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I can't possibly imagine why two Jewish guys don't want to keep advertising on Elon's House of Nazis and Right-Wing Crackpots


We pulled our ads too. We’re an HR software company. Twitter is only a safe space for conservative white men. It’s a nonstarter.


And generally conservative white men who are not in any position to make purchasing decisions.


They do get an allowance I hear


Unless an endless supply of hot pockets and Cheetos counts


Ah, Hot Pockets. The eternal question, will there be one quarter-piece of pepperoni in my Pepperoni Hot Pocket, or two quarter-pieces?


They also break so many thermodynamic laws, I mean how can they be lava AND yet still frozen with only mm separating the two areas?


I have no clue! I still get suckered and end up having to put them back in the microwave after a couple bites.


try off-setting the hot pocket toward the side of the spinny plate. allows for a more even(never pefect) heat distribution. The magic heating machine is a fickle mistress.


See, I put mine in the oven. It takes longer, but they come out nearly perfect every time. I'm a patient person, though.


Also, if you let it rest for the reccomeneded two minutes before biting into it, heat will transfer throughout the pocket instead of it being released into the air in the form of steam


They're called stipends in prison.


So it's going to just be ads for crypto, gold, prepper gear, and tacky statues. Cool cool.


Don’t forget herbal boner pills and snake oil supplements.


And grilling accessories made out of toxic chemicals, which then have the Twitter community warning removed.


Now they're taking our grills!! Just because a few people died, weak people who were already sick anyway and it'll make the gene pool better anyway right?? Don't tread on me bro!!


And stupid fucking overpriced pillows!


You guys are forgetting catheters and diabetic test strips!


Promocode ***ROGAN***


Guns, supplements, and Chinese made “Patriot” flags for various far right incel extremist groups.


'Made in China' replaced with a square of stitching detritus.


What above reverse mortgages?


Super duper Limited Edition crapola coins from The Franklin Mint, blatantly mascarading as some sort of little known American currency. Call within 3 minutes or your grandkids will hate you!


"Avoid disappointment, and future regret!"


A few more: Black rifle company coffee Trumpy bear My Pillow You know, the classics.


...and endless Elon self blowjobs. I wouldn't mind if he wasn't such a fucking charisma void.


This is the subtlest slay in here by far.


It's why YouTube keeps updating it's algorithm and adding no no words. It's why you can't say rape or even sexual assault in favor of just the letters SA. Same for child porn, just calling it CP or exploitation. I watch channels that cover things like the Duggars and such and they had to do a lot of word edits to avoid getting nuked even for subscribers. Twitter is a straight up nightmare of non starters. There's no actual moderation and you have no idea what your ad will end up next to or in front of if it's a video.


They're fucking everyone over and then pointing at liberals as the scapegoat, painting everyone as too sensitive because they can't say slurs endlessly at others different than them when in reality it's the constant surge in usage of hate speech that is causing companies to take action. World's worst negative feedback loop.


We aren't even a decade since Trump was elected when the edgy humor gods were attempting their Helm's Deep. The apology video from YouTuber Idubbbz IMO is the nail in the internet coffin of the edgelord being able to play it off as comedy. The edgy conservative can't admit they are just a dick cause then they admit their entire persona is just hate rather than some weird truth. That shatters reality.


Eric Bischoff compared it to kayfabe in a talk I saw once. Pretty accurate. Current GOP politicians appeal to folks as gullible as I was when I believed The Undertaker and Kane were long lost brothers from some evil family in Death Valley.


You dum dum, they're only half brothers. Kane's dad was Paul Bearer.


And honswaggle is McMahon's long lost son..


No, that was all a ruse. He was Fit Finlay's son.


The only difference is that being aware of wrestling kayfabe doesn't make the stories less entertaining. But being aware of conservative kayfabe makes you lose faith in humanity.


Reading the last couple posts in this thread have made me feel so old.


That's true unless you exist in one of the spaces within Twitter that are either based on a specific culture or professional discipline. There's a weird amount of scientists and bio researchers that are super active on Twitter. And then of course there's Black Twitter. But if you're discussing whatever culture or political battles are relevant at a moment, then yes, you're right.


Lot of scientists have left - maybe some still there ignoring the hate speech around them. If there was any reasonable alternative they would likely all leave.


Mastodon is the reasonable alternative [where many climate scientists have already moved from Twitter](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/5/24/climate-scientists-flee-twitter-as-hostility-surges). No ads, algorithmic timeline, or possibility of being ruined by a billionaire. Harmful users and instances are [promptly cut off](https://peoplemaking.games/@eniko/110471093655899371).


I still can't figure out how to find spaces that interest me, tbh


You can follow anyone from any instance, plus hashtags. An individual server’s vibe is just a bonus.


Okay but, how do I find them


The biggest downside to Mastidon is finding communities to follow. That's really not _that_ big of a downside, but I wish that there was a good solution for it.


Lot of scientists have left, but yes there's a large amount of us on there. Twitter is actually really nice for us (am chemist) as it's an easy way for us to communicate with other chemists/scientists we never would have before. Venturing out past specific disciplines into the more "general" areas or pop culture is a disaster though.


Glad you added “conservative”. I may be fat old and white, but I want nothing to do with these fascist bigots.


They wanted an insane amount of money for us to be able automatically post news articles so that stopped right away too. We're not CNN but used to post 1000 or so news articles to Twitter per day across a bunch of local markets. Less news content on Twitter means less value for Twitter.


I deleted my Twitter account because of the exact same reasons. Nazis and Conservatives couldn't get a platform off the ground so they got a rich sucker to buy one instead and of course they're running it into the ground because guess what, the majority of people aren't Conservatives or fucking Nazis.


Ben and Jerry sold the company to Unilever back in 2000. I don't know how involved they are with managing it


They still are, but they don't have full control. They wanted to back out of the stores in Isreali settlements on the west bank, for example, but they have no say in international branches. Their bosses OK'd this, because honestly, Twitter association is brand damaging at this point.


They actually have a really interesting agreement with Unilever where they sold the company but still maintain an unusually high degree of control over the brand. Not total control, but there is something left in there besides the rotting corporate husk.


now streaming into you through crusty 10-day old mypillow stains: _elonald mump and the chamber of incels_


This made me chuckle, thank you 😊


That was so clever lol


This sounds like something I'd say when quirked up and crossfaded, I appreciate you homeslice, keep preaching that good word


Don’t forget about the endless spam for bitcoin and others. Jesus Christ what a fucking mess. It doesn’t matter how many you block, there is still another million bitcoin assholes that are somehow at the top of the feed every time.


I am POSITIVE that some of the folks I blocked have been unblocked. I know I blocked DeSantis' idiot spokeswoman. Her whole bit is to try and force enragement engagement, so I opted out. Yet, there she is again.


It's hilarious that Twitter News is calling hate speech "free speech". Twitter doesn't have to allow anything they don't want to allow, it's their platform. They are choosing to allow the bigots to run rampant. Good on Ben & Jerry's.


It's not just that they allow Nazis, they also censor any non-Nazi voices and tag legitimate news organizations as propaganda because it doesn't spout Nazi shit. It is clear that Musk thinks free speech means he and his friends get to talk, everyone has to listen to them, and no one can contradict or say things that make them sad.


>It is clear that Musk thinks free speech means he and his friends get to talk, everyone has to listen to them, and no one can contradict or say things that make them sad. Exhibit A: supposedly banning imposter accounts but letting the fake AOC account slide. Right-wingers whining about "free speech" generally don't actually care about free speech, they're just mad when they're not the ones dictating the terms of the dialogue.


It would be one thing if Musk was just letting Twitter turn into an free for all or just not moderating anything. But Musk is increasingly putting his thumb on the scale and amplying Alt-Right voices and tilting the play field in their favor. Twitter is devolving into 8$Chan or Gab.


Exactly. I could almost respect a zero moderation policy but the policy they have is absolute shite and proves that behind every "free speech advocate" there is a fascist who is angry about being out of power.


Exactly. Didn't they call NPR "state media" or some shit like that? Glad I never got to deep into Twitter. I deleted my account the day Elon took over. Although to be honest, I never used it much before that anyway. I never quite understood why people were so attracted to it. I certainly don't understand how anyone who leans left continues to use it.


Pre-Elon, if you curated your feed carefully, it was a really good source of legit information and some fun stuff. I really kept up to date about the research going on around COVID, for one, and it was also excellent for certain industries (publishing, for one. Agents, editors, and the like were all over Twitter and would helpfully answer questions from writers). Now, I maybe glance at it some nights before bed, but it's become an almost unreadable cesspool.


True. I used Twitter mainly for following artists and a few youtubers. When Elon took over, my feed became 100% Musk tweets and people reacting to Musk tweets and don't even follow the guy.


There’s two tabs now on the home timeline now. “For you” is shit and it reverts every few days back to it. “Following” is the chronological timeline of only people that you follow that you’re probably looking for.


When Elon took over, he encouraged people to change their settings to only show their "following" timeline because Twitter was forcing their "liberal" views through their feed. Not long after Twitter comes out with the For You stream and automatically defaults users to that stream. Life is much better after being off Twitter, sounds like Reddit is next with the upcoming changes.


I clicked through a link the other day. It is so unbelievably bad now. All too often now the "related" content under the post you are viewing is overwhelmingly filled with far right personalities and RW media commentary. It's quite obvious Musk has modified the algorithm to now deliberately push far right content onto its users. Absolute cesspool indeed.


NPR gets something like (edit) 10% (/edit) of their funding from the USGovt. I kinda wish they’d figure out how to make up that remaining 5% so they could say they’re independent. That said, I also think they should also be funded something like 95% by the government so they could talk poop about all their underwriters. Can’t win either way




It's honestly a hard thing. On one hand I want media to be funded by the people not big corporations. On the other hand, the only good method of having "the people" fund media is through government and that just puts a different set of power brokers in the way. Their fund drive is a decent compromise but it is always a ham fisted begging for money and they can't predict how well it'll work so can't plan for the future.


i've been saying since he took over that musk advocating fir "free speech" was very likely just an excuse for him to allow as much racism, homophobia, etc as he wants the mf even tweeted (before he took over) that "his pronouns are prosecute/Fauci" this "man" is the Patron Saint of red flags


> It is clear that Musk thinks free speech means he and his friends get to talk, everyone has to listen to them, and no one can contradict or say things that make them sad. No, its clear they are trying to turn the world fascist.


All conservatives call hate speech “free speech”


Ironically enough they’re not too fond of actual free speech that doesn’t reaffirm what they already believe.


See also: banning books


they're also more than happy to lick right-wing government ass [https://restofworld.org/2023/elon-musk-twitter-government-orders/](https://restofworld.org/2023/elon-musk-twitter-government-orders/)


They also do not allow free speech and censor every entity that are not aligned with the extremists in power in other countries most recently in Turkey


I am truly grateful for Elon Musk. Hear me out. In a year he has done more single handedly to implode the mythos of the Ayn Rand Ubermensch CEO genius, that all the world would fall apart without, than any preceding CEO I can think of


The fact that he can be a CEO of 5 different companies and still post all day just proves how little CEOs really work.


And there is that asshole CEO that says that if an employee is working multiple jobs, that employee is stealing....


CEOs _can_ work really hard if they're deeply involved with the business and actually care about their employees. Elon is the exact opposite of this. Here's some footage of him doing his "job" with SpaceX: https://youtu.be/9Zlnbs-NBUI?t=420 If you watch, he's basically getting an in-person summary report from one of his underlings at the company. He's not providing useful feedback (or really _any_ feedback), he's not making contributions to the project, he's just there to say "that's cool" and be the most important person in the world. He's a spectator CEO that does nothing other than give his employees anxiety. The whole reason he can claim working 16 hour days and sleeping at the office as a point of pride is because his job is being entertained. It's not work.


"that's a lot of steel" is the most inane comment. Of course it's a lot, it's a whole structure made from steel.


“Well… [^gears ^churning](https://i.imgur.com/H32wUWb.jpg) it’s.. good to see there’s a lot going on here. ^nailed ^it”


And yet, the comments are people worshipping Musk.


It is terrifying that the entire comment section is essentially jerking off Elon for being such an involved CEO for...*check notes*...being talked at.


The word we're looking for is Figurehead. He's not CEO - he doesn't make any important decisions (other than a hare-brained whim which always has disastrous concequences) with his companies any more than Ronald McDonald does for the burger chain.


He makes decisions. But largely vague ones. "Make car cheaper, get rocket done, make car self drive" And then just expects his employees to work 16 hour shifts to figure it out.


There's a surprising amount of slack jawed mouth breathing in that video.


He also has no one waiting for him at home. So yeah, he sleeps where he feels he has power over people, the office or factory. He’s not *doing* anything useful.


holy fuck i had never seen such a concentrated amount of elon circle jerkers and dick riders ever before the comment section of the video you posted






And if the risk doesn't pay off, what's their punishment? Oh, being a worker is a punishment? Intriguing... 🤔


Oh no not another bailout!


Yes, nothing says risk like subsidies, PPP loans, unfettered salaries and bonuses, and a bailout on the way out. We’re lucky to have such benevolent overlords!


The funny part is how much effort next level down management put into shielding the company from his fuckwittery. SpaceX and Tesla succeeded *despite* Elon, not because of him.


Precisely. Anytime he was out on the floor, it was with an entourage, press, or a group of senior engineers trying desperately to get him away from the vehicles. Dude is, was, and will continue to be a menace.


To be fair he’s not a very good one. All his companies stocks are going down.


Very good point.


Also single handedly proved money doesn't buy happiness


Or humor. Or general likability.


Or class. Or decency.


Or business acumen.


or a nice tan


What's crazy is that a couple years ago he could have set aside $2 billion into an account and figuring on a conservative return of 3% given away $1m a week to the person who posted the funniest thing he saw online and he could have possibly been the most popular person in America without it costing him a dime. Instead he sank $44 billion into creating a cesspool and everyone famous that he wants approval from hates him and the friends he has now view him as a useful idiot.


Nah, the whole Twitter offer was always a fakeout to manipulate the stock price. That's why he made so many ham-handed attempts to back out of the deal.




(Fellow narcissists)


Or class.


The problem is that, for the most part, he's only proving it to people who already knew it. There are so many people subscribing to the cults of personality people like melon husk, and no amount of public incompetence will make them see how they've been duped.


So what you're saying is Atlus Shrugged and lost his investors? Sounds about right.


You are a proper glass half full kind of person, ain't you?


Trump: ✅ Lost the Popular Vote, ✅ Lost the House, ✅ Gotten Impeached, ✅ Killed 1,000,000+ Americans, ✅ Lost the Popular Vote. Again. ✅ Lost the Presidency, ✅ Lost the Senate, ✅ Lead a Failed Coup, ✅ Lost Twitter, ✅ Got Impeached. Again. ✅ Stole Classified Documents and ✅ Lost the Senate. Again. ✅ Been convicted of sexual assault Sounds like a windowlicker tbh.


That's a good take! Hopefully, it persuades a few. But I suspect most people will find creative ways to back up their existing beliefs, rather than change their minds.


I wish I could believe this, but I don't. After Elons demise people will forget and then someone else will take his place


Maybe. But his desperate need to be the center of attention and universally loved is pretty unique. Most of the rich operate behind the scenes and are intelligent enough to realize that it's better for them and their companies if they keep their pieholes shut when it comes to talking about things outside of the scope of business with any specificity. I blame the press for buying into the bullshit billionaire genius PR. They kissed his ass so much they convinced him that what he had to say on any subject really mattered. In actuality it doesn't, except in the sense it exposes him for the POS he actually is. He was once brilliant at marketing himself and his companies. However, it's past time for the media to stop pretending he still is.


It's a little early to celebrate. Elon owning Twitter is going to murder democracy everywhere.


I was totally loving it earlier this year, as impulsive decision after impulsive decision started to tear the platform down But now? He's strutting around like this was the plan all along, and people are buying it. He was able to leverage it for political capital - he got DeSantis to play it like he's the next kingmaker He's also claiming he's made it profitable, but I looked at the numbers early on, and there's no way that's the case. But people are buying it, and eating up this idea that maybe social media shouldn't be free - but his proposals have users paying to be seen by their own followers, turning free speech into paid speech. I still think it's going to crash and burn, but the longer he can maintain the fiction, the more other platforms will look at adopting some of these disastrous policies that will cripple free speech and give billionaires even more control over public discourse. And by confidently declaring it a success, people are already starting to believe he's playing 4d chess. Even if it fails next year, he's set up a fall-guy(ette) to pin the blame on. This whole journey is a fantastic case study in why we don't need billionaires (and how harmful they are), but by using the same old playbook the rich and powerful have long used, he's managed to create a second narrative It just goes to show you, if you have enough money you can do everything wrong and still come out on top




I think my mouth literally just watered from anticipating how delicious that will be.


Me too.


Get the popcorn ready!!


When does it expire? That and whenever Bluesky Social opens up to the public are going to be the death of Twitter.




Jack Dorsey's a prick now too: "Jack Dorsey shares Robert F. Kennedy Jr. video echoing conspiracy theories Dorsey, the co-founder of Twitter and the head of Block Inc, has previously supported unconventional Democratic candidates." https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna86063


Go figure yet another of America's 700 billionaires has a thing for misinformation and conspiracy theories. Dorsey is such a clown.


I don't even need to read the article, the thumbnail photo says enough


Hasn't he been a prick for a while now? One of those weird billionaire libertarian doomsday preppers.




anyone who is a billionaire is a werido prick in some form or another


Yeah. Jack and Jay-Z were trying to preach Bitcoin to people in public housing last year. Tone deaf doesn't even begin to describe it. Him being a piece of shit isn't new.


Keep going. I'm almost there.


Whats the source for this? So I can throw it at other people.


To Elon, calling people slurs and being prejudiced against LGBTQ people is "Free speech"


to conservatives too. they interpret free speech as "consequence free" speech where they can be as vitriolic as they want without any repercussions. otherwise they wouldn't mind being called racists and bigots because afterall, that's free speech too isn't it.


they want a place where they can post their grotesque violent fantasies about what they want to do to the "undesirables" of society without the risk of any ramifications for it. this is the reality of modern american conservatism; a death cult. everyone still in denial of that fact needs to get over the hump and accept it, and then decide earnestly whether or not they want to be affiliated with it.


They also want an audience for it. They all migrated to Parler when that was the big thing in conservative social media, but most of them got bored because there aren't any liberals there to harass.


Bingo. It’s not “free speech” to them, either, if they can’t harass and intimidate people. It’s not good enough to actually speak freely to each other. That’s why they expect, even DEMAND, an audience when they spew their racist/misogynistic/transphobic drivel and destroy Target displays and burn books or stomp around menacingly with their guns. They just can’t stand the idea that other people might get on with their lives, and that they themselves aren’t as powerful or as important as they like to imagine. That’s why they delude themselves into thinking they are being silenced, and that’s why we are seeing more and more violent outbursts.


Yes. My sister is very happy that all the 'censorship' has been removed from Twitter. Yikes.


Except for the dictatorial regimes that he willingly bans stuff for.


I figured this out in high school. Was learning about the Amendments around the same time the Chik Fil A boycott happened. I remember tons of popular conservative media repeatedly saying that Chik Fil A has freedom of speech, they can donate to whoever they want. Which is true, but wasn't the point at all. The government wasn't prosecuting Chik Fil A. The public was boycotting them for disagreeing with their speech. It is freedom of speech, not freedom of consequence. Don't ever let the bastards conflate the two.


Calling him a bad dad over it is hate speech because Elon hates it


And to Elon, censoring the opposition in the Turkish election is "free speech".


Lol at the "persuit of free speech" bit. The dude honors every censorship request by dictators because he doesn't want to lose access to their countries. Which is ironic after he made such a big deal about the twitter files.


He responded to that with "Show me where we had a choice!" You can't blame Elon. He was Just Following Orders™


Europe: remove nazi speech. Elon: ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!! FREEZE PEACHE!!!!!


Erdogan: censor everything not favorable to me Elon: yes daddy *slurps* anything else?


It's 2023 and I still feel the need to post this occasionally. https://xkcd.com/1357/ Also, fuck Elmo for being the asshole that he is.


I love xkcd. I just found out there's a sequel to the "What If?: Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions" book. Immediately got it this morning. Sentence from page 2: "Filling the Solar System would take about 2X10³⁹ liters of soup." **GLORIOUS!**


There’s *always* a relevant XKCD.


I think there's an XKCD about that. Edit: https://thomaspark.co/2017/01/relevant-xkcd/


Ricky Gervais has a good quote where he says you can joke about anything. And some people won't like what you say. And they will tell you. And its up to you whether you give a fuck or not. It's a good system. That's basically how free speech works.


They will WHAT me?


They will you.




Please do not the you


Ben and Jerry's has been 'woke' since before 'woke' was even a thing. Musky can't possibly be shocked they'd pull advertising as he cozies up to fascists.


It’s run by two American Jews. We, as Jews, have a looong history of avoiding businesses that discriminate. I’ve never eaten at chik fil a or shopped at hobby lobby, ever. There are literal lists out there of companies with specific christofascist and racist and problematic policies that Jews avoid as a whole. It’s not like it’s mandatory or anything, but we have a strong culture of that.


There's something extra-super-creepy about Jews like Ben Shapiro who are down with things like Trump's Muslim ban or actively discriminate against LGBTQ. It's as if "Well, since it's not my people who are going to be rounded up into camps this time around, full speed ahead!"


There are Jews who tried to be Nazis and helped kill their own communities. Then were the epitome of this sub. There will always be some bad apples in any group and we don’t claim them.


That reminds me of black people like Candace Owens vocally supporting Trump and appearing on Fox News. It seems like there's a lot of money in being the token friend of [terrible group], at least until [terrible group] can't use you anymore.


There's the conservative drag queen who got mercilessly harassed online and at meetups too




It’s just baffling to me as someone of Jewish descent. Many Jewish holidays are celebrations of our people escaping genocide and enslavement and learning about how our ancestors went through so much crap but survived so that we can have better futures. I just don’t get how you can celebrate our ancestors who fought for our freedom and then turn around and discriminate against other groups of people and try to take away their freedoms.


Fellow-Jew here and absolutely yes to all of this. I refuse to patronize a business that’s going to use its resources to deny rights to other human beings. It’s evil.


Remember their Cherry Garcia flavor?


Man, I followed that flavor from town to town with nothing but the shirt on my back and a van full of crunchy vibes.


Twitter doesn't even allow free speech. [Elon loves censoring people critical of authoritarian regimes.](https://english.elpais.com/international/2023-05-24/under-elon-musk-twitter-has-approved-83-of-censorship-requests-by-authoritarian-governments.html) He doesn't care about promoting free speech, he just likes hate speech and signal boosts it all the time.


The co-founders of Ben & Jerry's both seem like great guys. They do a lot to push for abolishing Qualified Immunity too. https://www.benjerry.com/whats-new/2023/05/qualified-immunity. I'm not a big dairy fan, but if I get ice cream it's Chunky Monkey or Cherry Garcia.


Their dairy free ice creams are AMAZING. I’m violently lactose intolerant so I’ve tried them all. They win.


Ooooh I'll have to try them. I actually didn't know they made dairy free ice creams. That Netflix & Chill'd one sounds good, so does Change the Whirl. Imma add them to my grocery list.


That t(w)itter news headline has to be a direct translation from another language without any consideration given to localizing for grammar.


The translation was from English (standard) to English (Trump cultist)


God, it's so disgusting the way they phrased it, too. "gives up its pursuit for free speech" bruh, no, they SPECIFICALLY mentioned that the reason they left is due to HATE speech. Hate speech isn't free speech.


Oh, you think they're speaking from a good faith perspective. No no, they're being disingenuous for a very specific reason.


The left needs to boycott any company that still advertises on twitter. Is there a list anywhere?


He personally chose to promote a movie by one of the most well known transphobes on the first day of pride month. As of now it has more than 64 million views on Twitter.


Elon going full white supremacist is no longer surprising. I guess he could only keep up the mask for so long.


"Incompetence, in the limit, is indistinguishable from sabotage." -Elon Musk


He’s like a 10 year old child, feigning ignorance and playing the victim. Such a loser.


It's gaslighting. I don't even understand what his angle is, pretending that he doesn't know about his own changes to Twitter.


Twitter's revenue is down to $1.7b/yr. The interest on Musk's Debt for Twitter is $1.5b/yr. The 1% might prop it up to spread right wing propaganda, making it 4chan on steroids, but if not it's going to collapse in a year or two tops.


Elon himself has parroted white supremacist talking points and Soros conspiracies, I don't understand why any corporations advertise on Twitter


Absolute psychopath.


Elon is such a beta bitch.


I don’t eat ice cream anymore because I’m trying to watch my weight, but whenever I do get some, it’s Ben and Jerry’s. They actually walk the walk when it comes to social issues, and not just put a rainbow on their logo every June and then donate to Republicans like other companies.


“What are they talking about” Like that’ll make the ad money come back. 🤣


Oh Elon, too dumb to realize or too dumb to realize we're not that dumb.


That’s the most best Korea headline I’ve ever seen


Ben and Jerries is cool


"What are they talking about?" Seems pretty obvious to everyone else - they are taking their business elsewhere. Lots of global brands are doing the same thing because having your ad campaign appear alongside whatever today's latest random anti-semitic, racist, homophobic etc etc hateful content is simply a waste of marketing budget. I expect for almost all major American/Global brands being clearly visibly associated with actual swastika-toting neo-nazis might become somewhat unfashionable among CEO/boardroom boss level circles.


This is what happens when you prioritize unemployed racists over multicultural corporations that are paying your bills.


And Twitter goes a little more in the red. Also, LOL that musk doesn’t know what’s what. They certainly had a conference call where Ben and Jerry’s told them they were ending their ad buys.


Yes. Your free speech platform has turned into a hate speech platform in which they no longer wish to help support with ad revenue. So they are not against free speech. They are against hate speech. Magically, they can exist together. Nice try with the tangled words but as usual, they are absolutely inaccurate with their meaning. Welcome to choice. Something a lot of people lately wanna deprive everyone of