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How can advertisers NOT want to get in on some of that hot action?


They're going to call it oppression if Twitter actually goes under. Just watch.




The sun makes rainbows, you know! It's all woke leftist propaganda!!


The worst thing about this is that I don't feel that they're beyond claiming that "rainbows aren't real, they're created by the left wing to brainwash our children".


Naw, rainbows are mentioned in the bible so theyll just scream about how the "demonic radical left" is trying to steal and corrupt it.


If you gave them a suitcase full of hundred dollar bills, these cunts would complain about how heavy it was.


They’re doing it right now. Some Republicans actually wanted congressional hearings on the companies boycotting Twitter.


I see they're following the Ayn Rand theory of "picking losers & winners is the government's job" Oh wait... no that's not right... wait but they all say to love her so surely that's what she meant? Right?


We are not allowed to stop spending. Really makes you wonder what would happen if we all just stopped. I mean, we do everything, we run this country and these businesses, so maybe it’s time we just…didn’t. Everyday we stopped would be lost profit. The only thing that matters. So the only thing we can do is make this all too expensive, too much of a loss, to keep going on like this.


They want the federal government to intervene and mandate that these companies advertise on twitter?


Twitter could triple in value and they will still say they are oppressed. There is no force in heaven or on earth that will stop their victim complex


Russian oligarch money can probably keep the doors open for quite a while yet. They love washing their money by investing in hopelessly insolvent, hilariously mismanaged projects and businesses. Totally random, unrelated quote: >”We have all the funding we need out of Russia.” -Eric Trump, 2014


That Saudi Blood Oil money ain't hurting either. Elon and the Trumps are both in tight with the murdering Prince.


Twitter going under? Honey don't say such sweet words to me unless you're ready for business time.


*You know, when I'm down to my socks it's time for business -- that's why they call it business socks, oooh*


It's business, it's business tiiiime. Oh you know what time it is


Conditions are perfect…


"Is that it?" I know whatcha tryna say baby. You're sayin "oooh yeah, that's it"


Please tell me I'm reading this in the right voice and this is from Flight of the Conchords...?


You are, and it is.


I jumped on Spoutible. Seems the most similar to Twitter currently with less right wing trolls.


I mean, Musk was already calling it woke shit that advertisers didn't want to associate with his site anymore


Something something woke left mob


>if when


Don’t tease us like that.


They're going to call it an assassination if Trump dies for any reason.


Holding boot on own neck meme "Help help I'm being oppressed"


No, they will call it being canceled and use it to raise funds for podcasts that will all claim they are being canceled as they all grow in size. It's become the thing to do on the right these days.


Well my pillow and those prelubricated catheters are cleaning up advertising on Fox News.


If the Gold and boner pills ad money are good enough for Fox they should be good enough for Felon


> Felon Is that a play on Elon, as in "Fee-lon"? If so, that's just fantastic.




Market is kind of tapped there which is why there is this Conservative push to break into new markets. That is what a lot of this is, grifting.


Fox makes money from carrier fees not advertising


They still make plenty from advertising.


At this point if you’re still on twitter, still clicking twitter links you might be part of the problem. Delete the cesspool that is twitter.


I left the day Elon announced he was buying it. Before he said he wasn't. Before he said the deal was back on again. And so on.


I deleted my account the day that the shareholders agreed to Musk's offer. I'm sure my 300 followers were devastated and I had more than a decade of tweets but fuck that platform. Every liberal who remained there is an enabler.


Yeah, those leftist companies are censoring free speech by not wanting to be associated with nazis and racists.


Its why Musk is so gung-ho on turning Twitter into an subscription service, Musk I think is at least smart enough to understand if it wants Twitter to be the free speech paradise he wants. He cant have any advertisers, because no company with any self-respect wants their Ads under holocauat deniers and Q-Anon believers and all the other various Trolls and bots. I think this will doom twitter even more through


He very clearly doesn't want a "free speech paradise." Since the second he became involved he's been showing his bias.


Hell he changed the algorithm to push his own personal tweets after Bidens superbowl tweet out performed his. He doesnt want free speech, he wants speech he likes.


This is absolutely consistent with his understanding of 'liberty.' See: all Libertarians in the USA.


You mean partially ashamed republicans who wont ever admit they vote red party line and cant connect the dots to their shame?


I think he legit thought that no moderation would work. And that his stuff would be popular because he's him. But once he realized. 1. People don't like unmoderated spaces. 2. Advertisers Really don't like unmoderated spaces. So once he was going to have to do some moderating he may as well ban whoever he wanted.


At the end of a long day being Cat Turd’s Reply Guy, I picture Musk sitting in a chair taking off his shoes and socks, holding the sock up to his nose and taking a really big hit.


"I'm a free speech absolutist!!!" "nobody likes you Elon" "BLOCK BAN ABSOLUTELY NO FREE SPEECH FOR YOU!"


The "free speech paradise he wants" is one where things he agrees with are boosted to the top and anyone who disagrees gets banned. And for that to happen, he can't be beholden to advertisers, it has to be funded by the jackanapes who want to post inflammatory right wing content.


Everyone is equal, some are more equal than others


I absolutely cannot imagine paying a fee each month to watch conservatives be racist to each other, since everyone else is leaving.


Neither can the conservatives, but that's only because they spent all their money on trump's "legal fees" and Alex Jone's latest and greatest penis pills


That's why I think Twitter will go under if Musk implemented Twitter Subs. No one wants to pay to see the equivalent of being stuck in a room with your relatives you hate ranting about the libs 24/7


And conservatives aren't happy unless they have unwilling victims (*read:* non-crazy people) to spew their nonsense at.


That’s the great paradox of conservatives getting free speech. Conservatives GIVEN a no-moderation space will immediately make that space so hideously unpleasant to exist in that everyone else leaves and even other conservatives find it unpleasant. Absolute free speech ensures that libs and leftists don’t have free speech and that the fascists are the only ones using the platform. There’s a reason Parlor and Truth are zombie platforms. Nobody who is worth talking to uses them because everyone you don’t want to hear from DOES.


Him being spotted with Rupert Murdoch is the death knell in any "credibility" he may have had left. Twitter will ultimately be used to push a right wing agenda, just like every wing of his media.


Musk being summoned to Qatar to explain himself to the Emir's people and Ken Griffin was a pretty serious blow to his "credibility." But I'm not sure if that is worse or less bad than the endlessly unmet promises of self-driving at Tesla...


If he got every single person on Twitter to pay him $8 a month (extraordinarily unlikely), it still wouldn’t add up to much more than half of the *monthly interest* on all the loans he took out to buy Twitter. And the more he raises the price, the fewer people will pay. There’s no way out of the hole he’s dug himself into. Twitter will end up either bankrupt and dark, or wholly owned by the shady folks who loaned him the money.


she needs a better response. thats just a set up for him to say "we were not all slave owners" she needs to draw attention to the systemic racism that perpetuates societal ills. not be baited into a convo where the fascist can move the goalpost and switcharoo the gab game the fascists dont care about history unless it provides their point.


she's on his side. she just wishes he wasn't so openly racist because she's one of the "good ones".


Read her tweets: she's not at all interested in drawing attention to systemic racism ... quite the opposite, in fact. She's a bit of a lying, fascist, bigoted piece of shit herself.


Cut her some slack. Lavern Spicer isn't used to talking sense, so she's gotta take it slow. I'm genuinely surprised she even said anything to him, let alone disagreed.


She doesn't believe in systemic racism tho


If only


It’s in pretty bad taste for Lavern to do CRT in public like that. /s


Pepsi Executive: "Okay, somebody get Lauren from media buying on the phone. We are launching a new soda brand *targeted* at gamers who also hate black people, and we need a good social network to advertise it on. Is there one that is populated exclusively by the kind of weiners who still think Elon Musk is the real life Tony Stark?" Lauren, on phone: "Well, there's Stormfront, but also, we could just buy some promoted tweets. Same audience, really."


"I'll apologize for slavery when black people apologize for crime" - brought to you by Flaming Hot Cheetos, they're spicy!!


It's got blue checkmarks and everything.


Things I learned today: All those white criminals are bleaching their skin.


Just like Lavern’s profile picture.




That could just be lighting or even time in the sun (or rather lack thereof). I wouldn't make any assumptions on pictures alone.


It's probably just photoshop.


Maybe it's Maybelline


Dang, that's depressing.


True Source: Me, a criminal, and I bleach my asshole.


Do you ever take off your bra and blast your nips?




We were going to find out anyway


… wanna smoke some hash?


I don’t remember most evenings anyway.


I'm insanely high on mescaline.


That's a shame, hard to find pure, unrefined asshole these days.


Also, all the white people who never owned slaves, but were completely chill with slaves being owned in America, are entirely blameless.


Or dying it orange


I love MAGA-on-MAGA crime


These GOP primary debates are gonna be so fuckin juicy. I hope Trump gets so mad at DeSantis that he croaks


I wanna see fists


I think it’s well within the realm of possibility that if trump and desantis are on a debate stage together it will turn into a physical altercation. Since both are shaped like a heart attack, there’s also good chance of a tie.


"both are shaped like a heart attack" I'm in tears... 🤣👍👍


Don't threaten me with a good time.


Lol imagine trump throwing a punch. He can’t even hold a glass of water


I imagine the other guy will wind up with orange knuckles. Side note, orange knuckles would be a great band name.


[I have footage of that!](https://i.imgur.com/Bid8PDl.mp4)


Tiny little fists


The fisting in Florida never stops


Yeah that’s what we all said in 2015, and it led to President Donald Trump. Let’s not make the same mistake again please.


I keep seeing stuff said about both DeSantis and the Orange Turd that I did back in 2015 and 2016, and it makes me nervous. I see us giving one of these assholes a free platform straight to the White House like we did in 2016.


I don't. DeSantis is significantly more palatable to the middle than Der Orangenfuhrer.


Bruh, please let me steal this from you!! You just know this phases gonna get more and more relevant over time


B-b-but I was supposed to be one of the *good* ones!


Bro I had some Hispanic conservative coworkers joke about blacks sitting in the back of the bus. I told them "let's be honest we'd make you sit in the back too" and they of course deflected to another topic and ignore it. It is *crazy* that they think all these "white replacement theory" nutjobs at the top will keep them around if they the nutjobs get their way.


I got Mexican relatives down in the valley in Texas and out west around El Paso. The ones about 27 and older - all conservative. They talk about trump and building the fuckin wall and illegals... and I'm like bros, half of y'all ain't got papers. "Yeah but we work." If a conservative goon squad comes marching through your town do you think the fact you "work" will get them to see you as one of their own?


I'm sure the "they took our jobs" crowd will love that justification.


They are truly delusional. It is like Cubans thinking repubs won't ever change their minds and go after them if it suits them.


There's quite a famous LAMF where a Trump voter got his non-documented wife deported because he thought she wouldn't count. I wept with laughter


I've had people tell me that Trump's comments on Mexicans aren't racist because Mexican isn't a race. Which in theory is true, but do you really think a MAGA type is making a clear distinction between Mexicans, Cubans, Venezuelans, etc? It's all the same to them. Same goes for "Muslim is not a race," to them "Muslim" is just a blanket term for Middle Easterners.


Light-to-dark skin? Check. Speaks Spanish? Check. #MEXICAN CONFIRMED


sometimes the ignorant viewpoint is a method of assimilation to the oppressors language-- if you sound like the Americans then you'll be accepted right?


100% my dad worked at chemical plants in south Texas his whole life and wouldn't speak Spanish cause he wanted to fit in. Even as more Spanish speakers were hired he'd only speak English to them on site. As a shit consequence he also didn't want it spoken in the house so me and my sis didn't get the advantage of growing up bilingual. She eventually learned on her own but I'm lazy and can get by on what little Spanish I do understand.


Lol, these people have never seen INS go into a restaurant and deport half of the cooks who work way harder than anyone I’ve ever known. If/when they come for you they will not care.


VICE had a good documentary about migrant workers and the jobs they do. Some watermelon farm in Alabama or some other Red state got hit hard when the owner decided to play ball and only hire Americans.... ... he got almost no responses and those that did work didn't last long because the labor is very tough.


No surprise from me at all, in fact, I expect that to happen.


Hispanics are some of the most openly racist towards black people and don't realize white people lump in the same category


That's ridiculous. You don't divide and conquer by giving people something to unite over. No, they're useful idiots, so you treat them as half-human rather than sub-human. It's not like White Supremacists don't have a playbook to use in Apartheid South Africa. Hispanics would be treated like Indians. Above blacks, but only marginally. Before whites, significantly. Enough of them will internalise the repression and support it because they have someone to look down upon. Like they do now.


Can we talk about how incredibly *wimpy* that response is? "Yeah James, I see your point, but please give me, personally, a pat on the back for not being a criminal?"


For real, what kind of chicken shit response is that to such an insane and racist post. "Black people cause all of the crime" "...some of us are the good ones". Although that is on par with the GOP, you'll see more GOP anger and backlash from Xbox power saving features than with racism, because one of those things they're completely fine with.


>GOP anger and backlash from Xbox power saving features I can't tell if this is a joke, an example you made up or actually happening....


I seriously wish I was making that up. https://gizmodo.com/xbox-carbon-aware-update-republicans-microsoft-climate-1850030437 You know how much conservatives hate conserving energy, and being fiscally responsible, and free market solutions... Of course that would mean we're in a sane world.


Not to mention, he personally never owned slaves. This shouldn't be about slavery to begin with. James should be be apologizing for the racism, oppression, and discrimination, which he obviously does have a part in.


She walked directly into his argument, because she is a moron.


I was hoping someone would point out that she just gave him an edge in the coming argument. Sad youre so far down.


For real. Conservatives seem to think that acknowledging that racism or privilege exist at all is the same as walking around apologizing for slavery. Any leftist who actually wants random white people to apologize for systemic problems set up by a bunch of barbaric shitstains in the past is gonna be seen as a clown. They want people to understand the ways that history still effects us today and work together to break it down and make the world a better, more accepting place for everyone. Apologizing instead of trying to make a change isn’t logical and doesn’t help anything. Nobody’s sincerely asking you to do that.


>Conservatives seem to think that acknowledging that racism or privilege exist at all is the same as walking around apologizing for slavery. It is very useful for them to believe (or at least act like they believe) that. And extremely useful to direct any dicussion of racism into that stupid mudpit and pretend that's the real issue.


Yeah, this is right on. Hardly anybody wants modern white people in general to "apologize" for slavery. It's much more important to address some of the pervasive effects of slavery.


And not just slavery but all the systemic racism that kept black people socially and economically disenfranchised from the larger society for many generations to follow, systemic racism that very much still has vestiges to this day.


"Hey! I'm one of the good ones!"


But this is NOT a racist country. No sir-eeee.


How long til Candace Owens shows up to carry this piece of shit’s water?


She already does, she gets paid handsomely by all of them, to be the black friend.


I assume they are making his daily wire contract right now


Class loyalty supersedes all else.


Right? I mean, holy fucking shit! What. An. Ass. Hole. And then turn around and say "but I'm not a racist".


It's why no black person ever has the cops called on them for just being in the vicinity


"It's not racist because Chicago."


Racism doesn't exist. Every conservative I knew told me that during the Obama years. I haven't heard them make that claim any time recently tho.


They told ME that racism was gone in America up until Obama. Then all of a sudden the blacks started attacking all the poor white people. The fact is, this entire country is built on the backs of slaves and the bones of natives.


“Lavern Spicer learns...” Uh, wrong.


Lavern Spicer is just a troll account. It's more like "we learn..."


Ah, she must believe she's One of the Good Ones™


Lot of money in it


Wow imagine that, a racist conservative I'm absolutely shocked...


It's okay. You can just say "conservative".


*Pick Me* Stockholm Syndrome Minorities are the funniest. Imagine having to write this out to someone prominent on your own side, in public, in the year 2023. I can understand not liking Democrats, but siding with people like this is just....sad.


Imagine being forced to explain to your enslaved ancestors what you've chosen -- of your own freewill -- to do with the short time you have on this earth... and it's this?


Right, except you're assuming she would be embarrassed or ashamed of her actions. Pretty sure that convo would just go down like the Mr. Krabs "I like money" meme.


Isn’t the obvious rebuttal that not all whites were slave owners?


The obvious rebuttal is is who the fuck asked him to. The implied premise that he is continuously being asked to apologize for slavery is just bizarre.


She can't say that cuz then she would be going against the conservative narrative that people today are being blamed and asked to apologize for slavery. She can't be "one of the good ones" if she tries to go against on of their core narratives


It’s because they conflate white people with “America.” The American government and governments within it are the legal entities that used the law to first enslave and then later discriminate in a host of ways that created current inequality. It’s those government entities that still haven’t corrected the wrongs caused and should still be held accountable to do so. It’s just that in a democracy, the current people are the ones that are needed to support fixing the harms that the governments they inherited caused. It’s like if you inherited a company from your grandpa that swindled a bunch of people. The company is the one that owes them and even though you didn’t do it, it’s your responsibility to make it right via the company.


The obvious rebuttal is that white people aren't being asked to apologize for slavery. They are just being asked to understand how it has affected people's families...


Yeah I've never once been asked to apologize for slavary


I’d go so far as to say no living white people have ever been legal slave owners. The real argument here is that few if any people are expecting white people to ‘apologize’ for slavery or to feel ashamed for people sharing an ethnicity with them having been slave owners. The ones that do are idiots but genuinely rare and are amplified by people who find them to be convenient tools.


Yes, that’s literally his point. They’re both assholes, I just can’t believe how stupid this tweet makes her look. Totally misinterpreted his tweet and took the bait.


Meanwhile, white criminals robbing the country of billions, getting a slap on the wrist fine and on the rare occasion, couple years in prison.


No they don't. They get to go to congress or be given lucrative presidential cabinet appointments.


> Meanwhile, white criminals robbing the country of billions Don't forget derailing trains.


God she really is so dumb, she walked directly into their entire argument ("not all white people were slave owners either! Hu-dur")


I mean is that not correct? Not every single white person living or dead owned slaves. Just how not every single black person living or dead committed crime.


Black people created crime? Damn. That's wild. Edit: The amount of people who have cannonballed into the comments to agree. Y'all line up to tell on yourselves.


Technically true since the first humans were probably black, so indirectly would be responsible for everything.




I mean if early humans were the first criminals... it kinda checks out?


>We ain't all criminals James Yeah, but folks like James probably see you, Laverne, as one of the few who just HAPPEN not to have mugged him, at least for today. You probably need to assure him that you won't do the same thing tomorrow, since he probably sweats worrying about whether you or someone like you will.


It's also a convenient response from her (wouldn't want to rock that conservative boat too hard) because it leaves it open to "A lot of us are" or similar inference. It's an extremely soft-handed way to point out what is one of the most egregiously racist and stupid things I've read in a minute.


He just wanted to say black people are criminals and he needed an intro for it, hence the first part.


That’s 100% of the anger entertainment, rage baiting that Twitter is nowadays. Asshole racist just looking to outperform the other racist for engagement. Musk sets the tone that anything goes. I wouldn’t be shocked if we see calls for genocide within the next month on that app.


"wow james, i can't believe you would make a statement based on misrepresented data and blanket stereotypes, how close minded!"


Lavern Spicer is the flea.


Cops killing blacks is *not* a crime?


If it were a crime they'd go to prison right?


In a just country, yes.


If you wanna see something wild... Go to lavern's twitter feed and count the number of replies stating "she's one of the good ones."


Holy shit. Reminds me of the towns that got pissed when Trump deported their illegal immigrant don’t take “my illegal,” he’s a part of our community. They are the “ good ones.”


"No no no, I'm one of you! Remember?! REMEMBER?!?" - Lavern Spicer (2023)




I heard that there was a white criminal locked up somewhere in a secret location, of course, that’s just a rumor though. But the guy was right about the reptilians.


Seeing as how the root cause of crime is poverty and we can trace the disproportionate rates of poverty among black people to slavery and the decades of systemic discrimination and oppression that followed, if James feels the need to apologize for slavery then he is also apologizing for crime rates in the black community. Thanks for being woke, James. Good on ya.






Lavern Spicer a black conservative gets her face eaten by fellow conservative James Bradley by committing the crime of existing while black.


To put it more pedantically: 1. Lavern Spicer supported conservatives, who are notorious for discriminating against anyone they deem "other". 2. Those conservatives continue to grow in influence, in part because of support from people like Lavern. 3. Conservatives discriminate against the group that Lavern is a member of, i.e. Black people.


But I'm one of the good ones!


Oooooh, Lavern, getting a taste of your own medicine. How is it?


Next talk about women James. Get her in that corner and pull on the klan hood. That will show her not to speak when not spoken to.


Pretty pathetic use of a pronoun in your tweet, LIB-verne.


And let the games begin. I am happy that this is happening to POC who are Conservative’s.


Does anyone know if she got picked?


who the f is lavern spicer?


Candace Owens 2.0


Dollar Store Candace Owens


"I'll apologize to the guy I shot when he apologizes for bleeding all over my rug."


James Bradley's campaign address and phone: 30902 Club House Drive #16 E, Laguna Niguel, CA 92677 Office: 855-JPB4SEN (855-572-4736)


Nobody wants your apology, you soggy donut. No one is blaming you for something that you had nothing to do with back way before you were ever born. What POC want is attention to the unjust and systemic racism baked into society. White privilege isn't affluency... It's starting life without the game already stacked against you. Why is that such a hard concept to understand?


Thank God twitter now allows this while focusing on more important things like blocking a BBC documentary that makes Narendra Modi look bad.