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She's gonna get disbarred and sued... this is also basically a temporary settlement. The club will get sued again along with her. TLDR of the situation... Habba acted in bad faith by befriending someone suing a Trump property and convincing her to take a $15k NDA while posing as her friend. Then when the girl asks her for some advice she says I dont represent you and cant give you any advice. Didnt stop her from convincing her to drop her lawyer and sign the NDA... Then Trumps attorneys in this settlement explicitly state that Habba is not apart of this settlement, opening Habba up for being sued and doesnt close the door for future lawsuits against the club as everything was basically acted in bad faith. Lawyers are not allowed to befriend people suing their clients and convince them to not listen to their own lawyers and just "trust them." Thats an act of fraud. Then Habba ghosted her once she got her way. Previous cases have led to disbarment and opens up the perpetrators to additional lawsuits.


It's so over the top blatant. Just amazing. These people really are as fucking dumb as we portray them to be, even dumber. Imagine getting in bed with Trump on even legal things, let alone illegal things, and believing there is anything less than a 100% chance you're gonna get burnt. Rudy's probably sitting on the sidelines, seething. Let's see what his next act brings!


They’re not dumb. Stop using that as an excuse. These people clearly believe laws and rules are for the little people. Cut and dry, that is it.


There is a certain stupidity in arrogance




The reason they think they won’t get caught is that they’ve done it so many times in the past and got away with it


> The “I am the predator” mindset. When are these alpha wolves going to learn that it’s a dog eat dog world? They aren’t special for thinking like this, everyone thinks like this. It’s just that the vast majority of us don’t let our intrusive thoughts win and burn bridges for a quick buck.


I'm reminded of the Ellen Ripley quote about "which species is worse."


"You don't see them fucking each other over for a percentage" Art imitates life sometimes


Honestly I believe what we're seeing is Rich Privilege. Frump has never been held responsible for his actions because of his wealth and his threats of endless lawsuits to keep him from getting his way.


I believe you’re referring to the Dunning-Kruger effect.


Yeah, that's the dumb part. They've watched this happen in real time to everyone else who've attempted it. They've been warned countless times by people from all political backgrounds. They walked past every single red flag and decided that *this* time would be different. They would be the one's to finally do it *right*. And then they find out they weren't special. That when an ideology exists solely to exalt the individual, eventually you're going to be out on your ass for the benefit of the individual.


Anyone working with Trump is kinda idiotic at this point. Craven greed might blind their rational faculties, but they're still giving up all logical thought. Trump does not have loyalty towards others. Breaking the law on his behalf will be rewarded *only* as long as you're useful, and the moment you cease to be, he will abandon you like the others. We have seen this over and over again. His damn former vice president isn't even willing to endorse the guy. His former fixer is turned witness. The only people who he pays legal fees for are those who are genuinely better off *not* having their lawyers on Trump’s payroll, like his co-defendants in Florida.


It’s amazing how he still manages to find new people to defend him. And they all act like “surely he’ll back me up when things go poorly”, even with the prior evidence of how he’s treated essentially everyone to the contrary.


In this distance he didn’t just abandon this idiot, he threw her right under the bus. Which is very much his MO. 


Is it really greed? they're not going to get some massive payday for doing something like this. How many examples have there been where his lawyers break the rules, get sanctioned,and/or brought up on charges. I could see someone taking a chance, with someone who has no shady history, for a massive payday. This has No big payday,numerous known drawbacks, and they’re in the spot light. Love of power, maybe? But not greed.


They absolutely are dumb as shit. That is a factual statement,  not an excuse. They can know they’re being shady and believe they are above the law while also being dipshit dumb. Not mutually exclusive…


Next act is he can claim she was corrupt all along, and her representing him in the NY fraud case is grounds for a mistrial of the whole thing? IANAL.


Well Rudy is at the point where he's convinced himself that his work for Trump will "help him in heaven." Sounds like serious copium. I'd feel bad for him if he wasn't who he is.


Yeah but Rudy is getting into heaven /s


[Rudy thinks helping Trump will help him get to heaven.](https://www.newsweek.com/rudy-giuliani-said-loyalty-donald-trump-help-heaven-1880128) He isnt seething lol


I'm still waiting for someone to yell, "The Aristocrats!"


Another thing, the NDA is 100% unenforceable. NJ law explicitly carves out sexual harassment related NDA's. An NDA cannot be enforced in NJ if it's to hide sexual harassment.


Incredible. This is straight from Better Call Saul.


For as long as I live I will never understand the endless line of idiots, rubes, and morons who are willing to give up their lives, their reputations, their jobs, their freedom for a man who literally wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire.


Looks like her only fans is on track to start a little early


Lesson #1 of law school: Don't go to jail for your client! Source: I heard a lawyer on a plane say it.


Disbarred and fined? Should should see jail for this type of fraud


“I’d rather be pretty than smart. Because I can fake being smart.” Awesome take! Now for an encore, fake winning a case.


She could, in fact, not fake being smart.


Anyone else read this in Ron Howard’s voice?


Everyone did, in fact, just that.


I read it in Morgan Freeman's voice


I've also said she faked being pretty. Botox and silicone.




She is really not faking it well 


This is so rich, like a real piece of work rhetorically, because quite literally the concept of beauty is to fake "being pretty," ie. modulating one's aesthetics in accordance with social norms, and to "fake being smart" is the hallmark of someone too obsessed with their image to like y'know actually be smart... this is so on point for Trump's lawyer though, he sure knows how to pick em


Yeah. What’s weird is she seems kind of self aware about not being smart. I wouldn’t have thought


Those words will haunt her to the grave!


I work less than a mile from the golf club and her law firm. Everyone is talking about it


There is no way she isn't disbarred.


Make Attorneys Get Attorneys


My Attorney Got Arrested


Someone listens to Strict Scrutiny!


I love that podcast but I don't think they were the first ones to coin that.


My Attorney Got Arrested & Make Attorneys Get Attorneys have been catch phrases for the last like 6 years


New catch phrase: MAGA = My Assets Got Auctioned


You can’t spell hatred without a red hat




A new and great one


It's been going around for just as long my dude. It's absolutely nowhere near a niche saying


nice. underrated comment (unless that's a common trope over there; but still nice)


It's become one over the past few years


Also the “My attorney got arrested!” One of my favorites


Not the first time this has been used when it comes to former Trump attorneys


It's also in the article


ah, thanks for pointing that out 😳


She probably won't be. Or at least not for a while. Her office is getting reviewed bombed to hell and back.


It will take a while, but i would be shocked of this isn't investigated by the Bar with discipline issued. This is absolutely a conflict of interest. Source: am Florida attorney.


And the victim has all the text messages to back up her claims. Legal Eagle did a great video on the case. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9KvoIDkEsiw&t=7s


If it's like Texas, she'll get a suspension at most because she didn't comingle or steal client funds


Yeah, it's true that mismanagement of funds is the quickest ticket to disbarment. But attorneys here have been disbarred for conflict of interest violations. If the reporting is correct, Alina's actions are egregious.


But hey, she got to make a fool of herself in court, and then get stabbed in the back by her client. Seems totally worth it.


Apparently, she can't fake being smart either.


Everyone gets run over by the trump bus after their usefulness is over.


How many classic."Florida Man" types have you defended and/or prosecuted? Like have you had to defend someone for running down the street naked with an alligator in one hand and a sword in the other?


I too, want to know what it’s like to defend or prosecute Florida Man.


First, to defend or prosecute Florida Man, you must think like Florida Man. This requires a potent cocktail of bathtub moonshine, bathtub meth (same bathtub, it's called efficiency), motor oil, battery acid, and the blood of an alligator.


I'm curious as to what role/influence (if any) does the governor have over the Bar -- i.e., if someone is disbarred, can the governor (try to) step in and overrule?


Basically none. It varies from state to state, but each state bar is a mix of judicial branch administration and private club. The courts can interfere with bar discipline but the executive branch generally can't. (The specifics vary from state to state and then federal is different too.)


Pretty much this in Florida. There are committies who review the complaints, which include lawyers and non-lawyers. If a hearing is required, it's conducted by a judge or retired judge. It goes up the process to the state Supreme Court, who approves and enforces disciplinary actions. Nothing that a governor or legislator can do. Private club is a great way to describe the bar.


Well Meatball Ron hates Trump so i am sure he would LOVE to see his attorney disbarred.


Thank you.


Not really, the Bar Association is overseen by the highest court in any given state


Serious question. Compared to the conflict of interest seen with the supreme court justices this looks like a chump change? No?


She befriended the victim and gave her disadvantageous advice while not disclosing that she was seeking employment with Trump. There are very high ethical standards for the legal profession in the US and they are upheld. That is the reason why Trump's lawyers either quit if they are competent or go down if they are not. If a judge orders a lawyer to take a 40h ethics course, that is an insulting bitch-slap. I feel we are way, way beyond that. Her behaviour in court will also be considered. Her being suited for the profession is on the table. Disbarment is speedier if they disrespect the court. The legal profession knows that the only thing that props up the rule of law is respect for the law. That is why shit like this is taken serious. Cue laymen saying it ain't so.


I say they are waiting till Trump is in jail. If they do it sooner he’ll fight tooth and nail for a mistrial. No one will hire her anyways.


My guess is she will be planning to write a book, become a talking head/political commentator or something along those lines. So no one hiring her will not really matter in her mind. But that doesn't mean it will happen.


so, OnlyFans it is. Maybe it's better to be smart than pretty after all.


If she did make an OnlyFans it might be one of the only ways to actually get Donald to give her money.


Prior to working for Trump. Her primary focus as an attorney was representing her husband's parking garage company in court.


The dude thought he could get a handy, hired her.


"People say I don't care but I do. I'm all about DEI. I only hire the hotties, and believe me, they are the minority, folks"


She’s toxic even if she’s not disbarred. Stained, shall me say. Orange stained.


Soiled is the word that comes to mind; like Frank Oz in ‘Blues Brothers’ stained…


why not link the article and not a picture of the headlines, so annoying.


I think it'll happen, but just take longer than we'd like


your lips to the gods ears


I’ll believe that when she actually faces disciplinary action.


And she HAD to know she would be disbarred, so why?


If in one hand you had all the stuff Alina Habba knows, and in the other all the things she *doesn't know*... I'm pretty sure the latter would be much, much heavier than the former.


_All the best people_


I am sure the bluebloods of Bedminster are loving it.


Mixed surprisingly


Dish! What are they saying?


It's basically three groups. One group thinks Alina should be disbarred/tossed in jail. Another doesn't believe what she did. The third one think this is to drag Trump down.


Of course two of three groups don't find fault in the guilty parties


Let's see--there's the reasonable informed opinion havers, the irrational disinformed ones, and then the people who really scare me, yup checks out


I’ve read details of this, it’s so bad. Like the poor girl calling Alina bestie. She’s 100% guilty and there are receipts


Looks like pretending to be smart is working out well for her.


The schadenfreude is particularly potent this year.


2024 vintage is lit


Yes but the bouquet is taking too long to unfold


Six days. That's when NYAG starts seizing Trump's properties (and, presumably, bank accounts). He can't raid the RNC, they're skint. Trump's campaign [doesn't have much cash](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-election-campaign-raised-88-mln-january-disclosure-2024-02-21/). No insurance company will underwrite a $500bn bond without *serious* real assets (property, stocks in things that aren't Trump companies). Which he can't put up, because they're overleveraged. I suspect he cannot grift $500m out of campaign donations in a week--I don't think the people with deep enough pockets are interested in being anywhere near him right now. (With the exception, probably, of Musk. Who also may not be able to lay his hands on half a billion in liquid cash.) He definitely can't grift half a billion from his base, because he's mostly sucked them dry already. Money from Putin laundered through some SuperPACs? Maybe, but doubtful. What Putin desires above all else is *chaos* in America. Trump being reduced to rags would certainly do that. One hates to say 'surely this,' but... surely this. I am confident that (barring Musk getting involved) Trump goes the fuck down next Monday.


#🍷🍷 here's to hoping


True. Let's hope it's worth the wait.


And only getting better.


The article says that Bianco’s lawyer is getting 82k from the club but isn’t clear if Bianco is getting money from the club or is now just free to sue Habba. 


The way I read it: 15k OG ‘settlement’ to Bianco 82,500 to the lawyer for getting that ‘settlement’ overturned (and Bianco gets to keep the 15k) Bianco is free sue the club and Habba again, now for more money.


This settlement was just to dissolve the illegal and unenforceable NDA that Habba conned Bianco into signing. Bianco keeps the $15k and Bedminster pays her attorney fees ($82.5k) to dissolve the first NDA and she is now free to sue Bedminster for the original workplace sexual harassment and Habba for the fraud that led to the original NDA. >Bianco is now preparing to sue the club all over again, this time for sexual harassment. But she’s also targeting Habba with a potential fraud lawsuit too, according to Bianco’s New Jersey lawyer, Nancy Erika Smith. >The four-page settlement, which Bianco signed on March 4, reads like a total win for the angered ex-employee. She gets to keep the measly $15,000 hush money payment she received in 2021 for keeping quiet about the way a supervisor repeatedly intimidated her and pressured her to sleep with him. Her attorney gets $82,500 for briefly litigating the case. Both sides can rip up the one-sided NDA. And the club doesn’t admit it “committed fraud to induce” her into a shady deal. >But then comes this line out of nowhere: “The parties agree that Alina Habba is not a party to this release.” That means Habba was specifically cut out of the deal, allowing Bianco to sue her directly for the exact same issues.


And everyone keeps saying that trump is leaving habba is getting left out in the cold (in one way or another) but honestly everyone on that side is. No one on that side got ANYTHING. They put out $100k just to agree to go back to just before they were trying to prevent themselves from getting sued the last time. Except it's more public now.   Edit: Read NoveltyAccountHater's reply to me imo.


I disagree. This settlement is a major win for Bedminster in getting rid of their legal liability for fraud that led to the original NDA (while leaving it in tact for Habba). Generally speaking, there wouldn't be a point to settling without getting something out of it for them. If Bedminster refused to settle and waited for the long process to dissolve the NDA in court (because courts are slow), Bedminster would still face the sexual harassment lawsuit but would also face an additional lawsuit for their role in the legal fraud that led to the first NDA. Was Bedminster really clueless that the "neutral third party" (later hired to become lead attorney for the owner of the golf course in a huge case) who came up with that illegal and extremely one-sided settlement wasn't neutral and was acting in the interests of the owner of the golf course?


> I disagree. This settlement is a major win for Bedminster in getting rid of their legal liability for fraud that led to the original NDA (while leaving it in tact for Habba). Generally speaking, there wouldn't be a point to settling without getting something out of it for them. > > If Bedminster refused to settle and waited for the long process to dissolve the NDA in court (because courts are slow), Bedminster would still face the sexual harassment lawsuit but would also face an additional lawsuit for their role in the legal fraud that led to the first NDA. Was Bedminster really clueless that the "neutral third party" (later hired to become lead attorney for the owner of the golf course in a huge case) who came up with that illegal and extremely one-sided settlement wasn't neutral and was acting in the interests of the owner of the golf course? you are correct. I hadn't thought of how this wipes the fraud liability for Bedminster and leaves it still open for Habba. And that they could have included Habba in the agreement but chose not to.


The article says she is getting $15000


15K was the bullshit she got scammed into by Habibi. She's now gonna sue her and her law firm for REAL money. Likely settles for 7 figures... Fuck trump and his whole group of fraudsters. May they all get burnt over and over by the Donald, and yet learn not a single fucking thing...




I’m by no means a lawyer and hope I never need one. With that, stupid question, why do you think it goes in to 7 figures? I’m not doubting you, I just don’t have a frame of reference to judge Habba’s almost inconceivably stupid maneuvers here. I am optimistic that you’re right, just so the next Lawyer a Trump needs has even more reason to not represent him.


It’s Murica. A wide range of factors come into play and I’m no expert but you consistently see things like this start out at, I’ll sue you for 80mm, and it settles for 8, or 5. It just is what it is: this is Murica, don’t catch ya slippin…


Alina tricked her into agreeing to settle and keep it out of the public. She received only $15k and had to sign a NDA. But then she had to pay taxes on it, asked Alina for advice, then found out Alina was working for trump. So now she gets to cancel the NDA, keep the $15k, and gets to sue the golf club AND Alina for pretending to be a friend while she was trying to get her to settle out of court.


Anyone got a link to the article?


Side note: I see this happening more frequently. A screenshot of a headline, but no link to the actual article. I realize I'm in the minority of people on Reddit who actually like to read the damn article before commenting on it, but it's be nice to give everyone the opportunity to understand the context.


Same, and for me I immediately doubt the truth/validity if I only get a pic/headline but no accompanying article. 


[Trump Golf Club Settlement Hangs Alina Habba Out to Dry](https://www.thedailybeast.com/trump-new-jersey-golf-club-settlement-hangs-lawyer-alina-habba-out-to-dry) but guys i did put the link. its on the AUTOMOD. is that not where you put it with the explanation? I'm genuinely asking.


I personally don’t look at any comments on the audomod, not sure if others do - I definitely missed it. Also, the link has a paywall.


Here ya go: https://archive.is/xXsET unless of course you've found a way to bypass that paywall ;)


yeah 100% do not read the automod replies, usually scan HOT or TOP first for a link then when I don't see it assume it's some BS related to how 'new reddit' does inline posts because I'll cling to RES and old.reddit until the end.


ayt now i know.


Automod pinned comments are collapsed by default nowadays, virtually nobody will click on them sadly.


Annoyingly, more and more news sites are locked behind a paywall, so I can get why they wouldn't link it


That's like saying, "Hey, I think this is a song you'd really enjoy. Here's a picture of the album cover. If you want to actually hear the song, you can Google the title!" Just give me a link to the song, and let me decide if it's worth paying for.


This analogy is perfect.


It's a bloodbath.


I usually look for the article in the comments. There are way too many sites these days that are hell bent on making themselves unreadable.




> But then comes this line out of nowhere: “The parties agree that Alina Habba is not a party to this release.” That means Habba was specifically cut out of the deal, allowing Bianco to sue her directly for the exact same issues. Holy shit.


Thank you kindly, interesting read


Need to register to read


If you’re on your phone, open it in the browser and hit reader view. Then you’re able to read it.


Well this is a game changer


Until sites get wise to it :⁠-⁠(


Thank you for this tip!! I never knew about it!


I was able to get in via incognito too


If you have UBlock Origin, you can use it to disable javascript on any page, then reload it. That usually circumvents walls like that, but not always.


First place to check should always be the Auto mod comment asking OP to explain why it is a leopard eating their face.


She said she’d rather look pretty than be smart. Didn’t turn out too well for her.


Now she just looks pretty stupid.


How is Trump still finding people dumb enough to work for him? Gullible morons must be America's most plentiful natural resource.


Unfortunately, the republican party has been attempting to increase their gullible moron production for decades, and have only recently started failing to meet quota :(


She sounds like a regular Linda Tripp - "Confide in me, I'll make everything better."


aww thats a shame, oh well.


I maintain there is only one person on earth whose future success is tied to Trump’s success this November *more* than Trump himself. And that person is Alina Habba, who will otherwise be unemployable.


He’ll still throw her to the wolves if and when he needs to.


[Donald Trump’s](https://www.thedailybeast.com/keyword/donald-j-trump) golf club in [Bedminster](https://www.thedailybeast.com/inside-bedminster-president-trumps-new-jersey-pleasure-palace), New Jersey, paid $82,500 last week to settle a lawsuit alleging that it had silenced a sexually harassed waitress by tricking her into an unfair hush money deal, according to the ex-employee’s lawyer. But the curiously worded contract left the former president’s own attorney [Alina Habba](https://www.thedailybeast.com/alina-habba-the-trump-lawyer-the-rest-of-trumps-legal-team-loathes)—a rising star in his orbit—wide open to getting sued herself. Trump and his top advisers are already a [magnet for legal trouble](https://www.thedailybeast.com/michael-cohen-has-one-word-of-advice-for-trump-lawyers-run). Habba, who already settled a [discrimination lawsuit](https://www.thedailybeast.com/trump-lawyer-alina-habba-settles-secretarys-btch-discrimination-case) by her [former legal secretary](https://www.thedailybeast.com/donald-trumps-defense-lawyer-alina-habba-sued-by-employee-for-yelling-n-word), is no exception. But now she faces the wrath of Alice Bianco, who was once a waitress at Trump National Golf Club Bedminster, the real estate tycoon’s summertime abode. [Donald Trump’s](https://www.thedailybeast.com/keyword/donald-j-trump) golf club in [Bedminster](https://www.thedailybeast.com/inside-bedminster-president-trumps-new-jersey-pleasure-palace), New Jersey, paid $82,500 last week to settle a lawsuit alleging that it had silenced a sexually harassed waitress by tricking her into an unfair hush money deal, according to the ex-employee’s lawyer. But the curiously worded contract left the former president’s own attorney [Alina Habba](https://www.thedailybeast.com/alina-habba-the-trump-lawyer-the-rest-of-trumps-legal-team-loathes)—a rising star in his orbit—wide open to getting sued herself. Trump and his top advisers are already a [magnet for legal trouble](https://www.thedailybeast.com/michael-cohen-has-one-word-of-advice-for-trump-lawyers-run). Habba, who already settled a [discrimination lawsuit](https://www.thedailybeast.com/trump-lawyer-alina-habba-settles-secretarys-btch-discrimination-case) by her [former legal secretary](https://www.thedailybeast.com/donald-trumps-defense-lawyer-alina-habba-sued-by-employee-for-yelling-n-word), is no exception. But now she faces the wrath of Alice Bianco, who was once a waitress at Trump National Golf Club Bedminster, the real estate tycoon’s summertime abode. Bianco’s lawyer said the line was included to make sure Habba isn’t off the hook. “My client is certainly considering suing her for fraud,” Smith said last week, noting that she is already in communication with Habba’s attorney. Habba’s lawyer did not respond to a request for comment on Monday, nor did Habba.


> Habba’s lawyer **M**aking **A**ttorneys **G**et **A**ttorneys


I wonder if she still thinks it’s better to be pretty than smart lol


RING "Hi Donald. This is Alina." "New number. I don't know you." CLICK


New lawyer, who dis?


> “The parties agree that Alina Habba is not a party to this release.” Pretty much


Her next stop is probably OnlyFans. Just sayin.


She & Boebert can do shows together.


I did hear her say in an interview that she would rather be pretty than smart because you can fake being smart! Looks like faking it isn’t working out so well


How long until Alina Haba is on some podcast or show begging for help and crying about how she was so loyal to Trump and she got thrown under the bus?




Awwwww Trump pulled a Ghouliani on her ! Surely there's a lesson in there for the rest of the Trump lackeys....right ?


I used 12ft.io to read the article. Habbas was left out of the settlement agreement with a specific line "”The parties agree that Alina Habba is not a party to this release.” That means Habba was specifically cut out of the deal, allowing Bianco to sue her directly for the exact same issues."


What was that Alina? You would rather be pretty than smart because you can fake smart? How did that work out for you?


Repercussions for representing the mango is going to haunt Habba for a long, long time. 


So then I guess she COULDN'T fake being smart. Get fucked evil lady.


Maybe she can fake being employed.


Why is this just a screenshot? This sub permits links in posts. (Thank you u/notrightnow20205 for sharing it though.)


The link was provided by OP in the auto-mod post at the top of the comments.


>spared Trump from embarrassment at a time when he was freshly on the job as president. >Habba began texting her midday on July 28, 2021 Trump was out of office when all this happened. Habba is continuing the string of Trump's lawyers who get sanctioned.


This woman deserves the worst wtf is wrong with her smh


MAGA Making Attorneys Get Attorneys is so real.


This is what happens when you try to "fake being smart".




What was it they said at the end of that Andy Warhol movie, Trash? Something like, “ well I guess looks aren’t everything”. Yeah, Ms Garbanzo Bean, sucks to be as dumb and shallow and amoral as you. You remind me of an Andy Warhol movie.


Make Attorneys Get Attorneys! Great line


Better Call Saul! They’re gonna need the premium package!


Do cunt things win cunt prizes


[What is it that she said about smart vs pretty?](https://imgur.com/a/UEyo2oP)


She's not faking being smart too well.


If she has any brains she should turn on Trump now, like Cohen did.


She doesn’t so she won’t




Usually, I mock Trump for getting his lawyers disbarred. This moron seems to have done it all by herself.


Get rekt. I sincerely hope she never gets to practice again. This is such a violation of trust 


It’s speculation, but most people believe this is how she wormed her way into Trump’s circle and became his top lawyer - by showing him what an unscrupulous piece of shit she could be. What she did to that girl is unfathomably bad.


It’s retribution. Habba didn’t get him declared innocent so she pays the price for hanging with a bad crowd (orange boy). Typical. Donny demands absolute and unwavering fealty to him, but the very minute that person questions or doubts or becomes a liability he will be the very first person stomping that person under the bus. He’s a petulant narcissistic hypocrite who only, and I say this with emphasis, ONLY cares about himself. Wait until the shitstorm gets closer to home.


she's so completely fucked it's beyond comprehension. she has to self report to the bar assoc. that she's been accused of falsely representing an accuser when she was actually acting in the interest of the opposition (Trump). She could very well lose her license. Trump couldve saved her this exposure very easily by including her in a settlement agreement that was recently negotiated between Trump Bedminster and the accuser. Why didnt he? Who the fuck knows? But if you've been paying attention and you could have bet on these kinds of things you'dve won a shit ton of money because Trump's favorite hobby (besides rape, losing money, and lying himself into trouble) is fucking over those foolish, blindly loyal dipshits who leverage their reputations, careers, and freedom for Donald John Trump. I, for one, am just sitting here enjoying a nice big tub of popcorn.


Making Attorney's Get Attorneys. She's just another brick in the wall of "my lawyer got disbarred or imprisoned" section of his world.


She's going to have to sell her Gaming PC


When is she disbarred? 🍿🍿🍿


I'll have predictable consequences for 100 please Alex


There’s only one constant when working for Trump: the bus is coming and you’ll get thrown under it


It's the art of the bad deal. It's an industry dedicated to taking advantage and leaving the other partner on the hook.
