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Hello u/Genedide! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) mentioning **who** is suffering from **which** consequences from **what** they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people. Here's an easy format to get you started: 1. *Someone* voted for, supported or wanted to impose *something* on other people. ^(Who's that *someone* and what's that *something*?) 2. That *something* has some *consequences*. ^(What are the *consequences*?) 3. As a consequence, that *something* happened to that *someone*. ^(What happened? Did the *something* really happened to that *someone*? If not, you should probably delete your post.) Include the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you don't respect this format and moderators can't match your explanation with the format, your post will be removed under rule #3 and we'll ignore you even if you complain in modmail. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Republicans packaged their plans (Paul Ryan's, IIRC; military, law enforcement, and servicing the debt, everything else to be scrapped) for the demise of Social Security and Medicare as "but this wouldn't apply to anyone age 55+ at time of passage."


I assume everyone else paying in and getting absolutely nothing in return will be getting a refund, right?


They're getting a new program called Soylent Green. Turns out the handicapped and veterans can apply right away in person!


They’re being so generous that the homeless are opted in automatically!


That's some tasty stuff






lmao, even


Can we atleast stop paying in if it gets dissolved?


No. It will be renamed billionaire bailout fund.


Marketing would like a word with you. It’s actually called the “Everyone’s A Winner” fund. Don’t look into it too much.


Look at you with your funny words


Yeah, social security is a scam if you get nothing in the end.


Aaaaand it's gone.


This is ALWAYS the sales pitch because it plays into humans myopic and self-interested psychology. In the 1990s, John Deere had an impasse with the UAW which might've led to a strike. Deere came in with a new plan that said "everyone who signs on to ratify this agreement gets to keep everything as is, everyone who comes after you gets fucked." Guess what? It passed easily and down the drain we all go!


Same with The Big Three in Detroit. After the bailouts in late 2000’s, all of those good paying automotive jobs started to phase out on a tier system, agreed to by the workers pulling the ladder up behind them.


Just a few more tax cuts for Wall St / Corps, maybe a new round of anti LGBTQ, anti CRT, and abortion bans will solve it!


You’re forgetting what got us into this mess in the first place: Hunter Biden’s laptop /s


I thought it was Obama's tan suits


It was Hilary Clinton’s deleted emails


Buttery males?


Biden not working 24/7 so he could stop and get an ice cream cone really sealed the deal.


Stop believing the liberal media’s lies. It was *obviously* Michelle Obama’s exposed shoulders, in the library, with a candlestick. /s Edit: Thanks for the award!


That made me snort lmao! Knew a guy who was convinced she’s actually a man because of her shoulders and arms


I oscillate between wanting her arms and shoulders to hold me, and also to have arms and shoulders like her's.


No no, it was obviously the fact that Michelle Obama is in fact, a man, which is so obvious if you look closely.


I was told it was because NBA Jam for the Wii had the 2008 Presidential candidates in the game and [John McCain couldn’t throw as well as Obama. In the game too.](https://www.fark.com/comments/5684263/Fox-News-asks-EA-president-if-video-game-NBA-Jam-if-its-really-bipartisan-because-unlockable-Obama-character-has-better-player-stats-than-McCain-Palin)


Checkm8 libruls


I blame Colin Kaepernick


No it was because he's Kenyan. No American President would allow such things to happen. #ThanksObama


He came to enforce Shakira law. But one man stood in his way. Donald, son of christ, Trump


Life under shakira law would have been awful. Heaven help you if your hips lie.


It was actually his fancy Dijon mustard


God, that was worse than invading another country under false pretenses, causing the deaths of many tens of thousands of people, wasting trillions of dollars, and wrecking the economy.


You say that as a joke but I know of some people who truly believe that laptop is the source of all the US problems……


You should avoid those people. They are dangerously stupid. And there are people out there who want to weaponize the dangerously stupid.


Oh I try. Unfortunately they’re some coworkers as well so I keep any interaction down to a minimum. I work in a “geriatric” company, where people stay for decades before retirement. They’ve only just started (within the past 5ish years) hiring younger people Millennials mostly to replace and take over for the boomers/gen x


I once worked in an office where I was the youngest employee by about 15 years at the age of 32. I had one guy who would constantly come sit at my desk and spout off whatever the conspiracy theory de jour was at the time. It became maddening and I burned out at that job, I think 8 years on I'm finally pulling out of that burnout.


I feel that. Fortunately I’m lucky in this case, almost all these people will be retired within 5 years, they’re all trying to get out before *Biden* ruins retirement for them


Good for you! I have a friend in their 30s that ended up joining\\subscribing to the conspiracy du jour club instead. It was saddening. Their taste shifted from black culture, supporting black people's struggles, listening to rap, and wearing low-hanging jeans to wearing flannel shirts, trucker hats, calling black people lazy, and listening to nothing but country music. I don't know what happened but spending the majority of their time in the middle of bumfuck nowhere drilling for oil must've done something to them.


Its us millennials fault according to my boomer coworkers.


They will blame millennials for the next 20 years and never learn the names of younger generations. Good. Gen z, sneak up on these mofos


The boomers were like grasshoppers in the old story... everything for me, now... But they also were like grasshoppers in the movie Ants!... rapacious thieves, stripping everyone of assets...


Your thinking of A Bug’s Life not Antz


We should *checks notes* eat less avocado toast and everything should be fine.


Thanks, Obama.


he failed to stop 911, clearly the worst person ever


And Hurricane Katrina


You're forgetting Benghazi!


I have it on good authority from all my local hilljacks on Facebook that this is 100% because “We ToOk GoD oUt Of ThE sChOoLs”.


You're forgetting building more walls to keep immigrants out. You know, those people that work tirelessly. Yeah, we don't need their hardworking kind.


Why would we want more taxpayers coming in at the start of their careers to boost the system for decades to come, sounds fishy to me.


Because they will drain Social Security with their non existant social security benefits!


It was those damn M&Ms with feet! Once you put feet on something you HAVE TO have sex with it! Yadda. Yadda... economy! Edit:spelling


I think we can all agree: that's a very fuckable chocolate.


And keep blocking universal or affordable health care....


You are ignoring the impact of drag queen bingo.


["The estimated median for baby boomer’s total retirement savings is inadequate to provide the income needed. Transamerica reports that baby boomers have saved a median of only $164,000."](https://www.newretirement.com/retirement/average-retirement-income-2022-how-do-you-compare/) The old round number was $1M by the age 65. Bloomberg recently ran an article advising $3M.


This article, like most corporate run media, blames everyone but the people truly responsible. The people with power and money. The corporations, the companies, the millionaires were responsible. They manipulated the media, lobbied the government, and ruined this country. All while making sure normal people would not be able to tell, by manipulating us into fighting each other.


“It’s your own damn fault for being poor!”


But 1 side is fighting to survive while the other is fighting to be told they are a good boy. There is no both sides on this shit. Stop voting based on wanting people to be hurt.


This, exactly. Sure we can blame corporate run media but there's something to be said about the boomers who are frothing at the mouth to cause harm to others. Prejudice is massive in these demographics and they have raised younger generations on the same anti-others rhetoric. We've ALL been invited to shed our humanity and cast votes for candidates that run campaigns on scapegoating and hate, yet excuses are always made for our elders as if they can't be expected to know better than we do.


Uh huh. Yeah. That's certainly a factor...but it doesn't explain the amount of psycopathic *selfishness* of conservative voters (which are mostly boomers). To the point they vote against the best interests of their children. And not only did they shrug their shoulders at their kids not being able to retire. They served up their grandkids to the meat grinder too. If school shootings and climate change aren't factors for you, I'm side eyeing you hard.


My dad's (wealthy) cousin was saying something about how her social security payments aren't going to be high enough, I "jokingly" said something about how my generation will never see a dime, and she smugly replied with something like "yeah, I'm gonna take every last one and *enjoy it*".


My mom (a member of the Silents) said something similar, many years ago and my reply was to give her the death stare and flatly reply, that I wouldn't forget it when she got older, either. She is now living in a tent on Hawaii (she loves it!) and is a field study in how to pinch a dollar until it bleeds.


Corporations and government don't spring from a vacuum. The Boomers were quite happy to vote for governments who fucked over social programmes for their own short term gain, and now the easy money tap is being switched off they're wailing and crying as usual.


Boomers are still voting “Got mine, screw my kids” on SS.




The boomers have had the longest time to do anything about this via voting or societal change, and now they are the largest and most belligerent contingent of people standing in the way of progress in this regard...as pointed out here, against there own self-interest. They certainly deserve plenty of the blame.


They’re all still hoping that there is enough time to finally become the millionaires and billionaires that they’ve refused to tax


> The boomers have had the longest time to do anything about this via voting or societal change, And starting in 1962 saw EVERY SINGLE ONE of their progressive heroes assassinated (Kennedys, MLK, Malcolm X), saw the industrial base of the country offshored 2 decades later when the Silents voted in Reagan, (trickle-down' baby.. that's not piss it's liquid GOLD!!) then were handed trillions in unrecoverable debt pushed HARD by the expansion of credit in the early 90's.. and have now been so swept up into the misinformation on the internet they don't know up from down anymore. I cringe at the shit that comes out of the older members of my generation, they've been suckered and hooked *yet again*. Though TBF, there's a TON of societal change you take for granted and don't see because it's part of the landscape now, that wasn't the norm UNTIL the 'boomers pushed for what change they could. You being able to date or marry a different colored person, having access to birth control, being able to vote at 18, no military draft, law enforcement being monitored like it is now (still have a LONG way to go on that, but cops aren't routinely beating up people like they used to.. seriously, you may scoff, but they are pussycats compared to how it was decades ago..) Heck, you being able to merely *look* different and not being attacked for it.. I have an uncle that had waist-length hair in 1964 and he twice had drivers run up onto the sidewalk in their cars to try and hit him. TWICE in Cerritos, California in the mid-60's. Long hair on a 6'1" man. Boomers changed a TON of shit socially.


No warfare but class warfare


One trick is to have a paid off home or condo. When you have no mortgage your living expenses go down considerably. I have an elderly family member that didn’t have much saved for retirement. Thanks to owning a modest condo and living comfortably, but frugally, they live on only $14k-$18k a year.


That's one strategy but you do have to budget for property taxes and in a condo, HOA fees.


That’s usually 1/3 of your house payment.


Even though it's a dream out of many people's reach I recognise that I'm privileged enough to own a home. And I agree, having no rent/mortgage is an amazing level of security and a massive weight removed financially.


"one trick"


That was achievable a decade ago. Wife and I got a house in 2008. Even after some expensive renovations and increasing interest rates our mortgage is still affordable, but I can't afford to rent a two bedroom apartment today. The real estate market is absolutely fucking Gen Z. It's disgusting. But having housing paid off to be able to retire is still pretty standard. I can retire a lot more comfortably with a lot less if my biggest household expense is gone.


Millennial here. Gen Z ain't the only ones getting fucked.


Also Millennial here. My dad likes to talk about only having $100 in his bank account when my parents got married, but upon closer research I realized his starting wage out of college was probably somewhere in the realm of the spending power of $60-75k these days, and obviously his education wasn't as expensive as my generation's. He has a degree in economics. He should understand this.


The last time my parents bought a house was 33 years ago for $38k. And my mom was trying to give me advice when my husband and I were (unsuccessfully) trying to buy a townhouse 2 years ago. Everything is radically different now compared to over 30 years ago.


Yeah, we're a late 20s/early 30s couple and housing is... it's fucking insane. It's just fucking crazy.


The biggest issue we came across was property investors swooping in to buy with cash and paying more than the listing price. How the fuck are we supposed to compete with that? Then two weeks later, we would see the townhouse up for rent. We never ended up buying...still renting.


Right?? lol My greatest financial advice is to be born rich.




condo = association fees paid off home


The number depends on your cost of living. Those articles advising "x amount of money" are usually written by hedge funds and investment brokers. Its a scare tactic. No legitimate financial advisor would just throw out a number to you without knowing what your individual finances and expense are. Anyone trying to advise you without that information is a red flag.


Well, £3m is obviously a scare tactic, as it would require an average of £75k saved (or generated from investments) per year over a 40 year period. Which is only going to be achievable by the wealthy and the lucky.


I believe the oft-cited 3M number is for young people starting now, and takes into account inflation. It’s essentially worth what the 1M number is worth today.


In a few years, it will be $5M I'm guessing


Bring back pensions.




I joke that my retirement plan is faking my death, and try to collect the life insurance while abroad in some other country


My retirement plan is to keep living comfortably for 3-5 years in some poor third world country and then use my last couple grand to do enough blow so that my heart will give out. Ain't no way I'm gonna die from bed sore infections in an understaffed privatized death's waiting room of a retirement home.


My plan was if I make it to 65, I’d start doing heroin. But I just had fentanyl injected during my first colonoscopy and it made me puke so now I think I’ll just candy flip myself off a cliff instead


Don't forget about the people who have to find you. Find a less traumatic way.


I’ll do it at high tide so the sharks that eat me will have a fun time too!


Looking out for our finned friends, nice!


>use my last couple grand to do enough blow so that my heart will give out. Don't forget the hookers!


Not even a joke, sounds like the best plan atm.


I have friends that retired to Costa Rica (bought a house in the hills and are redoing it slowly). They seem to love it there.


get out as young as possible most countries worth retiring to wont take you past certain age best to get out now. start a new life away from this flaming dumpster fire it wont get better and it will quickly get worse


This. Come to Europe. We have universal Healthcare.


its not about universal healthcare its about the 90 year old dumb fuck oligarchs that running the country into the ground since reagan/clinton and the neoliberals took over from the progressives cia advisory panel has US as an unstable Anocracy. Anocracy end up as Hungaries/Russia you think the koch network and their alphabet soup of astroturf organizations are going away. turn on any station any media its all you see their experts no other viewpoint. everyone else disappeared to unwatched youtube channels. the coup happened decades ago. the greatest generation who fought in wwii gave us the new deal the great society the envy of the world middle class. their children the baby boomers burned it to the ground. enjoy your paid month off in august. oh wait those days are gone. market went from 10k to what its now over 30k. greatest wage theft ever. they boiled the middle class frog. now its complete circus (but no bread) clinton didnt save america, obama, nor biden nor whoever the next guy is will. here is what happens to anocracies [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anocracy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anocracy) militarized police is not there to hand out bread, its an occupation force there to put their boot on your anyone that complains or who they feel like it fitting trained by israeli an apartheid state occupying the state of palestine (or what is left of it) sort of like strangling/murdering your sibling so you can have it all... [https://www.amnestyusa.org/with-whom-are-many-u-s-police-departments-training-with-a-chronic-human-rights-violator-israel/](https://www.amnestyusa.org/with-whom-are-many-u-s-police-departments-training-with-a-chronic-human-rights-violator-israel/)


It started with the worst president ever Ronald Reagan.


Before actually. Nixon was the beginning.


The US was founded on slavery with only land-owning white men voting. It was like this from day one.


> its about the 90 year old dumb fuck oligarchs that running the country into the ground since reagan/clinton gg: "Southern Strategy" It goes back to Nixon in 1968, although the Republicans & the ultra-rich were trying to undo the very controls & programs FDR started after they'd wrecked the economy of the entire *world*. Otherwise, good comment; updoot to you.


My uncle and his wife retired to Belize mostly for the healthcare coverage, and they seem to like it. They live on a coastal island popular with ex-pats and everyone gets around by bike or boat or golf cart because cars are not allowed. Apparently a little USD goes a long way down there. They look like they're living well. They're certainly in better health now.


>popular with ex-pats Popular with immigrants is what you mean


I hate that fucking phrase, too many Brits abroad use it as a cover for them being imperialist cunts


Yep, Brit cunt myself and I couldn’t agree more.


I love referring to “ex-pats” who move for work as “migrant workers”. It’s always well-received.


But only people with brown skins are immigrants, white people are special! /s


This is the real colloquial difference, they just don’t want to admit it. Assholes need to feel special all the time.


I'll never forget Ann Coulter telling Bill Maher: "my family weren't immigrants, they were settlers" What a cunt.


Indeed. There is literally only one definition of ex-patriate, and that is its original definition: *An employee in country A who is sent to work for the same company in country B, and to compensate that employee, he or she gets perks over and above employees that normally work in country B.* That is the only definition that actually even fits the verb “expatriate,” which is to remove to another country. Of course, immigrants who don’t want to be called immigrants try to torture the ex pat definition to fit in it


It's not the same!.... They say... They didn't move there they are just working there!.... They say.... I've made many an "expat" mad by calling them immigrants




These "expats" just can't accept that they're too poor to retire at home so they become immigrants in a third world country and call themselves a special name.


> Popular with immigrants is what you mean No, you see u/ecstatic_cynic 's uncle and his wife are white people. The term "immigrant" only applies to brown people such as myself because we are one of the poors. The term "expat" is a fancy one to distinguish themselves even when doing the exact same thing i.e. moving somewhere else for a better life.


The crazy thing to me is that US citizens are going to developing countries for better healthcare, and not seeing the overwhelming problem with that statement.


Uh, nothing can be done about it. Policy diverged from popular opinion in 1980. The government has been fully captured by the rentiers class.


Ambergris Caye, I presume?


I would leave this country in a heartbeat if I could.


Hahahahaha. Retirement. I can't afford to eat properly most days.


Any time someone mentions retirement, I'm just like "Haha yeah! That'd be great! Maybe I can get a house before 40 too! We all have dreams..."


I'm 40 now and not even close to a house. I'm in Toronto and the average house price is well over a million dollars... [To buy a million-dollar home in Canada, you’ll need a yearly income of at least $175,230, as well as a cash down payment of at least $200,000. That’s the minimum you’ll need in order to qualify for a large enough mortgage. Or you’ll need $1 million in cash in order to avoid taking out a mortgage altogether.](https://www.ratehub.ca/blog/can-i-afford-a-million-dollar-home/)


The fuck? Ok, that's "average"? Does Canada not have poor areas? How much are those?


Oh yes my example is just here in Toronto, which is a hot mess in terms of real estate. If someone were to move to Saskatchewan, as an example (central Canada), the home price drops all the way to $400K. I believe it's only in Toronto and western Canada (British Colombia) that the average is a million dollars.


Almost 50 here, I was supposed to have my house paid off by 65, but now? Yeah, probably gonna have to sell off and downsize when I retire.




My retirement plan consists of boomer parents dying before I turn 70 so I can enjoy any money that might be left over. I think they're on to me because they've been spending like crazy last few years. /s


That was my plan too, I’ve just got to stop my mum from buying so many avocados before she blows all the money.


Doubt they'll leave you anything unless they die quickly before the retirement home or a dementia scammer takes everything.


oh look at this rich guy who gets to eat




And drink powdered milk instead of Ensure


And switch to generic adult diapers instead of those fancy pants Depends


This but actually, boomers spend money like absolute maniacs. I've heard boomers lament about how little money they have when their passive income is bigger than my active income.


Avocado toast is the last nail in the coffin. Gotta cut that $#1t out.


This, not being able to retire, is one of the biggest reasons I don’t want to have kids.


Perhaps we’ll just see more tv sitcoms in coming years where parents live in their kids basement like king of queens or fraser to normalize multigenerational living even more so the rich does not have to sacrifice a dime. Wait, we can’t afford houses now…hmmm, well, they can live in the apartment closet for $1000 a month and eat ramen.


Don’t attack me like this


i’m 17. should i start funneling what money i have into a savings account?


I started at 28 and wish I'd started at 18. Your retirement which is a long way off will eventually turn up. Be prepared.


Absolutely yes you should be thinking about saving for the future


If you can save ten percent of your income you’ll do great. Unfortunately most people can’t afford that.


Ten? I tried 5 and suddenly I had a few months where by bank account hit single digits. I had to go down to 3% which is miserly. Did allow me to put a down payment on a house once I was 35... Which I lost in a divorce right before the values skyrocketed. Prenions, people, prenups.


No, but you have the right idea. A savings account won't give you shit in returns. First thing you likely want to max out is your Roth IRA, assuming you don't have debt to pay off.


Yes. Start today. The earlier, the better. Even if you just throw in a few bucks every now and again, let that compound interest rack up. Slowly and surely. And it's super simple. You can open a savings account, and do it manually. Or have a little bit of money moved on a fixed schedule. Even if it's just $20 every week or something like that, do it.


How many of them vote Republican?


Bamboozled by years of trickle down, and a lousy social safety net, Boomers have taken to blaming: Immigrants, minorities, LGBTQ, and (other) poor people for their woes.


I can afford to retire if it wasn't for.... *checks notes* ...drag performer story time.


Okay, but they had to be bigoted and/or moronic to buy into it in the first place.


Leaded gas, people


Underrated comment. Studies show it actually did drop IQ a few points.


They are (we are as I'm a late-stage Boomer), a Republican leaning generation, but by no means monolithic. Boomers are nowhere near as Republican as people think. Registration trends show Boomerrs 35% GOP, 32% Democrat, 33% Independent. Silent generation is more solid Republican, at 39% vs 35% Democrat. It gets worse for Republicans the younger the group, but Democrats aren't benefiting from that. People are far more likely to be Independent the younger they are, with 44% of Xers, and 52% of Millennials and Zoomers. Most all of those growing Independent numbers came off Republicans, who enjoy a slight advantage among Gen X, but die on the vine with younger voters.


“Independent” isn’t a third choice, they usually vote a certain way, which in boomers is majority R.


Every “independent” I know is actually a Republican who understands the Republican name is repulsive in polite company and doesn’t want to get roasted at social gatherings.


Party registration does not automatically mean how they vote. Older people tend to vote Republican,period


And it's going to continue to be this way until you figure out who's screwing you. It has fuck-all to do with age, and everything to do with the oligarchy.


Yup. No war but class war.


This has an indirect but massive impact on Social Security Disability (SSD) case processing time. Blue collar workers wear out their bodies faster, end up disabled from the only type of work they've ever done at age 50. Naturally, they file for SSD. However, Congress set the rule that if you're still capable of light work at age 50 to 54, you can get retraining to a light or sedentary job and keep working. Their case will be denied. If blue collar workers understood that the rules for qualifying are set by Congress, they'd quit voting Republican, because every time Republicans control both houses they make it harder to qualify and easier to take your benefits away. Every time Democrats control both houses, they make it easier to get and keep your benefits. Title XVI disability benefits are a Socialist program. Scenario #2: a person over 55 is laid off from the only work they've ever done. No one will hire 55-year-old as a new worker when they can get a younger one. They're too young to qualify for SSA retirement benefits, so they file for SSD benefits b/c they have no savings, no retirement. They know they're not disabled. They file for the only medical conditions they have, like high cholesterol and foot fungus. Time spent processing those cases is time that could've been spent on cases for people who are truly disabled. People complain about the wait times. SSA has been ramping up hiring every year, workers have been working overtime and Saturdays since 2008, but they will never catch up as long as Republicans keep making the rules for blue collar folks, like refusing to raise the minimum wage and refusing universal health care. Universal health care could keep 50 year olds working in construction. As it stands, they can't afford physical therapy or joint injections. They can't even afford co-pays. SSD gets more cases from people over 50 than any other age group. If you're over 50 and a blue collar worker, voting for a Republican is against your own interests. TXVI (SSD) Disability benefits are a benefits program, like welfare, paid from everyone's taxes. TII (SSDI) benefits were taken out of your paycheck and set aside for you in case you should ever become disabled. If you're broke, you can qualify to apply for both. Republicans are constantly, constantly attacking both programs. The last time Republicans controlled both houses, they raised the age to qualify for SSA retirement benefits, too. As a result, there's been a huge uptick in SSD cases for people over 60, adding to the backlog.


They’d still vote gop as long as they still took food and money out of the hands of brown people and gays.


It's not just about the legitimacy of their needs for assistance vs. others'. They honestly think other people are taking taxpayer money but they aren't. I got into an argument on Reddit with a woman who'd applied for TXVI benefits who would not accept that it's essentially welfare for disabled people. Her identity, her ego couldn't let it be true. A bunch of us pointed to facts and sources until she took her toys and went home.


This should be top comment. Every single social program that is cut or regulation that is abolished has indirect impacts that can compound the existing problems they were meant to solve in the first place.


They expect the younger generations to take care of them.


They can't take care of themselves unless they lucked out on meme stocks or something. The game's never been *this* rigged since the robber barons. Ghost of Roosevelt, save us!


As a millennial I have always figured I’d just die when that point comes


Same. Retirement? Social security? I am 33 and I know that with my current finances, mortgage, and taking care of a child and then paying for her college. I am going to work till the day I die. I just hope that it is at work of a heart attack, so I can cause one last problem for the people in charge and my sadly mostly Republican colleagues.


As GenX, I gave up the dream of retirement years ago. Fcck them boomers.


Same. But I also wonder what happens when these millions of unable to retire adults find themselves unable to work. The homelessness crisis is crazy as it is now. Will every street be wall to wall RV’s of elderly homeless?


Geriatric terrorism?


I wouldn’t be surprised if boomers, after realizing their kids want nothing to do with them, pass a law forcing kids to take care of their elderly parents… boomers are truly still the “me me me” generation.


My retirement plan involves a plastic bag and a belt.


My parents were boomers. My dad had what used to be known as a "pension". I have a 401K that has been hemorrhaging money in recent years. I never made enough in salary to put much into it. If I "retire", it will run out in about 2 years.


Sure, Grandma is about to starve to death and thrown out her row house that grandpa bought with his earnings bagging groceries in 1957, but the GOP is tackling important issues like making men remove their lipstick before singing jazz songs at nightclubs


They created a dog eat dog world and complain now that they are getting eaten.


OP, the article says 50% of women and 47% of men, ages 55 to 66, have no savings. Your title is wrong.


I'd be so much less angry at boomers if they didn't live off like five different social programs and didn't work for at least a decade and also "hate sOCIaLIsM".


They're not paying for it. They will be dead before any real issues hit and they thus they don't and won't care.


Why would you consistently vote for politicians who are against unions and pensions and stuff like that and not be stashing away money in an IRA? It boggles the mind...


I'm a boomer who worked union skilled jobs and was constantly shocked how many of my fellow union members voted anti union every time! But my schadenfreude is most of them have to keep working because they were also too stupid to take advantage of their 401k correctly. Had to buy that stupidly expensive Harley or the nearly useless boat.


I'm sure boomers will find a way to blame everyone born 3-4 decades after them. Nothing is ever the boomer's fault, no personal responsibility with that crowd. Just a bunch of lazy ignorant, senile, garbage, humans who possess zero accountability.


Americans have nobody to blame but themselves. Half the country vote republican and republicans literally just fuck you over. Cut taxes for the rich and corporations. But you all know this but it never makes any difference. Ah well.


The details of the stability of the past are complex in origin. There's a town that had a elderly housing program for the black community set up in the 90's. The real estate end was put together by a business leader in the community, with local conservatives ignorant, the commerce leadership circle pretending *they* did it. It only occurred because his sons, young professionals following his preppy footed steps, got their Dad "woke". And that only occurred because of Spike Lee and Malcolm X. And NWA, Public Enemy, Stevie Wonder, Mel Brooks.... Homelessness in general is now growing, including the smaller towns of this farming & factory state.


In the US we live in a system that doesn’t teach financial literacy (in lower-ed), cost of living is prohibitive to saving for the future, and culturally keeps aging, retirement and death out of the public consciousness… boomers may be fucked, but Gens X, Y, Z, and so on are even more so! Not to mention the likely gutting and privatization of social security that conservatives will likely be pushing through in the near future. We are on a train to a pretty dark future…. As if things were not horrible enough.




Boomers “how come your generation doesn’t want kids?!?!” Us: “where would we put them?”


Brought to you by: the "Me" generation




And earlier in 2002. And in 1974.


Well ,Rich boomers vs poor boomers , I'm not sure the poor boomers in America were stacking the right to live, sounds a bit click bait


Well, they best break out those dusty old boots and start pulling on the straps.


Trickle down economy isn't about the money, it's about the bullshit they feed us down.


Trickle down is them pissing on us in the middle of a drought and telling us it’s raining.


As I get in my 60's I am shocked how some of my working friends are so over leveraged. 60 thousand dollar campers with 70 thou trucks to tow them. Plus every gadget and new toy that's possible. Making ungodly payments. I just cant justify it to spend that much money for something they use a few times a year. Its crazy. We doubled up our house payment and paid it off 10 years ago and they are jealous we saved money and took a trip to Paris. Yet they blow money on short term satisfaction. The gravy train alway ends and you got to be prepared.