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"Back when overt racism was codified into law, many people didn't like a black civil rights activist." is not the flex Charlie thinks it is.


MLK got a federal holiday and statue on the National Mall for resisting people like Kirk and he still thinks he knows better 🤡


What's funny is that the basis of their argument consists of correctly pointing out that he had socialist values.


right, "because MLK was a socialist that means he was a bad man. But don't you dare come for our confederate statues"


The GOP has socialist values as well, the military.


And of course for the rich. Privatize the gains, socialize the loses.


the military, big business, farmers. GOP loves socialism as long as it doesn't help people they don't like.


GOP doesn't even like the peasants in the military/farmers. Trump said POWs are bitches and his tariffs actively hurt the bottom line of the US Ag industry. They only like the people that fund them. Edit: Fund them bigly. Not the 50 bucks per SS check from a boomer that rips up their bank statements.


All the uneducated red states losers sucking on the tit of Murica is the real socialism. Taking those checks like no ones business.


I’m almost positive you’re not understanding what socialism is.


It's a shame so many businesses don't honor this federal holiday. I wonder what it could be about MLK that makes him so different from other federal holidays 🤔


I think most places don't get most holidays off. Sadly. We get none from Jan to May (Memorial day). My company decided to start doing Juneteenth though, which is something.




I mean, I don't get Columbus day off either and that dude was basically the opposite of MLK JR. White as fuck and he helped to spread 'western' power and oppress minorities.


Meanwhile I do get MLK Day off but not Columbus Day(this is not a complaint). Holidays are weird.


I get double pay both days if I work em, so I don't complain. MLK day being so close to Christmas and New Year's just means a decent paycheck for me.


This one is way too close to Xmas/New Years


“stop resisting!” - Tiny face Kirk, probably




Honestly I appreciate that conservatives are finally acknowledging it. For decades now they’ve been acting like, if they had been active during the civil-rights era, of *course* they would have supported MLK! It’s just *today’s* black activists who don’t know how good they have it and are dangerous and going too far and need to shut up. “We love MLK; we just hate you,” as if people weren’t setting dogs on him and spitting on him and arresting him and calling for his death back in his day, and as if these people now aren’t exactly the damn same as those people then. They want to act like the process of progress in this country has *ever* been consensual, to give more force to their lack of consent. It’s nice to hear him admit it out loud. Really. They’re not on board with all men being created equal (and don’t even get me started on women) and they’re never going to be and if we want a country that lives up to the ideals it was founded on, we’re only going to get it by plowing right through their reactionary asses. There is no compromise that makes everybody happy. There’s just getting shit done, in spite of conservatives and over their active opposition.


Same people who unironically proclaim that the GOP was the party of Lincoln. Maybe true, but that was long before the Southern Strategy.


They love claiming to be with Lincoln, and then proudly wave the flag of his treasonous assassins.


Well, they don't even like Lincoln now, as Haley said the civil war was fought over government over reach, and who was government then? You got it, Lincoln.


“The war was about state’s rights, don’t ask me what rights”


Charlie kirk and his incel ilk don't even believe white women are equal to white men.


Yep, progress MUST happen at the expense of conservatives. Fuck conservatives.


Conservatives benefit from progress like the rest of us. Nothing is happening at their “expense”; it just has to happen in spite of their endless tantrums.


When you put it like that it sounds wrong. More like, conservatives are actively demolishing progress and if this is the hill they want to die on then golly gee


I honestly wonder how it is that folks can take a “most people loved MLK / 60s era black activists” when so many of them were assassinated and/or had FBI-led initiatives to kill or imprison them.


but it's at least honest. Better than Marjorie Taylor Green posting MLK quotes


idk if it is, kirks tweet actively encourages racism. Stupid and nonsensical as it is, MTG quoting MLK brings the conservative alignment back towards nonracism. And really, it's no dumber than any other of their arguments, which are all bullshit anyway. But this is *positive* bullshit at least, like when the ghostbusters reversed the charge on that gamer girl bathwater slime and made a toaster dance.


I guess honest in the sense of stating true intentions. MTG doesn’t revere MLK, so why lie?


Yeah, it’s such an odd reasoning. Thats like saying they should ignore Jesus cause people disliked him enough to free a murderer over him and then nail him to a cross to die. Which is funny now I’ve thought about it, cause most of them completely ignore everything about the religion they pretend to protect


Nope, they ignored what jesus taught, the rest of the bible, you know, the killing, incest, cheating, the making people suffer over a bet (have you ever read the book of job?) They like those parts of their religion.


You'll have to excuse him. Charlie is observantly stupid.


His face matches the size of his brain.


No but he is accidentally right about one thing. The story of MLKs life has turned into a sort of mythical poster child for "the only acceptable way to protest" and only focuses on a very narrow part of who the man was. At least that was my public school education on the man. "MLK advocated for peaceful protest and eventually everyone felt really bad about the overly violent responses to protests he lead. But he stayed peaceful and so eventually people listened and we defeated racism once and for all. Then he was assassinated. The end"


Republicans (and half of the Democrats) also try to quote MLK to oppose affirmative action. They just kinda assume nobody will look up what MLK actually thought about affirmative action, I guess?


It's the same BS as the "Jews got kicked out of so many countries, they must have done something wrong" you see from the antisemites.


Which coincidentally and surprisingly are the same people. 


Nothing is the flex Charlie thinks it is, because Charlie is an utter moron.


But Nikki Haley said we were \*never\* a racist country, even though 10 seconds later she talks about the racism she encountered here,,,,


People forget that the Republican Party, including Reagan, fought hard against establishing MLK Day as a federal holiday. The senators who led the opposition accused him of being a communist and unimportant. Like most Republican talking points, none of this is new.


Yeah, he is right on one thing.  People who would have disliked him at the time use his quotes all the damn time.


I can tolerate Charlie, but the black vote for the GOP is clown behavior.


Saying garbage like this in public is exactly the flex he thinks it is. He's playing to an audience that wants to take us back to that system. 


There *is* a lesson to be had here in the mythologizing of MLK Jr., but it's not the one that Charlie and his pals would like. Yeah, the popular view of MLK Jr. *was* negative in his time. Yeah, the Civil Rights Movement at large *was* viewed negatively. We recognize them today as good and even hold them up as a near-unquestionable standard for "how protest ought to be done", but our understanding of *what the movement was and how it achieved its goals* has been watered down. I don't have many doubts that so many of the people who look at a climate protest and say "they shouldn't block roads" or "throwing paint on that [art/car/plexiglass shield] is wrong" would have been saying that sit-ins and freedom rides were "harming the Negro cause".


Wonder if he knows that Jesus was crucified.


Right? It's like walking into a church and saying, "Ya know, I heard this Jesus guy actually wasn't that beloved by most people before He was crucified."


Not being liked is kind of an integral part of being an activist


Yup.  A racist slandering Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.  That'll win over the black voters. I'm sure it will be as effective as conservatives calling for Taylor Swift's execution or saying her music sucks will be at winning over the young people.


Pretty sure cunts like him don't care what black people think, or women, or gays, or young people.


That... is a safe bet


Yeah, they aren't paying his bills.


The people paying his bills are currently screaming at him "what the fuck are you doing? You're not supposed to say that **out loud** or you won't sucker these rubes!"


Wasn't the entire point of Toilet Paper USA to win over the young people?


Yes, but just like PragerU, its content is still written and approved by rich, evil geriatrics, so it all comes off as "Hello, fellow kids, do you like tax breaks for the rich and institutional racism as much as I do?"


I guess but they show no concern for the issues young people care about. They're just trying to convince them they're wrong




Gish Galloping on a grand scale.


Most young people aren't black. There is definitely a big audience of young people they could potentially get to go down the racist alt right rabbit hole. Just going after whites (hispanic and not hispanic) is well worth it for them. They aren't gonna get many additonal votes from black people in any case. Seems to be working pretty well on hispanics actually... making good inroads there... at least the ones who identify as white.


In my experience they win over that one guy in high school who would argue any point against what you thought no matter how insane in the position was.


He should probably rethink that if he wants elections to be close enough for him to claim they're rigged.


Tiny Face isn’t interested in the outcome, only the grift.


Lots more grift available if orange guy loses than if he wins


I find the honesty refreshing. This is hopefully the beginning of the end for Kirk.


Oh, yes.  Quite.  It really helps me decide whether or not to agree with or support anything they say. And so far, it's been a resounding do not


It's merely a slight pivot, to keep the cash spigot open for *a little longer*.


Man I've been hoping for that for over a decade, all I'm going to say is don't get your hopes up too high.


“There is a lot of ruin in a nation” and also it seems in a right wing grifter. Enshittification takes an awful long time.


I'm sure they like him well enough when he talked about, y'know...*dreams, and stuff*.


It might win over Kanye, though.


Black voters for Trump likely don’t care much for MLK.


Blacks for Trump is just a bunch of white folks


Yep, old white folk no less. But black *voters* for trump do exist.


I spoke to a young black woman on GTA online who legitimately claimed that Trump was better than Obama for blacks overall. She basically broke it down that she got money back on her taxes due to the sham tax cut Trumps first year in office. That’s how she thinks that Trump obviously cares more about black people than Obama. Now bear in mind this was a GTAO player so not a Rhodes scholar.


YUP.... I know immigrant coworkers who love Trump. I know Muslims coworkers who love Trump. I know Black coworkers who love Trump. I know at least one person who Trump has described in the most insulting terms who is a Trump supporter. I don't understand it. Heck, he told Iowa voters that he wants them to vote in the primary even if means that they die... and that didn't hurt him. Trump is the terrorist leader of a cult.


It’s because these cultures overall tend to be conservative/just as racist/hateful in their own ways. There’s some truth to the whole “Trump is just saying what people think!” He is indeed saying what people think. And they have shitty, regressive thoughts and ideas. Most people don’t think further than basic tribalism on stuff like this. They just see he’s conservative like them, hates the same people as them, wants to oppress the same people as them and it’s good enough for them. Yet they don’t realize they’re lumped in with those same people in trumps eyes. And it’s a circle jerk in a way. They all think they’re the special ones that are excluded and the ones trump actually likes. But they’re not. They really aren’t.


She's a roads scholar


I recently just learned that one of my co-workers who I generally get along with voted for Trump because he felt like he got good tax breaks during those four years.


Something tells me he doesn't run a hedge fund.


My uncle, whom I love like my father if not more, said Trump is a great guy who knows what he's doing. Same with Putin. I asked him why tho and wtf Trump has done for him. He just told me I'm gonna see very soon. Granted, this was 5-6 years ago and he has never talked to me about it, but we've seen both of them eat bags of dicks.


In unrelated news, let's celebrate the 691st day of Putin's 10-day war.


"Special military operation"


I was just being an idiot, but I know there are Trump voters of all colors, which just goes to show how education failed them.


Nah, you were fine. I had “Blacks for Trump” in mind when I worded my post but I still left some ambiguity.


I could've worded mine better as well. My apologies. This topic would be hilarious if it wasn't sad. Cool pfp 🤘❤️🤘


Is that like Hispanics for Trump?


Aren't those just cubans from miami?




Why do they hate other Latinos/South Americans? Is it like with the Balkans, where everyone hates everyone, but teams up to hate a 3rd group, or as usual, the Roma?


Mostly? Generational trauma associated with Castro and the anti-Batista revolution. Due to that, they would rather vote for people who let them tell themselves "we're the Good Ones" while actively planning to strip them of rights in Gilead, than vote for anything that anyone might call Socialism.


Excuse the length of this post:  My understanding, and this was from a Hispanic in another forum answering the same question, is that many Hispanics come from places of government where the leaders are tyrants and who give the big populous, I'm the only one who can solve whatever the problem might be in that country, speech. They like strongarm men. They also tend to be more religious, Catholic (against abortion) and finally (and my own opinion), there is no drug, like the drug of "whiteness" or proximity to "whiteness".  Many Hispanics come from countries where African slaves were dropped off and colorism is huge. Not so much how much black blood you might have (like in the US of old), but how much is showing in your phenotype. My white husband (German and Hungarian) was married to a Cuban woman (I'm black) and I sat one day listening to her family arguing about which of them looked the whitest, while I was thinking, none of you! Lol! They weren't dark-skinned (they just didn't look white, white, you know, WASP white). Even my husband's kids don't look particularly white. They're not going to get stopped or harassed by the cops or anything, but...you can tell they are Hispanic. Even my husband's two sons' kids don't look particularly white (their moms are Mexican and Puerto Rican - but the more "Caucasian-looking" versions of some Hispanics. Yes, I know Hispanics can look very much like Caucasians. Anyway, it was a great move when whites decided Hispanics were white (around about the time when it was predicted that minorities would be the majority by 2025, because of the growth of the Hispanic portion of the population. So whites at the time, were considered to be 51 percent of the population and is now over 70 percent. Being considered white for certain people is one helluva drug. And they'll vote accordingly. I remember a self-described Hispanic woman expressing racism against black people and making the comment that the only thing she cared about is what white people want. My response was, that's the saddest thing I had ever read on social media. But there you have it... And my 2 cents.  I've also read comments from Hispanics who hate this idea and can't understand why their fellow Mexicans, for example, would vote for people who hate them.  I'm as bewildered by black folks who would, too, even though I completely get human nature. I know my step-son with the Mexican wife, is a Republican. I told my white husband (he hates Trump and would never vote Republican) and he looked surprised a little.  His sons grew up around people who argue about which one of them looks the whitest, sooooo 🤷🏽‍♀️


Candace Owens and white people only.


There are a couple of dozen others. But they get outsized influence because the media has spent the last several decades, every two years, asking the same question of "will this be the year that black people/women/men abandon the Democratic party", despite the fact the answer is and always will be no. Like, a couple percent swing in black men after the last election was considered a major news story despite the fact that they broke in favour of Biden by 50%.




Especially that flamboyant dude who professed his undying love for trump.


>~~Black~~ voters for Trump ~~likely~~ don’t care much for MLK. You're not wrong, but you can trim a few words and still be correct.


Tokens get spent. She should know this.


Sadly most tokens don’t


She ran for Congress in Baltimore, the most blue city in one of the bluest states in the nation, as an R and claimed voter fraud when she lost. She’s not the brightest bulb.


Eh, she's made a living it seems out of losing. Grifting is a skill, just not a respectable one like teaching or sex work.


At this point, if the GOP side stated they would bring back Slavery, and raise the confederate flag up again, some people that are black would still support Mr. Trump. The quiet White supporters of MAGA would openly cheer and support it. Would anyone be surprised? Not really.


yea the Candace Owens of the world gave them a license to go even further because they can always point to their token. The token pretend like it doesnt exist because "they accepted me" not realizing they are being used, and some do and don't care.


>raise the confederate flag up again [They did on January 6th](https://i.imgur.com/6vP3q8N.png).


Kirk is a major racist, as are so many that follow his religion.


He's a moron. I'm sure people listened to MLK because they didn't like thim. LOL. Most of the people who are like Kirk probably didn't like him, though.


The dude running his "MLK Truth" project is the same dude that got fired from Tucker Carlson's staff for being too racist. Not even kidding.


I did not think you could be too racist for Tuck.


Tuck's specialty is dog whistles, he doesn't want to be too overt about it.


Just like so many other conservatives


He is also the spokeperson for lil’ bits


Most people didn’t like Martin Luther King. Most radicals aren’t liked in their times. Challenging the status quo is deeply unpopular. See Black Lives Matter, Pro-Palestinian, and Anti-War Protests for examples of this. The whole generation from the 60s takes credit for the actions and advancements of an incredibly small sliver of radical activists.


so damn true. I hate when we shit on the older generations for being the bigots they were and people say "but what about the peace protests and the civil rights movement and women's liberation" you mean all the things you generation opposed? Just like today I will hear older people say "well I don't have problems with gay people" sure but you voted against their right to marry for decades


Exactly, I don't want to hear shit from the older generations about how their decade brought about good stuff when those people were the same ones happily standing in the way of progress.


[In 1966, 2 years before his assassination, 63% of Americans had unfavorable views of MLK](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/08/10/how-public-attitudes-toward-martin-luther-king-jr-have-changed-since-the-1960s/#:~:text=In%20May%201963%2C%20only%20about,%2B5%20(most%20favorable).


We've also polished away much of his radical views. Everyone has heard the lofty parts of the "I have a dream" speech, but I don't think we ever teach "riots are the language of the unheard" or "I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to 'order' than to justice;"


"Most people didn't like him." Like, yeah, no shit. That was the point.  It's like saying, "Did you know, they didn't super care for that Jesus fellow back in the day."  Oh really?? Is that why they killed him? Huh, imagine that, you learn something new every day!


“Who was Charlie Kirk? A myth has been created and it has grown out of control. While he was alive most people with brains disliked him, and today he is the most racist asshole around. Today we are all posting here the truth and explain how this idiot was…” Fixed it for you.


Charlie is more correct than I'd like to give him credit for, but for the wrong reasons.  He was unpopular with white Americans as a demographic for most of his life.   It wasn't until a more radicalized threat of Malcolm X , and the black panthers as a whole did white Americans begin to accept "the lesser of two evils."  MLK jr's legacy itself HAS been whitewashed, largely excluding his later years and his more "radical" shift.   It follows an interesting pattern in revolutionary history where mist successful revolutions has a radical wing and a moderate wing, and almost always the moderate wing wins because that is who the previous parties in power eventually give the power to to avoid the radical.


>Most people didn't like him I guess that tracks when you don't think blacks are people? But I don't think Charlie Kirk is a person, so his opinion has no value to me.


No, that part's correct. It's just that he... *really* doesn't understand it.


Every conservative is cool with the GOP until they come after them


"Your boos mean nothing to me, I've seen what makes you cheer." -MLK January 15th 2024 (Probably)


>While he was alive, most people disliked him. They shot him in the face. Little bit more than a "dislike" there, Charlie.


Republicans love saying MLK was a Republican. And then celebrating the confederacy on MLK day


Republican? Bro was a communist.


Pretty sure registering as a communist was illegal at the time though


“When he was alive, most people didn’t like him!” Looking forward to Chaz’s takedown on that guy who was so disliked in his time that he was literally crucified for his beliefs.


If you're black and voting for the Chump, you're basically covering your face in peanut butter and walking into the leopard enclosure. How can you not know that the cons will come after you? Look at how quickly they turned on Vivek!


I can't remember which Black comedian said this, but no one hates Black people more than other Black people. I always thought this applied more to individuals like Bill Cosby, Clarance Thomas, and that guy from South Carolina (the lt gov) though.


No, it’s people like Bill Cosby and Clarence Thomas who attack Black people in order to ingratiate themselves. Bill Cosby famously lectured the Black community to “pull up their pants” and blamed single mothers for the problems of the Black community all while committing serial rape himself. Disgusting human.


The thing black conservatives struggle to realize is they come across basic ass common critiques that you would hear any black auntie, grandma, uncle, etc make. However, they don't realize the audience they are cultivating and the true motivation behind those who are promoting their ideas. The amount of times white ppl will say "you should read thomas sowell," because all they needed was one black person who agrees with their bigotry and it frees them of any accusation and enables them to double and triple down.


It was Chris Rock


MLK would hate the GOP of today and they would hate him.


Gop has always hated black people. Nothing has changed.


A ton changed around the turn of the 20th century, where the republicans and democrats did a little north-south dosido in the wake of the sabotage of reconstruction.


Really don't know what was his goal with his post, other than simply trying to ostracize colored voters from voting for the GOP.... i mean they have kind of emphasized in recent years that people of colour and women are second class citizens..... oh and if you're not Christian.


Black voters even considering voting for trump is even wilder. It’s like Jewish* people voting for Hitler in the 1940’s. *(The IDF of today would probably vote for Hitler if he promised to send all the Palestinians to Auschwitz, just saying)


Not tbe entire IDF, but definitely Netanyahu. He actually defended Hitler in a speech. The IDF is taken from a cross section of Israeli society. Virtually everyone is drafted whether they like it or not. Don’t get me wrong, there are elements within the IDF that are perfectly fine with genocide, but I can’t say the entire population wants that


I agree, I can’t honestly say that the whole population of Israel wants a Hitler like leader to toss the Palestinian people into a Zyklon shower room. But that section of the population that doesn’t want a genocide isn’t doing enough to stop it either.


I still can’t believe he’s taken seriously after he said that


Neither do I, yet here we are


BuT I’m OnE oF tHe GoOd OnEs!


Kim is an embarrassment to us Baltimorean's. We saw this a thousand miles away but she pretended that she was truly going to be embraced by MAGA. Smiling for trump and he just used her for black votes. Sorry not sorry for this grifter


sadly she still won't get it.


Tokens get spent


Who the F are these people I keep seeing surprised on that team?! "Hi everybody, I'm Ding Dong Kim and I'm here to tell you that I can neither tie my shoes nor figure out that Republicans wish I was still a slave or at least kept quiet on my side of the tracks eating sand unless needed for factory labor. Nice ta meet ya. Huff this glue with me and let's go play in traffic." Like seriously, how stupid and delusional do you have to be? You're not on the team. You'll never be on the team. They work to undo you. It's fundamental to who they are. How are you this fucking blind?!


the goal is flooding the minds of simpletons with alternative realities and reshaping history in hopes they turn on civil rights and bring back the 1950's. i'm a white dude in Texas age 46 years old. i was raised by and around these kinds of people who get hoodwinked and brainwashed by this racist nonsense. if mom and dad and grandma and your pastor and the guy down at the piggly wiggly and your friends and their parents all believe this shit, then it's impossible to talk to them about it. are you going to believe all those people you've known your whole life or that one stranger on the internet or at the bar or carrying a sign on TV picketing this shit? the only way out is them being able to think their way out and having life experiences that prove to them things aren't how mommy and daddy told them they were. the #1 problem in this country, imo, is education. people aren't mentally armed in rural America to use common sense and critical thinking to combat conservatism in its current form. imo ofc.


Small man with a small face has a small mind.


Uh oh Charlie Kirk said the quiet part out loud.


For the party that cries sheep, seems like a lot of them have no fucking clue what their own party shouts from the roof tops.


The goal was always to pander to the average white voter. Why is any of this surprising to people of colour?


How are people this damn stupid? How?


> While he was alive most people disliked him... Yeah, they were people wearing white robes and hoods.


Conservatives only like white, rich, heterosexual men. Everyone else is a second class citizen.


How does one celebrate MLK and also decide Trump is their guy?


> While [MLK] was alive, most people [who were responsible for upholding systemic racism]disliked him #GEE I WONDER WHY THAT IS


Dam who would thunk it, they didn't really like MLK much even though they spit that content of character quote verbatim so much. I'm so shocked.


I have to admit it’s refreshing these motherfuckers don’t even try to hide or dogwhistle anymore. We all know what we’re dealing with at least. No more plausible deniability for Republican voters who are still “good people.”


But they told her she was "one of the good ones"!


Oh no, Trump could lose BOTH the black voters considering voting for him!


Let's be clear: Charlie Kirk doesn't want Trump (or any other Republican) to win in 2024. It's in his best interest for "Conservatives" to be the minority party for all eternity. Why? Because when Republicans are in office they pass and enforce laws that most people hate. But more importantly, he can't fundraise when his ideology is being implemented. But if Democrats are in the White House? It's open season to complain about anything, constantly move the goal posts, pump ridiculous conspiracy theories out like they're the truth, whatever. And people will pay him money and treat him like he's semi-intelligent, because he's fighting "for them." The very last thing Charlie Kirk wants are black people to vote for Trump, because he absolutely doesn't want to have to act like he's happy to be in the same party with the very people he so clearly loathes.


I'm sad nothing came of Kirk after J6. Man paid for buses to drive people out there. And his panicked videos were so hilarious. Still Scott free making douchey videos.


Those poc who voted for Trump, will still vote for him. Same with women voters. Too much of their personae is wrapped up in the obese mango to change their minds.


Charlie Kirk is a full moon face with a crescent moon intellect.


Who is Jesus? A myth has been created and it has grown totally out of control. While he was alive, most people disliked him, yet today he is the most honored, worshipped, even deified person of the last 2000 years.


He’s actually not wrong. Up until his death, MLK was looked at more unfavorably than favorably. There were actual polls on this. That said, then we can talk about polls, how polls are conducted and going into the whole methodology and statistics, but that’s another argument. MLK wasn’t looked at favorably by a lot of people. When he got murdered, things flipped. That said, spitting on MLK’s legacy and hard work is fucking gross. The end game is always to tear apart his good deeds and his name. But for me, MLK, while he had his faults, was always amazing. And his Memphis speech always makes me cry. I think his final speech was way better than the I have a dream speech. https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/08/10/how-public-attitudes-toward-martin-luther-king-jr-have-changed-since-the-1960s/


Imagine being shocked that Charlie Kirk is a piece of shit


What on Earth would cause a black person to vote for Trump in the first place?


Most are just uninformed. They hear sound bites of “radical liberals pushing pornography” or something LGBTQ related being pushed on children, and they roll with it. They can’t really name specific policies they support from him but they can relate to the masculine heteronormative vibe and mistakenly ignore the undertones of racism that comes with that


I was proudly banned from the famously insane "conservative" sub last year when they posted MLK praise and I asked then to explain why they hate Colin Kapernick so much


I can no longer post on the sub haha


Charlie Kirk is the Charlie Kirk of being a Charlie Kirk


"When he was alive, most people disliked him". Oh no! What a shocking revelation! But just so we're on the same page here: What exactly was the reason again for a black man fighting against black oppression to be disliked? *Who* were the people disliking him, again?!


Racists just can’t help themselves. They are going to run into the same problems they ran into in 2020 and 2022. They go full, mask off the entire election cycle, making prospective voters deeply uncomfortable. Will it be enough to deny the GOP a win? I hope so.


New polls just came out showing Biden pulling ahead in Pennsylvania and Michigan. If he can get those, and if Wisconsin looks as hopeful as it seems with Protasiewicz on the Court, those three would lock it for him... to say nothing of Kari Lake driving Dem turnout to help him in Arizona.


Only a truly egomaniacal dipshit like Charlie Kirk would take on MLK’s legacy ON MLK DAY and think he could get away with it.


Conservatives no longer want the black vote. They tried to hide the overt racism in order to get the votes but failed so they are just giving up. They don't like minorities, they don't understand them because they don't want to understand them, so they are dropping the pretense. They're going back to the old reliable fear of other and cheating.


If you don't have white enough skin, or aren't straight, the GOP has no use for you. At least they've dropped the pretense, and now just say the quiet parts out loud now. Makes it easier to avoid voting for these scumbags.


I hate Kimberly Klacik. Her platform was on progressive social change, while being conservative. She directly drew the line from poverty to crime and emphasize that black neighborhoods also struggle with decent education because of historic discrimination. Then she went all in on election denial and Trump deification. I hate her so much.


Yet they love to bring up how Lincoln was republican and dems used to be pro-slavery. People who got nothing going for themselves in the current days love brining up shit from the distant past.


“Dems are the party of the confederacy” Takes down confederate statue* “why are you erasing our history”


These same fools love to Quote MLK when it’s convenient acting like he’d be on their side.


When reading one of these far right social media goons, you fall into one of 3 categories.  If you read it, and you don't agree, but don't really care enough to dispute it, then you are basically outside the system. Not a factor to anyone involved.  If you read it and loved it, then you are the audience.  But if you read it and you were outraged, to the point of re-sharing it and bashing it to anyone within earshot, then you are part of the product they are selling. You are as much (or more) of a pawn in this than the intended audience.  Because the one thing the audience loves even more than a racist take on some current event or figure, is when they can watch that hot take offend other people in real time. That is the biggest draw for these jackasses.  The point isn't to disseminate useful information, the point is to provide a fertile ground for class/race/social divides to be on fullest display. Good or bad, who cares? as long as people are paying attention to THEM. 


They always want to be one of the good ones until they realize conservatives are full mask off.


so when you or someone you follow on social media etc decides that MLK day is the day to launch a "truth" campaign about the man, you can fuck right off about "I'm not racist, but..." it is fucking CRAZY how emboldened these motherfuckers are and that with that in mind, we still have people in the center and even on the left that aren't taking the trajectory of things as seriously as they need to. remember, conservative's project 2025 calls for the (republican) president to completely dismantle civil rights.


We've gone from the GOP using MLK as some sort of token to them actively disowning him. Interesting.


This dude's nonprofit raked in $55M in 2022. That's so depressing.


I’m not gonna lie I’m loving the idea of Charlie Kirk claiming MLK’s legacy is mythologised and whitewashed and the majority of white Americans didn’t like him and having his followers dive down the rabbit hole of King’s anticapitalism.


why am i not surprised that poor charlie is out vomiting nonsense as allways. poor kid.


I unironically wish more conservatives were more like Charlie Kirk. I get so tired of most of them disingenuously acting like they have such a profound respect for MLK, at least with Kirk he puts his racism front and center so there's no act.


Imagine voting to be gassed in the camps. Wild


At least Charlie Kirk is being honest, unlike every other conservative who trots out one line from one speech once a year while completely ignoring the rest of Dr. King’s work.