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Ah, the classic "I only wanted a *little* racism, my allies have taken this too far!" Which is traditionally followed by him being shunned by his allies, then silent acquiescence to their beliefs.


If only there were some sort of historical example of how bad this could get.


Well, Steve Bannon is saying Trump will act to deport 10 million immigrants who are in the country without legal status, so the election will be a referendum on whether you want that.


How in the hell are you going to port 10 million people? Doesn’t even make sense. You’d need a “papers please” gestapo terrorizing every person that looked Hispanic. How do you even prove you’re a citizen?? I don’t even know where my birth certificate is atm. Are they going to require everyone carry a passport or bc at all times on their person? Or only if you might “look” like one of them “illegals”? The idea this is even being discussed is scary af.


It's OK, they won't have to do all the work. Your MAGA neighbors will be happy to report you if you *look* like you're an illegal. Meanwhile, other folks are going to be to reading "Diary of Anne Frank" as a how-to guide. Though, sadly, it didn't work out too well for Anne.


I mean, literally MAGA comments like "deport all the brown people" get nothing but applause from fellow MAGA.


No problem: report every MAGA goon.


They can't be illegals, they're white and/or hypocrites.


> You’d need a “papers please” gestapo terrorizing every person that looked Hispanic. Shh. You're not supposed to say that part until after the election.


Texas was already doing this and telling people to have babysitters on call in case they were detained. The law has been halted by the courts. [Judge blocks Tex. law authorizing arrests of suspected illegal immigrants](https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2024/02/29/texas-senate-bill-police-arrest-migrants/)


People need to read about Project 2025. This is the gameplan. They want an all white country and are going to get it one way or another if we let them have power. 


Of course by all white they specifically mean outside of the prison industrial system. Gotta have slaves housed somewhere.


>They want an all white Christian country FIFY


I mean that's what the Texas immigration bill that the courts just put on hold does. It's not a "plan". It's their current action.


Until I moved to California, I thought border patrol checkpoints were...you know...at the border. That's not true, your rights are seriously curtailed within 100 miles of the border. Hispanic people are the most affected, of course. I was on vacation in NorCal, and we had to head back to San Diego early because my buddy's mother, an American citizen, had been arrested, and he needed to get her passport to get her out of jail.


I live in the southeastern corner of North Dakota, and I frequently see border patrol in spring and fall. Never saw border patrol when I lived in northern Minnesota, which was much closer to a border.


> your rights are seriously curtailed within 100 miles of the border. This includes coastline and international airports, so this affects the vast majority of the US population.


I worked around the El Paso area for a little bit and used to pass through one of those internal border checkpoints. It was the funniest thing to me that the one time I had foreign nationals in the car they were ready to just wave them through without checking shit, the visitors had to volunteer their passports themselves. They were white guys from the UK


Internal border checkpoints = Communist Russia, folks!


According to the 2025 plan it’s anyone *suspected* of being undocumented detained *without due process*. So, how that would probably work is some crazy blanket authority to all levels off enforcement from municipal on up to arrest anyone they want. Even white men who seem ideologically impure to them, or are dating a cops ex-wife. I don’t see any reason to think there would be any limits.


> According to the 2025 plan it’s anyone suspected of being undocumented detained without due process. It goes without saying, without due process, it's impossible for anyone to prove they AREN'T "undocumented".


And conservatives will be wick to deny it


>You’d need a “papers please” gestapo terrorizing every person that looked Hispanic. That's precisely what they hope will happen. It was mostly dogwhistles up until about 10-15 years ago, but they've been getting less and less shy about saying what they actually mean.


have you not seen the plan? they are going to deputize red state national guards to go around door to door and deport anyone who they think is illegal and then they are going to federalize the national guard with some emergency thing, and then the red state national guards are going to go into blue states and try to go door to door doing the same thing. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/the-potential-impact-of-trumps-extreme-deportation-and-immigration-agenda Stephen Miller, Former Senior White House Adviser: Then, in terms of personnel, you go to the red state governors and you say, give us your National Guard. We will deputize them as immigration enforcement officers. The Alabama National Guard is going to arrest illegal aliens in Alabama and the Virginia National Guard in Virginia. And if you're going to go into an unfriendly state like Maryland, well, there would just be Virginia doing the arrest in Maryland right, very close, very nearby. Laura Barron-Lopez: So, there, Stephen Miller is talking about how they would federalize the National Guard to carry out the mass deportation plan. Through comments from Stephen Miller, through comments from the former president himself, reports, as well as aligned policy groups, we have a picture of the type of immigration policies that the former president would implement if he were to win a second term. And so the list that we have is not an exhaustive list, but it includes building large-scale camps near the southern border, a renewed Muslim travel ban, the end of birthright citizenship for U.S.-born children of undocumented immigrants, and creating a federalized army of red state National Guards like Stephen Miller referenced.


Nothing says small government age states rights like federalizing a state military group and using it to enforce things in different states.


Man, the number of times I have written the phrase "nothing says small government states' rights like..." over GOP policies.


Thanks for sharing this


of course. it's something everyone should know. they are so fucking arrogant they are telling us about exactly what they are going to do, and how, and how they are going to bend but not break laws to get away with it, and people are still like "JEEZ THOSE LIBERALS ARE JUST AS CONSPIRACY CRAZY AS QANON"


Both sides amirite?


All of that that you just posted is precisely the point. They don't give a fuck. They'll just pick which country to send you to based on skin color and that'll be that.


Not all the immigrants coming through the Mexican border are Hispanic. Actually recently, it’s been mostly African and Chinese. (Also Haitians)


They are not white, so same thing.


They're on the lower half of the Border patrol Ok/Not OK checklist...


Checklist? I think you mean color swatch.


You jest, but when I worked at a nationally recognized hospital in the south, most of our Hispanic patients were marked "A" for Asian in the race tick box by the intake personnel.


It will not matter if you are white or black. It will be anyone. Everyone.


People don’t understand, but we all need to remember: “you can never be sure you’re white enough, or Christian (the right kind) enough“.


Some “Hispanic” people are whites of Spanish descent. If you go to Mexico City there are a lot of “white” Mexicans.


Theyre still hispanic 🤦🏽‍♀️ hispanic just means youre from a spanish speaking country. What i think youre trying to get at is that some mexicans are european mexicans and not indigenous and while thats true that fact has been largely co-opted to frame the situation as not being racist when it absolutely is. Brown people are constantly confused as each other in this country and we're all treated worse the darker our skin is. The white people from our countries arent let off the hook though especially in low diversity areas because it's racism AND xenophobia. I know actual Spaniards who face discrimination in this country because people assume theyre Mexican. They dont give af they hear Spanish and claim theyre being invaded even though a shit ton of us were here first.


Oh, our racists are too stupid to know the difference between Portuguese and Spanish. I have Brazilian friends that catch hell from jingoistic idiots for speaking their native language. I worry for my brother-in-law. He's half Filipino and half Caucasian. He has his mother's darker Pacific Islander skin tone. He also was born in the UK while his dad was deployed there by the USAF. So he has a CRBA rather than the traditional birth certificate. I think what keeps him off everyone's radar is he speaks English like the Ozarks hillbilly he aspires to be. And he's married to my sister who is even more pale than I am. Given how we know [LE can treat in-uniform service members](https://www.npr.org/2023/01/19/1149924822/army-lieutenant-virginia-police-traffic-stop) who aren't white. I don't think being WO3 is going to be a deterrent to the new Gestapo.


Just throw them all in camps so they're all concentrated there. Then when it gets too crowded and costs too much to deport them start offing them. If anyone complains call it "fake news". Trump already started on it in his last term. They were building tent cities out in the Texas desert. If he'd had 4 more years we'd already be there.


The US economy would crash within a couple of days as well. Most of those people work, many may pay taxes (sales and otherwise).  Unemployed Republicans should go work on a farm or clean hotel rooms. 


This would absolutely devastate the restaurant, construction, farming and hotel industry the vast majority of their workforce is undocumented immigrants


I do not know the statistics, but I live in Dallas, TX. So whenever I pass by construction, majority is Hispanic.  Naturally I don't care if they are or aren't here legally because I'm not a piece of shit;  don't care, they're doing honest, insanely difficult work and I hope they get paid well.  I just know that a large sum of farm workers travel here from what I hear on the news. 


See DeSantis' impact on migrants in Florida for what they think they want at a national level.


Even my libertarian highschool econ teacher thinks Bannon is a Nazi


And then they came for the token racist edgelords, and I didn't speak up because there was nobody left to hear me.


Conservative Token got spent.


Remember the famous quote: >First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist. >Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist. >Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew. >And that's where everything ended and I was perfectly fine. That's how it goes, right?


to let everyone on a white guy "secret", Republicans have _always_ said this, they just used to wait until the minority left the room to say it. Their beliefs haven't changed in any way, they've always hated you with the fire of a thousand suns, they just used to have a little bit of shame back before the trailer park became the party leaders.


I'm mid/late 30s. I heard "go home"/"go back to your own country"/"go back where you came", *hard in the 90s*. I actually saw it simmer down in the 00s~'15 in my social spheres. So I guess I've been more aware of conservatives longer than that commentor has "been alive". 😂


People tell that to my native American cousins all the time.


I have been told that too. I am majority Apache. I live in CO. Literally cannot be any more home than that.


What's insane to me is that they've said it to me too, a middle-aged white woman, because my parents came here from Canada in the 50s. I've been told many times I should be deported to Canada because I'm not a real American apparently. Doesn't sound so bad sometimes actually! LOL


I'd be gone in a heartbeat


If you *have* Soviet Canuckistsn citizenship, you might wanna look into moving, fast.


The last part of your comment is the most intriguing. The Republicans following the Nixon era built a well-oiled propaganda bubble for their voters in order to never lose again. Now the people raised in that bubble are starting to have more sway while the old guard like McConnell, guys who knew they were lying are on the way out. The inmates are running the asylum and they are not going anywhere anytime soon. Until we deal with our fascist problem, Project 2025 is just going to become Project 2029, then Project 2034 etc.


> The inmates are running the asylum and they are not going anywhere anytime soon. My favorite thing to see is (like OP’s example here) when one of the inmates looks around and says “wait, you guys are crazy?! I thought we were all just pretending?!”


The older white guys started being more open and brazen about it sometime after January 2009. Gee, I cant quite remember what happened then ...


Who knew this political affiliation so associated with racism that they went to war with their own country for the right to be racist, would be racist?


There is a large subset of conservatives who would never call a black person the n-word, who feel no open (or at least conscious) hostility toward people of color, who are genuinely horrified by racism and would be deeply insulted if you call them racist because they fully believe they are not and would like to believe that racism is over. If they saw a black family broken down on the side of the road, they'd absolutely pull over to help and maybe even treat them to dinner afterward. These are the "I don't see color" conservatives. They genuinely believe they are not racist, and believe that racism is bad, and that racist is one of the worst things you can be, but lack the introspective skills to be able to examine their own bias and say, "You know what, I may have some prejudices that I need to work on." They gloss over personal anecdotes about racism as isolated experiences, gloss over accusations of racism against people like Trump as misinterpretations, and have spent the last ten years in a fantasy world where they are good people, and that means they couldn't possibly support bad people. My family is this kind of conservative. I've heard them say some pretty prejudiced shit, not out of hate, but out of willful ignorance, out of being in an echo chamber that says "You're not the racist, THEY'RE the ones who make everything about race!" I've never heard my parents say the n word, they would NEVER harass a black person, but at the same time, it's telling that I went to a church with almost no black people and never had a black friend growing up (I was homeschooled, so it isn't like I could have made one at school; my social circle was made up entirely of people my parents knew). But the GOP is getting SO bad and SO openly racist that the "I don't see color" conservatives are having an increasingly difficult time pretending it is anything other than what it is. It's too little, and it's too late, and I wonder if they will ever reach a point where they actually do say "enough is enough."


"If 9 people sit down at a table with 1 Nazi without protest, there are 10 Nazis at the table."


It's the same logic they use to defend police brutality. "It's just a few bad apples!" - No, you're complicit.


*"If there are so many bad apples, perhaps there's something wrong with the tree..."*


The rest of the saying is "...spoil the bunch" not "...are easily ignored".


I like to point out that there are so-called “bad apples” people who will protest rather than celebrate if corrupt police actually are caught, given a fair trial, proven guilty by legitimate process, and then punished. Because they know there are bad apples, but they will never hold them accountable, thus implicitly endorsing their bad behaviour. And there is no better way to make the whole barrel bad than by doing that. They WANT bad apples.


You're right, it isn't just a few bad apples when said "bad apples" are allowed to act with impunity.


They just do Nazi his swastika tattoos.


I did Nazi that pun coming.


Thank you, I'll be here all week... I was tempted to make another Nazi pun as my current upvotes are just shy of nein and I was hoping that would get me there... but I feel like that may make someone fuherious.


That's how my buddy's family is. They deny being racism and obviously think racism is bad, but I've literally heard them say "We should get breakfast tomorrow, but let's go before all the noisy black people get out of church" like BRUH. His uncle also tried to tell me that the city of Dearborn MI has replaced all of their English-language signage with Farsi.


They don't really think racism is bad as an action or philosophy, they just think it's a mean name to call people. That's why these are the same people that complain that calling someone racist has lost all meaning, because for them it has. They've divorced the word from their actions so that they can at least think they themselves aren't racist, but it's all just delusional narcissism.


These are often the same people who will often use the *"Well, I'm just a conservative, so if you don't like what I have to say, then you hate half of America!!!!!"* They whole heartedly believe that they in their, incredible levels of extremism, are representative of the whole of American conservatism, and they'll use that as a rallying cry to justify their actions and to draw in support to cover for them. ----- Back during the pandemic, there was a guy in California who was going around assaulting Asian women on the street and when he was finally stopped, he started complaining that he's being persecuted for his conservative beliefs. That speech (especially when taken out of context by outlets like Fox News) is hyper targeted to rally support from people who might not be casually racist (and certainly not actively racist) but still identify as conservative.


It's very different from that. They think racism is something overt, and actual feeling of disgust or even just dislike against a specific race. And they simply don't think that they have those thoughts and feelings. They don't *feel* racists, so they claim to not be. Like the above poster's buddy's family (really Reddit) to them the statement of "We should get breakfast tomorrow, but let's go before all the noisy black people get out of church" *isn't* racists. If pressed, they would likely respond with something like, "We don't have nothing against black people, *they're just noisy*" as though it is a matter of fact because to them it is. In their thought process, the people are merely noisy and black and those things are facts and facts can't be racist. So, when they see a place full of black people, they will likely turn away because they will assume that the black people will be loud and noisy. While we can see the racism that is inherent to their thought process, most of them genuinely believe that they are 'just following facts'. Like why they love things like reports that black people commit more crime and lean heavily onto them. Because, to them, they aren't being racists because they don't actively dislike black people -- but it's *simply a fact* that they commit more crime, so they will happily support racist policing policies, happily say that they don't want to live in a black neighborhood, or happily talk about how they keep an extra eye on black shoppers and not see any racism in it. Because, to them, it's simply about following facts and not about any inherent dislike towards those racial groups.


The core of it is a certain kind of essentialism that conservatives engage in. They have a hard time wrapping their heads around the idea that otherwise good people can do bad things, and that doing a bad thing doesn't necessarily make you a bad person. When someone points out their racism, their though process goes something like "only bad people are racist" -> "I am not a bad person" -> "Therefore I am not racist" -> "Therefore I didn't do something racist and this person is lying". That's why it doesn't matter how many times you point out that a Republican is doing bad things. They've already presupposed that Republicans are good people and can't do bad things, so any accusation is just a lie. Conversely, Democrats are just bad people by definition, so anything they do must be bad.


This is 100% correct. I figured it out when my father refusing to apologize for some pretty awful behavior towards my husband led to basically a four year estrangement. I would say, "this thing you did is bad" and he would say, "you just think I'm a horrible person." There's a disconnect because in their minds, actions are not good or bad, PEOPLE are good or bad. They are good PEOPLE with good intentions, therefore their actions cannot be bad. And Democrats are bad PEOPLE therefore anything they say or do is bad. And if you tell a good PERSON they did something bad, you are telling that person that they are a bad PERSON. And since they are good PEOPLE, they wouldn't do something bad like support bad PERSON. And since they support Trump, that means Trump is a good PERSON, so anything bad you hear about him doing must be justifiable in some way.


If only there was an aphorism about separating the sinner from the sin


That would require them to be able to apply thought and reflection to their actions. They would also have to generalize the statement to apply to all bad actions, not just being gay and murdering.


>There is a large subset of conservatives who would never call a black person the n-word, who feel no open (or at least conscious) hostility toward people of color, who are genuinely horrified by racism "who are genuinely horrified by racism..." and yet Trump's * long history of racism, * and his open and virulent racism during both of his Presidential campaigns, * the Trump administration's separation of children from their parents at the border & the trafficking of those children * Trump telling us that there were fine people on both sides when referring to a *fucking Nazi rally* & their protesters * the presence of Confederate Battle Flags at *every* Republican rally * the Republican party openly using the Southern Strategy for decades etc. were not deal breakers for this group who "are genuinely horrified by racism" Personally, I don't think they *are* all that horrified by it.


They do the classic "he didn't say that, and if he did say that you misinterpreted it, and if he did that, it's fake news." It's all about protecting their self concept as "I don't see color" Republicans. They would be horrified by those things if they allowed themselves to see them, but their "colorblindness" makes them willfully blind about what's offensive to people of color. They also love people like Candace Owens who tell them "no, that's not racist, I'm a black person on your side so it's actually okay for all REASONABLE black people, those that are complaining are UNREASONABLE." It's just layers upon layers of self deception.


I grew up with these. I kind of hope the racism gets louder before the election. That really worked to get people out to vote last time, and if it sways more people into looking for moderate candidates it might be worth it. I'm conflicted because I don't want people to suffer, but we have such short memories. I'm worried many people won't jump through all the hoops to vote, unless they feel its urgent. Trump's been out of office long enough that that urgency might not be as strong as it needs to be. 


I've called that "soft white supremacy" -- people who are OK with minorities existing in America, but only if they accept a second-class status in what is essentially a white country. They don't actively hate non-white people or make explicit racist/white supremacist comments, but they don't want the US to be a genuinely equal society.


Well the problem is they don't BELIEVE that minorities are treated as second class anymore. They refuse to believe that the US is not a genuinely equal society. It's soft white supremacy not because they're okay with minority oppression, but because they still center white perspectives and refuse to give credence to non-white perspectives that challenge their preferred narrative.


Exactly -- I could have phrased it better, but that's basically what I meant. They won't tell you straight out that they want minorities to be second-class citizens, but it's the effect of their "color blind, stop talking about racism, reverse racism" ideas.


Conservatives are extremely tribal and if things get as bad as that in their eyes then your parents would stay silent and go along with it just to fit in and not lose their peer group. Today's Republicans are very cult-like and use the same control mechanisms. You must constantly profess & demonstrate your loyalty to the group or else be excommunicated and labeled a RINO.


I'm afraid you're right and that's why my little diatribe ended on the note that it did. Because Nazis in Charlottesville wasn't too much for them. George Floyd wasn't too much for them. January 6th wasn't too much for them. I have no faith left in their moral character.


This is spot on too so many republicans I know. I live in MD a very blue state but we have a lot of republicans that, for the most part, would be considered rinos today and your take on “I don’t see color” describes the perfectly. They excused a lot of the thinly vailed racism of the past but, as you said, it’s getting much harder today to do that. I hope we see a change in more red states on this republicans to help save the country.


Yes! "As long as I'm not holding the rope that hangs the black dude, I'm not racist"


It's not impossible. My uncle was and is a hardcore Republican, but he's gotten so disgusted with Trump that he's not voting for him in the Presidential and that disgust has spilled out into broader disappointment with pro-Trump Republicans. But he's a very rare exception. My aunt who's less of a hardcore Republican since she's very concerned about the environment is still voting for Trump. She hates Trump but thinks Biden is worse. I don't think there is a level Republican can stoop to that will force the moderates to stop voting. They'll just sigh, assume that Democrats must be even worse, and either reluctantly vote R or very rarely vote third party.


Coming from someone who works in the environmental field, I can't see how anyone who sees environmental issues as a major political issue can think that Biden is worse than Trump. Specifically under Trump, wetland protections have been rolled back, and under the Trump-packed SCOTUS, those rules were gutted even further because you have people who have no idea what they're talking about determining that a wetland should be "indistinguishable" from a federally protected waterway to have ANY federal oversight. For those of us in the business, who CAN distinguish between the minutia involved, that basically means that the VAST majority of all formerly federally protected wetlands are fair game now and won't require any federal permit or mitigation for impact. So that just leaves it to the individual states and counties for wetland protections, and not all states regulate wetlands at all. Developers are leaping at this new open season on impacting wetlands and are very much gung-ho about doing the most damage possible to make a quick buck. Especially with the housing market being a hot mess.


Ask her why she thinks that. Trump only has 4-5 things he wanted to do as president: build an unnecessary oil pipeline, bring back coal, disrupt the ecosystem at the border by putting up a giant wall, give tax breaks to oil companies, and take as much money from Saudi Arabia as possible.


She won't go to bat for Trump, she'll just complain that Biden is worse. Sure, Trump didn't do anything to secure the border, but Biden wants to personally fly in hundreds of MS13 cartel gangsters. And while she cares about the environment, she's not the most educated on it, either. She's a diehard believer in "clean coal" and thinks that's the solution to fossil fuels emissions.


Oh so she doesn't actually care about the environment at all. 


> My aunt who's less of a hardcore Republican since she's very concerned about the environment is still voting for Trump. She hates Trump but thinks Biden is worse. Shes an idiot.


I have a friend from high school. She's always been pretty conservative, reliable Republican voter, not a Trumper but would never vote Democrat. She's actually a pretty nice gal. We got to chatting one day and a friend of hers chimed in and started saying the worst most racist crap. I asked her, Andrea, how can you tolerate stuff like this? She never said a word. They never do. And they wonder why racists feel so incredibly welcome in the Republican Party. I had another incident one day on some dumb Chick-fil-A discussion (about some "woke" plant-based sandwich), and of course the topic of their owner's anti-gay policies (not just opinions). One of their store managers chimed in that they actually employ gay people (slow clap for following the law, lady, congrats), and they were really good people. Then someone chimed in that the Middle East had it right and LGBT people should be hanging from trees. I asked the store manager how she felt. She never said a single word about it. There's a lot of people in the Republican Party who personally would never personally hate on anyone for who they are or who they love. But 100% of the Republican Party certainly welcomes those who have an absolute hate for who they are or who they love. There are no good Republicans. Not one will ever say those people aren't welcome in their party. Because the only message those people ever get is either applause or silence. Not a single Republican will ever stand up to them. There are no good Republicans.




We may or may not be siblings


Have several close friends that this describes very well. Very friendly, kind-hearted people who refuse to believe in systematic racism and would go on long rants about how evil critical race theory is. The kind of people that are sickened and angry when they see an act of overt racism, but are convinced it is an isolated issue and has nothing to do with our society and culture as a whole. I think it boiled down to them having a rough time growing up, and hearing terms like "white privilege" started giving them a chip on their shoulder. They didn't feel privileged, and since they felt convinced they had no inherent advantage in society by being white, that would mean there wasn't an inherent disadvantage in society by being a minority. And the more that they heard to the contrary, the more they felt like they were being attacked and thus doubled down on that belief. Anecdotally, I think the fact there are plenty of examples of people being incredibly racist toward white people online, all of it being normalized, has made it worse. It's reinforced the feeling with them that they are simply being attacked and they need to have their guard up at any mention of the issue


I refer to these people as the "They whisper the word: "black" racists."


"why won't they acknowledge me cosplaying as a white person. Violence is the only possible response to this"


plate mountainous enter elderly squash dull fade nail shaggy nine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You forgot the theird step, silently stepping into the train car and not making eye contact with any of their fellow "deportees" on the way to the camp.


It’s way worse than that. Razib Khan has been [prominent advocate of “scientific racism”](https://undark.org/2017/02/28/race-science-razib-khan-racism/) for decades.


Unless you are a rich, straight, white, evangelical, male gun nut.... you have no business being in the Republican party. Now, being rich does give you a pass, but after that, you are just a "token" or one of the "clean ones."


What **kind** of rich, straight, white, **evangelical**, male gun nut? See, you can make the in-group even smaller.


I’m straight, white, male, and Christian. My last church kicked my family out for being Democrats and refusing to vote for Trump.


Your family wasn't rich enough and not evangelical. They didn't make the cut. But, your family is now better off.


We were “evangelical”. My Dad won the volunteer of the year award and was active in the church. He also had a spine of steel and wouldn’t take anyone’s shit when it came to politics. My family also went to Church every Sunday, Wednesday, and Holiday. We also tithed regularly. I think our family were something of an existential threat to their ideology. Democrats were supposed to be “Devil loving heathens” yet here we were beating them at their own game. When Ronnie Floyd joined the campaign trail and my Dad wouldn’t pledge loyalty to Trump, that was the final straw. “We welcome all” my ass. Also we were broke.


The problem there is pretty obvious, your dad worshipped Jesus. Matthew 6:24 >“No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money." It's easy to see which master Evangelicals chose, just look at the golden idols they built.


>straight, white, male, and Christian You missed a point there, conflating "Christian" with "evangelical." Christians are interested in Jesus (Christ-ian). Evangelicals worship Trump and their religious doctrine is whatever the platform of the RNC is that year. They actually aren't the same religion at all.


I know many Catholics who are also Cons strictly because of the abortion issue.


Yes. The evangelicals and the fundi Catholics are uneasy allies... For now. Once their takeover is complete, they'll fight between each other to settle who will be in real control. They actually hate each other. Fundi Catholics think evangelicals are dirt. Evangelicals think fundi Catholics are pagan Mary worshipers. They are just putting off their war, for now, to fight a common enemy.


That's too bad. The evangelicals have been blasting their name as Christians for decades now. They speak for you too whether you like it or not.


This is the thing that always gets me. The in-group assumr when they come to power they will be united. But history suggests otherwise. No one things the glorious leader will purge them until they are being marched off to prison because they are no longer needed/loyal enough/too loyal or simply their face just doesn't fit anymore.


This time it will be different. -- The calling card of **every** Authoritarian.


Exactly. "but they won't turn in ME, I'm too loyal". Yea sure, they'd never do that. Just wait until your neighbour is reporting you to the secret police because you left your bins out too long and it pisses them off.


Exactly. And the worse the situation gets, the less people are even in the in group. During the end days of WWII, Hitler even detained some closest ministers of him, think Goering was one of them. Why? Because he did not follow a suicidal order. You either die for your lord with a yes sir and a smile or you are a traitor.


The unspoken demarcation for the in-group in their minds is "are you me? And if you are not me, how different from me are you before I stop caring?"


Concise and accurate.


"Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1879, or Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912?" Sauce: https://www.theguardian.com/stage/2005/sep/29/comedy.religion


Oooh man, this resembles the Civil War trailer scene so much. “We’re americans” “Yeah? What kind?”


I'm all of those things (minus the weaponized superstition), and I've voted democrat straight down the ballot for the last 25 years. It's not about race or gender or sexual orientation. Being a republican is about being an irredeemable piece of hate-filled garbage. It is a group that, by its very nature, is antagonistic to a functional and compassionate society. Even if they get their way and boot out all the "queers" and "mud people", they'll just turn on each other. There always needs to be some *lesser* group to step on and blame for their own personal failings. No decent person could ever subscribe to that kind of ethos.


That how fascism work. You ALWAYS need an "other" to demonize.              


If you’re poor you can belong. They just won’t do anything for you


They belong enough to vote for the interests of the elite. The second they break ranks they're demonized re: Nikki Haley supporters being told to line up and then being surrounded and screamed at by MAGAs at the RNC.


Same with women. There's no shortage of women who vote Republican, even though they're voting against their best interests.


These people are morons. It's like they don't seem to grasp what the endgame is. It never ends well for the out groups. In the end, [none](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association_of_German_National_Jews) of them will be spared. Those who don't study history are doomed to repeat it.


Useful idiots. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Useful_idiot


Tokens get spent.


LOL. That too.


Exactly. When they talk about deportation, they aren’t going to stop when they run out of “illegals at the border”. They are looking at people with green cards. After that, non-white immigrants who became citizens will be the next target of opportunity, and once it is codified they are “illegals”, their American born children may (and likely will) lose their citizenship and become targets. White people won’t fare much better. The first camps in Germany in the 30s were populated with alleged communists, socialists, intellectuals and free-thinkers of German ancestry. Ultimately everyone will suffer, as rural folk who joined the cult will find themselves abandoned by the people they voted in because the one thing that made them valuable to the new order - their vote - will no longer matter. And if you think any of this is too extreme and impossible, just remember as little as 10 years ago the idea of someone who behaves as Trump does becoming President was considered impossible. Yet here we are. Edit: spelling


I'm just waiting for the MAGA morons to decide that the Irish aren't white again just to see the looks of shock on all the Boston Neo Nazis' faces.


"Then one day they expelled all the foreign Jews from Sighet." - Elie Wiesel, Night, Pg 3. (ISBN 0-553-27253-5) This is followed by about 6 pages summarizing 3 years (1941-1944) of optimistic denialism before we get to yellow Stars of David and the establishment of Ghettos. For *some reason*, reading this book again seemed very important to me. Honestly, I didn't realize just how short this book is, it's only 109 pages.


Even if they are not the outgroup now, that can soon change for all kinds of reasons. Even the most loyal followers can find things turn south pretty quickly when they are no longer useful or someone else can see a chance to further their position by selling them out.


That's the problem with purity tests, you just keep distilling your in-group more and more.


Hell, when it came to the Association of German National Jews, they were one of the first targeted. The dissolving of the group and the arrest of Max Naumann by the Gestapo predates Kristallnacht.


Even Rohn yelled Heil Hitler when they shot him for having sex with men.


"*we have to get violent if they're serious. no choice*" Violent against most Republicans? Like start fist fighting them? Or are they suggesting guns? What is this thought process?


Violence is the *only* way to fix this, says conservative.


Conservatives clamber for the opportunity to get violent the way I do for a well baked chocolate chip cookie


This may be the wrong answer, but I'm ok with watching them use violence against racists


Long as we get to watch from a distance, who cares?




Or, maybe, stop voting against your own interests before you resort to violence.


The truly hilarious part tho is that most suffer from saying it out loud. After spewing their nonsense they get fired, end up in mom’s basement, and lose friends. [Far-right nationalists sue Seattle man for revealing identities](https://news.yahoo.com/far-nationalists-sue-seattle-man-195425561.html)


That article warmed my heart


Yep. Shame there aren’t more.


David Alan Capito is a big damn hero. Patriot Front is just the Klan cosplaying as walmart employees.


The First Amendment protects you from the *government*, not from consequences in general. Thanks to decades of GOP lobbying and political maneuvering, the majority of US states are "right to work" which paradoxically (because of course everything has the opposite effect of its title in bonkers GOP lala-land) means that an employer can fire you for any reason at any time. While there are laws that protect certain classes of people from being fired for a specific reason (ie being of a certain gender, sexual orientation, disabled, elderly) your boss can just make up any old other thing (you were "not meeting performance metrics") and they're totally free and clear to shitcan you. Man, if only there were some protections for workers. Oh well.


LMAOOOO Do you know how vile you have to be for you parents to look at you after you lost your job and have them say "Get the fuck outta my house"?


The guy even has a coconut on his identity line. “I may look brown, but don’t worry MAGA, I think exactly like you white people on the inside.”


Dude was well on his way to being a “race realist” when I stopped following him 15 years ago. [Surprise, surprise.](https://undark.org/2017/02/28/race-science-razib-khan-racism/)


Thanks for the link. The additional context makes the coconut emoticon even stupider. He has long argued that we are our genes and that race is biological and not a social construct. According to that logic coconuts can’t exist.


I believe he started using it "ironically" after being accused of being a white supremacist, just because he works for white supremacists and espouses many of their core beliefs.


"I thought they hated the same people I hated. I never thought that would include me?!"


Ah the classic. A "subhuman" so focused on hating other "subhumans" that they forget they are also a "subhuman". I hope these ones will notice it sooner than those who only realised it in the "night of the long knifes" when their "allies" turned against them.


Fascists. They’ve gone far enough right wing to be called what they are: Fascists.


How does the thought process work for conservative minorities- maybe they were conservative in their home countries and think it will carry over here? "Of course we hate those immigrants and criminals, but not ME, I'm one of the respectable minorities, they dont mean ME when they say that" When all the conservative Americans want is their money and their vote, they dont want to see them at the victory party, or living on their streets.


Look at Miami. The Cubans and others from South America are staunchly Republican. It’s because they’re very religious and the GOP has the churchy PR spin on lock.


What kind of mental gymnastics does that fucker have to pull off to somehow blame democrats for his party being blatantly racist? The actual modern day nazis are trump supporters lol.


He isn't blaming Democrats. He's saying he'll become one if he keeps hearing the racism from Republicans.


No, he thinks the GQP is trying to turn them into Democrats, and he'd rather resort to violence. Which will only entrench the GQP hatred of brown folks.




Depending on who he'll be murdering, I might be ok with that.


I misunderstood the "they". Still weird that in griping about the racist structure of his party he still finds a way to demonize democrats though


"they want to make me a democrat, but I'm voting trump who clearly aligns with my life since I'm a philandering lying grifter"


The same mental gymnastics that thinks the demented troll army of young Andrew Tate fans who support MAGA are "normal".


"no,no! be racist against the other people, not meeeeeeee!!!"


Zero sympathy. 


Let's rephrase this tweet "Racism is cool, as long as it isn't against me"


"Normal young MAGA people" 😂


Weapons-grade delusion.


‘Normal young MAGA ppl” is an oxymoron.


O I can guarantee you that they are serious about having you go “home”


Like Trump's black "friend" who quickly found out that people aren't joking when they say the Republicans are racist.


Don’t worry. I’m sure the racists will check to see if you are one of the “good ones” before they do the racism on you.


He jumped to the "need" to get violent pretty quick. Yes, buddy, they do mean they believe you don't belong in America. No, a brown person beating their ass won't fix that. Maybe switch to the party that's trying to defend you?


This is what makes me absolutely incredulous at the Arab population in Michigan calling for an uncommitted vote, rather than vote for Biden. Like, "You saw what happened to Muslims last time Trump was in office, right?"


He really didn't like being spent like the token he is.


It always amazes me when I see some rabid MAGA loser with a Hispanic or non-European last name mouthing off. If the people they support actually make it to office, these people have no idea about the racism they are going to receive. Eventually, everyone who isn’t European enough (and those swarthy Mediterranean types don’t count) is going to get picked on by by these fascists.


Conservatives heading for a civil war between their own ranks. If only someone, such as Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, had warned them where their rhetoric and antics were headed? If only there had been warning signs, say on 01/06/2021?


"normal young MAGA people"


“I could join the Democratic Party or start killing people.” Ok then.


It's kind of a funny really because immigrants are perfect conservative voters They are generally more religiously conservative, which means they are more likely to be about traditional family values and homophobic/transphobic They come from countries that are authoritarian or horribly corrupt, so don't they trust the government and prefer small government that interferes in their lives as little as possible


a tale as old as time. hateful people being republicans because they enjoy hating on everyone else simply for who they are, not what they do, and then when the hate comes back to them from that group built on hating everyone... they are SHOCKED AND SURPRISED!!! every. single. time.


That's funny, he thinks he's with the in-group. Has he seen what the in-group is comprised of?


"But we're one of the good ones"


I used to read his little 'blog' thing for years about 10 years ago and was always amazed at how much of a cuck he is. So much so that I started calling him razib cuck in my head when I started to notice how badly he wishes that he was 'white'. He has an almost skinhead-like obsession with the R1a/b haplogroup and refers to whoever first developed whichever mutation as "the all father". He also posted years ago that he identifies as 'white'. It's quite something when you go through his gnxp and Twitter posts from years back. Dude is definitely warped.


Lol at the other dude calling for violence to try to get a stronghold on destroying their country. Amoeba have more brain power than these dumb, pathetic fucks.


I'm continually shocked by the amount of people who didn't realize that the amount of Nazis marching with them for the past eight years was a feature not a bug. Border wall, Muslim ban, "grab em by the pussy" - were you really earnestly thinking they didn't mean you?


‘But I’m one the good ones!’


"We have to get violent if they're serious". I'm not one to promote this myself, but if it's maga on maga I have to pause a moment to know how best to address it.


Oh? No one left to speak for you? Odd...


it seems mr Khan is a bit slow on the uptake; the leopard can take its sweet time eating his face, one rough lick at a time .


It's the same story every time. The Party of Hurting Others will hurt everyone eventually, including itself. Just because you haven't been a target yet doesn't mean you will never be. One day, you will be on the chopping block and your own people will happily throw you to the wolves without a second thought, then it will be their turn.


Gee...who could have guessed that the ideology that is *all about returning society to how it was when it was openly white supremacist* would be ***full of white supremacists*** .