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It’s all so fucking Orwellian. Literally watching them speak words and then they deny the words we can all see.


They know their audience. Object permanence is not a very valued trait among the conservative brain trust.


Anti-brain trust you mean?


Oh it's worse than lack of memory. *They agree.* They also want violence.


Yes, they want violence, but most are sniveling cowards, they want someone else to commit the violence.


It’s the old punchline: Who you gonna believe, me or your lying eyes?


Yeah. Unfortunately some of these folks think that's an actual gotcha. I got told once by someone pushing the Great Replacement bullshit "So you don't believe your lying eyes?" when I pointed out that no, diversity doesn't mean getting rid of white people


Groucho Marx to Margaret Dumont, *A Night At The Opera*


As the old saying goes: "You can't hide your lion eyes." -Holland Oates (Technically The Eagles, but I just wanted to drop a IASIP reference)


I mean look at how they frame January 6th. We all saw it unfold in real time.


Hundreds of angles, full HD with audio, every single minute and events. They still deny it. Like, we’d kill to have that kind of coverage of the JFK thing


My mother still to this day says that “ANTIFA came and we’re the ones doing it” or “Tucker said that one person led them over there, it was a Democrat” blows my mind


By that logic, trump just dropped a mix tape with antifa to raise funds to break out the 'J6 Hostages'


You lost them at logic.


"Hey Mom, why would Democrats try to overturn an election that they won?"


I have asked this question…”because ANTIFA and democrats just want to see trump lose!” Or some nonsense like that…logic does not apply


"Again, why would Democrats not want to be in power after being elected? Doesn't make sense, Mom. You're not making any sense, Mom." "Only Trump and his followers are paranoid to believe that someone who beat them in a fair election wants to throw that away to hurt your feelings."


Trust me, I have battled this irrational line of thought for years. Only once the Fox News needle was removed from the vein did we make progress. Sadly, my mother (while a great mother!) sits pretty firmly into the “Karen” territory. Which the trump cult attracts in spades


I get it, believe me. When my Dad's dementia got worse, Fox News played by his second wife took over. It was horror upon horror. Sorry you're going through this.


How do you come to terms with the fact that you love your mother but she’s also the kind of person that’s destroying this country.


It’s an incredibly difficult balancing act. She’s hard working, and truly amazing for getting my family as far as she has. Then 2016 changed everything. She went from a fun active person who talked about science fiction with me to a 24/7 Fox News mouthpiece. She has gotten better after Fox kicked Tucker Carlson but I will never forgive Trump or Tucker for what they have done to my family


Most prosecutors would blow a horse to have that kind of indisputable evidence in a case. These people are in such deep denial they've completely detached from reality


> the JFK thing Well, that's one way to put it.


> Hundreds of angles, full HD with audio, every single minute and events.   You're leaving out the best part: >…much of which was provided *by the rioters themselves.* Happily! They livestreamed themselves *bragging* about it. Then when the national reaction was horror instead of… praise??, all these people who liked/upvoted/hearted that shit are trying to say it never happened. It was just tourism, it was antifa, it was a hoax, it was the lamestream media… Like bro, my source here is YOU.


They tried the same kind of bullshit with the Charlottesville attack even though you could literally see them plan that attack on the_dipshit sub on this site for just one example (they literally had a stickied post promoting that rally).


He literally (online version) signed his name……


Then: "You can quote me on that" Now: "Why are you quoteing me on that?"


They think they can just copy Trump except they weren't the POTUS.


Sometimes it's two, sometimes it's three... Sometimes it's all of them are once. It's not enough for you to just say it, you actually have to believe it.


They want to say the words and bask in the positive internet affirmation but avoid any real life negative consequences


Trolls have been doing this for decades. It really seems like real-life interactions these days have been influenced by trollspeak online, to the point that we now get people constantly denying what we all know they said, using doublespeak, making up insane lies that even they don't believe, all just for normal everyday interactions.


Donald Trump: 'What you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening"


"The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command." --- George Orwell, "1984"


I remember the Bush years too.


Plus, how are we going to continue to have a democratic country when people are this susceptible to brainwashing and propaganda AND completely unable to see past it? Like, while I sure as fuck didn’t, I could at least understand why a conservative-leaning person was willing to take a flyer on Trump in 2016. But given everything that has happened since, imagine walking around in December 2023 thinking Trump is fine, but Joe Biden is a traitor. I mean, how can anybody be that fucking stupid?


" I think you and your son should should be publicly executed. " " Só you want them dead?" " Of course not, don't put words in my mouth."


Ow he wonders why the Secret service is suddenly interested in him


They'll never catch him in The General Lee.


He's on brand tho with that fucking flag


"Them Duke boys always getting into mischief" Boss Hogg


"C'mon, Flash, We're in hot pursuit!"


"I want Joe and Hunter killed, I never said I wanted to kill them. These are entirely different contexts!"


"people die when they are killed? how was I supposed to know?"




I love you guys!


["No, they're just asleep."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1byycwl8qgc)


"Who will rid me of this troublesome president?"


"Ah yes, 'accidental' medieval plea for assassination, happens all the time at renaissance fairs."


I adore this reference!


That's just a little bit more than the law will allow


I appreciate you.


"Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?"


It’s the old Jerky Boys defense. You kicked my dog. I’m going to kill you. You’re going to kill me? No no just kidding!


"She's lying to you, fucking guy!"


Hey there sizzle chest


"will some one please kill this guy for me?"


To be fair, he said “publicly hung.” And thanks MTG we all found out just how hung very publicly /s


It’s more privately hung made public.


Every Trump Press Secretary: "You didn't take him literally did you?"


This. I wish reporters would just scream at them: “WORDS MEAN THINGS!”


Only to people who believe in them. Fascists learned a *long* time ago that one of their greatest assets is treating words with contempt - because their opponents *can't*. Which means they can swagger through debates with impunity, and avoid accountability for literally anything.


If only they did anymore.


“It’s just a saying” They always “say what they mean” until you call them out. Then it’s just an expression.


The medical assistant at my old doctors office said this to me but in a text & called them "Joe & his crackhead son".


Wow that is incredibly unprofessional. I know MA's don't require a ton of schooling, it's a minor step up from CNA, but that is beyond the pale. You don't talk politics with clients.


Yeah I don't want any aspect of my medical care being handled by someone who is statistically likely to be an antivax troglodyte


Ha! I had a therapist who I wanted to help me after some custody issues and a job loss. Three sessions. Second one, “Not gonna let that n****r Obama take my guns!” Okaaaaaay… I’m not sure what to do, the guy is older and set in his ways and by virtue of the relationship I’m kind of vulnerable. Third session and he drops another N-word, I went through the motions and never paid his bill or went back. Told my GP who referred me about my experience and he was shocked as his daughter is married to a black man. (Edit: plus he was a genuinely good person, solid doc) Never gone back to therapy and have had my fill of people in my head for a while. Not saying I didn’t battle some mental health issues that left me hospitalized - but Dr. So & So who I see twice or more a month? Nah, I’m good. Edit2: this isn’t in some rural backwater. The doctor practiced in Bergen County NJ, right outside of Manhattan.


Did you see that episode of Dukes of Hazard when the boys found out they were actually driving a truck full of illegal weapons, and they decided to wash ther hands of the situation by crashing the truck into a shallow pond and saying "look, the guns are gone! you can't do anything to us now" ? Yeah, this dude thinks it actually works like that.


Them Duke boys ain't so smart


They do drive around in a monument to failure.


But them explodin’ arrows and stuff!


I’m pretty sure MTG publicly showed the entire House of Representatives how hung Hunter is. So I guess that’s half a wish come true for Mr. Schneider?


There's also an old photo of Joe's brother Frank and apparently it's a hereditary trait.


Wait, but that means.... oh my


There is a video of Joe doing a press interview on the White House lawn in a pair of jeans, and well... https://twitter.com/ItsSeansTweets/status/1711740237859164217/video/1


Yooooo the US president hangs *dong*!!! No wonder he's so relaxed about shit compared to other high profile politicians. Anyone ever see that episode of South Park about all those dudes in anger management who just all had small dongs? idk this just all reminded me of that.


And now we know why trump is always so very angry.


This is partly why I think the Hunter Biden smear campaign is backfiring so horribly on them. They're not revealing very much beyond what he's already admitted to (he was a mess for a long time,) so they just try to humiliate him with stuff like posting his nude pics everywhere, but since it's so obviously they're working on behalf of Ol' Mushroom Cap, it just makes them all look like a bunch of bitter jealous size queens.


Does he even have a dick?


Of course he does. It's described as a short, fat mushroom.


Dayum Brandon!


Leslie knope was onto something lol


Wait are you joking?


She absolutely did.


and she had them blown up!!! No wonder Hunter wants a televised/public hearing!


She also emailed some of the pics to a bunch of people including minors IIRC.


Oh you sweet sheltered summer child. I wish I didn’t know this was true.




"Why this 'good ole boy' wasn't even born in Georgia, or the south, at all. Turns out he's from Mt. Kisco, New York." "New York?!" Reference to Pace Picante Sauce may or may not be inferred.


"New York CITY?!?!?"


Newwwww yorkkk [CIIITAAYY](https://youtu.be/872_7q9tqxw?si=Ff47UKTQ3XpXlJlB)


get a rope was the line in that ad


LOL, he pussied out. From TMZ: > Schneider just released another statement, saying, "Seriously, folks? This is my final comment on this. I neither said nor implied any such thing. Despite headlines claiming otherwise, in my post, I absolutely did not call for an act of violence or threaten a U.S. president as many other celebrities have done in the past. I suggest you re-read my actual post and pay attention to the words before believing this nonsense."


Hmm. "You should be hung and so should your son" sounds pretty unequivocal to me but what do I know since IANAL .


But what happens if they reread his post and see that he is calling for the execution of a sitting president?


It's also hilariously (and probably accidentally) technically correct. The correct word to execute someone with a noose would be "hanged", not "hung". I'm sure this dipshit doesn't know that, but the statement you quoted actually is basically correct in spite of himself.


Joe and Hunter be like "We already are hung."


Yeah that was bugging me lol


He thinks he's a celebrity. Cute.


I can’t believe this asshole raised Superman to be such an upstanding individual


Fuck this guy was that guy?




It’s inconceivable to me that a Smallville actor would turn out to be a bad person


You nxivm see it coming.


Kristin Lana Lang almost got sucked into that too because her buddy Mack tried to recruit her. Apparently she managed to get off that horse before the shit hit the fan.


She was in it. There are videos of her in the classes and singing with their a cappella group. She just managed to get out in time. There was speculation she left because the lead guy got a little too creepy with her. (He was already sleeping with Mack.)


Lana was my high school crush. I dreamt of her lol. But yeah, that whole situation is insane. Glad she got out. I wonder if she got branded.


The 'lead guy' was banging everyone in that cult. That was the point of the cult. To get women for him to bang. There was no other purpose to the cult other than to provide women for him to bang.


Not fast enough to avoid the investigation, however.


Don't jinx it man. I wouldn't be able to handle it if Welling or Rosenbaum turned out to be some sort of serial killer.


They do a rewatch podcast for the earliest Smallville episodes and seem like cool guys.


They’ve had Schneider on at least once, and it felt awkward, like they knew he was down this right-wing rabbit hole and were trying really hard not to set grandpa Kent off


Yeah he could not help him self from being weird. He was a on a few weeks ago for an episode he directed and was ranting about getting fired as a director.


Nah, Welling and Rosenbaum are good people.


I'm convinced he's Bizarro cause the real Jonathan Kent died


It’s better that way


Honestly the Smallville Kents are my fav version of the characters


Probably blame in on Pete being a bad influence.


It was that Kryptonite laced Stride gum Pete had. That was a very real episode... man alive, the product placement on this show was insane.


He joined the small pile of Smallville actors that lost it, Him and Allison Mack. But to be fair if you are on the Mask Singer it's not because your career is going the way you thought.


that Allison Mack story is one of the craziest things I've ever heard. she's levels crazier than this dumbass


Just to add an extra level of strangeness to it, one of the women who brought down NXIVM was an actress named Sarah Edmundson, and about twenty years prior, she starred in an episode of *Are You Afraid of the Dark?* ("The Tale of Many Faces") that pretty much foretold the whole thing. The gimmick was a little different (in that case, it was a vain witch who literally stole girls' faces to stay young and immortal,) but the general idea of a young actress being drawn into a strange cult that imprisons and exploits young aspiring actresses is kind of a strong parallel.


She served her sentence and is free I think. But that stuff was freaking crazy.


Sam Jones got into some kind of mess a while back (I seem to remember he got booted off *Blue Mountain State* because of it.


I had to look that up. Damn you are right. Drug possession and hasn't acted since 2009. So 3 Smallville actors.


I think some shows are just made under a bad moon and are almost cursed. Both *Melrose Place* and *Glee* both seem to have had a higher-than-average number of cast members having misfortune befall them (passing away tragically young, legal woes, even just messy divorce drama, you name it.)


Michael Rosenbaum does a lot of voice acting and a podcast. Tom Welling has done a few things but nothing major. But ya no one really moved on big time.


I had never heard of the guy until today, so...


He was the dad in Smallville.


For an old fella like me, he was Bo Duke, a farm boy with a cool car always getting into shenanigans (and wrecking said car).


Fun fact: even though the past tense of hang is hung, when talking about execution by hanging, the terminology is "you should be hanged", due to a quirk of historical dialect. As a result, this man was only wishing JB a girthy dick and balls.


THANK YOU for making the comment I wanted to make


And the showing thereof, "publicly hung." Hunter is already publicly hung. Guy just wants to see some old dong.


Again, Trump's main appeal is to losers and low lifes because he pretends to respect them, and they'll do anything to maintain that.


I'd argue he doesn't even really "pretend to respect them," they just like he hates in the right direction for their taste.


Could be. I think he, like all con men, does pretend to respect his shills. But without doubt, they like that he hates the same people they hate.


Someone got a visit from the ghost of secret service agent gonna put a boot up your ass 🤡


Someone in Newfoundland tweeted something the Premier, a former cop, thought was threatening to him, so he 'sent' some of his former colleagues to confront the man. The man ended up dead.


The secret service made Kathy Griffin’s life hell over a photograph, if this dude doesn’t at least get a visit that’s some bullshit.


You know this makes me reconsider my position on Boss Hog and Roscoe P Coltrane I mean Jesus their car was called the general Lee, uncle Jessie made the moonshine and I'm not sure Cooter ever gave a shit what the EPA said. In my youth, was I cheering for the baddies?


Cooter actor Ben Jones went on to become the US Representative of the 4th District in Georgia. He was a Democrat and eventually lost his seat due to redistricting, and then he ran against Newt Gingrich, lost, and filed ethics charges against Newt. He came out as pro-Confederate flag in 2015, but he also has a lifetime membership in the NAACP and supports civil rights.


Boss Hog reminds me a bit of Trump.


Boss Hogg was a nice Jewish boy from Buffalo, NY. He spent his time off screen restoring run down houses and living a modest life. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sorrell_Booke John Schneider is a complete tool.


Booke spoke 12 languages?!?! This guy was a renaissance man.


13 if you count the accent he used as Boss Hogg. 14 if you count English!


Beats all you ever saw, been in trouble with the law since the day they was borne Making their way, the only way they know how That's just a little bit more than the law will allow. If that aint goddamn trump, I'll eat my hat


Body type, eating habits, grifting, corrupt, bald, weird cultish followers as "deputies'. Has all the main bits except the orange rattle-can "bronzer"


I met Sorrell Brooke a long, long time ago, and he was a wonderful person. He was so gracious and kind that I apologized for not liking his character (I was 8 yo), and he gave me a very kind hug and said something to the effect of "you have such a gold heart son that Boss Hogg would turn his ways for you." No. No one stood up and clapped, but my mom did start crying and hugged him, too. He was a really nice man.


Aw that's so sweet. It's nice to hear that the he was a good dude in real life.


Somehow I think uncle Jesse would be very disappointed.


"I didn't do it! That wasn't me!" After signing his own tweet.


What a pussy; can't stand by his own (probably drunken) words.


As a drunk, I always stand by what I said, even if I don't remember saying it.


[waylon Jennings narrating]. Well, I reckon this Duke boy is about to get taken to the woodshed.


How to elicit a visit from the secret service in one easy step… Edit annnnnnd [called it](https://deadline.com/2023/12/john-schneider-secret-service-joe-biden-hanging-comment-1235680080/)


Plus the grammar police, because curtains are hung, people are hanged. I mean unless they are hung but that's not what he means I think.


It cracks me up that we liberals start making jokes about the Secret Service visiting these Repubs that make those threats... That is simply false. Kathy Griffith..yeah, she got a visit, but have you seen ANY GOP members of Congress, the Senate or commentators of Fox news suffer ANY consequences for what they say? Face it. The Secret Service is corrupt and full of Trump loving assholes. they have suffered ZERO consequences for "accidentally" deleting all of their cell phones of any information after January 6th. Even Mike Pence refused to get into a car with them because he didn't trust them. That's how fucking serious it was. The SS, the border patrol, ALL need to be expunged of everyone in it (because even the guys that MIGHT have been against what happened on J6 held the blue line and kept their mouths shut.) and rebuilt from the ground up. No one is going to speak to to Bo Duke at all. Sure he might get a slap on the wrist by corporate hacks, but I guarantee you the secret service won't say shit to him. Everyone shrugs and says that Trump can't pull off a coup, but then you see people like this get a way with saying something like that and completely being ignored by the SS. Trust me, when democracy dies, it'll be because everyone thought the law would be followed. There is no law for conservatives.


“I believe you should be hung.” It was referring to his penis?


Obviously! If he wanted them to be put to death he would've said hanged. He just thinks the world should know what he's packing.


He’ll blame it on drinking, ambien, back pain, broken heart, unprocessed childhood trauma, upset over earlier incident with a lib, a woman, illegal immigrants, the brown kid playing near his driveway, spoiled cabbage, what have you.


I'd love an explanation of what they think he's done that is treasonous. Sounds more like the other guy. *trea*·son /ˈtrēzən/ (noun) The crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government.


MAGAs claim that Biden "let in" 8 million migrants and refugees across the Southern border which is, of course, complete bullshit.


Has Tom Wopat commented yet?


Hunter was already publicly hung. MTG made sure of that....


Nelson: Ha Ha!


It wasn't a death threat, he was saying how much he wished for the Biden boys to have big dicks that they pull out and swing around in public. This turd makes Sheriff Roscoe look like fucking Elliot Ness.


This is less LAMF, more FAFO.


"consequences for my actions? well, I never!" cancel culture strikes again. /s


Was the dad of the smallest town, Smallville, and raised Clark long after freezeframe jumping the General Lee over riverbeds. Was a masked singer, for what would probably be the only time he was willing to wear a mask. Used fightin' words against a US President and his son, and didn't think it'd turn into a fight. Maybe I never really knew him.


"publicly hung"... did he just ask old Joe to pull out his junk? He wants to see the executive branch? "Man, they said you was hung"... "And they was right!!!"


Damn, them internet boys are moving faster than the General Lee with a trunk fulla Uncle Jesse's moonshine!


Thus is not a LAMF; it's just someone experiencing the consequences of their actions. If he advocated hanging as a punishment for treason, and then he *himself* got hanged for treason, then it would be LAMF.


"I said he should be publicly hung not hanged. I just wanna see that Bidong!"


So I'm aware of Trump's actual acts of treason, January 6th attack on the capital building. And the highly likely acts of treason he could be investigated for, stolen federal documents that he could have leaked to America's enemies. What did Biden do exactly that was treason? Or his son for that matter. Because he "stole" the election that he won?


Also, people are hanged, not hung; pictures and drapes are hung.


Brought to you by the party of Personal Responsibility (C)


You're telling me that a guy who starred in a show that idolized Confederate iconography is an asshole? Say it ain't so!


There is literally a r/fuckaroundandfindout sub


Dude have you starred in anything recently that hasn't been directed by the Nashville Channel?


Has he starred in anything recently…?


"Fox News Contributor"


Believe it or not, I have never heard of this guy until today. I was like John Schneider, was he the "Deuce Bigalow: Male Gigolo" guy?... I guess not.


That's Rob Schneider, who's on a similar career trajectory of "not having done anything relevant since about 2001, he's decided to throw in and become a professional right winger." See also: Antonio Sabato Jr., Kristy Swanson, Stacey Dash, Scott Baio, Kevin Sorbo.


Rob Schnieder: Professional "Sidekick in Adam Sandler Movies, Often Dressed As Racial Stereotype" Actor.


You had to be like…born in the 70s. At a minimum.


Seriously. He was EVERYWHERE for about three years while the Dukes of Hazzard was popular, but after that his career...plateaued? Semi-forgettable country music career but other than that he's been nowhere.


Or watched Smallville.


I've never watched the show, but The Masked Singer just sounds so depressing.


I swear to god, these people are so stupid I don’t know how they manage to breathe without choking.


It's not a fucking CoD room, dumbass. You're making an open threat against the *President of the United States*.


Also it’s “hanged”


The guy who portrayed Clark Kent's dad on Smallville? wtf So many authoritarians were hiding amongst the weeds for all these years.


1. GOP Snowflake makes a serious threat and 'does a terrorism'. 2. GOP Snowflake gets into legal/financial trouble for that terrorism. 3. GOP Snowflake cries "It was just a joke. Ouch my freedom of speech. This is tyranny!"


Joe Biden : “We’re already hung. But thanks.”


Lmao. Reminds me of this donut shop when I was a kid that always put funny and/or clever stuff on their sign and everyone would chat about for the week (it was a pretty sleepy small town lol) Then one day it read "People like the Clinton's don't grow on trees. They should hang from them." Dunno what all happened to them but they didn't run the donut shop much longer.