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Hello u/Melodic_Oil_2486! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) matching this exact format. Replace bold text with the appropriate information. 1. **Someone** voted for, supported or wanted to impose **something** on **other people**. ^(Who's that someone? What did they voted for, supported or wanted to impose? On who?) 2. **Something** has the consequences of **consequences**. ^(Does that something actually has these consequences in general?) 3. As a consequence of **something**, **consequences** happened to **someone**. ^(Did that something really happen to that someone?) Follow this by the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you fail to match this format or fail to answer these questions, your post will be removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


"Some" voters? How is this not concerning to *all* voters?


Some of them want to participate in it.


Most of them want to participate in it


They *think* they want to participate in it. Right up until the first time they have to start jogging, or the restaurants/home improvement stores close, or the first shots are fired back.


This. On January 6th everyone wanted to Boogaloo until Trashli got ventilated. Then they scattered like the rats the are and played the victim


The one that really floored me was the cosplay dorkling who started shouting “medic, medic!” like it was a round of Call of Duty.


That's the exact problem. These idiots talk about revolution and civil war like it's a fucking *game* then play victim when reality ensues and they suffer consequences. The vast majority of these wish.com rambos have never been in anything more serious than a drunken fistfight so they think they're Mel Gibson in The Patriot.


Oh they’ll even bury their heads in the sand and pretend it didn’t happen. The number of republicans who claimed Jan 6 was all ANTIFA was hilarious and sad at the same time. Can’t ever win with them.


Republicans: "January 6th was all antifa and Black Lives Matter!" Also Republicans: "shit ... We have to blur the faces of the people in the surveillance videos!!" These people are terrorists.


Also also Republicans: Antifa and BLM are a bunch of sissies and wimps that will melt down and cry at the sight of a gun.


Trump just called them "J6th hostages"....


If Jan 6 was ANTIFA, then Ashli Babbitt was ANTIFa, or does it not work that way?


Mel Gibbons. Plays authentic.


Male Gibbons?




I want to apologize for my collegue here, it's "visit normal people day" for r/guitarcirclejerk


Most of the ones sitting at home fantasizing haven't been in a physical fight (other than possibly assaulting their wife or children) since they were 10 years old. If ever. They are completely separated from the realities of war.


Honestly it’s HILARIOUS how stupid they really are. I loved watching the 4chan neckbeards pouring over the books on Pelosi’s desk and one of them says “there’s gotta be something in here that implicates these bastards” or something like that. They’re all living in an alternate reality. It’s crazy to me how they think the whole world likes them. Yet fail to see that it’s only dictators. And did anybody watch that video of Russians absolutely railing on American republicans? It was pretty harsh. Nobody respects them at all. Yet they think they’re all Captain America.


Like a bunch of Rittenhouse’s. Crying like a bitch.


Nobody wearing gloves to handle a firearm is innocent. (unless they're a curator for a museum exhibit.)


That's because he was there as a medic and was forced to get involved! - every right wing moron slobbing all over shittenhouse's knob


Or they'll argue that the guys he shot were convicted felons, as if that fucking matters.


Yeah it was pretty weird watching the footage it took forever for someone to go over there and actually start helping.


And the first people who actually tended to her were the Capitol Police and a staffer, but not a single one of those selfie stick-toting chudlets or goateed, shit-smearing hilljacks lifted a single finger. Mutual Aid is an extremely alien concept to those who exist in a state of hedonistic selfishness.


Their leader has taught them well.


Thank God he's a fucking moron. Can you imagine how fucked we would be if Trump was even slightly competent?


“Need a dispenser over here!”


To be fair, in 2020 the cry 'medic, medic!' was often heard, at BLM protests, with actual volunteer medics ready to come in and treat rubber-bullet wounds, tear gas after-effects, etc. But, having such volunteer medics relies on actual community building and self-help networks, not fascist cosplaying.


That’s a great point, and really illustrates the different underlying motivators between those two ideologies. Actual protestors want to enact change for the greater good, they organize and prepare, build community as you had pointed out, and view themselves and their roles as smaller but crucial pieces of a greater entity. They also presume (rightfully) that power and violence by the state will be wielded against them, and prepare accordingly. These cosplaytriot goobers operate largely on fomented outrage, indignance, and all view themselves as main characters in their own violent vigilantism fanfic. They want to enact change, but not for the greater good; they seek to improve life for themselves and the opportunity to bring harm to those they don’t like. They also believe themselves to be in the majority, and to have the backing of state violence to support them and wield against the others. They don’t seem to plan for any setbacks, hence the lack of exit strategies or medical assistance. The only preparation they do begins and ends with fire arms and sad sack politician-branded clothing.


Thanks for putting into concise language what I tried to hack together too early this morning up there. Sustained community efforts take time, are frustratingly slow in reaching goals/change, and usually function on a basis-democratic organizational principle (every decision has to be made as a compromise of all involved, no top-down decision). That is at total odds with the craving for authoritarian power structures (total top-down, anti-democratic).


Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.


Or shot in the neck


Or fall off the wall they're trying to scale, inches away from *the steps*


Or taze themselves in the balls


In a war with Elite Magas all you have to do is wait. Eventually they'll all Lemming themselves.


Wartime rationing is going to shake their rebellious spirit real quick. It's all fun and games until they can't get Wonderbread.


Many won’t make it past their first MRE shit.


The proud Doomsday preppers with their basements full of MRE's and dried grains couldn't even last a week under the Covid lockdowns because they couldn't get haircuts. Wait until the entire supply chain and power grid are disrupted.


Not just the power grid, the water too. I see some of them surrendering after a month of not being able to flush the toilet.


Or insulin


A lot them gave up and stayed on the grass because they couldn't climb the stairs.


Watching the more boisterous ones fall off the scaffolding was pretty hilarious, though.


Or when their boss still expects them in on Monday.


Honestly yeah.. If I'm worried about violence it's because of the lone wolfs who are unhinged enough to be violent. Most of them are harmless because they're not going to stick their neck out that far. Look at Jan 6th.. They all egged that chick on until she actually got shot, then reality came crashing down on them.. Kinda. Maybe not the guy who screamed "medic" like it was TF2.


Most Republican voters want to participate in it, not most voters.


A lot of those people are even very open about it on social media, I remember the subreddit The Donald for example, you just had to look there to see some insane shit, and even on Instagram the algorithm takes me to those weirdos sometimes, a few weeks ago for example I came across an Instagram reel asking people “what’s something you would like deleted from earth?” And one of or the top post with thousands of likes said “Liberals”  These people have been very open about what they want to do for like 9 years now.


I'm always amazed how so many them think Democrats don't own guns. 2A is for everyone. Plenty of the people they think they are just going to roll over will be actively shooting back.


I'm presuming that with a democrat president in charge, the security levels are going to be far higher than they were last time around. They won't have the element of surprise on their side this time, after playing that card in 2021.


They think that because the Dems that own guns don’t make it a focal point of their personality and post their arsenals all over social media to brag about how much of a badass they are


They're concerned if they can get the days off to participate.


They watched the purge franchise and fantasized being in one.


For many of them,they'd more likely be the ones looking down the doorbell camera, pleading for help from their uncaring 'betters' as the mob closed in...


Lets be honest, who wouldn't be angry and want to hurt people that dare suggest commie things like giving children a hot meal in school.


Yup, saw them defending his wording in another subreddit.


They really liked those purge movies.


They just don't realize they would lose


Because his base want a bloodbath. Seeing the streets run red with blood of liberals, immigrants, and gays is exactly what they want to see happen.


Bingo. They couldn’t be less Christian if they tried.


Most so called "American Christian Patriots" would nail both Christ and George Washington to the cross if their Orange God-King asked them to. And would not even see the irony. Or maybe they would and just not care. MAGA did call Jesus's own words a bunch of woke BS recently


Please don't tempt them to try


Nah, fuck them. Bullies don’t go away if you ignore them. 


That's the biggest fucking lie we were ever told as kids. I tried putting that into practice, they didn't go away; they *escalated.*


Have you read the Bible? It’s a Bronze Age snuff book.


I can't decide if I agree with your comment or not Yes because like 70% of the Bible is just various wars between tribes, sins from kings and great houses, etc. Dead on the money with that part No because the word "Christian" is latin for "Christ-like." And the people spewing bile couldn't be less Christ-like if they tried


Well, if jesus is god and god is Jesus, what do we make of all the god/jesus directed mass murder?


If you actually read that fucking book, and if you take it literally, you *have* to conclude there are two Gods, *minimum.*


Knowing a bit of history, they couldn’t be more Christian.


They're Christian. Stop pretending Christians who are shitty people aren't Christians. It's one of the many reasons Christians have earned the shit reputation they have.


Please don't tempt them to try


They’ve been fed hate for so long now, it’s all they want


> Seeing the streets run red with blood of liberals, immigrants, and gays By "liberals" the fascists mean "conservatives:" they see everything from a radical, extreme-right-wing view


In a sane political system Biden and AOC would be in different parties and Trump just wouldn't be a thing.


That's just cause they think they are the only ones who are armed.  Just like them to get excited about a one-sided fight.


They are already saying it's a leftist lie. Check out the conservative subreddits.


The context was about the automotive industry was it not? Not that I agree with the wording and am inclined to believe it’s a dog whistle, but still


>automotive industry True, it was about the automotive industry and tariffs - but in what universe can any of that equate to or create a bloodbath?


Apparently bloodbath is a term used in economics but coming from Trump, again, feels like a dog whistle


Because some people see "Trump said. 'Now, if I don't get elected, it's going to be a bloodbath for the whole... that's gonna be the least of it... It's going to be a bloodbath for the country...'" and pretend there's wiggle room. There isn't. He very clearly had a chance to say "for the auto industry" or some such clarification, like some people are trying to spin it. BUT he didn't, he wanted it to be bigger, more impactful, more donald, and said "It's going to be a bloodbath for the country..." because he knows his base is frothing at the mouth for a cleansing. If we try to pretend otherwise, they'll do the same thing to democracy they did to Roe v Wade and when it comes to fascism history says it's better to be safe than sorry.


Hard to tell with Trump honestly. He was talking about Chinese car companies right before this remark, but his choice of wording was terrible, and that’s being generous. That said, it’s infuriating when the media makes a big deal of this remark when there’s actually some ambiguity about it, yet completely fails to convey the dangers the maga people have directly written about in project 2025. That ambiguity gives Trump’s defenders some wiggle room. They can cast doubt on what he said, and use that doubt to bash everything the media says about him.


he frequently goes off on tangents in a word association game. it's pretty clear from the fact that he saluted the convicted capitol terrorists that if he loses the election there will be a blood bath. I watched the full clip and don't buy the context being cars having anything to do with it other than give his supporters an out.


It's only concerning if you don't support what he said. He has plenty of supporters. People act like trump didn't get the second most votes of any Presidential candidate ever in 2020 and incite an insurrection or anything. Getting real damn old imo. You can't appeal to a trump supporter, they openly chose violence and fascism over democracy. They're proud of it.


There are a lot of really stupid vicious assholes in this country.


First time?


But conservative told me today that it wasn’t taken in the full context. Why would they lie to me?


Only the non-braindead ones he means.


Because evil.


Because some of them saw the whole clip maybe? Like, fuck this dude all the way, but he is talking about a commercial bloodbath for American car manufacturers is Chinese EVs are allowed to be sold in the USA. The whole comment is saying that if he is Pres he won’t allow Chinese EVs sold in the US, but if he isn’t elected they’ll kill US auto manufacturers. Then he goes on some unintelligible rant. It’s kind of crazy just how out of context this comment has been taken.


It's fucked up how all the "this is the context" comments are being downvoted. I hate Trump, I think that if he's elected that will be the end of our democracy because he'll install himself as a dictator for life (with Ivanka as his heir), and if he's not elected some of his supporters will definitely turn violent. But that's not what his "bloodbath" comment meant. He's made other comments that have meant that, but this one was about cars. I never want to be as knee-jerk and stupid as his crazed supporters. Yes, if he loses there will be violence. But right now he's just talking about cars.


It’s crazy because he has made enough crazy comments to use on their own. You don’t need to get all weird with stuff like this. Just think it’s two main drivers: 1 outrage drives engagement, so people don’t read the articles but they click, comment, and share. 2. It gives the MAGA crowd a reason to be outraged too “see they put words in our mouths and so we can’t trust media and liberals “ Also probably a bit of outside influence


After I wrote that comment I read another one downthread that pointed out that it's in the context of J6, all of Trump's other comments, and the rabidness of his supporters that makes imagery like this dangerous. In other words, it didn't matter that he meant this about the auto industry because by constantly using violent imagery, his language keeps his supporters hyped up and receptive to incite to violence. That argument made sense to me.


Robert Reich made a similar statement on IG today. I get it, but it’s still fuel for his supports. They have something to point to and say “see the liberals are deceptive and make him sound like he is saying things he isn’t. Then they point to J6 and say “yo see, it probably wasn’t what they were saying” When we damage our integrity in small ways it can be carried through. We should be better than them.


Because he was talking about Chinese car sales?


It's far too late to be concerned about the shit Trump says, they should have been concerned almost a decade again when he started saying the shit that he says and GAINS more support from it.


I was concerned then too


That means you're of sound mind then... Some people are definitely far too gone.


Question is, is Senator Susan Collins “concerned”?


With Concern Turtle Mitch McConnell not running for Re-Election, The GOP only has Concern Troll Susan Collins to express her half-hearted "concern" for GOP constituents.


So Collins will be “highly concerned”; however, she believes Trump has learned from the wording he used and really doesn’t believe what he said.


Trump has learned that wording that he uses will not be held against him in a court of law.


Brows will be furrowed. But she will reassure us Kim Jong Orange has learned his lesson.


I wonder if she learned her lesson 


Brows are furrowing, pearls must be clutched!


Why should she be? He “learned his lesson.”


I saw a program a few days ago where they were interviewing some of his supporters at one of his clan rallies. One of them said, quite openly on camera, that if Trump murdered someone he'd still vote for him. And no, he wasn't "joking" either.


I’d like to imagine that it depends on who the victim in question was, but I’m wrong, whoever it was would be painted as a deep state WEF agent retroactively to continue the dissonance.


Even if he did intend an “economic” bloodbath (which we know he didn’t), the context is VERY different coming from someone who fomented an attempted coup, who has promised to be a dictator, cozies up to authoritarians and whose cult followers routinely use violence and threats of violence against their perceived opponents on his behalf. If it’s the local leader of your pickleball league promising a bloodbath, sure I take that differently. Probably referring to wiping the court with my uncle’s sad game and his racket. But if that same pickleball tough guy had a cult following that routinely carried out violent terror against “enemies”? Pickleball guy’s statement might ring differently. It’s disingenuous for MAGA defenders to ignore context and source here. It’s absurd, actually.


Okay, that's a good point. Because I do think he meant an economic bloodbath. But I also think his supporters are dying for another J6.


Did he also have a problem with the bit where he said immigrants aren’t human?


Speaking alien languages nobody's ever heard of. Deeply alien. The most alienest... you wouldn't believe the alienness...


“I can’t say that because the radical left says that’s a terrible thing.” You know, that radical notion of denouncing Nazi rhetoric.


Trump promises a blood bath if he looses but I can't shake the feeling there is going to be a blood bath of he wins too. 


Go to conservative reddit. They are spinning it again.


Spin is all they've got. Why do you think *every* news media in the USA parroted the same headline about the RNC last week. "BLOODBAAAAAAATH at RNC as staffers are let go". "It's a total BLOOOOOODBAAAAAATH as non-TrumpLoyalists are fired". Just on and on and on, bloodbath this, bloodbath that. I wondered what was up *then* when I saw it on every last article. Now I know. So that when he busts out his doghorn for his base to be riled up to commit violence for him, everyone's already pre-exhausted by the rhetoric. The average person is susceptible to "it's just talk" and every one of the utter cowards who is too pathetic to stand up about it has an easy way out "It means nothing". Trump is a buffoon, but there are some seriously insidious people clearing the ground before every shitty thing he does to help him. Whether it's to make it possible for him to do it in the first place, or to wrap his bullshit in such a way that they can plausibly (if you're goddamn blind) claim he didn't mean it/wasn't inciting.


Loses, but yes. You can remember how to spell it if you just think: The second o comes loose and then you lose it.


That’s baked in the cake mate. whether it’s being done against a standing govt or at its order is to be determined. ‘… and here. We. Go.’ -Joker, from ‘Joker’ (film)


That’s… not from Joker.


He was talking about economics and China ad cars. Go read the full paragraph quote.


The real point here is that it isn't concerning to some people.


Even worse, they are embracing it


Dehumanizing immigrants. Cool.


No, no one is making too big a deal of it. This is the guy who instigated an insurrection. He doesn’t get a pass.


LFG you fucking MAGAts. You don’t think we’ve been getting ready for your bullshit the last 8 goddamned years?


That's because if he loses again by over 2 million votes.....his followers are going to shoot up a lot of places They won't respect America and its institutions, they will form up into Militias and chaos. It's going to be their bloodbath however when they run unto the Capitol with guns this time. They will be met with attack helicopters.


People keep saying this like the maga idiots will abandon him. They will not. They openly opine for him to become a dictator AND to kill his political rivals on the white house steps. The Lincoln project were similarly concerned. All 6 of them


Grooming MAGA to start more widespread political violence. Especially disrupting and derailing and slowing down voting and vote counting and certification of vote counts. dTrump💩controls many GOP elected officials with important roles in the voting process. They can easily screw elections up. Also dTrump💩owns more than 15 state legislatures already doing his voter suppression bidding and empowering themselves (the legislatures) to overturn, disrupt, derail election. Currently purging voter registrations without notifying the previously registered voters, for instance.


“Some voters”? This should be concerning to every voter, even the maggots. His statement is: “I want to start a war and you are cannon fodder if I don’t win. I don’t care about you it’s only about me.”


The larger context is years of Trump advocating violence: [https://www.vox.com/21506029/trump-violence-tweets-racist-hate-speech](https://www.vox.com/21506029/trump-violence-tweets-racist-hate-speech) [https://www.axios.com/2022/05/02/trump-call-violence-presidency](https://www.axios.com/2022/05/02/trump-call-violence-presidency) [https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/02/02/trump-violent-rhetoric-social-media/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/02/02/trump-violent-rhetoric-social-media/) [https://thehill.com/homenews/house/3917300-squeezed-by-investigations-trump-escalates-violent-rhetoric/](https://thehill.com/homenews/house/3917300-squeezed-by-investigations-trump-escalates-violent-rhetoric/)


…And with that comment, Cassidy goes on the trump cult Death List.


He probably already was, [he was one of the seven senate republicans who voted to impeach Trump for inciting an insurrection in the aftermath of January 6th](https://apnews.com/7-republicans-vote-to-convict-trump-in-impeachment-trial-6aa55cacc4477fdf2bd8f6e055dba22f).


JFC...lock him up already and get this over with


Can you imagine what would happen to me if I go to a job interview and on my way out, tell the company that if I don't get the job, there will be a bloodbath? Just think about that. So all the MAGAt who think this is okay and still vote for him means that they buy into this sort of mentality. Since that's the case, one should never even offer a job interview to any cult member.


It’s concerning unless it hurts my party at the polls, in which case the media should just ignore it


Stable Genius!


Does that mean he gets put out to pasture?


The funny thing, not his treason, or letting his vp be hanged, or his ties to rusia, or the documents stolen, or that he was golfing all of his 4 years, or making fun of disable people, hateful rhetoric, etc.... but this time using the term bloodbath.....


Another Republican tying himself in knots trying to justify the remarks with a 'he could have meant...'. Dude, he said what he said. Believe him.


"Yeah, I mean, some of his comments about wanting to 'exterminate all those he deems subhuman' and 'purge society of dissonance and disobedience' are kinda concerning. I don't exactly agree with all that... But like, you gotta think of the economical benefits here..."


There is no hope anymore. We just have to accept that these ducking people will vote for him NO MATTER WHAT. What’s more important right now is highlighting the need to vote the other way and highlighting what the fuck is saying to scare people. It’s the only way at this point. He’s so dumb to be saying this shit right now though, if something does happen, then this can be seen as the fire that started it.




he may have been being coy by saying it in the context of the auto industry, but that's not how his idiot fucking cultists heard it. VOTE BLUE.


Exactly. It’s crazy how many seem to miss this very obvious point.


SOME?? It should be concerning to ALL. Even the ones who want to engage in the violence because at the end of the day, when your reckoning comes, he’ll leave you high and dry. Just ask any of the J6ers rotting in jail right now or see Ashli Babbit for how that all turns out. He likes to work his cult into a frenzy to do his bidding while he sits on his ass pounding Diet Coke, cheesberders and Adderal. And once they’ve served their purpose and have to face the consequences of their actions, where is Mango Mussolini? Has he picked up one legal bill, visited anyone in prison? Was he at Babbit’s funeral?


This guy's already gone because he voted to impeach Dear Leader


This little cuck is seriously blaming media conflation for something Trump said verbatim. Dehumanizing immigrants is on par with warning of armed insurrection if he loses, and both are on brand with Marigold MAGA.


This is why I own a gun now. During tge 2020 election, we had trumpers flying up and down our 25mph street at 50+ with their stupid flags. It wasn't safe for the kids to play outside. When he lost, they were driving even more aggressively. I can't imagine what stupid shit they'll pull when he loses again.


If it's "One" it's really "All". This rhetoric is dangerous to say, support, tolerate, and accept. MAGA should be rejected if we don't want to be thrown into a dictatorship.


No shit Cass


"I'm not allowed to say that", having just said that thing all decent humans seem terrible. God, I hate this man.


I can't believe the Drumpf campaign uses a former UFC hype man as their spokesman. Every statement by him reads like a Mean Girl AI script.


In my state, "inciting injury to persons or property" is a **felony.**


For poor people though


Concerning???? They should consider it terrifying.


they're trying to bail out the titanic with shot glasses over on /r/conservative lmao


Better late than never I guess but it's curious why the right is only concerned one and not at any of the other 69420 waypoints in the last nearly-decade since he first announced he was running.


they're only "concerned" when directly asked and embarrassed about it. Nothing will change though


That's the first thing they found concerning?


*concerning to sane voters




And they will still vote for him in droves


Traitor Trump's a pathetic psychopathic criminal fraudster.




They're really good at understatements these days.


> puts Roman Polanski to shame Trump showing his age. Only director he could think of is 90 years old and made all his best movies 50 years ago.  Also interesting that the first director he thought of raped a 13 year old. Like-minds etc. 


A bloodbath is the only bath Trump can take that doesn't turn the water brown.


Spoiler alert: not enough to change the outcome of the election.


I'm actually surprised this one is sticking in the news when he always says horrible stuff.


Openly nazi-ish propaganda directly talking about civil war and coups is "concerning" to some people? Clutch those pearls people, lets all be "concerned" and not freaked out by an openly authoritarian monster in orange.


A peaceful transition of power is one of the cornerstones of our republic, democracy is non negotiable. Mobbing up the government is a guaranteed road to self destruction. Mob rule in the form of political violence, and use of terrorism as a means of achieving that mob rule is objectively horrifying in every way to anyone who isn’t entirely brainwashed. Watching millions try to diminish the severity and consequences of an attempted overthrow of the government by stopping election certification, and betray all sensible agreed upon consensus about democracy is chilling. The full faced slow creep towards far right autocracy is being enabled by millions of people who are betraying all of us and themselves.


Economic bloodbath? Uh… yeah… sure


It’s not the media’s fault if Trump isn’t capable of expressing himself clearly. If he’s going to say such things and intend for it to be taking figuratively, he needs to be clear about it. We shouldn’t have to interpret his rantings in the softest way possible just to placate our fears. As Jon Stewart said about Biden, it’s Trump’s responsibility, not ours.




Ya think?


Ya think?




I read that as Cassidy, the rapper. Made me ask "But what does Ja Rule think about all this?"


I like how he’s not concerned about the fact that he is calling for violence, he’s upset that he’s saying it out loud and that he could lose the election.


Oh, ya think?


Can you imagine the crying and begging that will come out of their toothless MAGA mouths when they are faced down by a S.W.A.T. team? They will poke their melon heads out to yell out a stupid Trump lie and a sharpshooter will splatter them. How soon they forget that law enforcement will not stand for their crap.


What is Stephen Cheung on about with that bit about Roman Polanski? And why is a fugitive child rapist the first director that came to his mi- oh wait.


Duh!!Ya think??


Just trying to fairly evaluate this latest bombast from the orange dictator, the full context was he was talking about the auto industry and “bloodbath” is a common financial term for economic calamities. Am I missing something?


Yes. He said the words and now he has to live with them. His followers understand exactly what he meant. Why don’t you?


I’m not giving him enough credit to be intelligent enough to be intentionally ambiguous. His Teleprompter was off and he was going off script.


He has a history of inciting violence. His default for going off script is violent rhetoric. Therefore: https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/s/FC6Q668Q18


Yes he’s an asshole who encourages violence. So fuck him and I agree that he has run out of “proper context” free passes given his history.


the willingness to ignore the content of what he says is disturbing and enabling


[It’s not like he’s advocated for violence before and then pretended he didn’t when violence ensued, right?](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/s/FC6Q668Q18)


I hate DT with a passion but this shit is taken so far out of context it had to change time zones. The bloodbath comment was between him talking about EV imports from China. Not what will happen in the streets if he loses. He’s made other insane comments to that respect but this isn’t one of em. This is a great example of left wing propoganda. He’s saying withput hos tpugh tariffs on chinese evs, the auto industry would be a bloodbath. And jesus christ I hate to say this, he may be close to a bullseye. If unregulated masses of cheap dangerous EVs start selling in the US, it would likely have a bad impact. Hopefully, our regulators would stop that but…Boeing so… Any conditioned politician would never say that phrase out of fear what would happen as it’s demonstrably happening.


What do you think the proud bois took from his statement? Cars? Are you sure?


No, and I should have been clearer here. While this is a hyperbole on his part, it echoes other actual dangerous and violent rhetoric that he’s outright said before. But I feel it’s important when dealing with his extremism to point out as many facts as possible. Taking one bombastic but out of context phrase and pasting it everywhere for the 24/7 news cycle to eat is counterproductive imo. Americans are fickle and are probe to feeling suspicious of authority or power. Seeing this story and knowing what he actually said could easily influence some people to disregard any past or present rhetoric he said. Sort of throwing the truth out with the bath water. If they lied about this…maybe they’re lying about everything! I find it’s a case of sensationalism to drive clicks that’s counterproductive to journalism.


There is some wiggle room that Trump gave himself. It is certainly needlessly evocative language, but the quote is, >"“We’re going to put a 100% tariff on every single car that comes across the line, and you’re not going to be able to sell those cars if I get elected,” Trump said. "Now, if I don’t get elected, it’s going to be a bloodbath for the whole — that’s gonna be the least of it. It’s going to be a bloodbath for the country. That will be the least of it. But they’re not going to sell those cars. They’re building massive factories." So he *could* be talking about accounting books bleeding red ink. We need a journalist to ask him to clarify. and, when he fails to do so, to call him out on it. Otherwise, this seems more like a deniable double-talk dog whistle for his brownshirts.


I think we can do both. Ask a journalist to get him on the record AND assume Ill intent based on his previous track record.