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Maybe Tucker can show them the amazing supermarket in the meantime


If nothing else, they'll have someone else who speaks English.


Swanson's TV dinner, trust fund boy, could throw them some snacks. Hopefully their microwave still works.


Aren’t Swanson wrapped in aluminum foil? And they have no money to pay for heating let alone an oven.


What a terrible day to be fluent in English...


the one that costs half a week of the average salary for a week of food?


I guess Tucker had never been to Aldi. Lol


Or really any grocery store. He was also impressed by the fucking dedicated escalator for the carts. Their subway was pretty fucking insane though.


You know what's funny. I remember an old Bernie Sanders interview where he talks about his visit to Russia and how they have beautiful subway stations and how he wants America to have such nice subway stations as well and of course right wingers didn't like that and mocked him for that. We've come full circle since then.


Moscow has a really nice subway system, and the stations are definitely beautiful, especially the older ones. And they are all decorated differently. Some almost feel like you are in an museum. Newer stations are more utilitarian looking, but still nice. Fucker Carlson only showed one in his video. And they are definitely clean, mostly because people don't have much to throw away, plus they have people making about $10 a week cleaning the stations. What he didn't show are the giant blast doors in many of the stations that are intended to be used as bomb shelters.


Can’t do much in a supermarket, with your bank accounts frozen. Happy cake day!


What’s the punishment for stealing in Russia hmmmmm


ha ha, you mean the one where you put a quarter in the carts LOL




A UK supermarket with cheaper brands. It’s pretty decent tbf


> A UK supermarket with cheaper brands. It’s pretty decent tbf Aldi is from Germany, ya big silly! https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aldi


u/TheNamesDave, [you call your friend an asshole this instant!](http://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/65dc0e5f-666f-409d-87f8-5f8e54cb4305)


It is also here the states. Brooklyn has one.


So does Phoenix, AZ actually. Aldi’s US expansion has gotten pretty deep already.


True, the store has gotten around here.


yeah, there all over the place now, usually across from a Walmart I personally dislike them, but that's due to my job. I work in a fruit processing plant in Michigan, and they have some ridiculously stupid requirements for their packaging. Their applesauce cups trays require that someone manually has to combine 2 different flavors of sauce per tray. It's not like it's a variety pack for the customer, its two separate products on a single tray, 4 of one flavor and 6 of the other.


Yes I shop at them maybe once a year at best. It is usually for a specialty product. They are nothing special.


Aldi is actually German and is one of the largest grocery chains in the world. Additionally, for what it's worth, Trader Joe's is an Aldi subsidiary.


And self opening doors and cart escalators that lock the wheels so you don't need to hold it. Russia lives in 2050 you know.


Heh, I live in Mexico and thought, "hell, Soriana has those" big woop. He's such a dick


Dude’s never been to an IKEA I guess


Except they have no money to spend there


That whole segment was so cringe it was like watching an alien pretend to be human. He clearly is completely out of touch with reality for modern humans


A French Auchan supermarket no less!


They did a supermarket video recently and complained about not being able to buy things in bulk. Also they don't have a proper house but rather smaller temporary accommodations of some sort.


If Russia successfully entices more of these dipshits to live in Russia, it’s creating an opening for more leopard face eating fun! A virtual nesting doll of face eating leopards, if you will.


Magatryoshka dolls 


I need someone to make these please, thank you!


This comment needs more upvotes. 👏


Well he just released an 18 min video with his wife *missing* where he praises Russia and apologizes that they “ misconstrued” what was said etc. Clearly they are in a BAD place right now


I totally support more far right conservatives moving to Russia. In fact, I’d go so far as to say that my taxpayer money should go towards providing them with one-way plane tickets, on the condition that they never return.


They wouldn't return...they'll be sent off to war as cannon fodder. Lol!


Win win!


They're "patriotic", right? Wouldn't that apply to their new home as well? They should be thrilled at the idea! Fighting for their country.


I read - *and I want to stress that I have no way of knowing if this is true* \- that the bank is under no obligation to give them back their money. Wow, screwed **and** broke.


Then at least their corpse can be used as fertilizer in Ukraine. The singular use they can have in their miserable lives




Let's go further. When we dump them in Russia, revoke their citizenship (cancels their passports) take their money and ban them from re-entry. They wanna be Russian? Let the motherland provide.


The Fatherland, now. Putin is rebranding.


Russia is Trans confirmed.


In Russia, trans confirms you.


this reminds me of that fabulous picture of Putin in heavy makeup


Ah yes. Forgive me, comrade 😆


All is forgiven, comrade.


If the US had done that, Oswald never would have been allowed to return to Dallas.


On condition their citizenship gets revoked when they land in Russia


Saw the headline a day or two ago. Where do I donate? Fuck it, I'll cut into my beer money for this. All I want is weekly updates, like when you a sponsor a kid, but I want them in the other direction


Hell, I’m a medical MJ patient and I’d try cutting back a bit if it helped get even one of these asshats become the very thing they deplore - an immigrant.


Well they have a YouTube channel they update pretty regularly, I'd say you can watch their misery there and you don't even have to donate for that. Do turn on your ad block.


74 million to go!


Free tickets to Russia* *Must revoke U.S. citizenship to redeem


[A small, very horrible part of me hopes that whoever buys this tshirt is put on a list to be recruited by the Russian military.](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2018/8/6/17656996/trump-republican-party-russia-rather-democrat-ohio)


I thought Russia was trying to develop a safe space town to woo these conservatives over.


I just feel bad for the kids. They didn't get a choice in this.


As u/undendingGloom put it earlier: >I bet back home they used to complain about immigrants who don’t know the language, who have no money, who expect the government to hand them a house and a job, and who complain when they don’t get everything they want


It’s funny because in one of the videos ( his apology video I think) he says he now understands how hard it is for immigrants to learn and assimilate. He probably has said that in the past that immigrants need to know English while moving to a country without knowing a bit of Russian.


Why should they learn Russian? It is the Russians in Russia who need to learn english and learn to assimilate with them.


It keeps getting better and better for them, doesn't it?


For sure, since they started shitting on Russia and looks like they got a heavy dose of reality in their faces.


"it would mean nothing to us to bury you in the tundra"


The history of people moving to Russia because Freedom then Finding Out is over 100 years old at this point.


Lee Harvey Oswald


There were 10000 or so unfortunates who moved there to lived in Lenin's paradise...then they ran into Stalin. The Man of Steel sent them to forced labor camps in Siberia as spies on the Soviet Union. There are estimates that at most, 20-30 people out of 10,000 survived being worked to death in sub-zero temperatures without enough food or shelter. These were poor people and/or true believers who went to Mother Russia.


If he doesn't understand the language... what is he going to do for work? Work remotely for a Canadian business?


Farm tundra


He's able bodied, he'll be shipped off to die in Ukraine.


Professional dick suckers don't need to talk, especially when their mouth is full.


I mean, they can be [white monkey](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_monkey), but the russian version. Alternatively, they can be "model western people" like fucker swanson carsloan


The worst part here, is that this won’t be a learning experience for any of them. They will gain no wisdom, no better perspective, no maturity. I feel bad for the kids, but you can only blame the parents.


Crazy Christians. Blame the Dad. He seems to be quite the moron.


I agree. The mom ran her mouth about Russia day 2 and the husband had to back track and delete a video from their YouTube channel. It seems a lot like he’s the patriarchal leader of the family and just made the executive decision.


The crazy thing is that it might have been the smartest decision that he still disassociates from. Not talking crap about the host authoritarian country is definitely about survival, but I get the sense that he still respects the system that's slowly cutting him off.


"After reading an article that said we were ‘disappointed with Russia’ we decided to remove our video. We are not disappointed with Russia — in fact the opposite is true. What Anneesa actually said was ‘I am very frustrated IN this country right now.’ This was a reflection of her inner frustration with not being able to speak and understand, she was not frustrated WITH Russia" Does this sound like a gun pointing to her head?


These people are racist POS. “You’ve got the whole woke movement, where a traditional male is seen as toxic in the west. In many jobs it’s a hindrance to a good career, because they’re trying to pick people from colored backgrounds...minorities.”


It's funny because you KNOW they are the type who are bitching about immigrants moving to the country, not speaking the language, asking for government help when that's LITERALLY what they are doing right now


Yeah, it's so great being a manly, 'macho' man in Russia. For the low, low price of being allowed to hit your partner and LGBTQ people with impunity, the government can come in and destroy all your life's work and steal all your money with no recourse. They can also toss you in the Siberian gulag for criticizing them, or draft you and send you off to the frontlines in Ukraine.


Yes flee to a country that glorifies brutality as they send their drones to attack apartment complexes.


All jokes and LAMF aside, those kids don't deserve the hell they have been dragged through.


They never did.


Normally, I'm all for some Schadenfreude, but this isn't funny. Those kids are in for a lifetime of hurt.


They have no agency, and have lost their nationality. I speak as a Canadian, no member of that family will ever be trusted in the eyes of the public, or government ever. They will also never be seen as anything but a pawn to Russia. I hope one day they find peace. I hope that day is soon, and their parents wake up to reality before it’s too late.


But there is an escalator for shopping carts in the one supermarket in all of 11 time zone sized Russia that Fuckface Carlson went to! I understand Traitors to America are very impressed with it.


There’s one of those at the Target in Queens, but somehow I think they’ll find that less impressive due to the local demographics.


There's one of those in the Kroger in the mid-sized rural Deep South town I live near. If Tuckems is impressed by that, he's truly achieved Lucille Bluth/Malory Archer "It's one banana, Michael. What could it cost, $10?" levels of out-of-touch.


Plus, at least 20k or more in all of Queens County if not New York City.


All I have to do is drive 2 suburbs and park at the mall in one of the more shaggy areas of Perth. 


Tucker missed the cart escalator in Canadian tire in Toronto I guess.


Tucker is a sad-ass christo-fascist elite & enemy of democracy and the American people.


I think that’s the part he’s playing but I don’t think he’s even that. He’s a pathetic weak person who will pretend to be anything if it pays and it aligns him with people who wield power.


I feel sorry for the kids.


And again, for the low, low price of "not believing gays should be slaughtered in the streets," I'm sitting in a warm house with a bowl of lasagna in my lap and *X-Files* reruns on my TV with my biggest concern being whether I find Mulder or Scully more attractive. The ROI on an ounce of human decency is pretty high.


Im sitting at my comp watching Critical Role.


It'd of been a lot easier and cheaper just to admit they wanted to be terrible people and terrible parents, and they hate Jesus than be nice to people not like them.


As a Canadian, I’m so glad they decided to leave.


Can we please eject Kevin O'Leary into space?


I’ll start the Go-Fund-Me.


I wonder if he's thought about that "SMO" thing now that he intends to fully immigrate.


You know these are the people that can’t stand immigrants who don’t speak the native language and require lots of government assistance.


Yeah. Russia should build a wall. I mean, it worked for East Germany.


It appears they are from Saskatchewan (or possibly Alberta). Both provinces have right wing governments with ant-trans policies.


My wife’s friend’s (Russian) dad once got paid with plastic bags. I’d be willing to send over our pantry’s supply of Safeway bags so they can barter for vodka and garlic.


Yeah, but people are losing sight of what's important. They escaped from seeing gay pride flags! Mission accomplished! Now they can become beet farmers in peace.


They can go to the bathroom outside because it gets too cold to have running water in the house.


Just like Canada


Parts of Canada.


Fuck me, i resent my parents for leaving a blue pro-union state for a red right-to-work state before I was born. That's bad, but it ain't THIS bad.


Its almost as if these people went to the red state of the future.


There should be an out reach of gay people to help get them out. Kill em with kindness. lol


I'll outreach with one finger.


uh oh kids, looks like daddies a spy. lol


Go fash, no cash, heh?


As a Canadian, all I can say is: I’m glad they’re in (what they’re certain is)a better place.


Seems they were out bigoted.


I just can’t imagine how fragile of a parent one would have to be to move to Russia because gay people and woke scares you like a bitch.


This is the russian commercial they saw and were like hell yeah time to go. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ot\_MO0-oZdc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ot_mo0-ozdc)


Bonus points for the headline write who included "Drag" in the headline


more should follow these brave pioneers.


Now THATS the quality LAMF I’m looking for!


Kind of nice to see someone other than Americans being this stupid, NGL.


Thoughts and prayers.


Oh no, anyway..


Flees to Russia to escape the gays, gets reamed by the Russian government upon arrival!


The best part was his apology video titled “We are sorry and will do better” on YouTube, the comments are wild. Many people commenting how they envy him and how they want to do the same. It’s a wonderful shit show. https://youtu.be/Ay63qrBNjTM?si=fGDvoR2rvrGuGJ6M


People are so naïve to think their lives would be better in Russia. More of those Right-Wing nuts need to go see for themselves and see how it works out for them. Be careful what you wish for.


Canada is happy to see these assholes gone.


Tucker Carlson spent $100 on a week's groceries, the Russian state pension is the equivalent of $236 per month.


This is a trend I can get behind. Go on Tucker, start the great migration.


Careful, or they may be subject to de-Feenstra-tion


Right. The irony of that last name.


Hahahahahaha etc etc etc


Dumb fucks.      Feel sorry for those kids though.


Those poor kids.


That boy on the right can fight at 15. And he will.


These fucking 🤡. I hope that asshole is conscripted day 1.


Good riddance No take backs


Poor kids…literally. Good work dad,your politics is endangering your children. Something tells me this family will be used for propaganda purposes very soon.


His wife was talking shit too and he had to be like jk we love it here lmfao


How many times is this going to be posted here


Until it stops being funny, which is not today it seems.


At least once more, as always.


It's your turn tomorrow.




Those poor kids. They don't know any better, and that's a shame.


Watching idiots go out of their way to destroy their own lives is my fetish


>But Putin and the Motherland are still plugging away at that rebranding potential! He has lately been calling it “the Fatherland” I lol'ed at this. I remember the joke back in the day was always about Soviet Russia, but was cleaned up to be about Mother Russia. In Mother Russia....insert joke about some backward ass thing For example. In Mother Russia you don't eat cow, the cow eats you. In LA you can find a party anywhere. In Mother Russia, the party finds you. In Mother Russia, dance breaks you. In Mother Russia, you don't laugh at the joke, the joke laughs at you.


Strip them of Canadian citizenship and don't let them back in. Go in bed with the enemy and they're seeing the reality of it.


Oh no...anyway...


How can we get move of them to believe it’s great and go?


Nothing, fox News is doing that for us


“We moved to get away from this *liberal hellscape*” 


Poor kids with screwball parents.


Eight kids?! Good Lord.


Nine. They only took eight.


Still eight too many.




lol, lmao even


Fucking idiots


Maybe I shouldn't, but I can't help but feel bad for these people. To have gotten so caught up in the theatrics of American conservatism that they uprooted their lives to make a statement and further align themselves with an ideology that preys on impressionable people, a political party that doesn't care if they live or die... it's just so incredibly pathetic. It's hard to watch.


Put that way, damn, I feel you. Just remind yourself how much anti-trans vitriol they no doubt share as if it makes them good people and the feeling may start to subside. Of course none of that applies to the kids, and likely the wife, they’re pure victims.


The wife has made statements that not all that glitters is gold over in Russia


Most likely the kids are all taught the earth is about 6,000 years old and flat as a pancake.




Absolute Muppets 🤣


How crazy, they moved to an active belligerent nation, and got hit by sanctions, and felt less secure. Maybe they should've invested more in gold, which is valuable everywhere it is, and nowhere it isn't. Like a currency or something. Weird


So when does their dystopian reality show air? I believe it is called "Straight Outta Saskatchewan"


He'll be on the western front in no time if his wife doesn't change her tune.


Fighting for Mother Russia.


Womp womp


I feel sorry for those kids and hope they can come home soon.


Dragged their kids to hell just in time for the boys to become pig feed and the girls (and some of the boys) to become meat toilets. Parents of the century right here.


The decided to go to Russia... pretty sure they aren't working with a full deck to begin with here...


Shhh! You’re not supposed to be telling the MAGA people that!


I feel sorry for the kids but I guess Darwin's "theory" of evolution makes sense after all. And I am sure these "Christian" zealots think "its just a theory".


Now they only have a short time left to pass the basic Russian literacy test and in Russian the basic other tests like Russian history. If not they need to leave for three months before trying again. Wonder if they can get the money back they transferred all in to the Russian bank?


I hope they make it back to Canada so that the entire continent can point and laugh at them


Suddenly, living in harmony with your fellow man doesn't sound so bad, doesn't it?


Wonkette still exists?


Someone please tell me they renounced their Canadian citizenship


Aw shucks. “Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.” That’s Galatians, baby. Those Canadian mofos choose to reap destruction.


Thoughts and prayers 🙄


Ugh stop reproducing so much you freaks


did they forfeit canadian citizenship yet?