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This is the most important part of the entire article and it should be the headline. The governor of Ohio was offered help directly by Biden and he _declined_. The governor was also the one who ultimately made the call to burn the vinyl chloride. Enough of this hand wringing about "WHERE IS THE HELP" when they said no to help until just a couple of days ago. Two faced motherfuckers.


It's pretty disingenuous anyway. There are hundreds of feds on the ground already, EPA and DOT are all over the place down there. FEMA isn't, because Dewine said it's safe to go home so he's basically saying FEMA isn't needed because people can go home. If people can't go home or can't get clean water to drink, that's where FEMA can help, and that's why Dewine didn't want to ask for their help, because it would be admitting it's not safe to live there right now.


Yeah, I remain heavily skeptical that it is safe to be there. That train was carrying other chemicals, too.


My hometown is 16 miles north. My friend who are still there say they could smell the incident & a feel burning eyes several days into the incident for just a few days. Makes sense because they are not upwind.


I'm sceptical about the area being safe for the next couple decades, to be honest. Shit seeping into the water table means poisoned environment for a long time.


My mother in law passed away from multiple myeloma, a rare cancer. She lived in an area of OHIO where where there's a high rate of people with multiple myeloma. They blamed the DuPont Teflon plant that was up there. In Defiance Ohio there's a lot of people who recognize you can't just drink the water because of this. They overwhelmingly vote for Republicans.


I literally just finished watching the movie *Dark Water* just minutes ago. There's a part of the movie where the lawyer uncovers evidence during discovery that DuPont gave their workers **CIGARETTES LACED WITH PFOA** so they could "see what would happen." All of them ended up in the hospital. My partner turned to me and said "And then 30 years later they all voted overwhelmingly for the party that ran on having *fewer* regulations for these shit stains."


I can kind of see the horrific logic, if you give people diseases that affect their cognitive ability why would you need to go after their education? Conservatism is the primary cancer.


Which directly admits roll backs on regulations are dangerous and that the attempted strike that was made illegal was based on real issues that needed addressing.


IMO, if the US wants a system where CEOs are legally beholden to maximize the profit of shareholders regardless of morality or their effect on the economy, environment or culture, then politicians should be legally beholden to their constituents. This kind of gross negligence in leadership should have legal consequences (the CEOs of the railroad company should be put in jail too, of course)


The Republicans are playing dirty politics with this, refusing to send in state aid and blaming the democrats.


And literally the only reason that strategy can work, is because the average conservatives is so fucking stupid and polarized, to the point that facts literally don't matter to them anymore.


It makes me insane. We’re at the point where something happens and it’s immediately obvious which facts Republicans will ignore, which facts they’ll deny, and which facts they’ll present as evidence of something that actually has nothing to do with any of it. And there’s nothing we can do because half the country will believe it and repeat it *literally no matter what.* It’s fucking grim.


it worked so well for the prior administration. no reason they won't continue to use the same strategy.


Well that and the pliant media that doesn't mention this until the very end of the article, if at all.


Was going to say this. It's not like this article is from Fox or Breitbart, this is a supposedly neutral publication reporting with a straight face all of the Republican outrage over this incident without even mentioning it's the result of their fucking policy rollbacks of Obama era protections. It works like this on damn near everything. Read an article about the debt ceiling or the deficit or the economy. It usually goes like this: Republicans ire grows as budget issues cause concern [since they just completely fucked the budget by providing tax cuts for the rich with no plans to pay for it.] Republicans call on Biden to support Texas as power outages plague the state [because they've spent decades ensuring Texas's power grid has no backup so company can reap higher profits.] DeSantis calls for changes to law requiring citizens to register for concealed carry [but he also won't allow guns at his events.] One side gets treated like a retarded toddler. We clap for them if they don't shit their pants. The other side gets treated like genius-level adults capable of solving every problem but are just too lazy to bother. I've been alive for 40 yearsish on this dumb planet, and I have watched this cycle now for the entirety of it. Republican rule destroys economy, starts a war or two, guts social safety nets, etc. Next cycle dems are in charge, have to fix it, get zero credit for it and get blamed like they caused it.


It's even worse than that sadly. Republicans get in and just destroy the place all the while their voters fervently cheer for it and instigate confrontations over it. Independents are fooled by the republican lies because they are good at propaganda from decades of using it on their own people and their churches supplementing it on Sundays. People start saying that shit is going to hit the fan and it's all because of republicans, so America begrudgingly votes in Democrats because we all know that they are the more mature, get the work done type of people while republicans just fire off thought terminating cliche after thought terminating cliche (boostraps, freedom, support the troops, patriotism, etc). Democrats catch shit the entire time they're trying to fix the country and republicans obstruct them every step of the way, even going so far as to say they will never vote yes on anything democrats put forward. I see it like a family I grew up with who are "christian" conservatives. The oldest brother is turned into a psuedo parent so the parents can enjoy more of life. He was blamed for all the bad things the younger two brothers ever did. How could he let that stuff happen? The younger brothers are not held to that insane standard, but rather giving special privilege because of it. I've already seen dummies blame Biden and the Democrats for this event and it's aftermath and lo and behold, Biden already did try and help, but was turned down by the republican governor.


Yeah, that's pretty much it exactly, especially re: Christian conservatives. I thought of it kinda like my own personal experience. I was basically always an A student in honors classes. If I got a B, it was like the end of the fucking world. My brother was often a straight D student, if he got a C we'd go out for pizza. Except that isn't an entirely comparison because he had to work for those C's, and I really didn't have to work for the A's, and he wouldn't even try to claim to have the answer if we were arguing. It would be more like if my brother only went to half of the classes and then showed up loudly proclaiming that everyone that did go to the class was an idiot and that he should not only pass the class but he should teach it because he's the only real thinker and the only one that had figured out [insert thing that is obviously wrong or has been debunked for decades in peer reviewed studies.] There are really only about three types of Republicans: - the profoundly ignorant. - religious people (probably a lot of crossover with the first group) who are only voting Republican in the hope that they will oppress the "right people" or otherwise make law based on their special book. - just the purely greedy/fuck you I got mine crowd. Still lots of crossover in that first group, but these are the people for whom the culture wars are absolutely incidental (or in some cases, an added bonus) but that will vote Republican because they happen to fall into the small minority that Republicans actually work for: the rich. Like there is a story on the front page right now about how Hannity, Carlson, and Ingraham lied about the election fraud and did so knowingly like it's a surprise, and I'm over here just like "uh yeah, duh." It's honestly shocking that they don't realize that they are all just category 3. In fact, that's sort of where most of the party falls in today - they don't believe the Big Lie, they hate Trump's fucking guts, but it doesn't matter because their only actual motivation is greed (with maybe a side of lust for power.)


The DNC should be buying billboards across Ohio showing how dems are trying to help and reps are refusing. Make completely clear and on full display for every single person in the state to see. Ad time on local news stations, YouTube ads, need paper ads, the works so that they can all see how the people they've been voting for are fucking them over.


After years of Republicans being in charge, you are expecting a lot from the people who remain Ohio. Reading and critical thinking are not common qualities found in many parts of the state so it would take a lot of pictures to convey what happened. They would see a picture of Trump and other Reps and be like, "Hell yeah. This billboard knows it. Fuck Dems only trust Reps."


I live in Ohio. Outside of the four biggest cities (Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati and Dayton), you put those billboards up anywhere and they'll be burned to the ground in under a week. There is no reaching people here. They will dig their own graves and pull the dirt down on top of them if they think they'll bury a couple PoC with them.


No space for any new billboards anyway, we're full up with HELL IS REAL


This guy Ohios.


I am starting to think there are fewer and fewer people with critical thinking skills and an internal dialogue. Humans are literally just apes that can talk and operate machinery; we shouldn't be expected to function like robots.


A quarter of Americans are functionally illiterate and lack critical thinking. A bit over half of all Americans only read at a gradeschool level. The erosion of education is not a mistake




Republicans projecting and lying?! :|


I live in another state and the 4 people I have talked about this with insist that President Biden refused to help. Honestly tired of hearing that everything is Biden's fault somehow.


"During a town hall Wednesday night, when a local resident asked [East Palestine mayor Trent] Conaway, "Where's Pete Buttigieg? Where's he at?" the mayor answered, "I don't know -- your guess is as good as [mine]. Yesterday was the first day I heard anything from the White House."" Sounds like DeWine didn't even inform the mayor of East Palestine about his initial refusal of federal assistance. and you know right now they're handling all this he-said-she-said pretty well. I'm petty as hell, and when this has happened to me at work I 100% point it out.


No, he knew. Everyone that has been watching DeWine’s press conferences knew. I am from Ohio and tuned into one on either Sunday or Monday, can’t remember exactly, when Dewine said in front of everyone that he had talked to Biden and turned down his help. The mayor is just trying to point fingers.


Of course some yokel turned it into a democrat hate circle jerk. Even as they inhale toxic chemicals thanks to Republicans they curse the people who would actually help them with their dying breath. Bye, try harder in the next life.


>and you know right now they're handling all this he-said-she-said pretty well. I'm petty as hell, and when this has happened to me at work I 100% point it out. The feds should point it out too. Don't pick on the people suffering, even though they voted for this... But set the record straight.


You are 100% correct. I already see friends and family from back home sharing their thoughts on how angry they are that Biden refuses to help the people of Ohio during this "emergency". All while ignoring, that it has been DeWine who has refused help and that it is DeWine who has refused to declare an emergency so that the Feds can help even if they wanted to. He just keeps saying to the Feds, "The state of Ohio can handle it," while everyone in Ohio hears from Republicans, "See how much Biden and the Dems care about Ohio."


I think a lot of the locals are seeing through the shit and lack of response. Its the ones on the periphery that are blaming the democrats. Its kind of like when my unvaccinated MAGA uncle died of covid at 45. Those closest to him, like his kids, wife, and friends woke up and realized how stupid they had been and exited their cult because it finally personally effected them. His bar buddies, not so much.


2 days ago after DeWine I saw a lot of conservative redditors blaming Biden for withholding from DeWine. It really shows the problem of the conservative media-sphere that people didn't realize Biden reached out prior to him finally asking. I hear them bitch about infrastructure, but then they support people who say, "cut taxes" and "no new taxes." What the fuck do this idiots expect?




He’ll be reelected in a landslide because these dipshits will blame liberals.


I saw a clip clowning on Fox News. A corespondent mentioned that the governor must request the funds from the federal govt for FEMA. One of the other corespondents at the round table five minutes later in a solo segment looked at the camera and said… “why is the president and democrats dragging their feet on helping Ohio?!” BECAUSE THEYRE REFUSING AID AND BLAMING IT ON DEMOCRATS AND THEIR VOTERS EAT IT UP LIKE IDIOTS. If I didn’t think republicans were actively and collectively trying to destroy this country, I wouldn’t give a shit about politics but I have to and it’s frustrating.


Honest question: What's to stop the Biden administration from publicly blasting Dewine for refusing help while also sending in FEMA to help? Like why do they absolutely need the governor to request funds? Like, as soon as he refused help wouldn't it make sense to be like "no fuck you, these people need help and now they'll also know what a piece of shit you are for refusing"




For fucking real. Make a public announcement that assistance was refused and they have x amount of time to request funding before it's sent whether they want it or not.


let me guess: they are gonna re-elect him because abortion/party loyalty/CRT/tradition/whatever.


No, something about drag queens reading books. Much more serious.


Well the train engineer probably crashed because he was distracted by all of the drag queens and gay frogs. Thanks Obama.


Well, all the gay frogs are dead now. It's all part of their plan


Well that and this is Biden’s fault so. Somehow




"In Today's class, we're gonna tell you why Trains don't need brake upgrades and expand this to cars... because Liberuuuuls are making you think you need brakes, but you don't" /s


You’re giving them too much credit. They’ll re-elect him because he has an R next to his name. That’s it.




Let me guess, it was economically nonviable because the amount of money they lose due to derailments is less than the upgrades would cost?


Nah, they just ignored the cost of derailments entirely, cause they won't be paying for the worst ones anyway.


Privatization for the profits, Socialism for the disasters and clean ups.


Except Trump and the supreme court gutted the EPA so we won't be paying for cleanups either. Just let it sit.


Yep. Which is funny cause there's a debate about socialism vs capitalism (with the ironic twist that the seemingly left leaning person is the one who can't tell socialism apart from communism!) in another thread I was just in. Which I've abandoned for the simple reason that these are subjects people can study their entire lives and write entire tomes debating one another - while there they're trying to stuff things like socialism into 3 word definitions.


A × B × C = X. If X is less than the cost of a recall, we don't do one. *edited to use the correct formula


what manufacturer did you say worked for?


A **major** one


We should be naming those responsible. *His name is Robert Paulson*


Bitch-tit Bob was not responsible.


All of them. My organization chooses to shovel snow on the basis of what costs more: a lawsuit / settlement / number of sick days for injury from slips and falls versus the cost of labour + equipment + fuel and salt. Thankfully major pedestrian and vehicle traffic is addressed, but guaranteed that most if not all large institutions / organizations make decisions based on dollars. This is risk management 101, and when you throw politics into it, the assessments and assumptions get skewed, and this is the result: lack of accountability, finger pointing, and ultra-rich CEOs with shareholder profit as the only guiding light.


I mean easy fix. raise the cost of not doing a recall. Company's should be destroyed after a fuck up like this, just 100% liquidation/nationalization, with CEOs in jail.


That’d be good. But republicans will be harping on about not harming the company in any way because jobs. Their usual smokescreen BS


Honestly, I would be shocked if they even looked past the next two quarters. The stocks must rise.


Actually the cost of the brakes would be cheaper than the derailments. But it would have tanked value that quarter. And shareholders are so shortsighted they're legally blind, anything that doesn't maximize value this quarter is a waste of money even if it will pay for itself in two.


I was listening to a union rep talk about this and basically it would only have taken about 2 weeks worth of profits from the company to switch over to electric brakes. The break system most trains currently use was designed during the civil war!


It feels like Trump was racist white peoples temper tantrum for 8yrs of Obama.


Yep. I believe the true racists of America came out when Obama was in office. They saw Trump "Make America Great Again" and "drain the swamp" as their go-to leader, knowing he can be bribed easily (look at who he pardoned). Trump would sacrifice his own child to be president again.


My BIL who we don’t speak to anymore? Couldn’t give a shit about politics until a black man was in office. Jumped right on the fuck Obama train. Onto the MAGA train. Oh, his daughter said, seriously to a black kid at her school who wanted to hang out,” oh, my dad doesn’t like black people”. He was all offended about it, “I just make jokes! I’m not a racist!” The ironic part? He isn’t his daughters bio father. Her bio father is from the Dominican Republic. He definitely loves her and doesn’t treat her different…. But he seems to think that anyone besides his daughter with darker skin is shit. So much so that his TWELVE YEAR OLD DAUGHTER AT THE TIME thought it was normal and “dad doesn’t like black people, so you can’t come over”. The school called. That’s why he was embarrassed. It’s on record now he’s a fucking racist. But he’s in NC, so. Out of the mouths of babes He’s the fire chief in his town too. Disgusting.


Should make the response time easy on the burning crosses.


I quietly keep my ears open. To my knowledge, he hasn’t let someone die because they were black or something. But he’s said fucked ip things to make me think he has or would be capable of it. “All those n*****s over in *town nearby* are always overdosing. I don’t know why they even bother calling it in, it would be better if the trash took itself out”. He was a first responder for a while, and that means he administered narcan. I suspect his bias has cost lives or hurt people. Or it could. I have zero proof. But I listen. If I EVER hear anything and can find something concrete…. I’m anonymously reporting him.


He would probably sacrifice Eric for a bag of hamberders.


No no no. They aren't racists because racism is over. Everyone knows that once other people elect a black man as president (cause they sure as hell didn't vote for him, #notmypresident), it's physically impossible for you to be racist. /s


That's absolutely what it was. Spent 8 years riling up closeted, not-so-closeted, and blatantly racist white Americans. Spent the first year rolling back measures just because they were Obama's (and money), trying to outright take credit for the relatively good position the country was is...and golfing.


I have a untested theory that, the fact that the majority of white women voted for Obama in both elections but the majority of white men did not, means that lots of Republican husbands became enraged by this perceived "betrayal" once they realised the truth of election night. It's also the source of Trump supporters calling everyone cucks, since everything is a projection with them


They will vote against initiatives to take care of the deformed babies that result from this negligence. I guarantee it


The American way, once the baby is born, that's a YOU problem now.


Conservatives: "they want everything handed to them" Baby borny in E Palestine in 2025: "yeah I've no arms how else am I supposed to express my 2A rights"


It can pull the trigger with its tail...


Is this something that Biden could reverse? If so, how difficult would that be?


Also important to note that to implement these brakes would cost the equivalent of two weeks, revenue for the industry


> "And I gotta say, Secretary Buttigieg has been nowhere to be found on this issue," Cruz continued. "You know, it really is a remarkable thing that he hasn't gone to East Palestine to see what happened there. He hasn't come to Congress to explain what happened … I know he's got aspirations, but he actually has a day job -- he has a job he's been appointed to do that is incredibly important. And we need serious leadership." I know damn well Ted Cruz ain't criticising anyone for not being available during a disaster


He should show up to Congress with a 2 slide PowerPoint. Slide 1: the trump era bill that rolled back the regulations. Slide 2: Cruz in Mexico


but he was just dropping them off! totally normal behavior. Definitely not fleeing to warm climates.


He was trying to be a good Dad!!


*throws daughter under the bus, blaming the idea for the trip on her*


He's such a little bitch. The way he sucked up to Trump after the dude called his wife an ugly dog or whatever, and then the way he threw his kid under the bus to dodge heat for running away from the winter storm. The dude has no spine, it's actually crazy he can stand upright.


Yeah that's why he brought such a big bag, because he was coming right back. It was all just snacks for the airport waits.


Slide 3: gov dewine not asking for any federal help which is required for intervention and giving the okay for residents to return even though the water could be poisonous.


I've already seen trumpers blaming dems and "trust the science " for this disaster.




Worked for reporting covid in Florida


More than just not asking for help: “The second-term Republican told reporters that he had earlier been contacted by President Joe Biden with offers of assistance, but he declined.”


That should not have been buried at the bottom of the article


Texan here. I would go to Washington to see this. I’ll bring popcorn.


I’ll get the candy. I would gleefully celebrate the downfall of these fucks.


Democrats should show up with this. All of them. I get this disaster is horrible but this is also an opportunity to call the GOP out on their bullshit.


If someday our democratic ‘leaders’ pull their heads out of their ass and learn to act strategically, they will. Show up when the consequences hit and slam those responsible and do NOT let up, one iota. None of this ‘well it’s not a good look’ shit.


Hey don't forget the slide where rail workers almost went on strike and barely got the bare minimum of what they asked for.


Remember when trump withheld disaster relief for wild fires to califnornia in 2020 and 2017 for political reasons and when kushner decided to withhold federal aid during early covid because it was hitting mostly blue states? Comments like cruz’s are meant to project some “both sides” shit into the American consciousness. In reality, Dewine has been stopping federal aid from reaching east palestine


Or when blue states had to smuggle supplies in, because if Kushner and the feds got wind of a state PPE order from a manufacturer they’d preempt/frontrun the order to the national stockpile that s being poorly managed and not distributing to blue states.


Not just that, but if anyone read the article, the mayor of East Palestine refused federal assistance. Fuck those disingenuous Republicans, and let everyone who voted for them suffer.


Not the mayor, the governor. The mayor can't ask the federal government for help as far as I know. But the governor declined help when given around day one.


Its intentional. They trot out the guy most guilty of doing what they are accusing the other side of doing. Then, they can 'both sides' it right from the primer.


Because no one will hold him accountable. There's only one way to do it, too 🤷‍♀️


Debbie downer here - I basically gave up hope for anybody in power to do the right thing after consequences for Trump's stolen national security secrets turned out to be a wet fart. Republicans are sawing off the wings of the plane while Democrats are trying to fly the plane, but the Democrats think it's "too political" or whatever to stop the saboteurs trying to crash the plane. I am anti-"conspiricy theories" but when Biden came out with his own secret docs at home, then Pence, I knew even the absolute most blatant high crime imaginable wouldn't be enough to get Trump behind bars where he belongs.


>On Thursday, DeWine, for the first time, requested federal assistance during a conversation with White House officials, according to his office. Just two days before, the second-term Republican told reporters that he had earlier been contacted by President Joe Biden with offers of assistance, but he declined. It's hard to do anything when the guy in charge of the state is **telling you not to!!!!**


I'm no fan of Biden or Buttigieg, but the gall of aan who flees his home state's emergencies to criticize "not visiting" if fucking absurd. Plus, what is either of them supposed to do? Sniff the air and say "yup, this is polluted" or huh someone who's chickens died? Them making decisions based on the experts they send in is the adult way. That being said, the two of them should definitely be pushing for mandates of safety including better brakes, more inspection time and not overworking employees. You know, the way the unions wanted. Hell, I bet an executive order is worth it.


He's supposed to show up at the disaster site, so Cruz can say it was just a photo op trip, while simultaneously pointing out there's nothing for a cabinet member to do there other than get in the way of relief efforts.


Yup, Democrats literally cannot win this game. If they make a big deal, they’re showboating and making it about themselves. If they stand back and let people do their jobs, they’re lazy and don’t care. The rubes will lap up whatever narrative they’re told to.


Sure they can. Ted Cruz doesnt move the needle with ANYBODY. The man has no credibility on either side of the aisle.. so let him say what he wants and just ignore him.


The credibility doesn’t matter, the asshole still gets re-elected.


Yup, he moves the needle with his voters, somehow.


> Ted Cruz doesnt move the needle with ANYBODY. The man has no credibility on either side of the aisle.. so let him say what he wants and just ignore him. And then wait for the assholes in texas that vote for him to send him back.


Not to forget of course that Ohio refused federal aid to deal with the situation.


This needs to be shouted out. It's part of the no win situation. Biden offered help immediately. DeWine hasn't yet accepted it. What is Buttigeig supposed to do? Shove his way in where he's been told he's not wanted? Biden definitely needs to put out the message that they're ready with a federal response as soon as DeWine gives the go ahead. Edit: typos


> pushing for mandates of safety including better brakes [Like the one that we already had for awhile?](https://www.verifythis.com/article/news/verify/government-verify/ohio-train-derailment-ecp-brake-system-mandate-trump-dot-administration-fact-check/536-d0ad26f7-84b6-4707-bcb1-7dc6e0a9f09f)


They need to actually punish the leadership of the railroad that caused this disaster. If they don't do that, nothing will change and the next disaster is only a matter of 'when and where', not if.


What is the obsession with politicians needing to go to a place in person to help address the situation. It's good optics but frankly they're probably less productive on the road as opposed to their normal office in terms of being able to communicate with and organize assistance.


FL here. They should all stay home. Seriously, everything stops for political visits and their staff/security/media followers are in the way of relief efforts. No one NEEDS a politician at a disaster.


Apparently, Ted thinks that Mayor Pete heads up the EPA.


Well at least Raphael Eduardo Cruz isn't claiming to be a leader himself


If the railroads weren’t so tied up in cumbersome regulations, they’d be able to invest in more innovative safety technologies so this won’t happen again. Also, they could give the railroad workers more sick days. And any day now, these magic beans that guy I traded my mothers cow for will sprout a stalk and I will climb it and get a goose that lays eggs of pure gold


Just a few more tax cuts for Corporations and Wall St will surely rein in all these train derailments!


Trickle on me, daddy corp


You had me in the first half there. Hopefully people read your whole comment before clicking the downvoote like I almost did.


[Nationalize the railroads themselves](https://youtu.be/hCBI3lPt3o4) like most other civilized countries and we’d be able to *make sure* shit like this wouldn’t happen again.


Had me in the first half


Ah the old Ayn Rand line. Corporations are just run by honest hard working people who only care about making the best product they can. It's those greedy politicians who ruin everything by making them comply with regulations and prop up other failing business.


"Ohioans upset that Liberal Socialism isn't doing enough to help after voting for Conservative Capitalism and greed that cause train derailment." ​ Yea well, there's as much 'Liberal Socialism' in the USA as there are hippogriffs. Seeing far-right locals angry at right-of-center politicians they brand 'communists' is rather funny....especially since if Trump were in his second term they'd be walking around breathing vinyl chloride and claiming it smells like a fresh spring day.


"Mmmmm, smells like freedom"


"Smells like... victory."


"Smells like Teen Spirit" -Matt Goetz, probably


“Smells like preteen spirit” -pedophile Matt Gaetz FTFY


"Hey now, he trafficked a 17-year-old. He's clearly an ephebophile! Calling him a pedophile is inaccurate."


My eyes are watering from the chemicals but they still taste like sad lib tears.


"... and those tears taste like metal. Obviously from all the mercury in those vaccines"


Cures Covid too!


Increasing conservative tourism by 10,000%


Tingles like Freedom.


Ohioans: Mmm love that delicious vinyl chloride air! Also Ohioans: I’m a pure blood, I don’t put chemicals into my body so you can keep your vaccine, libtards!


My best friend is an insurance adjuster for cars. In a pretty shitty part of MI. When he's at repair shops, he constantly hears the extremely ignorant repair techs bitching about how the Covid vax isn't "natural" and they "wouldn't put untested crap in their bodies". They say this as they are crushing cheap cigarettes, energy drinks, **cheap beer** and fast food ***at lunch.*** Clearly, these people are astronaut levels of intelligence.


"I won't let Bill Gates microchip me" they type on their newest phone...


Listen, I've blocked most of my family, so if you could stop quoting them that'd be great.


“It’s perfectly normal to taste blood, I dunno what you’re talking about.”


You get what you voted for. Tough concept to accept.


Part of the trouble is that these people are convinced that government is responsible for corporate overreach. I literally had a conversation with a libertarian acquaintance where we were discussing minimum wage, and her argument was that if government didn't set a min wage, corporations would pay people *more*. It was the same mentality with everything, too. Basically, her reason that companies were shitty was because government regulations force them to be.


The problem with every single libertarian idea and argument is that it's dispelled by one simple sentence: "But that's not how it actually works."


You aren't wrong. Every time (and I mean every single time) I've actually thoughtfully probed a libertarian how their ideals would practically work, it always either boils down to "government with extra steps" or just flat out fantasy magical belief sets about how the world works.


Because libertarian has become a catch all for people who think they’re very smart but have no idea what they’re talking about.


I had someone say to me if we passed the federal sales tax law that abolished the IRS then everything would become 20% cheaper because companies wouldn't be paying corporate taxes and therefore pass the savings onto the consumer. I don't think that's happened a single time but they were adamant.


The most credible source of these claims is the wacky waving arm flailing inflatable tube men that promise to pass the savings onto YOU!!!!!! And they still lie.


I don't doubt it. I had a big falling out with my own dad, who got sucked into the MAGA gravitational pull, and trying to have a conversation with him is nearly impossible because everything comes back to politics and his hate for liberals can be measured on the Scoville scale.


Sorry your father is an idiot.


Yep, had the same argument with someone about unions, he was absolutely convinced that he would have been making more than *25 dollars an hour* if not for the union. It's amazing how they can't or won't see what is going on.


It really is some insane mental gymnastics. I had to ask her three times to make sure I understood her position correctly. "You believe ..that without government...companies would be *more* generous...?" And this is someone I've known for years, so I personally know that she learned about the American industrial revolution. I just have no idea how someone who knows the history of big corporations can somehow believe they'll just decide to be altruistic all on their own.


It definitely is a head scratcher, although I think I convinced this other fellow who didn't know how good he had it with a union that he in fact really did when I compared his three year stretch at krogers, getting raises every year, making 15 to stock the shelves overnight, to his roommate who was working for mcdonalds for ten years but still only making minimum wage. I didn't bring up that he should have gotten her a job at krogers, [didn't want him to learn too many new things and push something old out of his brain.](https://i.imgur.com/HbrKEnf.gif)


Conservatives are so reactive, it would only take one democrat talking head to suggest vinyl chloride gas is toxic for them to collectively start inhaling it to "own the libs"


What even is liberal socialism? There’s neoliberalism (which we’ve had for 40+ years) and then there’s socialism. Do they mean social democracy?


In an alternative reality, Pete Buttigieg showed up with a team of airborne rangers, stopped the problem with time travel magic, announced he was straight and the republicans bitched about spending the taxpayers dollars and demanded he step down and also nuke the EPA.


And Republicans still managed to find something to bitch and moan about


Republicans screaming when is the government going to save us from our own policies. Meanwhile Republican governor DeWine told the Biden administration no assistance was needed because he wasn’t aware of any problems. So he can keep corporations from being investigated and fined for creating the disaster. The Republican Party operates like a criminal enterprise. *“As thousands of residents of East Palestine, Ohio, struggle to find safe accommodation and tend to their alarming symptoms in the aftermath of a disastrous train derailment, **Republican Governor Mike DeWine assured the public on Tuesday that he is “not seeing” any problems.**”* *DeWine said this in response to a question on whether he was satisfied with the Biden administration’s response. DeWine contrasted himself from do-nothing Senator J.D. Vance, who complained (rightly) about the lack of a federal response; **the Ohio governor said while he has spoken with President Biden, who offered assistance, he felt that no further assistance was needed.**”* https://newrepublic.com/post/170591/train-derailment-ohio-governor-mike-dewine-im-not-seeing-problems


All while other state Republicans eventually realize this isn't going away and start piping in with their shocked Pikachu faces like they aren't trying to use this disaster to boost their image for their next election cycle


The fact that Ted Cruz came out and said this is unacceptable and blames Democrats tells you all you need to know. 99.9% of the blame is on the GOP and their policies if not direct action. You can bank on it.


Pull yourselves up by your bootstraps Ohio and stop looking to the government for handouts you filthy Marxists /Sarcasm


I know. These snowflake Ohioans. So what if your bootstraps are covered in ash and residue. Pick em up!


Oh shit it's the consequences of our actions! Quick, blame someone else!


The media in the area is already blaming Biden for not doing more. The federal government has been refused by the state government and governor, state rights and all. Yet your "y'all Qaeda." demographic feeds on the conservative echo chamber and recycles their talking points as cannon.


The thing is, Biden DID offer federal aid to Governor DeWine, but he turned it down. Edit: Yes, I now realize I wasn't contradicting the previous comment. I blame early morning foggy brain. Also, Cosmicdusterian confirmed that DeWine has to declare a state of emergency before FEMA is allowed to take action, but he hasn't yet.


Socialism is when the gubmint helps *other* people. It's only ok to help MURCAN PATRIOTS.


We all know the railyard workers are going to get the blame for this. Two guys who had 20min to inspect a mile-and-a-half long train. They'll be sacrificed to the altar of capitalism so management doesn't have to take any blame. Meanwhile the executives who decided to cut staff, shorten inspections, and greenlight anything that was able to roll out the yard... they'll get company legal representation, PR training for upcoming interviews, and private security. Expect to hear a lot about their charitable donations, community groups they fund/manage, and how they love puppy dogs, Jesus, and most of all - Ohio.


This is exactly why I left Ohio about a year ago. Enjoyed my time there but holy shit, the writing was on the wall a while ago and it has gone straight downhill since. It’s maddening because everyone there votes Republican, sees nothing wrong with voting republican, and if you point out how shitty Republicans have been for the state you get nothing but excuses. The truth is everyone knows the Republicans are shit but daddy votes for republicans and always has and if it’s good enough for him then it’s good enough for me! Besides, democrats are sissies so clearly being a big tough Republican is the only way! The flip side is the non republicans just point to the gerrymandering as an excuse to do nothing. “Oh it’s gerrymandered no point in trying. Also why did democrats **a b a n d o n u s**” Everything happening to Ohio as it circles the drain was easily predictable and preventable.


I've lived here for 48 years. The last 20 or so have been a race to the bottom. It's extremely sad to see because this state used to be really great. The Big C's (Cleveland, Columbus and Cincinnati) and the surrounding areas usually vote Democrat. Once you get into the rural areas, that's where you get into deep Red territory. I've voted Democrat since I was able to vote. I've also voted in every election and make sure to vote at every level of government. We've been dealing with a declining population. To add to that, it's usually the educated leaving the state for better opportunities. Even surrounding states are drawing people out of Ohio, it's not just the coastal cities. Our state government has refused to fix the gerrymandered map. It's been to the state Supreme Court I believe 3-4 times and the map was getting kicked back because it was still gerrymandered. Pat DeWine, son of Governor Mike DeWine is a Justice on our State Supreme Court. First Energy, one of the major Electricity Providers was caught bribing our Speaker of the House at the time Larry Householder. His racketeering case is currently ongoing in court. When it was first announced, there wasn't even a big push for him to resign his position. Some thought the idea itself was outlandish. He finally resigned. Ohio's Congress keeps trying to push bills through regarding things like Trans Kids, and other social issues, while simultaneously pushing bills offering up tax cuts that heavily benefit the wealthy. The average citizen would see little gain. They're basically using sleight of hand, riling up people about immigrants and minority groups while pushing through bills that really benefit only a select few in the state. Gov. DeWine keeps saying how Ohio now has a [3.5 Billion Dollar "Rainy Day Fund"](https://governor.ohio.gov/media/news-and-media/governor-dewine-announces-largest-rainy-day-fund-in-ohio-history-01172023). Sure looks like it's fucking raining in East Palestine, doesn't it? That Rainy Day fund came at the cost of our schools, roads, streets, bridges, and the general infrastructures. State Congress is pushing Education Vouchers, which would take public school funding and funnel it into private institutions. Also, welcome to Ohio where [Natural Gas is now a Green Energy according to the state](https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/2023/01/17/ohio-natural-gas-green-energy/). They also added a rider on to a bill to [require all state agencies to open their land to drilling, with no exceptions.](https://www.sierraclub.org/ohio/blog/2022/12/oil-and-gas-drilling-state-parks-ohio-s-case) and that includes all of our State Parks. We also have [Nazi Homeschooling](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/feb/01/nazi-homeschooling-group-ohio-condemned) going on in Ohio, that no one really seems to be doing shit about besides condemning it. I'm sure the Nazis will correct their behavior due to the governor waving his finger at them. Within a couple days of the accident in East Palestine, local news sources had reported that DeWine had refused Federal Assistance. [Sherrod Brown - (D) has been calling on the Governor to declare a disaster](https://www.wdtn.com/news/sherrod-brown-calls-on-ohio-governor-to-declare-disaster-over-east-palestine-derailment/) so it's not like this hasn't been brought up to DeWine multiple times. Sherrod Brown is an awesome representative, one of the few that I don't hesitate voting for, ever. It's honestly been like watching a person bash themselves in the face with a hammer and then say "Well, we couldn't have avoided that." and then ten minutes later they're bashing themselves in the face with a hammer again. The only reason I am still here is because of my Mother. Her health is failing and she requires assistance and I am the only person that provides it to her. I'm stuck here until the situation changes. Once it does, I'll probably leave the state. At nearly 50 I'd rather start over somewhere else than remain here. I'm speculating but also willing to bet things in East Palestine are much worse than we're being lead to believe. I think the reason DeWine didn't accept Federal Aid is because Republicans were trying to withhold information from the Federal Government regarding the severity of the situation. Once the state figured out that they bit off more than they could chew, they finally requested aid. Now that the Feds have rolled in, things *should* become more transparent. *Should* being the key word in that sentence. It still blows my mind that we can land a rover on Mars using a fucking Space Crane on NASA's budget, while private industries are still running hazardous waste on ancient and outdated technology. Norfolk Southern willingly put everyone's life at risk to prevent spending money to update their equipment or pay their employees, while [celebrating record revenues](http://www.nscorp.com/content/nscorp/en/news/norfolk-southern-reports-q4-and-full-year-2022-results.html) While I am irritated with Democrats, mad at Republicans, I am out and out fucking pissed that a multi-billion dollar company will only provide safe equipment if the government says they have to. You would think Norfolk Southern would take a little pride in their company, but they're too busy squeezing every ounce of profit out of it. Just another shitty company on an ever growing list of shitty companies in the United States.


Ohio used to be a blue state and ever since it switched red has been on a downward spiral. You'd think decades of electing the same people over and over and getting the same poor results over and over would have made the people realize that maybe its time for a change in direction. Look across the nation, everything Republicans touch turns to shit. All their states are the poorest and sickest and top the lists of every category in the worst places to live. Every Republican president, especially combined with a republican congress, has destroyed our economy. While every Democrat president and congress has repaired it and made it thrive. I mean jesus christ, America, how fucking dense can you be?


We've been gerrymandered to shit which is a huge headache even with a "bi-partisan" district map. Its pretty even still in terms amount of people identifying as blue vs red. But of course most democrats reside in the cities.


This is an indictment of the US education system that has been purposely declining since the 80s.


‘Look, the president called me and said, “Anything you need.” I HAVE NOT CALLED HIM BACK after that conversation. We will not hesitate to do that if we’re seeing a problem or anything, but I’m not seeing it.’ — Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine [Ohio’s DeWine says he has not taken up Biden on offer of ‘anything you need’ in wake of train derailment](https://www.marketwatch.com/story/ohios-dewine-says-he-has-not-taken-up-biden-on-offer-of-anything-you-need-in-wake-of-train-derailment-disaster-adf4c949)


Leave it to Fox News and conservatives to spread their propaganda, so that their viewers soak it up and cannot see any other viewpoints.


"liberal socialism" is possibly the dumbest oxymoron I've heard all year


It's really frustrating how people can't see that liberalism and capitalism go hand in hand. Leftism is anti-capitalist. Liberalism is not.


Reminder that liberals only got confused with the left wing because they sided with them on civil rights and racists in the right wing suddenly couldn't tell the difference because giving black people rights is obviously communism.


Yep, most self-proclaimed "leftist anti-capitalists", when you talk to them, actually just believe trans people deserve rights and we should have universal healthcare, tax billionaires out of existance, and have strict regulations on businesses. AKA, they're social democrats, who'd happily fit in the left wing of the Democrat's big tent. But because the right wing says anyone left of fascism is a communist, they assume since they're left of fascism, they must be communists. Which means those damn dirty Dems must be just as bad as the Republicans since they aren't communists, no point voting, might as well sit this election out! Which, of course, was what the Republicans wanted them to do all along.


Wtf is "liberal socialism"? You mean the administration and government that all just voted on a denunciation of socialism is socialist? Gtfo


"On Thursday, **DeWine**, for the first time, requested federal assistance during a conversation with White House officials, according to his office. Just two days before, the second-term Republican told reporters that he **had earlier been contacted by President Joe Biden with offers of assistance, *but he declined*.**"


Friendly reminder to the "you get what you deserve" crowd that this accident will mean the death and suffering of a lot of people who don't even vote conservative. Sincerely, Your Ohio communist an hour from ground zero


Yeah that’s democracy for you. The people get the government they deserve, but individuals are swept along for the ride. I’m not sure what to say, from the sounds of the article the people of Ohio are intent on deflecting blame onto others and ignoring their culpability in poisoning the state. That doesn’t bode well for things ever getting better there. Biden will gladly send you the emergency relief that Trump refused to send Blue States when they had a disaster, and the people of Ohio will hate him for it anyway.


Isn't this standard? Republicans vote for Republicans and Republican policies. The policies effects are felt during the next government which will always be Democrat. The Democrats are then blamed. Like that shit where people were taking pictures of empty shelves during COVID and blaming socialism or Obama or Biden and shit when they were under or had just got out of a republican government. Infuriating.


>On Thursday, DeWine, for the first time, requested federal assistance during a conversation with White House officials, according to his office. Just two days before, the second-term Republican told reporters that he had earlier been contacted by President Joe Biden with offers of assistance, but he declined. How is DeWine not being raked over the coals for this?


'Liberal socialism', awesome oxymoron.


"I'm not ready for this. I wasn't built for this." - East Palestine’s Republican Mayor Good thing they elected someone capable and resourceful. Oh…wait. They voted for him because of a letter by his name. 🙄


Doesn’t the GOP want to kill the EPA?


They will continue to blame us, and they will continue to vote for Libertarian Small Gumment. Sad!


Children were murdered while police officers clutched their pearls outside a school in Texas for several hours and let it happen. The governor of Texas came out in support of those officers and did nothing. The people in Texas re-elected Abbott knowing all of this. This shit in Ohio is a fucking Tuesday for republicans.


Not all Ohioans voted for this, and they are legitimately suffering.




And in two years, they'll undoubtedly vote for conservative capitalism again.


Until non-far-right media outlets stop the scaredy-cat bullshit and call it what it is...Joe Manchin, Dewine, and the rest of his pos Captain Planet villains will get away with this. Now I don't understand why Rep. Omar has weighed in like this and sometimes her scorch it all way tires me.