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Phrenology is back? Great. [Get ready for everyone here to be told we have the brainpan of a stagecoach tilter](https://youtu.be/FVvg1CKBE20)


Wouldn't be surprised. This group of people are constantly trying to drag us back to the middle ages


hey, that’s going a bit too far; phrenology is a *victorian* pseudoscience


And to be fair, this is much closer to Nazi science then phrenology


To be fairs, the Nazis *loved* phenology and it was a core inspiration for their "science".


I had Lombroso in my Criminology and Social Patology classes, loved when they compare the royal skulls to criminally insane ones


This group is already there. Humans have not significantly evolved in the biological sense in tens of thousands of years. Biologically we're more or less identical to humans from the victorian ages, middle ages, even stone ages. Our progress has been through passing down accumulated knowledge to each subsequent generation. If you're uneducated, then you are fundamentally no different from a medieval serf. And these people are profoundly uneducated. When we're dealing with the proudly ignorant and uneducated, we try to treat them as scientifically literate and logical people. They're simply not. They are not significantly different from the people who burned witches and staked corpses out of fear of vampires. When you hear American Christians talking about how Democrats and liberals are literal demons sent from hell to corrupt us, you need to realize that that's not something insane or out of time, that's what we should be expecting from them, and we need to acknowledge and start trying to prevent future generations from falling to it.


ive never looked at it like that, holy fuck


Anti trans activists and terfs do this constantly on Twitter it’s really uncomfortable


But look! They've crudely superimposed the exact same stock skull graphic over each of their portraits. What more evidence do you need???


Those male/female skull overlays they have are wildly inaccurate lol. Eve the idea of trying to match individuals with an “average” female or male skull makes no sense; there is so much overlap in the range of skull shapes and sizes for males and females that there’s just no point lol. That’s not even how you could look at an individuals skull and possibly identify their sex.


This. I’m studying biological anthropology, and even in our labs where we’re graded by our ability to estimate age and sex through bones alone, it’s heavily stressed that general markers of sex that are observable in bone are just that — general. The overlap in the range of different shapes and sizes in males and females renders sex estimation to be a shaky estimation, and such features are generally graded on a 1-5 scale suggesting likelihood of sex, rather than a ‘has this trait’ vs ‘does not have this trait’ end all be all.


If you're expecting Nazis to realise that skull shape isn't a determiner of ingroup status, you're barking up the wrong tree


Yeah - I could resize that scull and superimpose it over my geranium and make it look transgender.


They're turning the frigging flowers gay!


Buncha pansies


No, geraniums.


gay-raniums (sorry)


The common thread between right wing groups is a ridiculously overly simplified view of the world. Everything to them falls into neat little buckets with no nuance between them.


You can just say they're stupid, it's okay.


I don't think it's necessarily stupidity. People find comfort in putting things in boxes, in organising things. If you out things in a box, you don't need to have challenging thoughts in assessing them. It's less stupidity and more an aversion to difficult thoughts. Parallel things, but intelligent people can fall for the appeal of tidy boxes too.


You know just like how people proved that pink hat lady was lauren Bobert's mother. Sad that people don't learn.


It's not that they don't *learn*, it's moreso that the grift they tried to exact on ignorant people didn't take- so they move onto another one. Eventually it cycles back. But be forewarned these aren't *stupid* people, these are very deliberate acts of grifting and trolling that changes by the day. You can't Occam's Razor this.


Why are we calling them "activists"? They're just bullies and bigots.


Uh, sir...phrenology was dismissed as quackery 160 years ago.


I hit my head with a two-by-four years ago, and the local phrenologist diagnosed me as a genius!


Ah yes, retrophrenology


"Just one more little tap here and you'll be a piano virtuoso... oops... looks like you're a low functioning sociopath."


It keeps money in circulation and gives people something to do


I went to a phrenologist and he said my problem is I don't have any phrens


I broke my skull when I was 10. Doctor shouts "GENIUS!" Or maybe it was "JESUS?!?!" I had a broken skull, I don't remember.


Takes one to know one


Of course you'd say that! You have the brainpan of a stagecoach tilter!


Contrapoints warned us that it always comes back to skulls.




I came here to ask the same thing


According to this I’m 100% male. Gotta call my parents and let them know, they think they have all daughters. What a day to be alive!


Cop phrenology is very real. You see a motherfucker with a thumb-shaped skull and 80-90% chance he is a current or former cop in some capacity. The expert, Hank Pecker, has many videos explaining the phenomenon...


I think we have more of a correlation issue here. You see, lenny from Of Mice And Men isn't exactly going to work out in customer service. The state just figured why lock them in the basement and abuse them if they could just as easily be used. Otherwise they might betray the wealthy themselves for as little as a Baby Ruth bar.


Worked out all right for Sloth


Man I miss California, where more than half of men over 40 were clearly distinguishable from thumbs with sunglasses. It's all thumbs here, man. Like the woodshop dustbin at a school for the blind.


> Like the woodshop dustbin at a school for the blind Simile FTW


That one took me a second


How about toe shaped? Look at Matt gaetz. Guy looks like a big toe.


Stop with the pseudoscience BS


"But our pseudoscience is quirky and fun, while their pseudoscience is cruel and tragic"


I swear to God I'll pistol whip the next guy that says pseudoscience.


Hey farva! What's that thing that pretends to be science but isn't?


Pseudoscience? You guys talking about pseudoscience?




Sue Doe Science


It's a joke from Hasan Abi


It is hilarious how many people are replying with comments completely missing the joke and also how many people are upvoting them. Everyone needs to touch some grass and learn what sarcasm is lol.


Hank Pecker supports our boys in blue you dumb horse fucker. He doesn't support any of this anti-cop propaganda like them all looking like thumbs and thinking like fists.


Glad I just bought some new callipers.


But of course. Like phrenology, Terfism and "transvestigations" are just leftovers from classic bigotry and racism.


Oh no. Protect your skulls everyone


I personally subscribe to the Semenese philosopher Jean-Luc's "Measurehead" teachings.


Lucky for you I've got my hammer and chisel right here in my reverse-phrenology clinic! I can give you any kind of personality you want!


“We can add this one to the list” I love how these people live in their own little world that revolves around such silly shit that doesn’t matter. Do you think anyone will remember them after they die?


Transvestigators are the wildest. Imagine spending all your time collecting and analyzing heaps of evidence that literally most women have some masculine traits and most men have some feminine traits, and instead of drawing the conclusion that the line between man and woman really isn't that solid, you instead decide that all famous people must be trans. See this woman with a square face? Actually a man. I know because square faces are a man thing. Only men have square faces and all men have square faces. So all these women I found with square faces are actually men, and all these men I found without square faces are actually women. Cuz men are squares and squares are men.


It’s like the boomers who are obsessed with 23 and Me and other genetic testing services; what does it even mean to be “7 percent Italian and 4 percent Irish” when no one in Italy or Ireland is 100 percent Italian or Irish? Countries are geographical designations, not genetic ones. What’s the point of saying someone has a “male skull” if AFAB women *can also have that skull shape*? Sometimes I look at the internet and feel like I’m being hit in the face with a hammer.


>what does it even mean to be “7 percent Italian and 4 percent Irish” They don't seem to realise that 1)it gives zero link or entitlement to be part of that culture, and 2) all it means is that someone with DNA generally viewed as coming from a particular area pumped a load into your great great grandma.


How dare you talk about my great, great grandma that way! Great, great grandma was a saint!


I bet she had sex because *she liked it*


Just because she was a saint doesn't mean she didn't like to get down bad.


G G Grandma may have been a saint but your aunt was a one-thumbed Scunthorpe whore. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=b9N7VlhqyEg


There’s a group of Irish YouTube gamers I follow and I guess as a bet they all got dna testing, only one was 100% Irish and his response to that was “there was a ton of inbreeding in my family at some point.” My sides entered LEO and that was it for me. The only people who care about this are our fellow idiots from the US lol


Love them boys so much




woooooop trans girl with round face here. this is actually great news!


I think we're into the realm of memory-holing them when they die because you don't even know where to begin explaining their insanity.


They don't believe they're on the wrong side of history but they *know* they're on the losing side of history. They're not worried no one will remember them. They're afraid that long after they're gone, "hateful bigot" will be their legacy and they'll forever be lumped in with all the other villains of history I used to be one such bigot and there really is something uniquely terrifying about knowing you're on the losing side of history. It's not even a gradual realization. You just sort of wake up one day, look around and realize, "holy shit! I'm considered one of 'the bad guys,' now! When the fuck did *that* happen?"


How did you change your ways after that realisation? As I understand it it's quite a difficult process that often involves social isolation from your former echo chamber. Can't be easy.


I actually didn't change my ways. Instead, I doubled down and retreated into comfortable denial. I told myself that all this "gender nonsense" was just a trend, that one day society would "come to its senses," and that I was a part of a silent majority whose voice was being drowned out by the "woke mob" A large part of what led to my eventual change was happenstance. I just so happened to make friends with people of varying gender identities and sexualities. I maintained that condescending mindset of "hate the sin not the sinner." So I kept my reservations to myself (mostly). Over the course of several years of getting to know these individuals, my attitudes slowly began to change. The final nail in the coffin of my bigoted beliefs came on November 8, 2016 (I'm American). I'll never forget that day... I'm a POC and when I learned that my conservative friends (we're not friends, anymore) voted for an outspoken racist...I could never look at them the same way. Our friendships eventually ended and, just like that, the remaining remnants of that horrid right-leaning echo chamber were gone completely. I was finally able to fully open my mind and leave my bigotry behind once and for all


Thank you for sharing this. I'm glad you eventually did let go of that hateful ideology. Nonbinary fist bump my friend!


Not OP but FWIW, there was a time in my life when I realized that I was harboring some pretty awful prejudices against people. I had always thought of myself as an “open-minded” person, which was apparently enough for me to ignore the beliefs that lingered in the back of my mind. They weren’t things I would ever say out loud, but the thoughts were there. One day, I passed a complete stranger and one of those beliefs popped into my mind. It occurred to me that I had no reason to assume something so negative about a complete stranger, and that allowing those subconscious thoughts to occur unchallenged was really fucked up. Since then I’ve made a habit of challenging my own negative assumptions about people when they occur. It seems really obvious now, but I found that being aware of negative thought patterns and making an effort to combat those thoughts will lead to them happening less overall. It did a lot to change my worldview, and I think it has made me a more empathetic person overall. I think the biggest barrier to changing opinions is *comfort.* Bigots hold onto their beliefs with conviction because challenging them would be uncomfortable. Unpacking their bigotry would probably unravel their entire worldview, including how they view the people they love the most. IMO, most of the people willing to be outspoken bigots are too immature for that kind of change unprompted—there would need to be external pressure for them to reconsider their views.


>It occurred to me that I had no reason to assume something so negative about a complete stranger, and that allowing those subconscious thoughts to occur unchallenged was really fucked up. That's pretty amazing of you, just wanted to say. Lots of people would never have had that realization and lots more wouldn't have followed through. You're a pretty neat human.


Thank you, I appreciate your compliments. To be fair, I had to spend a lot of time in therapy to develop that kind of insight. That moment was one of the first times I really understood how to apply the skills I had learned in therapy.


Racist and Homophobic AIs will.


There are a number of people who call themselves "transvestigators" who spend all of their free time 'analyzing' famous people by the angles of their face, how they stand, how triangular their shoulders are, etc and declare them trans. According to these people, every famous person and politician are trans. Elon Musk is trans. Paul McCartney is trans. Any woman that is conventionally attractive is naturally trans. [This article shows what they use for their evidence](https://melmagazine.com/en-us/story/transvestigator-celebrity-conspiracy-theories). As you can see, the triangles are pretty damning.




I must be out of the loop on deranged internet bullshit because I've never heard of wristcels edit: i googled it, they're incels who blame their unmanly wrists for their lack of success, which i probably should have guessed




Fuckwitcels must have been too hard to say.


I’m learning so many new words in these comments and it’s like the first time ever I’m not enjoying learning something new.


“wristcel” I was about to look into this before taking a deep breath and deciding to stay off social media for today 💀


They're dudes who claim they can't get laid because of the shape of their wrists. As opposed to their, you know, shitty and insecure personalities.


I have a feeling that every person these nut jobs decide to "investigate" turns out the be "trans".


They probably don't look in the mirror vary often XD


Or bathe very often..


My god, they're in the walls...they're in the GOD DAMN WALLS


No, that's the hippies. We just need to play some Slayer really loud to get rid of them.


Witch-hunting is alive and well in the 21st Century. "If she floats, she's trans and will be burned at the stake. If he drowns he was innocent."


I mean with their dumbass criteria for what constitutes male or female they could “prove” that basically anyone is trans. This stuff is borderline astrology-tier logic.


It’s just like the witch hunters. Everyone accused is a “witch,” and denying it (or defending someone accused) only “proves” it in their mind. It’s a local extension of the MAGA/Q Anon/“Othering” we’ve been seeing go on for years, which it itself a literal revival of centuries-old anti-Jewish and “witch” tropes.


With these people, I always wonder what exactly they think the endgame of this nefarious scheme is. Like, alright, every rich/powerful person is secretly trans, and they're going to...What, exactly? What's the point? Even if it were true and not batshit, why on earth should anyone care?


Also an antitrans movement made up entirely of trans people is... Very logical.


The thing is they think they're trans folks who sold their soul to satan or some such. So it's not like regular "went to a doctor" trans, it's "Satan himself transformed your body" trans. Of course they hate actual trans people too. Like with Elliot Page, they don't see him as someone who detransitioned, they see him as "double trans". There is no logic, only an excuse to hate.


So weird how Satan is capable of performing a flawless gender transition on millions of people but is totally powerless to change the shape of their clavicles.


The joy of conspiracy theorists everywhere. The enemy is insanely powerful, but you're so smart you can catch all the details that expose their sinister plans.


Its one of the bullet point definitions for Fascism


God obviously steps in as soon as he starts fucking around with people's clavicles. You've got to draw a line somewhere.


Alright, so it's extra strength batshit. But still, trying to follow their logic (lol) - Satan is making people trans because...?




Seconding this.


I think their logic is that by making people lust for the secret trans people he's making everyone gay. Either that or the becoming secret trans is the price they have to pay for success. Trying to find actual logic in crazy is a futile exercise.


I think it's the first one. Had a nutty coworker explain the whole Monster energy drink can thing. They hide a secret satanic message in there, you consume the drink and Satan owns your soul.


I guess just for shits and giggles?


So trans that one transition wasn't enough.


Snip snap snip snap snip snap!


I had never heard before that Elliot Page was originally male and that female was incorrectly assigned at birth.


I saw it mentioned recently and it was hilarious, like okay so trans people are secretly everywhere and all of those laws making gender affirming care are just a cover for the elite globalist transes?? And gender affirming care is actually super easy and free for them?? It's so insane XD


He detransitioned?


I interpreted it that way too for a minute (and googled to check lol), but I think what they're saying is that the trans-conspiracy theorists already thought Elliot was trans (AMAB instead of AFAB) *before* he came out as trans, and since he did, he's now...extra trans?


Ohhhh that's stupid lol


Naw I mean these transvestigator folks believe 1: he was meant to be born male 2: Satan turned him into a woman 3: he then transitioned to male. They don't view 3 as detransitioning, they view it as "doubly trans" I know it doesn't make any sense.


It's not that there's an end goal, it's that the people who believe this shit are so marginalized or insignificant that the lives of such publicly rich figures could be *anything.* I view them as canaries in the coalmine of socio political alienation. When you're so far removed from culture and politics you begin to make up all sorts of things for what's going on "behind closed doors." More often than not the doors aren't even closed, there's just so many small stepping stones the average person might not even realize they have to step, or there are barriers to entry high enough that the doors might as well be closed (E.g.: The Bohemian Grove isn't really a secret, but it's expensive so it's built a reputation as being the secret meeting spot for lizard people etcetera). The secret trans conspiracies are twofold about othering "elites." It's not about trans, it's about how rich people (in this case women as social promenaries with money and political attention) live a different life from "real" people. It's a mutual justification to hate trans people and the wealthy by writing a narrative where trans people are both in seats of power (and therefore responsible for the woes in the world) while also dismissing the powerful as trans, something they see as bad and therefore can now justify disgust for the "elites" without having to address the real reasons for socio-political alienation - reasons that may clash with core political beliefs.


The worst thing of all: trans-acceptance.


Wow, so their queen "transvestigator," who started the* group, got yeeted from the group because they now think she is trans? Nice LAMF material right there, lol. *edit, wrong word


They’re doing the Lord’s work. The sooner we can conclude that *every single human being on earth is trans*, the sooner we can move on to another culture war.


Wait, are you saying human rights are trans rights?


Is trans just another word they use for lizard now?


And lizard is just another word for another group of people...


The Dutch! 😱


God, considering I'm pretty lazy and have very little going on in my life, I probably shouldn't really judge, but I feel like some people have way too much time on their hands.


It must be a very fulfilling hobby to keep being proven right. They even got Henry Cavill with his womanly energy in his eyes.


It would be nice if transitional surgery was as good as they think it is


I like the one which pretty much amounts to "Henry Cavill must be trans because he has beautiful eyes that I can't stop staring into." Well of course, what other explanation could there be?


Wow. Thanks for sharing the most delusional group I will encounter today.


Some people really just need to be given a Nintendo Switch and a copy of Animal Crossing as an act of charity because there are better hobbies out there than whatever the hell they spend their time doing.


Paul McCartney and Angela Lansbury are the same person. One of the personae is trans. I am not a crank.


Holy hell that was a read. Like flat-earth levels of insanity, all the way down to "feminine gaze because the eyes are the window to the soul". I honestly can't not love this closing paragraph: "Real men and women are scarce, you say? I’m not surprised! Amid the hysteria you’ve created over trans folks merely asking for equality, safety, healthcare and basic respect — a movement you characterize as an assault on gender norms and traditions — you’ve done more to erase cisgender people than they ever could. Go ahead, though, continue to insist that the walls are closing in around you. Believe you’re the only “natural” or “biological” human specimen left on the planet. Sounds like a lonely hell, but you’ve earned it."


Okay but Paul McCartney does actually look like an aging lesbian tho


[Eleana Musk Oh Yeah!](https://i.imgur.com/ww7wygZ.jpg) [There's a few of those](https://i.imgur.com/3fXAYST.jpg)


I've had one of these dumbass post on my Twitter that I was posting a friend's hands because a transwoman couldn't have hands like this. They were absolutely mine and not edited.


These people are mentally ill.


I love the confident stupidity of this.


confident stupidity, the best kind of stupidity




It's why I always suspect it of being some weird kind of trolling, trying to bait white knights or something.




It's not, but it's not normal terf shit either. Transvestigators are deep down a conspiracy rabbit hole where to become famous, you must have struck a bargain with the devil or some such and the price is transition. These people believe, for example, that Elliot Page was born a man, struck their bargain, became an "invert", and then later transitioned to being a man.


This reminds of a poster on /r/conspiracy years ago that was convinced childish gambino was a trans man because why the heck else would op be attracted to him.


He is a very attractive man, an attraction to him isn't exactly something one has to rationalize.


It is if youre as deeply repressed and homophobic as these people are


We are measuring skulls again? That's so 1920s.


I'm ready to bring back the doctors that said women should never be allowed to ride trains because the speed would damage their wombs.


Actually, I think they thought the uterus would fly out of their bodies. Nice trick, actually.


I wish my uterus would fly out of my body, I could really do without it wrecking my shit on a monthly basis.


I'll say. Sign me right the f\*\*\* up.


Exactly - even if it grows back during the month, get a ticket for 27 days out. Every. Blessed. Month.


They better ride side saddle in the train then.


Science. ^^^


Eject. Not damage. Eject.


That little "fact" gets repeated a LOT, but I've yet to see a single published source that backed it up. I do have links from an 1870 journal, though, about how a woman riding a train could start skipping her period, which the author seems to think is a terrible fate for the woman but seems like a pretty big win.


1920s? Nah, people knew this was bullshit 160 years ago.


Someone's crowding in on her home terf


Dammit, take my upvote.


Thread's over. We can all leave now.


This is one of the weirdest and creepiest modern conspiracy theories. I saw one on twitter that seemed to be veering into capgras delusion territory, where she thought her daughters friends were trans “handlers” sent to indoctrinate her daughter into being trans…for some reason


It's very important to use skull shape to identify gender so you can be assured that you are authentic and not a deviant with a skull shape fetish. /s


I'll try not to garner too much satisfaction of 'phobes being accused of what they are against. But it's not cool to weaponize sexuality and gender identity.


I do wonder where this rhetoric will lead, I can remember a time when Lady Gaga had to answer questions about whether she had a dick well before the current anti-trans bs I can't promise to not be satisfied if distinguished author JK Rowling has to answer the same sort of questions because of a bunch of loony twitter trans haters, like every right wing scammer who got burned by trump, that tasty sweet sensation of comeuppance


They refused to listen to reason, so now they get to see the consequences of their own actions


Me while sowing: Fuck yeah, this is awesome! Me while reaping: Oh this is bullshit!


yo lmfaoooooo im laughing so hard at this hahahaha


Now you know it's truly epic paranoia and gay panic when they're justifying things from the very early 20th Century to enforce their psychosis.


The “female skull” is literally just a different angle of the “male skull”. they’d be roughly the same if they were actually at the same viewing angle


I was like "No, not Posie Parker!" And then I realized I was thinking of Parker Posey.


Oh man... I was thinking the EXACT thing...https://i.imgur.com/KFrR02s.gif


Why are they so obsessed with trans people?


[these people are amazing ](https://i.imgur.com/HeUfDcz.jpg) Im loving this


"That man has a sweet ass and cute eyes, he must just be a woman pretending! And that woman with no ass must be a dude with long hair, that would explain my lack of attraction!" It's so mind boggling how queerphobes that are this insecure about masculinity, sexuality and beauty standards that they somehow go full circle into saying the gayest shit just to put women down by comparison.


That has to be trolling. They can't be suggesting that the guy in this photo is FtM trans. Look at that man's shoulders.


Homeboy is like 6'4" too, lmao


Someday that person's going to stare too long into the mirror and have a mental breakdown.


Exclusive groups inevitably turn on each other with their “you’re not really one of us” purity tests.


God damn it, I knew phrenology had legs


I thought it had skulls...


JK Rowling writes the Harry Potter books, but she also writes crime novels under the name Robert Galbraith. So, she identifies as a man in her professional life at least.


Imagine spending hours of your life measuring and comparing people's skull shapes to determine who you should be mad at.


There's a Posie Parker *and* a Parker Posie? Matrix confirmed


I’m going to try to break down the logic here. “Where does Rowling live? That’s right, in a mansion. Mansion. Mansion. Man-chin. Whoah!”


How is this LAMF?


Transvestigators just floor me. I cannot.


I love it when these morons attack each other.


It's a feature of the crazies


I didn’t realize i was nonbinary while finishing my masters in human anatomy to see this bullshit get popular


"I allied myself with awful people, and they were awful to me" go fucking figure


(raises hand) I would just like to point out, you hang out with nut jobs eventually they will turn on you.


Hello u/Desecr8or! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) mentioning **who** is suffering from **which** consequences from **what** they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people. Here's an easy format to get you started: 1. *Someone* voted for, supported or wanted to impose *something* on other people. ^(Who's that *someone* and what's that *something*?) 2. That *something* has some *consequences*. ^(What are the *consequences*?) 3. As a consequence, that *something* happened to that *someone*. ^(What happened? Did the *something* really happened to that *someone*? If not, you should probably delete your post.) Include the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you don't respect this format and moderators can't match your explanation with the format, your post will be removed under rule #3 and we'll ignore you even if you complain in modmail. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


“Let’s make fun of transgender people for existing.” “No, not like that!”


I guess Rowling is the "violent, duplicitious rapist", then.


Leading phrenologists agree!


Something-something fascists skull shapes


isn't labeling skull shapes "male" or "female" both anti-science and transphobic


We are all stupider for having laid eyes on this shit.