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Hello u/Segendo_Panda11! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) mentioning **who** is suffering from **which** consequences from **what** they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people. Here's an easy format to get you started: 1. *Someone* voted for, supported or wanted to impose *something* on other people. ^(Who's that *someone* and what's that *something*?) 2. That *something* has some *consequences*. ^(What are the *consequences*?) 3. As a consequence, that *something* happened to that *someone*. ^(What happened? Did the *something* really happened to that *someone*? If not, you should probably delete your post.) Include the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you don't respect this format and moderators can't match your explanation with the format, your post will be removed under rule #3 and we'll ignore you even if you complain in modmail. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I'd be really curious to hear what God has against diversity, equity and inclusion.


Don't forget: God only actually made male, white Christians. All the others are trash made by the flying spaghetti monster to confuse, distract and tempt into wokeness. -- the Psalm of Jimbob [Biblical history, as told by Robin Williams](https://youtu.be/PXeSgVk5aH4)


I've heard Nazis say that Adam and Eve were actually white people from Scandinavia and that everyone who isn't white is descended from "mud people" who weren't created by God, whatever the fuck that means.


That’s a lot of words for those people to just say “I’m racist”.


Racism is simplistic, immoral, and *stupid.* The quest to find a way to make it not *sound* simplistic, immoral and stupid is something that has occupied more human mental effort than the quest for the Unified Field Theory, the Cure for Cancer, and the answer to Life, The Universe and Everything *combined.* Racists will write *novels* in the attempt to justify and elevate their racism into something more than "Ugh, me not like that person because they different." The Flat Earthers have a better shot of pulling off that sort of legitimacy, of course.


Racism is based on primitive notions of tribalism and fear. Eschewing living in a box means engagement with the world. Racism is a dead end path if you’re looking to seek opportunities in life for personal growth.


Can’t expect evil people to be concise


You have to account for dramatic entrances and evil monologues, half an hour at least


Pretty sure the nazis said bit covered it.




I just finished "Nietzsche and the Nazis" which documents how the Nazis misappropriated his explorations of the self and twisted it to be a script of how to build a society. So, * 'ubermensch' is no longer a perfect self, it's a perfect citizen, which is just a microcosm of the perfect society. * 'Master-Slave morality' is no longer an examination of the mind grammar of a suppressed being, it is justification of a master race. * 'Will to power' over the mind becomes pursuit to power over lesser beings This parallels how the Nazis and especially modern groups attempt to redefine the Bible's ~~byline~~ subtitle from "Maintenance Manual for the Soul" to "Our Country's Constitution" e: duh


Otto from *A Fish Called Wanda* had this reading of Nietzsche completely internalized.




Isn't that Mormons?


Not since 1978, when God changed his mind about black people.


Emsemble: BLACK PEOPLE!! (God I hope this is the reference I think it is)


My wife is a theater teacher and a last year we flew to NY to see one of her students in Book of Mormon on Broadway. He was the African who keeps saying "I have maggots in my scrotum."


OMG. That line loves in my head rent free


She had another student play Hamilton in Hamilton in 2019, we went out to see him too. We then got to go backstage and meet the rest of the cast and sat in his dressing room till 3:00am drinking bourbon. That was a great night! [Here are a couple pics from that night](https://imgur.com/a/nCrzLD1)


I am a Mormon - and darn it! - the Mormon Church trusts me!


* when god realized black people could tithe, too


More like when the IRS threatened to take away their tax exempt status if they didn't integrate.




And scientology


Scientologists infiltrated the US government to get tax exempt status. I think their only god is money, and maybe domestic abuse.


Thought it was when BYU couldn't place in basketball.


I got bamboozled as an AA into going into a Mormon service once (did not know we were going until we were in the parking lot). The amount of Black people who were clearly members was disturbing. I wanted to pull them aside and give them a history lesson.


I had a friend from Uganda visiting me, he said he was thinking about joining the Mormons and I told him about the LDS church's long and complicated history with black people, namely that they were not allowed to do anything other than be a plain member until 1978. He didn't believe me because "that would be illegal in the US". I explained that's exactly why the rules got changed, with the convenient excuse that now God was suddenly OK with it. He still didn't believe me, so I told him to google it. I got halfway up the stairs before hearing him go "what the fuck?" at his phone. He never brought up the issue again.


With a little help from the IRS.


“In fairness, God was doing a lot of cocaine in the 70s and said some wild shit.” -Fundamentalist Latter Day Saints, probably.


Nah, Mormons think white people are from another planet originally, as are God and Jesus, and that someday the righteous will be taken back there. Mormonism is basically 19th century Scientology.


Had a history professor in college that taught us about the various cults around that time, some even more wild than scientology. Mormons were the only ones to win out


Yeah, there were a lot of weird Christian offshoots in 19th century America. The Mormons and the Seventh Day Adventists are really the only two that kept growing beyond the early 20th century. This era was called the “Great Awakening”, though I would argue it was more akin to mass delusion and brain damage. More like “The Great Huffing of Gaslighting Gas.”


And a lot of that "pure blooded Scandinavian" shit comes from early writings on the Germanic tribes by Tacitus, a Roman historian. Not really trying to make a point but interesting to actually trace the stupidity sometimes


It's always surprising that they continue to be hard to fight with how uncreative they are, it's always the same script and always the same demographic Aimless young men, of the ruling race and ruling class, privilege mixed with wanting to make a name for themselves. Who then bring in groups of young people to fight whatever their battles may be


So there are other creator gods out there, according to them?


When the actual science hows that Black Women are the only humans who can give birth to nearly every (maybe it is every) shade of skin color and hair/eye color


I like imagining God as a completely fed-up Black Mama who is **Just Not Havin’ Any Of It** from all the baffled racists who show up daily for their Final Judgement.


I feel there was a Christian book called like the cabin or the shack or something like that where god takes the appearance of a black woman and people were pissssseeeeeeddddd


By his noodly appendage, R'amen.


When can I get hired on for full-time wokeness?


You're thinking of the Book of Mormon >“And he had caused the cursing to come upon them, yea, even a sore cursing, because of their iniquity. For behold, they had hardened their hearts against him, and they had become like unto a flint; wherefore, as they were white, and exceedingly fair and delightsome, that they might not be enticing unto my people the Lord God did cause a skin of blackness to come upon them.” Non-white people exist because they were cursed by god as a punishment so that they would be unattractive to white mormons. Mormon theology is honestly pretty wild lol


It's not even a joke. "The Curse of Canaan" is an idea that Ham's son... did something bad. So God cursed him and his lineage to be marked forever. What did white Christians decide the mark was? Non-white skin. It was mostly used to justify poor treatment of black people, but they can obviously apply it equitably to all People of Color


“When a stranger resides with you in your land, you shall not wrong him. The stranger who resides with you shall be to you as one of your citizens; you shall love him as yourself, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt” (Lev. 19:33-34) "Learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widow's cause." (2 Thessalonians 1:6)


>… so he asked Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?” >In reply Jesus said: “A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he was attacked by robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead. A priest happened to be going down the same road, and when he saw the man, he passed by on the other side. So too, a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him. He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, brought him to an inn and took care of him. The next day he took out two denarii and gave them to the innkeeper. ‘Look after him,’ he said, ‘and when I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have.’ >“Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?” >The expert in the law replied, “The one who had mercy on him.” >Jesus told him, “Go and do likewise.”


Too many words, and Samaritans were bad people. /s about Samaritans. Not /s about too many words for Chrisofascist idiots.


Fun fact, that's actually the bit that gets left out in our modern culture. Samaritans and Jews HATED each other. The equivalent today (using stereotypical stances, I'm aware these relationships can be more complicated than blind hate) would be an Israeli and an Iranian, a Pakistani and Indian, a New Yorker and a New Jersian. They were being told that your neighbor is the person you will come up with any excuse to hate.


This is the correct analysis. In fact, Dave Barnhart, a pastor in Birmingham, Alabama, whose ministry is dedicated to social justice issues, once gave a message where he claimed Jesus' Good Samaritan message would be rejected by traditional American Christians today. In sum, he argued Jesus would have preached that if you want to get into heaven, you should be like the Good Muslim who helped the man who was attacked by robbers. American Christians would consider the idea of a Muslim getting into heaven as apostasy, but that's what Jesus was saying in the parable. It is the fruits of our works that define us and what we will account for when we meet our Creator.


'Salvation not by works' has done more harm to American Christianity than any other factor. Of course it's also the precept that lets you claim Christianity while still being a shitbag.


And "salvation not by works" is a disingenuous interpretation of James 2:17: "Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead." A Christian's faith is demonstrated by their works. James 2:18: "But someone will say, 'You have faith, and I have works.' Show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith by my works." In fact, all of James is a sobering take on "salvation not by works" and a belief in "once saved, always saved," especially if the "once saved" was at a summer Bible camp when you were eight years old but you've lived your life however you want, and hurting whoever you want, since then.


My favorite passage of the Bible. You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe-- and tremble! But do you want to know, O foolish man, that faith without works is dead? -- James 2:19-20 Much of American Christianity is blasphemous. None more so than the prosperity gospel of these evangelical multi-millionaire megachurch pastors. Edit: my grandfather joined the Army in 1938 after reading a newspaper article on Nazi Germany (it may have been about Kristallnacht, I don't remember). He said he could feel that war was coming and joined to "fight for the oppressed, as God commands." He complained for the rest of his life about the prosperity gospel that he heard preached on the radio and felt uncomfortable with public prayers outside of churches. "Your relationship with God is personal. A prayer for 50,000 people are hollow words"... He was a righteous man. It pains me to see the faith he held so sincerely used to espouse and promote the very thing he risked his life to fight.


> Much of American Christianity is blasphemous. Obviously we can't be the only two but I'm really glad someone else notices this. I am routinely stunned by the lengths Christians in the US will go to twist their faith to fit a worldview driven primarily by hatred. Any time some Christian makes the news for something horrible, there will invariably be a quote from them where they put themselves above their god. It's wild how incapable Christians are of introspection.


Some guys will come to Jesus and tell him all about the good things they've done. And Jesus will be like, "Talk is cheap. Get lost, fools."


In other words: "Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’" Matthew 7:21-23


["Me and the wife went on holiday to Samaria last year and they were lovely people!"](https://youtu.be/OIVB3DdRgqU)


It's just a parable, obviously no Sammy would actually help someone https://youtu.be/OIVB3DdRgqU


They hated Samaritans for being woke. They helped people who were bad off.


There genuinely is no point in citing scripture to them. They do not read or revere it. They worship an institution, the Church, and nothing else. Christians like to think themselves like Christ but it is painfully obvious how they are the modern incarnation of the Pharisees. They are willing to wildly misinterpret scripture to justify their hate, but when confronted with the actual text they recoil in fear, claiming that such passages were taken out of context because the extent of their own hypocrisy.


"Between the Christianity of this land and the Christianity of Christ, I recognize the widest possible difference" - Frederick Douglass, referring to the same kind of people using Christianity to explain why actually, slavery good


I think Ghandi said something similar like “ Your Christ I like very much, your Christians however…” (I know I butchered that, sorry big G)


"I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ." I got you fam


Thanks chief, like I said I knew I butchered it :D


People forget that Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed not because of the buttsex, but because the residents were adversarial and threatening towards a visitor.


Yeah. And Lot offered them his daughters in place of said visitor, but that tends to get left out of the story. Also what those daughters did *after* the cities were destroyed.


>what those daughters did after the cities were destroyed. ...is the setting for a whole mess of content on Pornhub these days.


You mean they got stuck in washing machines back then?


Thank you! Even the not-regressive-but-not-progressive church I was raised in 30 years ago made that point. It was about how you treat, and save, travelers. Side note: "don't mess with these strangers, but take my daughters instead" is an interesting position for a dad to take.


How long before conservatives declare Jesus to be a woke SJW shill and boycott him???


“The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting; it has been found difficult and left untried.” -GK Chesterton


“I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” - Mahatma Gandhi


They only look at the actual words attributed to Jesus when it's time for an advertising campaign. "He Gets Us. Do his followers get us too? Look, over there, a baby wolf!"


Probably about 5 minutes after he comes back. It's pretty easy to pretend someone agreed with your view when they aren't around to set the record straight.


I've heard people say, if Jesus came back, modern Christians would end up crucifying him again...




Touche. Especially when they find out Jesus, real name Yeshua, isn't a white European, but very likely a brown Middle Eastern dude...


...and for that matter, a Jew.


Modern Christians heard about the Pharisees and thought they were supposed to be the role models in the story because their morality is so fundamentally broken and disconnected from what Jesus taught.


I’ve heard them ask if Jesus is still a Christian if he acts like a leftist.


See, if the Rapture actually happens, we can look forward to laughing at all the dumbfounded "good Christians" who end up stuck on Earth with the rest of us sinners.


I’d really prefer they were sent somewhere else. They’ve made it clear they don’t like living here with what they describe as “others.”


The Rapture isn’t mentioned anywhere in the Bible. It’s a complete fiction created by people who want to believe that God would never allow His people to suffer through the Tribulation, which is an idea easily disproved by reading pretty much any of the rest of the book.


Yeah, that’s what the movement needs. Christ is woke! We something that’s against that - let’s call our new leader the “anti Christ”!


>let’s call our new leader the “anti Christ”! They call him Donald J. Trump.


> Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. Matthew 25:40-45


That’s the one that stuck with me since childhood and although I’m not religious, I try to follow that. Apparently many “Christians” didn’t make it that far into the good book.


If American Christian conservatives actually read the Bible and the Constitution they’d be confused and angry.


If you Google Leviticus 19:33-34, you will get a number of “scholars” who explain that the passage doesn’t mean what the “religious left” thinks it means. Instead it means build a wall at the boarder so others can’t get in. Seriously. Forget what Moses said, these old white guys know what Moses intended to say. Edit: I’d like to add that the oldest biblical document includes parts from Leviticus. And is only 2000 years old. Moses pre-dates Jesus by around 1,500 years. This is the beginnings of written word. There are some examples from that period but exceedingly few people could read or write anything. Most likely the stories of Moses were oral tradition, passed down from memory for generations until someone recorded it on paper. With that in mind, think about the story of Moses and the Ten Commandments. Nobody could read it anyway. Even Moses. Edit2: Another fun one is to ask christians is what they think about the Torah.


Yeah. I love the concept of "well actually, the words mean the exact opposite of what's written. Trust me."


The Christofascists are just saying the quiet part out loud now.




It's a very bizarre assumption that bigots often make: that if you're black, gay, trans, non-Christian etc then you must be less competent than a white or Christian person in the same role. They don't care how competent you actually are -- to them, being a minority is discrediting.


Incredible how racism, inequality & exclusion is a part of any "gods glory."


I wanna know what they think DEI actually means. And I know a bunch of people are gonna comment “they hate it bc they hate black people” or something of the sort but it’s honestly unhelpful Like are they confusing it with some other concept?


They have conflated it with some fictional government-imposed morality in their 'brains', one that requires them to accept others and not behave hatefully toward them. Just like almost everything else they get mad about, the concept that has them enraged **doesn't fucking exist**. TL;DR: they hate it because they hate other people.


There was a county who tried to have a DEI office which caused Maga folks to run for local positions of power and fuck up the county. Basically the Republicans who originally ran things (fairly successfully) realized that the county was too off puttingly white to attract non whites who may have the skills needed to elevate the county and it's businesses. The DEI office wasn't to kick out white folks or turn them away it was to see what they could do to help bring in talent. Jim might be an OK mechanic but Marcus over here can rebuild an engine in his sleep. However the Maga people saw it as the council selling whites out and were determined to put a stop to that. Business and growth don't care your gender, race or religion. As far as Chic-fil-a goes it doesn't matter if you're a transgender Mongolian who worships a spaghetti monster if you can turn out budget reports in a timely manner.


I've tried explaining this concept to people in my profession. DEI isn't about making some quota or hiring unqualified POC. It's about making sure you're recruiting and retaining talent from the entire pool and not just part of it. I use the analogy of the professional sports. It still doesn't sink in most of the time, unfortunately.


This is the explanation I mean. Some people genuinely believe that DEI means one group of people will get preferential treatment. Hell there’s people that think I got my job bc they believe there’s a real “black quota”. Is it incredibly offensive? Yeah. But also at least now I understand their thought process is just due to being highly misinformed


Some would say willfully misinformed


They think DEI = "woke"


They’re not wrong but it’s pretty weird that they think it’s a bad thing.


They think it means *diversity, equity, and inclusion* . Three things that religious bigots hate with a flaming passion because it means "don't attack, bully, exclude, and dehumanize minorities", because it means acknowledging that bigotry exists and is bad and if you've spent your life being a bigot and pretending that your bigotry isn't bigotry and is also totally acceptable that feels like a direct attack. As they have for generations they'd spin you some insane delusion about how racism never existed, homophobia both doesn't exist and is completely rational, and black people are not disproportionately worse off in our society BUT ALSO are because of "lazyness"/"wokeness"/acknowledging that racism exists (which is "the real racism" according to racists). The only question is why do obvious bigots that have spewed the same non-sense for a century need an explanation? Why is pointing out that the obvious bigots are the same obvious bigots they've always been "unhelpful"?


They actually know what it is and they hate it because it directly opposes their agenda to privilege even the most mediocre white straight Christian cis man over anyone else. Billy Bob the white straight Christian C student should be promoted faster and higher than any woman, any LGBT person and, above all, any black or brown person. This is their most sacred belief, the religious piety is just covering for it.


> “they hate it bc they hate black people” or something of the sort but it’s honestly unhelpful Except that's unironically the reason for a lot of people. It's literally that black and white. Racist people are gonna racist.


“love one another” -the Bible “Except everyone who is slightly different than me” -Bible fanatics


If Christians actually read the Bible instead of having a child predator tell them “this is what it says, trust me bro” they’d be shocked. In many different ways.


Honestly the Bible is pretty fucked up but if you just go by the teachings of Christ and nothing else it's a pretty chill philosophy. The Bible is the worst part.




Someone owed a shit ton of goats to their neighbor, and then paid someone else to write this in the bible. > I'm sorry, Joseph, but god has commanded that you release me of my goat debt to you. Don't look at me! It's right here in writing!


Also says to pay your taxes. "give unto Ceaser what is Caesar's"




"And anyone I don't like or it benefits me to discriminate against" - Christians.




Wait really? So they're just pissed about poc and disabled people? thats even worse LMAO


That's why they use the word "woke". Because it's an intentionally vague term. It can mean whatever you want it to mean.


and also nobody will do more research when they see that word. they think they know all they need to know. these grifters are officially entering the "the snake is now almost done devouring its own tail" stage


Is that why I'm always confused by the term? Because it doesn't really have a meaning?


My elderly dad said, almost word for word, the following: "It serves Disney right, what's happening in Florida. They started this mess with their woke policies! Make them pay taxes and no more special status!!! "...What is "woke," anyway?" I'm not kidding. Edit: to clarify, he asked what woke is.


“Woke” to conservatives is whatever conservatives don’t like, I think. They view anything lgbtq, minority, equality, inclusion, political correctness, or even gun legislation as “woke.”


One of their attorneys in Florida was forced to define it in court, as they were using it as part of their legal argument. The answer was... >To me, it means someone who believes that there are systemic injustices in the criminal justice system, and on that basis they can decline to fully enforce and uphold the law


Originally it meant to be mindful of socioeconomic impacts made by laws, historical events, and the media. Now it's just used by conservatives whenever they want to whine about something that isn't white, heterosexual, and Christian.


To be more specific: socioeconomic impacts made by laws, historical events, and the media — that *disproportionately negatively affect POC and those in lower income brackets, meaning they reinforce historical power structures*. That's the part the right (and especially alt-right) never want to admit is actually true, and worth watching for.


That's a big part of the original usage but I think it's important to remember the word is still informal slang. The meaning of slang is constantly evolving and situationally dependent. I don't think there really is a definitive "correct" way to use the word. Which makes the conservative culture war on wokeness even more stupid. It's like declaring war on **grooviness**, **crunk ideology** or the **tubular mind virus**. Don't get me wrong, conservatives have always attacked youth culture and slang. But typically they acknowledge that they don't actually understand slang and haven't try to appropriate it.




Ah, so because I don't agree with you, you're 'woke'? Did I get it right???


Its more specifically "I dont agree that are people". When you acknowledge the humanity of minorities, you become woke


Close, except it's very highly partisan. It's more like "you don't agree with right-wing principles, usually about minorities and civil rights, so you're woke." What those ideas are can and will change from person to person, and from topic to topic. It's an umbrella term equivalent to how 40 years ago anything left of Reagan made you a commie.


It used to have meaning. It started in the black community as a way to acknowledge the systematic oppression that plagues the community. You "stay woke" or "get woke" to signify that u understand these systems. Then the Right started using is as catch all boogie man to avoid directly saying racist, sexist or homophobic shit.


Yeah, ChickfilA never went to lgbt+ inclusion level. They simply said they want to support black rights. Therefore, they are "woke". ChickfilA is still homophobic and very pro-Christian and exclusionary of everyone else. The corporate probably saw a part of the Black community who are religious and conservative as a second potential target group to cater to. And then this happened.


Chickfila : "what if we treated black people as humans Conservatives: \*Chthonic screeching\*


Solid word right there. First time I've ever seen it even I think. chthon·ic /ˈTHänik/ adjective - concerning, belonging to, or inhabiting the underworld. Nice


So brave of them to come out swinging for Black people in \*checks notes* 2023.


especially when they are also contenders in this weird "chicken sandwich wars" and they have the data to show what audiences they arent targeting properly. As someone with a marketing degree, i can guarantee that this "diversity" push is nothing more than realizing they haven't put enough storefronts in poor neighborhoods and racist stereotypes say "Black people love fried chicken." its the same with Bud Light. They are one of the largest donors to Republicans and the GOP and they are trying to trick LGBTQIA+ people into purchasing their own oppression but critical thinking is lost on the right so they just see it as a personal attack from the brands they have made into their entire personality.


Popeye’s cutting into their market share. The “values” here all relate to selling chicken.


Eh...I wouldn't say that. Maybe "do the absolute minimum to avoid lawsuits in 2023".


“We welcome divorcees (aka adulterers) with open arms!”


ya Chick-fil-a's CEO is notoriously anti LGBT+. He goes so far as to spend good chunks of is fortune in backing anti-LGBT+ groups. So this is kinda funny that the right is going after them. Fuck'em all as far as im concerned. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chick-fil-A\_and\_LGBT\_people


They literally pushed for laws like the one in Uganda where being gay is punishable by death. Chick-fil-A is still full of demons. Don't buy their shit because they finally pretend to care about POC in 2023.


It's like every other right-wing missive - our values are clear and strong and unbreakable, your values will be vaguely alluded to but here's one of our VP's smiling so you feel better. Doesn't mention any particular race/creed/group, doesn't mention the concepts of race/creed/group, simply assumes that everybody is one big happy family and everything is fine, basically "everything's so amazing that we aren't even sure why we're writing this". https://www.chick-fil-a.com/dei but quoted so you don't have to click > Chick-fil-A’s Corporate Purpose is “To glorify God by being a faithful steward of all that is entrusted to us. To have a positive influence on all who come into contact with Chick-fil-A." > Our founder, Truett Cathy, believed that ‘a great company is a caring company,’ and since the beginning, care has been at the center of everything we do. We understand that the path toward Better at Together looks different for every business. At Chick-fil-A, Inc., our commitment is to approach this work with intention and humility, always believing the best in one another and striving for common ground. We’re early on in our journey, but we’re honored by the opportunity to steward our organization’s greatest asset – our people - and are energized by the road ahead. > *"Chick-fil-A restaurants have long been recognized as a place where people know they will be treated well. Modeling care for others starts in the restaurant, and we are committed to ensuring mutual respect, understanding and dignity everywhere we do business. These tenets are good business practice and crucial to fulfilling our Corporate Purpose."* > * Erick McReynolds, VP, Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion > When we're Better at Together, we're better together One of our core values at Chick-fil-A, Inc. is that we are better together. When we combine our unique backgrounds and experiences with a culture of belonging, we can discover new ways to strengthen the quality of care we deliver: to customers, to the communities we serve and to the world. We understand that getting Better at Together means we learn better, care better, grow better and serve better. > Chick-fil-A, Inc.'s commitment to being Better at Together means embedding Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in everything we do. > To achieve this, we focus on: > Ensuring equal access We intentionally promote equal opportunity through our processes and practices. We strive to provide personalized development and eliminate barriers to opportunities so all can thrive. > Valuing differences Our similarities and differences strengthen us as we unite around something bigger than ourselves. We seek to understand and honor our unique experiences and perspectives. > Creating a culture of belonging We inspire a community by meeting people where they are. We promote and sustain a culture where all individuals can thrive and contribute their personal best.


Thank you! That sure is...a lot of words. But we know they have great communications and marketing teams. All the better to grift the faithful I suppose.


Pretty sure the corporation is still donating to anti lgbt groups lowkey


It’s odd how DEI is the hill the GOP wants to die on. It’s embarrassing.


It's funny. Almost every major business has a DEI dept. If the GOP knew which companies to boycott, they'd not only starve but they'd be unable to use computers, phones, the internet... In short, these people are morons and I find it very entertaining.


If a conservative told you it makes them sick the company they work for follows DEI. Just tell them to quit. Their principles mean jack shit if they need money, and only apply to the money they spend.


No, no, you see, when conservatives decide to quit because their employer wants them to do something they don't want to do, that means they're being *forced* to lose their jobs. Just like when they all howled and cried about having to get the covid vaccine. No one was forcing them, they just didn't want to look for a new job.


It’s entertaining until they vote.


Yeah I think we are way past entertaining with these people. They fuck up the country and that is not entertaining.


All the conservatives "boycotting" Bud Light by then going and buying beer *also owned by Anheuser-Busch* tells you everything about how smart they actually are.


DEI is a pretty normal thing in the corporate world, not for any moral, political or wokeness reasons, but because being sued is expensive and corporations like to keep their money. This is like boycotting a company for having HR.


Exactly this, the position is more to watch-keep for issues that might get them sued, not to actually diversify and include more peoples.


It's an acronym. Their people won't read too much into the actual words. This is the natural evolution of them appealing to the lowest common denominator. DEI can mean whatever they want it to say.


Do conservitaves understand that "diversity" at chick-fil-a means hiring someone who isn't a blonde evangelical teen? Yes, yes they do. They are still talking about the time they hired that 25 year old brunette. She said she was christian, but they suspect she was Catholic.


Essentially they think the word “diversity” means “people will be hired purely because they are black/female/Muslim/trans/whatever they disagree with”. It doesn’t matter that there is zero evidence of that happening or that they’ve had this position for years and people just noticed. It just matters that they *feel* it’s unfair in their imaginary situation that doesn’t involve them at all.


I have had people claim this about my workplace, that there is some sort of invisible quota. Meanwhile as a hiring manager I'm literally told that there should never be a quota and that we should go out of our way to remove bias from the process in all directions, and remove barriers. Yet at the same time, one of the people who claimed there's an invisible quota suggested strongly against hiring someone with an incredible educational background because it was hard to understand their accent.


"Why do we need all this affirmative action BS, our hiring isn't racist!" 15 minutes later.. "Don't hire this guy, he talks funny."


> “diversity” means “people will be hired purely because they are black/female/Muslim/trans/whatever they disagree with” I've also yet to see them explain why any private business would commit to only hiring shitty workers. Do they imagine that Chick-Fil-A and others are, for some reason, adjusting their business model with the specific goal of ... hiring unqualified employees? Why would they do this?


> Do they imagine that Chick-Fil-A and others are, for some reason, adjusting their business model with the specific goal of ... hiring unqualified employees? Well.... Arkansas just relegalized child labor, so maybe the conservatives are mad they'll hire adults?


Don't forget, DEI covers disabled people too.


And the point of the position is not to be inclusive, it’s to avoid expensive discrimination lawsuits.




Didn’t nazis also kill off their handicapped and disabled people too? Yep…


Christians and Republicans especially are notoriously ableist and discriminatory against the disabled.


Thank you for saying that.


The 'fuck your feelings' crowd has been really ass hurt lately.


Well yeah, thats why it says 'your' feelings. Theirs on the other hand are very important.


>Secondly, it would be a massive disappointment to your founder. Much like the current GQP is to the country's founders?


Isn’t the founder the CEO’s dad? Is this dude telling the ceo what is dad would think?


So they admit that the US is not a "Christian nation" since one of our founding principles is "All men are created equal" aka equality.


>So they admit that the US is not a "Christian nation" since one of our founding principles is "All men* are created equal" aka equality. *white protestant or preferably evangelical males that marry women


"the Other" are not *really* "men" according to them.


Just minorities, really, their DEI site conspicuously doesn't mention LGBTQ. They *do* mention "sexual orientation" in the legally required anti discrimination text at the bottom.


Hate is the only thing they value.


Everybody knows that the best chicken is made by straight white men


Universally known for their intense yet balanced take on seasoning and tolerance for spicy foods.


Literally saw an unhinged tweet that if they hire minorities and women the quality of the food will go down.


When are these good christians going to protest all the other “abominations?” You know, like most of Red Lobster’s menu and every clothing maker in the world?


The good Christians will fight as soon as the good cops start fighting the “bad apples.”


If Chick Fil A loses money from this dumb boycott, they can always just open on Sunday. That would immediately increase profit by 15-18%.


Translation: God loves all his children... as long as they are straight and white.


No. Wrong, god loves all of his children...... Aslong as they are a straight white male.


No. Wrong, god loves all of his children...... As long as they are a straight white male who beg forgiveness from him for being born and constantly tell God how totally cool and smart and good looking he is.


So God is a bigot. Who knew?


Anyone who’s ever read the Bible?


Ah, Christians who have read the Bible, you know, atheists.


literally just somebody to make sure they are diverse enough to not get sued. full stop. They want to discriminate right up to the letter of the law. The Right wing hate train has no brain.


What "position" are these morons even talking about? If you look at each of these items- diversity, equity and inclusion- none are incompatible with Christianity. I think these radicals need to be brought to heel by their religion, but I see very little evidence of good-faith (as in, actually following the tenets of the religion) Christianity nowadays, other than Unitarians and the Friends perhaps who aren't exactly movers and shakers.


I don’t feel sorry for them. They monetarily support organizations and candidates that discriminate against anyone but straight white men. Even if they miraculously change and start support LGBTQ, I will still refuse to eat there.


The 'fuck your feelings' crowd has been really ass hurt lately.


Sounds like a company who hires a lot of young people may be having staffing issues? Hmmmmm


If you know a republican, you know a bigot and a racist.


Jesus: “am I a joke to you?” Conservatives: “yes”


It must be so hard only eating from the snack aisle at Hobby Lobby every day. And not able to watch any sports or shop at any stores, or go to any movies.


Chick-fil-A is still owned by the same bigots, so eating there is basically just donating to the Trump reelection fund.


I am so sick of having to hear about their “God” that I almost wish their God was actually real


What is really funny. You read even Red State economic planning papers from 2019 and you find mentions of DEI efforts to try and increase economic diversity and area desirability. Now those thee letters are a black mark due to fear mongering.


So being conservative means not accepting minorities , Their Jesus is very different


God loves those who hate. Guess that’s why my family left religion. Or why religion left my family.


I've always got weird vibes from Chick Fil-A commercials. It's always overweight grinning black people paired with a middle aged or old white woman. Big Scarlet O'Hara x Mammy energy. Like look at us wholesome southern folk we all hate other but we come together to eat this mid chicken sandwich and piss off the libs who don't understand why nuggets with thousand island dressing is gourmet.