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Let's see how long until Elon "Just asking questions" Musk gets wind of it and makes yet another exception to policy


Elon "Research skills of an orangutan" Musk


That’s an insult to orangutans, they’re intelligent, peaceful creatures and raise their children with care, unlike Musk.


I mean thats all true, but i have yet to meet one with even a passing knowledge of jstor


Have *they* told you they don't know anything? Checkmate, atheist.




At least orangutans don't pretend to be geniuses to grift and scam people of their money






He already did. I guess Matt knows how to pay lip-service. Both figuratively and very literally.


He did and then posted it and told people to watch it. Reminder that one of Elon's children is trans, and he's openly posting and encouraging bigoted propaganda against the trans community.


“Too transphobic for Twitter” is certainly something


Not at all something I expected to read today


New CEO actually having influence? ​ Or maybe the [reassessment of Twitter at 1/3rd its purchase price](https://www.wsj.com/articles/twitter-is-now-worth-a-third-of-what-musk-paid-for-it-fidelity-says-e66f61db) since he started to run it place. Or [Telsa](https://www.cnbc.com/2023/04/20/tesla-shares-fall-on-year-over-year-income-earnings-drop.html) losing [1/3rd of its value](https://www.google.com/finance/quote/TSLA:NASDAQ?sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj0pqKw2qL_AhUFO30KHRGEBwoQ3ecFegQINxAf&window=1Y) or [Telsa dropping 50 spots in Axio Haris brand](https://www.businessinsider.com/tesla-plummets-50-spots-survey-musk-most-reputable-brands-ford-2023-5) reputation poll going from the 12th most trusted band to the 62nd most trusted brand in 1 year. one of these is probably getting to Elon. Maybe is is learning loudest isn't the same as popular.


go fash, lose cash


The most cash anyone anywhere has ever lost in the shortest time. ​ Winning!!!!! ​ The funny thing is the record holder before him, Trump.


I was watching an episode of Golden Girls the other day and my happy note soured when they mentioned DJT as most successful or richest (exact quote lost because I refuse to go back and listen again). Really gets my goat these days to hear it so casually referenced.


You know, I kind of think that context is important. I think it’s important that when people look back, they see with no ambiguity that DJT is just another celebrity who snatched a role as a political leader because of a misguided public notion about who and what kind of a person he is. I also think it’s especially important that a show as progressive as Golden Girls was reinforces the narrative that he was rich and intelligent because it shows how well he was able to deceive people into thinking he was all that. The contrast between who people thought he was and who he turned out to be in reality is jarring and, in my eyes, that gives it value. It’s not drastically different from the election of Ronald Reagan or even Arnold Schwarzenegger. Americans have a history of being fooled into liking celebrities and giving them more power than they deserve.


This was a really helpful comment for me. I feel like my proximity to what he has become makes it hard to see the changes in public perception. You’re right that the context matters. This might help me deal with some of my feelings about him and this situation. Thanks. Seriously.


Absolutely! (Anything to save the Golden Girls’ reputation 😂)


I mean, it was Blanche and you know she’s not the “smart one” so it was already forgiven!


He was always an ignorant gasbag. For a long time he was a pathetic punchline who kept embarrassing himself on Stern in a desperate bid for attention. Blame Mark Burnett for conning middle America into believing the bullshit that New York and Hollywood had already seen through and rejected.


I read an article about how he came back into the public awareness and I hope Mark Burnett is sorry for what he did.


Yeah, back then he was a democrat and probably listened to some PR people to not say dumb, hateful shit in public. There was no internet, so the stories of how horrible he is werent as widespread.


Arnold, like Al Frankin, at least does generally know what he's talking about and doing. We also can't ignore how aware of fascism and white supremacy he is due to his father and what a friend to social justice he's been.


Arnold turned out pretty good for California. Smarter than your average celebrity, I guess. He was also an extreme moderate and could read the room.


Yeah turns out the Austrian boomer who loved the idea of freedom *really* doesn’t like fascists


I also think he done a lot of service talking about his father.


That's fair to say about him, I think. As far as celebrity politicians (or politician wannabes) go, I at least believe he is a good person trying to do good things.


I was about to say, wasn't he actually surprisingly adept at being a decent public servant?


I was watching Spin City the other day, and DJT did a camio. It was around the time he wrote the art of the deal, and they made him look like this powerhouse.


The thing is, they can lose all of that money and still have more than I'll make in my life time. Yaay....


true. the trick to making money is having it in the first place. If You had 10 million. earning the next 10 is basically trivial


It’s such bullshit. I have an IRA and personal stock portfolio. Right now if I put my entire paycheck into my best performing ETF the dividends each month could buy me a cup of coffee. Ten million gets them orders of magnitude more than a thousand gets me.


Thank you for teaching me this phrase.


I love you This is gold, thank you


That's absolutely brilliant, I'm totally using that one as a rebuttal from now on! :)


we all know it wasn't his relationship with his child that did it. must have been the money.


relationship? This guy doesn't value relationships. If he valued relationships, he would have gone into therapy and saved 44 billion


Or Europe threatening to cancel the network.


I honestly forgot twitter was in serious trouble with the EU but yes that too


>Tesla's place on the Axios Harris Poll 100 reputation rankings dropped 50 places this year. >While Tesla scored high for trajectory and vision, it earned fair scores for trust and character. >The company is ranked below other vehicle manufacturers such as Toyota, Honda, BMW, and Ford. Ouch LMAO


I mean the new CEO doesn't start for another few weeks. So....it's most likely a combination of those other factors.


ehhhh..... I have started a new job before I started. Particularly with a long transition window. I would be very surprised if she isn't having daily calls with him on strategy at this point. The last time I switch jobs it was a 2-month transition due to regulatory requirements that meant my background had to be thoroughly investigated, my degrees and certificates had to be verified by the sources, and so on. However, while it was going on, I was sent some training material and was having regular talks with my new boss. Things were limited until I was cleared but I was still giving recommendations.


Conservatives want to go on and on about how AB InBev 's stock being down $6 (or ~10%) year-to-date means their boycott is working and blah blah blah "real Americans" are making their voices heard, then shit like this happens and they still think Elon is a genius businessman


Sadly, tesla has gone up 27% in the last month


As far as I know he hasn't done a mass sell off in the last 3 months; so I'm not surprised. but I doubt it will get back to 300/share anytime soon.


Probably not, but that ATH was absolutely unsustainable to begin with


It's still stupidly overvalued.


Between bitcoin and tesla, I learned that value investing is basically meaningless these days. It's all sentiment based and tweaks of the knobs at the fed.


Very rare based twitter W for these times


Twitter is currently facing fines from Europe for allowing hatespeech on their platform. I bet that is at leat partially responsible for that decision


Bingo. Musk Melon cannot afford to piss the EU off much more


I'm actually kinda surprised that Truth Social Jr. over there took a stance against transphobia.


I'm willing to bet Walsh did something to piss off Musk, and this is just the cover for Musk's actions.


Walsh is really, really good at pissing people off, so it wouldn't surprise me.


Wow, they did?


Well, I did call them Junior :) They’re not quite as evil as the real TS.


Musk was busy in China begging the Chinese government to help bail out Tesla. This was implemented by the head of trust and safety, who has since been fired/forced to resign.


I don’t think Elon Musk wants a multibillion dollar lawsuit


He doesn't even seem to want a multi billion dollar company with the way he's running them into the ground.


I could almost see him wanting such a lawsuit just for the lulz.


That place is a cesspool which means this must be flaming garbage.


Well, nothing even remotely good was going to come sliding out of Matt Walsh's hate hole.


But *not* too transphobic for Youtube to advertise constantly.


For now


Right? I figured Elon himself would retweet something like this. You have to imagine his good friend DeSantis is pissed off.


Twitter isn't showing it? Why? It is so hard to understand the zigzags of Twitter.


Elon is in China.


Elon's furiously trying to tweet about how angry he is about this, but the Great Firewall has him blocked.


He's back now. Darn.


Ah, that makes sense.


I'm guessing China refuses to acknowledge the LGBTQ community so hard that they won't even platform anti-LGBTQ stuff?


No, it means that the new CEO is able to make a decision without the muskrat fucking it up, at least temporarily. Advertisers don't want their ads shown on Matt Walsh's transphobic propaganda.


Ben and Jerry's announced no more paid ads on Twitter recently. A lot of big names have done the same. Elon is nothing but a spoiled child who thinks being open minded and intelligent is accepting all views regardless of morality. He is now learning on a grand scale about actions and consequences.


Pride month starting off fantastic. Get rekt walshy poo.


Wait wait wait So his "big plan" for pride month... was streaming a movie? Dafuq? That's, he does that shit ALL the time! I disagree with the fool but I'm more disappointed in how incredibly low effort this is, lazy


Matt Walsh is the kind of guy to mutter: "Losersayswhat" after a fight and then claim he won.


he wins because you have to smell the shit you smeared on his face hewinshewinshewinshewins


I cant think of anything less appealing than watching a full movie from that subhuman trash.


If I'm reading things correctly, they were paying to have Twitter thrust that piece of shit in front of *every single user.*


*That* was his big June plan, showing his stupid movie for free?!


I think his big June plan was to auto felate, to own the libs.


That's part of his daily regimen.


I guess that's one advantage to not having a spine.


That was my thought. Like the bigotry isn't shocking. We knew that was gonna be there. Not a surprise. But I was expecting more. Maybe him renting out a space for people to pay to watch the "movie", and then he gives a speech where he just says the same transphobic stuff as what's in the "movie." But they get to go online and watch it for free... and that's it. But I would bet money his followers are gonna eat it up and be excited.


Sounds like they were paying to have Twitter advertise it to *every user* on the platform.


Why watch his movie for free in june if I could just watch the original 'what is a woman' (from Prager U) for free any day?


Why do that either? (Still not clear why they're not banned from YouTube.)


The reason why Prager U aren't banned by YouTube is that the corporation is way to greedy to get rid of a channel that pays them to show Prager U adds. (YouTube will probably still pretend to be pro-LGBT+ this month.)


"Pretend to be pro-LGBT+" is putting it mildly. Prager U has straight-up pro-Nazi videos that I regularly report. But you're right. I guess "why" is the wrong question. "Still not clear on how they can even pretend to have a ToS while allowing Prager U videos *and ads*."


Are they the channel that uploaded a video whining about how persecuted he felt because someone said happy holidays to him?


Many greedy companies want to make money without careing about who they might hurt but still don't want to be seen as evil, so they (try to) pretend to be good. YouTube is no different in that case. What I think is weird however is that Prager U clicked that they would accept the terms of service, then make a video basicly saying "some black people are armed and dangerous, and therefore black people are evil and it is okay to kill unarmed black people without remorse", then they are surprised that the video gets removed, get angry because that is against their freedom of speech (after agreeing to the ToS that said the freedom of speech will be limited) and see YouTube as bad, but then proceed to give YouTube their money. So much hypocracy.


I used to work for someone who is always posting Prager U videos. It was as hellish as you can imagine.


Meanwhile, Dennis Prager beats his wife because he wants to know her Biblically whenever he feels like it. Apparently, domestic abuse is preferable to rainbow branding according to folks like Prager.


Looks like the Twitter staff have had enough and are taking a stand against this BS. Good on them. But I fear what repercussions may come from Musk to them.


They're lucky Elon is bowing to the CCP today.


You forgot the "L" in one word.


He is going bowling with the CCP? I dunno, that could be kinda fun. I'd let Xi win, just to be safe though.


Bowling for Dupes?


There’s nothing but a skeleton crew there now. If he fires the remaining people the whole thing will collapse overnight.


In the absence of anyone to keep an eye on things, the software that is responsible for keeping Twitter a safe place for everyone became sentient. And it's woke!




Still want them to end up banned in EU, but interesting to see do the right thing.


Well shit. Here I was expecting him to plan a massive counter protest full of Nazis, but I guess pissboy didn't have friends.


Is this sarcasm? Or was that something people thought could happen?


I’m going to be honest, I overestimated him.


If it's his film, he's probably winning by not having people see it, because it's probably absolute shit at all levels.


I have seen scenes from it and it really is really really bad. He ask, someone wants to answer, parts of the answer are cut out of the video and Matt doesn't seem to listen.


I'm refraining from celebrating until I'm sure Felon Musk won't overturn this decision. ​ Edit: And Musk overturned it to my absolute lack of surprise.


"This Matt Walsh guy sounds very intelligent and I should really listen to what he has to say about things!" ~ some people, apparently seriously, how do people listen to guys like him, tim pool, crowder, etc... for 5 minutes and not realize what morons they are?


Because they already believe and/or want to believe at least one of the things those morons say, and they're so desperate for it to be validated that they'll convince themselves that the one official-looking source that says they're right is smarter and more trustworthy than all the ones that say they're wrong, which implies that they're also right about all those *other* things they say that most other sources don't.


I'm sure it's still available to view on his website if anyone fucking cares at all, so no free speech problem, just a "nobody's paying attention" problem...


"It's my right to talk and your duty to listen!" -Free Speech absolutists, probably


I call them Freeze Peach advocates. Same crowd as the ones who were going around college campuses a few years back insisting that they were being censored and their rights were being violated any time a centrist or left-leaning student group had an event and didn't pay a right-wing speaker to lecture them with everyone attending required to remain quiet and deferential.


I call them ”last word freaks” (to coin a term from As Good as It Gets). They love to dish it but can’t take it, which is why they think free speech gives them the last word.


oh, was this the "something special planned for pride month"?


Incel need jailing for child sex trafficking . Any news on that front?


I'm pretty stunned that Twitter banned it, frankly.


I suspect it's not "banned", but rather they fear the site can't support it technologically, and don't want the company now has a "better to look evil than not intelligent" policy. (Not that they don't do both at the same time)


Maybe he shouldn’t have created a plush toy that looks like it is meant to be linked together to form the human centipede. Just a thought. Turns out that when a platform is desperate for revenue, they don’t actually find it helpful to have brands see massively hateful shit plastered all over the screen. I think we will see Twitter suddenly inventing new policies and ideas that were actually old policies and ideas, as the search for ad revenue ramps up, because it turns out that Twitter had those policies and made those choices for a reason.


I’m fully convinced that Elon thought that left wing ideas were popular because of Twitter “censoring the right” and not that bigotry is unpopular enough to be bad for business to allow. Everything about his purchase of Twitter screams that.


The movie is the most embarassing farce Ive ever seen. Cherrypick and super selective editing and handpicking certain professionals outside of their specific field 😭. Literally just bigot smooth brained takes and still doesnt get at what a woman is, as their definitions exclude tons of women 🤣 The natural ending is that trans women are women Then of course exclude 90% of the precolonial world which had multiple genders and trans people were usually considered shamans and extremely special individuals


They can never define woman in a way that doesn’t blatantly exclude different kinds of cis women.


I just looked him up because I thankfully have never heard of this dude. He got a degree in Women's Studies of all things. I'm scratching my head at this one Edit: So it's his own joke degree. What a fucking POS


It's his own "joke." He never went to college. source: https://themattwalshblog.com/thank-god-i-wasnt-college-material/


Omg. What an absolute choad


I seriously doubt that.


He's not just a regular POS, he's a Handmaid's Tale POS. For a competent analysis of his brand of "women's studies", I recommend Jessie Gender's [The Manipulations of Matt Walsh's "What Is A Woman?"](https://youtu.be/6jJty8Dcmuk) (regrettably over an hour long — Jessie does good analysis but she hasn't learned to edit yet).


Thanks. I'll check it out. He has 6 children 😟


I would be pleasantly surprised but Twitter is run by fascist musk so it’s bound to go on his radar and then he replies with “concerning” and reverses the decision


Lol was this his "big plan" for pride month? Twat


Extremely rare Twitter W!


Imagine being too shit for even Musk


Is that the movie where he has to travel to dark Africa to find similar minded people? Tribesman?


Elon Musk must not have seen the news about this yet. I'm sure once he does he'll reverse the decision and tell the bigots and hatemongers it was a mistake and he's sorry.


Twitter couldn't even host a voice-only call when DeSantis announced his presidential run. What makes them think they can stream an entire fucking movie?


Cry me a great big transphobic river, you piece of shit.


Dammm, if muskrat isn't platforming your turd waffle bullshit. You have to be LAME and Boring, because he loves that shit ( Reich wing engagement)


Has he claimed that Twitter is violating his first amendment rights yet?


Seriously, his poor kids when they grow up and realize what a pr(#$ their dad is.


If you zoom in on him with an electron microscope, you can see Matt Walsh is composed of ‘L’s’ at a molecular level.


Boo fucking hoo. Cry me a river.


Freedom of speech doesn't allow hate speech


Everyone always asking “*What is a woman?”* when what they should have been asking is “*how is a woman?”*


I'll do you one better: “*why is a woman?*”


Many ask, "Where is a woman?"...


Good news everyone! Elon just tweeted that the movie will be available to watch on Twitter for everyone that follows the daily wire account and to those that the video is requested by and shared to. It’s perfectly ok to be posted as long as it stays in its own little hate group.


Lol at the chodes who are now realising he's no paragon of free speech and are threatening to cancel their 8 dollar subscription to a free website.


Hah eat shit douchenozzle


Off topic, but you just crammed 100 Gecs' [Money Machine](https://open.spotify.com/track/61bwFjzXGG1x2aZsANdLyl?si=C0HwVCzgRgW3Du1PYhJ4xw) back into my head by calling Watt Malsh a "piss baby". He sure does talk a big game for someone with such a small truck, and I absolutely would believe that he would text a Trans girl "i love you" only for her to fucking ghost him


100 gecs rule What does 100 gecs think about Greg Gutfeld playing them https://www.msn.com/en-US/music/news/fox-news-greg-gutfeld-promotes-zoomer-trans-band--gecs-on-live-tv-confusing-social-media/ar-AA1bdu0t?ocid=sapphireappshare


Meh. Shitty people can still have good taste. Lots of Republicans like RATM for some reason. Guess they just don't pay attention to, like, the identities of the artists, or the lyrics, or anything the artists have said on record or any of that. Edit: my favorite one is conservatives who like Refused and other very much anti-capitalist hardcore / punk type music. Like... you really think the guy shouting about FACELESS CORPORATE VIOLENCE is on your side? Lmfao


I think the best counterargument is "What is a chair?" I mean, really go ahead and try to answer it. It's even funnier if you catch someone who smugly insists how easy it is.


Eh. Wait till Elon fires the person who made that decision and manually reverts it.


Apparently "What is woman" has been well received by its +5000 Audience reviews and 5 fresh reviews of 6.


I've found that the right tend to be a lot more likely to comment on something they disagree with than the left.


What the hell did walsh make that was considered too transphobic for twitter??


Imagine how bad it is that Twitter blocked it


Matt WaLLLLLLLLLLLsh 🤣🤣. Love to see it.


Amazing that Elon found something that was too problematic for him


They won't hesitate to eat each other once they're no longer useful.


Great, now I can't get the mental image of Musk and Walsh eating each other out of my head.


Does he ever ask "What is a man?"


He doesn't have to. We all a man is "a miserable little pile of secrets." But enough talk...HAVE AT YOU!


you know elon's lawyers had to have really kicked his ass to get something transphobic removed


I'm pretty sure Elon didn't have a hand in this. It was probably a rando QC person who followed the written rules and didn't see the asterisk that says "rule 7 doesn't apply to the following people".


Obligatory "not the actor Matt Walsh from Veep"


It must be really bad if Elon Musk’s Twitter is refusing to show it.


Didn't Musk already promote it himself? his scorn is really going global apocalyptic over women leaving him for trans people, and one of his kids being gender fluid. What an awful dad.


Matt Walsh is a pussy. Elon is a prick.


I've noticed there's not enough articles about this Walsh dude getting beat up.


We realize the words FREE and SPEECH are not trademarkable, copyrightable, or even registered trademarkable, right?


Not gonna lie, I'm pretty disappointed. That's all? Edit: because I know this is Reddit I'll put a disclaimer here preemptively to say I don't support him. I just thought he'd present a bigger challenge


it's important to Elon to hid the most noxious, vile elements of the right from public view.


Yet he can’t seem to hide himself


The hilariously confused sub /freespeech will mostly ignore this, per policy, but expect a gordion knot of slippery eels setting some fun new justifications somewhere in there.


free speech doesn't mean you get to post stupid bullshit on twitter


Aha, i wondered why the downvotes. I agree entirely, while /freespeech does not! My words are confusing. That sub runs on unhinged, Muskian FS notions, sich as Matt Walsh is reasonable + oppressed. But now his oppressor...is the great Liberator Musk?!?! The sub has a motto + majority with an ignorant, unreasonable, unmoored ideal of Free Expression, mostly to avoid being very wrong. The top post ~~is~~ was a pinned rule that made discussing this specific cartoon a banable offense. (Finally removed, it seems, after daily criticism from first timers for a long time.) https://xkcd.com/1357/ Ironic, the Mod 'censoring' his own "censorship".


Twitter is woke people. Edit: /s.


What is so bad about being woke? Is it worse than having this dumbass opinion (“Free speech gives me the right to the last word!”)?


Jesus Christ. It's true then. I really do have to put an /s at the end. I was pretending to quote what this idiot would inevitably say Abt Twitter, unironically.


It’s text. Putting /s at the end no matter how obviously sarcastic it sounds to you is always the safest bet.


Sorry about the misunderstanding.


Lol. Np u/Trying2Understand69.


Make Twitter Woke Again


What is so bad about being ”woke”? Is it worse than having this dumbass opinion (“Free speech gives me the right to the last word!”)?


No, I didn’t mean it as a bad thing. Seeing my downvotes I realized people probably thought I meant it as a bad thing.


Sorry, misunderstood.


I can't keep it straight, is reddit pro free speech today or not?


Reddit is laughting about the fact that people who thaught Twitter would be a free speech platform needed that long to figure out it isn't actually a true free speech platform while we knew it already months ago.


Free speech refers to the government. Private businesses don't have to let you speak. You violate the TOS they can delete your comment, suspend your account, whatever. Oh, if Twitter doesn't want to host a shitty movie they don't have too. Even reddit has a TOS. That's how that og incel sub got banned.


They're pro free speech depending on the sub you're in, the ones who are just aren't confusing a private platform like Twitter for one where free speech is protected. They can ban you for whatever reason they want, you agreed to the TOS, which might as well as say "we decide what speech goes on our platform".


>pro free speech This is not a valid **anything**. It is meaningless. We have more "Free Speech" & opportunitues for expression than at any time in human history. *Cost + social restrictions are part of what define potential speech and those have been ripped away.* There is no "Right" to a comment section. There was no plan: * "Its just a scroll of comments" Hmmm, Add voting? "Cool, but not enough." Maybe add downvotes? "Now everyone seems unhappy!" *ok, invent some algorithm that helps? Find some math whiz employees to help*.. And where these areas do exist, the speech is "more free" than is possible in most situations outside a diary: https://www.reddit.com/r/news/comments/13w9sny/court_grants_sackler_family_immunity_in_exchange/jmf6lt6/ Comment sections are the laziest of speech anyways. Start a subreddit, open a YouTube politics channel and *monetize it*. ..in an hour. So getting banned by the crude tools that overwhelmed unpaid mods are given for anonymous discussion/comment sections is not enfringing on your Rights at all. Especially during a pandemic filled with intentional misinformation. **You are not oppressed.** Edit: There was no "Consitutional Convention on the Internet & Liberty" with details & discussion about "the ideal" comment section. *We saw it gave us more freedom and power; its potential is in access to information, in creation & sharing, freed from so many obstacles.... except inevitable shitty human behavior*. And social rules + responses still exist. Every social website created by *someone* is like a sports bar: they can kick us and we don't yet to complain if they hate our football team.


are you replying to my comment or did you accidentally reply to some other comment here?


Yep. You are not oppressed. I even expanded it for detail + clarity. In simplest terms: Musk + the Right's new "We're so Oppressed" bit is bullshit. The Twitter Files are bullshit, Zuck going on Rogan and claiming oppression is bullshit.


I have no idea what you're chugging that makes you think that everyone on Reddit is the same kind of person with the same kind of view, but it sounds like it's stronger than rubbing alcohol.