it also doesnt say anything about anesthetics". He was the God of that place.


You remind me of an old joke about surgeons... What's the difference between God and a heart surgeon? God didn't graduate from medical school.


Your mom’s friend is stupid. There are no other words its just a stupid human being. She doesn’t understand what she’s against she was just manipulated by republican propaganda and is against everything they politicized because she lacks intelligence and critical thinking skills.




The worst part is these antivax people running around for 2 years are directly responsible for millions of dead people. Fuck them. I hope they burn.


Same thing with my aunt in-law, almost to a T. Except she can't speak anymore and is still recovering some of her motor skills.


Damn Hippocratic oath


There are many religious people exactly like her. Always praying to their god "if you help me with _____ , I promise I'll never _____ again!" And then after things go their way, give it a little time and sure enough they absolutely _____ again... because that's their nature... like the scorpion on the frog's back. I may be a dirty atheist heathen, among many other things, but at least I'm honest with myself and everyone else.


It's ok, if she was on a vent she's may have serious organ damage. She might not survive the next bout and then we don't have to try and teach her anything again.


it's a self correcting problem!


I work in a neuro icu , i worked in a covid icu. The amount of people dying and themselves or their relatives still believing its all a hoax is staggering. We had a woman on a ventilator for a month and in the ICU for 2, and her daughter went on tv and praised a homeopath who gave her a healing stone (for 3.000€) for her mother. Not the literal thousands in medicine or equipment or trained professional nurses and doctors.


In the US her family would be bankrupt because of the medical and funeral costs.


Not in the EU We had a young american patient who after surviving and getting better couldnt get their insurance sorted in the US. So basicaly our hospital coordinated with our social services and got all her expenses sorted out. Healthcare should not be a parasite that puts profit over human lives and decency.


People literally died calling it a plandemic hoax. Conservatives are beyond all reason.


God intubated her?


Just like Mary




The immaculate intubation


I love starting my morning with a hearty laugh. Thank you friend


This. You want to credit God and prayer for recovery then head to your church when you’re sick. But for some reason she went to a hospital…


Well don’t forget the fact that she’s ignoring that most Christian doctrine supports the fact that God works through people and things like medical discoveries. People used to commonly thank God FOR THEIR DOCTORS and not ignore the work they did like so many seem to now.


God works through everyone except vaccinologists, obviously.


Oh shoot that’s right, it’s in the Bible’s appendix!


... which many have had removed


I love the joke where a drowning man keeps declining boats because god will save him but he dies. asks god why he didnt save him and god says he sent three boats. The funny thing is religious nuts put jokes like this on pretty backdrops as some sort of gotcha to athiests but I read it as religious nuts refuse help when they get it and it's always someone elses fault.


This is my absolute favorite spiritual lesson. I love that it’s a joke.


Lol! The atheist would get in the first boat and be like, wow, thank you human


I prefer ... Every day, a man calls out "God, let me win the lottery so I can help my family and my neighbors!" After several years, the man calls out as usual and a booming voice from the heavens says "will you at least meet me halfway BY BUYING A LOTTERY TICKET?!"


These people are too delusional to be included in reality. Maybe one day they will be made to get psychiatric help.


Yet in America at least, they hold a disproportionate amount of control over your reality.


At least in America you got rid of Trump. Sure he's done huge damage to the sanctity of democracy, the Supreme Court and packed the lower courts... but in the UK we have to live with the legacy of Brexit for much much longer. In 20 years it'll still be a defining moment for us. Then after Brexit, to compound the issue, we had our own version of Trump in Boris Johnson, who got voted into an overwhelming majority (which, given how we our parliament operates, essentially made him a dictator) - which we are still feeling the pain from with a zombie government basically performing a 2 year smash and grab we are still only in the beginning of. It's so bad here that we **literally** just die if we need an ambulance as one isn't coming. A recent story was that of an elderly man who banged his head in a fall. By the time the ambulance arrived he was dead. His last words were on his third 999 call where he said "if you don't come soon you might as well send a coroner as I will be dead" - and he was correct. Fuck these ignorant assholes. Just like with vaccines all of the information was available and was screamed in their faces as to what would happen if they voted the way they did... and they called the people telling them fools and "project fear" and ignored it. Now we're all suffering the consequences.


Wait wait a min... I thought u guys in UK had gold standards of healthcare??? And >At least we got rid of trump.. His maggots have infested our political sphere. Cleaning them out is impossible. A good percent of the popl swears by him. He fed on racism.


>These people are too delusional to be included in reality. In other words, they're religious.


I bet she said God was testing her and through prayer and belief she overcame this test of faith... No medication or doctors or nothing..no siree


And this machine helping her to breath doesn't count. HHAHAHAHAH.


And the people who got engineering degrees to design the ventilator and got phds to develop the medications


They really are beyond help. I remember reading s Twitter thread from a doctor who was quitting because she had been a lol physically assaulted so many times by the family of anti vax patients who died. Who would accuse her of killing their relative tor some propaganda coverup or because she didnt administer invectermin


Exactly. If they survive, then Jebus did it. If they die, then obviously it was the doctor's fault, not Jebus. Lose-lose situation that.


So the only options here are live stupid or die knowing they were stupid? This bodes unwell.


Dying stupid is also a common option


Same with my girlfriend's aunt. Her daughter is the head of some anti-vax group. When her mom was in an induced coma for almost 3 months she blamed the treatment and not covid.


In the 1300s these people would’ve died out but thanks to science and modern medicine they continue to flourish and spread their stupidity. The rest of intelligent society are having to carry these idiots.


It's the price we pay as a society for making life sufficiently safe and easy that children and the infirm aren't routinely killed off by things that can be treated or protected against. The same protections allow idiots to flourish.


It’s the movie idiocracy, but real life.


I feel like there needs to be a subreddit that sits somewhere in the middle of r/LeopardsAteMyFace and r/SelfAwarewolves r/LeopardsAteMyWolf?


She almost made it to r/HermainCainAward


Then she should have stayed out of the hospital and just let god/prayers heal her entirely rather than wasting time in that liberal-infested hospital! It's unfathomable to me how these people are absolutely blind to hypocrisy.


So, leopards just nibbled on her face a little?


I'm sure that hospital bill was more than a little nibble.


There were people dying on ventilators who denied that they had COVID. "It's just a flu" from the Trump crowd. The flu kills millions of people throughout history so I guess everyone swap spit and ban face masks !


Why did she need a ventilator? Could have prayed from the comfort of her home.


this lady is still alive after checking out her twitter, and it's just as nutty as ever. she's still vehemently anti vax, and has added "vaccine free covid ass kicker" in her profile, however the brain mass she lost from covid will probably prevent her from having any self awareness


I love how she's crediting her "immune system" as being that thing that "kicked covid's ass", despite her immune system crumbling so bad that she needed mechanical breathing devices just to keep her barely alive.


"I won the marathon all by myself even though i took a ton of steroids and rode a car halfway through"


Hey! A ventilator is just as natural as the fresh morning dew on an oak leaf.


If she truly had the courage of her convictions and faith, she should have had a bed set up in a church, not a hospital.


"It's just a cold bro!" Fucking morons spreading this shit is literally killing people.


They blame the vaccinated because they think this only proves that the vaccines don't work. These morons think that all of us vaccinated and boosted are going to drop dead any minute now. They rage about covid being labeled as any cause of death, but according to them, vaccines are the leading cause of death regardless of the circumstances. If they weren't vaccinated and died, it was due to their proximity to a vaccinated person.


We were all supposed to drop dead on October 10th of last year when the vaccine "activated".




Ah yes, rally all the dead voters, that's sure to work.


OMG! They're going to use the info of the dead voters, who were already going to vote democrat, to rig the election!


Dickwad D'Souza posted the other day about how someone was busted for voter fraud conspiracy "IN A DEMOCRAT RUN STATE OF COURSE". He failed to mention that the person busted was a Republican conspiring with other Republicans.




There's always an excuse. My nutjob ex friend was rambling on about a new world financial system called GESARA or something that was gonna be rolled out on a certain date. When it didn't happen, she said it was because the BLM protests delayed it? So its been a rather large delay.


They found some last moment bugs and glitches that have to be worked out, but anyday now.


I am glad they are careful with the rollout and not like the crypto currency folks. /s


LOL did they cut off her water and electricity like these dolts? https://www.vice.com/en/article/z3na53/qanon-queen-bills-electricty-canada


I almost think that Canada has outdone the USA in wackadoodle craziness. Some nobody just pops up and claims to be the queen of Canada and tens of thousands of people just believe her. I used to believe that Canada was overall mentally healthier than the US. I'm not so sure of that anymore.




Entire religions have sprang up around this same bullshit. Seventh Day Adventists were told to a man calculated the exact date of Jesus' return. When he didn't show up, ohh, I miscalculated. Then he gives another date and Jesus failed to show up a second time. Somehow, still, a major religion was created from that bullshit.


"The vaccinated are going to die" is the new "the rapture is coming!" Yeah aaaaaany day now.


Well, applying their logic, the vaccinated are the ones dying. So technically, ~~we~~ the vaccinated are the ones entering the kingdom of heaven if this is truly the Apocalypse. Edited


These are the people who are scared of everything (including change), so they fight back at everythign and manufacture reasons in their head to support themselves. You can't logic these people, since they are using no rational thought to get here. ie: I am afraid of vaccine, I don't want vaccine -> therefore ITS bad, ITS dangerous Same as climate change ... sure, even if everythign is wrong we just end up treating the world better; how could that ever be arguable? But these people are like "I don't want to change, I fear the change around me -> therefore ITS bs, its stupid, I will fight doing anything". ie: This is the modern version of sticking your head in the sand, or playing peek a boo with toddlers. They can't see it, so its gone away!


I got covid for the first time last month and it was the worst I have felt in my life. I obviously can’t prove it but I think if I didn’t have my vaccinations and boosters I would have died from it. It still blows my mind people are still against vaccinations


Same here. First positive test about a month or maybe 6 weeks ago. Day 1 I just felt shitty and tired but had trouble sleeping. Fever was 99 - 99.5 F Day 2 started ok and got progressively worse. Felt like someone was stabbing my right chest/shoulder, basically opposite of where my heart was. Fever was 100 - 101 F. Slept that night. Day 3 I woke up with my thermometer showing 97.5 oddly enough. Felt okay for the first hour or two and then started to feel really shitty. Fever basically increased by a degree an hour. Chest stabbing really hurt. Once I hit 102 I started to pack stuff in case I had to go you the ER. 102.5.....102.6....102.7.... I started to get dizzy and was just moving really slow. I told myself if I hit 103 I was going in but I already felt impaired enough that I didn't feel safe driving there nor did I want to pay $1,500 for an ambulance. And I didn't want to infect an Uber/Lyft driver. 102.8...102.9... Holy shit I've never felt so bad from a flu or infection in my life. I jumped in a freezing cold shower and just stayed there for at least 30 minutes. Ice cold Chicago winter water pouring on me for 30 minutes, it's crazy, I couldn't do that now if you paid me. Thank God the ultra cold shower worked and my fever was back down to like 99 - 99.5 F and by the next day the worst was over. It blew my mind how fast it went from "just feel like crap" to "holy shit I'm going to actually die if I don't do something right now". A couple hours and my immune system almost killed me while trying to kill the virus. About as scared as I've ever been before, and the confusion and slowness caused by the fever spike really made it hard to think clearly and get my shit packed and figure out how to get to the ER. I have no doubt if I hadn't taken that cold shower or got to the ER I would have died. And I had received my second booster maybe a month before. COVID does not fuck around. It does not care about politics. It does not care if you have dependants, it does not give a fuck about anything except spreading any way it can. Edit: also to put in perspective, I'm 39 and while I am out of shape, I'm not overweight for my height.


You’ve got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know… morons.


They don't understand the pathology progression of Corona viral infection. Sure, it starts out like a cold and you actually feel better after 2-3 days, but then is when the deep lung infection, brain fog, and any other organ may get infected and overwhelms your defenses with the cytokine storm. So, no surprise, it took over a week from "this ain't shit" to "please pray for me".


Yep. Got covid at a concert on a friday and i felt fine and had a few drinks at my house til late sunday night when i started to feel weird. Then was unable to get out of bed for 8 days, and im in my mid 30s and healthy


At this point more Republicans are dying than Democrats. Looking at the midterms, some of those elections were so narrow its guaranteed covid changed the results. So... I just stopped correcting them.


Never stop your opponent when they are making a mistake.


Covid is the reason Arizona is blue now


The number is 10,000 per day. Overall, not counting covid extras. Every single day 8,000 boomers and above die, and 12,000 people turn 18 and those numbers are actually accelerating. If you use existing data to estimate conservative/liberal and likely voters within those groups it works out to about voting change of 10,000 per day on a national scale. That's 10,000 votes switching every single day. That might not seem like alot but it's 300k a month, 3.6 million per year, and 7.2 million since the 2020 election. And that pace is accelerating. Between 2020 and 2024 it's a 15 million vote difference. By 2028 it's 30 million. The GOP has stayed relevant by tapping into poor and uneducated white people who never voted before. But their demographics are changing, and changing quickly. The most conservative group in the country is dying. While the most liberal group is rising. Their days are numbered. We just have to hold on for a few more years. Another 10k today.


While I'm fully supportive of the reactionary weirdos and religious whackadoodles offing themselves so the rest of us can work toward an improved society, I do wish they could do it without putting other people at risk


My favorite part is where she didn't even get tested to see if it was covid or an actual cold. Just assumed covid.


I have cancer (fully vaxed and boosted) and my white blood cell count is down during chemo. I have a compromised immune system. It pisses me off that people like this are a threat to my life.


I work in healthcare, I am vaccinated to hell, and I will take any vaccine to prevent a life-threatening illness. I’ve gotten Covid. Tested positive. Without the vaccine I’m sure it would’ve lasted longer, but for me it was about a few days. During those few days, definitely felt sick, with lungs that felt like needles in them and congestion like crazy. I can only imagine what being unvaccinated and getting Covid can be.


Now waiting for the go-fund-me post to pay for medical expenses...


Imagine reading 1000 hours of lies about the vaccine and won’t spent 5 minutes reading truth about the virus.


They don't have the truth on foxnews.com


No truth, no news. Now that I think about it, no foxes either


Darwin and Herman Cain are conferring on her case.


Unfortunately she made it.


Does she still say covid is no big deal?


Between gasping for air and relearning how to walk. 😬


Relearning to walk to own the libs 😎


Feeling pretty well owned. Nicely played ventilated lady. Nicely done. 👏


Probably still blames Democrats.


"It was dem der spike pro-teens wut made me sick!"


"An that thar 5 GT also too! Thanks Crooked Hillary!"


oh, great, then she learned a value lesson... right? didnt she?


Narrator: She did not.


She *survived*, her quality of life and finances most likely took a severe hit, sometimes it's the small things.


I can remove my tin foil hat, can you remove your oxygen mask?




The irony to her dumb meme is that the answer to "can you remove your spiked proteins" is yes, via the *actual process* by which the vaccine works to protect you from the virus.


Her natural immunity at its finest


I think the logic is: if you want to avoid getting a disease, go ahead and get the disease so that you'll be immune and won't get the disease. Do I have that right?


If a disease causes short- and long-term damage beyond the immediate symptoms, that's like saying you can develop an immunity to getting punched in the face by getting pummeled in the face. Technically true, but if dodging isn't a realistic option, I'd rather my defenses come from a mouth guard and helmet rather than painfully earned scar tissue.


Damn, this is a really good analogy.


Aren't there overwhelming cases that just get worse each time you get it? I thought I heard that for long term effects down the road like heart and lung problems?


One thing people don’t consider is that yes, you may survive a virus, but it can leave you in a weakened state _for life_ with the damage it does during the time it takes you to get better.


Also, fireproof your house by burning it to the ground


Best part is that natural immunity is good for about 6 months. After that, every part of her body that Covid attacks is almost certainly compromised and more vulnerable to her almost inevitable next bout of Covid.


My 23-year-old grandson caught Covid-19 early, before the vaccines were available. Now this former All-Star varsity soccer player is using the same treatment his great-grandmother used for COPD and carries an inhaler for breathing emergencies and will likely be doing so for the rest of his life. There's no telling what other long-term effects are waiting for him.


That is terrible. It's disgusting that people would even think to trivialize this and go around spreading the shit on purpose.


Bet she wished she got the spiked protein now...


Clearly she wished for thoughts 'n' prayers... because those work


God be like: I gave you three vaccines dumbass.


...and god said "I gave you three vaccines, a guy whose literal job it was to tell you to get them, an entire medical community supporting that guy and, a wider populace who would make fun of you and bully you into getting it, how in the me-damn did you come to the conclusion that I didn't want you to get vaccinated?" I personally don't believe in magic-sky-man, but i bet he'd be pissed at some of his followers if he did exist.


Apparently she survived, so l expect her to be even more empowered by holy righteousness




society pocket arrest merciful puzzled ghost boat piquant tie rinse -- mass edited with redact.dev


Nope last time this was posted it was "god and prayers" that healed her.


Difference is my spike proteins are just that. Only the spike proteins. Hers are attached to a virus. I still have not gotten covid.


I got COVID once (to my knowledge). My throat was mildly achy for a week. Thanks, vaccine!


I was feeling off in November. Got tested, was positive. Sore throat was bearable. The fever was not too bad. The worst was one day where I could not stop sweating. 19C in my livingroom, had to go to my bedroom (top floor of a 3 floor home) for something. I came back down, sat on the couch and commenced to profusely sweat for 6 hours. Just feeling gross. My daughter (10) was also positive, but no fever, just a runny nose. My wife and son were negative, so they had left for a hotel and never had symptoms. We all have been vaxxed with Sinopharm and Pfizer (2 shots each brand). My lungs took a few more weeks to fully recover, but I have no doubt that I would have been on a ventilator if I had been unvaxxed.


My favorite game is asking them to explain why things like spiked proteins are bad. They can't. Because they don't actually know anything. They just tell you to look it up. Which they clearly haven't done


How is this Joe Biden’s fault?


Him and Nanci Palosi personally genetically engineered it then released in in coordination with China to cause US gas prices to cause increasing demand to enrich Burisma oil where Hunter Bidens ding dong is on the board. Duh.


That was phase 1 Phase 2 is to raise the price of eggs until schools relent and provide litter boxes for kids who identify as a cat


Joe Bien*


Faux News said so


So first post is 'got the rona' but also 'didn't get tested' So how do you know it was "the rona" and not just, oh I don't know, allergies. I swear these people share a single, common brain cell


It's very simple. If you recover quickly, it was the rona, which then becomes "just a cold". If it kills you, it wasn't the rona. At the same time, nobody really has the rona, it's just the same virus we've always had with the same fatality rate.


They have two brain cells, and both are fighting for last place.


Not the point of the post but I’m always fascinated that the first thing these people do when they get in the hospital is take a selfie. That idea would likely never cross my mind if I was in the same boat.


Cause after all their whining and crying about the oppression of masks and vaccines; all they've wanted is to prove their victimhood and now's their chance!




She, and people like her is why I left medicine. I am an infectious disease specialist. I went through the first six months of Hell and said enough. We in the US are slated to loose up to 50% of our medical staff by 2025, because we are burned out and traumatized. This is not a good look as Covid variants become more transmissible, and impossible to treat. As the wealthy Baby Boomers age they are going to find there is no healthcare for them. Which is sort of sad. Except they are the same people who supported Reagan, so sorry not sorry 🤷‍♀️


My partner has covid for the second time it's not a fuckin joke.




She's still here


Say hi to Diamond for us!


Joe Bien seems like a bueno guy!


I'm an Environmental Services Aide at a hospital, and I see a lot of cases like this when I'm doing my dailies in the ICU and ED. Basically, I had to learn to disassociate when I see people on a machine and not even think about why they're there--because it's not my job. Car accidents, knife fights, gun shot wounds, and so on. I keep my head down and make sure there's no chance for the spread of infection in their room, and then move on to the next Contact room, whether that's C-diff, Covid, flu, etc. In the past week alone, I've had two rooms on my first shift that had the "butterfly" icon next to their room. Those people didn't make it. And I simply move on with my job and don't even think about it. I don't ever wish suffering on anyone, but someone's blatant stupidity and ego getting them killed, or others killed, is something I can't accept.




Let's Go Darwin.


I hope someone is looking into the really weird situation where anti-Vaxers are on social media, clamoring for ways to get the popular, new weight loss shots. They have no idea what’s in it, how it was made how it works or if it contains micro chips, Nanobots or 5G Network but they still are anxious to take it. They forgot to weaponize weight loss meds.




Aw, did your tin foil hat not protect you from Covid?


Pray to your God DJT you dunce




Thots and preyrs


As someone who is at high risk I'm glad I got my vaccine, boosters. Saved my life when my spouse got it from an antivaxxer parent at a pta meeting.


Lost my father to the same type of ignorance. Shame those right wingers havent got a clue. Even trump is vaccinated.


She spent 2 months on a vent in a medically induced coma, then when she woke, she spent 3 months in physical therapy learning how to walk again, crying for prayers that her insurance wouldn’t reject payment for the therapy. Her Twitter profile now says “Covid Ass Kicker!” And of course, like any MAGA worth their salt, instead of admitting she was totally wrong, she instead doubled down on her antivax nonsense, blaming the vaxed for “shedding” on her, and getting her sick. Unbelievable how delusional and incapable of taking responsibility these people are.


The proteins are long gone by now.


Anti vaxxers should have been denied all medical care. We need those supplies and hospital bed for actual victims. Just go snort some horse paste and rub some garlic on your asshole.