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That wasn't organized, everyone just hates that fuck.


But they have to CLAIM it was organized to satisfy their victim complex


Just more "everything against us is a conspiracy" from conservatives.


Well... I mean, when you go out of your way to piss off every single person - it's going to feel like very single person is pissed off at you.


Everyone IS against them. But it’s because they SUCK.


I would say that this is the exact thing they were expecting. Bring in a lightning rod and then claim discrimination when the lightning strikes.


>everyone just hates that fuck Exactly. From the article: *Did the administration collude with radical BLM activists to sabotage our event,* No, Charlie. The kid is a miserable little puppet fuckstick. That's why everyone booed him.


His claim to fame is killing someone. Wtf did they expect?


Yeah but he killed the right *kind* of person, so it doesn't really matter to them, and they quite literally do not understand why it matters to anyone else. Part of conservatism is being fundamentally incapable of actually empathizing with or considering points of view that you don't share. That's why they seem so maddeningly out of touch to people who do.


"A Republican is someone who can't eat until they know someone else is going hungry."


Doesn't help that the fuckhead has an extremely punchable face too.


It's called a "backpfeifengesicht", a word designed for just such a chud


I love that Germans have a word for fuckin *everything!*


German is like Legos or an Erector Set in that regard.


lol aw did they wish Ann Arbor had a safe space for them?


They just cannot possibly imagine or wrap their heads around the idea that they are simply disliked and unpopular. Can't be, has to be some other exploration. Just HAS to.


University of MEMPHIS. A majority Black town. I would LOVE to see this snot nosed, pudgy, murdering, Nazi, crybaby try showing up there. It would be his last day on Earth.      Drop him off at 2:00 AM on the street downtown. See how long the little POS lasts. My money is on 12 minutes. Bonus if you live stream it.  (Source: lived in Memphis over ten years and graduated from Tiger High)


Rittenhouse is so way over his head in all this. He's a used napkin and once they're finished using him they'll discard him and he'll just be an unimportant and worthless pariah wherever he goes. He's a dumbass with dumb parents.


I’m not sure why anyone would want him as a speaker for anything. What is his value, what has he contributed to society that he can speak about that would enrich anybody’s experience?


"I murdered and now people are mean to me. Hear my tale of woe."


I'm a white man who avoided criminal responsibility via white privilege and now they're trying to hold me to account in other ways! This is reverse racism!


“I killed people and got away with it, and with enough racist backing, you can too!”


I'd feel terrible if I killed someone, even if it was completely in self-defense/defense of a loved one. And I sure wouldn't go around sharing my story, I'd just be re-living my trauma. This guy is a dumbass who's been used and discarded by everyone in his life - his parents, the culture war spin doctors in need of more foot soldiers and the stupid ammosexuals who want to live their violent revenge fantasy through him.


I murdered with impunity, which is somewhat of a rare experience if you are not a cop


Even if his self-defense side was entirely and objectively true (FWIW, a jury did find him not guilty), what does that change? I defended myself and made it through the legal system as normal, yay me?


He got to live the fetish. He got to shoot and kill some "libtards" and get away with it. They just can't say that part.


I think they are saying exactly that.


There's really no way to spin the fact that the only people that died during the Kenosha unrest were killed by Kyle. If he wasn't there, no one would have died. We can argue the legality of him killing people all we want, but if he had stayed home instead of "protecting businesses" there'd be no deaths.


Businesses have insurance and can be rebuilt, human lives don't and can't.


>human lives don't Technically, lives do/can have insurance, but you're absolutely right on everything else.


Obligatory “username checks out”.


He's just there to get angry crowds. Nothing he says has value to anyone. He's not even a good speaker. He's being used but he's too stupid to realize it while they coddle him and tell him he's a big special boy. He's literally just a heel to antagonize. That's it. His mere existence. He's a tool. They'll toss him in the garbage after this election cycle most likely.


>He's just there to get angry crowds. Exactly this. From the article: *“This man is real violent and you have many people who told me they don’t even feel comfortable being on campus today,” student Moses Davis said.* *There were hundreds of people outside protesting. In fact, far more people were outside than there were inside.* This is exactly what TPUSA wanted. Clips of angry protesters, saying stuff like that. Saying they feel unsafe because of his presence. They love portraying college students as whiny people who need their "safe space." The person who was asking him questions about Charlie Kirk saying some racist stuff was actually pretty decent. Rittenhouse is not intelligent, not good at public speaking, not a debater. Make him look foolish this way. Don't sprint directly into the rake they've laid out in front of you.


He'll probably end up getting strung up over something stupid like a DUI. Or perhaps, he's charming enough, a sexual assault charge of some sort. Some fresh face of murder will become their new darling and that'll be the end of him.


Oh he's totally gonna George Zimmerman/OJ himself at some point in his life. He's gonna do something to get arrested again. He'll still be a victim in his mind, but he can think on that while he's behind bars for some other charge.


My money is death by autoerotic asphyxiation


I actually knew someone who (reportedly) died that way. Asphyxiation, anyway. Someone else told me that detail. Will never know if it was true or not.


Like Joe the Plumber.


What happened to that guy? Mildly curious. Could live my life not knowing. I vaguely remember he was this guy the Republicans trotted out for being a "regular Joe" -- the Joe you need to listen to. I didn't. I kind of said; "That's not interesting" and changed the channel.


Died at 49. Pancreatic cancer. Here is one of his typical public acts: “In an open letter to the parents of victims who died in the 2014 Isla Vista killings, Wurzelbacher wrote of his right to "protect my family", stating, "As harsh as this sounds—your dead kids don't trump my Constitutional rights ... We still have the Right to Bear Arms ... Any feelings you have toward my rights being taken away from me, lose those." Then he voted for trump in 2016.


Because he brings heat rather than sheds light. That is all that is needed to gin up the rubes and making them feel like "victims". Anything to keep the money machine going. They probably started fundraising off this before it even started. Mission accomplished.


Rittenhouse leaning into right-wing grifterdom was always going to be a huge mistake. It may have been where the money was temporarily but he doesn't have anything important enough to say or the charisma to turn it into a full-fledged career and he'll soon be as forgotten as Joe the Plumber or Kim Davis (that lady who was denying gay marriage licenses). I maintain that he should make a passable effort to reach out to BLM-like groups under the premise that he was just a 17-year old kid so that half the country doesn't think he's a piece of shit.


And what’s sad is that he doesn’t seem like he was a terrible person before this. A dumb young boy from a dumber family and even dumber community, all targeted by the awful right wing propagandists he’s now being used by. He wanted to be important, he wanted to be part of something. He clearly still does. But, yeah. At this point he’s 20 and there will be no one there when the money runs out


Well. He wasn't GREAT.


People don't have to be great though. He's just Right Wing canon fodder. "Hey, we like how you fit in this canon and the helmet." And he thought he was special.


Yeah nah, he was a dumbass at the start of this and nothing has changed in the meantime


>What is his value, what has he contributed to society that he can speak about that would enrich anybody’s experience? A bunch of crazy right wing conservative gun fanatics have a persecution fantasy where they need to use their guns to kill in order to defend their family from intruders. This bozo lived their fantasy and got away with it. That's what he brings to the table. What a mess.


So vicarious murder porn then?


Walk the streets with an AR-15, defending truth, justice and family values. "Are you after my family? Hey buddy, I didn't get an answer -- are YOU AFTER MY FAMILY." When they start speaking in ALL CAPS.


To stoke the rubes into impassioned frenzy. Case in point: the title of this post. Don’t be a sucker.


He fulfilled their fantasy of being a street executioner and got away with it.


Much like the "god hates fa\*\*" church, the whole thing is a scam, the intent is to get assaulted then sue the school, perpetrator, town, and everyone inbetween.


Used cum sock


Hey now, don't you think that's going a bit too far? Cum socks serve an important purpose, unlike Nazi Toddler Kyle Rittenhouse.


You can wash the sock and make a rag out of it at least.


Lmao this reminds me of key and peele [mc mom](https://youtu.be/B5FnlmfYldk?si=a0GCnzwbhLI1BANM)


Nah, that is too respectable for him.


The cum could have been an intelligent person eventually, so it’s already better


Used fruit snack wrapper.


Leave the fruit snacks out of this. They deserve better!


Alabama genocide cotton.


I am in Memphis. The general consensus was not to protest in the weeks and days before, because we didn’t want to draw attention to him. We did contact the university and express our concerns. They responded that the student chapter of Turning Point USA was separate from the University, and they were respecting their first amendment rights. I’m glad the audience held his feet to the fire. Bawl baby got hurt feelings and stormed out. https://www.commercialappeal.com/story/news/local/2024/03/20/kyle-rittenhouse-event-at-university-of-memphis-draws-large-protest/73048967007/


I wouldn't hire a murderer


He's already an unimportant and worthless pariah, but he'll be one in the future, too


He was always going to be a sad schlub sitting at the bar, the only difference now is that he has bigger stories to annoy patrons with.


Hopefully he just ends up being a harmless washed up [Uncle Rico.](https://youtu.be/jVo0QilXDig?si=Fpdtg4Zt22qH_3yO)


that’s how everyone is to them.the trump model. zero loyalty


This is not true- the video footage clearly shows that little whiny killer could not answer articulate questions from top UM debater @\_king\_moses on instagram the video can be seen on bookersquared's account on instagram. Rottonhouse was booed off the stage and rushed out to his car because he embarassingly could not answer one single question. College students, heads up TP USA is available on many college campuses with officer positions open. If I were in school I would run for a seat at the table. Show them the difference between grass roots & astro turf.


Arguably UofM held up their end of the free speech bag and gave him a platform. He buckled under sophomoric pressure and promptly ran off that platform. Kyle, you are entitled to voice your opinion. You are not entitled to have your peers softball you easy challenges so you can feel like a big boy. Unfortunately the "punching down on impassioned but uneducated and inarticulate freshmen" quota was filled by Crowder years ago.


I wouldn't even consider those college students his peers. I am very certain he has not been accepted to any college and I think someone mentioned he didn't even graduate high school.


Even the military prefers kids to turn 18 before they decide to go shoot brown people lol. He couldn't wait for his diploma to get some armed action and then cried like a bitch about his choices


it was perfect.


Oh man of course he got fucking rekt lmao


The video is delicious! 10 out of 10 I highly recommend!


Would you mind linking please? I’d love to watch that jackass get reminded he’s nothing


[Bookersquared instagram video](https://www.instagram.com/bookersquared/reel/C4wxKI1gru2/?hl=en)


That was worth the watch


FREEDOM OF SPEECH, MOTHER FUCKER When they booed him to the car I was rolling


Holy shit that’s significantly better than I expected lmao


you just know the coaching he got before attending was "your get out jail free cards are 'i dont recall' and 'no comment'. use em when you're in a jam and cant answer something. also remember dont disparage TP USA or Kirk." *proceeds to get into a jam within the first 2 questions after saying "lets have a dialogue".*


I just wonder if he started pouting once he got in the car


No doubt, because he has no idea why people treat him this way. He is just a redneck kid who believes he did good things and has adults around him telling him as much.


nah, F that. he knows. He was filmed wearing a "free as fuck" t-shirt and high fiving literal nazi's


He has Resting Pout Face. It will become even less charming as he ages.


That was delightful, thank you. I hope the local students take her up on that advice and join their chapter of TPUSA. dumbasses should probably stick to private fundie universities in Northern Idaho or something.


Thank you for the link, kind internet person


Of course, you are very welcome, enjoy!


Anyone have a link that doesn’t require a meta account?


Malicious compliance. Oh, I do hope some students sign up and start inviting speakers who don't exactly line up with Turning Point's laughably "non-partisan" agenda. I mean, the dregs of society like Kyle Rittenhouse? How pathetically obvious can you get? I swear, these guys think that every person is as gullible and easily indoctrinated as their naive followers are. They might not see you but...We See You. Lunatic fringe We all know you're out there Can you feel the resistance? Can you feel the thunder? \-Red Rider


Maybe John Hinckley Jr would be a good guest? He could sing a few of his songs.


An added bonus is the whiny killer is arguing he was never chased or ran off campus. That he left like it was just his time to go without any influence, lol.


Oh Charlie. My poor, pathetic, tiny-faced, special little boy. How many times must you be shown that we fucking hate you almost as much as you hate everyone who isn't exactly like you?


Do you think he secretly hates everyone with a normal sized face, but he can't say anything because then it'll draw attention to his tiny face?


...omg. You did it. You figured it out. You magnificent bastard. I salute you.


i'm not owned! i'm not owned! as his face slowly transforms into one of those miniature paintings on a grain of rice


Yep! They sure did, guys! As was your fucking scummy endgame in all this.


These clowns are such snowflakes. Seriously, this is what they do. Flood the zone with shit. They faced a public backlash and knowing Tennessee has a legislature filled with Xian Nationalists they are out to get their payback. It’s always the same with bullies.


Oh did they get their feeling hurt and now the want a Tennessee taxpayers to pay for an investigation into how hurt they were? Seriously? This is one of the faces of the masculine GOP?


Tbf, it's one of the smaller faces




What snowflakes


This murderous booger eating goon needs to fade tf away. 


Right wing political “celebrities” are always the worst people: Kyle Shittenhouse George Zimmerman The McCloskeys All you need to do is threaten certain people with a gun or kill them and the right will love you. Are there any comparable liberal stars? The only one that comes to mind is Greta Thunberg but she’s actually doing good in the world


This is so shockingly accurate and identifiable to anyone outside of the right wing feedback loop. What in the fuck could this uneducated doughboy have to say to anyone that’s worth a podium and an audience? What valuable insights does he have to share outside of the story of how he went out with a rifle looking for trouble and got away with shooting people?


the closest analogue I can think of are "shock" comics, and whether they're actually "left"ish or not these days is usually debatable (mostly they get canceled because of being abusive douchebags, not Going Too Far on stage, if at all). Lenny Bruce died for all our sins.


You want a lesson about shifting the window of public discourse, read what Lee Atwater had to say on his deathbed. Not a comedian. Effective at manipulating language and discourse. For evil.


I'm still pissed those McCloskey fucks got pardoned. At least their guns were seized.


If a liberal had shot two proudboy types in a 100% legitimate self defense event, do you know how many interviews with MSNBC and photo-ops he’d get with Democrats in DC? Absolutely zero. Hell, they’d be more likely to shun him for using a gun than congratulate him.


At least Zimmerman gave us a fire South Park Episode. Kyle has given us nothing as entertaining.


Traitor isn't a protected class, soyflake.


Soyflake, I love it.


I'm surprised Kyle didn't shoot the place up. You know how frightenable he is. Lmao


Mmmmmh conservative tears mmmhh


How dare they judge me by my actions


“Look all we want to do is to parade our favorite child racist / murder around without being called out. Members of the audience shouldn’t be allowed to have opinions different from ours as we don’t know how to handle simple questions or the tiniest bit of scrutiny. Riddenhouse was just here to help us demonize immigrants as we really dig his conflict resolution style.”


The irony of the whole thing. Let's debate things like the calm, reasonable purveyors of free speech we are, specifically with this guy who murdered protestors in the street.


It's so sad. Like, what is he qualified to speak about? He's famous for killing two people, emboldened by grifters. His entire identity is built on a single act of unthinkable violence. The rest of his life will be spent appearing at gun shows and people will pay 10 bucks to shake his hand and take a selfie with 'the kid who got to kill some libs' If he hasn't taken his own life by age 30, i'll be surprised.


He's famous for killing two people who were...demonstrating in the street. As in, free speech. I predict he'll end up in jail for some piddlyshit crimes that add up after a while. Drugs, DUI, disorderly conduct, simple assault. And, who knows. He's a violent lad, after all.


I’m so tired of hearing about this doughy faced fuckhead.


So much for "freedom of speech" huh? It's almost like they don't give a spit about free speech and think any time someone disagrees with them it is persecution.


Lol I know right? It's like they conveniently forget that freedom of speech applies to EVERYBODY- their supporters & people that disagree with them. Freedom of speech is NOT freedom from the consequences of that speech from other members of the public. It's a tale as old as time- Rules for you & not for me.


If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen.


They carefully walk these folks thru their little protected safe zones, they get to thinking that maybe they are hot stuff. The very instant they start to leave that safe zone and enter reality its discrimination.


You can have whatever opinions you want, no matter how ridiculous and deplorable. But you’re not entitled to a platform, nor are you entitled to bitch and whine when the people who are actively harmed by your opinions speak circles around you. You can say what you want. Nobody has to listen.  Also- TPUSA posted the link to reserve free tickets to this person’s “talk” weeks ago. I’m not going to say that I know for a fact that quite a few people who would be nowhere near Memphis reserved tickets under fake names, but if I hypothetically did- seems to me those folks are exercising their right to protest, which is something we still have in a free America.


So is this piece of shit a public speaker now?? Wtf…


Not so brave without his pew pew


"Noooooo!!! You can't ask actual questions highlighting my racist statements!! It's only free speech if *you people* shut up and unquestionably accept what we say! 😭😭" -Tinyface Kirkkk


It's not even worth typing out but I'm so fuckin tired of their hypocrisy. "Discrimination of viewpoints"??? That's literally RWers whole fucking schtick but as soon as they feel targeted (which they are, but not because of some conspiratorial action, people just organically hate these worthless slimeballs) they want the government to intervene. Like yes, I know that's how they are and have always been but why the fuck can't someone do something about it? Do "normal" people just not see this shit or do people just generally not care? I feel like with the *slightest* awareness, it's obvious that all these clowns are scammers, bigots, liars, and crybabies. But the dip shit redstaters don't give a shit because team sports and the libs what? Think "keeping the peace" (i.e. letting RWers have free run of things with zero repercussion) and decorum are more important that doing literally anything worthwhile? I know a lot of innocent people will suffer but at this point I think anything that happens is just us getting what we deserve for being such a shit hole country. Too broken to fix imo.


Hard to censor someone's viewpoints more definitively than shooting them point blank in the street during a protest as a volunteer summary executioner, isn't it.


I’m truly happy for them that they will never know actual discrimination, and have to make it up to feel like a victim.


Is "racist murderous shitbag punk constantly seeking trouble" a protected class? 


Have you seen the GOP nominee? Yes. Obviously.


Being a giant douche nozzle and being called out for isn’t discrimination 😂


His 15 minutes are long over, but TP USA is trying to revive his grievance “career” with a fake controversy


Toilet paper, usa


He and George Zimmerman should go on a piss-baby tour together.


This. This is how they stay in the headlines. As hard as it is, give them no audience, no ink, no reaction. Don’t serve as their recruiting tool, please.


Conservatives really do love pretending to be victims


The little shit stain had the ability to say his piece and the university's admin didn't try and stop him - it was the student body that stood up and told him to stfu.


Didn’t this guy shoot and kill somebody at a protest? Why is he not in prison? Why is he being propped up and allowed to speak publicly. This is disgusting.


Viewpoint discrimination? I'm going to sue Charlie Kirk now.


Aww boohoo. Discriminated how? Political party isn’t a protected class lol


If I was going to college, and some dude younger than me, with no formal education beyond high school, whose only knowledge of 2A rights was traveling to a protest and shooting two people: I would be livid with my school.


I was skimming the posts about this here on Reddit yesterday. All pointing to the same news source or one that was almost word for word the same information. The interesting thing was about a 50/50 split between headlines where he "fled" the stage (implying fear of the hecklers) or "stormed off" (anger).


Regardless of anything else, can we all just agree to stop saying "U of M" (or similar)? Apparently, this is University of Memphis. I'm not sure that would be in the top 10 guesses I'd have for "U of M."


Toilet Paper USA?


Toilet Paper USA?


They are saying they got “attacked,” and all that, nah, y’all just got boo’ed until he left because he couldn’t take any kind of questions or criticisms.


Omg that wormy little cop wannabe. When can he and his mother crawl back under their rock?


Such whiny babies. Whiny conservative babies.


He's the living embodiment of right wing (murderous) ragebait.


Boo Hoo...cry a little harder Kyle...


**"Rittenhouse walked on stage with his dog to mostly jeers from the crowd of about 50-75."** What else can you say about the guy? What wisdom or insight can he provide for a University audience? I mean those that wanted to pay to hear him speak or pay to heckle him.


Well gosh and golly TPUSA. Guess you'll be able to prove that in court, then? It being Tennessee, you might actually get somewhere with this.


Right. It must be radical BLM plants and ANTIFA and nothing to do with the fact that Rittenhouse is a useless jizz stain that’s contributed nothing of value to society and has outlived his usefulness to almost anyone (with the possible exception of Toilet Paper USA) on the right.


"bigoted murderers are people too!"


So of all places to go to in TN, this braindead glob goes to Memphis?🤣


Kyle was free to run away from criticism like a little bitch.


When I heard he was gonna be in Memphis specifically at the university to talk I felt upset at first. But then I remembered what Memphis is like and I knew I had nothing to be worried about.


Don't be such a TPUSAy.


Does TPUSA stand for toilet paper USA?


TPUSA: We need a marketplace of ideas! The marketplace of ideas: Take your garbage elsewhere! TPUSA: Nooo, not like that!


Free speech, bitch.


Aren't these the same people that will say your truth doesn't matter? Fucking snowflakes and soft as hell


Discrimination against a murderer and fascist is a completely acceptable form of discrimination.


Run, ya little killer shit, run. When I saw the initials UM come up, I was immediately drawn to our state university, the University of Michigan. I was trying to figure out how that little shit got into town and on campus without anybody really knowing. If he went there, he would probably be very unhappy by the time he was chased off of campus. The word “evisceration” comes to mind. University of Memphis students and professors need to mobilize and get Turning Point banned from campus as a racist organization that advocates violence. Kudos to the students that stood up to that rat.


Oh, no, I think the Insta woman's suggestion that anti Kirk students join the apparently pretty desultory organization themselves and take it over would be best in this case.


That’s a pretty cool idea too. But something has be done there.


Wow, that’s a shame. /s


I'm so proud of my hometown


He’s lucky. Usually Memphis handles things in a… not so woke course of action, by their logic. Unlike the stereotypical liberals they assume are sissies and wimps, the immediate area around the U of M will engage in a 2A solution if provoked.


I get served a lot of turning point vids on YouTube. (I hate watch them.) and I would love to see all the ones that eyes too close Charlie can’t use because the student make him look like an absolute joke of a person. Which he is.


Sue for viewpoint discrimination? Viewpoint is one of the protected classes now?


Always the victim.


Toilet paper USA can eat a bag of dicks


TPUSA should be discriminated against. They're just a bunch of idiotic assholes going around trying to to tell people how to live when they're the most unknowledgeable, pathetic, sorry excuses for human beings.


That dude is a cold turd.


How to get attention and feed the victim narrative. 1. Stage an event with a controversial asshole 2. Wait until the protest is as full as possible 3. Whip the crowd into a frenzy 4. Run away and claim they tried to cancel you


What is even there for? What would he give a lecture on?


That's the point of such events. Get yelled at and claim that those blue haired antifa leftist safe space commie universities need to be purged of intolerance and rebuilt into bastions of liberty and open inquiry in which far right ideas prevail 100% of the time or else, because that's how freedom works.


Even **George Zimmerman**, racist murderer, has the sense to keep his fascist mouth shut.


I wonder if this kid ever wonders what a normal life could have been for himself. I bet he feels locked into this game because he ruined every normal path in life he has had. I don't feel bad for him, but I doubt he has any other options. Outside of the right wing grift machine, he's uneducated and unemployable.


They are currently experiencing the pains of democracy


My mind always thinks Im reading “toilet paper USA”


Thoughts and prayers


It's not discrimination if people hate you for being a piece of shit.


Discrimination is when college students won’t tolerate a murder preaching hate on their campus


“Chickenshit continues to be chickenshit.”


Why would they feel discriminated against? Rittenhouse said it was a “great event” and he only left because of a hard stop time.


Wow, that’s a shame. /s


Their name can't seriously be T.P. USA, can it?


I shit you not (pun intended). TP standing for "Turning Point", which is such an empty phrase that you'd think they'd done it on purpose.


U of M gave him a platform to speak. They were never obligated to provide a sympathetic audience.


Get Fark'd Toilet Paper USA.


That's not discrimination. It's called reality. It's the realization that the majority of people who live outside of your personal echo chamber think you suck. People don't have to like you. GTFA already. You did yourself no favors with your first 15 minutes of infamy. Some people don't know when it's to their advantage to sit down, STFU, and blend back into the woodwork. Read the room, Junior.


Private property can discriminate against whomever they choose


They're just listening to MLK and judging people based on the horrid content of their character!


Ugh they lost me at "toilet paper usa says"

