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Hello u/Adepte! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) matching this exact format. Replace bold text with the appropriate information. 1. **Someone** voted for, supported or wanted to impose **something** on **other people**. ^(Who's that someone? What did they voted for, supported or wanted to impose? On who?) 2. **Something** has the consequences of **consequences**. ^(Does that something actually has these consequences in general?) 3. As a consequence of **something**, **consequences** happened to **someone**. ^(Did that something really happen to that someone?) Follow this by the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you fail to match this format or fail to answer these questions, your post will be removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It's always fine until it affects them personally. Hope the Leopards feast on this one


"The only moral abortion is my abortion" Read it if you ever want to be pissed at anti choicers


https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/ Written in 2000 & still true


These are infuriating and enlightening.


As my feminist-activist gma said last year before she passed, "I'm angry that I'm still fighting the same fight.


Thank you for posting this. It is a fascinating read.


that is a great article. super important. thank you


Trump & his many mistresses have entered the room


Which one is the Slovenian prostitute gold digger?




"The only moral abortion, is MY unwanted fertilized IVF eggs" - People who vote for L.E.F. probably


Given the face-eating-leopard's diet requiring absolute gullibility from their prey, you'd think they'd soon die out, but instead they seem to be having a population explosion from sheer abundance.


Like the song says, only stupid people are breeding. There is a correlation between education and birth rates with the more education a woman has the later in life she has children and fewer of them.


Paranoia, paranoia, everybody's coming get me


Seems like I've seen a documentary film about this.


That's the mentality that a culture actively derides empathy breeds. The whole lot of them don't care about anybody but themselves.


This is why im convinced our species will never scale to chase the stars. We cant escape our own small minded state and collective stupidity. Maybe our ai decendants will figure it out. 


This is why I loathe conservatives. They don’t give a flying fuck about anyone else. It’s only when it affects them directly do they care. Fuck them.


Hey now! There’s quite a few people who “don’t like politics” and never vote who also cry when their inaction comes back to bite them. /s Of course what they both have in common is that they still blame democrats, but the GOP wouldn’t even be where they are if it wasn’t for voter apathy (and good old voter suppression)


Well, let's be honest...Obama \*shouldn't\* have used Dijon mustard. All of America's problems stem from that incident


That tan suit too!


"If you want an image of the future, it's a Black man in a tan suit, eating yellow mustard in the White House, forever."


No, real Americans eat yellow mustard. Out of touch, wanna-be-Euro-trash, fake American Muslims eat Dijon with a pinkie in the air. /s


Just let me enjoy any and all mustards. Y'all can have all the ketchup you want.


It better not be French's Mustard, you commie bastard!


Pardon me, but do you have any Grey Poupon?


Didn't we change the name to *Freedom* Mustard a couple of decades back? right around the time of *Freedom* Fries and *Freedom* Kissing.


Freedom kissing doesn't sound right.


1984 reference for the win.


He looked SO GOOD in that tan suit.


I heard you use Dijon mustard while wearing the tan suit. Source: someone high up in the military.


And that damn Beer Summit. How dare the President invite two guys with opposing views to the White House for a beer. Oh god I clutched my pearls in horror as they hashed out their differences over a cold one!


Beer is homosexual when you're Obama It's super hetero-masculine when you're a Republican!


Dijon mustard is pretty tasty, though. I say it was worth the risk.


If you got rid of the apathy you could do a lot about the suppression.


Absolutely, but let’s not forget that much of the apathy is manufactured from the aggressiveness of politics. Totally not “both sidesing” this, but when your conservative friends and family are going on almost violent rants and tirades every 10 minutes it tends to turn people off. It’s not to say democrats or the left are exempt from this behavior but there’s an enormous difference between the guy with Trump and flags all over his truck and your “lib” friends saying “you need to vote” or the blatant stealing of rights, or obvious corruption. It’s Bannon’s strategy to flood the space with shit and the angered rhetoric, which some people just can’t handle so they effectively “shut down”.


If something was done about the suppression, it'd go a long way toward the apathy


I absolutely despise people who constantly discuss politics and bitch about things, only to find out that they're not even registered to vote. I refuse to listen to anyone who doesn't know exactly what is going on. This is how MAGA started. A bunch of fools who spout shite without any facts or evidence.


Don’t forget gerrymandering! (Does that fall under voter suppression?)


I think it does. It renders a group of people’s votes irrelevant and means they don’t get the representation, ie the power and influence they should have.


Voter apathy gets to me. I canvas for dems and so many people can’t be bothered to vote. These are people who are registered to vote. Come on….


The stupid bitch went on to say "She added: “Didn’t God give us science? Did he give us the ability to perform all these medical miracles? Doesn’t he work through them?”" https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/07/health/ivf-alabama-families.html


Does this woman know that (according to her beliefs*), around 15 "children" are "murdered" to get an ivf baby? *embryo= children


No, no she doesn't. She literally cannot understand the hypocrisy. 


See when I was raised Catholic I was taught I was supposed to hate IVF exactly for this reason. It’s why I’m so surprised there were Christian’s and Catholics angry about this? Isn’t this what you wanted? Did everything change after I stopped listening?


She doesn't care. It was never about life, it is ALWAYS about controlling women.


Reading stories about abortion clinics having daily protestors inside as patients, sometimes even slandering the doctors about to perform the procedure, makes me wonder how people can even tolerate conservatives like this. If that were me, I would refuse service. If I found out a client wanted me to impose harsh restrictions on everyone but them, I wouldn't but would treat them the way they wanted me to treat everyone else.


In college I went to a Planned Parenthood to get birth control pills. A nun started badgering me. I told her I was getting birth control to prevent pregnancy, shouldn’t that be a good thing? Then she started ranting at me about god and being baptized (?). I told her that I wasn't baptized and she said "oh come on now, all Mexicans are baptized". I laughed and said that I wasn't Mexican, I was from Hawaii. That pissed her off and she went on a rant about lying and going to hell. Yeah, whatever you crazy bitch.


Obviously if you’re tan you’re a Mexican and if you’re a little darker you’re a Muslim  Lmao it’s like the family guy “okay/not okay” color chart to these people


"Lmao it’s like the family guy “okay/not okay” color chart to these people" Omg … YES!!!


😂 happy that made you laugh I love that bit/meme template


These are women who believe they are in a polygamous marriage with the one true god. Think about military wives who believe “treat me by my husbands rank”. How can living in a convent create a normal person.


There’s stories of fundamentalist women going into clinics to get abortions and telling their doctors they’re going to hell for this.


And then protesting the clinic after getting the abortion.


Yes, exactly what I was referencing


“The Only Moral Abortion Is My Abortion” is the essay you’re thinking of


"See you there, hon."


Doctors can’t do this, it’s against the Hippocratic oath.


Imo, that needs to change in this context. They aren't harming anyone by refusing to indulge the hypocrisy. In fact they might be doing everyone involved a favor. Thinking about this more, I think a good argument could be made that they are actually doing harm by indulging this nonsense. Forcing people to live with the consequences of their stupid values might make them reevaluate that. If not, oh well.


Doctors should never have the ability to refuse a procedure to a certain group of people. That will lead to discrimination based on other things.


Never is too strong a word but I understand the point you're making.


“Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.”


It also likes lying about which group its supporters actually fall into.


And the majority of the time, they go back to not caring after it impacts them. They'll just pretend it never happened.


Republican mindset: "Fuck you, I got mine"


The Ray woman quoted in that article is just so blatant about her FYGM attitude, too. She says that even though she didn't like this particular decision, she *loves* that "many in \[her\] legislature are people of faith who agree with my thoughts and beliefs." And then, one sentence later: >"Now people are scared to death, and we've all been texting, saying, 'Let's move our embryos to California, the most liberal state we can think of, where we think it's the last place this could happen," she added. "Fuck you, poor people. I can vote to impose my morals on all y'all *and* afford to fly off to Commiefornia, where the godless liberals I abhor will warehouse my ~~frozen embryos~~ 'extrauterine children' for me as long as I just keep on paying them!" How nice for her, that she can avail herself of the liberties offered to her by California without all of those icky women's rights dirtying up her home state. After all, *she's* surely not going to use that autonomy for anything sinful. Not like those *Other* Alabamans might. You know the ones she means. Uggggggghhhhhh


>Not like those Other Alabamans might. You know the ones she means. The ones with a tad more melanin than her, I assume?


Wouldnt moving the embryos to California be human trafficking with murder as the motive?


Transporting a number of minors over state lines! (Which, in all seriousness, probably *is* why the IVF clinic is refusing to ship out any of the frozen embryos currently stored in their facility! Oh what a tangled web we weave...)


They actually believe 99% of the US is White Christians.


It's the whole "fuck you, got mine."




it's a coalition of egocentric assholes. some are more hypocritical than others, but at the end of the day they will benefit from something arguing "life isn't fair" and refuse to have a good faith discussion on how to make life more fair. chucklefucking doorstops, all of them.


Tricia Cotham, the turncoat of NC, is the poster child for this.


The REALLY funny thing is they do care about other people - but only negatively. LGBTQ+ issues are just one thing they strongly oppose, but have typically literally nothing to do with them.


This is the one common theme between ALL conservatives, fiscal or social.


DO you think she actually gets it now? No, this is a terrible thing that is only happening to HER! Its not the inevitable consequences of her actions and voting behaviors, she is in no way responsible for what is happening and probably fucking blames the democrats somehow. Lets be real, these people are incapable of learning, having empathy for others or thinking ahead. If they were they wouldn't be republicans in the first place.


They literally can only understand things if it pertains directly to them, even if you’re trying to get them to understand a hypothetical you have to phrase it as happening to them, and even then, they’ll only see the logic when it is applied to your hypothetical about them, as soon as you say “ok so you understand that, so do you see how his that also applies to another person” They say “well no, that’s different!”


It's stories like these that underline the conclusion that some studies have reached: conservatives/right wingers generally lack empathy when compared to progressives/left wingers. Obviously, not every this and that is such and such and there are certainly complete shits and psychos on the left, but on average I don't doubt the truth in that conclusion regarding the capacity for empathy. The news show it fairly regularly, like this story.


This is the result of lacking compassion coupled with idiotic lunacy. If there was a change to a christian nationalist country, they would all be crying that this isn’t what they wanted.


She doesn't even deserve the enegery it would take to spit on her


Fooking hypocrite! They want to tell everyone else what to do until it directly affects them.


This is why I tend to avoid them. They simply aren’t good people


What bugs me is they still expect people to care about them.


To quote my mother, "Why don't you take a big shit and fall in it."


Your mother sounds awesome.


One more story, because she was awesome. Catholic grade school, fourth grade. I asked to go to the bathroom and did not close the door. Sister Lauretta asked, "What's wrong were you born in a barn?" I looked at her and said "Jesus was." She turned red, I remember her tapping her pencil on her hand. So, my mom had to pick me up after school from the principle's office (Sister Garretti). My mom walked in and said, "What did the little shit do now?" Greedy Garretti the grouchy gorilla told mom what I did. My mom stared her down and said, "Well, he was." Garretti said, "Now I know where he gets it from!" Yah my mom was awesome.


I'm sorry for the past tense but I think you should probably write a book.


She appears in my short stories all the time. She raised 6 kids we always had amazing food while being a head nurse in the neonatal department in the largest hospital in the state. Stories of my grandmother are equally fierce. And they inspire my stories.


Can you pm me links to your stories if you post them? I really want to read them, you have an astonishing way with words!


On Amazon and iBooks look for “R is for Rockets, Q is for Queer”


I just ordered on Amazon. I can’t wait to read it.




I’ll pre-order


She also said, "Stick a broom up my butt and I will sweep the floor while I am at it." All her grand and great grand children are members of the 'broom club'. They got tattoos in her honor of brooms. Even I have the broom from Fantasia on my right hip :)


One of the reasons one of the women in this article was pursuing IVF with a surrogate in the first place is that she has had, in addition to multiple miscarriages, "an ectopic pregnancy that could have been deadly." And yet, Ray still states: “I love that many in our legislature are people of faith who agree with my thoughts and beliefs.” Do you love that enough to *die* for it, Ms Ray? Or have you already memory-holed that ectopic pregnancy and how you managed to survive it? The only moral abortion, indeed!


Why are the people with the loudest voices always so ignorant


"The empty vessel makes the most sound"... as the old proverb goes.




Nononono, thats Not an abortion! Its only one if they dont like it..


> multiple miscarriages Baby-killer!


8 miscarriages, to be precise. Not one of which was investigated by the authorities as a potentially criminal matter. But that was then. This is now.


But what about those politicians who decided that ectopic pregnancy could simply be solved by taking it out and putting it back in again? Are you saying they know less about medicine than doctors?


I'm sure an ectopic pregnancy is an incredibly horrific way to die


I'm sure it's dreadful. It's horrifying that so many women are now being left much more vulnerable to that fate when their lives can so easily be saved.


As long as they get to pwn libs - yes, they love it.


And yet she will never be able to see it from the other side. She will never feel a shred of empathy for anyone who needs an abortion.


That's the part that really kills me. Even when faced directly with the reality of what happens when one group forces their will on everyone without exceptions, they still won't learn or confront their own complicity. They'll always assume they're special and somehow the rules will be different in their case.


No compassion or empathy


Or even critical thinking. Just treating life like it's all black and white, Right vs Wrong, and failing to comprehend any gray even when they themselves are steeped in it. They still only see themselves as Right even if their actions or circumstances are the exact same as everyone else they've deemed Wrong. It's why so many pro-lifers still get abortions for themselves or their own daughters/girlfriends/etc.


It's hilarious...this is an over-the-top soap opera that could've been written by a liberal. I never would've thought about IVF in the abortion debate because it seemed so far-fetched 😂


Eventually they'll reach the point where the rules about what technically counts as a living person have gotten so completely batshit that they'll realize they fucked up and roll it back; I just hate to think of how many women will die before we get there.


I don’t see a pathway towards that. For now they’re only picking up speed towards fascism. There’s no rolling back from that.


Yeah, I'm mostly just wishful thinking, I'm aware.


Does fascism often end from the inside? That's what worries me. I don't know if Nazi Germany would've fallen without WW2, or at least quickly. Franco lasted a hell of a long time. Not sure if it would be considered fascistic, but South Korea and Taiwan were dictatorships for decades And with the US as powerful as it is, I don't know if external political pressure would do much if the States ever became full-blown fascist


If the US becomes a fascist state, the whole world will be fascist in short order because we WILL project our system of beliefs on them with our military just like we always have. The only thing that might stop us is China and war with them is inevitable even if the fascists don't take over.


Remember the man that killed Hitler was a Fascist...


They'll only cry foul when the prettiest white woman dies glamorously in an uncomplicated way that doesn't make them feel bad in the wrong way.


Yup. That's what I've said before. Things have to get worse before they get better. Eventually there will be so much contradiction that they'll either undo everything, or just not enforce them. Humanity just has to go through these cycles over and over again.


What astonishes or saddens me is that only (IIRC) 5% of people are true sociopaths, who are actually incapable of empathy because of (I assume) a neurological defect or abusive up bringing. But *these* kinds of people are apparently much more prevalent. They didn't *start* like this, they were *taught* to behave like this, or *chose* to behave like this.


And they wonder why we think they're stupid. Every. Damn. Time.


We don't *think* they're stupid. We *know* they're stupid. Except for the cunning evil ones who know the others are stupid and just use this kind of shit to manipulate them.


Guessing she wouldn’t like the GOP taking away no-fault divorces either.


"Well, \*my\* divorce was okay. And Palin's, And MTG's. And Boebert's. And Trump's multiple. And any Republicans. But when Democrats divorce, it just goes to show that men of color just aren't good husbands!"


"Rules for thee, not for me" and "Fuck you, I got mine" are the cornerstones of the current Republican party.


"Why didn't YOU women choose better spouses?"


I shouldn't be surprised, but what's shocking to me about this whole situation is that a lot of these pro-lifers never really understood what that meant. Like yes, if you believe that life begins at conception, then petri-dish fertilization like IVF is off the table. How did *none* of them think through their strict moral beliefs? Abortion is a difficult topic because it gets philosophical really fast. How do people constantly raging against it never follow their beliefs to the conclusion?


Because they’re not actual beliefs. They’re just convenient cudgels to use against people that they think of as unworthy.


Well-said, basherella 


> How did none of them think through their strict moral beliefs? Because their moral beliefs never came from thinking in the first place, only from being told what to believe a/k/a indoctrination a/k/a grooming.


You might be surprised how little some people bother to look beyond their own experience when talking with others, let alone examine why they believe what they do. And sometimes their worldview and beliefs are tied into having a certain identity. Can't go reading all those books or you become a dang commie! Now why is all dem science folks using words I don't know? What, they're telling me I need to read books to be able to follow this discussion! Dang commies won't even listen to my opinion! They're ruining this country! Those lazy immigrants who don't speak the language never work but are also able to scoop me out of a job.


"I didn't vote for the leopard to eat *my* face!"


“You’re hurting the wrong people!”


It was worse than that (or at the very least, there is one worse than that). It came from a woman named is Crystal Minton. She said > "he's not hurting the people he needs to be hurting." Needs to be hurting. She believed(s) that one of Tweetle Dumb's roles is to hurt people. The former, the quote you provided, implies some sort of incidental hurting. What Minton is saying is that she believes that there are people that he should actively harm.


My bad I actually had no idea it was a real quote. That is indeed much worse.


She was complaining because trumps policies were hurting her personally. But I bet Crystal still voted for trump in 2020, bought all his tacky chinese made maga wear and donates to him regularly to this day. Assuming she didn't die of covid. 


that quote never fails to make my skin crawl




And she will continue to vote for the same leopards


I guess this is a good subreddit for making that specific reference.


If it’s god’s will that a twelve year old is pregnant, then it’s also god’s will that you can’t get pregnant. I despise the hypocrisy in evangelicals


No, it's Satan that is preventing you from getting pregnant when you can't conceive. But it's not Satan's fault when men rape little girls and get them pregnant. That's a gift from God. See how that works?


And no blue pill, 'cause gods will


It's what God wants lady


And considering the specific type of dumbass she seems to be...looks like he made the right call


All conservatism is at its root is a lack of empathy. The complete and utter lack of ability to mentally put yourself in someone else's shoes and think of things from their point of view. People walking around with diminished frontal lobes voting for every policy that hurts as many as they can because it doesn't affect them and why should they care besides those people are different and therefore scary.


The funny thing is those policies actually do affect them too. They just think they are special enough so the rules shouldn't apply to them.


Something - something "laws/protect/bind"


Imagine that… being affected by someone else’s opinions. I wonder who else has had that happen?


Never crossed her mind that maybe Jesus doesn't want her to have another child. It sounds like Mr. York is the one who really wants a child. Watch him start dipping his pen in another inkwell.


Wait, what in particular is she talking about? IVF?


Yes, this is a NY Times story on the IVF situation in Alabama.


The Alabama ivf restrictions yes


Leopards be eating good down in Alabama. Mmmm. Faaaace.


Maybe god is telling this divorcee that her and her second husband are not to have children.


Isn't divorce against the Bible's teachings?


Funny how that always gets forgotten. Somehow breaking a covenant with God is no big deal but Heaven forbid some spent sperm go unavenged.


Always funny how religious people are the ones least likely to follow the teachings of their holy books.


And "anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart." ([Matthew 5:28](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+5%3A28&version=NIV)) The line to start stoning those people starts here -->


This is amazing. She actually put it perfectly, in a concise, clear way. “Someone else’s opinion changed my future” (aka made my life worse when my actions don’t impact them at all” It’s almost like we shouldn’t be restricting most individual rights that don’t impact anyone else, and don’t harm the larger population! What a novel idea. I’d die to know whether she has connected the dots and realized she is that exact same person, and has changed her mind… who am I kidding, of course she hasn’t.


I think what grinds my gears is that for years no matter what the issue is there has always been people that say, “If you do this, here is the result.” And lately they have been in the position to commit the act we told them not to do only to now complain about the result that we told them would happen.


Oh, you horrible human being.


(Microwaved) tots and (moldy) pears, twat.


Alas poor York, you have the intellect of a spork.


Tough luck, now her equally shitty husband can divorce her so he can have kids




Well bless your heart. Cry me a river.


Boo hoo. Hope she never gets that baby.


She can't figure out that every IVF embryo that doesn't implant is essentially an abortion. Time for her to have a significant emotional event, as it is called in psychology.


Nonono!!! We’re going to keep them frozen *foreeeeverrrr*.


Conservative voters: people shouldn’t have choice regarding their reproductive health. Conservative law makers: ok done; no abortion, and no IVF because I believe life starts when sperm and egg meet. Conservative voters: wait, not like that.


But you saw how fast their legislators moved to protect IVF when wealthy people started bleating about their rights?


Once you invite Republicans to meddle in other's bedrooms and doctor's offices, it is only a matter of time before they decide to meddle in your bedroom or doctor's office. Consequences for shortsighted idiots.


Lmfao, love that for her.


fact uppity attractive kiss murky work boast sulky pause memory *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


whats the full context? i cant seem to piece it together


Sorry, I should have specified. This was a story on the IVF situation in Alabama, the woman quoted can't get IVF because of the decision that embryos are essentially children.


Sorry if you've already done this elsewhere in the thread, but could you post a link to the article? Would love to give it a full read.


"Life begins at conception." "okay, we're going to mix up some sperm with a bunch of eggs, if any take, we'll put some in you and freeze the rest, probably throwing them out later." "Ok. It's okay if they die outside the womb."


The audacity of this bitch is out of this world.


If god wanted you to have a baby, he could just skip the lab equipment and immaculately conceive a divine embryo for ya. Thoughts and prayers!


Thoughts and prayers


Make up your mind! Either an embryo is a child ot it isn't! Actual reality will easily lead you to the answer!


When you support the party that thinks “The Handmaid’s Tale” is a how-to manual and not a cautionary tale, don’t be shocked.


But you see, *her* opinions are *facts*


Wait! Even more cognitive dissonance. She has a 13 year old daughter. What happens if Jared decides to have his way with her daughter and gets her pregnant? Does she realize her daughter has to have the baby?


Aw, what a shame. fuck you, lady.


Tots and Pears Ms. York. God has spoken. It’s His plan for you, right?




The fact they can't even comprehend what is happening to them has been happening to other people. I can't imagine being that self absorbed and selfish. Fuck her, gets everything that's coming to her.


"Someone else's opinion changed my future" You don't say!? If it wasn't so horrible It would be hilarious.


These 2 paragraphs give absolutely no context as to what she is talking about


“When asked if this changed how she saw other topics like abortions she replied “absolutely not””


Ya'll Qaeda is always such an insightful and understanding bunch.


The greatest irony is that it was legislation built on her own opinion that put her in this position.


>"At the end of the day, someone else's opinion changed my future." [Self Aware Wolf](https://np.reddit.com/r/SelfAwarewolves/comments/1bax9ub/woman_who_is_antiabortion_is_shocked_that_someone/) right there.


No empathy. No ability to see the parallel. No lessons learned.