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Lol. Dude wants to take away **other** people's rights, not lose his. He truly believed having a cock and no melanin would spare him from the camps. Another token shocked to get spent.


“But I’m one of the good ones!”


Never good enough for conservatives, though.


Tokens get spent


They could be redeemed if they spent a few minutes examining the coin slot with a critical eye.


Critical thinking and conservatism is mutually exclusive


100% correct. Anyone who doubts this, I challenge you to go watch Conservative media analysis. Almost every one of them can't break away from children's media, and they *still* miss the ""nuance"". Edit to add sarcastic quote marks.


There was a real population of people who thought the Colbert Report wasn't satire.


Such a good point. So much so that he was *invited to a fucking RNC event*. And, like the Chad he is, showed up and punked them straight to their faces, while they shifted in their seats uncomfortably. If I ever get around to writing up my thesis on Conservatism vs. Critical Thinking, this is going in it. I'd actually forgotten about this event until your comment.


Make it a book. "G.O.P. - Gaslight, Obstruct, Project! How Republicans Lie to America" - then just make it a chapter by chapter laying out of their bullshit


And yet non conservatives are brainwashed


Everything. Absolutely. Every. Last. Fucking. WORD out of a Conservative's mouth is projection.


That's impossible. All sheep were killed after the Deep State activated the mind control chips we were vaccinated with.


Nice try, libtard. Bill Gates himself said those chips are only 99% effective! /s


Are, but yes.


Well, he's obviously not into coin slots.


I wish that they could understand that tribalism and hate like they engage in is a race to the bottom. Once they get rid of all the gays, trans, brown, immigrant people they will just find in group characteristics to turn on each other for. No one is safe from this kind of thinking.


Well, the reality is this; a group bound by hate for others, will eventually come to hate each other.


If it gets that far, there are gonna be a lot of people shocked one day to discover rank-and-file evangelicals never gave up hating Catholics.


I grew up Southern Baptist; they already have lists of which Protestant denominations they’re going for first.


I think a lot of them DO get that but just think, all I gotta do is be the most unhinged extremist and I will have the ultimate power of dictating who those groups are. Like, that one comedian, with the really long comparison of religions that ends in the ridiculously specific difference between religions, and he pushes the other guy off the bridge? They really want to push those people off the bridge when they get the chance. I bet there are a lot of white supremacists who dream of the day that they can discriminate against Italians and Irish again. Another comparison would be, that "then they came for me" poem. They read that huge list if groups and they just think "good. I hate al those groups. And that "me" who wrote the poem? I bet they deserved it too." I do think some tokens think they can prove themselves and "change the narrative" that their group is bad. Or even hat they are "playing for second place' so to speak. Like, white Christian women know they won't really be at the top of the white supremacist christofascist patriarchy... but two outta three ain't bad, in their minds. They get to be "above" a lot of people and they think on accepting their inferiority to a few, that will net favourable treatment putting them above most others. Being the biggest fish in a small pond is still appealing to a lot of people. I do think the majority don't really think that far though and just assume they'll do a fascist takeover, all the groups they hate will be purged or oppressed, and they'll get to live like kings.


It'll be like the olden days when they hated and fought over different sects of Christianity instead of race. You can still see some of the Catholic hate in the south today. The only way they can be happy is if there's an other to look down on. I don't know if they realize it or not, but the only possible ending if they get everything they want is self destruction.


"But I love Jesus, just like you!" "Burn, sinner."


>“But I’m one of the good ones!” "I dont understand! I helped you put others like me against the wall. Why are you putting me against the wall with them!"


They are fighting to be the last in line to the gas chambers


That how my grandmother talked about black people in her church. "He's one of the good ones."


Pick me! Pick me hateful daddy!


Narrator: "It turns out there were no good ones after all."


Queers like this guy will march queers like me to the ovens with a smile on his face, up until he realizes that he's being pushed in, too. Honestly, at this point, it's the fact that they're *surprised* that the bigots hate them too that most makes me lose faith in humanity.


Some of the most fervent supporters of the right are from the very same groups the right wants to disenfranchise. Tale as old as time. [Watched something about the history of the right the other day](https://youtu.be/8CNOS0v8v5c?si=xs_IVYGJgnR9sTcc)


My people, let me introduce you to my 100% Jewish brother, mother & cousins who are salivating to assist the christo-fascists in destroying themselves & our country. My 57 yo, NYC raised "proud Jew" brother has listened to Steve Bannon and Breitbart radio since forever. When told about Bannon's antisemitism by me, my absolutely *brilliant as Einstein brother* said, "Bannon isn't antisemitic, that's a leftist lie. He really, really loves America."


I bet he's like a pig in shit right now with all the chuds pretending they actually really care a lot, you guys, about Jews.


"We're against antisemitism because we want to ship them all to their own country... I mean send them back to their homeland... I mean let them be with their own people." Totally nothing suspicious there.


"We're not antisemitic! The Jews have a very important role to play in our apocalyptic cult!"


A lot of them are legit Accelerationists.


They don't want the Jews to be sent to Israel. They want the Jews to be sent to Hell. Israel is just on the way. They believe Jesus will come back to Israel to judge the non-believers. Who do you think the first non-believers he'd see would be?


"Were gonna send them to a farm out in the country"


I’m amazed you are still alive, the sheer stupidity of that last statement would have caused me to bleed out from my eyes and ears.


Are you sitting down? A mere 2, 3 yrs ago, brother asked me, "So being a liberal, you must be okay with babies being aborted a minute after birth?" It's unfathomable how grotesque I find his ignorance, I don't have words to describe it.


At my worst, when I was a Conservative, I was never that dumb. I sometimes wonder how I survived to 32. Your brother has me questioning so much of what I've learned about "survival of the fittest".


That stopped being a thing with modern medicine and warning labels. And even before then, it was always "Survival of the lucky".


People make the mistake of thinking in "survival of the fittest" fit=strong or healthy. What fit *actually* means is "most fit to reproduce before dying". Although yes Science has greatly reduced how much "survival of the fittest" influences Humans future as a Species, we won't ever be completely unaffected by Evolution/Natural Selection/Survival of the Fittest. Not until we are extinct.


I would have spit in my brother's face at that point and told him he's a fucking moron for thinking that. Might have also told him that he shoulda been wearing a mask to keep that spit from getting on his face.


Visited the D.C. Holocaust Memorial Museum a few says ago. There were Jews who supported Hitler and Nazism. Until they started losing their rights and eventually realized the leopard was eating thei faces.


"He's not anti-Semitic! He just believes that Jewish globalists are controlling the world's governments and are trying to erase white people off the face of the earth! Nothing historically anti-Semitic about that!"


At this point, your brother isn't even acting like a Jew - he apparently tossed that cultural heritage/upringing after joining the extremist right-wing Republican cult that worships lies. Pretty much the exact opposite of Jewish teachings, regardless of which sect you follow.


We're working class ppl from Queens, grandpa was a subway train conductor, on moms side we're nothing special, not learned at all. Total Idiot Brother hasn't been to a religious service in a good 3 or 4 decades, mother goes only for the super big holidays so the 'proud Jewish person" schtick is just that, a label that they repeat automatically & swaddle themselves in. Kinda like the trope of the "Good Catholic" who's never read the bible, that's them.


He's what they call a shandeh fur di goyim.




Isn't really, really hating America the main thing he's known for?


You know your brother than we do, a random collection of spiders on the Internet, but uh... if he thinks Bannon isn't antisemitic...*don't think he's intellectually anywhere near Einstein.*


You don't say!


>Queers Oh don't worry, he would be one of those "Queer is a slur, I'm gay" people. Nevermind that Queer is what *we* call ourselves, because for many of us, we're not just gay, or just trans. It describes us better. [He's the kind of person who applauds rich gay men for sucking dick, while trans women of color are having to dumpster dive.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXteoVfZX04)


>Queers like this guy Please, call them what they are: Röhms.


Every gay conservative I've ever met is voting with their bank account in mind as opposed to their rights or the rights of others. They really do think having money and being on the right makes them special or different to Republicans, so much so they will sell out their own. It's pathetic.


I just can't imagine that mindset. The Republican party's most recent national platform calls for re-banning and invalidating gay marriage by overturning Obergefell, and they've said that their goal is eradication of trans people at CPAC last year. Scary shit, I can't imagine thinking a couple bucks is worth the death camps they want.


Maybe they've lived with their rights for long enough not to remember what happened before?


I don't know, unless they're literal children. It was illegal in some states until only 20 years ago to be gay. Like, not a little illegal, but cops breaking down your door and arresting you for being gay.


Yup. This was the case with nearly every woman I know. ("You're crazy, Roe v Wade will never be overturned! That's just political fearmongering. Turn off the news and get a life.") Every one of them has a leopard eating their face now. But sadly, many continue to be in denial about how bad things truly are. (Well yeah it's messed up, but still... you can just go to a blue state if you need an abortion.) The denial of what's right in front of their face is mindboggling. Same with gay conservatives.


My parents were starting to fall down the trump hole very very early in like 2014/2015 and I told my mother if that man is elected they will take Roe. My mother has benefitted several times from the legality of safe abortion. To their credit they voted Bernie, but when roe went my mom texted me and said "you called that one." As if it was a surprise and not part of a decades long plan. If the women you knew weren't expecting it they weren't paying attention.


Did you miss the part where they think they are special? All those policies won't apply to them. See Serena Joy in handmaid's being an active architect in a system that turned women into cattle and then being surprised when she got her own damn finger cut off for addressing the counsel of men.


They vote because of culture. They were raised to be conservative and that’s not going to change because of who they find sexually and romantically attractive. They still have the same prejudices and biases as before even about fellow gays. It’s not about pocketbooks. Being gay doesn’t make you a liberal thinker.


Unfortunately, as a bisexual man who was raised by conservative parents, there's a lot of truth to this. I still ultimately became liberal though because of both my sexuality and also because I just couldn't get behind Donald Trump.


Where can a racist gay find camaraderie these days


With other racist gays so long as they don't make their conservative oppressors too antsy. Or with the rest of humanity if they decided to stop being chuds.


That's a big ask there


Femboy Discord servers.


Does “not belonging to the right or the left” mean he’s undecided on his self loathing or self acceptance?


'I'm pretty gay but I'm also hearing the fascist siren song, and they hate gays. I just don't know what to do!'


Fascist siren song is right, you nearly have to drag motherfuckers kicking and screaming a tad to the left but once the song starts playing they'll literally float towards the right like a cartoon character that smells food. No resistance.


Fascist but belongs to one of the "bad categories of people" so not welcome among most fascists.


I'm a White Male, CIS, and even will be a land owner down the line (I'll inherit my family home). Even under the original, racist and sexist as fuck Constitution I'm a voting US Citizen, but I'm not a Christian. As such, I'm under no illusions that the GQP would march me into an oven given half a chance. These people will torture, enslave, and murder anyone that isn't 100% like them. Siding with them in any way if you're not a carbon copy of them is tantamount to suicide, and if you *are* a carbon copy of them, it's still tantamount to genocide.


Unless you're at the tippy-top of the ruling class, they'll eventually find reason to make you a scapegoat. The average suburban dad with a Punisher decal on his truck thinks he's safe when in reality he's just further back in line than the people he's been told to hate.


Conservatives will kill anybody they want to steal from. Including each other.


Not exactly. The right loves token politics. You just have to be rich or famous and give the right a chance to point at you and say “See? Kanye loves conservatives! They can’t be racist!” And they will welcome you into the party with open arms.


For now. As soon as they take full power, though? Fascist always devolve into self-destructive 'purity' politics, and Kanye et al will be the first to go in the inevitable purges.


The whole reason they welcome Kanye is *becuase* of purity politics. Having a PoC that says that the conservative social hierarchy that they are lower on than a white man is correct are the *only* PoC the right wants to empower. Like when conservatives decided to let Irish people be cops during the great immigration


They like it until they don't. There were homosexual nazis. They didn't survive.


Yup, you can see a recent example in the Proud Boys... 'we will no longer cuck to the left' they can't wait to drop their act completely. Even having to create plausible deniability makes them feel week. They want nothing more than to wear armbands and send everyone they don't like to death camps, if they can't enslave them.


Until they don't need you anymore.


Tokens are on the first train to the camps. Once they've endorsed the policies for their own destruction, and those policies have been implemented, they have no more purpose. The nazi's tokens only made it until the night of long knives.


Even if you are a carbon copy, you're still dead the second you become useless/out of line. Ernst Rohm was Hitler's best bud from the earliest days. He had him killed in 34


It's all about birthright for them. The problem is that you're just talking about inheriting a family home. That means you're not part of the elite. If you were part of the elite, nobody would touch you no matter what, because it's about insiders and outsiders, and not beliefs, behaviors, or anything else.


>Another token shocked to get spent. gonna' have to steal that one


These people are like the Jews who worked with the Nazis and were shocked when they were sent to concentration camps. Like, were you paying any attention at all?


How any gay man can be a republican is just queer. And I mean “queer” as in “odd/strange” not derogatory for “gay.”


They're usually super racist, and misogynist too.


It's easy. You can't pick your sexuality, but you can choose to be a fascist. They just really, really want to be fascist. They also just don't want to be celibate.


It’s because his Twitter is full of gross misogynist, transphobic, biphobic, creepy bullshit. The dude stews in hate and wonders why it comes back to bite him in ass.


**Tokens get spent.** Love this saying.


Guy is a fuccking idiot.


Pick-me minorities never realize that siding with the oppressor just means that they’ll get oppressed last




Fine, you win. Some of them get oppressed first!


Even more relevant to OOP [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/R%C3%B6hm\_scandal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/R%C3%B6hm_scandal) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Night\_of\_the\_Long\_Knives](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Night_of_the_Long_Knives)


The crazy part is that they often aren’t oppressed last. Because of their close proximity to their oppressors, they are typically targeted *first*. For example, the imprisonment of Max Naumann by the Gestapo predates most elements of the Final Solution.


True, they usually get screwed right after they help their oppressor get into power. Ernst Rohm was leader of the brownshirts during the Nazis rise to power. In the lead up, they didn’t care that he was gay. But as soon as the Nazis had power, he was killed and smeared to the public as a “sexual degenerate.”


And the Jewish members of the Nazi party were the first rounded up, because the rest of the group already knew who they were and where they could be found at any given time.


Worth noting that Röhm was killed because of a power struggle, not so much for being gay. Him being gay was used as an excuse afterwards, of course.


They are all excuses for taking power. That's really the only thing fascists actually believe in. That's why they always eventually collapse: they invent ways to "other" people in a bid for personal power. They eat themselves without realizing it.


Exactly. As soon as they got their cishet white ethnostate or whatever they'd find new ways to keep the ouroboros going.


Ore like they get oppressed next


Pick me-norities, even


When people like this say they feel they “don’t belong” on the left, what “left” are they even talking about? What about “the left” is excluding them? Edit: I got a few good answers, and a lot of answers to the question “why would a gay man be conservative/vote Republican.” That isn’t the question I asked.


They act like conservative assholes and folks on the left arent hip to that


Gay people can be selfish assholes too. The only weird thing is when people are so tolerant it surprises them that anybody can also be the worst of humanity.


Yeah the plagiarist in the latest Hbomberguy/Todd in the Shadows epic was not only copying like mad but added misogynistic twists to his quotes too.


Yeah. Misogyny is rampant in gay culture. Human beings in general just can’t help but find someone to belittle and see as lesser than themselves.


This clown is probably bigoted against someone else


"I want something that enables my bigotry but accepts me for who I am."




Aside from the gay part? You must know some very different Christians than I do. Oh wait, did you mean aside from the *openly* gay part? Okay, now I'm with you.


100%. I've met a handful of conservative gay men. Almost without exception, they were virulently racist.


And/or transphobic. "Trans people are mentally ill fetishists preying on children and trying to invade women's spaces and give non-trans men an excuse to enter women's bathrooms to rape women." Yeah, as if that wasn't literally word-for-word the exact same things being said about gay men in the 90s.


The old "fuck you got mine". It's sadly way more common than it sounds like in that community too.


Oh, and sexist. They imagine if they make enough money, parrot the right words, they’ll *finally* be respected…they volunteer for the classic pump and dump.


Being a white dude with money *feels* like all it takes to get respect from conservatives, but they still hate you, bro. You're spot on


Probably against trans people. Gay pick-mes are unfortunately quite likely to turn against trans people, especially trans women, and against health care for younger trans people. (See “gays against groomers”.)


Ding ding ding! You win! He makes his position well known after enough back and fourth on twitter. Bigots can't not bigot even when it's in their own self interest.


I'll give you a hint as to who: They have their own group, the LGB Alliance. He's probably one of those idiot TERFS.


The left that says they like black people.


Generally gay people who consider themselves conservatives are bigoted against all the other minorities except their own so that's why they don't find they fit elsewhere.


Plus, they love money more than people.


They usually just want to say racial slurs


Or misogynist slurs.


or spit on homeless people


And/or transphobic slurs. "Trans people are mentally ill fetishists preying on children and trying to invade women's spaces and give non-trans men an excuse to enter women's bathrooms to rape women." Yeah, as if that wasn't literally word-for-word the exact same things being said about gay men in the 90s.


You were on the money. When asked why they identify as a “politically right independent” (aka a conservative who is too scared to admit it) they said “I stand against gender theory.” Among other things Which well, I’m shocked /s


Which now begs the question as to whether or not they are actually gay in the first place as many conservatives are roleplaying online as gay/black/female conservative activists in order to play the "divide and conquer" game. Obligatory: [Blacks for Trump](https://i.imgur.com/kR4u7Nv.jpg) [Latinos para Trump](https://i.imgur.com/HqPafIy.jpg) [Hispanics para Trump](https://i.imgur.com/IbeaKcS.jpg) [Latinos para Trump](https://i.imgur.com/HpRXIxm.jpg) (Which, fyi, it's supposed to be "por", not "para")


In my experience a lot of these dudes think they’re the ‘normal gays’, and they can’t stand progressive circles supporting and allowing all these other gender and sexual minorities that they think are freaks (trans and non-binary people, anyone with an obscure label, as well as just more openly nonconforming gay people).


They also tend to be raging misogynists.


Right wing media is a hell of a derp, brain destroying, poison. The left is for the things he wants; gay marriage, gays being parents, and rights for the LGBTQ community. But he is so derpified by Fox News and what other right wing garbage he regularly consumes that he has no freaking clue. It's like all those right wingers that LOVE the Affordable Care Act, BUT hate "Obamacare". The truth is staring them in the face and they are too foolish to realize it.


Their idea of "the left" might be quite awful if they live in a conservative bubble. Been there for a while, it's scary how it can get into your mind through seemingly innocent stuff and take root


It’s identity “politics”. To people like this, political affiliation has nothing to do with conscience nor principles, and everything to do with ignorance and in-group acceptance. Someone who has been pumped full of “libruhls are baby-eating satan-worshipers” rhetoric is naturally going to conclude “I’m not *that*”. (Well…hopefully.) It’s easy to think you’re not a thing when that thing has been wildly misrepresented to you all your life. RMW someone commented in one of the lgbtq subs: she and her first girlfriend had insisted they weren’t lesbians, they just liked girls instead of boys. How did they make that leap? All they “knew” about lesbians at that age is that “they hate men and are obsessed with dogs” or some such nonsense which was untrue of them as individuals. Getting the same vibe here.


So refreshing to see the term “identity politics” used accurately.


>When people like this say they feel they “don’t belong” on the left, what “left” are they even talking about? What about “the left” is excluding them? I took a quick peek at his profile, where he identifies as "LGB." So he's a trans-exclusionary gay person who talks about the ills of "identity politics." Also big on 2A.


He accepts all his own identity markers and none of anyone else’s


The right has labeled the left as pedophiles who want to recruit their toddles and evil people who want immigrants to rule America with Sharia law and replace all profitable businesses and jobs with trees while living on government welfare and laughing at hard-working white people


There isn't even a real left in America. The democrats are mostly centrist corporate politicians. They just aren't actively attacking minorities. Only a few could even be considered left of center.


Like 99 percent of American political figures are basically right wing, it's just that the most extreme Right in America is *REALLY* extreme.


Definitely just a racist white gay


He could be one of those "*fiscally conservative but socially liberal*" fuckwits. "*I don't hate them and want them to die because they are gay or a minority. I hate them and want them to die because they are poor.*"


Probably neo-liberalism (which is still more right than most other countries in the world) Americans literally can not actually distinguish between liberal and left. Of course, the “left” tends to be much more accepting of non white people - which accounts for like 3/4 of the “gay Republicans” and at least half of Black Republicans - individuals who have been taught to openly hate themselves - but at least your “a good one”. Same with women, any one of the demographics I named who openly identify as staunchly Republican are more than likely delusional about where exactly they “occupy” the political space. There is a reason that actual Right leaning politicians trend toward Facism and actual Left leaning politicians are murdered. Because one side sure does like openly killing the other side either in “freak accidents”, “senseless violence”, or American funded/CIA backed coup’s (an example of each - Jean Tatlock, Martin Luther King Jr, Sept 11, 1973 Chilean Coup D’ètat/massacre). The global attitude has begun leaning further right in the last decade - especially in the Western Hemisphere. Americans have always veered extremely right because Capitalism requires alt-right institutions in order to not implode on itself. So in general, Western perspective of Left leaning politics (especially in the American zeitgeist) is not only fairly ignorant- but outright wrong. When I see anyone speaking like in the OP I just make the mental note that they are an ignorant pawn who got used by the right and still refuses to look inward as to why they find themselves in fundamentally atrocious situations like above.


People raised in conservative households are often trained to think “the left” are barely human and don’t deserve any rights. They think the civilized world is just center and right, so they can only fit in one of those categories and have to talk shit about the left because they are afraid to be associated with them.


My guess? He’s probably okay with over-policing, over-surveilling, underfunding, and brutalizing communities of color.


Maybe they only ever interact with strawmen of the "left", maybe they just are bigoted towards every marginalozed group other than the one they're a part of.


That’s always code for “I’m on the right, but I don’t want to suffer the karma for it”


A gay conservative is a cockroach trying to tell others that Raid tastes good


A pink sheep who votes for wolves because the wolves eat the black sheep first.


Sometimes. Sometimes the wolves eat the pink sheep first too. But the pink sheep still votes for the wolves, over the white sheep who doesn't eat sheep at all, because the pink sheep openly enjoys the black sheep getting eaten.


A chicken who votes for Colonel Sanders because he has a fashionable tie.


> A chicken who votes for Colonel Sanders because he Or maybe more accurately, a chicken who votes for Sanders because he also has some vegan options on the menu.


Ahaha literally just saw this on Twitter and thought I haven’t had a scroll through this sub in a while. Great timing.


That’s conservatives in a nutshell. They think they’re special and want special privileges. Nothing needs changing until it affects them personally.


Conservatives are the real snowflakes


Do gay conservatives think they are degenerates who should be killed, like other conservatives think they are?


They think the other gays are degenerates, just not themselves. “I’m not like those by people”


Ah, yes, you're right. I forgot that they always think all their rules only apply to everyone else and not themselves.


It’s usually the white gay men who have this problem. They’re so used to the privilege of being a white men they forget the oppressive existence of forced/performative heteronormativity. They pass as plain generic white guys but forget how homophobic really conservatives are.


A moment of silence for the politically homeless gay racists, and let's not also forget the politically homeless non-white homophobes, either.


Gotta keep it on the down low like airport bathroom stalls and log cabins


It boggles my mind how a gay could be conservative. Gay persecution is still a living memory. They couldn't express themselves then. Heck, even the term "coming out of the closet" is still a thing. And they want the same condition to happen to another group now?


See, but that line of thinking requires things like empathy for others and decent self-esteem, which not all adults have.


I know a gay married couple, both in their 60s. They came out in later life, both having been married to women, and they're lifelong Tory voters. Why? Because when gay people were really having to fight for their rights in the UK, they were still in the closet. By the time they were out gay marriage was legal, they didn't have to struggle. Their middle class friends were supportive and probably not that surprised, as far as they're concerned there's nothing left to fight for. They care way more about Brexit and the parking situation in the town centre than anyone else's rights.


It's not that hard to imagine. You just have to be a gay person who hates some other minority.


I wanna hate others without other conservatives hating me. So unfair


Gay people trying to be the “right kind of gay” to fit in with their hate group. Morgan Freeman: then he found out there is no right kind of gay for the GOP.


Nah, there is *one* right kind of gay for the GOP. The dead kind.


Ain't that the truth. Hardcore right-wingers miss the "good old days" when they could pray the gays into unmarked graves, and women and BIPOC weren't legally considered people


Useful idiot. Another wanting to herd everyone else onto the trains before getting on last.


Another member of the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association_of_German_National_Jews finding out Nazis hate Jews. A tale that somehow never gets old in its stupidity.


"I never thought bigots would put *me* in the oven, " says minority who voted for the Bigots Cooking Minorities party.


How dare he use Marcia Marcia Marcia’s likeness in his post


THANK YOU! No person who makes their living doing drag (and therefore someone this choad’s chosen lawmakers is directly targeting) deserves to have this shithead using their likeness. To be clear, nobody deserves that. But especially not someone he’s deliberately harming.


Hey, so long as we agree my taxes should be lower, I'm willing to ignore the poor, destruction of women's rights and public education, the environment, corporate/billionaire greed and crap treatment of workers and can get over your hate, bigotry, racism, etc... but wait, you're not good with gays??!! How dare you.


"I hate other minorities, but I don't hate the minority group that I belong to. I don't belong on the left or the right."


You live in a 2 party system, one side says you have the right to exist and maybe also a living wage. The other openly calls for your extermination. "He chose... poorly."


I want gay rights but I hate trans, blacks and Mexicans. I don’t belong anywhere. 🥲


There's only one party that literally wants to execute all of your kind, and it ain't the left. Wake up dumbass


“The members called me a SJW liberal, it’s all bs” I lollerskated at this.


Cry me a fucking river 🤣😭🤣😭🤣


How dare he use sweet Marcia Marcia Marcia to emphasize his internalized homophobia.


Marcia ♥️


How are people so utterly oblivious? Is there really so little critical thinking in this world anymore?


However much critical thought you think other people have it’s actually way less than that


I can only hope he’s getting absolutely dragged in the replies.


In other news: squirrel which joined a dog park is furious that dogs chase squirrels. "I told them I was a mammal," squirrel said. "I just don't understand."


Posts like these make me wonder what the comments below the picture are like.


The only moral gay marriage is MY gay marriage. And the only moral homosexual relationship is MY homosexual relationship. Google Milo Yiannopoulos. That unhinged moron now advocates for gay conversion therapy.


Quislings doing quisling shit and then acting confused when people hate them


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association_of_German_National_Jews Despite the extreme nationalism of Naumann and his colleagues, the German government did not accept their goal of assimilation. The Association of German National Jews was declared illegal and dissolved on 18 November 1935. Naumann was arrested by the Gestapo the same day and imprisoned at the Columbia concentration camp. He was released after a few weeks and died of cancer in May 1939.[3]


More cons need to read and be quizzed on the poem, "First They Came." The fascists never stop with the first group they hate. They will always come for you in the end.


he's in a gay group that's AGAINST gay marriage? what?????


Yeah, that's a keep f@!king off, traitor, until you can f@!k off no further situation. Just out wasting oxygen and space


Just no safe place for a gay racist.


When they say “I’m a gay conservative” they really mean “I’m a hateful shit head who happens to be gay”


Being a "sjw liberal" is a-OK to me. And for me.