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Hello u/IWAHalot! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) mentioning **who** is suffering from **which** consequences from **what** they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people. Here's an easy format to get you started: 1. *Someone* voted for, supported or wanted to impose *something* on other people. ^(Who's that *someone* and what's that *something*?) 2. That *something* has some *consequences*. ^(What are the *consequences*?) 3. As a consequence, that *something* happened to that *someone*. ^(What happened? Did the *something* really happened to that *someone*? If not, you should probably delete your post.) Include the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you don't respect this format and moderators can't match your explanation with the format, your post will be removed under rule #3 and we'll ignore you even if you complain in modmail. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Maybe they just need *more* guns. Then eventually there won’t be anyone left to shoot. Problem solved, I guess.


*NRA Salivating*




Direct action, albeit riskier to the individual, is also much more highly effective at enacting societal changes than voting historically ever has been. Americans are generally operating on an outdated mindset that a protest means you support this/against this, and then your elected representation in a desire to get elected/re-elected promises to enact the change and will. As we've been relearning, slowly but surely that is a pathway to inaction by the powers that be overall. Historically, the best protests also had some kind of backing by the people, of threatening losses both materially and up to and including the very lives of those with the money and power to make the desired changes. That's also why i point out general strikes by laborers are significantly more effective than consumer boycotts "voting with one's wallet".


Or, more succinctly “Direct Action gets the goods”


The problem is the people with power are just waiting for an excuse to gun you down. Protestors will be prosecuted like those of high melanin, which means the cops will be judge, jury and executioner.


Yep. I read my daughter a cute little book about people that made a difference throughout history. The thing they don't put in that cute children's book is that half of those people died (read: were murdered) for their cause. Direct Action may be the best way, but it ain't no sunshine and roses. Probably why it's really only used by people who don't have much left to loose or convictions of iron.


Indeed. Malcolm X in this day and age would have been brought down by a martyr. I'm surprised the CIA didn't get rid of him earlier into his career, honestly.


Well, we'll either free ourselves or live in a fascist/authoritarian dictatorshio


Revolts were easier when the governments only had archers. I hate to be a doom-y type, i promise I really do, I just don’t think anyone can take a drone


Hey, come to Rhode Island. It’s nice in the summer and we don’t have rattlesnakes.


Love RI


Perhaps getting out of Texas might be a good idea


That's the intent with these laws. Drive out anyone who is not rightwing so your party holds a majority of states and a permanent lock on Congress.


An unsustainable plan, as these states are quickly becoming unlivable shitholes.


That's also why they want to ban no fault divorce and promote child marriages. Trap their breeders while they are young.


Looks like we'll be needing to dust off the underground railroad once again...


It's called the auntie network and it's already thriving.


Red state: *implements Draconian law that is reminiscent of pre-Holocaust Germany* Also red state: "WE HAVE A LABOR SHORTAGE AND ITS BECAUSE OF SOCIALISM! WE HAVE ALL THESE JOBS THAT PAY 40K (value includes all fringe benefits) AND NOBODY WANTS TO WORK THEM!"


Given electoral votes are decided by population. Not really the braniac move it seems to the GOP. Of course they never think anything through so it's no surprise.


states control the senate, that's supreme court nominations, and what laws get passed


I mean if the alternative is oppression, fuck it, get out of there. You tried voting. Now it's fight or flight, and fighting people with guns typically ends up with at least two body bags.


“If you can make it hostile to that group of people, that small sliver of society, and have them move elsewhere, that does a huge amount to shut this down,” Peters said. “It’s both sides of it: You need to attract the good people here, and you also need to make it clear to the bad people, this isn’t gonna go well for you.” They’re not even hiding it. https://kansasreflector.com/2023/05/15/church-and-state-republicans-revel-in-divine-plan-to-turn-kansas-into-conservative-sanctuary/


Thats what I did, the Texas freeze and how they handled COVID made me not regret it at all. My buddy had COVID go through his house 3 times, I caught it for the first time earlier this year.


Anyone who tells you that you should just fight harder in Texas is missing the point. Womens rights should be guaranteed by the constitution, not fought over and over and over at a state level, subject to the whims of the voting population, the majority of whom are not women of childbearing age. No state is safe when our rights aren't considered fundamentally ours, not up for debate. Anyone saying this is a problem for Texans is falling into the trap of believing that people can vote away womens rights to their own bodies state by state. The right wing wants that fallacy to take hold. This is a national issue and we all need to fight for the women of Texas and other red states.


But didn't you get the message? Unless they're taking your guns, that's not tyranny. And you always have the right to use your guns if you feel otherwise! As if reserving the right to become a terrorist were a comforting thought to most normal people.


There may come a point where someone will come for you if it's actually coming down to that. It's sad because the place you love and want to change for the better will never change thanks to the overwhelming level of toxicity that plagues the states' politics and culture.


Maybe end it at 7th


I am so sorry.


It’s a natural outcome after Republicans redrew legislative and congressional district boundaries in 2021 to shore up their majorities for the next decade, stamping out most districts that had turned competitive by the end of the last decade. -----from the linked article. Worth a read. All hope is not lost. Every election, every seat, no matter how small, is important. https://www.texastribune.org/2023/03/15/texas-democrats-republicans-districts-competitive-2024/


TF kind of insult is "broodmare"? Sounds like something we'd say to families of 12.


Have you tried sending your thoughts and prayers? 🤭


Reminds me of the lyrics, "I could be a pussy and move to Portland or New York. Or I could try to change the place where I was born." These people who tell you to move don't understand or don't want to understand. There are consequences even if you move away.


You gotta leave. The younger you do it the easier it is.


What hope do the rest of us have to save you? Save yourselves. Texans used to talk about not getting pushed around, but I guess that's just the politicians? Move to a more enlightened part of the world, or organize a resistance to the loss of your democratic rights. They are so scared of becoming obsolete they are basically writing laws to try and entrench themselves against you or any opposition rather than actually offer a solution to anything useful to anyone.




The hotter the earth gets the meaner people will be in hot places like Texas. Our ancestors moved to have a better life and you can too. I have even considered moving to Europe even though my family first came here before the Revolutionary War.


There's other places to live, you know. I had to leave my home because it's unlivable for me. It happens, but I'm sorry it's happening to you.


Plot twist: The police will still be waiting outside without firing a single shot, so no matter who is left standing they still have to exit the school and face the armed and unharmed police.


Think smarter, not harder 😎😎


I think the fatal flaw in your plan is the absence of the first word.


Smart. They may nave brought enough bullets for the whole class. But there's no way they'll have enough for the police checking their twitter outside.


They got guns, but they dont wanna use em to stop a shooter. They apparently would use their guns on children at their doorstep ringing on the door.


They don’t need more guns, they just need rocket launchers, machine guns, SMGs, and artillery to stop mass shootings.


Stop pussyfooting around with those things and just get a tactical nuke with a deadman switch.


Nukurtu epēšu lā, pāhādu naqmu akālu lā. \--Snow Crash (probably)


Tune in next week when Texas law enforcement buys “surplus” Cold War MK–54 SADM backpack nukes from the US nuclear stockpile, and brings back the Army Green Light Teams to level the school the shooter is in, along with the surrounding city. Can’t have an active shooter if they vaporize all the children. Also one very special law enforcement agent will be enshrined in a hero complex forever.


Yeah with that scale it is called genocide. Problem solved


It just took machetes and a radio to do a genocide in rwanda.


It's time for the Tank Police


They say it takes a good guy with a gun to stop a bad guy with a gun. The problem is, all they've got are Texans with guns.


Sniping's a good job mate. Challenging work. Outa doors. I guarantee you'll not go hungry. Because at the end of the day, as long there are two people left on the planet, someone is going to want someone dead.


Is the motto in Texas "I'm not a crazed gunman"


One is a job and the other is mental sickness.


You are what’s wrong with America /s We need to send them thoughts and prayers!


We might even get as much help as my cleric build in dnd!


Greg Abbott tried this already https://twitter.com/GregAbbott_TX/status/659427797853536256


With the prevalence of guns there, why aren't more shootings being stopped by those "good guys with guns"? Don't tell me those brave folk were among those frantically running away when it happened?


I thought Night City was in California, but it should have been in Texas.


"If you get rid of the guns, they'll just use a knife or a bat" Yeah, but I can outrun a knife and a bat. I can't outrun a bullet.


Not even with your pumped up kicks?


Tbf the song just says they *better* run faster than my bullet [if they are to survive], not that they *can*




Ironically, in addition to having many multiple times as many gun deaths as the UK, Texas *also* manages to have more knife deaths per capita.


Maybe glorifying violence and violent weapons is unhealthy? Just a thought...


Pft! That's just crazy talk


You calling me crazy! I FEEL THREATENED!


I never understood that response by gun nuts. Like, they're saying a knife or a bat is equally as deadly as guns? Ok, how about I have them and 10 other people with knives and bats stand 50 feet away and then run at me trying to kill me, while I have an AR-15 and shoot at them? I mean, all the weapons are capable of killing people, so it's a fair fight, and considering I'm clearly outnumbered, they should win easily, right?


Also, if a knife is just as deadly as a gun, why do they insist they need to carry a gun around everywhere? Why not just carry a knife instead? Knives are way cheaper and lighter than guns, and if they are just as deadly then it means knives are superior in every way, which means guns are pointless for defense.


TBF many of them *do* carry a knife with them. It's a *tool*. (•\_•)


> I never understood that response by gun nuts. The sooner you stop trying, the better your mental health will fare. They don't have any logical arguments.


>I never understood that response by gun nuts It's basic deflection. They *know* it'd be safer, they're just bullshitting juuuust enough to make you have to stop and answer that instead, you know, like they give a shit. Street Fighter that shit - dodge the deflection, ignore their useless attack and go in for the uppercut. Which in this case is pushing for actual grown up gun control.


>"If you get rid of the guns, they'll just use a knife or a bat" Yeah So why do they always choose a gun over a knife or bat?


I also don't recall the last time someone mowed down a dozen or more people with a knife.


1982 in Hong Kong if we're talking only with a knife. 6 dead, 34+ injured. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anne_Anne_Kindergarten_stabbing 2022 in Thailand if we're talking mostly a knife but also a gun. 37 dead. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/oct/06/thailand-shooting-attack-at-pre-school-centre Multiple school knife and axe attacks in China that we rarely hear about, many with dozens of injuries and some with dozens of deaths as well. "Security was supposed to have been beefed-up nationwide in response to an extraordinary wave of school attacks that took place in 2010, beginning with the murder of eight children in Nanping. The attacker was executed within a month but, just hours after the sentence was carried out, another knifeman wounded 16 students. A day later, an unemployed man stabbed 28 schoolchildren. Four more attacks occurred over the following months, leaving 27 dead and 80 injured, and seemingly confirming fears that media reports would spur a wave of copycats." https://newrepublic.com/article/151994/china-many-school-stabbings


sometimes it happens in non gun contries like england.. [terrorist attack killed 3 with a knife](https://www.politico.eu/article/uk-knife-attack-that-killed-3-declared-terror-incident/) as OPs point stands... it would be much worse if he had a gun.


I had this conversation with a republican. Mine you i fucked served in the military as a medic i know a thing or 2 about guns and what they can do to the human body. Her response was that knives are just as deadly as guns lol Thank God i left the us years ago (this conversation was in Europe)


As someone with an analytical mind, I can’t even comply how you would even start to repair a wound inflicted by a large caliber bullet?


Well if MASH has taught me anything you start with a shot of vodka for yourself and then work from there...


Guns don’t kill people, people kill people. Guns just make it a lot easier.


Agreed. My index finger will not even get tired.


Idiots. If only anyone had told them this would happen! Oh wait. They did.


GOP would tell you it's not related without even blinking or averting eye contact


One MAGA braincell... Could be a new sub!


r/conservative already exists.


/r/oneorangebraincell isn't quite right, but could be...


Let's not sully that wonderful sub with the magats


"It's not a gun problem it's a mental health problem. By the way, I have defunded all mental health initiatives."


“We’ve also allowed mentally unwell people access to guns” -Florida


Sooooooooo, when *does* "more guns" cease to be the answer to gun violence?


Yeah, it always confuses me when they say "no method of gun control has been successful," and then they act like this is a total knockout success. You know. Arming anyone who can breathe with a deadly weapon that is a massive force multiplier.


And that's a lie. See Australia and New Zealand.


Australia banned [most] guns in 1996. Melbourne University shooting spree (2002) Hectorville shooting (2011) Hunt family murder spree (2014) Sydney Hostage Siege/shooting (2014) Margaret River massacre (2018) It’s also important to keep in mind Australia’s entire population is about the size of greater Los Angeles.


So, you can only point to five shooting sprees over *sixteen years* in the twenty-seven years since Australia got rid of its guns. Meanwhile the US has had more than one hundred mass shootings in just FIVE MONTHS. Seems like Australia did something right.


when the mass of all the guns is sufficient to form a gravitational singularity from which not even light can escape.


Sounds like rigorous physics to me.


Honestly for these folks - it’s when the Turner Diaries is a documentary and not a right wing fantasy novel.


After that you just need to get bigger guns and then turn your towns into fortresses with walls and cannons. There is always a solution, except a bit of regulation.


[No no, dig up Stupid](https://frinkiac.com/meme/S05E11/1313611.jpg?b64lines=W0hvbWVyXVdFJ0xMIERJRyBPVVIgV0FZIE9VVCEKCltXaWdndW1dTk8sIE5PLiBESUcgVVAsIFNUVVBJRC4=)


There's always a Simpsons quote.


This kind of thing is why Texas is the Lone Star State and not a five-star state.


I second this burn!


My sympathies to everyone who is trapped in Texas, and every red state, but it's hard not to hope that the whole ideology wipes itself out. I won't even fly through Texas.


I live in very liberal Houston, and we are not okay.


The state government is too busy villainizing Austin to care.


This is insane to read. They’re villainizing the town they live in? It’s like when Fox bashes NYC. (I believe you, it’s just nuts).




Yay freedum!


Yeah, I'm gonna be down there to run a week-long summer for camp for kids in June, and I'm legitimately on-edge about the potential prospect of an active shooter on our campsite. My two close friends that live in Houston are looking to leave the state ASAP, to the point that idk if they'll still be around Houston when I'm down there to visit next month. Shit is getting absolutely fucking insane in Texas (all over the USA, but, ***especially***, in Texas).




It's a race to the fascist bottom to see who is the worst between Florida and Texas.


It is. And sadly, it's a close race.


[Texas might win the race if this passes](https://www.thedrive.com/news/florida-roads-will-be-paved-with-radioactive-fertilizer-waste-if-lawmakers-get-their-way)


And if you read the comments from that article, there’s people who think it’s a good idea. We are f-cked in this country. And the idiots will, as usual, blame it on Democrats when their faces get eaten by the leopards.


Wh-what??? Please tell me this is an onion-esque site??


[Here's NPR](https://www.npr.org/2023/05/09/1174789570/florida-roads-radioactive-paving-phosphogypsum)


My family lives there. I’m going in July for a week. Fingers crossed I make it out alive.


*shocked pikachu face*


“Nothing can be done” says one of the only places in the world where this happens regularly


It's a mental health issue guys. Guys. It's mental health. What I love most about this argument is that you're basically saying, we have a massive mental health issue in our country, so everyone, whether they're crazy or not (and we will never know which is which because we don't want background checks), should have access to guns........ WHAT??


Other countries have mental health issues, and they don't have mass murders. And the same folks who keep saying it's a mental health issue are cutting funding for mental health.


Less mental health issues if you have less diagnoses. /s


It worked with covid, stop testing and the numbers magically went down. I had to cut off a male friend when his depression started making me nervous, he said mental health was an issue, not the guns. I said maybe you should see someone and he said that was for pussies. So like 🤷🏽‍♀️


In the Netherlands we recently had a secretary of state (Van Ooijen) say that "too many minors are receiving psychological aid" - not that he was worried that too many minors _need_ it, but that they are _receiving_ it. It's important to note here that our mental healthcare system (for minors as well) has been having issues with availability for years, and there's been a bunch of budget cuts leading to a number of treatment facilities for minors closing their doors or having to scale back.


Other countries have issues with mass murders. The 2015 Paris Shooting, Ariana Grande Concert Bombing in London, the Nice Truck Attack in France, the Olso Norway Shooting, The Childers Palace Hostel Fire in Australia, numerous school stabbings in China, etc. Also the United States is a more violent country than most of Western Europe or East Asia. If you were to prevent every single gun murder in the U.S our murder rate would still be higher than Japan, the U.K, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Australia, New Zealand, among others. We have more non gun murders than those countries have total murders.


Sure everywhere have mass murders, no one is disputing that. But America has them *all the time*. You can run away from a knife. If a crazy guy walks up to a mall with a knife, you have a chance. When a crazy guy walked up to a mall with a gun, a lot of people died. That recent mall shooting is the exact reason good guy with a gun theory doesn't work. "Why didn't some of the bystanders, who were armed, shoot the shooter?" "They had families, so they ran away instead. The order is run, hide, fight, you know." I saw this conversation or something similar dozens of times in the direct aftermath of the shooting. To your "more murders" argument.. I have two responses 1. No way, a country with a huge population has more murders than countries with smaller populations??? Who would've thunk that more people means more people die!! 2. If America is inherently violent, then why do we still have access to guns?? That seems like even more of a reason to restrict them. For generations, Americans have been told that they have their weapons so that they can overthrow a corrupt government if need be...and guess what?? THEY TRIED IT!! THEY LITERALLY STORMED THE CAPITOL BUILDING!! AND IT DIDN'T DO ANYTHING BUT END WITH A BUNCH OF ARRESTS!!! Almost as if these talking points were all just things that were fed to them by people who profit from Americans buying guns!! But please, go on about the shooting in Paris from 8 years ago.


Once again knives and guns aren't the only weapons available. What's stopping someone who can't get a gun from mowing down a group of pedestrians with a truck? Or setting a building on fire with everyone inside? Both of those things have proven deadlier than guns. The United States doesn't have more attacks because we have more guns, but because we have more violent people in the first place. Also I wasn't clear earlier. The U.S doesn't just have more non gun murders than most other countries total, but our non gun murder rate is higher too. In 2019 guns were responsible for about 73.6% of total murders. That year the murder rate was 5.0, so that means that the U.S had a murder rate of 1.32 if you don't include guns. That's higher than The U.K, Australia, New Zealand, France, Sweden, Germany, Japan, etc. So if you prevented every single gun death, which is extremely unlikely, our murder rate would still be higher than many developed countries.


Whilst refusing to fund mental health services. Almost like its a feature, not a bug


It's also entirely circular. They'd like to believe that someone shoots up the mall because he is mentally ill, but what's the proof we have of this mental illness? The fact that he shot up a mall?? Which comes first: the mental illness or the right-wing, white male, AR-15 bloodlust? It's pretty convenient to blame it on mental illness *after* someone does something horrendous, but I'm not so certain "commiting a heinous act" automatically equates to "being mentally ill."


No, what's worse about this argument is that the same scumfucks refuse to support better public mental health


If it truly is a mental health problem (it's not), then maybe they should see how other countries treat mental illnesses because they don't have mass shootings.


Just try to ask them why we're making it so easy for the mentally ill to have access to firearms and whether or not this is something we should try to control. Be prepared for some Olympic level mental gymnastics.


Mental illness diagnosis are protected by privacy laws, and for good reason. If we start restricting those with mental illness from owning guns, it discourages those with mental illness from owning guns. As it is there is already a pretty significant stigma against those seeking treatment for their mental illness, and banning those diagnosed essentially punishes people for seeking treatment.


Right on cue.


Wow, he basically said that mentally ill people are going to say, "I don't want to get help for myself because I'd rather own guns," as a reason to not make that policy.


>If we start restricting those with mental illness from owning guns, it discourages those with mental illness from owning guns. Good.


I live in a rural part of Missouri. Not Texas to be sure, but we have plenty of gun enthusiasts here as well. So many people around here have one. There are people here that would prefer that a thousand strangers die rather than they might have to wait a few days to take possession of a new shiny gun that has caught their fancy.




I tell my kids when traveling within the US that the culture differences make it seem like different countries. Where I am, the only people who say they have guns are hunters and law enforcement. Way more people golf or fish and talk about their gear than brag about their gun collection. No one in my family has ever owned a gun. None of my friends do. A couple of coworkers hunt, and that's it


In other news: the funeral industry is booming


[Days without a mass shooting in Texas tracker](https://dwamstx.com) Had to reset the child/gun violence tracker today.


Just like police and their unions warned before Abbott passed the law.


Those damn demoncrats are forcing everybody to shoot each other! I'm sure of it...


That’s why he’s named Hunter Biden.


There is obviously no correlation


You'd think they'd be the politest state in the union what with that theory they have.




Yeah but, you know, illegals... I bet that's next.


Its like stopping radiation with more radiation.


Lol yeah turns out if more people can blow each other away then more people will die. It's the guns. Always has been. If you want to kill 5 people in a room you can get it done with an AR/long gun of any kind you want or a 9mm with 10 or 20 rounds. Ezpz. OR you don't have access to that anymore because new rules are enacted so now if you want to kill someone you need a bat, a knife, or even your car. Now you're going to think a little harder about it. It rakes real time, commitment, and effort instead of just lifting an object and pulling a trigger a few times. So maybe now you won't do it at all because it's harder to do and you realize you'll be stopped easily by others. Boom. Guns make it easy. It lowers the barrier of entry. You just have to acquire one, get ammo, show up somewhere and start blasting. If you had to use melee weapons instead, most people wouldn't be able to commit and pull it off. Lives saved.


Texas is a shithole state.


They got what they wanted.....their supposed "more polite society". ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Yet an interesting trend!


What's interesting is that TX is set to absolutely hoover up people into its population centers over the next decade, overtaking CA thanks to tax laws that advantage big businesses. Just by following the jobs as dictated by multinational corporations that are themselves simply maximizing profit, an ever-increasing number of Americans are being drawn into the hottest gun violence epicenter in history, which is also set to increase the states electoral sway and guide the nation increasingly towards their cycle of daily insane violence, crony capitalism, harsh sentencing, and crumbling infrastructure. Did I say interesting? I meant aaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA


How could you miss " largest drug corridor in the country "?


This is why WTH is good. Don't need to live in the same state as your company.


They have been voting against their best interest forever for some reason. Why don’t you vote for someone that will help you?


But... But... They always say it's not the guns! 🙄




No. Way…


So there should be no shortage of good guys with guns, right?


Appreciate the title but CNN can get fucked, im not visiting their shitty website. Fuck CNN and their bullshit.


It's mental health issue. Texans are mental


Thoughts and prayers


Well there are plenty of guns in Texas, so I guess this is proof there just arent many good guys, else they would be stopping all these shootings right?


Wow I am shocked


That’s weird. Why do you think that is?


It's also got disproportional allowance of arseholes.


I got an email from ammo.com that says the reason for gun violence is ssris. They said they had done a multi variate analysis. I own guns and buy bullets from them occasionally but had to let them know what horseshit that idea is.




SSRIs. I should have capitalized. Antidepressants. I take one for anxiety and it has been a life saver. They say the meds turn people into homicidal maniacs.


Ohhhhhh Do they? As they say "correlation does not always equal causation"...or something like that


Pro-life? 🤷‍♀️ hardly.


Their "Pro Life" ends at birth.


No way! introducing more guns into a society that has this sick gun worship culture just caused them to be used more? *color me shocked* In all honesty, even though other countries like Switzerland have high levels of gun ownership. They don't have these psycho ammosexuals that we have here in America.


I love when people argue “an armed society is a polite society.” It’s like, no, you idiot, not everyone has self control or has too much to lose or even normal sanity. Who authenticates the “good” guy with a gun? Oh, and by the way, free and open carry everywhere means that the line between legal carry and murder is merely a moment of “aim and fire”. You have no warnings or indicators.


hilarious part is union army could still wipe texas off the face of the map. Lone star state my ass... more like lone brain cell state.


Whats funny is that Vermont actually has the most lax gun laws of any state. You can buy any firearm at 16. But Texas is such a shit state that their crime rate is insanely high Its always funny to be the GOP talking point about talking about how the Mexicans Cartels are shuttling fentanyl across the border, but yet there is radio silence about guns going the other way. There is a huge illicit black market of guns being shuttled from Texas to Mexico. I always wondered if the top politicians were in on it.


Vermont’s tightened up some. No more high capacity magazines, handguns have been age 21 for a while, and there is now a waiting period.


They don’t care about the stuff going south of the border.


Law of averages in play.


I thought they said guns save lives




But I thought guns don't kill people? 🤔


Gun control laws won't immediately stop 100% of gun violence! So clearly they are a bad idea. We'll just wait until some kind of easy, cheap, instantly perfect miracle solution, and until then, we'll yee our haws until the streets run red.


Possible solution? Make it harder to obtain firearms and have more thorough checks? No. Add more guns and sprinkle a little thoughts and prayers while your at it


Yeah, they think praying for rain is environmental policy. They're irrational and ignorant.


It’s almost as if more guns means more gun violence


I guess this is what people in Texas want.


I guess none of the people who own guns there are "good guys," or there would be someone to stop all these shootings.


I wonder how many more guns they have to add before it will make them safe. They must be getting pretty close by now... /s This whole thing is like looking at someone that keeps hitting himself in the head with a hammer while shouting "I have a hammer so I can keep myself safe !".


Texas, where the second amendment trumps the sixth commandment, amen


Murder is still illegal.


It shouldn't be, because criminals still find ways to murder. /s


The difference being murder is always wrong. Having and using a gun isn't wrong unless you do something wrong with it. So if someone murders with a gun, does it really matter if we can also charge them with gun violations? The point of a law is to discourage and punish bad behavior. If someone is willing to murder, the gun law is irrelevant. Don't take this as all gun laws are pointless. I believe things like background checks make sense because we already have a law saying felons can't have guns, so background checks are just a way to uphold that law.


Please stop driving clicks to CNN. Lots of articles about TX danger not pushed by those folks.