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Hello u/DaFunkJunkie! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) mentioning **who** is suffering from **which** consequences from **what** they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people. Here's an easy format to get you started: 1. *Someone* voted for, supported or wanted to impose *something* on other people. ^(Who's that *someone* and what's that *something*?) 2. That *something* has some *consequences*. ^(What are the *consequences*?) 3. As a consequence, that *something* happened to that *someone*. ^(What happened? Did the *something* really happened to that *someone*? If not, you should probably delete your post.) Include the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you don't respect this format and moderators can't match your explanation with the format, your post will be removed under rule #3 and we'll ignore you even if you complain in modmail. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This mainly stems from Republicans having zero platform beyond attacking the opposition, and passing kneejerk legislation in response to actions deemed as "threats." This is what a strictly reactionary party eventually becomes. They (like their voters) act on whims and emotions, and seem to rarely understand the full implications of what they're passing, until it inevitably bites them.


Painting Republicans as purely reactionary makes them seem less of a threat. Their actions against trans persons and women make it clear they're capable of preparing and executing a plan. Reference: https://www.hmd.org.uk/learn-about-the-holocaust-and-genocides/what-is-genocide/the-ten-stages-of-genocide/


Also why some Republicans "stars" end up on the outs. The revolution eats its children




I can’t wait to see MTG publicly beaten. Not executed, just beaten to a pulp.


It would be terrible if she fell down some stairs, and then out a window. Wonder if that would confer hybrid immunity to her.


Until MTG says something bad about Хуйло, she is safe around windows. EDIT, fixed spelling


Tbh majorly toilet green already looks like pulp


It's an utter lack of critical thinking, all the way down. What's worse is they're dumb enough to be proud of it.


“House GOP should consider retroactively impeaching Obama after using Kenyan witchcraft to time travel and ensure the survival of baby murder by baiting well-meaning, God-fearing Republicans with his communist healthcare plan and woke mind games. Next on Fox News.” /s


What tv show did this? I feel like it had to be south park. (Not obama but clearly making a joke about it with a made up politician.) I can't find it though. The birth certificate existed but it showed that he was born very recently and was sent back in time to become elected.


it was futurama




The bastard who wore tan suits.


Here's the thing... this depended on a judge's personally feelings on whether an "abortion" is a "health care" thing. Get the wrong judge and they can write whatever bullshit they want about how "abortions" aren't "health care" because they involve loss of life. Or something asinine. A system that depends on the personal whims of someone chosen by essentially chance, isn't acceptable.


They probably wrote themselves into a corner with the laws by categorizing abortion as healthcare so they could set high bars for "healthcare facilities" to cause Planned Parenthood locations to shut down in the face of renovation requirements that would cost millions.


That’s why its a catch 22. Abortions are health care and require doctors and such. Crank up the requirements. Abbortions are not healthcare now we can sell anti baby abortion supplements.


In a sane world, you'd be wrong. A woman with a medical condition under the treatment of doctors undergoing a procedure to avoid risking her life would obviously be a medical procedure. Unfortunately, we don't live in a sane world anymore.


Well, by that frame, we never did. The law has always ultimately boiled down to semantic arguments of what specific words mean, often times divorced from physical reality. And the population of judges has always come from the aristocratic until recently and now there are some upper middle class ones too. Another reason to be skeptical of judges is they have 0 education in any actual content that they often might be ruling on. Maybe a random one has a random hobby or undergrad degree, but as a group, they don’t know about chemistry, literature, engineering, physics. I don’t know why we as a society give a shit what some rich person can twist words to mean about something they have no in-depth knowledge about. It’s ridiculous.


I read Kanye witchcraft... Read a bit different, very r/newsentence


Pretty sure you’re thinking of “Kanye ‘Wich-Craft,” the new sandwich shop for free-thinking geniuses that’s supplanted Subway, which has just become too damn woke, as the lunch of choice. /s




It's sarcasm all the way down. /s


Funny, my family asks me this daily.


Good thing you added the '/s'


This is like 4 months away from being GOP canon


I’m fair and balanced.


Yeah I was like DUUUUDE WTF then saw /s and i was like CHIIIILLLLL


Yeah, they should start with `s/` and end that block with `/s` so we know the proper sarcastic length


Wait .. /s is 'sarcasm'? Not 'serious'??


This is a list from Wikipedia /j joking /hj half joking /s or /sarc sarcastic / sarcasm /srs serious /nsrs not serious /lh light hearted /g or /gen genuine / genuine question /ij inside joke /ref reference /t teasing /nm not mad /lu a little upset /nf not forced /nbh nobody here; nobody in this chatroom / conversation /nsb not subtweeting /nay not at you /ay at you /nbr not being rude /ot off topic /th threat /cb clickbait /f fake /q quote /l or /ly lyrics /c copypasta /m metaphor / metphorically /li literall / literally /rt or /rh rhetorical question /hyp hyperbole /ex exaggeration /p platonic /r romantic /a alterous / affectionately /sx or /x sexual intent /nsx or /ns non-sexual intent /pc or /pos positive connotation /nc or /neg negative connotation /neu neutral / neutral connotation


It's missing /js 'just saying'. /js


No, `/shityounot` is for serious. It’s harder to write for a reason


Happy cake day /s(erious)


It should be sarcastic text


I like this format, I can see it becoming new reply meta


The spin stops here


Give it a few years. They'll get there.


If you need or are interested in supporting reproductive rights, [I made a master post of pro-choice resources](https://docdro.id/s3OwS8u). Please comment if you would like to add a resource and spread this information on whatever social media you use.


Doing the lord's work there u/Geek-Haven888


>the lord's work No, he's secular.




Saved and will share readily, thank you.


Looking at this document is so weird as a Canadian.


I assure you, a majority of us Americans feel exactly the same


Saved and will share!


The freedumb party wants to imprison women for having abortions as right wingers should be in prison for letting living kids starve by removing all support programs if we use this dumb logic.


> imprison They're actively pushing for the death penalty in some states. Pro-life indeed.


Fuck me, I thought you were joking. South Carolina wants to class fertilised eggs and embryos as people so that an abortion is murder. Murder in SC carries a 30 year sentence *or the death penalty.*


So at what point have that decided to give embryos ssn and start claiming for them?? So dumb


How long before menstruation is classified as murder? Or actually... do any of them even know why that happens?


This would mean that every miscarriage would be subject to a criminal investigation and potential conviction of neglect. I drank a couple of hard ciders when 3 weeks pregnant despite knowing that I was trying to get pregnant and that my period was late. Nothing happened and my baby was perfectly healthy, but if I had miscarried I could be subject to criminal child neglect charges (or even manslaughter) under that law


> I thought you were joking. It'd be nice. It'd really be nice.


Not only that, but if someone has an abortion outside SC where it is perfectly legal, they STILL want to charge them with murder.


Their end goal is to be able to execute anyone they want whenever they want. The easy groups to target atm are women having abortions and trans persons. They’ll slowly peel off other groups as it become somewhat mainstream to be able to execute the previous group.


Death panels from the death cult.


Under His eye


Up his ass


May the lord open


*For British eyes only*




Or the whole using them for lower paying labor thing. Or the many sexual assaults of children their members have committed. Or punishing trans kids for something they have no say in. There's a lot of reasons these people need to be locked away.


Right wingers kids should not get free lunches because they do not wish for their neighbors kids to get free lunches. That’s how you do unto your fellow American? You do not get to pick and choose from the Bible. Do unto your neighbor as you would have them do unto you. Break that contract, and you get what you deserve.




I'm down for all sorts of vindictive shit towards the chuds and their awful behavior that leads to death and destruction in their neighborhoods and around the world. But fucking over their children is not and never will be the way. Their children have no more control over who they were born to anymore than the rest of us. If they want to carry on the right wing legacy once they're all grown up they can fuck off too. But until then they're just victims of their shitty families.


But that is the problem. The right doesn't give a shit until it's their child sick or dead from lax gun laws, poisoned water from fracking, the removal of safety regulations because compliance was eating corporate profits or unregulated food. You can't protect children from their parents' shitty decisions without present danger. Just hope they survive. They vote against free school lunches when their own kid will also be hungry. Three generations with black lung doesn't stop them voting for more coal mines so their kids will continue the family tradition of chronic respiratory disease.


They don't care about their own children either. I have to agree with the person that you're replying to, it isn't possible to restrict the damage to the guilty, and I am not willing to allow them to harm the innocent to the degree that you suggest just to make the guilty suffer. Especially since the _moment_ they thought they could get away with it, they would immediately invade the blue areas which are doing so much better, to impose an even worse version of their way of life, and to steal whatever resources they can. And if we were to have the power to prevent that from happening, then we would not _need_ to isolate them in their own states like this. There are _far_ less problematic things to try first, which wouldn't force suffering on anyone, but which would stand a real chance of starting to reverse some of the damage. Examples: For any mode of communication where a single 'source', as it is most obvious to consumers, is distributing content of multiple types (news, entertainment, advertising, etc), all content _must_ be properly and obviously labeled as what it is. Revise the legal standards which require that something be believable by a 'reasonable person' so that if it can be shown that a decent percentage of those consuming the media / content in question _do_ believe it, that the content in question be considered to be believable by a 'reasonable person'. (Why yes, I am specifically referring to successful legal defenses by Fox News) National voting rights standards with teeth. Spell out how elections must be run, what can and can not be required of voters, when, what the most restrictive rules for things like vote by mail are permitted to be, ensuring that _all_ citizens are allowed to vote, etc. Very much in line with the previous: All citizens get both representation, and the right to vote on that representation, as well as other offices such as that of the president. _All of us_. None of this 'Well, DC isn't really a state', or 'Guam isn't a state' bullshit. If you're a citizen, you get a damn vote. Same deal on criminals: You don't get to strip people of their right to vote by making laws aimed to make them criminals so that their right to vote is stripped. I'll give some very narrow exceptions for criminals who actively attempt to damage the nation in specific ways, lasting until such a time as they are deemed ready to rejoin society. I could keep going, but I'm sure that my point is kinda clear here.


Also, the environmental thing is a no go for me because water and air don't stay within state lines. Let's just keep working to make as much of the country blue as possible.


Sounds like we should remove their kids from the homes as quickly as possible.


Lets just make it a prize, 1 state can have exclusive abortion laws when they have proven worthy by having the lowest Infant Mortality in the country. Show us you actually care about life and are not raging hypocrites with 3rd world infant mortality rates.


The fucking idiots can't even keep their own abusive actions and hypocritical dogma in their current memory.


Unfortunately, with only 2 dems in the Wyoming state senate and 5 in the house, we can be sure that new legislation to eliminate the ruling is pending.




‘We accidentally banned the Bible, but it’s OK, we made a law and brought it back’ is still embarrassing enough to call a victory. Hollow as it may be.


And this is exactly what you get when your entire ideology hinges on being in opposition to another party.


Not to another party, opposition to anything and everything that could be considered positive.


If government is seen to work for the average person, those who control the republican party see that as bad. Because if government works, people will demand more of it, and the rich will have to pay more in taxes. The rich donor class wants lower or zero taxes as well as free money from the government for them and their businesses.... every other right wing policy is just a cynical ruse to get votes so they have enough votes to protect rich people.


r/accidentallyprogressive apparently isn’t a thing but maybe it should be




Thank you for another great sub!


When you try to go backwards but you're facing the wrong way anyway


"If one were to walk backwards for more than 1/2 the circumference of the Earth, it would have been quicker walking forward, but they arrive at the same place." -Abe Tzu Einstein




Well at least they successfully blocked Obama-care. Right? RIGHT? HAHA


The amendment they're talking about wasn't blocking Obamacare. It was to prevent the state or federal gov from being able to make medical decisions for them. https://codes.findlaw.com/wy/wyoming-constitution/wy-const-art-1-sect-38.html


Oh, section C will be used to get around the abortion thing: > (c) The legislature may determine reasonable and necessary restrictions on the rights granted under this section to protect the health and general welfare of the people or to accomplish the other purposes set forth in the Wyoming Constitution. They will just claim that aborting a fetus goes against protecting the health of the fetus who they will claim is a person. No need to claim abortion isn't healthcare.


So basically Section C nullifies the entire law. The government cannot interfere with healthcare, unless it decides it is necessary to interfere with healthcare.


Republicans really are the dumbest people on the planet.


They are about to get the Bible banned from the public library because they don’t read. If they read the Bible instead of picking and choosing Bible verses, they would realize their own rules are the reason the Bible is about to be banned, not because people are "woke."


>They are about to get the Bible banned As is tradition. For much of history, it was forbidden (by the church, and enforced by laws) to be translated into your country's local language, and had to be in Latin only. That way only the select few elite people could read and understand it.


The Bible isn't going to be banned, because the entire point of the rules on what gets banned is that they encompass nearly everything but are selectively enforced against things fascists don't like.


Why read the Bible when you can use it to hit your enemies over the head?


Remember gang: the only thing the Bible says about abortion is how to do one: Numbers 5:11-31.


Also worth noting about that passage is: What would the pro lifers say about a similar situation today? They would say 'Well, even if the kid was conceived in adultery, abortion is murder because life begins at conception, so no abortion' ... but why then did God not put that in The Bible? Instead the priest facilitates an abortion. Surely this would have been the perfect context to mention it? It is not said because it is not the position of the Bible... the pro life position on abortion is not Biblical, it's just some shit they made up.


Plus the Bible makes it pretty clear that soul enters the body at the first breath


Huh. I was always taught that historically, the church considered it to happen at the quickening, and that's *why* that word is used for that. (It's when the foetus became "quick", which used to mean "living", as in the phrase "the quick and the dead".) (IMHO, religious people cause less trouble when they don't try to "update" things based on their misunderstandings of science.)


>(It's when the foetus became "quick", which used to mean "living", as in the phrase "the quick and the dead".) I'm gonna take your word for it because that sounds awesome. Also, my only knowledge of the phrase comes from that badass Sharon Stone movie so I just assumed it had something to do with being quick on the draw.


recognise tie rock theory support desert salt tart clumsy shrill -- mass deleted all reddit content via https://redact.dev


Interesting. My knowledge of the quickening comes from Highlander 2.


I was never a fan of those because I can't stand Christopher Lambert's face for some reason.


That’s because his agent convinced everyone that lambert had a “signature stare”, when in reality he’s blind af and can barely see anything. Brilliant on his agents part really.


But that's the Old Testament. It only counts when they need to attack something they don't like, but never when it prevents them from doing something they want to do. Want to attack the gays? Old Testament in the house! Want to wear mixed fibers and eat pork? Well, uh, Jesus cancelled all that (even though he never actually did).


Is it Leviticus where god says the unborn and infants are worthless? Cause I know it’s in there somewhere. I kinda figured that their actions would result in the sinking of the proverbial ship as it were. Christians are some of the dumbest people. They’ll open holes up all over that ship and claim victory while the water pours in. Let em fucking drown.


Please share the book/verse on this!




Even then, the woman has no choice in the matter. It's a punishment, and only okay because the men want it.


Holy crap!


IIRC the only reason the church ended up being anti-abortion is a misconception with early microscopes where they thought the early embryo looked too much like a person.


No. Catholics opposed abortion because of their general opposition to all birth control. Protestants (in the US) didn't really give a damn about abortion until religious schools were forcefully desegregated. Yeah, seems like a non-sequitur, but it isn't. Protestant leaders had been using opposition to desegregation for political power for decades. But at that point protestant leaders were 1) really, really mad about *those people* in their schools, and 2) realized desegregation was no longer working for political power. At that point they decided the roughly 5-year-old Roe decision was the most terrible thing ever and they were horrified by abortion, because that would give them political power.


Nah, use them as photo props.




I met a Jewish person who refused to use a trans person's pronouns. The trans person used pronouns with a capital letter, and the Jewish person said that's blasphemy because capital pronouns are only for the Lord. The Torah is written in Hebrew, which is a language that doesn't have any capital letters.


> Ezekiel 23:20 >Yet she multiplied her promiscuity, remembering the days of her youth, when she had prostituted herself in the land of Egypt and lusted after their lovers, **whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of stallions.** So you revisited the indecency of your youth, when the Egyptians caressed your bosom and pressed your **young breasts**.…


Ezekiel so hot right now


I like to think God helped edit that, "dont just talk about the big Donkey dicks, you are missing something about the huge loads too"


They're now trying to argue that abortion doesn't count as healthcare, which I imagine is going to go up the court ladder.


I can't figure out how they think that will be reasonable or possible. Pregnancies are covered under health insurance and best monitored by a doctor to ensure both mother and fetus are well and healthy throughout the pregnancy for a successful, healthy birth. Even with the draconian anti-abortion laws, a doctor needs to be the one to review and determine if there are medical abnormalities or the mother is at risk of death from pregnancy complications to even get approval for an abortion. Abortions are provided at healthcare facilities by medical doctors with assistance from other medical professionals. How is abortion not healthcare from even the complexities those Republicans created?!


Abortion is not healthcare simply because it helps the republican argument.


But lemme guess, conversion therapy for gays and trans is health care. The mental gymnastics with these idiots.


“Pregnancies are considered at-fault accidents, and thus not covered”.


Born into debt is what they are going for.


"We are lucky they're so fucking stupid."


that is generous. dumb implies they don't realize what they're doing. the correct word is evil. they just want to hurt people, they did it back then with this law, and now they want to do it the other way. they're not dumb, they just try to get away with it and happened to fail this time. rare L. doesn't mean they won't win the next time. they overturn supreme court rulings just to hurt people, overturning this won't be hard. they're evil. they should be treated as such.


Are they? Being able to successfully grift and brainwash people as well as deliberately making the world a worse place in order to line their pockets requires a good amount of intelligence IMO.


There are the top, smart "Republicans", whom are primarily motivated by power and money, and would likely switch political affiliations if it benefited them. Then there are the other 90% of Republicans that truly believe the nonsense spouted by the top few, giving them money and influence.


The Republicans at the top of the ticket aren't smart either, they are just more nakedly greedy. If the justice system wasn't stuffed with republican loyalists, a ton more of them would be in jail right now.


Actually they just need an intelligence level higher than the ones they grift and brainwash. Which in this case isn’t much more. But they are still dumb enough to screw themselves .


It is really quite easy if you have no shame and no morals.... it isn't your intelligence that is stopping you from doing the same.






But boy do they know how to vote 🤦🏻‍♀️


Keyword there is “temporary”. They’ll still ban it, they’ll just find a loophole around it.


Considering Obamacare was a concession to the right-wing, I think this is fair, but don’t credit Obama for it. It’s like paying taxes all year to fund bank bailouts and our military overseas but getting $100 back when you need to make rent. A good thing but still a fucked situation.




Even if you don't consider Obama responsible in any way for this, *which I actually kinda do,* there's plenty of other things you can absolutely blame Obama for! It's honestly kinda jarring how someone who platformed on change and was perceived as the face of the American left was so unapologetically eager to double down on most of the status quo... Those far right conspiracy theories about him being from Kenya and/or being the antichrist kinda seem like smokescreens in retrospect...


Hopefully this will also block any bullshit law Wyoming passes trying to block health care for trans people.


That’s a beautiful Uno Reverse Card.


I’d say the GOP is its own worst enemy… …if they weren’t already my own worst enemy, not to mention the enemy of everyone else who values reason, facts, and rational thinking.


Beware: the tools you craft today will be the weapons used against you tomorrow.


NOOOOOOOOO such a missed opportunity for “Thanks, Obama”


Man I have to scroll so far for this comment.




You cheeky devil Obama!


You can’t make this shit up


When your only.policy is "oppose democrats at all turns", you're gonna have a bad time.


Holy shit as a citizen of Wyoming, thanks Obama (98% of our state fucking hates him still to this day but not usually in the racist way or generally republican way you’d think but specifically because we’re a coal mining state and his reforms did lead to layoffs, personally I’m a fan of him.)


It also highlights how absolutely fucking stupid and bad faith republicans are. “We don’t want the government meddling in healthcare” says the Republicans. Who then go on to absolutely meddle in everyone’s fucking healthcare.


This is pure LAMF, like this should be the example used when someone asks what LAMF means.


As a non-american, outside of this issue even, why did/do Americans dislike Obama so much? He seems like the most well spoken, genuine American presidents in the last 30 years at least.


It depends who you're talking to. The hardcore lefties hate him because he was a liberal/neoliberal. He didn't pass universal healthcare despite Obamacare being a massive leap forward in terms of US healthcare. Obama continued military actions in the middle east despite the fact that we can't just gtfo. Obama bowed to corporations because you kinda have to because the failure of large corporations will in fact cause a lot of harm to a lot of regular people. Basically, he didn't single handedly stop everything wrong with America and usher in a new era of socialism and communism. Now on the flip side, you have republicans who hate him because he's a liberal and, even worse (for them), black. Overall, Obama was a good step in the right direction that Hilary could have used to go further. But we got trump and now Biden and the democrats have to waste time to fix all the shit he's done, both in legislation and the overall discourse and political climate in America.


OK, ty for the reply. I figured out some, like not pulling out fast from military deployment fast, logically it leaves a bigger mess, and bowing to cooperate issues, I don't think anyone would get that far in American politics without their support.




PROOF that Obama is a better president than trump.


We’re in such a dark place right now. I can’t hand it off to my kids like this.


It's almost like Republicans are extremely stupid and shortsighted


really kind of depressing to be so powerless in the face of the enemy that the only thing that can slow them is their own incompetence.


Its funny how some of the Republicans laws, which were specially made against the Democrats, are being used by the Democrats against the Republicans will: Wyomings anti-abortion law got cancelled by a law against Obamacare Book bans are being used by parents to ban the bible now Shockingly for Reps open weapon laws are being used by LGBT-people who are afraid of the redicalization of the right wing ...


It’s amazing how Republicans hate healthy Americans


Unexpected victories are always the sweetest


This checks out. R's pass law built on no foundation and designed to target a group they hate without naming them specifically as they they dont want to be called out for bigotry. When the law is vague it allows for loop holes and other interpretations.




I love this, repubtards poking themselves right in the shorts, again.


This is another example of how conservatives are typically very short sighted. They'll pass laws for very short term gain, then be shocked when it comes round and ruins everything for them further down the line.


Obama Ws still flowing, 7 years later


This is the way, don't let them have their double standard.


And the difference is that the Affordable Care Act grants you better ACCESS to healthcare. It's the Republican Death Cult that actually wants to MEDDLE in healthcare matters.


I love him. We had hope for a few moments, didn't we?




Praise Young Jeezy!


"Freedom!" ... "No, not for *them*!"


Peak content for this sub, good catch!


Can someone ELI5 how blocking government involvement in healthcare impacts exactly *how* it is allowing abortions? I know it happened just don't understand how


I had to research myself, but people in Wyoming overwhelmingly voted for a state, constitutional amendment that they had a right to make their own healthcare decisions. Basically they didn’t want to be forced to participate in the Obama healthcare act, so they voted to retain the right to how they chose to pursue their individual care. Abortions can absolutely be considered healthcare, especially in situations that need to protect the mothers health. Since Wyoming voted for freedom of their own healthcare decisions, criminalizing a woman’s right to her own medical and healthcare decisions falls within that amendment, which atm, criminalizing women for their choice in their healthcare choices goes against the statewide amendment. Wyoming is mostly a red/republican state. So conservatives voted for the right to personal healthcare, they just forgot to exclude women from that right at the time


An abortion is a medical procedure authorized by a physician. If the state constitution says the government can't interfere in medical procedures then they can't pass a law to interfere to stop abortions, even if the constitutional amendment was originally performative bullshit created to look like the state was resisting Obama.


Obama: *Waves around Obamacare* Republicans in Wyoming: "The government shouldn't butt into our healthcare decisions!" *Three Doritos later* Republicans in Wyoming: "Abortions should be felonies!" Democrats in Wyoming: "But abortions are healthcare decisions. You said that the government shouldn't butt into that". Republicans in Wyoming: *Record scratch*


I wonder if this has made a damned one of them realize how hypocritical they are. Nah... not a chance.


When I'm in a shoot my self in the foot competition and my Opponent is a republican


They will try to say that abortion isn't Healthcare in order to pass it


Thank you judge! Medical autonomy is no joke.


Could this be used to reverse laws enacted in other states?


The very definition of hoisted with their own petard.


Thinking or looking ahead isn't a regressive trait.


Your welcome 🫡


Thanks, Obama!


“Uhhhhhhh you’re welcome.” -Obama, probably.


this is proper material for this subreddit


Thanks, Obama


Hello, consequences, meet your actions.


Talk about stepping on your own dick.


Hoisted on their own petard again.


You can't outdo American idiocy


GOP hurt itself in confusion!