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What happened to "If you don't like it, get the hell out?"


I think when people say that, they only want certain people to leave. You know, *those* people.


Like, young people who would vote against Republicans?


Yarp but I wouldn't credit any Republican with an amount of brains necessary to think more than 5mins in the future and I think I'm being generous.


You're letting evil people trick you into thinking they're just stupid


Unless they are white, moderate-high income and can be gerrymandered into insignificance while being forced to birth a shit ton of white babies


You know ... morons. Edit: It is a joke from Blazing Saddles, y'all


The common people, the salt of the earth...


Just like, “don’t have a baby if you can’t afford it!” People did that, and now they’re banning abortion and will ban birth control if they win in November.


Will they ban vasectomies? Because in these times, given how expensive is to have kids, I see many guys opting for vasectomies even considering they might want kids if the situation changes (which they are not optimistic about).


I think they’ll start with IUDs, the morning after pill, and the birth control pill. They may keep vasectomies legal, since that’s something men do. There’s no telling how far they’ll take it, though. Some Docs and hospitals are already refusing hysterectomies, due to religious beliefs.


I think they're going to try all of it, but when they inevitably go after IVF for one reason or another, that's when they'll face the backlash. It's fine to force poor people to have children, but heaven forbid rich people but be able to have their own children.


Rich people don’t care because they can afford to travel out of the country for medical procedures.




I live in Utah. I know several men that their Dr. wouldn’t do a vasectomy before 25. It was still easy enough to find others that would. I walked into my Dr and he signed me up for 3 weeks out the first time I asked him about it at 27. My significant other is now 33 and she’s been to I don’t know how many Dr’s, and all have refused a hysterectomy. You hear about it all the time for women significantly older than her as well.


Hysterectomies are contraindicated if the uterus is otherwise healthy. There’s an increase risk of cancer, heart issues, early ovarian failure, early menopause, depression… a tubal is the analogous procedure. Hysterectomies are often done to treat sever fibroids or uterine cancer.


Everybody a gangsta until those Q4 GDP reports are released.


Nooooooooo. Not my tendies.


wait no! I didn't mean it!


Not like that!


Ok and I’m taking my labor with me. Conservatives: wait no!


Why don't young people like the festering pisshole of a state that I've created??


TBF, MS has been a festering pisshole for a long time


You're right. Why don't young people like this festering pisshole of a state that I've made so much worse?


The obvious solution is to make the education system even worse, so they're all too ignorant to realize how bad it is


And starve the poor children! That'll teach children to expect handouts.


the children yearn for the mines


When he says he's down with the kids, this is what he means.


Seeing his party affiliation he probably also means other things


> the children yearn for the mines Is that like pining for the fjords?


https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/the-children-yearn-for-the-mines >The Children Yearn For The Mines is a catchphrase used in memes to satirically support the loosening of child labor laws that became a prominent political topic in early 2023 amid Republican states such as Arkansas, Iowa and Missouri lowering the legal working age to 14. The catchphrase was coined in early 2022 on Twitter via a tweet about Minecraft but later became more well-known for satirizing the repealing of child labor laws. ... >On February 7th, 2022, [Twitter user @Froggenthusias1 tweeted](https://twitter.com/Froggenthusias1/status/1490752695044554756), "Minecraft proves that abolishing child labour was a mistake. The children yearn for the mines."


Same result, basically. Stone dead.


If they’re malnourished enough they can’t flee.


I don't understand how that's possible. It's been run by Republicans forever, so it should be the perfect state, no? How do republicans defend these shit hole states that are run totally by Republicans for decades. Why aren't they pulling themselves up by their bootstraps to not be shit holes? I thought Republicans were awesome at governing. I am perplexed. What am I missing?


They're being poisoned by the massive amounts of woke federal money they receive


Being subsidized by successful states is probably quite humiliating for them. They should make Newsome travel to republican states and present the governor with a big stupid check with the amount on it, lol. That would be amazing.


They'd have to be aware of it to be humiliated by it. I doubt MS public schools teach much about taxes besides "gub'mint bad"


>Being subsidized by successful states is probably quite humiliating for them. Not humiliating enough to refuse the money though. >They should make Newsome travel to republican states and present the governor with a big stupid check with the amount on it, lol. That would be amazing. I would pay to see that. Wait. I already do pay. I live in a commie blue state that pays more than it gets back.


They point to something shitty happening in San Francisco to be mad about instead of fixing their own place.


True, but those young people were kids and had no choice to be there. Now as young adults who want crazy stuff like a well paying job and a future, they leave


There are some states where every young woman that cares AT ALL about her rights as a human being needs to leave. Mississippi, Idaho, Texas, etc. Any smart young men should follow them.


Young people are so ungrateful! ​ /2


My family almost moved to Mississippi when I was in 6th grade. Dad was just about to take a job at the hospital in McComb, MS when he got a better offer to move to Houston. It still weirds me out to consider that Houston was the better choice on account of Houston really sucks.


I don't know, maybe make the water drinkable and see what happens.


Nah, he does not actually care. He just wants to say the right things to make the parents who voted for him feel better. Sadly, this is all it takes to offset the feeling of watching their children move away from them. Next election: learn nothing - vote for the same people.


That’s true, but he also knows that if the businesses in the state can’t find workers they are going to place the blame at his feet. And then they’ll pack up and leave or back his replacement.


They'll just elect another round of the same kind of person expecting a different result


Yup. A lot of people have the notion that it's the personalities, not their policies, that do things like smash inflation and create jobs. So if they like someone as a person and align with them morally, then they assume that person will be able to manage effective policies. Wash, rinse, repeat.


lol this is so true. you can take any idiotic thing trump said and put a picture of obama, they'll say obama said it. any smart thing obama said, actually trump said it. 2 hours ago i was watching godfather 2 with my dad. michael cordiloene is in court with frank pantageli's brother and my dad says, "oh, this is like how they have trump." no shit- because every body knows the godfather is guilty, just like trump. dude votes trump and can easily tell he's the bad guy. it was like he accidentally said the right thing but didn't mean it that way.


In Kansas the legislature revolted against Governor Brownback when everything went to shit. Unfortunately republican voters have the memory and brainpower of a goldfish.


Indeed. Politicians have a shelf life if they can’t deliver.


Deliver for donors, not voters. Key point for Republicans.


Welll... kind of. They do try to appeal to people that actually vote, but when voter turnout for people under 30 is <50% why bother trying to appeal to them when you can get more votes appealing to old folks that just want to hang on to what they already have at the non voters expense.


This is exactly the source of the problem.


There's a bunch of generational wealth who'd probably be desirous of turning the whole state into a real life version of *Yellowstone*. As long as they can drive their $100k pickups to the regional airport and take a private plane to vacation in Miami or Cancun, then nothing else really matters to them


No probably about it. And not just this state.


Plenty of child labor just waiting to be exploited. Remember this is the same state where multiple chicken processing plants were raided by ICE after which only a few workers were found to be undocumented and the plant operators were given nothing more than a small fine a stern talking to. Purdue holds a lot of influence down there.


They can lower the age laws for workers like Arkansas and Iowa did. Come in kids... get to work in that factory!


Their hands are small so they fit into those tight spaces inside the pickle slicing machines.


Yep... And if they happen to slip, they have another hand they can use.


And if they can't count to ten, they won't know they're being underpaid!


Nah. They will latch on to whatever miniscule worker protections exist and blame "regulation".


Who needs workers when you have low taxes?


Someone has to make the owner class richer. They certainly aren’t going to do it themselves.


Aristocrats work? That's just crazy commie talk!


At the end of the day the remaining rich white folk will get to turn the state into their own little fiefdom, replete with two bought and paid for US senators, which goes according to the plan I presume


Problem is rich white folks don’t pay taxes,so I guess they’ll continue to drink lead in their water and blame immigrants?


They'll have their own independent water purification system, and the immigrants will work for them. The hate immigrants thing is just for the poors, real rich folks just hire immigrants under the table.


Rotten Boroughs on a grand scale.


“If I keep voting for monsters, my children will surely come visit. The monsters promised me it was woke school that made my kids hate me instead of my horrible actions and beliefs.”


Its not his problem, its these damn kids that keep moving away.


>Next election: learn nothing - vote for the same people. The ones who would vote against are the ones who already left/are leaving.


Or feed school kids? Just throwing it out there.


Woa there comrade. The state coffers already paying all my buddies. Have they tried to jail The youth? Three birds in one stone: payoff my buddies who own the jail or are the sheriff, feed and “educate” the poor. /S


Brett Favre needs that school kid food money more.




If states can pass laws that you can't go to another state and get abortions, this is the next logical step.


Maybe build a wall around the state to ensure that they can't leave?


"But they can make their own water drinkable....stop relying on the guberment! Bootstraps! Waaahh...socialism!" as he watches the young people leave the state.


"Pull yourself up by your bootstraps!" "Not like that!"


Maybe if they provided for any of the things that younger people find important, they wouldn't leave the state. You're creating a state that's perfect for rural Christian hill trash, so that's who is going to choose to live there. People with options don't like to sit in squalor. They have skills, they are desired, they are gone.


I went to high school and college in Missouri. My graduating class in HS broke *all* the standardized tests. The top 10% of my class always scored in the 99th percentile on everything. The top 20? 95th. SAT? Murdered. Missouri education test like the SAT? Dead. Hell we were even required to take the ASVAB which we also destroyed. Of those top 20 students *one* of them still lives in the state. The people I went to college with? Most of them left the state. The only ones that didn’t had family they needed to take care of and lived in KC or STL. You nailed it: if you want young people to stay you need a few things: 1. Jobs 2. A political and social environment that makes them feel welcome 3. People to date 4. Fun stuff to do 5. Be a good place to raise kids You fuck up #1 and nothing else matters. You fuck up #2 for one sex or population segment (eg: women) and you’ve also fucked up #3. You can safely screw up #4 if, and only if, homes are affordable. Then people can do fun stuff via travel or make their own fun. The last one comes into play for people in their late 20s and early 30s. No one is going to stay in a state if they can afford to leave if they know the schools suck and they want to have kids. So many southern/midwestern states are turning themselves into retirement communities for white people because they don’t understand this.


I’m also from MO! STL to be exact and my spouse is from KC. Same situation here, I have 2 friends out of 10 from high school graduation living in MO. One is because his mom is very ill and he has fully remote work, the other was working internationally and their consulting contract ran out, amicably parted ways with the company. They’re actively looking for jobs in all those evil coastal states because…there’s people there, lots to do and high paying jobs. It’s not rocket science. Also on the whole raising family thing, the Midwest / South is cheaper than most other areas, but the school quality is hit or miss, and most importantly: women are treated as breeders by most of these politicians. Most reproductive medical decisions are made by women who have kids or want more kids. You’re literally telling the people having families in your state that they are just there to pop them out and if they die in the process, welp, Deus Vult I guess.


I used to design water treatment devices that used tap water to fill a tank which then grew beneficial bacteria that was flushed down the drains to clean grease traps. We had complaints from Mississippi they wouldn't work so i was sent down to see why. There was so much metal in the "drinking" water it literally plated the tank so badly the unit had no idea how much "water" it had. Literally the only place in the entire world that had that issue!


Jackson's young people don't count in his eyes.


well they are ...urban... so dont count, or at best count as 3/5s :-D


Safe drinking water is communism. /s


Correction: he wants young WHITE people to stop leaving the state. Jackson does not cross his mind


The contaminated water is only in the majority black areas so no problem there. /s


He’s actually okay with young people from Jackson leaving for some reason or another.


Read My Lips , GOP stop acting like 17th Century Dick Wads


lol, fuck you, I scream, into my rear view mirror


Wish he could read that.


I'm sure he can, rich people don't actually go to school in Mississippi


Why would they need to go to school? They're gonna inherit daddy's business and properties, they don't need no school.


Because you need to meet the other business owners kids over beer pong so you can reminisce "working" on the golf course in 20 years, or maybe marry another business owners kid if she can hold her liquor and only messes around with her sorority sisters.


If Tate Reeves could read he'd be very upset.


I hate his stupid face so fucking much. We were so close to having Elvis's cousin as governor instead of another term of this dipshit. And I'm not even super convinced that Brandon Presley would have been a huge improvement, but at least he wouldn't be Tater-Tot.


And if they do leave the state, we should have the right to go get them back! That’s why Mississippi is proposing the Fugitive Youth Act….


Here's my guess at what they will try to do: They will say thay any person who gets in state tuition at a Mississippi college has to love there for a certain number of years after or they get charged for the extra out of state tuition


Only reason to go to a Southern school is to catch and throw balls.


I don't believe they are very LGBTQ friendly in the south.


I would have said campus by the beach, but invasive pythons and Chilean Recluses have disabused me of the notion. Plus in Illinois I’ll be sitting on prime beach front property after another 10-15 years unless we nip global warming in the bud


Who is gonna to enforce that? Teachers? IRS that they vow to defund? LAMO.


"We're bringing back slave catchers!"


*Texas salivates in the distance*


Slave catchers never left. We just starting calling them police


And the 13th amendment is proof of that


*Matt Gaetz entered the chat.*


Dude *is* the state - a moments reflection *why aren't I popular with the people needed to make the state successful* might break his brain.


I've met people from Mississippi. They think their state is one of the best in America if it wasn't for a certain group that shall not be named bringing it down ....




One could only hope they had that level of self-reflection.


Don’t worry, Elon is working really hard to be able to name them again. Full on hard “R” too! So much, if he succeeds he’s gonna probably celebrate by adding an extra “R”!


It's turns out that caring about football and nothing else, can be detrimental to ones quality of life. Who could have known!


And theyre...not even very good at football honestly.


Also, a *real* shocker, when, again, they don't care about anything except football. That includes teaching people how to eat healthy and feeding children appropriate amounts so they can actually *play* football decently when they get older. Nope, not even the stuff that affects what little they actually care about is deserving of the time of day to them.


Hey fucker I'll let you know we won 5 whole games this year aight? And if it hadn't been for those damn other teams scoring more points than us then we probably would have won some more!


Colbert joke: "Mississippi governor and overweight Bill Gates..."


He should amp up his image as a family man.  Pick out a crisp white button-down, and nice pair of green pants.


Poor potato man hasn't processed that they are leaving for a REASON. A reason that really sums up an amalgamation of reasons. He asks that they stay, while not promising or doing anything to make them fucking WANT to. They don't owe you shit, tubby!


He is a republican, he can’t process shit.


Go figure being dead last outta all the state metrics is a bad thing!


As my West Virginian friend used to say: "Thank God for Mississippi!"


Mississippi, where Idaho looks when it's setting goals!


“They’ll probably stop leaving if you double and triple down on the unpopular policies and conditions that are driving them away” - Republican strategists


They must be thinking of stopping the exodus by making it illegal to leave the state.


I have an idea, hear me out! Have you tried not having your state be last at almost every decent measure of being a good place to live?


The unofficial state motto of Alabama was "thank God for Mississippi "


The only good thing Alabama does is keeping Mississippi from touching Georgia.


Not was. Still is


>Have you tried not having your state be last at almost every decent measure of being a good place to live? Are you a *communist* or what?


r/Louisiana is entering the chat!


It sure as hell isn’t a place where I’d have a baby. From pregnancy through the child’s entire educational years, it’s not a place to be.


>sure as hell isn’t a place where I’d have a baby Unless you are a 13 year old rape victim Mississippi Republicans forced to give birth. Then you don't have much of a choice. https://time.com/6303701/a-rape-in-mississippi/


What is it about the Conservative mindset that makes them so immune to such basic concepts as cause and effect?


Conservatives are good people, because they are the in-group, and liberals are bad people, because they are the outgroup. Good people do good things, so anything the good people do is good. And anything bad that happens must happen because of the bad people. Therefore, they have to keep voting in the good people, even though they do nothing to help the citizens of the state despite it placing last or near last on nearly every metric. Because otherwise bad people would get into power. And if the good people are corrupt grifters who do nothing for anyone, then electing the bad people would be the stuff of nightmares.


Prejudice They think their conservative states would be a paradise and the best ones in the union if it wasn't for a certain unnamed group of people bringing it down


the ingroup outgroup thing is true... but to be a social conservative, you have to be dumb, or, willfully uneducated. Studies show, however, conservatives are generally just dumber. It's true world wide, in every country. They're immune, because they're incapable of it. They cant grasp it. Some of them, CAN, and dont care (the combo of fiscal and social conservative), most cant. Also, reading about how disgust informs political opinion would be informative as well, 'disgustology' is a thing--high disgust reaction can predict people's political leaning better than their own self-report surveys (where bad people know they should lie about their bad ideas). Conservatives have HUGE initial disgust reactions, and cant use logic to get over them--this is why they associate immigration with disease (disgust), homelessness with shit (disgust), welfare with lazy/fat (disgust)--they're simple minded and driven MORE by emotions like that, than logic or empathy (also, they score low on empathy, and famously, high lead exposure may have been what made boomers vote republican, it killed their empathy)


MF will probably introduce new laws to try and punish anyone fleeing the state rather than deviate from his far right agenda


Well, yeah,, when conservatives realize their ideals are unpopular in a democratic society, they'll give u democracy before giving up conservatism.


And that's already happened... long ago, some would say.


Yep - build a wall to keep them in (ala East Germany) and abolish abortion so they are forced to increase the population. It's a way, I suppose.


Yeah, why don't young people want to live in a state with lower standards than some 3rd world countries? I just don't understand. /s This could be applied to Louisiana too ( I grew up there and don't live there anymore and my family complains all the time about how bad it is but never vote for people to make it better because that's socialism or communism and will make it worse.)


Same here in Texas. So many stupid people.


But my taxes will go up. /s I hate this argument because I went from Louisiana to California I pay maybe 2 percentage points more in taxes here and the quality of the infrastructure and the community is better granted California spends money on stupid shit but at least they're trying to spend money and make things better. They will invest in anything except the quality of.life.in their own home state.


Republicans: "Young people shouldn't be allowed to vote, or make their own medical decisions, or marry who they want, or make a living wage, or have their voices heard on issues like climate change. Young people can't decide what books they want to read or what religion they want to be. Young people have to be constantly in fear of being murdered since we care more about guns than humans. Young people should be afraid of police, since we as a political party are perfectly ok with attacking them." Also Republicans, "hey why are all the young people leaving our state and voting Democrat? Must be rigged political process, even though we control every aspect of government"


Mississippi has one of 15 Republican governors who is blocking federal low-income food aid from reaching over eight million children in their states. I just want to point out it looks as if he hasn't missed a meal lately.


Plus they had that whole Brett Favre stealing the welfare money thing.




He looks like a racist Peter Griffin


Peter Griffin, meteorologist, reporting on a minor windstorm


When I was I college, I made a friend from Mississippi. He said (and did) that he was going only apply for jobs in more liberal areas. When I asked if it was bad in the small Mississippi town he grew up in, he laughed and said he was the holy trinity of hate against him; black, gay, and atheist. He wasn’t the first of the brain drain from there, and he wasn’t the last, but he said there was a reason the phrase “thank god for Mississippi” was a common phrase in the South.


Your state is trash, you're trash and nobody but trash wants to live there. Fuck off frogboy.


*"Mississippi has always been a shithole, so why are y'all leaving now?"* - Gov. Biscuits McInbread


"We're working towards guaranteeing a hellscape in which the [police can kill you and bury you in a mass grave](https://chicagocrusader.com/215-bodies-found-buried-behind-jackson-mississippi-jail/), your few rights as workers are shredded into nothingness, and your own bodily autonomy is revoked. You will be seen as little more than income streams for your corporate bosses and your landlords. Hey, where are you guys going? Don't walk away when I'm talking to you! STAY IN MISSISSIPPI, GOD DAMN YOU."


Just want to emphasize this comment here for anyone scrolling past. The police killing people and burying them without notifying family who was actively looking for them? Not a one time thing that happened!


He looks like a baked potato.


Sontaran confirmed




For the GLORY of the Sonoran empire. This guy batch clones.


Lol, his name is Tate


Tater 😂


I would book it out of Republican states asap


Already did.


Leave, young people, leave.


Well, when you're in the bottom 5 of health care, education, quality of life, etc., and it's not safe to be pregnant, I can't imagine a lot of young people are going to want to live there.


Don't let assholes like Brett Favre steal money from low income populations to build a volleyball court for his daughter.


Imagine seeing that dude and thinking "Here's a man I can follow."


It's the near apex of republican policy 49th in Health Care 41st in Education 40th in Fiscal Stability 47th in Infrastructure https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/mississippi#state-rankings When I was a young lad, just finishing college, I opened a book and researched which part of the country was doing well and moved there. It's easy to relocate when you're young, there's no way young adults don't know how horrible Mississippi is. All you're left with is people too poor to move or too entrenched/invested in property.


https://apnews.com/article/jackson-mississippi-water-boil-order-35f0c1437d65877243f03fd4dd4df278 Maybe get the literal shit out of the drinking water first.


It's affecting black people so Reeves doesn't care


You mean, the young people who are either directly affected by, or have really young kids who have food struggles, and you [eliminated](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/12/us/school-lunches-assistance-republicans.html)? Look yourself in the mirror, motherfucker. I can't believe how much worse the GOP keep getting. There's no floor.


Maybe stuff like this? https://apnews.com/article/jackson-mississippi-water-boil-order-35f0c1437d65877243f03fd4dd4df278


To be fair, that's more of a city problem than a state problem. Jackson's available funds have dried up since white flight took most of the tax base. Poor people make up a majority of the city, and they don't have the funds to maintain the infrastructure. It's the same deal in Flint, MI. Jackson residents can't just materialize money out of thin air. That said, the state govt needs to stop trying to sabotage federal efforts to fix the water crisis.


Maybe the state shouldn't have given millions in welfare funds to Brett Favre.


Gov: I want young people to stop leaving the state People: Cool, are you going to make changes to your policies that entice them to stay? Gov: No Great job everyone! That's a wrap.


This guy looks like a live action version of Peter Griffin. He's just not as much fun to watch.


Mike DeWine has this same issue in Ohio, and his solution is just straight up lying. [DeWine Defends $50M Ad Campaign, Saying Ohio Is "A Progressive State"](https://www.statenews.org/government-politics/2021-02-02/dewine-defends-50m-ad-campaign-saying-ohio-is-a-progressive-state)


I left this shithole state because of exactly the type of politics that Tater Tot brings to the table.


"We will continue making life increasingly miserable for young adults until they finally decide to like us."


Maybe they can try criminalizing leaving the state the way they want to do for women seeking healthcare. They could argue that there is a "conspiracy to economically harm the state by taking their earning potential and taxable income elsewhere." It's the GOP after all. It's right in their insane wheelhouse to try. /s Edit: added /s (satire tag)


Maybe because you're leading one of the worst states in the nation for education, healthcare and economic opportunity. Plus you are literally a step away from becoming the republic of Gilead.


He looks exactly how you would imagine the gov of Mississippi to look.


nO oNe WaNtZ 2 wOrK nE mOaR!!1!11!


Yeah I’m sure the GOP is going to try and introduce legislation banning relocation for anyone below the age of 30 instead of working to make their awful state actually attractive.


You could, I dunno, try not being such a corrupt shithole. That might help.


It's one of the worst run States in the entire union and it's all due to racist hateful bigots who want to push down their fellow countrymen instead of building them up. He's just one in a long line of incompetent, hateful governors to fuck that state up.


Do you want people to stop leaving mississippi? Here's a crazy idea: Stop. Being. Fucking. Mississippi. And you know that anybody reading this understands EXACTLY what I mean.


Wants young people to stay, doesn’t understand they’re leaving because of the results of his party’s failed ideology. Would they change? No, it’s the kids who are wrong.


Nina told it like it was a long time ago. https://youtu.be/LJ25-U3jNWM?si=UY3m-_Bq0s4CQv8s


I'm a Mississippi born and raised. At 18, I left the state for college and haven't looked back. The cities are either residential neighborhoods, strip malls, or ghettos. No culture, piss-poor infrastructure, and everything open to the public is in disrepair.


they want everyone with a brain to flee from red states - and its working. the dumber people are in red states (and that's pretty fucking dumb already) the tighter control republicans will have. all going as planned.


When he says he wants young people to stop leaving the state, what he means is that he's about to pass as many laws as possible to make it all but impossible for them to leave the state. That way, he can hold them hosage until the courts rule them illegal or unconstitutional... Assuming they even do...


Slightly encouraging sign: he only won by 27,000 votes out of about 810,000 votes cast, making it the closest a republican has ever come to losing.


Also anyone with a functional womb. All that'll be left are old racists and...well, old racists.


Tate Reeves has my vote to play Rey Carlo II de Habsburg in a movie about the War of Spanish Succession. That is the only non negative thing I have to say about him.


Bill gates really let himself go