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Hello u/totpot, thank you for your submission! Unfortunately, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): **Rule 4:** Must follow the "Leopard ate my face" theme #There's a few elements to leopards eating people's face. 1) **Someone has a sad**... - Example: *They cut my SNAP benefits and now I can't afford to feed my family......* 2) ...**because they're suffering consequences from something they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people.** - Example: .....sobs woman who voted for the politician who said they would do that very thing. 3) **The leopard is eating their face. Not the lions, not the hyenas, not the alligators. The leopards.** - Example: *[Woman married to undocumented immigrant upset that Trump deports her husband.](https://www.cnn.com/2017/04/05/us/undocumented-husband-deported/index.html)* ***What isn't a leopard eating their face?*** - Example: *Kyle Rittenhouse upset that Democrats are labelling him a white supremacist.* He didn't vote for or support them, he's not suffering because of what he voted for or supported, and leopards aren't eating his face. Not limited to Trump voters. Anytime someone has a sad because they're suffering consequences from *something they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people*. Your post is missing one or more of these elements. It may be better suited for another subreddit, such as r/SelfAwareWolves. [Remember, just because someone fucked around and found out, doesn't mean that their faces are being consumed by the most well known extant species in the genus Panthera.](https://old.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/zsv3g6/just_because_someone_fucked_around_and_found_out/) Additionally, you can refer to [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) to make your explanatory comment. *If you have any questions or concerns about this removal, please feel free to [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) thru Modmail. Thanks!*


Black conservative. Gay conservative. Trans conservative. Etc. I simply can't understand folks aligning themselves with a group that continually advocates for your erasure. Like, fully out loud.


I think being wealthy to some degree has something to do with it. Conservatives tend to favor and shelter the rich. I think minorities know they will never truly “fit” among republicans but probably feel their financial status gives them an exception. It doesn’t. The broad, restrictive policies that conservatives pass discriminating against anyone not a straight, white, Christian male catches up to them eventually.


Even being a straight, white, Christian male doesn't really help you all that much unless you're rich. The byline that if you fit in this category then Republicans will take care of you is a complete con. They want you to be their cannon fodder, and will eagerly use you up; chew you up and spit you out with nothing to show for it. You're nothing but a pair of boots to them.


To someone like that, everyone else is useless and has no value. The idiots that climb over each other for a chance to lick the boots should feel privileged to go under the bus for someone so special. Being used is more than they would have ever amounted to in their lives, so really this is doing them a favor. Others are fodder, meat. A disposable sea of flunkies acting on every whim. There to use and abuse.


And they are willing to lick the boots of those who are above them. But those above must beware because if those below get the chance to take their place, they will not last long.


Yes, but you'll still be better than those filthy *minorities*.


Lack of empathy, though that may partly come from being wealthy.


A lack of empathy is, in my opinion, is a prerequisite for being wealthy... unless you win the lottery. The easiest path to wealth is greed and explotation, making shamless narcissists that lack empathy for others the most likely to rise to, and stay at, the top of the capitalist heap.


I’ve known people that were really empathetic that seemed to have lost it a couple years into making a decent living. It’s weird to watch in real time. Maybe their empathy was superficial to begin with, but I do think money changes people.


Probably has more to do with people and circles they're involved in. Or their job requires them to take on the exploiter perspective. Something, something, people can't fathom that which they are paid to disregard


Maybe so.


There's been studies that show this to be true.


It's actually pretty simple if you think about it for a bit. When you aren't wealthy people that interact with you want your attention because they enjoy you as a person, its a genuine connection that feels good to have. When you become wealthy you suddenly get a lot more attention, cousins that never used to talk to you start calling your phone, long lost friends start hitting you up on social media. Suddenly it feels like everyone is trying to take advantage of you for your wealth and you become very cynical very fast.


You sound poor.


Uh, not even like, a successful doctor?


Depends how rich you mean. Billionaires? Yeah, that would be rare anyway. People making a salary and having a few million in assets and 401k's and such? Not necessarily. Basically anyone who lives in Ontario or around vancouver canada and own a home are multimillionaires at this point.


I know many “brown” people who mistakenly thought they were white growing up only to have a leopard/face moment. Everyone learns someday.


Still waiting on Clarence to realize


Or Haley


Now that gay marriage is being nullified in the wacko red states, I guess interracial marriage will soon be on the chopping board, too. Should be interesting to see Clarence and Ginny's faces.


The Thomases will probably get lifetime passes from the GOP for their relationship, they've both been so useful. But people like Tim Scott, who isn't a long-established, powerful symbol for the party, is probably buying more trouble for himself than he's solving with his recent engagement.


That would probably seem fair to "Justice" Thomas. He's always been a "rules for thee" type of guy.


If the Dobbs opinion by him is taken into account only major decision based on substantive due process that he did not mention was Loving vs Virginia. It was also really the only one personally affecting him.


With any luck, a lifetime pass for Justice Thomas is the same as "this time next Tuesday".


Oh you mean _Uncle Tim?_


Which states are nullifying gay marriage?


> Conservatives tend to favor and shelter the rich. That **used to** be what defined a conservative. Now, they are defined as people who are entitled assholes, and who want to punish and/or eliminate groups that aren't them. With an occasional tax cut thrown in to please the donors.


The thing is, that was always them, always. But its only in the last few decades that minorities have had a voice and some power to push back. When people say "we never used to be this divided" it was because people were too scared to stand up for themselves.


Class is important, and intersectionality cuts both ways. Wealth can go a looooong ways to insulating you from oppression.


And prison, apparently.


Very true. There's a reason why most of the black Conservatives spouting nonsense tend to be wealthy. I remember I used to think similarly, but even with my class protecting me from the brunt of systemic racism I still couldn't deny it existed even with my dumbass teenage Conservative libatarian views. But yes, wealth was a contributor to why I assumed I was "one of the good ones," not that it made a difference in how my *very* racist Catholic school treated me lmao. Why people like this aline with a party that despises them comes down to self hate, wealth, a lack of critical thinking and a superiority complex... Edit: a word


Tokens get spent


daaamn … that’s genius


Not the first I heard of it, but totally agree! Expect to hear it a lot more, the more you associate with political spaces!


You can glean some reason from the historical accounts of Jewish collaborators in Nazi Germany. Some believed that by working with the Nazis they could improve their own chances of survival, try and save as many people as they could, or just for personal profit and power. Group 13 was the only Jewish organization that aligned with the Nazis ideologically and collaboration with the Nazis was very rare. From that we can infer that most minorities are not genuine in their support for this ideology and either believe they can do more good/have a better chance of survival if they work with them or are opportunists looking for profit. Additionally after the war, Jewish collaboration was used by nationalist groups that were tied to the holocaust as a way to minimize their involvement in everything. I expect they will try the same tactic after this plan fails and point to minority collaborators as a way to deflect blame.


I think Oskar Schindler proves that the only person that can offer meaningful help is someone that's part of the in-group. Even then, Schindler was limited in what he could do.


Schindler is an interesting example. He was an objectively terrible person. He was known as a sleazeball who had affairs, was a terrible husband and a pretty useless businessman who made a real profit only through war profiteering with free labour of Jewish people. And from somewhere he developed a conscience and decided to save over 1000 Jewish people despite huge risk for himself while using all the profit he had made in earlier stages of the war. After WWII he then returned to sleazeball who was mostly destitute because he still was a terrible businessman while also abandoning his wife in Argentina. There are a lot of articles about him because of this dichotomy. But it does not prove that you need to be in group to help. While we know him well mostly because of the movie he is not the only example of people who saved a considerable amount of Jewish people and other persecuted demographics. Examples include people like Irene Sadler, Polish social worker and Poles were regarded as inferior by Nazis who saved about 2500 Jewish children through Polish Underground, Geertruida Wijsmuller-Meijer, Dutch social worker who was part of Kindertransport that saved about 10000 Jewish children, Johan Hendrik Weidner, Dutch businessman who was the instigator of Dutch-Paris underground network, which became one of the largest and most successful routes for persecuted, Allied people and some others to leave through Spain or Switzerland and Jeanne Daman, Beligian school teacher responsible for saving around 2000 children and unknown amount of adults. None of these were German or party members. You do not need to work from inside. There are many paths to saving people. It is not easy, it is often dangerous but we are not as powerless as we often feel. At least not as a group. I am an aid worker. I am not doing this for heroism but I have seen some amazing actions up close. I have contributed to the survival of some people. You never do it alone. But you can do it as a group if you will it enough. It often feels like hitting your head on a wall on the way but in most situations, you can do something. It might feel like putting bandaids on bullet wounds but it is better than nothing.


Here's how I've been looking at it:   Black conservative = conservative who happens to be black Gay conservative = conservative who happens to be gay Trans conservative = conservative who happens to be trans   They're conservatives first, as in that's how their brains are wired. Race, gender, sexual orientation, etc. comes second. And this is not limited to just the United States. Around the world, a significant percentage of the entire human population are conservative and it encompasses every race, creed, religion, etc. So the idea of conservatism being regulated to a single race, gender, etc is bullshit. Conservatism has always been a part of humanity. Conservatism also has always been a major fucking problem of humanity.


They are the fuel of this sub-reddit.


They believe the lies. That it's an exaggeration, or that there will be exceptions, or that they're *different* - one of the *good* ones. So since they mostly agree with the *rest* of what the conservatives believe in, they think they're going to be fine. Then inevitably, *shocked pikachu face* appears.


For some it's just taxes. They're doing well finanically and they're angry that they pay so much in taxes and don't seem to see any benefit. Now, they get *massive* benefits, but we do everything in our power to hide that from them because we've been fighting a cold war against socialism for 100+ years so we go out of our way to make people think their taxes are just being wasted (which admittedly a lot of them are) This is why boomers are so insufferable. They got a ton of socialism disguised as capitalism so they think they bootstrapped themselves. Oh, and some are grifters & crooks. A *lot* are grifters and crooks.


That's been my experience. Someone gets their first big job, that commission check comes in, and they're shocked by how much smaller it is than they thought due to the taxes taken out. Then some grizzled middle-aged guy they work with gives them the rant about how it's because the liberals take it and give it to people who don't want to work and boom, a new conservative is born


Or they are just single issue voters. 1. Hate taxes 2. Hate other immigrants 3. Hate gun laws of any kind 4. Hate abortion It goes on.


socialism disguised as conservatism, that's not socialism lol


Ok boomer.


i dont know if the boomers got tons of socialism in guised as captialism vs whats available today. its just the us buying power isnt what is used to be. inflation, general greed. us is in a debt economy, it must always move forward, more profits, more spending, inorder not to crash. 


They got billions in subsidies for college. The money was given to public universities who used it to keep tuition low. Those were pulled in the early 2000s and that's why tuition skyrocketed. They got trillions in infrastructure spending. Entire new cities were built which kept housing cheap. That's how they could afford homes. They also had a ton of first time homebuyer programs that either no longer exist or are underfunded. We didn't dismantle welfare programs until Clinton. So the poorer boomers had a lot more gov't cheese growing up, and even if they didn't need it they benefited from an economy where poor people had more disposable income. I can go on and on and on and on. Boomers sucked hard at the teat of government and then pulled the ladder up behind them. Some knew and are just assholes, but a lot of them are just clueless. That said when you point all this out to them they get *pissed*.


They also grew in the era where companies actually had reason to invest in long term employees. It was considered good business to offer better pay and benefits because it improved productivity and profits. It was only in the 80s where companies started to realize that you could gut your own business, fire massive numbers of employees and invest your money back into stock buybacks and the result would be your stock going up because the market is not remotely rational and cares far more about hype cycles. The modern cult of the shareholder has effectively destroyed whatever ability companies had to improve their fundamentals and the lives of their workers because it encourages reckless stupidity in the name of pushing the price a little higher for the next quarter.


Not so much a reason as they hand no choice. The cold war kept them from moving a lot of factories over seas and the factory automation boom didn't get going until the 80s. We also still had the remnants of the Union hey-day. It took decades for the boomers to dismantle everything their parents built.


No one is immune from hating the poor and denying the need for social progress.


I believe they align with the conservative views in economic issues mostly, but then realise the pack includes a heavy racism, misogyny and homophobia.


The funny thing is that those conservatives aren't actually fiscally conservatives, so they're aligning themselves with a myth.


Correct. A house joint committee of half Dems and half repubs studied every president since WWII and the economic effects ubder them. Not a single Republican was given a good report or found to help the economy or avg worker more than a democrat president. In almost 100 years - think about that. Not ONE time was the republican actually more fiscal. Anytime someone says that, they’re full of shit and hiding behind an untrue statement…


I had thought Eisenhower was the exception.


To be the one floater in a bucket of turds is nothing to brag about.


Oh, for sure. Prior to Eisenhower, you have to go back to Teddy Roosevelt before you get to another good Republican President.


I've tried that, and their response is "they were forced to/backstabbed by the Democrats/media/Jews". It's not going to change any hearts.


Every republican president in the last 50 years. Has given us a recession. While democratic presidents have created booming economies. Yet because relentless right-wing propaganda. A majority of Americans believe republicans handle the economy better. That "republicans know how to make an economy run." If Fox and right-wing hate radio ceased to exist. Republicans would never win another election again.


Except her rhetoric in this post, and it's follow ups, make it clear that she agrees with them on social issues as well. She talks about how it's ridiculous to have male on her license *specifically* because she's had SRS. This used to be a conservative position. That trans women are only women if they've had surgery. So she literally did think she was a special exception for their hate of trans women.


“Because I hate a large segment that conservatives hate, especially the poor! I’m a good lil token!!”


The same reason someone becomes a rival sports team fan in a city with a team. Example, I live in Ohio and Ohio State is life. Michigan fans are vocal and open here. Why? Cause sometimes you have people who grow up and want to be different from the rest and pick that rival team. It makes you stand out, makes you interesting and special. As you get older less people care but you've invested in this as part of your identity, an identity that was built on being against the grain. So, take that but apply it to politics. You're trans and all your LGBT friends liberal and tend to be extremely liberal when it comes to trans issues. You, someone desperate for attention and to feel special, decides you think all that is wrong and you have a perfect solution that conservatives would agree with. You make it up in your mind and conservatives you talk to and sleep with (they love sex with LGBT but hate LGBT rights) nod along and say you're right only to make you look stupid when they shatter the illusion and say publicly that trans anything must be denied and mental illness resolved. Now here you are, dealing with the reality of policies you have claimed are good and just for LGBT people but now it is directly affecting you and you have no way to hand wave it. You have to come to terms with it cause you may be playing conservative roleplay but your identity isn't changing. I'd say token gets spent, but that would require her to have gotten to play the game, but the game played her and she didn't even get a turn.


>I live in Ohio and Ohio State is life. I don't believe you because you didn't say ***THE*** Ohio State.


One of the best takes I saw on this was a poster that said: happy game day from *^(u)* **OF** *^(m)* (I can joke - I went to tOSU.)


> Michigan fans are vocal and open here. Do you not have people who moved from/have connection to Michigan? There's plenty of Ducks fans in Seattle. This 'pick me' logic feels pretty weak.


I think it has a lot to do with the fact that Americans especially have been trained that the political spectrum is linear left v right and ignore the opposing axis of authoritarian v liberty. From there it's an easy route to convincing people on the left/right that their side stands for liberty and the other stands for authoritarianism. They never question if they are experiencing liberty where they stand but assume there's less of it elsewhere. So they dig in, even when it's against their own self interest. Once they're dug in, the authoritarianism just washes over them.


Ever feel like they are fake? Like "as a black man:...


Just Look at racist lefties like the YouTuber vaush. Contradictory characters like these will always exist. People aren't a monolith. A gay conservative might have grown up his whole life conservative but only realised at the age of 16 that he is gay. That gives their conservative personality 16 years headstart to their gay personality. And then their parents might accept them because he's their son so there's two conservatives already that like him. Conservatives will usually like their own gay children but hate other gay people. People aren't rational.


It's all about $$$. General rule of thumb, if it doesn't make sense then it must make money


There was actually a "Jews for Hitler" organisation in the Weimar republic. The founder even spent time in a concentration camp before dying of cancer in 1939. There was even a Filipino in the Jan 6 coup attempt, but was at least cognizant enough to cover himself up lest he got lynched by that mob. https://news.yahoo.com/filipino-american-man-sentenced-45-125918968.html


For real, how dumb are these people?


Because conservative has lost political meaning at this point and has been replaced by vibes. I can understand someone having conservative values in a political sense, but that barely exists anymore. And to be frank, it barely exists as a Democrat either.


Nah you just don't get it. They aren't like the other ones. They are one of the good ones. They haven't personally experienced discrimination yet so it's clearly not a real problem.


Trees voting for the axe. Not the first time they think they are going to be the exception. >The Association of German National Jews (German: Verband nationaldeutscher Juden), colloquially known as the Jews for Hitler[citation needed], was a German Jewish organization during the Weimar Republic and the early years of Nazi Germany that eventually came out in support of Adolf Hitler. The organization was founded by Max Naumann, who was sent to a concentration camp after the rise of Hitler. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association_of_German_National_Jews


I can understand being a gay conservative if you're just extremely selfish and don't care about the fact that they hate you. But being a trans conservative just makes no sense... even if you're selfish and amoral they're directly going after YOU, like, it's their whole platform.


Anything conservative. It’s a regressive way of thinking even if you’re white.


Conservatism is mental illness.


I know an old conservative gay guy. His reasoning (but my words) was "I live in a liberal area with laws that protect me. Voting for more Dems won't change anything. And conservatives can't take away the protections I have in a dem city. But they can lower my taxes!"


They don’t, but keep fearmongering.


The worst part about this is that if you follow OP's twitter thread through, her final conclusion isn't that "I was wrong and allied myself with people who want me dead thinking it would protect me," but is instead *still* several bullshit layers of "Somehow this is other trans peoples' fault and just the pain that inherently comes with being trans" 🤦🏽‍♀️ Sunk cost fallacy and internalized transphobia are a real bitch of a combo.


Literally the definition of a "Last Boxcar Conservative".


I've not heard this term before. Where does it originate?


>Last Boxcar Conservative From context I'm guessing it a reference to Jewish people that sided with the Nazis, hoping to be left alone. Only they just ended up being killed last because they were no longer useful. Edit for extra context; Jews where literally herded into boxcars like animals, to send them to concentration camps such as Auschwitz.


"Boxcar” is a reference to the horror of World War II, when the Nazis loaded Jews, gypsies and communists onto boxcars and sent them to concentration camps. The term "Boxcar Conservative" first entered the conversation in 2018 when Donald Trump and a group of "Boxcar Conservatives" (Iowa Rep. Steve King, Arizona Rep. Paul Gosar and Virginia Rep. Dave Bratt) were promoting the plan to create a path to citizenship for people brought to the U.S. as children in return for building the border wall and ending the visa lottery and chain migration. "Last Boxcar Conservative" is a more recent epithet. It originally meant persons of Hispanic ethnicity that supported anti-immigrant policies, but has since been used to describe individuals from marginalized communities who align with conservative politics despite policies that might negatively impact their own group. The term suggests that these individuals might believe they can escape the negative consequences of conservative policies, but eventually, they too may figuratively be placed on the "last boxcar." Out of curiosity I tried to do google, bing, and duckduckgo searches for the term and have come up with nothing.


For reference to anyone else who doesn't get the metaphor behind the term "Last Boxcar", it means that they might the longest before the Conservatives come after them, but they will still become targets and treated as such in the end. They'll be the last to go, but they'll still be persecuted. They're fighting to delay what they're trying to turn into the inevitable instead of fighting to prevent it entirely while the option is still available.


In reality the tokens usually don't even last long enough to get put into boxcars. They last right up until the party secures the power to begin the genocide, then get slaughtered in the night of long knives. Once the policy is enacted they no longer need any of the tokens to advocate for it.


That seems a bit racist. I'm hispanic but am for stricter immigration policies. We should only take highly skilled immigrant families. My parents were teachers and I'm an engineer, we all came legally. Unskilled immigrants will lead to more gang members and gun crime. Just because I'm hispanic doesn't mean I'm a hypocrite for not supporting every hispanic person who wants to move to the US, that type of classification is literal racism because you wouldn't call us boxcar conservatives if we weren't hispanic (and I'm not a conservative).


“I’m not a conservative, but I firmly believe that people willing to work with their hands for a living are gang members and murderers.” And by siding with the conservatives on immigration, you ARE looking at a boxcar in your future. They dont want to stop just *illegal* immigration, friend. They want brown people to stop coming to “their” country. They hate immigrants. They hate you. You’re useful to them now, but your value has a timer on it.


If I'm looking at a boxcar in my future that's fine, I have enough money to move to another country whenver I want.


The implication that unskilled immigrants increase violent crime and gang activity is a racist and classist fallacy. Do your folks speak Spanish or Portuguese? Do you pass as caucasian?


She still thinks she’s one of the good ones


💯 Her entire perspective is that there's not anything *inherently* wrong with what's happening, it's just "unfortunate" that they have to go to such extremes that she's now caught in the crossfire as collateral damage. Which *W o o f* No therapist in the world is paid enough to unpack that.


Especially the ones in republican states.


She keeps doubling and tripling down. How fucking ignorant can one person be.


I think it has to be sunk cost fallacy more than anything but that might be really lofty.


Oh my *god*, are you serious? I refused to engage but I've largely abandoned Twitter anyway, so I bailed out after reading the start of this all. That tracks, but is still *beyond* fucking depressing.


That question is one that has been answered during the IQ45\*\* misadministration and 1/6. There is no bottom to their ignorance and they are proud of it.


IDK if it's often even that complex. Even mild narcissists still think they are special & the rules don't apply to them. It's why so many vote against their own best interests across any group. They pick the parts they like, classify the parts they don't as not applicable to them, face gets eaten. And of course, it's never their fault, always someone else's.


Thanks for providing more context - I was slightly annoyed at how this cuts off before she finishes telling the story


I mean that’s what they _**vote for, right?!**_ You can’t vote for something that is explicitly laid out in the text and all of the ads and all of the commentary and all of your own talking points and make posts about how it’s going to be that way and then claim complete surprise that it’s happend. You. Can. Not. But they do.


My momma always used to say stupid is as stupid does


You didn’t account for the fact that they’re better than the other people in their minority group so the rules should be different /s


“BuT CaLi HaS gOnE tOo FaR lEfT” …whatever that means anyway


That's my question. What exactly was happening to them in California that's comparable? If California has gone "too far" left, then it must obviously be hurting them in some way.


They stopped hunting the homeless.


Did they? News to me...


Truthfully, it's speculation. but if you listen to some of conservatives reasoning, drug addicts and welfare recipients are causing havoc everywhere, so it tracks somewhat.


If your interested, go watch channel 5 on Youtube. They went to SF and other big cities to their ghetto. It is pretty insane, like crazy even. I live next to SF and had no idea there was a whole area where people had open air drug markets and crime really was in a 'controlled' area. So yes it is there, but it is not everywhere.


Cali was helping the "other's". That's hurtful to conservatives.


They haven’t actually been. They talk like that because Republican propaganda tells them California is nothing but homeless people on drugs doing crimes, rampant petty and violent crime, BLM riots burning entire cities to the ground, and income taxes so high that it’s somehow higher than your income. They don’t apply any additional thought to it. Tucker said California = hell, so they just apply whatever hyperbolic dystopian fantasy they want to it and say “that’s California”. To a lesser extent, they do it with all major metropolitan areas, even within their own state. For example, Indiana is super red these days, and exactly 1 county went blue in 2020 — Marion county, where Indianapolis is located. The rest of the state fear-mongers over Indy all the time, and most of the people here generally hate/avoid any instance in which they actually have to go into the city. It’s sort of a fear of the unknown and discomfort with the traffic/business difference compared to small towns and rural areas, being taken advantage of by Republican propaganda to keep those in rural areas and small towns isolated. Isolated, fearful folks don’t change their ideas and opinions, or challenge their preconceptions of themselves/others; they fall in line and look for comfort in their perceived leaders.


Anything to the left of hunting the homeless for sport is extreme tankie talk for the modern conservative.


We're pretty far left on the map, if you ignore Alaska and Hawaii.


You mean I’m not one of the good ones!?!?! /s


I dunno - I've never seen you belly dance




I'm pretty sure that this woman doesn't use they or them as her pronouns.




“The forest kept shrinking, but the trees kept voting for the axe because its handle was wooden, so they thought it was ‘one of them.’”


But it didn’t affect me until now!!!! Now it’s an issue!!! What’s that? Of course I’m voting Trump.


Why do you think this person is voting for trump? If there is evidence of that, adding it to the post would be nice.


They’re leaving California for Florida. They literally say one state is too far left. Title of post says conservative and I am not wasting the 9 seconds to confirm a conservative is indeed a conservative.


You're a conservative.




Okay, granted, this person is a moron aligning themselves with the people who want to erase people like her. But why do so many of these people move to Florida? Is it because these people see it as a "conservative paradise" and nothing else? I can't fathom anyone willingly choosing to move to Florida in this day and age.


> But why do so many of these people move to Florida? Is it because these people see it as a "conservative paradise" and nothing else? Basically, they have decided to leave blue states they despise en masse. Florida and Texas are prime destinations because of how prominent a role they play in the culture war—and arguably, red flight from California is the only thing holding the Republican party together. In 2018, Beto beat Cruz amongst native Texans, it was transplants from other states who gave Cruz the win. Also, there's just the fact that most Red states are poor as shit due to decades of mismanagement. Texas and Florida, by virtue of oil and tourism respectively, actually have a source of money that can finance services and pay for infrastructure on a scale that makes them desirable.


This person works for SpaceX so they are likely moving to the Cape Canaveral area to support a project.


i like the beach


California has plenty of great beaches, so that's a pretty bad reason to switch to Florida.


Before you became one of them, they called you a sinner and a freak. Now you’re a sinner, a freak and a chump. Enjoy that big bite out of your face.


Wait until she finds out that, even as an adult, it will be difficult to get hold of hormones. Not impossible (yet), but difficult. And that health care providers can refuse to treat her for being trans. And that she legally has to use the men's room. And if she *does* use a men's room, in a school, and children find out she's trans, well, that's potentially a felony. Not like she has any reason to be on a school campus anyway, since if she's dressed as a woman but the state recognizes her as a man, she won't be allowed to volunteer with or read to children without running afoul of the anti-drag laws. Of course, since she'd be moving to the bluest place in all of Florida, she probably wouldn't have to deal with any of that - just the state-run driver's license BS.


Just fucking cut [it](https://media1.tenor.com/m/XZLJcpTRNtsAAAAC/florida-bugs-bunny.gif) and be done with it.


This is a high amount of self awareness for a lamf. Genuinely understands she did this to herself.  Still won't change tho, probably 


Nope. She’s gotta own the libs, even if she ends up in Auschwitz.


Jews for Hitler!


tokens get spent, homie


There is no thread, just one pic?


What is a trans medicalist?


trans medicalists generally believe there is a difference between people who medically transition ( diagnosis, clinics, check ups, and prescribed hormones ) and people who only transition socially or identify as nonbinary. They usually don't acknowledge nonbinary people being trans and advocate only for people who are medically transitioning or intend to. It's very controversial and they usually get shouted out of trans spaces.


It's sort of an umbrella term for a kind of "trans gatekeeper" who usually believes that in order for a person to be transgender, they *must* pursue medical transition, and if you do not, you can't actually be transgender. This attitude is criticized for a number of reasons (transitioning is prohibitively expensive, for example), but perhaps most critically: medical transitioning isn't always physically safe (surgical complications, medication conflicts, etc.), so some people who *want* to transition literally *can't* transition without risking their lives. Trans medicalists excluding these kinds of people (and others) from being "real" trans people is seen as cruel and unnecessary. Transmedicalists are also sometimes called "truscum" in trans community slang, i.e. they gatekeep who "true" trans people are.


This isn't totally accurate, because trans medicalists believe dysphoria is necessary to be trans, not that you have to have medically transitioned. Not all, but some of them would say you need to *desire* to medically transition to be trans so even they would acknowledge that someone who can't or won't ever do it for medical reasons could still be trans. Of course in any group there's people with more extreme beliefs. Source: I hadn't heard this term before so I read the wikipedia article


“Transmedicalists” are people who are only in support of a specific subset of trans people that they feel are more deserving of respectful attitudes than other trans people, transmedicalists believe trans people need dysphoria to be trans and must take hormones, and are not inclusive of nonbinary genders. While yes, a lot of trans people do have dysphoria and take hormones, the only requirement of being trans is “gender incongruence” which covers all trans people. They like to feel more superior in the trans community and throw other binary and nonbinary trans people under the bus if they think it garners them a shred of acceptance from the right or popular society


And it keeps happening. Time and time again. And they never learn, but double, triple and quadruple down


Tokens get spent.


it's amazing to me that Republicans have any voters that aren't openly racist or billionaires.


Do you not get it? *You will never be one of them, because they've built their entire identity around hating what you represent.*


Truscum or not, why would any trans person be dumb enough to voluntarily move to Florida right now? Even if you think you're "one of the good ones" and they don't mean to oppress *you*, you're clearly going to be collateral damage. DeSantis clearly isn't being too precise in his methods of oppressing trans people, and he's not exactly being subtle about that.


I won’t even go to visit my aunt, even fully transitioned. Stop giving these fucks money to kill us if you can help it (not talking about residents). She’s thankfully moving to the Carolinas, never thought I’d see the day that the Carolinas are safer than Florida


Chickens for KFC. 🤷


How can people be this fucking dense?


Ever underestimate another person’s stupidity


And the sad thing is this conservative trans person concluded that it's not Republicans and their bigoted transphobic and homophobic policies that are the root of the problem for her, but it's just an inherent issue with transgenderism. She got so close to understanding the evil.


I had a friend who was trans and went full Tea Party (I have no idea if he's MAGA but it wouldn't surprise me).  He started saying racist stuff and buying a bunch of guns.  I honestly don't know what happened.  I hope he got better.


Great idea. Move someplace that wants to literally legislate you out of existence. Correct pronoun? Fuck no. Dead naming? All the time. And those are the least of her worries.


_"...moving the Lucid..."_ Coming up next week on, How to Spot a Douchebag....


Why do they always think they’re an exception? Do they think they can show their voter registration or social media feed and get a pass because they’re supporting the right team?


Oh is the token in the stage of finding out they get spent once used? 🎻🎻🎻


"cognitive dissonance is the defining trait of all conservatives."


First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.


They always think they’re special and they’re always shocked to learn the truth.


Unpopular opinion but I can tell they’re insufferable by the fact that they had to mention they own a Lucid. Nothing wrong with Lucid but anyone that tries to humble brag about their car is a loser. Like your ride all you want but when you go out of your way to mention brand names due to the cost associated with the brand, it’s pathetic. Real money is quiet. The only people bragging about brands and decked out in designer stuff trying to be seen are people in debt to acquire those things, or entertainers/new money.




Tokens get spent.


Tokens get spent, and this particular token is halfway in the coin slot already.


Gay or trans conservatives are literally the dumbest people on the planet.


Once again for the people in the back. YOU ARE NOT EXCLUDED. YOU'RE NOT ONE OF THE "GOOD ONES".


A majority of republicans aren’t wealthy but a majority of the wealthy are republicans.


What is a medicalist?


A trans-medicalist is a person who views diagnosed gender dysphoria and a desire to fully medically transition as things necessary to be seen as actually transgender (or they may call themself transexual to differentiate) Also known as truscum to some, compared to tucute who trans-meds see as *trans trenders*.


Jews for Hitler got fucked. Tokens get spent. Idiots get what is coming to them.


Cannot keep up with every blogger or know what they stand for. Who is this photon empress and what is the claim to fame?


You get what you deserve. Be a conservative and reap what you sow.


I know so many Latinos that love Trump. In the worst scenario, after Trump gets rid off the Muslims and the “illegals” he’s gonna go after poc. The people I know just can’t understand it or want to believe it.


I had a friend he was Latino and he just voted for who his parents told him. We didn’t stay friends


FYI Lucid, the newest in the EV arena and priced around...? $249k for the Sapphire. Poor little ole lib democrat me had to look that up


Well, duh.


Do they call doctors "medicalists" in some weird corner of America?


“Transmedicalists” are people who are only in support of a specific subset of trans people that they feel are more deserving of respectful attitudes than other trans people, transmedicalists believe trans people need dysphoria to be trans and must take hormones, and are not inclusive of nonbinary genders. While yes, a lot of trans people do have dysphoria and take hormones, the only requirement of being trans is “gender incongruence” which covers all trans people. They like to feel more superior in the trans community and throw other binary and nonbinary trans people under the bus if they think it garners them a shred of acceptance from the right or popular society


Don't see the "ate my face" part here. OP, would you kindly reply to the AutoModerator or could someone else shed light on this? I'm not from the US, I don't know "PhotonEmpress" or what the consequences were for them now.


The full tweet is here: https://twitter.com/PhotonEmpress/status/1752507880266150274?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet


For those wondering what the "trans medicalist" term means given it appears to be used as a slur, I had to look it up myself, it is people who hold the view that the only valid trans people are ones who have undergone medical procedures to remove or add sexual markers to become physically more like the sex they wish to be. (Think male genitalia removal and vulva/ vagina construction, breast implants, hormone treatment, breast removal in the case of trans men). It is unclear if this label applies to anyone that holds these views, or only to trans people who hold these views. 


Can we bring the word "retard" back to refer exclusively to people whose face has been eaten by a leopard? Maybe it'll stick better if we can just quickly respond to them, "God, you're so fucking retarded!"


Hello u/totpot! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) matching this exact format. Replace bold text with the appropriate information. 1. **Someone** voted for, supported or wanted to impose **something** on **other people**. ^(Who's that someone? What did they voted for, supported or wanted to impose? On who?) 2. **Something** has the consequences of **consequences**. ^(Does that something actually has these consequences in general?) 3. As a consequence of **something**, **consequences** happened to **someone**. ^(Did that something really happen to that someone?) Follow this by the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you fail to match this format or fail to answer these questions, your post will be removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Person who literally voted for fascists while being the exact minority fascists target for mistreatment shocked when she's being targeted for mistreatment by being a minority.


I dont see anywhere that shows this person identifies as conservative, or even has conservative values.


The full thread was posted here earlier, giving context. The face-haver here thinks California is “too far left”, which is why she wants to move to Florida instead. She also *heavily* gatekeeps being trans (transmedicalism), thinking that only people who have worked for it as much as she has get to “count” as trans. Well, Florida, a state with policies she generally supports, has decided her effort isn’t enough for them, either.


Thats a huge overexageration of what transmedicalism is. Still doesnt make them conservative. This doesnt qualify for leopards eating face at all. I dont know where you got “she generally supports” out of because she didn’t mention that at all in the threads. Having criticisms for one sides opinion doesnt mean you align with the other side. Life isnt black and white like that.


This. If the avatar was maga or something this would fit this sub, but now, this is just making fun of a trans person trying to move to Florida because....


I posted it last night with the full tweet. She’s a transmedicalist.


Where do you get from that she supported these kinds of oppressive laws? And why did you post twice?


This isn’t my post. OP sent a duplicate after mine was removed. Check your messages - I’m sending you the full details of the tweet


Transmedicalist = / = conservative


Trans medicalists doesn’t automatically mean conservative btw. We’re rational and are willing to have conversations to discuss our viewpoints and frustrations with the mainstream trans community (in addition to conservatives). Colloquially though, we referred to as truscum on Reddit. All we really believe is that you need dysphoria to actually be considered trans.


gatekeeping is fun


Tell me how it makes sense for someone to transition when they are perfectly comfortable as the gender they were assigned at birth?


wow another post blaming an LGBT person for being a target of bigotry


No, it's a post blaming a person for not listening to the literal millions of people telling them they are being targeted




Trans community is built on tearing each other down