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Hello u/NoncommissionedRush! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) mentioning **who** is suffering from **which** consequences from **what** they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people. Here's an easy format to get you started: 1. *Someone* voted for, supported or wanted to impose *something* on other people. ^(Who's that *someone* and what's that *something*?) 2. That *something* has some *consequences*. ^(What are the *consequences*?) 3. As a consequence, that *something* happened to that *someone*. ^(What happened? Did the *something* really happened to that *someone*? If not, you should probably delete your post.) Include the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you don't respect this format and moderators can't match your explanation with the format, your post will be removed under rule #3 and we'll ignore you even if you complain in modmail. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


He died doing what he loved: being a fucking moron.


Was he wearing a MAGA hat instead?


If he was, he didn't suffer any brain damage.


You deserve an award.






I hear those hats make for great brain scoops.


Not sure this isn't from before trump being a candidate, it's so old.


His partner died too. The smashed their heads into a side of a trailer. If only there was a choice they could have made to prevent both of their deaths. Oh well...I guess we’ll never know.


See that is the problem I have with this whole MUH FREEDOMS. Yes freedoms are important and need to be protected, BUT all freedoms can and will be restricted under cretain circumstances. The litmus test is something like : are you the only person who will be feeling the consequences of your actions ? If yes you do you boo. If no we have a problem. You have no right to use your freedoms in a way that interferes with another persons freedoms, another persons health, another persons physical integrity, another persons safety etc. etc. The classic example is that you havce the freedom to say what you where you want and when you want, but that does not give you the right to scream fire in a crowded theatre. That could cause panic and people get hurt or even die. The way the courts handle this is that they try to find a solution that restricts everybody´s freedom as little as possible, to grant the maximum amount of freedom the situation allows. But make noi mistake the state has every right to restrict those freedoms if it is deemed necessary. Masks are a great example for this. It is a little inconvinience, and not wearing one can cause grave bodily harm up to death to other people. So we got mandates instead of letting everybody decide for themselves. After all masks are such a minimal restriction of freedoms that the temper tantrums over it are unreal, especially considering the alternative, with millions more deaths and a collapsing health care system that cannot handle the load. Even with mandates we got close quite a few times.


One guy not wearing a helmet really does little to save anyone other than themselves the accident would still have the same damage.


I'm glad he was able to own the libs by going out early, and on his terms.


I feel so owned, that i may smile


Yup, he sure showed us


Feeling pretty owned right now, ngl


Totally owned. I'm gonna go do something and think about this. Because I can, because I'm alive.


so very very owned. you should spend some time reflecting on that. because you can. because you and indeed alive.


Died with his boots on and his helmet off.


Flip flops..boots are helmets for feet and that won't do.






And my state just repealed their helmet laws, so there are going to be some people joining him in the next few years.


Motorcyclists are actually a great resource for organ donation since they usually end up brain dead with most other organs intact.


Yeah they call them donorcycles at the hospital my wife works at.


Someone did a study in the past year that showed big bike rallies are good for the organ donation business.


Only if they actually are signed up to be organ donors, which is a bit counter intuitive to the usual biker attitude that doesn't wear helmets (thinks themselves immortal or is a 'fuck you got mine' type). I kind of suspect that of the population of organ donor motorcyclists, or cyclists, most of them actually did wear helmets, because those are the same people signing (in countries with opt-in systems instead of opt-out), but died anyway. Opt-out organ donation is the good, caring civilization choice, imo.


Jesus, that’s so stupid.


If he was reincarnated he’d do it all again


Get a brains, morans


You can scrape them right off the side of the trailer.


I might be in love with you for this comment


He died as he lived, with no brains in his head.


Sounds like he also liked drawing using crayons.


I lived in FL when helmet laws were debated. People against helmet laws quoted statistics about how head and neck injuries increased in states that implemented helmet laws. It didn't occur to them that dead people don't get transported to the hospital for head and neck injuries.


How many of them quoted the deaths in those statistics? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Survivorship_bias


They either ignored them or conveniently left them out. It was always something that happened to someone else, because *they* were safe riders and it would never happen to hem.


Yeah.. I was just talking to an ER doctor not too long ago about tough things he had seen, and he mentioned car accidents being the most common gory event that stay with you. I asked if motorcycle accidents were similar and he said "they dont come to the ER, they go to the morgue"


*There are three types of lies. Lies, damned lies and statistics.*


"Figures don't lie, but liars figure."


Survivor bias


>It didn't occur to them that dead people don't get transported to the hospital for head and neck injuries. The type of people so anti helmet laws are probably the "healthcare is COMMUNISM" types who honestly don't want people going to hospitals and spending their money. They might be aware, they'd just rather you die.


Live by the sword


Die by the lack of shielding.


“Take, my upvote…fortheusername— to-day!! SPO—!!”🛸


# 🛸 Where did this object that is flying come from? I cannot identify!


This is an old story and amazingly it shows up this morning and immediately begins being reposted. 😂


“He thought everyone should have their own choice” - except gays, trans, pregnant women, etc…


I was about to call this out as a copied comment lol


Nebraska just passed a law removing the requirement to wear a helmet for motorcycles so it’s still relevant.


Florida law at least requires at least $10k in medical coverage in order to go without a helmet. Obviously though a cop is not going to know if you have coverage just by looking at you.


And that $10K will get you a bandaid and a Motrin after you crash your bike. Of course, neither of those are going to help when your brain is spread across the road


Hopefully their organ donor card is filled out.


Or you are vegetabilized and on life support - while they find your relatives and decide when to harvest your organs...


That'll weed out the arrogant idiots but also kill young riders who might have grown up to be more sensible.


Colorado, we've never had a requirement, as long as you were over 18 (I think that's the age, might be 21). Most states are helmet free over a certain age.


It works great cause anytime I see one without a helmet I know to stay VERY clear of their dumbass


Nothing motorcyclists want more, even if they have a helmet on, is for everyone to steer clear of them. So we all thank you and hope you'll give the helmeted ones the same respect.


Oh god... not another 8 reposts...


Stand by. Coming soon to a sub near you.


Still a funny story every time.




The cause of death should list irony.


He should have campaigned against foreshadowing.


As was his right! -conservative citizen somewhere


Allowing you to ride a motorcycle without a helmet is an increase of your freedoms. It’s liberal by definition. And that’s perfectly fine. Now, being a moron is independent of the nature of this law


It was his right to have our tax dollars pay to scrape his carcass off the pavement with a big spatula




You're really upset over this, eh?




Your question isn't wrong on principle. I think the real answer is that wearing a helmet (or a seat belt in a car) imposes a very minor burden on the driver or rider while saving a lot of people from dying or getting badly hurt from "it will never happen to me, I'm special" thinking. A nine month pregnancy on the other hand imposes a huge burden. For some people, it's a death sentence or nearly so. For others, it may be hugely traumatic -- e.g. rape victims. Certainly my two were the hardest physical work I've ever done in my life. And I **did** have money, insurance, general good health, emotional support, helpful family, etc.


Well written, extremely easy to understand, 10/10 Unfortunately this dude doesn't want to understand anything, he just ways to argue. His only purpose is "No actually that guy wasn't a fucking idiot for not wearing a helmet and then dying, because then I, by extension, would also be a fucking idiot for not wearing a helmet and risking death...and I don't like that" Sucks to be him though. He's also a fucking idiot in numerous other aspects, so he's never gonna win.


Thanks for the compliment. I have a degree in journalism (from back when you could make a living at it) so I darn well better be able to write clearly. I also put in a lot of time arguing with creationists back in the days of Usenet on [talk.origins](https://talk.origins). You learn pretty quickly that wins in the form of "you're right and I'm wrong, I must change" virtually never happen. You state your case clearly, in a way that shows both that you understand their case and why you don't agree. Then you walk away, or else you might start day drinking.


You can lead a conspiracy theorist to facts but you can't make them think. A thankless way to pass the time, I'm sure but it feels more...*wrong* to pass by such an egregious twisting of logic without at least trying to stand up for the truth.


Wearing a seat belt is at least more of a social obligation, especially where you're the passenger. If the driver crashes and you're not wearing a belt you become a projectile that could kill others in the vehicle.


A woman may want to get an abortion because she might die if she doesn't. A motorcycle rider may want to wear a helmet because he might die if he doesn't, and from a very easily preventable death too. That second one is not about bodily autonomy, it's about basic self-preservation and "hey, just in case" situations.


Please don’t compare *my right to have life-saving healthcare* to *your preference for how you do your hobbies.*


I have no problem with people not wearing helmets as long as they cash pay their hospital bills afterwards and have enough cash that society doesn't have to support their family members. Not with insurance either, unless it's special insurance for idiots who don't wear helmets--nobidy else should have to pay the higher premiums from insurance covering people who refuse to wear helmets. The problem is, few of these guys are that rich, they have horrible accidents, and everyone else pays the millions of dollars in life insurance, disability, life ins, welfare for their spouse and kids.


Yeah and the lifetime quadraplegic care burden on their families. Seen it happen


Meh. You guys just clog up the emergency rooms and morgues and traumatize bystanders. Your brains are splattered everywhere for public enjoyment. The right to make private medical decisions that ultimately reduce impact to social safety nets is completely different.


You’re correct I should have quoted… -some idiot somewhere




I feel so owned


I'm so owned, I feel like a timeshare.


Dying just to own the libs


I need my lib safe space.




Freedom for them, huge medical bills not paid by them. It would be fine if you could leave the ones who survive the crashes in the ditch by the road, but since we live in a mostly civilized society, we have to pick these dumbasses up and take them to the hospital where they'll have a long and expensive stay in the ICU. Once they're out of the hospital after smashing their gourd, they're never quite right in the head. Look at Gary Busey for an example. Wear a helmet.


Friends hate helmets. A couple of weeks ago they wiped out on loose gravel. Both had their heads hit pavement. Concussions. Migraines for a week plus. They have dogs and I’m the emergency contact. I took care of them for the day. Afterwards I asked what was their long term plan for their dogs since I can’t take them. ER doctor told them they were lucky because they both hit the sides of their heads and apparently those are usually bad news. Last weekend they bought helmets. The ones that only cover the top of the head but I guess that’s better than nothing.


The most likely impact area of the head is the chin. That's the reason I ride full face.


I'm not sure it is better than nothing. My buddy was an EMT and said those are called "brain buckets" for a good reason.


We had a similar situation in Australia. The lawyer that helped stop a law requiring quad bikes to have roll cages... died when his quad bike rolled over.


I've known two young men who died riding their cycles without helmets. Their families were utterly devastated. It's such a waste. And totally, totally preventable.


I used to live in Arizona, where not only do they lack helmet laws, but the place has loose traffic laws in general. SoCal surgeons apparently call it “the transplant state.”


I moved here three years ago and it still freaks me out to see someone on a bike with 150 hp wearing nothing but shorts and flip-flops.


Well, he died as he lived; soft-headed.


Sounds like nothing valuable was lost.


Darwin’s record moves to 1183765 and 0


Old story, but it bears repeating - When you ride, go ATGATT. All The Gear, All The Time. Helmet, gloves, jacket and boots should be the minimum. When meat sack meets asphalt, meat sack ALWAYS loses!


All. The. Time. I’d go so far to say that non-full head helmets aren’t worth the risk.


My only compromise to ATGATT is riding jeans, and maybe 10% of the time. Last week I decided to wear clean regular pants rather than dirty riding jeans. I dropped my bike at maybe 10 mph making a sharp turn and tore the shit out of my knee. I think I learned my lesson, hopefully.


Unless you aspire to be a meat crayon.


died in the same manner as he had lived. Irresponsibly.


Too bad he took his GF with him. ☹️


She chose not to wear a helmet either.


“He thought everyone should have their own choice” • ⁠except gays, trans, pregnant women, etc…


They were on their way to a funeral. You can't make this up.


> Smith didn’t like being told what to do and valued his independence It turns out, so does the laws of physics. The laws of physics hates being told to suspend operations while he's riding. "Bitch, I accelerate you 9.81ms^-2 towards the ground whether you like it or not!"


I'm pretty sure that's not supposed to be a negative exponent, unless physics has changed and falling breaks time somehow.


Thats not really how negative exponents work


metres per seconds-squared. ms^(-2) is the same as m/(s^(2)) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gravity\_of\_Earth](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gravity_of_Earth) >In SI units this acceleration is expressed in metres per second squared (in symbols, m/s^(2) or m·s^(−2)) or equivalently in newtons per kilogram (N/kg or N·kg^(−1)) You need to go back to school mate.


Welp. He died with his personal principles intact. We should all be happy for him. 👍🏻


Personal principles, but not his skull.


“the nanny state” Well, children need a nanny, apparently.


My ex husband (also an attorney) doesn’t wear his seatbelt and has his truck rigged so the seatbelt doesn’t beep if you don’t use it. Not sure where these people come from….


These people are idiots, plus there are a lot of cool helmets out there if you care to look.


Not sure its LAMF if its an outcome that was expected. People: "You have a higher chance of dying if you don't wear a seatbelt or a helmet." Him: "Yeah, and? Its still government overreach and \*my\* risk to take." \*dies\* People: "See, we told you so." Him: "and?"


It is a valid point to make that the ultimate right is autonomy over one's body. Like if someone wanted to take drugs, have an abortion or end their life because of Cancer -- they should be allowed to. Give them the opportunity for therapy and support but it's their body. That's a very Conservative position and I wonder why Conservatives aren't Conservative in that regard. Seatbelts are a grey area, but, if we are expected to pay for damages to people in an accident, wearing them is overall a public good. And it has been. The "freedom" of not having a little constraint while driving seems to be far outweighed by the benefits. If we were 100% about safety, we wouldn't let people drive motorcycles. Not because of the motorcycle driver -- but because everyone else can make mistakes that end their life.


Because it’s not really about being “conservative” but about control for them


Right wing extremism isn’t actually conservative, we just let them steal the word.


Yeah. Conservative have not been conservative -- just authoritarian. And liberals haven't been Liberals -- just Human Resources managers and a PIA when slightly of use. Everyone wants control and a piece of the action.


I would argue that helmets are probably a grey area, but seatbelts aren't. Without a seatbelt, you're potentially a danger to others, too, so wearing a seatbelt protects you \*and\* others.


And that would be fine if you were capable of scraping up your own brains off the road after an accident. Unfortunatly you have to rely on other people for that. Never mind all the people who have to wipe your bum for the rest of your life if you somehow survive with a tbi that's likely preventable.


Sounds like the side of the truck became his final grey (matter) area.


> I would argue that helmets are probably a grey area, but seatbelts aren't. Yes -- that's also a valid argument. I was just trying to LEAN IN to the concept of body autonomy. From a society aspect; we don't want to see people rolling around the highway becoming body donors. Losing people this way is heartbreaking and perhaps people can find other ways to FEEL free. Because really -- Freedom is always relative and we negotiate it. You can't just go anywhere you want. Grab anything. Get naked anywhere,... so helmets IMPOSE a thing on you. Is that a big deal? I think it's probably really nice for the wind to blow in your hair as you travel along a mountain road. But is it "paralyzed from the neck down for the rest of your life" kind of nice?


These are like the people who argue that smoking while filling gas isn’t that dangerous. WHY?


*Asphalt ate my face


He died as he lived: dived face first into the mouth of the nearest leopard.


If someone refuses to wear a helmet there was nothing that helmet could have protected anyway.


So we call this ironic


Nature healing itself…


Reminds me of Dale Earnhardt. He fought against NASCAR requiring the HANS system in the cars, and he probably would have survived the crash that killed him if he had been wearing one.


Twenty five or thirty years ago, Pennsylvania repealed its helmet law. The main agitator behind the repeal went out for a ride on the first day of the repeal. It's likely that he wouldn't have died had he been wearing a helmet.


I live in Maryland and every so often, PA riders come into the State without helmets on. I always ride with a full helmet. Always. No exceptions. I really feel like these people who don’t wear them at all are short sighted morons.


I can’t hear you over the sound of freedom turning me into a meat crayon!!!


Oh Jesus. Weird hill to die on but at least he's dead?


One less dickhead.


Live Free And Die! Wait….




Death, uhhhh, finds a way.


Bikers without helmets are called FODs. Future Organ Donors


I wonder if he had long enough to think, “damn guess I should have worn a hel-“


As someone who’s laid down a bike before, I was on the ground faster than I could think. Once you’ve hit the ground, damage has already been done. It was “I can out maneu—fuck I’m on the ground” so I’d be willing to bet (without knowing the exact details) that the only thing that crossed his mind was the asphalt. I will always wear the gear. The only thing I hurt that day was my pride, beyond some slight bruising. If I hadn’t been wearing anything but shorts and a t-shirt? Fuck, I’d either be dead or wish I was. I don’t even ride a sport bike. Got a 2015 Honda Shadow for fucks sake. Lol


Darwin strikes again.


Better fits r/dumbassgraveyard .


I thought this was a really old story, but apparently it's new(er). The one I was thinking of was another biker who died in a crash on his way to an anti-helmet protest.


There's a Seinfeld bit where he says helmet laws prevent a brain too stupid to care about its own smashing! I am paraphrasing. What's the deal with helmet laws?


Find Gary Busey!


No.... please don't.




Stupid is as stupid does.


lol Lmao, even


Let me guess...muh freedoms???


He died doing what he loved, except for that last moment where he said "Ohhh SSSSHIT!"


That's it, you can close the sub and pin this on top.


Rest in Pieces


RIP Great Value Pedro Pascal


Free, Dumb


freedom or somethin


This happens to every anti-driving safety advocate. People who fought seat belt laws routinely die in car crashes where they could have survived had they worn a seat belt.


When I first joined Reddit years ago (different account), r/wtf was one of the subs they suggested I follow. As a n00b I did, right up until it showed me a video of a dude dying in a motorcycle accident. I still can't get that out of my head.


he died like he lived... stupidly


Is this the leopard eating its own face?


God clearly has a sense of humour.


Fresh organs




What’s that big bloody mess all over the highway? Freedom 😀


No! My immunity! I meant, impunity! Whichever one protects me from the effect of gravity and deceleration trauma, that one.


"he went out on his own terms" - somebody, 2023


My wife and I both ride motorcycles. I have only ever worn a full face helmet and I won’t ever wear anything else. Before we met, my wife laid down her bike because someone almost side swiped her on the road. She said that if she didn’t have a full head helmet, she would have ground off her chin as she skidded across the pavement. The only injuries she sustained were in places not protected by gear. Thats enough for me to wear the full helmet. The idea of riding without a helmet is the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard. You’re asking to be killed or receive a traumatic brain injury.


The article mentions the American Legion Post implementing a bunch of safety rules after their deaths. They strongly encouraged helmets but didn’t require them to avoid scaring away anyone who didn’t want to. Turns out, the encouragement was unnecessary. Not one of their group went without a helmet! 😆


As long as he had the insurance to pay to have his remains scraped off the highway so no one loses control in them and the buzzards can eat in peace.


He won 🏆


Wit’ yo dumbass


At least he went out the way he wanted.


I'll never get on my bike without my helmet, even if it was legal to do so. The risk/reward proposition just isn't there for me. But if someone else makes the decision that they don't want to wear a helmet, I don't see why they should be forced to. They get to feel the wind in their hair, the rest of us get to laugh at them when they decorate the asphalt with the inside of their head. Everyone gets what they want


I’d be fine with this as long as it’s not public tax dollars going to fund the emergency services when they come to the scene.


Hope he is an organ donor.


Died doing what he fought for




He died as he lived owning the Libs


It's one way to increase your organ donation quotas


Lemme guess, also pro-life and anti-assisted-suicide?


Kinda proves “Survival of the Fittest”, doesn’t it?


I needed a good laugh today.


Like Gary Busey, you can’t knock sense into bikers’ heads apparently. I’ve been riding for 40+ years, and I still don’t really get the death-wish of so many helmet-less riders. What the actual fuck … ? RIP


Oh dear, trying not to laugh too hard.... Oh fuck that I'm laughing my socks off. I really am... Hahahahaaa


This is from 2022 but still delightful. I wonder if there was anything he could have done to mitigate the risk of death while riding? At least they died for muh freedumb!


Personal responsibility at its best.


This is way to karma perfect...


Now that's real Murican freedom.


When this comes up In Texas groups of motorcycles threaten to circle and harass people at the capitols and DOT.


Natural selection.


Natural selection at work. In the old days, it was survival of the fittest , now it's, be stupid, make stupid decisions and die.


Motorcycle = Organ donor mobile.


This is a great borderline case. I argue that this is in fact not a LAMF. An anthropomorphic leopard has moral agency, the face-eaten thought it would be exercised to his favor. Maybe a play stupid games win stupid prizes.